xt7ngf0mt00v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mt00v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1943-09-jul16-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-09-jul16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-09-jul16-ec. 1943 1943-09-jul16-ec. 2011 true xt7ngf0mt00v section xt7ngf0mt00v 

    Xinutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of KentucXy, July 16, 1943.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
  vsity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:00 a.m.
  n'iday July 16, l943.  The following members were present:
Judge Aichard C0, Stoll, James Park, H. D6 Palmore; R. P. Hobson,
and H. 5. Cleveland.   President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank
v. .eterson were also present.

     A. Approval of Minutes.

                         ** * ** ** ** *

             1. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the min-
                utes of the Executive Committee of June 25,
                1943, were approved as published.
                         * * * * * * * * * *

     B. R~eDort of Comntrolle.

     The Comptroller made an oral .I nancial report concerning the
financial status as of June 30, l94J.r  He also briefly referred to
the printed copy of the annual report of the Comptroller for the
year ending June 30, 1942, and asked for advice in publishing an
annual report for the year ending June 30, 1943.     It was called to
t~he at tention of the Executive Committee that the report for 1941-
4'4 was delayed awaiting an audit certificate of the Auditor of Public
Accounts.   It seemed to be the X nsensus of opinion of the members
ol the Executive Committee that an audit certificate should be se-
cured but, in the event the Auditor of Public Accounts was unable to
make an audit within a reasonable period of time after the close of
the fiscal year, that the report should be published.

     C. Tt& Leas 2L 10   Euclid Avenue, ]?xoertv,

     President Donovan submitted a lease made and entered into as of
the first day of July, 1943, between the Board of Trustees of the
ITniversity of Kentucky and james O'Brien.   The terms of the lease
were explained by the Comptroller and also examined by members of the
Executive Committee, after which the Committee took the following

              2. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the
                 lease above referred to was accepted and the
                 action of the Comptroller in 3igning said
                 lease on behalf of  ao University of Kentucky
                 ygp8eoydj      i+- trth8F.%rdered that the
                         * *i  W *            WY *  e



     D. A.S.T.P. Contract.

     President Donovan reported to the Board the contract made and
entered into by and between the University of Kentucky and the United
States Army whereby the United States Army will send to the campus
of the University of Kentucky not to exceed 600 soldiers for training
during the months bf May and June4   He further reported that con-
tract had been signed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee.

     The Executive Committee kpproved the action of the Chairman of
the Dxecutive Committee in signing the contract.

     E. Alumni Ymaazine.

     The question of the University of Kentucky publishing periodical-
ly an alumni magazine was discussed by the members of the Executive
Committee.   The opinion was expressed that much good could be de-
rived for the University through the publishing and distribution of
an alumni magazine comparable to that published by some of the more
progressive universities comparable to Kentucky.
                         * * * ** *v* * *

             3. Upon motion duly made and seconded, a Com-
                mittee composed of President Donovan, Mr.
                Palmore and Mr. Peterson was appointed to
                study the question of publishing such a
                magazine and make a report to the Executive
                         * * * * * * * * * *

     F. Restricted Budgets Approved.

     President Donovan submitted budgets for restricted funds includ-
ing the University School Cafeteria, Guignol Theatre, Kentucky Kernel,
Department of Athletics, Haggin-Keeneland Funds, aid the Student Union
Commons.   The Executive Committee examined these budgets and took
the following action:

                         * * * * * * * * * *

             4. It was moved and seconded that the budget for
                restricted funds as submitted for the year
                1943-44 be accepted as a baois of maximum
                expenditures, and thlat inclusion of the name
                of any person in the budget shall not be
                considered as a contract of employment, and
                the Board of Trusteos or the Executive Commit-
                tee shall be authorized to make such changes
                in the budget as may from time to time be
                deemed necessary or advisable.   A copy was
                ordered filed with the Secretwy of the

* * ** * * * * * *



     Go Gifts.

     President Donovan submitted to the Executive Committee a loan
and scholarship fund made available from the If. K. Kellogg Foundation,
and also a large American flag presented to the University of Kentucky
from alir. and Mrs. C. W. Sulier.  The Executive Committee expressed
its pleasure in receiving the loan and scholarship fund and the flag
and directed the President to write a letter accepting same and cx-
prossing to the donors the appreciation of the University of Kentuc&y's

     H. Sink Leaves.

     President Donovan brought to the attention of the Executive Com-
mittee the question relating to' sick leave for employees of the Uni-
versity.   He stated that apparently the University did not have a
sick leave policy but that each case had heretofore been handled sep-
arately.   The Chairman of the Executive Committee then appointed the
President and the Comptroller to study this question and asked them
to recommend a policy for action of the Board of Trustees.

     I. Alumni Bonds.

     President Donovan submitted the following letter relative to
the Comptroller accepting United States Savings Bonds belonging to
the Alumni AssociatiLon:

                                     July 12, 1943

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

                    I received from the Secretary of the Alumni
     Association, of the University of Kentucky, the following
     U. S. Treasury Bonds:

          #C1361460 G    $100.00 issued in June, 1943.
          fCl361461 G -- $100.00 issued in June, 1943.
          #C1361462 G -- $100.00 issued in June, 1943,
          #C1361463 G -- $l00*00 is. -d in June, 1943.

                    These bonds are being accepted by the Comptroller
     to be deposited in the University of Kentucky lock box at the
     First National Bank & Trust Company.   I believe it would be
     desirable to present this to the Executive Committee of the
     Board of Trustees.
                                    Yours very truly,

                                  (Signed) Frank D. Peterson



             5! Upon motion duly made and seconded, the
                Comptroller was authorized to accept and
                safely seep the above bonds.
      * And ~~*** * * * X* * *

    J. Chgckinz _of Securities Held bL the Comptroller.

    At the request of the Comptroller, the following committee was
appointed to check the securities owned by University, divisions
and various organizations and now in the custody of the Comptroller.
The Chairman appointed the following committee: Dean Leo is. Chamber-
lain, Mir. H. D. Palmore.

     K. Fellowship and Scholarships.

     The President submitted the following list of fellowships and
scholarships and recommended that they be approved:


                        Fellowships - $500


Jacqueline Page Bull
label Lucille Warnecke


Home Address


Fellowships - $400

hargaret Price Montondo
Jeanne Carolyn Lowry
Jacob Aarold Greenlee
Thelma Oleen iviaj ors
Loretta Christine Ellias
John Douglas Reeve
S;.snna 6urton Reynolds
&c'orge H. Kimmel
Leila Gott harris

Educat! )"
anatomy & Physiology

Johnson City,Tenn.
Big Rock, Tenn.
Horse Cave

Scholarshis --32DO

Mary Griffith West
Dora Silva
Dorothy T. iartin
Elizabeth Shaikun


Williamsport, Pa.
Cobo hojoPuertoPlco


L. Aopointments and Other  taff ChanCs,

     President Donovan submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and
other staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.

                    College of Arts :ind Sciences


     Assistant Professor Blaine W. Schick, acting head of the Depart_
ment of Homance Languages, during the leave of absence of Professor
Hobart Rylahd$ effective June 7, 1943.

     Miss I'viertha hildebrandt, instructor in the Department of Mathe-
matics, effective June 28* 1943.   MAst Hildebrandt is to teach
through the A.S.T. Program, and succeeds Mr. Eaves, who is resigning
to enter the Navy.

     Mr. Jack Munoz, senior technician in the Department oi Bacteriol-
ogy, twelve months' basis, effective July 1, 1943.  Mrt Munoz is
being reappointed to the position.

     Mr. Morton Dolin, graduate assistant in the Department of Bacteri-
ology, twelve aonths' basis, effective July 1, 1943.  l4r. Dolin is
being reappointed to this position.

     Miss Alice Moran, junior technician, in the Department of
Bacteriology, twelve months' basis, effective July 1, 1943.

     sir. Henry Eigelsbach, junior technician in the Department of
Bacteriology, twelve months basis, effective July 1, 1943. Mr.
Eigelsbach is being reappointed to this position.

     jer. George H. Nelson, junior te?'znician, in the Department of
Bacteriology, has declined to accep' Ais appointment approved June 25,
1943, by thle Executive Committee.

     Miss Anna Jane MoChemey, part-time instructor in the Department
of Political Science, for September, October, November and December,
with adjustment in salary.

     Miss Dorothy Gene Brooks, graduate assistant in the Department
of Mathematics and Astronomy, effective September 1, 1943.

     Xiss Jeenette Graves, secretary in the Department of Sociology,
effective August 1, 19X3, or as soon as the new head of the Depart-
ment arrives.



    To teach Physics in the Army specialized Program for as long as
their services may be needed:

                     Henry A. Carey
                     C. V. Ketron
                     J. P. Frank
                     S. J. Allen
                     Menno Fast
                     La R. Boyd
                     W. R. Shropshire&

     L. C. Harrison, part-time insit-r-ictor in the Department of Bac-
teriology, reappointed for 1943-44, on a ten months' ba si. s

     Miss betty Jean Gable, junior technician in te Department of
Bacteriology,September through June, 1944. Miss Gable is to succeed
hcnry Ligelsbach, resigned.

Corrections in the Minutes of June 4, 941

     On page 40 of the minutes of the Board of Trustees, June 4,
1943, the reappointment of Mr. Ai. C. Lancaster of the Department of
Physical Education reads, "12 months' basis."   It should read on a
" 10 months' basis. "

     On page 41 of the minutes of the Boqrd of Trustees, June 4, 1943,
the reappointment of Dr. Lysle W. Croft as "assistant professor of
Psychology to JuLy 1, 1946. (On military leave)." should be changed
to read: "Lysle W. Croft, Part-time Assistant Professor, to July 1,
1944. (On military leave).

Leave gf Absence

     E. J. Asher, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology,
leave without salary from July 21 to October 12, to instruct soldiers
at Purdue University.

Re ignations

     Mr. J. C. Eaves, instructor in the Department of Kathematics and
Astronomy, effective June 28, 1943.   Mr. Eaves resigned to accept
appointment in the Navy,

     kr. henry Eigelsbach, junior technician, in the Department of
bacteriology, effective August 31, 1943.


College of Agriculture and Home Economics


     Mr. Leonard M. Josephson, assistant agronomist, Experiment
Station, effective July 1 1943

     Mr. Free W. Wallace, assistant county agent in Hart County,
effective July 1, 1943.

     stirs. Claire D. ikcKinster, home agent helper at Pikeville, ef-
--..ive July 1, 1943.   This is a temporary appointment.

     Mrs. Bertie M. Jones, home agent helper at London, appointed
on a temporary basis, effective July 1, 1943.

     Miss Heloise Pennington, home demonstration agent in Campbell
County, effective August 1, 1943,

Salary AdJustmerjts, Transfers and Changes in Title.

     Miss LaVerne Burnette, assistant home demonstration agent in
Hopkins County, promoted to home demonstration agent in thesme
county, with adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1943.

     Mir. Aubrey M. Warren, county agent in LaRue County, transferred
to Washington and kercer Counties, as County Agent assisting, of-
fectivo July 1, 1943.

     Miss Augusta Ray, home demonstration agent in Hickman County,
with adjustment in salary, effective August 1, 1943.

Rhsignat ions

     Kenneth Gumaer, assistant veterinarian in the Department of
animal Pathology, Experiment Station, effective June 30, 1943.

     Harry L. Copenhaver, assistant county agent in Washington
1nm;L' cer CoUntlce, eff cctive June 30, 1943.

     Miss Jessie Ringo, home demonstration agent in Hickman County,
effective July 31, 1943.

     Mirs. Louise T. Durham, home demonstration agent in Campbell
County, cffcctive July 1, 1943.

     Marian Grigsby, fire warden, Robinson Substation, effective
July 1, 1943.



                      College- of Education

Appointment s

    Mr. Lyman Ginger, Science teacher in the University School,
effective September 1, 1943.   Mr. Ginger will fill the vacancy left
by hvr. Kemper, who is on military le&ve.

     Miss Mary Kerr, secretary in the University School for one
month, effective July 2, 1943.   iss Kerr will serve while i~rs..Da_
vT_, Is on vacation.

     Mrs. Gladys Draper Curd, part-time instructor in Spanish in the
U ilversity School, for the year 1943-44, effective September 1, 1943.

     Mr. H. Li Davis; instructor in the University School during the
first term of the summer quarter.

     Miss hiazel Chrisman, English instructor in the University
School for the first term of the summer quartier.

     Mrs. Katherine Harelson, instructor in the University School
for the first term of the summer quarter.

     Miss Ann Long, librarian in the University School for the first
term of the summer quarter.

     Miss Amanda Holliday, instructor in the University School for
the first term of the summer quarter.

     Xiss Sqllie Adams Robinson, instructor in the University
School, for the first term of the summer quarter.

     Dr. Jesse E. Adams, acting director of the University School
for the year 1943-44t

     Miss Ronella Spickard, professor of home economics education,
for one month on a half time basis, to do special research work.

                      College o- Lngineeing

                      armo Specialist School

Termination of Emplogment, due m Disso1vXnW      School

     Mr. Ernest B. Foley, Jr., temporary instructor, effective July
12, 193.

     Mr. Charles V. Magurean, temporary instructor, effective July
12, 1943.

     Mr.Stewart Morris, temporary instructor, effective July 12,



    Mr. Randolph W. Sterberg, temporary instructor, effective July
12, 1943.

    Mr. Herbert Brooks, temporary instructor, effective July 12,

     Mr. Edward R. Herman, temporary instructor, effective July 12,

     Kr. Creston C. Lynn, instructor (temporary), effective July 12,

                        College- of Commerce


     Miss Jeanne Lowry, secretarial assistant in Business Education,
effective July 1, 1943, to May 31, 1944.

                      Dean 2f the University

                   Office of !hi Dean of Men


     Mrs. G. T. Jones, housemother, effective July 1, 1943.

     Mrs. Eth el B Fish, housemother, effective July 1, 1943.

     Mrs. M. C. Morgan, housemother, effective July 1, 1943.

     IArs* Elizabeth Luxon, housemother, effective July 1, 1943.

                   Of f ice 2L te Dean S&_ Wome~n


     Xiss Elizabeth Taylor, manager of the Residence Halls for Wozen,
This is a promotion for Miss Taylor# who has been serving as assis-
tant manager, and who succeeds Miss Alberta Limbach, resigned.   Her
appointment is effective September 1.

     Mrs. Edith Potts, assistant manager of Residence Halls for Women,
effective September 1, 1943.




    H isss alberta Limbach, iManager of the Residence Halls for Women,
effective September 15, 1943.

    irse. J' ); Collier, housemother, effective July 1.j 1943.

    Miss anna Rankin Harris, head resident of Boyd Hall, effective
September 1., 1943.

    Mrs. Lucille Newmen, housemother, effective September 1, 1943.

                      Comptroller'_q Office


    *rs. Jeanette Slobodin, clerk, on temporary appointment, effec-
tive June 28, 1943.

            College __ Agriculture AD  Home Economics

                 Emergency Farm Labor Program


    Roy Bach assistant in Breathitt County.
    ~Villiam t. Ball, assistant in Franklin and Owen Counties.
    Joe hobert Bentle, assistant in Pendleton and Bracken Counties.
    Fred Boyd, assistant in Fayette County.
    Lawrence Bradford, assistant Supervisor, State Program.
    Layton Brown, assistant In Clay and adjoining counties.
    Rupert L. Clay, assistant in Breckinridge County*
    Joseph C. Cleveland, assistant in iiarion and Washington Counties.
    Lois Crooks, clerk, in Lexington, Ky.
    Ashton L. Denton, assistant in Fleming and adjoining counties.
    David B. Ellis, assistant in Casey County.
    James E. Farmer, assistant in Jefferson and Oldham Counties.
    William C. Faughendert assistant in Todd County.
    Daniel J. Gambill, assistant ii-i Johnson and !"iartin Counties.
    Carl F. Garrett, assistant in Shelby and Henry Counties.
    Thaddeus D. niamilton, assistant in Grant and Scott Counties.
    iilliam H. Hardon, assistqnt in Spencer and Bullitt Counties.
    Grace iardman, olerk, in Lexin' on, Ky.
    Xary fiart Harned, clerk, in Lexington, Ky.
    Eugene L. hersperger, assistant in Jessamine County,
    Carl W. Jones, assistant State supervisor, Lexington, Ky.
    Alonzo F. Kazoo, assistant In kagoffin and adjoining counties.
    William Edwin Lamb, assistant in Caldwell, Lyon and Trigg
    John 1. Lamkin, assistant in Meade County.
    Thomas B. Logedon, assistant in Hardin County.



    Edward Guy Loving9 assistant in Calloway, Graves and iMarshall
   John kvi. Lowe, assistant, in Barren and Hart Countiest
   Ivan C. McDaniel, assistant in Lincoln and Garrard Counties.
   Willia.m. F. iMcGary, assistant in Ballard, Carlisle and Hickman
    Earl XvcIlvain, assistant in harrison and Robertson Counties.
    Benjamin D. Nisbet, assistant in Hopkins and kluhlenberg Counties.
    Terry d* Pemberton, assistant in Warren, Edmonson and Butler
    Bruce Poundstone, Stq e Farm La.bor Supervisor.
    oy E. Proctor, assistant State Farm Supervisor.
    Eddie o. Reynolds, assistant in Bourbon and Nicholas Counties.
    Ucnry C. Richey, assistant in Nicholas and adjoining counties.
    Henry E. Roby, assistant in Nelson, Larue and ftnderson Counties.
    William M. Smith, assistant in Boone, Kenton and Campbell
    John .n. Sugg, assistant in Union, Henderson and Webster Counties.
    George Cb Wadlington, assistant in Christian County.
Clay V. Watson, assistant in McLean and Ohio Counties.
Myrtle Weldon, assistant State Farm Supervisor (Woman's Land Army).
    Bernie B. Wilkins, assistant in Logan and Simpson Counties*:.
    Paul H. Williams, assistant in Carroll, Trimble and Gallatin
    Wendell D. Carmack, assistant in Owsley County.
    Estill L. Hutchison, assistant in Elliott and adjoining
    Llen F, Stanbough, assistant in Kenton and Campbell Counties.

            o. It was moved and seconded that on President
               Donovan's recommendation, the above appoint-
               ments, reappointments, salary adjustments,
               leaves of absence, resignations, promotions
               and other staff changes be concurred in and
               record made in the minutes.
                        * * * * * * * * * *

    hL, ^Adjourament .

    The Executive Committee adjourned at 12:00 noon to go to the
university Commons where they iwere entertained at luncheon as guests
of Colonel B. E. Brewer and the soldiers of the 1548th Service Unit.

                                  Frank D, Peterson
                                  Secretary, Board of Trustees