xt7ncj87m928 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87m928/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-10-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1996 1996 1996-10-23 2020 true xt7ncj87m928 section xt7ncj87m928  

, ,j l _


By Kathy Redlng

Assistant News Editor

Testimony presented today in the preliminary
hearing ofjay McCoy, former UK assistant dean of
students and fraternity adviser, indicates he admitted
to forging the checks in question by the University.

Lt. Robert Abrams of the UK Police Department
said McCoy told Dean of Students David Stockham
and Assistant Dean of Students Victor Hazard that
he had written checks to himself and that he had
deposited them in his account after they confronted
him with audit information on the Interfraternity
Council bank account.

“He readily admitted to them that he had taken
the money and written the checks,” Abrams said.

Abrams said Stockham and Hazard talked to
McCoy on June 27 and that is when McCoy said he
was responsible for the loss of funds in the IFC

McCoy’s case has been referred to a Fayette


By Kathy Reding

Assistant News Editor

The UK Board of Trustees
approved a new doctorate pro~
gram for the College of Social
Work yesterday.

The plan will be submitted to
the Council on Higher Education
because the council must approve
all new dearee programs.

UK wiIl offer the new social
work doctorate jointly with the
Unix ersity of Louisville.

Faculty members from both
schools participated in the design
of the rogram, and the Graduate
School; of the two universities
will administer the program.

Courses may be taken at both
schools, and shared courses will be
handled through distance learning

Previously, UK and U of L
were the only two of the top 20
social work programs in the coun-
try that did not offer a doctorate.

In other board business, Ed
Carter, vice resident for mana e—
ment and udget, presente a
report on the progress of the
Coldstream Research Campus.

Carter said previous restric-
tions on development, such as lack
of a proper sewer s stem and the
College of Agricu ture’s animal
research farm on the site, have
been cleared up.

He said the Lexington—
Fayette Urban County Govern-
ment put in additional sewer ser-

The Colle e of Agriculture
received state finding this year to
develop its new farm in Woodford
County, so its animals and facili-

i l


Stafl Writer

ties w be gone from Coldstream
. by ‘l 998. . . new arena.
Now we can move along Wlth Athletics


the develo ment of Coldstream,”
Carter saitf.)

Carter said the research cam-
pus also has its own marketing
group to sell the 525 acres allotted
to development worldwide.

The remainder of Coldstream,
225 acres, has been given to the
city for park land.

He said the marketers should
be successful in their venture.

“If they don’t sell, they don’t
get paid,” Carter said.


Motion approved.

Television stations
and University officials
were on hand yesterday
as the Athletics Associ-
ation’s board of direc-
tors voted to conduct a
feasibility study for a

Director . 3
CM. Newton said a
consulting firm for the
study should be selected by mid—
December or the first of the year.

The study itself, which he described
as “all-inclusive,” will take about six to
eight months to complete.


County grand jury.

Abrams said McCoy is responsible for
writing 60 to 70 checks with allegedly
forge signatures and depositing money
into his UK Credit Union account.

Handwriting experts are still investi—



gatin the names of past IFC president .
Jonat an Bruser and treasurer Adam He ruddy
Heinland. admitted to

Their names appear on some of the them that he
checks and experts want to find out who had taken the
made the signatures, Abrams said. 7mm and

Both Bruser and Heinland served on . e’y

. . . written the

the councd in 1994 and their names on thee/es ,,

the checks should have been invalid,
according to IFC policy. V
However, Abrams said the bank was Lt, Robert Abrams
still accepting checks with the names. UK Police
He also said neither Bruser nor Hein-


WEATIIEB Cloudy today, high

off 6. Continued cloudy tonight,
low 39. Sunny 7hursday, high
in 60s.
"I" [WEB YET UK football team still has
fimr games remaining in the season, and they

don’t intend to give up. See Sports page 4.


Police: McCoy admitted forgery


land are being investigated for use of the



Studying in the sun

Part-time student Claudia Silvy studies her Spanish tlasswork while babysitting a rouplefi‘iends on eampus.

Support for the study was unani‘
mous among board members, who
praised Newton and
Lar Ivy, senior associ-
ate irector of athletics,
for staying objective on
an issue that some say
has been “prejudged by
the press.”

“Weiye got to deter-
mine w at we’re oin
to do for the nexthO 0% Wethlnglon
25 years,” said UK President Charles
Wethington, who added that arena
funding will come from private sources,
not taxpayers.

Chrissy Guyer, vice president of
Student Government Association and
new member of the board, said stu-
dents are supportive of an on-campus


Proposed developments ,
include a hotel, a suite complex, a By Katie Schultz student affairs and former ELI mem-
campus of the Kentuc Technol- Contributing Writer ber.

Campus involvement is another area



0 Center and a possi le Fayette
(gimty school.

A new proposal is for a residen-
tial community aimed at retired
faculty, alumni and friends of UK.

Viley Road, running through
the cam us and connecting New-
town Pi e and Georgetown Road
is expected to be complete by

Finall , the board ap d the
financialyi'ecords of the University
for the ar endingJune 30, 1996.

President Charles Wething-
ton’s annual re rt for the 199 -
1996 year was a so released.


For any freshman or sophomore stu-
dent at UK whose aim is to be a leader
and inspirer, the Emergin Leader
Institute offers instruaion in e area.

Different from the ical class at
UK, the ELI forces stu cuts to better
their communication skills, set als
for themselves, and think creative y, all
of this while realizing their ability to
become a leader in life.

“Freshman and sophomore students
are able to take advanta of an oppor-
tunity that they normafi; wouldn t be
given in the classroom to develope and
gnacdce their leadership abilities,” said

ra Campbell, a graduate assistant for



ELI stresses in the lives of the student’s

To incoporate this idea, the Insti-
tute implements a community service
pro'ect into the curriculum.

n addition to this grou project,
each student will be expecte to invent
and carry out a leadership project of his
or her own personal interest.

The Institute enforces welLround-
edness as a qualification for admittance
to the course as well.

ELI provides an excellent chance for
those students selected for the program
to recognize their potential through
utilizing a wide range of communica-

. Nauru wave-am.’ W‘W‘ .. ._.


Dean of Students Office policy states its employ~

ees are not supposed to be co-signcrs on
student accounts. McCoy, however, was
a co—signer on the IFC’s. Abrams said
current IFC President Bill Brassine had
no knowledge of this separate account.

According to Abrams, McCoy wrote
$14,993 in checks to himself.

McCoy’s attorney William Fulmer
said it was against his policy to comment
on cases he has in pro reSs.

UK Police Chie W.I’I. McComas
said additional charges will be brought
against McCoy when the case is present-
ed to the grand jury.

He said 15 to 20 more checks are still
under investigation or are unaccounted

Assistant Dean of Students Victor
Hazard declined to comment on the case
while it is still under investigation.


meme counts mam};

Board approves feasibility study

By Mat Herron


The feasibility study on the football
stadium is near completion. with final
data to be submitted next month.
Changes in concessions, the addition of
skyboxes and the num-
ber of women’s
restrooms are being

Newton also com-
mented on the removal
of football coach Bill
Curry and his staff.

He justified the mid-
season decision by say-
ing he was “anxious to end the specula-
tion and the discord. We need time to
do the search to get the right man for
the job.”




Program to encourage campus leaders

tion skills, Campbell said.

This is achieved through a gradual
12-week process that includes sessions
on s les of leadership, enhancing com-
mumcation skills, critical and creative
thinking, valuing diversity, and ethical
decision making to name just a few.

Campbell also said that, “ the Insti-
tute gives the students confidence in
their own abilities as leaders, and reas-
sures them that they are, in fact, true

The selection criteria for ELI will
be based upon the student’s co—curricu-
lar involvements, leadership experi-
ence, recommendations of facul and
staff, and response to the three 3 ort-
essay questions included in the a flea-

Q» I ‘M'WIS me I





October 23, I 996
. W Campus

Crossword 7 Spam




Diversions 5 le'mz'pomt




NATION Student e-mailer
receives suspension

STAMFORD, (Lonn. — A prank death threat
sent b ' e-mail to President Clinton earned a high
schotifstutlent a visit from the Secret Service and
a month’s suspension.

The message, sent Oct. 9 over the Internet,
read: “To Pres. Clinton: You are Dead." The e—
mail apparently made it to the \Vhitc llouse,
school officials said.

The computer message was sent by a l7vycar-
old senior at Trinity Catholic High School, one
of scores of schools across Connecticut benefiting
from a volunteer effort to link classrooms to the

No criminal charges were filed.

Monsignor Frank C. Wissell, president of
diocesan secondary schools, said Monday that the
message was “a very immature, inappropriate joke
that was not funny.”

Secret Service agents spoke to the youngster,
his parents and school officials. The agency would
not comment on the investigation.

m Peace talks near completion

TI‘TL AVIV, Israel —- After a brief crisis. US.
mediated peace talks between Israel and the
Palestinians were back on track yesterday and
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said a deal
was “very close to completion."

'I‘alks lasted into yesterday evening at .1
Jerusalem hotel, and Israel Radio said a dcal on
Israel‘s long-delayed pullout from the \Vcst Bani,
town of l chron might be announced during the


The sides reached agreement early yesterday
morning on the future administration of civil

affairs in Hebron and were close to agreeing (V)
the security arrangements, Israeli reports said.

“I hope it will be finished quickly," Net-anyahn
said of the agreement. He told reporters that a
meeting between him and Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat would be “desirable" when an
accord is reached.

But despite the optimism of the Israeli side, the
Palestinians have said they do not want to settle
for a deal that resolves only the question of
Hebron. They aISo want Israel to stop expansion
ochwish settlements, ease the closure of Pales—
tinian areas, release Palestinian prisoners and
resolve other outstanding issues.

GM negotiates with Toronto workers

TORONTO — General Motors settled a
three-week strike with its workers in Canada yes-
terday, resolving a power struggle over job securi-
ty that had idled more than 46,000 workers across
North America.

The Canadian Auto Workers’ 26,300 strikers
were expected to ratify the agreement in a vote
Wednesday, and they could be back at work by
the end of the week.

Once the Canadian plants resume roduction,
GM should be able to start bringingback nearly
20,000 U.S. and Mexican workers laid off because
ofstrike-related disruptions. But it will take time
for the Canadian plants to produce and ship the
parts that other plants need before they can bring
all their workers back.

To the union, the lengthy negotiations were .1
ground—breaking and successful challenge to
GM’s ability to decide on its own whether to sell
plants and to “outsource" — farm out union work
on auto parts to cheaper independent sup liers.

Now the automaker confronts simi ar talks
with its workers in the United States. Negotiators
for the United Auto \Vorkcrs and GM met Mon-
day in Detroit after a weekend recess, and the
talks are expected to intensify now that there is a
settlement in Canada.

3”" NAACP closes in louisville

LOUISVILLE, Ky. —— The Louisville branch
ofthe NAACP has lost its general counsel in the
wake of a controversy concerning construction of
the University of Louisville football stadium.

In a letter written yesterday to President San-
dra B ant, Cecil Blyc announced that the
Louisville law firm of Blyc, Blye & Blyc would no
longer represent the Louisville NAACP branch.
“Any lawsuit against the University of Louisville
allegin minority non—participation will utterly
fail, B ye said in the letter.

The Louisville NAACP voted to support
Louisville Alderman Paul Bather and civil rights
activist Louis Coleman’s threat of a lawsuit
against the university. Bather and Coleman con-
tend the school is discriminating by not including
minorities in the football stadium project.



CINCINNATI — The factory where James
Brown recorded “Pa a’s Got a Brand New Bag”
and a fistful of otlger 'tr‘shis now a warehouse, and
the on] ba insi e are e e variety.

NevZnhEIess, the old King-(Reads plant, now
owned by a convenience store chain, has taken its
first step toward winning landmark status from
the city.

The city’s Historic Conservation Board voted
Monday to investigate the building’s history and
evaluate whether it deserves protection.

The King opened in 1944 and closed in I970.

Compiled first win "porn

' I


mu warm -u.‘ an)...“ , ... .,

,A 5.;

.m» 21






2 Wednesday, October 23, I996. Kmmty Kernel

. -MQ. , ‘1‘




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I en Sehuler l 8.
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Michele McC
Jenna Ferguson 24.
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Brown 26.
alison Solley 27.
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Beth‘Pm 29.
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Court nominees
run for royalty

By Kathy Bedlng

AJ‘J’li‘fllnl New; Editor

During Homecoming week
chosen students rise above their
normal status on campus.

Some of them become royalty,

“The judges also wanted some-
one who was genuine and honest,”
she said.

lhe 16 homecomin semifinal-
ists include queen can idates Car-
rie Wilder, Alizah Rice, Jennifer
Johnson, Shannon Corley, Wendy


at least for a cou—
ple of days.

The 16 semi-
finalists for
l Iomecoming
king and queen
have been cho-

Ilomecominu veto

Today and tomorrow students
can vote for Homecoming King

Stephanie Elliot,
Vanessa Baker
and Meg Wig—

King semifinal-
ists are Alan Aja,

scn byapanel of andQueen. Jon k Devofrfak,
judges. Voting , Dcre Gu ey,
for UK‘s royal zrllgoljlbgacryslhgssntljaegagetrl- Michael Gluech-
court WI” lake lei, While Ha" Classroom Cr, Matt Grunke“

place today and
Robin Witt,
said the 16 scmi‘
finalists were
chosen from 20
interviewed can—
didates. About


Building, Blazer Hall, Donovan
Hall, the Commons and Lexing-
ton Community College.

VTIMES: Today lrrom 11 am.
to 2 pm. and from 5 to 7 pm.
Voting tomorrow will be at the
from 11 am. until 2 pm. only.

mcyer, Azar Jack-
son, David John-
son and Geoffrey

Witt said stu-
dents need their
UK IDs to vote.
Finalists will be
tomorrow night at



60 students sub—

mitted applications and essays for
Homecoming court considera-

Witt said the interview judges,
who were faculty members,
arrived at their picks after a “long
and tedious” four—day process.

“They really wanted a diverse
court,” Witt said. “It was a real

Witt said the judges were look—
ing at candidates’ overall charac-
ters, and they tended to choose
those who were “energetic” and
less businesslike in interviews.

7:30 at Wildcat
Roar. The Homecoming king and
queen will be crowned during
halftime of the football game on

Witt said durin most years,
the number of stu ents voting is
usually “way below 50 percent.”
She said the number is often low
because organizations whose can-
didates do not make the semifinals
usually do not vote for others

She said students should get
involved and choose royalty to
represent them.

“Ultimately, the student body



Shannon Carley Vulcan Balm
Panbelleni: Cert:
C omml ml sorority




Alan Ala Jon Boycott
Delta Delta Delta Phi Si Kappa
soda! rororiry Manly




Stephanlo Elliott
Mormr Brian! Honor
Sm rrty

Wendy Hyland
Alpha Delta [’1

serial rmoriry


Jonniior Johnson Alizha Rico
Kappa Alpha Them Alpha Gamma Delta
rorial sorority racial sorority







Michael Gluocher Matt Grunliornoyor
Retidrnrr Hall Sigma Chi
Animation ratio/fraternity





Domli Culley Azar Jackson
51' Pi Alpha Gamma Delta
soda fraternity Iona! sorority



Meg Wiggins Carrie Wilder
Smdmr Dn'rlopmem Delta Gamma
Council tonal rorarrry




David Johann Gooflroy Tomes
Chi Omega Farmhouse
social rorornjy Joan/fraternity

Thirteen leaders named JflllllSllll WillllBI‘S


Thirteen honorees will be rec—
ognized this Friday at the sixth
annual meeting of thc Lyman T.
Johnson Alumni Organization.

Two current and two former
UK students will be recognized at
the banquet, which has been
labeled by banquet organizers as
“Stepping into 'l‘omorrow, the
Quest for Positive Chan re."

\Vallis Malone, president ofthc.
UK Black Student Union, and
Boyce Watkins, a UK mathemat~
ics graduate student and Kentucky
Kernel columnist, are two of the
award recipients.

Malone and Watkins will be

recognized for their instrumental
efforts in leading a silent protest
rally that occurred on the Lexing-
ton campus last spring.

Jamal Mashburn and Tim
Ilardcn will also be recognized for
their efforts to combat racism on
the Lexington campus.

The keynote speaker for the
event will be Lexington native Dr.
Joycc Ilamilton Berry, a UK
graduate (1967, 1970) and noted
psychologist in Washington,
D.C., and Maryland.

Berry taught in the Lexington
public school system from 1960-
62 and served as psychologist for
the Fayette County Children's
Bureau from 1968—71.

She was also an assistant pro-
fessor at Kentucky State Universi-
ty in 1971.

Berry later became an adminis—
trator for the National Medical
Association Foundation in Wash-
ington, D.(I., sewing as a consul-
tant for colleges, mental health
institutions, and public and pri-
vate organizations.

Berry has conducted numerous
workshops and training sessions in
various areas in psychology. Berry
has written or contributed articles
to Ebony, Ebony Man and
Essence magazines and . has

appeared as an expert on “The
Geraldo Rivera Show," “The

Racial assualt grips Iowa
campus; reward ottored

By Tara Deering

(Li-\VlRl‘.) AMFS, Iowa ~—
l)cantrious Mitchell spoke up for
the first time Monday night since
being beaten by a group of white
men early Friday morning.

Mitchell, 20, a student security
officer and a sophomore in com»
puter engineering who was
assaulted Friday behind llclscr
llall, spoke briefly at the Black
Student Alliance meeting last
night in the Pioneer Room of the
Memorial Union.

Mitchell, who is from VVatcr—
loo. said that night he had to do
rounds at \Vcstgatc, Ilclscr and
Buchanan halls. Ile was on his
way to Buchanan llzill when the
incident occurred. Mitchell said
he could say nothing further and
sat back down.

Mitchell had a bandage that
covered a )ortion of his check on
the left side of his face. He spoke


The meeting was an open
forum for students to talk with
about 10 university officials pre-
sent about the racially motivated

DPS Associate Director Jerry
Stewart said Mitchell was assault-
cd near Clyde Williams Ficld
about 2 a.m Friday . Police reports
indicate a “cutting instrument"
was used during the attack.

DPS officials would not say
what was used to cut Mitchell in
several places.

After the attack Mitchell start-
ed walking toward Helscr, when
his patrol partner, Stephen
Kennedy, saw a battered Mitchell
and radioed for help, police said.
An ambulance soon arrived and
cased Mitchell to the ground near
Lot 59A to assist him.

The attackers shouted racial
slurs at Mitchell. In more than
one instance the word “nigger”





tional information.


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AAML..\' '

was used, officials said.

Stewart said officials have a
two- -p:igc task list involving the
investigation. DPS efforts so far in
the investigation include canvass-
ing neighborhoods including
Canipustown and convenience
stores. DPS officials have consult—
ed the Allies Police Department
about the case. A $1,000 reward
for any information leading to the
identification, arrest and convic—
tion of the individuals responsible
has been offered by the university.

In addition, the Union Drive
Assocmtion Student Senate unani-
mously passed a bill last night
allotting $200 more to the reward

“Rewards have been offered in
the past for serious crimes, and
this method has proven successful
on some occasions," Stewart said.
There had been no arrests as of
press time Monday.

Stewart said DPS officials have
examined the evidence that has
bccn gathered, and a number of
follow-up assignments have been

“We are treating this very seri—
ously," he said.



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Tony Brown Show” and “()ur
Voices," on the Black Entertain-
ment Television network.

Other award recipients include
Fitzgerald Bramwell, vice presi—
dent of research and graduate
studies; Virgil Covington, princi»
pal at Winburn Middle School;
John Harris, dean of the College
of Education; Robert Hemenway,
chancellor of the University of
Kansas; C. M. Newton, UK ath-
letic director; Rick Pitino, UK
men’s basketball head coach; Retia
Walker, dean of the College of
Human Environmental Sciences;
Charles Wethington, UK presi-
dent; and Elisabeth Zinser, Lex—
ington campus chancellor.

John Anderson, interim direc-
tor of university relations, said
Mitchell was paid for his remain—
ing weekend hours. Any further
stipends that may be given to
Mitchell have not been discussed.

Ames police officials said they
are not involved in the investiga-
tion because the incident occurred
on ISU property.

One of the questions stressed
by BSA members and faculty was
the handling of information by
the university.

“I admit that it was hard for the
press to obtain information,"
Anderson said. He said the case
would suffer if officials released
the racial slurs that were said.

A heated discussion revolved
around President Martin Jischke's
written statement that appeared in
Monday's Daily. Many felt the
president’s letter did not give both

Milton McGriff, a black stu—
dent leader with the Scpt. 29
Movement was especially critical

“Based on the statement that
he gave we [black students] are
still being ignored."




.. .35






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.31.; .-.. J!















ealitornia tires hurt six firefighters

By Lynn Elber

Armoured Press

CARLSBAD, Calif. — Fleets
of helicopters and airplanes roared
through Southern California
canyons yesterda , dropping water
on erratic, win ~blown wildfires
that have burned 95 houses and
injured six firefighters.

Helter-skelter Santa Ana winds
turned dry brush and oil-rich
eucalyptus trees into blowtorches,
spreading flames across 35,000

By Tuesday afternoon, the
major fires were less than half con-
tained and some flared up again as
the devil wind shifted and gusted
up to 41 mph.

Six firefighters working a flare-
up in the Malibu fire were hurt,
and three of them were airlifted to
a hospital burn unit after their
truck stalled and flames roared
over them in Corral Canyon.

“This is life threatening. These

are very serious burns,” Glendale
fire Marshal Dave Starr said. One
of the firemen had burns over 60
percent of his body and airway
damage, another had serious burns
on his arms and hands and a third
was in fair condition with superfi—
cial burns that may require

Another firefighter broke his
neck in a traffic accident while
rushing to a blaze, and a civilian in
Carlsbad suffered burns over 45
percent of his body.

Thousands of peo 1e fled their
homes, schools and usinesses in
four counties Monday as flames
exploded, propelled through the
canyons by winds that gusted as
high as 71 mph.

Yesterday many were learning
the worst.

“I saw the news and they were
standing in the rubble of our
home,” said Lou Stark, who lost
his Carlsbad home.

His wife wasn’t sure. “She said,

‘Maybe it’s not ours.’ I said, ‘Yes,
it’s ours.”’

Carlsbad was the site of the
worst fire, a fast-moving blaze that
burned at least 60 houses and 10
other structures over 8,592 acres
in the 65,700-resident suburb on
northern San Diego County’s

Just east of Carlsbad, authori-
ties ordered evacuations early
Tuesday for parts of San Marcos, a
retirement community of 42,800

In the celebrity seashore
enclave of Malibu in Los Angeles
County, flames charred 13,650
acres and destroyed five houses
and a mobile home, and more than
1,000 people were evacuated dur-
ing the height of the fire Monday.

Gov. Pete Wilson declared a
state of emergency in San Diego
County. A similar declaration, let-
ting the state reimburse local gov-
ernments for firefighting, was
expected for Los Angeles County.

Nor'easter blamed 101‘ 8811811 deaths

Associated Press

PORTLAND, Maine ——
Floodwaters from a storm that
dumped up to 18 inches of rain on
the Northeast ruptured a pipeline
yesterday leaving at least 120,000
people in and around Maine’s
largest city without drinking

The powerful weekend
nor’easter was blamed for at least
seven deaths from New Jersey to
New Hampshire. Another person
was missing in Maine.

“No showers, no coffee and I
can’t even use the bathroom,” said
Laurie Davis of Westbrook, just
outside Portland.

Davis couldn’t even leave home
to get bottled water —— she was
stranded because two nearby
bridges were washed out.

A 48-inch main that carries
water about 25 miles from Sebago
Lake to the Portland area was bro—
ken in at least four places.

There was no word on when

service would be restored, and the
area’s 170,000 customers were
told to boil any water they did get.

‘1' he state’s largest hospital,
Maine Medical Center in Port-
land, canceled all elective surgery
but was able to maintain emergen-
cy services.

The floodwaters apparently
washed away the soil supporting
the pipeline.

“The pipe is stabilized by the
soil it’s resting on. Ifthe soil gets
washed away, the pipe will bend or
break. It just doesn’t have any sup-
port,” said Dana Perkins, a Port-
land Water District spokeswom-

“This obviously is the worst
thing we’ve ever had. We were
organized in 1908, and I don’t
think anybody’s seen anything this

Flooding also shut down the
water supply for Exeter, N.H., and
service was not expected to be
restored for two to three weeks.
An estimated 1,000 people were


Authorities in Rockingham
County, N .H ., moved 1 15 inmates
out of the county jail because the
bottom floor was under 2 feet of
water. '

“I’ve never seen it this bad in
17 years,” said John DiSanto,
owner of Anjon’s Italian Restau—
rant in Scarborough, Maine.

“The water was waist-high in
the parking lot. The whole first
floor is under 6 inches of water.”

Residents from New Jersey to
Massachusetts began to head
home after spending the night in
emergency shelters.

In Boston, water lapped at the
entrance to a subway line before
receding, homeowners got on a
waiting list for pumps to remove
the stinking raw sewage from their

“What we’re looking at is the
ugly, gunky, germy aftermath,”
said Arlene Margolis, spokeswom-
an for the Massachusetts Emer—

gency Management Agency.


- .wwh.m, aV-‘weun‘a. pea-aw -. w...”

lemme, Kernel, Wednesday, October 23, 1996 8

FBI agent accused
of hiding evidence

By Michael J. Snitten

Armoured Press I'Vrirer

\VASIIING'I‘ON ——- A for-
mer FBI headquarters manager
was accused yesterday of
obstructing justice by destroying
all traces of an internal critique
ofthe bureau’s deadly I992 siege
at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.

The apparent plea bargain
with F.. Michael Kahoe might
lead to coverup charges against
some of the four other suspend—
ed FBI officials who remain
under investigation for their role
in shootings at th