xt7ngf0msz92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0msz92/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1960-03-apr5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-03-apr5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-03-apr5. 1960 1960-03-apr5. 2011 true xt7ngf0msz92 section xt7ngf0msz92 

       Minutes of the M4eeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
ientuckv, April 5, i960.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Pres-
ident. s Office on the campus of the University at 10:00 a. m. EST, Tuesday,
April 5, 1960, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, Vice
Chairman; Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Floyd H. Wright, Clifford E. Smith, Em-
erson Beauchamp, W. F. Foster, Harper Gatton, J. Stephen Watkins, Dr.
Ralph J. Angelucci, Dr. Paul B. Hall and Dr. William C. Wilson. Absent:
Governor Bert T. Combs, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Wood Hannah, Sr. , and
Wendell P. Butler, Superintendent of Public Instruction.  President Frank
Cat. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Board.

      A.. Meeting Called to Order.

      M\4r. Robert P. Hobson called the meeting to order.  The Rev. Franklin
Owen, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Lexington, being present upon request,
wac's asked to open the meeting with prayer.

      B. Approval of Minutes.

      The Chairman requested the pleasure of the Board for consideration of
the Minutes.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Minutes of the Board
o I rastees of December 15, 1959, and the Minutes of the Executive Committee
of Januarv 22 and March 16, 1960, were approved as published.

      C. ReDort of the Treasurer.

      Mr. Peterson -made financial report for the period ended February 29,
i96'0.  He read the following letter of transmittal, balance sheets, statement
1f realized income and appropriations for operation of the University and the
`hart Fund.


         UNIVERSITY            OF KENTUCKY


                               March 14, 1960

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky

Dear Doctor Dickey:

         I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the
University of Kentucky for the eight months period ended Febru-
ary 29, 1960. This report contains a balance sheet and related
financial statements which present a complete financial picture
of the period for all funds of the University.

         The Current General Fund budgetary operations for
the period reflect income realized for educational and general
purposes in the amount of $11, 777, 669. 42 or 82. 3%o of the
budget estimate of $14,318,431. 10. The expenditures, includ-
ing encumbrances outstanding, amount to $9,251,205.50. This
represents 64. 9% of the total Current General Fund Appropria-
tions of $14, 250, 060. 92.

                               Respectfully submitted,

                               Frank D. Peterson
                               Vice President
                               Business Administration


University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
 February 29, 1960


I. Current Funds:
A. General
    Cash in Bank
    Available Balance, State Approp'
    Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
    Deferred Charges
    Accounts Receivable
    Unrealized Income

         Total General

B. Restricted-
  Cash in Bank
  Petty Cash Advances
  Inve stments
  Accounts Receivable

$ 1,055,066.79
1 1,4123,669.69
    257, 205. 00
    52, 666. Z0
 2,824,669. 01

$ 6,647,262.11

$   853, 29 1. 04
     17, 061.49
      8, 000. 00

Total Restricted


$10, 085, 299. 18

Total Current Funds

II. Loan Funds:
      Cash in Bank
      Notes Receivable

             Total Loan Funds

III. Endowment Funds:
      Cash in Bank

$     2,145.62
    54, 500. 00

$  261,096.08

$    (5, 215. 68)

Total EndowmentFunds

$   236,739.81

(negative figure)



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
 February 29, 1960


I. Current Funds:
A. General-
      Reserve for Dept. Requisitions
      Reserve for Inventories
      Reserve for Auxiliary Enterprises
      Other Liabilities
      Appropriation Balances
      Unappropriated Surplus:
      Division of Colleges  $(10, 121. 00)
      Medical Center         7,721.90
      Agr. Experiment Sta. 288,511. 86

$  848,439.20


       Total General

B. Restricted:
    Outstanding Check Liability
    Restricted Funds Balances

$ 6,647,262.11

$    12,805.23

Total Restricted

3,438,037. 07

$10, 085,299. 18

Total Current Funds

II. Loan Funds:
     Principal Balances
     Expendable Balances

Total Loan Funds

Ill. Endowment Funds:
      Principal Balances
      Expendable Balances

$   231,525.92
    29,570. 16

$  261,096.08

$   228,667.26

Total Endowment Funds                            $   236,739.81




                                University of K'entucky
                                    Balance Sheet
                                  February 29, 1960


IV. Plant Funds:
    A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
      Available Bal. State Approps. $13, 623, 537. 55
      Cash on Deposit,State Treas.  1,403, 279. 64

  Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B . Retirem3nt of Indebt. Funds-
  Cash in Bank               $     6, 244. 34
  Cash on Deposit, State Treas.  414, 118. 35
  Cash on Deposit, Trustee        9 8, 736. 07
  Investments                    289, 713. 78
  Unrealized Income               54, 301. 01

    Total Retirement of In-
    debtedness Funds

C . Invested in Plant
  Construction in Progress

Total Invested in Plant

Total Plant Funds

V.   Ajier'Cr Ftrnds:
      Cash in Bank

$15,026,817. 19

863, 113. 55

$ 3,213,336.23
39,490,962. 00
11, 135,905.36

75, 385, 456. 47

$9 1, 273, 3 87. 21

$     3, 861.39
    150, 967. 19

Total Agency Funds

$   154, 828. 58



University of Kentucky
   Bala.rnce Sheet
 February 29, 1960


IV. Plant Funds:
    A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
        Reserve for Plant Reqv s.
        Plant Appropriation Bal.

    Total Unexp.. Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebt. Funds-
    Funds Balances

    Total Retirement of In-
      debtedness Funds

C. Invested in Plant-
    Bonds Payable
    Due to Other Gov. Units
    Net Investment in Plant

Total Invested in Plant

Total Plant Funds

V. Agency Funds
       Agency Funds Balances

  4,481,429. 51

$15,026,817. 19

$   863,113.55

863, 113. 55

$ 12,874,500. 00
     67, 201. 00

75,385,456. 47


$   154,828.. 58

Total Agency Funds

$   154, 828. 58


         University of Kentucky
     Statement of Unrealized Income
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended February 29, 1960

                   GENERAL FUND

I. Educational and General
  A. Student Fees-
  Incidental Fees and Tuition
  Training School Fees
  Adult and Extension Education Fees


$ 1,328,000.00



746, 041. 37
  18, 570. 00
  89, 868. 25


$  581,958. 63
    17,430. 00
    46, 131. 75

    Total Student Fees

    B. State Appropriations-
    Division o' Colleges
    Medical Center
    Geological Projects
    Agricultural Experiment Station
    Agricultural Extension Service

    Total State Appropriations

    C. Federal Grants-
    Division of Colleges
    Agricultural Experiment Station
    Agricultural Extension Service

    Total Federal Grants

    D. Endowment Income

    E. Sales and Services of Ed. Depts.-
    Division of Colleges
    Agricultural Experinment Station

    Total Sales and Services of Education-
      al Departments

    F. Returned Checks

         Total Educational and General

II. Service Enterprises:
    Post Office

I1I. Auxiliary Enterprises:
    Men' s Residence Halls
    Women' s Residence Halls

         Total Auxiliary Enterprises

         Total General Fund Income

$ 1,500,000. 00 $  854,479.62 $   645,520.38

$ 6,135,600. 00 $ 5, 135, 600. 00 $1,000,000.00
    978,500. 00    765,000. 00    213,500. 00
    187,300.00     177,700. 00       9,600. 00
    862,500. 00    815,500.00       47,000.00
    972,000. 00    757,000. 00    215,000. 00

$ 9,135,900.00 $ 7,650,800.00  $1,485,100.00

$   146,009.60 $    112,478. 53 $  33,531. 07
    866,791.00     685,484. 00     181,307. 00
  1,955,811.00   1,955,811.r00

$ 2,968,611. 60 $ 2, 753, 773. 3  $  214,838. 07

$    43,919.50 $      9,437. 50 $   34,482. 00

$    20,000. 00 $    19,037. 24 $      962.76
    650,000. 00    491,874. 77     158,125. 23

$   670,000. 00 $   510,912.01  $  159,087.9T

$              $     (1,733.24) $     1,733. 24

$14,318,431.10 $11,777,669. 42  $2,540, 761.68

$     4,000. 00 $     6,457.14 $    (2,457.14)

$   224,751. 00 $   139,448.87 $    85,302.13
    442,674. 00    241,611.66      201,062.34

$   667,425. 00 $   381,060.53 $   286,364.47

$14,989,856. 10 $12, 165,187.09  $2,824,669.01

(negative figure)





         University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and EndedrFebruary 29,1960

I. Educational and General

   A. General Adm. Expense

   B. General Expense s -
      Student Serv'ces
      Staff Welfare
      General Institutional

      Total General Expenses

   C.Instruction and Dept.
      College of:
      Agr. & Home Ec.
      Arts and Sciences
      Cornme rc e
      Enginee ring
      Medic ine
      College of Nursing
      Gifted Students
      Univ. Extended Prog.
      Graduate School

      Total Instruction and
      Dept. Research

  D. Activities Relating to
     Educational Depts.

  E. Organized Research-
     University Research
     Agr. Exp. Station

     Total Organized Res.

  F. Extension and Public
     Services -
     Univ. Ext. and Pub. Se rv.
     Agr. Extension Ser.

     Total Extension and
       Public Service

 Appropriation   Expenditures Outstanding  Unenc umbe red

 $ 236,986.42   $  132,,836.44 $  1,734.79 $  102,415.19

 $  352,837.64 $   227,606.61 $  5,284.62 $  119,946.41
   120,000. 00     77, 135. 72               42,864.28

   161,479. 76    87, 070. 05  16,444.93    57,964.78

$ 634 317.40   $ 39 1, 812.38 $ 21,729.55 $  220,775.47

$ 421,893. 21 $ 269, 574.61 $ 3,568.95 $    148,749.65
2,263,542.37   1,462,757. 15  18,402.04    782,383.18
   275,518.37     177,488.70    1,078.70      96,950.97
   527,119. 78    340,69..38    6,451.99     179,974.41
   580,384. 81    380,156. 12   3,780. 01    196,448.68
   132,994.66      85,323.55    1,944.39      45,726.72
   446,157. 22    204,957. 26  43,510.52     197,689.44
   42,481.69      25,318.45      547.67      16,615.57
   108,941.66      63,179. 05   3,076. 88     42,685.73
     6,000.00       1,441.05       150.00      4,408.95
   514,563.87     281,293.89    11,629.56    221,640.42
   23,831L47      14,652. 28     128.57       9,050.62

$5,343,429.11  $3,306,835.49 $ 94,269. 28 $1,942, 324.34

$   55,168.00  $   29, 190.24 $ 4,347.50 $    21,630.26

$  191,208.34  $  116,514.41 $ 22,287.62 $    5Z,406.31
2,344,296.00   1,390,'304.31  129,192.42    824,799.27

$2,535,504.34  $1,506,818.72 $151,480.04 $   877,205.58

$ 428,032.86   $  166,583.87 $149,137.14 $   112,311.85
2,927,811.00   1, 884,459.46  16,388.91   1, 026,962.63

$3,355,843.86  $2,051,043.33 $165,526. 05 $1,139,274.48


         University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended February 29, 1960


   G. Libraries

   H. Operation and Main-
       ter.ance of Physical

       Tocal Educational and

 II. Service Enterprises:
     Post Office

III. Auxxiliary Enterprises:
    Men' s Res. Halls
    Women? s Res. Halls

    Total Auxiliary Enter-

IV. Student Aid

V. 'Working Capital

VI. Clearing Accounts

VHI. Debt Service-Bonds

    Debt Service-Reserve

      Total Departmental

Expenditures  Outstanding  t

Jnenc umbe red

$  51T7,360. 34  $  3567,474.01 $ 17,601.66 $ 143,284.67

$ 1,571,451.45  $ 794,915.08 $224,590.94 $ 551,945.43

$14,250,060.92  $8, 569,925.69 $681,279.81 $4,998,855.42

$    27,260.96    $   17,343.77 $      56.00 $    9,861. 19

$   Z03,800.00  $ 170,119.48 $ 8, ?86. 19 $  25,394.33
    414,953.00       273,261.83  11,898,37   129,792. 80

$   618,753.00  $ 443,381.31 $ 20,184.56 $ 155,187.13

$     4,000.00    $    2,880.00 $            $     1, 120. 00

$    75,000.00  $   (31,262. 19) $105,537.14 $  725.05

$     2,000.67    $   20,005.18 $     988.20 $   (18,992. 71)

$    52,000.00    $   52,000.00 $          $

$     6,252.50    $    6,252.50 $          4

$15,035,328. 05  $9, 080,526. 26 $808,045.71 $5,146,756. 08
                    I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(negative figure)




         University of Kentucky
  Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended February 29, 1960

I. Unexpended Plant Funds-


Expenditures Encumbrances

Construction Exp.Station  $  40,095.48
University of Ky. Electri-
  cal Distribution System     34, 267. 88
Holmes Hall-Univ. Approp.    44, 781.49
Medical School              132, 673.99
Medical School Library Acqui-
  sitions and Supplies       100, 000. 10
Medical Science Building     70, 027.45
Alpha Tau Omega Building     15,954. 58
Men' s New Dormitory        309, 347..14
Northern Extension Center    45, 165. 60
Western Extension Center     78, 568. 98
Med. Center Heating & Cooling
Plant Project               15, 853. 96
Med.cal Science Building
Equipment-Administration     5, 671. 07
Southeastern Ky. Extension Cen. 55, 844. 12
Women? s Dorm. Arch. Services 20, 210. 00
University of Ky. Medical
Center, Hosp. & Outpatient
Clinic                     178, 700.46
Univ. of Ky. Study of Utilities
System                       5, 000. 00
Univ. of Ky. Expansion of M.
King Librarv                16,945. 00
Univ. of Ky. Roof Repairs,
Memror:.la Coliseum            205. 00
Reynolds Property            iQlo, QC@l. 00
Misc. Boiler Repairs-Uni-
versity of Kentucky          6, 500. 00
Medicia l School Ciearing   704, 79 1. 00
Univ. of Ky. Medical Center
Landscapinig                 1,500.00
Purchs se of S'.indletop Farm  150,000.00
Univ. of Ky. Life Museum
(Wavela nd'                 10 990. 00
Univ. of Ky. Stearm and Return
Line Renovcation           104,000.00
Med. Sci. Bldg. and Equipment 660, 000Q 00
Add., cf Student Union Bldg.  19, 150.00
Alpha Gamma Rho Frat.House     5,680.00

Sigma Chi Frat. House
Med. School-Dental Wing
Dental Science Bldg. Equip.
Totil Unexp. Plant Funds

   8, i11.00


(4, 218.92)

$ 26,888.08 $

34, 088. 72


92, 509. 75
1,575. 37
8,547. 05
   532. 20

3,543. 21
14,260. 37

12, 006. 28

2, 020. 50
   858. 45


52, 245. 06
5, 157.05
38, 148.41

29, 723 94


100, 000. 00


150, 000. 00


1,999. 00
1,620. 00

  476. 18

293, 195.13
15, 117. 00
4, 050. 00
1, 111. 00

    30, 000. 00                 27, 293. 48
$9,6}0,43    .    5 05,621.b7 $593,383.lZ $

17,426. 32

   179. 16
44, 781. 49
50, 673. 06

7,490. 35
26,411. 73
5, 387. 03
3 00, 340. Z6
44, 633.40
73,448. 60

   962. 27

(52, 046. 92j
47, 143. 86
(32, 198. 78)

148,976. 52

  5, 000. 00

      8. 3 0

      205. 00

  704, 791. 00

    1, 500. 00

    5, 790. 00

    97, 817.60
    2, 034. 00
       1 0. 00
    7, 000. 00
    2, 706.52
_    ,

U. Retirement of indebt. Funds-
   A. Debt Service Fund-
   1st P.W.A. Issue
   2nd P.W.A. Issue
   Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue
   Auditorium Field Hotse Ts.
   Library & Serv. Bldg. Is.
(negative figure)


17, 993.40
24, 723. 25
63, 158.78

  .936. 25
17,8 96.99
2, B12. 50
56, 756. 25
4,040. 00

$   36,003.35
     21,9 '0 .75
     6,402. 53
     76, 558.31






         University of Kentucky
  Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended February 29, 1960


Expenditures Encumbrances

Stadium Addition Issue        $
Dorm. Rev. .ssue '456 Rose)
Journ. Bldg.1 Bond Isssue
Dorm. Rev. Issue (476 Rose)
Stu. Dormitories ',U. of Ky. )
Student Dorm (Kappa Sigma)
Student Dorm (Lambda Chi)
Student Dorm(Phi Sigma Kappa)
Student Dorm 'Pi Kappa Alpha)
Dorm. Revenue Bonds of 1952
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1954
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956 -
Cooperstown Apartments
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Six Sorority Dorms
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Student Dorms. Reserve
Dormitory Revenue Bond of 1956-
336 Clifton Avenue
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Holmes Hall
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Shawne etown
Dormircry Revenue Bonds of 1957-
468 Rose Street
Dorrrni;:ory Revenue Bonds-
342 Clifton Avenue
Housing Bond 1958
M~n? s New Dorm. #6
   Tota- Debt Service

19, 758. 26
  6, 289.80
29 , 048. 5 0
2 0, 154. 57
10, 9 21. 46
1 1, 863. 40
10,311. 62
10, 9 1 6. 9 5
59,950. 50
31,532. 11

201,958. 15

52, 217. 00

18, 750. 00

8,324. 00


90, 201.25

8,166. 00


25, 866. 00
8 9 5 , 4 2 7 . 8 4

$ 2,343. 75
   12, 732. 50
   2,895. 00
   10, 826. 25

10, 196. 25

44,417. 00

$  $  17,414. 51
     2,998. 90
     16,316. 00
     2, 134. 93
     9, 328. 3Z
     10, 921.. 46
     11, 863. 40
     10,311. 62
     10,9 S6. 95
     42. 643. OC
     2i, 335. 8(

157.541. 1


3 1, 782. 0(

1.8, 750. 00

5, 89. 00

3,135. 00


90,021. 25

6, 1I0. 00

32,807. 50

is0. 00

72.C. 0 0


7e ., ffs)n

$324, 099.89

B. Siriking Fund Reserves with
    T r us;: -~ e -
Dormrn.. try Revenue Bonds of 1955-
   Req-Ho mrs i-Hall         $
Dormioruv Revenue Bonds of
    1956 Res- , '.neetown
Dormi. ry Revenue Bonds of
    19 1) -Rese r-,-e
Dorrnitory Revenue Bonds of

31,340. 87



104,466. 34

$   3.-3400 87

i1. 04 , 46.34

102,632. 10


53 , 346. 29

TotziJl Sinking Fund Reserves $ 291, 785. 60 $           $            $  29., 785 60

Tot-a,-! Retirement of Indebt-
  edness Funds            $1, 187, 213.44 $324, 099.89   $            $  83 3 ,3Y.3 55

Toral Plhnt Fund Appro.-
Pnri ions               $6,797,647.74   $829,721.56    $593,383. 12 $5,374, 5t3. 06

(negatifve flg U eI

Balanc e


2 0 Z . 6 3  I  



         University of Kentucky
  Statement of Other- Fund Transactions
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended February 29, 1960

Restricted Funds:

  Fund Balances

Loan Fund:


Endowment Funds:


Agenc Funds:
    Ba lanc e s

    Combined Totals


Disburse-    Balances

  July 1, 1959    Receipts      ments         Feb. 29, 1960

$2, 672,181.74  $5,800, 248.56 $5,047,198.46 $3,425,231.84

$  109,002.58   $  122,523.34 $               $  231,525.92
    39,925.60      (10,109.87)1       245.57      29,570.16

$  148,928.18   $  11.2,413.47 $     245.57 $  26 1, 096. 08

$ 228,242.41    $       424.85 $              $   228,667.26
     6,851.00        1,311.55          90.00        8,072.55

$  235,093.41   $     1,736.40 $        90.00 $   236,739.81

$  163,473.05   $  796,159.71 $ 804,804.18 $    154,828.58

$3,219,676.38   $6, 710, 558. 14 $5, 852, 338. 21 $4, 077, 896. 3 1

(nega.tive figure)

1. $1Z,250. 34 transferred from Expendable to Principal Fund, which represents 1/9
  of the Federal Contribution for National Defense Student Loan Fund.



       The report having been made in detail and members of the Board of
Trustees being duly advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
ly carried, said report was authorized received and put to record.

       D. Easementfor the Cumberland Extension Center Approved.

       Mr. Peterson stated that the easement for the Cumberland Extension
Center to the Kentucky Utilities Company is for a right-of-way for electric
service to enable the Kentucky Utilities Company to serve the University exten-
sion center. He stated that he thought the proposed location of the line was
probably the most desirable one that could be designated, and that he did not
believe it would be objectionable from the standpoint of appearance.  He recom-
mended approval.

       The Chairman requested Mr. Clifford E, Smith to examine the easement
as to form and legality. \ Mr. Smith did examine the form and stated that it was
a standard form and, in his opinion, satisfactory.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the ease-
ment was approved and authorized executed.

       E. Bids Authorized Taken on Two Small Dormitories.

       Mr. BeLerson stated that the Sigma Chi fraternity and the Alpha Gamma
Rho fraternity have entered into lease arrangements with the University for
rental of two small dormitories to be constructed according to plans and speci-
fications which have been completed and accepted by the committees of the
fraternities involved, by the University and by the State Engineering Division.
An application for loan from the Federal Housing and Finance Agency has been
approved by the Atlanta, Georgia, district office for completion. He stated
that the buildings would cost, overall, $150, 000. 00 each and recommended
that authorization be given to take competitive bids for the construction of these
buildings as planned.

       Members of the Board being duly advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and unanimously carried, bids were authorized taken as requested.

       F. Pictures Taken.

       At this stage of the meeting, President Dickey advised members of the
Board that the press was present, with pl-hLographers, and that representa-
tives of the Lexington and Louisville papers would like to take pictures. With-
out objection, the Board members assembled as requested and pictures were
taken. President Dickey having provided table space for the press members,
identified by name the members of the Board of Trustees.  Mr. Emerson Beau-\
champ, Commissioner of Agriculture, a new member of the Board, was wel-



     President Dickey then expressed his hope that open meetings of the
Board of Trustees would bring about more effective communication with
the press and the public.

     He expressed deep regret that one member of the press, for whom
the University had great respect, Mr. Joe Reister, was not present and, on
behalf of the University, the President expressed his sorrow at the unitime-
ly death of Mr. Reister.

     G. University Progress Reported.

     President Dickey read to the Board of Trustees the following statement
as a report of Progress:

                   UNIVERSITY PROGRESS 1956-60

         A university is a dynamic institution and changes and innovations
     should always be taking place. However, there seem to be certain
     periods when even more activity than is normally true is underway.
     The period from September, 1956, to the present seems to be such a
     period of time.  It is impossible to list all of the changes which
     have occurred and the new programs underway, but the following
     will serve as examples of the manner in which the University of
     Kentucky has moved forward in the past four years.

         1. The Medical Center, including the Colleges of Medicine,
            Dentistry, and Nursing, and the University Teaching
            Hospital, has reached the stage in its development where
            the first class of medical students will begin their work
            in September, 1960.  This $28, 000, 000 structure, operating
            with a budget of over $3, 000, 000 from state funds, will be
            one of the finest in the entire nation and will make a signif-
            icant contribution to the welfare of Kentucky.

         2. Coldstream Farm, a rich Bluegrass farm of 1, 067 acres,
            was purchased for an experimental farm for the College
            of Agriculture in 1957.  The addition of this farm has en-
            abled the College of Agriculture to increase the allocations
            for the various departments as follows: Agronomy, s
            acreage has increased in the past five years from 85 to
            190. 2. Animal Pathology now has 140. 9 whereas in 1952
            it had only 7. 5 acres.  Beef cattle acreage has increased
            from 120 to 820. 8, while Dairy has increased from 105
            to 699 acres.  Entomology which had no acreage in 1952
            now has 26 and Agricultural Engineering which had none in
            1952 now has 25 acres.  Forestry research land has in-
            creased from 4. 7 acres to 204. 7, while Horticulture has
            moved from 23. 7 to 64. 7 acres.  Poultry has increased
            from 18. 5 acres in 1952 to 89 now, while Sheep acreage
            has jumped from 25. 6 to 444 acres.  In this five year
            period Swine acreage has increased from 23 to 118.  The
            overall increase represents almost a 600 per cent jump
            in the land available for agricultural research.



3. The Kentucky Life Museum was established at Waveland,
    a pre-civil war home, located on the Higbee Mill Road.
    This museum, along with the other museums on the cam-
    pus, will enable the University better to fulfill its func-
    tion as the protector of valuable items of historical value.

 4. Off-campus centers at Cumberland, Ashland, Henderson,
    Fort Knox, and Elizabethtown have been authorized or
    established.  These centers, designed to offer freshman
    and sophomore work and to serve as centers for various
    types of terminal education programs, will be enrolling
    approximately 2, 000 students by 1962.  Currently, their
    enrollment is over 1,000.

 5. The student body of the University of Kentucky has in-
    creased from 8, 051 in September, 1956, to 10, 133, in
    September, 1959.

 6. The Computing Center, established in 1958, has grown in
    importance and in use.  This center enables the University,
    through the use of the IBM 650 Computer, to perform im-
    portant research in a wide variety of fields.

 7. Salaries of faculty members have risen appreciably during
    this four year period, as indicated by the following official
                                 Mean Sal-    Mean Sal-      % of In-
                                 ary, 1956-57  ary, 1960-61  crease over
   Deans                        $11,000W      T15,000           Tb
   Professors                       8, 220      10, 410         27
   Associate Professors             6,903        8, 550         23
   Assistant Professors             6,070        7,390          22
   Instructors                      5,210        6,120          17

 8. The Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce
   was established in September, 1958, one of the five schools offer-
   ing such work in the United States.

9. The program of general extension of the University was reorganized
   and the Extended Programs concept has been developed, strengthen-
   ing to a significant degree the off-campus arms of the University.

10. The research program of the University has grown at a rapid
   rate.  Through the Kentucky Research Foundation and the regu-
   lar departmental research programs, contracts and grants total-
   ing $1, 500, 000 for the 1959-60 year are now in progress.

11. The University Libraries have grown not only in quality but in
   quantity as well.  The holdings have increased from 690, 000
   volumes to 820, 000 during the period from 1956 to 1960.

12. Departments of Agricultural Engineering and Chemical Engineer-
   ing have been established and are now offering full programs.



       13. The student newspaper, The Kentucky Kernel, has been ex-
           panded from a one-per-week issue to four issues per week.

       14. The Language Laboratory has been established serving our own
           students and the community as well.

       15. Programs for the preparation of teachers of exceptional children
          have been inaugurated.

      16. The contract with the University of Indonesia, started in 1956
          under ICA sponsorship, has been expanded to include agriculture
          as well as engineering and related sciences.

      17. In physical facilities the University, in addition to the tremendous
          Medical Center plant, has constructed Shawneetown, a $2, 000, 000
          housing unit for 185 married couples; Holmes Hall, a residence
          hall for 500 women; the $500, 000 College of Pharmacy Building;
          and ten fraternity and sorority houses, serving as dormitories
          for 475 students. In addition, Cooperstown, another married
          student housing project with 225 units, was completed in the fall
          of 1956.

      18. Under construction now are the following buildings:

                       Chemistry-physics building
                       College of Commerce
                       Library addition
                       Student Union Building addition
                       Dormitories (two)

      Members of the Board took note of the accomplishments of the University
under the leadership of President Diciey, and upon motion duly made, second-
ed and carried unanimously, the Board commended President Dickey for his
administration and wished him well in his continued effort to lead the Universi-

      President Dickey thanked the members of the Board for their commenda-
tion and vote of confidence and stated that operation of the University was not
a one-man job but that of a team, and that he desired to share the thanks of
the Board of Trustees with the Board members, his administrative staff and
the faculties of the University.

     H. Honorary Degrees

     President Dickey stated that the Committee on Honorary Degrees (a faculty
committee), the Graduate Faculty of the University, and the University Faculty
had recommended the following persons for honorary degrees: William Lock-
hart Clayton, LL. D. , and Allen Tate, Litt. D.

     President Dickey then read the following statements concerning Mr. Clay-
ton and Mr. Tate:



                    Wi.LLL.A.M LOCKHART -LAYTON

      William Lockhart Cl-yton was born in February, 1880, on a cotton farm
near Tupelo, Mississippi. He engaged in cotton merchandising at an early
age. In 1904 .he .helped organize t..he firm of Anderson, Clayton and Company,
which soon became tne world1 s la.rgest internationial cotton brokerage.

      In 1918 Mr. Clayton was appointed a member of the Committee on Cot-
ton Distribution, of which Bernard Baruch was chairman.  in 1940 he was
made Deputy Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, and in 1942 Assistant
Secretary of Commerce. He has represented t.h.e United States Government
at numerous international cornferernces on agricultural and economic affairs.
In 1944 he was Assistant Secretary of Stat.e for Economic Affairs, and two
years later became Under-Secretary of State.  During this appointment Mr.
Clayton wrote the memor7anda w. ic were to become the intellectual founda-
tion of the Marshall, Plan.

      Mr. Clayton is a director and p:y.tron of many educational and charitable