xt7ncj87m85g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87m85g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-01-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 1990 1990 1990-01-10 2020 true xt7ncj87m85g section xt7ncj87m85g  


Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIII, No. 87

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971 Wednesday. January 10.1990


Curry accepts 5-year offer from UK

Sports Editor

When it comes to making deci-
sions concerning his life, Bill Curry
leamea something from UK Athlet—
ics Director C.M. Newton: “Be
quick, but don’t hurry.”

After mulling-over Newton’s of-
fer to become the new UK football
coach for almost a week, the Uni-
versity of Alabama coach decided
it was time for a change.

And when the UK Athletics
Board unanimously approved New-
ton‘s recommendation Monday
night, Curry officially became the
32nd coach of UK's football pro-
gram and the successor to retiring
coach Jerry Claibome.

“In regards to Coach Curry, I
know him to be a man of great in—
tegrity by whatever standard you
use," Newton said. “Whether it be
his peers current players, former
players. In his personal family life
or his professional life."

When Newton set out to find
Claiborne’s successor, he said he
was looking for “3 Jerry Claiborne
clone." And it appears as though he
found one.

“Bill Curry is recognized by
many to be at the very top of his
profession," Newton said. “He has
been credited for the dignity, class
and integrity with which he con-
ducts his football programs, both
on and off the field."

While many people in college
football look upon the UK football
program as a step down from Ala~
bama, Curry said he does not

“This is anything but a step
down. I come from an outstanding
program to an outstanding pro.
gram," said Curry, who had a 26-10
record at Alabama. Normally.
people evaluate motives and oppor~




Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech
Alabama (t4th)
1988 Alabama (t4th)
1989 Alabama


l 9 l
l 0 .090
6 0 .542
3 .273
6 .591

9 .864







Hall of Fame

10 2 Sugar Bowl




51 .480 Ten Years





31 43





Seven Years
Three Years



tunities based on how they would
respond. What it means is that they
have a different set of standards
and values than I have.”

Curry, 47, said that although he
was not asked to leave Alabama by
anyone in the administration, he
said that it was in the Alabama
players‘ “best interest“ that he

“It is necessary in our business
— if you have a mission to teach
young people what it means to win
on and off the field — that every-
body in the organization feel the
same way and share the same prin-
ciples and work in the same direc-
tion toward the same end,” said
Curry, who was named Southeasr
ern Conference Coach of the Year
by The Associated Press and The
Nashville Banner.

Curry, who had turned Newton's-
offer down in early December, said
he began seriously considering the
UK position “when it became clear
that the very people (the playersi
that I have served in my mission
were having to deal with the degree


of controversy from within, (and it)
was not going to be resolved. then
my position (concerning UK)

Curry said his decision to come
to UK was made when “it became
clear to (my family) that this was
an opportunity for us to continue
what we believe in, which is to
teach young people how it feels to
be the best they can be in the class-
room, on the field and in their per-
sonal life."

Since being named Alabama's
coach in 1987 season, Curry has
been hounded by fans who were
upset that he was not a disciple of
legendary Paul “Bear" Bryant, And
the cries from Crimson Tide sup—
porters reached their peak follow-
ing Alabama’s third straight loss to
arch-rival Auburn .n the iinal game
of the regular season

But Curry said that criticisms
from 'Bama fans did not affect

“lf i personally had accepted
what other people nought of me.
then I would still be pumping gas

a * &‘ :’ >
Bill Curry speaks t: the media lt'zrnday night after being hired as UK's lrzotball coach by the Athletics
Association Board u ‘nrectors t‘ krv resigned from the head coachinn ion at Alabama Sunday

ALAN HAWst W a -.


I ,lt‘l'l‘l

in College Park, (1a.. :id (‘urry 'res». it in int-
who was accompanied ' . 'll',‘ board
meeting by his witefl with. and
daughter Kristen, 23

After meeting will. Illa‘

l;i\er< Vionday altemoori. ('tirr‘.
unit that his opinion of Claiborne
'll tcitst‘tl 2'1; ” ‘ , .1“?

We‘ve already met with the
Kcntiickx players, and l'iii irii

Wildcat ‘s ‘c ( l RRY Page 5







To say that 1989 was uneventful
(1! UK would he like declaring that
little happened behind the Iron
Curtain last year. In the past year,
UK lost its president and two ath«
lettc coaches, and 115 men's hos-
kctholl program was hit with u
threcgycar probation by the

But not all news for UK last
year was bad. While the prospects
for increasedfunding from Fran/<—
fort were dimmed when the Ken-
tucky Supreme Court declared that
$300-$500 million had to be spent
to restructure the state's elemen-
tary and secondary education sys-
tem. private gifts to UK in fiscal
year 1989 hit an all-time high.

In addition. faculty research
continued to receive national hon-

the freshman class hit an all-time
high with an average American
College Test score of more than

Yet despite the positive things
that happened. following Presi-
dent David Roselle‘s resignation
there was a feeling of desperation
among many in the UK community
that the worst was yet to come in

David Roselle Resigns

Citing the NCAA probe into
1 the men’s basketball program
as preventing him from im-


ors, and the academic quality of

plementing his programs. UK
President David Roselle an‘
nounced Dec. 14 that he will be-
come president of the University
of Delaware.

Roselle, who was hired as UK‘s
ninth president in March 1987,
had been besieged by budgetary
woes, low faculty salaries. a cor-
rupt basketball program and con.
stant harassment from Kentucky
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson since
coming to UK.

Although Roselle downplayed
the poor relationship he had with
Wilkinson, he acknowledged that
it was difficult to make many
changes without sufficient funding
from the state.

A rally was held by more than
400 UK faculty, students, and staff
and state political leaders in late
November urging Roselle to stay
at UK. During the rally, UK Ath-
letics Director C.M. Newton, who
was hired by Roselle, pleaded with

the president not to leave: “Dr.
Roselle you are net only want-
ed btit needed."

Roselle said be we touched by
the outpouring of campus support,
but said the key to keeping him
from leaving 1.1K would be a
pledge from Frankfort that higher
education would be adequately
funded in the nut biennium.

“In order for progress I need
some help to do that. 1 need some
financial help," Roselle said. “Un-
less 1 am making progress, unless
I am being a good president 1
don‘t think the University is well
served by my being here.“

Roselle said his job also was
difficult because he had to spend
time lobbying state leaders when
he rather would have been tending
to administrative matters. “1 don‘t
do politics; 1 do education,“ he
said bluntly. “And if I’m going to
do education the politicians need
to figure out how to get us some
more money so that we can do it
in an appropriate manner."

The Joint legislative committee
on appropriations and revenue
promised Roselle that its members
would fight for higher education‘s
cause in the 1990 session, but Wil—
kinson remained silent on the is-
sue, saying that Roselle's decision
to leave UK was a personal one
that did not involve him.

Many fear that Roselle‘s deci-
sion to leave will cause faculty
members to begin looking else-


campus rally to keep Roselle
wasn't enough to persuade the
preSident to stay at UK
where for employment. The bright
future faculty thought Roselle
could bring to [K was one ol the
few reasons the} had for staying
at the l‘nivcrsity

At his press conlcrcncc an-
nouncing the Delaware glob, Ro-
selle appeared tired and trustrated
with the political battles ot the

See A YEAR, Page 8 KENNEL FILE moro





Diversions Campus

.\ \
., \\
, \‘

\ t

..... 5 . . a t



Prospects for Kentucky Theatre
reopening are bright.

IFC official
resigns amid



' Seefige 6.

See Page 11;.




 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, January 10. 1990




‘ F

week at glances-—



monday 8 j

' Add Drop 135““ 0f Kentucky 0 Exhibit: Dinosaurs Alive (thru
Kernel 2/151






- Other: Math Review for the
Acaid . REG TRA Febru GRE (Wednesdays
. 338,;ng LATE B “ON thru 1731); 840; Room 139

Funkhous *r; 6:308:30 .m.,
0 Academic: Add/Drop contintuel Call 773383 p

' S rts: Wildcat Basketball vs
‘1orida; Free w/UKII); Rupp
Arena; 7:30 pm.










Sunday 1/14

0 Exhibit: The Presence of Absence: New Installations (thru 3/4]; Free; UK
Art Museum; Noon-5 p.m: Call 7—5716

' Exhibit (Reception): 'The Presence of Absence: New Installations; Free; UK
Art Museum: 2—4 p.m.; Call 7-5716

0 Ballet: Center Sunda s Series: Lexington Ballet; 37 public. 35 students;
Recital Hall SCFA: :00 p.m: Call 7—4929




Micheal Mu / Kernel Staff
Sean Woods number #1. 1 works his, way down the court






at FF. sports





Wednesday 1/10

' Sports: Wildcat Basketball Vs Florida, Free w/UKll); Rupp Arena; 7. M

Friday 1/12

0 Sports: Lady Kata Basketball vs. ISIT. Free w/UKII). Memorial Hall; 7 30

Saturday 1/13

' Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs, Louisiana State. Baton RougeJA. H 30 p in.

Monday 1/ 15

' S arts: Lady Kats Basketball vs Mississippi State, Free w/LZKIl).
emorial Hall: 7:30 p.m.

Campus Calendar

Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the Student
Activities, Office 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The Information is published
as supplied by the on-campus sponor. with editorlal priviledge allowed. For Student
Organizations or University Departments to make entries on the Calendar, 0 Campus
Calendar Form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.


No later than the Monday preceding the publication data.





[inursday 11]


[ sunday



- Exhibit: ‘Dinosaurs Alive‘. (thru
2/ 15)

[ friday 12

0 Seminar: Breakfast with the
Masters: Seminar for Marital
Therapists; S25; UK Faculty
Club; 8- 10 £1.11L2Call7'8844

[ ammkw 13

- Other: Study Skills Workshop:
The Master Student‘ (Saturdays
thru 2/31: 325; Room 103 Barker
Hall; 9:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.;

I 5 arts: Wildcat Basketball vs.
Eouisiana State; Baton
RougeJA; 8:30 p.m.

- Academic: Add/Drop contintuee




0 Sports: Lady Kats Basketball vs.
LSU; Free w/UKlD; Memorial
Hall; 7:30 p.m.




-Other: Martin Luther King
Celebrations; March: begins at
Memorial Coliseum: Noon:
Memorial program: Ballroom
Student Center: 1 p.m.



Monday the 15th honors the birthday of the civil rights leader,
Martin Luther King Jr. and celebrates living freedom.
No classes will be held on this day.












Qfie Winter season...
mafong witfi tfir: co[c[
comes a specia[ Eeauty.



Wednesday 1/10


' Academic: Add/Drop eontintues

‘ Other: Math Review for the February ORE (Wednesdays thm 1/31); 340;
Room BQ Funkhouscr. 6:30-8:30p.m.: Call 73383

Saturday 1/ 13

- Other. Study Skills Workshop: The Master Student' (Saturdays thm 2/3);
825; Room 103 Barker Hall; 9:30 a.m.~ 12:30 p.m.; Call7~3383

-Other: Martin Luther King Cclebrflions









Friday 1/12

- Seminar: Breakfast with the Masters: Seminar for Marital Therapists:
825: UK Faculty Club; 8‘ 10 a.m.; Call 7—8844



Lexington received a snowy white Christmas
during the semester break.





0 Exhibit: The Presence ofAbsence:

New Installations‘ (thru 3/41:
Free; UK Art Museum; Noon-5
p.m: Call 7-5716

- Exhibit (Reception): The Presence
of Absence: New Installations;
Free: UK An Museum: 2-4 p.m.:
Call 75716

. Ballet: Center Sunda 3 Series:
Lexington Ballet: $7, ublic, $5
students; Recital H l SCFA;
3:00 p.m: Call 74929

0 S rts: Wildcat Basketball vs.

uisiana State; Baton
RougeJA; 8:30 p.m.


The Lexington Ballet's presents “Stepping Out with the
Ballet ' this Sunday January 14th at the Singletary Center.










0 Academic: Martin Luther King. Jr.

- S orts: lady Kats Basketde vs.

ississippi State; Free w/UKID;
Memorial Hall: 7:30 p.m.



Day (Academic Holiday)


-Me<‘ting: 'Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families; Free; C 304:

6:30-8pm; Call 7-1587

«Sports: UK Judo Club (no experience required. men and women welcome);
Free; Alumni Gym Balcony; 56:30 p.m.; Call 268-4499


'Meetings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee; Free;
Room 203 Student Center (SAB Office); 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OML-etings: UK Water Ski Club; Room 1&2 Student Center. 7 p.m.; Call

030.40! It

OMt-ctjngs: UK Ski Club: Room 228 Student Center. 7pm; Call 2524900
'Other: Aerobics; Free: Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2: 5:507 p.m.: Call

2 55- 8566

OReIigious: Tuesday Evening Fellowship (Meal and Program); 412 Rose St,;

6 p.m.; Call254<1881

OSports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or equipment required); Free;
Alumni Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 86591

'OLl’lCF. Traveller 2300; Free;Student Center; Room 117; Call 7-8867


'Meetings: Amnesty International; Free; Room 119 Student Center; 7 p.m.:

Call 2544938

OMcetings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee; Free SAD

office; 8 p.m.; call 7-8867

"Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 p.m.; Call


OReligious: Iloly Eucharist; Free: St. Augustine's Chapel: 5:30 p.m.; Call


OSports: UK Judo Club (no experience
Free; Alumni Gym Balcony; 5-6:30 p.m.; Call 268-4499


tMcetings: UK Table Tennis Club; 35 per semester; Seaton Center Squash

Room: 7 p.m.: Call 76636

00ther: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2: 5:507 p.m.: Call


0Reli ious: Thursday Night Live; Free; 502 Columbia Ave.: 7:30 p.m.; Call

2 0313

OSports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or equipment required); Free;
Alumni Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 8-6591

- Meetings: Student Activities Board Indoor Recreation Committee; Free;
RM 1 19 Student Cntr; 6PM; 78867


'Religious: Mass; Free; Newman Center; 6 p.m.: Call 2558566


'Othcr‘. S '1 etti Dinner; 32; Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4; 6 p.m.; Call


0Religious: Sunday Morning Worship; Free; Koinonia House; 10:30 a.m.;

Call 254-1881

'Religious: Mass; Fret; Newman Center. 9 a.m.. 11:30 a.m.. 5 p.m.. 8:30

pm: Call 255—8566

ORcltgious: 110 Eucharist; Free; St. Augustine's Chapel: 10:30 a.m.. 5:30

p.m.; Call 2 —3726

-Religious: Collegiate Worship Service: Free; 502 Columbia Ave; 1 l a.m.;

Call 233031

Weekly Eventsj

uired, men and women welcome);







: n.--






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Inquest to be conducted into student’s death

Campus Editor

An inquest will be conducted into
the death last year of UK student
Thomas Michael Goeghegan under
the administration of the new Fay-
ette County Coroner. Dr. David

Goeghegan was killed when Ste-
ven Knight. 17. in a westbound au-
tomobile. struck Goeghegan. 22, as
Goeghegan was crossing against
the traffic light at the Euclid and
Woodland avenues intersection on
the night of Nov. 18.

The inquest, scheduled for Jan.
24, will determine if criminal
charges should be brought against
someone involved in the case, said
Sgt. Paul Simms of the Lexing-
ton-Fayette Urban County Police

“All we want to do is gather eve-
ryone involved and establish some
facts." said Fayette County Deputy
Coroner Charles Howell.

“.Dr Hull has decided that his of-
fice would like to have more of an
in-depth investigation in order to
alleviate family members‘ (con-
cerns) that justice wasn‘t sewed in



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Stall reports

Dr. Robert P. Meriwether was
appointed by Gov. Wallace Wil-
kinson Friday to replace Larry
Forgy on UK’s Board of Trus-

Wilkinson also reappointed
trustee Billy B. Wilcmson of
Lexington to the board.

Meriwcther is a Paducah neu-
rosurgeon and said he contribut-
ed several thousand dollars to
Wilkinson’s 1987 general elec—


Meriwether app
to BOT by Wilkinson


tion gubernatorial campaign.

Wilkinson said in December
that he would not reappoint For-
gy to the board because Forgy
accused the governor of trying to
stack the board against UK Pres—
ident David Roselle.

Meriwether, who also has con-
tributed several thousand dollars
to UK, is a 1969 UK graduate
and attended medical school at
Tulane University. He also is on
the UK Development Council.



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The Trouble with Harry
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this particular instance." Simms
said. “It gives everyone a chance to
put their cards on the table."

Traces of cannabinoid metabo-
lites were found in a urine test tak-
en from Knight. Cannabinoid met—
abolites are a metabolic breakdown
of tetrahydrocannabinol, an active
ingredient in marijuana.

The investigation will determine
if Knight was impaired at the time
the accident occurred. Simms said.

“In this particular instance it
doesn’t show he was smoking mar-
ijuana that night because THC is
stored in fatty tissue in the body

and is broken down over a period of
time." Simms said. “it can be
stored up to 30 days."

No other traces of drugs or alco-
hol were found in Knight in a rou-
tine toxicology blood and alcohol

Autopsy results also found no
traces of alcohol and drugs in

lt' investigators find that Knight
was impaired at the time of the ac-
cident, they would advise the Fay—
ette District Court, which is in
charge of juvenile court jurisdic-
tion, Simms said.

Suspects in alleged rape
to appear in front ofjury

Staff Writer

Two 18-year-old men charged
with raping a female UK student in
a residence hall last semester will
appear before a Fayette County
grand jury Jan. 17 to determine if
they should be indicted on charges
of first-degree rape.

Jeffrey Alan Torniin and Chad
Eric Vannauker, both of Bowling
Green, were arrested Nov. 17 after
the 19-year-old woman filed a rape
report with the UK Police Depart-
ment. Police are still investigating
a report of a third assailant, accord—
ing to Ralph Derickson of UK.

The alleged rape occurred in Hag-
gin Hall either late on Nov. 1-1 or
early Nov. 15, according to UK.

Tomlin and Vanntttikcr. xx ho

pleas of not guilty to felony charg-
es of first-degree rape during their
Nov. 20 arraignment in Fayette
District Court.

Tomlin was released Nov. 18
from the Fayette County Detention
Center on a $10,000 full cash
bond. Vannauker was released into
the custody of a third party Nov.
20. District Court Judge Gary
Payne set a pro-trial hearing date for
Dec. 12, but the hearing was
waived by attorneys for both defen-
dants, and the case was automatical—
ly sent to the grand jury.

Tomiin‘s attorney, State Sen.
Michael Moloney, and Vannauker's
attomey, Lee Rowland, declined to
discuss why they waived the pre-
liminary hearing.

Tomlin is enrolled in UK classes
this semester. according to the Reg-



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 Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, January 10, 1990 — 5


Wildcats excited about
playing under Curry
following first meeting

Curry leaves Alabama
for 5-year offer from UK

Continued from page 1



Staff Writer

it didn't take long for Bill Curry
to make an impression on UK‘s
football team.

After Curry met with his new
squad Monday afternoon. most UK
players interviewed later that night
were enthusiastic about their new

“The players are the most impor-
tant thing,” Curry

UK fans Monday night that they
would be in New Orleans next
year. several UK players sounded
like the Superdome will become
the Wildcats’ home.

“He told everybody on the foot-
ball team to believe that they were
gonna be the best football player in
history at that position," Holleran
said. “I think the learn wanted to go
out and practice today."

At his press conference, Curry


said at a press
Monday night
after being hired
by the UK Ath-
letics Associa-
tion Board of
“Everything we
do will be aimed
at the players
and we want
them to know
that. We want
them to understand the way we do
things and why."

And some of his players already
have gotten that impression.

“He came across as a really intel-
ligent man." junior linebacker
Randy Holleran said. “He said that
his phone number would be given
to us when he got it."

Some players said that (.‘urry‘s
emphasis on discipline reminded
them of former UK coach Jerry
Claiborne. Others said that his en-
thusiasm reminded them of UK
basketball coach Rick Pitino.

“l kind of knew what kind of guy
he was 'cause he's kind of a pro»
tege of Coach Claiborne," junior
comerback Chris Tolbert said. “He
told us that we have to follow
Coach Claibome‘s rules until he
comes back for spring ball. It‘s like
starting all over. Everybody‘s anx-
ious to get started.“

“He seems like a pretty strict dis-
ciplinarian." junior offensive guard
Joel Mazella said. “There's just
kind of a charisma about him.
Everything‘s open right now,"

Although Curry did not promise

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“I kind of knew what
kind of guy he was
’cause he’s kind ofa
protege of Coach

Chris Tolbert,
UK cornerback

said that he will encourage his
players to set their priorities.

“Each young person will be
taught to think for himself in the
area of his personal faith, his fann~
ly. his education and his football
team," Curry said. “Those will be
the priorities and will be kept in
that order."

"He's been saying that he wants
us to have a good outlook and to be
champions on and off of the held,"
Tolbert said.

Players also said they were ini-
pressed with Curry's ability to

"He‘s verv smart when he talks,"
quarterback Freddie Maggard said.
"He doesn‘t beat around the bush. I
really respect that in a man and m a

Players stud that ('iirry did not
tell them what changes would be
made on the field ilt‘Xl fall.

“He came in and let us know
what he expected of us during the
winter workouts.” said _itinior flank»
er Steve Phillips. “Hopefully we
can get a lot of good I‘llhilt‘ll} tor
the football team."



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even know what we have to work
With. But I know what the princi-
ples (of the team) are here and l
have a great love and respect for
everything that Newton and Coach
(‘laibome have done here."

And Claiborne also was quick to
comment about (.‘urry’s decision to
come to UK.

“I‘m very happy that Bill accept-
ed the head football position at the
l‘inversity of Kentucky," Claiborne
said ma news release. “He will do
an excellent Jtlh iii every phase of
the program a, sot tally, academi-
tally. athletically and in the treat—
ment of the players.

“Bill will step right in and keep
the program niov mg in the right di-

Curry said that he has not made a
decision on who his new staff will
be. He said some of his assistants at
Alabama “said the} would definite-
ly come," but others had not made
a decision.

"We w ill lill out our staff as time
[‘Cflllll\. l iliin‘i know what will
happen. lhtit's very much in a
state or this." he saitl

Curry said he could not comment
on whether any current L'K assist-

‘ tints would be retained until alter he


Happy Days: UK coach Bill Curry is congratulated Monday night by
athletics board member lormer Gov A 8. "Happy" Chandler



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Kentucky Kernel





“I’m very happy that Bill
accepted the head
football position at the
University of Kentucky.
He will do an excellent
job in every phase of the
program —— socially,
academically, athletically
and in the treatment of
the players.”

Jerry Claiborne.

ex-UK football coach

meets with them.

As far as recruiting is concemed.
Curry said he would begin “this
weekend" after returning from San
Francisco where a coach‘\ met-int.
is taking place.

“We are the state univcrau, .l.’ f
our first priority will be to propri;
evaluate the in~staie pl.ij.ers an! to
recruit the ones we believe .it")
good enough to athicve our goals
which will be to first win the Kl-(‘f'
he said. “Beyond ihai we will re
truit the surrounding ill'.';l‘. 'llieri

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The Kentucky Kernel

CA Duane Boniler
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 6-Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, January 10,1990



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Two years ago the Lexington arts
community suffered a gr