xt7ncj87m547 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87m547/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 2001 Vol.72 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, January 2001 Vol.72 No.1 2001 2001 2019 true xt7ncj87m547 section xt7ncj87m547 , FF (g U‘LEX 405
33] lfiNsusRARY SOUTH
'{SEYMTON KY ,, . 3
. .. "40506-0039
Volume 72, Number 1 - January 2001 I I as S
I I -
KCIItUCky papers USE, pay The new Appalachian Ne ws-Express
. . . see“:
of Smngers vanes w1dely egg " ates
efiemefi “‘5' I _ [one ”segue . Weekefi 'j
3"” aieeae‘eesse
By JACINTA FELDMAN always come back with the stories “legs: nfl*%22%%”%’$§3§§r’iggfifiiig‘gfifiifia
Susan Reed Lambert, editor of newspaper, it is better for just him Eff?" ’ ' 9§4§§3;“§%e3s3{;:3121:35 555%? ’

’ the LaRue County Herald News, and his wife to take care of every- :3 " _ ”jigje:;i§,gEigfigfiwszf"We; ”3““ 3
uses freelancers every week to pro- thing. “*giegfieififie ‘1 ,3; I
duce her newspaper. “I would love to say, ‘Lord, we W _' #5:“: g.

A coach at the local high school use freelancers all the time, and 33 f; 3.
covers all the sports, a freelance boy we got some good ones,’ but we v 3 ‘ 3 7 e “New ~
photographer takes pictures and don’t,” he said. , 3g... , m .3 .3" 3
two non-staffers write for the news Across Kentucky, there are as 7 sfie ( 1 ' l ‘ ‘
section, many different policies, procedures " s 1., 3 1,, i

“I’m the only staff writer here. and attitudes about freelance writ- " ' . "' 3"". 3
I’m the editor and the general man- ers as there are neWSpapers. Pay ’ , 1‘
ager, and without the help from my for freelancerS’ Sporadic work , ._ - ' l :‘ ‘
contributors, I honestly don’t see varies, ranging anywhere from $5 WW I 3
how we could put out as good of a to more than $100 per story W , z, ., ’ I '
paper,” she said- depending on the Size 0f the Paper w 3‘ .

But not everyone agrees that and the complexity of the article if” "-
freelance writers are the best way they write '
to beef up local coverage At "105‘; newspapers, freelene' a .

Loyd Ford, who is owner, pub- ing is not a lucrative career OPPOI“ *z§;e"s’“ 3

, lisher and editor °_f The Lake News tun1aty. News-Express photo by Melissa Cornet!
1“ Calvert C‘ty» 331d hls Paper hard- tell generally; “filer? pefpll: callt, I Gov. Paul Patton christened the newly renovated Appalachian News-
ly ever E1593 freelancers because 1t em ”,1 t e.y re 00 mg or Express building with a bottle of champagne during the newspaper's
‘5 too dlfficult to find peoPle Who money’ they re gomg to have to 0 en house ceremon Dec 2 (See sto on a e 6)
are reliable. Freelancers don’t See STRINGERS. page 12 p y I ' ry p g '
I OttB adv €I'tlSlIl Flrst-ever annual sessmn beglns
ry g The first annual session of the biannual to annual sessions.
Kentucky General Assembly has In November, voters approved
already started, and the KPA News the amendment.
rules relaxed by l I SPS Bureau is again providing coverage During odd years, legislators
for member newspapers interested will meet for a shorter, 30-day ses-
, _ , , in the service. sion. In even ears, the will hold
, The Postal Servme has relaxed ‘3 pleased that the Postal Semce S Last year, House Speaker Jody their traditionil 60-day zession.
ltS rules governing “prohlbited ma1l legal department rev1ewed 1ts rules Richards, D-Bowling Green spon- The first of the new shortened
matter” and the rules now allow in light 0f recent Supreme Court sored House Bill 936. The bill puta version started Jan. 2.
newspapers to publish lottery precedent. The Postal Service's constitutional amendment on this By the end of December, there
agvzrtfeglseggsiogg 3:11;: 1 Talk: erirgledliedl'tmrlgtpegefr: 212;: ::;:::1: year’s ballot that would revamp the were already prefiled bills touching
n w O ne 1 u 1 1 1 ,
are lepga‘l)e under state laws. The line “path what other media can do,” General Assembly S schedule from See SESS'ON’ page 6
National Newspaper Association said Max Heath, NNA's Postal - . . 4 5.; ., - . ~ 33. 3-3,
(NNA) and its community newspa- Committee Chairman and execu- 3 3' ' 3 3 ' ‘ ” ; . ' ., s__};* 3:11»:
per members have been urging the tive editor, LCNI. j,i’="ff?*"?'?_3‘*‘-;g33:52.:i-jj.1§:iI;3.”,_~,3-33,, - " ' '_ : * ' = '-
Postal Service for decades to loosen The Postal Service was urged ’13 .23: 3.7,; .3 ” .3
the regulations on one of the most by NNA to reconsider its lottery 3'7 ‘ H * " ' _ ‘ ‘. -' 3 ' ' ' 3 3' {-
labyrinthine rules in the US. rules in light of the 1999 Supreme V ' 3;; ' 3 “ 3r-
Postal Service's Domestic Mail Court decision, Greater New ‘ 3 2 3 , 3 '. f q g i . ' ‘ , f ,
Manual. Orleans Broadcasting Association . 3 ' 3 " - ' ’ 3. , ’ " " -

“NNA has long been working (GNOBA) V. vs. The Court held a r , ' ’ 3 .- , * . g - ‘ ‘ .-
towards a better solution for the federal statute prohibiting the 7 .- 1 3 ' . 3- '
rules governing mailed distribution . ,
of lottery ads in newspapers. NNA SOC LOTTERY, page 9 3 ,

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, January 2001
K t k l . th
r listener.” ny that has made significant con- native of Henry County. Her duties
Maddox “dined to top Maddox, 49, was born in tributions to the advancement of include writing some articles, tak-
Spot at MadlSOHVlllC Muhlenberg County and grew up in women in the workplace. ing photos of events, typing,
T M dd h b i d Owensboro. Since October 1997, he A committee from the answering phones and covering
buy a ox as ecn name has been general manager of The Lexington area selected the Herald sports events at the schools.
gluZl'lShe'll] Of The MCSbenger In Henderson Gleaner. from eight nominees. Tommye
a memo e. - - -
_ _ Maddox was employed by the Middleton, Vice preSident of the BO 8 name ~.
h hiaddgx Em“ succeed BS? hl/lomst,‘ Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer from FOl't Harrod BPW and chairman of gg d Sport's
W 0 as ecn name P“ 13 er 0 1974 to 1985 and from 1991 to 1997 the state National and Professional edltor at Harlan Dally
The Dally Stflr _ln I'Iamménd’ La" as circulation manager. Woman’s WEEK aCthlthS, Sfild the J B h b d
after five years w1th The Messenger. The Messenger-Inquirer was committee was pleased w1th the erry- oggs as een name
The Messenger and Star are two _ 1 . , ., encoura ement and advan"ement sports editor at The Harlan Daily
. recently purchased by I axton Media. g b . .
0f 29 daily papers owned by Paxton of women within the company. Enterprise. Boggs IS 3 Bledsoe
Media Group ofPaducah. . The paper also won the Fort native who joined the stafflate this
Maddox said he will follow the HaITOdSburg papa" Wlnb Harrod Business Equity Award. summer after a two-year stint at
lead ofMorris. " ‘ V - V The Middlesboro Daily News. He
“I quickly saw how Bob has been BUblnCSb EClUlty awards NCWS JOurnal hag {W0 attended Lincoln Memorial
a positive influence in the communi~ The Harrodsburg Herald was ‘ ‘ University and majored in English.
ty, and the leadership he has given presented with the Business n€W CdltOrial Staffers Boggs began his career with the
The Messenger," Maddox said. Equity Award from the. Kentucky , Enterprise in 1997 as a staff
“It will take some time to famil- Business and Professional The Somerset-Pulaski News reporter while he was in college.
iarize myself with the company and Women’s Club Nov. 11. gourrialliastacflfdethwo 238% mem-
the communit . I want to be a ood The award is 'ven to a com a- ers 0 1 :g S a ‘ 0%? a S as a ' '
y g g1 p sports writer and Dennis Bolton as Spencer hlred In new
__ __ a photographer. ' ' .
. The KentUCky Press Eads, a native of Somerset, is a pOSlthn at can OlltOn
. . . raduate of Eastern Kentuck Rachel Spencer has been hired
The KmNCkyPress(ISSNWZW324)ls pUb' D‘smd 13 g[);Jniversit with a de ee in broad): as the new editorial assistant at
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise . ‘ y gr . ‘ Th N D “ ‘ ‘ ‘ .
Association/KentuckyPressService,inc. casting. After graduation, Eads _ e. ews emocrat. She is a
I’eriodicaLclasspostageispaid atFrankfm-t, District14 worked for First Radio, Inc. and junior at Carroll County High
KY, 40601. Subscription price is$8pcr year. David Thomberry,Commonwealth-Journal South Kentucky RECC. School and plans to major in either
2’5““??? Sel‘figg‘aé‘geufaddfifmme In 1995, he started working at print or broadcast journalism at
emuc Y ”55/ ‘ "usumer 6, DiSWiCt15‘A the Pulaski Week as a sports Western Kentucky University.
Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223-8821. Don White, Anderson News writer. Since then he has also Spencer is also a member of Carroll
Officersand Directors DistrictlS—B worked at The Commonwealth- County High School’s volley ball
Kentucky Press Association John Nelson, Danville AdvocaterMessenger Journal, where he was sports edl- and dance teams.
tor earlier this year.
”wide!“ StateatLarge Bolton is a newcomer to the '
Teresa Revlett, McLean County News Sharon Tuminski, Winchester Sun newspaper business. Since 1995, he LaWhead named Clty
President Elect Tm. Hm, Benton Tfibmam, has worked as 8* ProfeSSIOPal driver editor at Herald-Leader
- . .. .. for the motion picture industry
Marty Backus, Appalachian News—Express _ _ a Aft l t d. t
Taylor Hayes Kentucky New Era including “The Chamber,” “GhOStS er near y W0 years as e 1 0r
Past President ' of Mississippi” and “My Dog Skip.” Of The News Enterprise, Deedra
Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader Associates Division He moved to Somerset from L‘dWhead left the paper in
_ . Armando Arrastid/ Alabama. November to become city editor at
33:33:32: 18& 1mm“ )ur ial Kentucky Department of Education The Lexington Herald-Leader.
‘i ' 9‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ At the Herald-Leader,
Treasurer advertfiing Diva?“ [x MltChell JOlnS Staff Lawhead will lead the city desk,
. ‘ aine 01' Van, ens )I'O ' '
Dav1d (,reer, The Kentucky Standard, Messengerinquirer at Henry CO. Local and Will_coordinate the. efforts of
Bardstown An 1 M' h ll h b h' d two ass1stant City editors and
. . NewsEditOfial Division b Th g‘Har ItCCe tabL 99? ”'9 about 15 reporters in covering
Districtl Chris Poore, Lexington Herald-Leader y e . e ‘Fy Du.“ y oca as. an
Alice Rouse, Murray Ledger&Times Office/9d1t0T131 3331Stant- She 15 a See PEOPLE, page 10
Circulation Division
District 2 Kriss Johnson, Lexington Herald-Leader "——_—_——'
Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress
New Media Division Deaths
District 3 Eric Kyle, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger lnquirer -. .
Journal‘bm Educahon Samuel Adkins Adkins, who taught journalism
Dism?” . . Bhitdiiiiiof Kentucky The Rev. Samuel C. Adkins, a at the University of Louisville's
Charlie Portmam'anklm Favorite former newspaperman and televi- University college, h9d a news
DistrictS GeneralCounscls Sion moderator, died NOV. 23 at analySis on WHAS rad“) and was
DaVid Greer, The Kentucky Standard, IUD Fleischaker dnd Kim Greene Wesley Manor nursing home after the anderator for a WHAS‘TV pI‘O-
Bardstown Dmsmore & 5h0hl a short illness. He was 90_ gram that discussed trends in reli-
. . For more than 30 years gious thought.
District6 Kentucky Press ASSOCIdi’lOH . ‘ .‘ .’ ~ ) -
Dorothy Abemathy,()ldham Era Kentucky Press Service Staff Adkins was aSSistant Sunday edi- After l“? Fttklrement from the
David T. Thompson, Exewtive Director tor for the Courier-Journal and newspaper I“ t .9 19798; Adklns
District7 Bonnie Howard, Controller Louisville Times Co, where he also entered the full-time ministry and
Kelley Wamick, Gallatin County News Lisa Camahan, Member Services Director worked as a war correspondent. He PBStOFOd ChUFChOS in LOUlSVillei
IliaS‘lerooku,Adxéir/tflnimrecéor i was one of the first journalists to Owensboro, Hodgensville and
District 8-9 0 a eWLs, esear ar eting tuirtinator ( , . - . _ H d r _
Ken Metz, Bath County News~0utlook Jeff Snitesman, [NAN Accoxuit Executive 'itcompany troops during the inva arne ihy . . .
Jacinta Feldman. News Bureau Director Sion Oi Normandy. He ls survived by his Wlfe,
DistrictIO-ll David Spencer, NewMedia Administrator . Hi5 wrltmg Skills also landed Martha Martm Adkins; 89115
Jerry Pennington, Ashland Daily independent Sue Cammack, Administrative Assistant him a spot in a Journalistic pool Michael M. and Gerald S. Adkins:
Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant that covered the first atomic bomb and daughter, Martha Lynn
DiStTiCt 12 . ‘ Rachel‘Mt‘Cart)‘, Adwrfifins ASSNJN test in the Pacific before the end of Adkins; four grandchildren and six
Stephen Bowling, Jackson Times Holly Singers. Tearsheet ( oordmator World \Nar ll. great grandchildren.

 The Kentucky Press, January 2001 - Page 3
N w t - ' - - ’
e Sprln Did Circulation grow 1n 00? It all depends...
. 2000, the total Sunday circulation standardize newspaper column
pnces S€t On Second was 726,517 (727,208 in 1999). widths.
Thought On average, Kentucky weekly Back then (the late ‘703, early
0 i ‘ “if“; newspapers (we define weeklies as ‘803), column widths varied.
to Increase T— D “T .. ones published one to three times a Advertisers might have to design
Wn' 3% week) had a circulation of 4072 three or four sizes of any one ad
. KPA Executive Director subscribers. just because newspapers couldn’t
North America’s llargest g” What does remain fairly com get together on how wide to make
newsprint manufacturer p ans to . . 9 stant, however, is readership. And columns. Much less, how many
raise its prices by 8 percent on cu 1:3; 211118 0: 31:: Sugzlg' Is the that’s what we need to look at and columns to have.
March 1, the fourth increase since pDe en din on howp i'u look at what newspapers need to push. So SAU’s came along. It wasn’t
last fall. thin 8p ou gould sa yKentuck Circulation figures are one easy at first to get newspapers to
Newsprint maker Abitibi- newsg E; )ers showed ayver sli h)t’ thing, but readership shows the change to SAU’s but we at least
Consolidated Inc. said Dec. 4 it circulgti‘dn decline in the ayst far true story. convinced them over time to make
began informing publishers of the Or ou could sa Kentuck‘? nevzs a; We could learn from the elec- the change. Of the 150 or so
increase the previous week. r: showed a v); sli ht incre a s]; tronic media and their ‘listenership’ Kentucky newspapers, all but three
If the increase occurs, pe Both could bye cgrrect state- figures. They don’t tell you how did so.
newsprint costs would rise from ments many radios are turned to their It was an easy process to
about $610 to about $660 per met- According to USPS Statements station, they tell you how many explain to advertisers. Even to the
ric ton. of Ownership file d by state newspa- people are listening. The same is pointthat we memorized "one col-
“It’s the continuing strength of p ers the total circulation in true for newspapers — it’s not Just umn is 2 1/16 inches; two columns
the world newsprint market,” said October 1999 was 1 199 595 A how much Circulation your newspa- are 4 1/4 inches; three columns
Denis Leclerc, director of year later the ’October, statements per has, it’s how many people read are”....well, you get the picture.
Montreal-based Abitibi. “We feel show a ,total circulation of It. . _ In the broadcast media, 30 sec-
it’s in the long-term interest of all 1 197 131' Readership studies conducted onds IS 30 seconds. It’s not 27 sec—
stakeholders to take this step in ’ Biit that’s with one less news- by the Kentucky Press Assoc1ation onds at one station, 295 seconds at
returning prices to a level consis- paper that had a circulation of from the late ‘80s until the late ‘905 another. 15 IS 15, 30 is 30,. 60 is 60.
tent with the reasonable return for 3 950. showed that on average 2.33 people . Now comes the 50—inch web
both parties.” ’ The Garrard County News read each copy of.a newspaper. Widths. And it’s back to being dif-
The increase had been widely merged with the Central Record That figure remained constant ferent.
expected, given limitations in during 2000 and with it went its through all the studies. National . There are at least three column
newsprint production and supply 3 950 CirCUIation. Put that number readership studies have shown Widths'being pushed for newspa-
and relatively high demand, said into the 2000 figure and we actual- higher numbers of readers and pers going to 50-inch WidthsSlight
economist Andrew Battista of 1y have a circulation increase this newspapers could use 2.7 to 2.8 variations, granted, but still its not
Resource Information Systems year. I’m an optimist and would readership'per copy totals. . , advertiser,friendly. ‘
Inc., a consulting firm focused on argue that Kentucky newspapers But With our studies, it s at So we re back to the 705 and
the forest products industry. had an increase... least safe to say 2.33 persons read before. AgenCIes could have to cre-
“It’s no secret right now that If a frog had wings it wouldn’t each copy of Kentucky newspapers. ate at least five different ad Sizes to
the market is very tight and is go hopping around all day wearing - IJsmg that'safeguard, the 1.197 truly fit the column, Widths. There
expected to be very tight through- out its rear end. million paid Circulation totals out are those who didn t change With
out 2001,” he said. As of October Kentucky had to about 2,789,315 readers. the SAU agreement. There are
Newsprint supplies have 127 weekly newspapers and 24 :k * * :k a: :k :k * * those that are Still .SAU and have
stayed in check because producers daily newspapers. There’s been no no plans, at least immediate, to
are switching some mills over to change in the number of Kentucky I thought maybe I was the only change. And there. are those adopt-
manufacturing other types 0f dailies in several years, and even person questioning the industry’s ing one Of the variations suggested
paper the number of Kentucky weekly move to 50-inch web Widths. for 510an two? Md“): 1
that net larger profits, and retir- newspapers has remained constant. I know, it’s a cost-saving mea- .t 0.11 g t .washt e (my person
ing some older mills, Battista said. The breakdown shows weekly sure. That’s the ONLY reason I’ve questioning thls‘lT: SUbJeCt came
Increased spending by adver- newspapers, though decreasing in heard. up inlseveralktel Epdof’eb conversa-
tisers for pages in the nation’s number by one, had a net gain of Save newsprint, save dollars. “9’18 {fit wee ' 1 “t ring It up,
newspapers has also fueled the 2,154 circulation in 2000 with the I’m just afraid in the long run it IJust listened. And agreed. ,
demand for neWSprint, allowing 24 Kentucky dailies down 4,618. might end up costing a lot of dol- th fWe Re shooting ourselves m
newsprint producers to gradually The 127 weekly newspapers had a lars, as in advertising dollars. e 00t' gain.
raise their prices from about $480 total of 517,262 subscribers on the Makes sense to me. * * * * * * * * *
a metric ton last September to October statements while daily Not long were the days when
$610. newspapers had 679,869. newspapers and advertiSing agen- PREDICTION: Headline in
However, forecasts of slower Sunday circulation figures were Cies worked together and came up December, 2017’ Advertising Age:
advertising growth could curtail down 651 in 2000 over the previous with a great idea — something . .
newspapers’ demand for newsprint year. Fifteen Kentucky daily news- called the Standard Advertising AAAA9 Print Media Agree
in the near future. papers have Sunday editions. In Unit (SAU). It was designed to on Standard Column Wldths
2 ' l
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 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, January 2001
J 1° d t ff 1t' 1 b f’t
By JESSICA WHITE we are going to need. Research is ,
Editor, The Tribal Tribune the heart of writing, and most H h h 1
(Editor’s Note: At the 2000 important portion of any written 1g SC 00 newspapers
Kentucky High School Journalism work taken places place before the .
Association (KHSJA) State writer writes the first word. We b t th t d t k 11
Convention in Louisville, sometimes write as many as six DOS 0 er S u en S 1 S
Montgomery County High School drafts before an article, radio
won the Grand Champion Award. broadcast or video feature is final- ' ' ' ' not only for students, but also for
The honor is bestowed on the school ly ready to distribute to the school CIlthal thlnk|ng’ teSt the school and community.
with the best all-aroundjournalism and community. SCOTGS hlgher among “1 think the opportunity to
rogram in the state. Editors with At many high schools, journal- - ' artici ate does so much for stu-
fhe the state Department of ism is an extracurricular activity StUdent JournallStS gents pand is the reason, I
Education’s publication, Kentucky that is not part of the core curricu— believe, if all other ro rams
Teacher, invited Jessica White, edi- lum. At Montgomery County By KEVIN HARTER were cut it would be Ehe fine to
, . . St. Paul (MN) Pioneer Press ,, ’. . .
tor of the schools student newspa- High, adViser Kenn Johnson, f b 11 h' keep, said Linda Putney, direc-
per, to submit this article at the end maintains that journalism in one Forget OOt a ’ marc ing tor of the Journalism Education "
of her senior year. She is now a of the most important classes a band, chess club and debate. Association.
freshman majoring in journalism high school can offer. Beyond gomg to class and study ' “In publishing a newspaper,
at Western Kentucky University.) “Journalism is a valuable com- 19g hard, the "‘95? important students put social skills, time
In the past 15 years, in vari- ponent of the state’s core content h‘gh “ho?” activity —-.some management, writing, design,
ous competitions, Montgomery and provides and excellent oppor- experts believe - 15 working on and technology to use in a prod-
County High School’s Tribal tunity to improve students’ com— the student newspaper. net that serves the community.”
Tribune has won 13 awards for munication skills,” said Johnson, Local and national scholastic Students also practice criti-
best newspaper. We have built a who has at the school since 1986 press experts said working on a
tradition of taking newspaper pro- and worked nearly 20 years for student newspaper is beneficial See NEWSPAPERS, page 11
duction seriously. This years, for newspapers.
the fiFSt time, we added a broad- “Any kind 0f journalism, groups,” Ballestero said. “It room as a way to improve their
cast division to the department, whether print or broadcast, help helped me become a better writer awareness of the media.
and we have tried to make it as you dead with people,” said senior and become more aware of mis- “Every time 1 watch the news
good as our newspaper. . broadcast anchor Michael Clark. takes while writing in all my and read newspapers, I find
. t Cilur school SdStUdenttJhOlir2al- “Jaititrrlialismt alsolhelpled me Ylith classes. I have learned to. eclit my myself critiquing,” said senior
is s ave aine more a ro- or o 10 en ries in c asses 0 er - - a
bias andgaccolades. We have Ehan 'ournalism]. M En lish wortk”more than I ever dld 1n the page editor Katherine Kennedy. I
p , J y g , pas - . . , find good things about them and
developed as researchers, writers teacher told me my writing Through her Journalism skills, catch the bad things and then use .
and reporters, and have learned improved significantly in just a Ballestero recently had a change this to im k t
. ,, prove my own wor a
that democracy is based on the few months. to help herself as well as the school 0:
rights and responsibilities inher- Many of the seniors took as school in testing and portfolios. Th . l' l h t
ent in the First Amendment. many as eight journalism courses “During our [core content] e journa mm C ass as no
Publishing a high-quality in three years as part of our testing, we had to write either a only allowed us to develop as stu-
newscast or newspaper involves school’s block schedule. Senior letter to the editor or an editorial. dents in high school, bUt also
hours of work. We must prepare page editor Diana Ballestero said I chose to write an editorial. opened many doors tothe'future.
background information and set the classes helped her more than because of my journalism experi- , Since I am C0“51d,e“"g jour-
up interviews with students, any other class. She said journal- once, I was able to write a top- nalism as a career, thls program
administration, faculty and people ism should be a required class. notch editorial. I also used two is very beneficial to me,” said
throughout the community. “Journalism is a great factor newspaper stories in my portfolio, junior Sarah Mitchell. “Even if I
One of the most important in developing writing skills, and which was a great help toward don’t choose journalism as a
things we have learned is to gath— broadcast experience is a great [achieving a proficient ratingl.” career, this class has helped me to
er more notes, information and way to help students who are shy Many students also focus on improve my skills and prepared
photo or video shots than we think about talking in front of large journalism outside of the class- me for college and the workplace.”
P f th2001P °d' l t t
. By MAXHEATH written on lines 73-74 of Postal The National Customer 2001) for in-county with just 25
Newspapers need to take steps Statement 3541-R for in-county Support Center in Memphis has percent of the active possible deliv~ '
now to prepare for implementation m,ail, and on lines 22-23 for out-of- proposed to provide free electronic eries on a route. Ask your postmas-
of the 2001 Periodical postage county mail. sequencing of an ASCII file on ter for the Delivery Statistics .
rates, which could take effect as Submit your list. on cards to diskette, but that service is unlike- Report showing “active possibles”
early as Jan. 7. Publishers need to delivery post offices under 1y to be operational until later in then compute your subscribers as a
be in compliance With rule changes Domestic Mail Manual A920.2.9, 2001. Watch Pub Aux for details of percent of those on each route.
to ensure their ability to save which provides for free walk- this program when final. In many cases, this will lower
money. Here 3 how: . sequencmg. Some offices prefer to Another option for papers usmg your piece rate from 4.3 cents now
Walk sequence ALL copies sort- work from a list. Many papers electronic CASS-certified list pro- (4 7 next car) to 32 cents That
ed to carrier routes (six of more on sequence larger routes for high- ceasing of their carrier-route mail 1 5 'y - ' ' -
. . . . . . cents is big money when multi-
a city, rural or highway contract denSity rate, but not all routes, or is to rely on Line-of-Travel (LOT) l'ed th f (Y
route, or post office box section). A at some small offices. sequencing, which is also accept- p.‘ over e course 0 a year. on
new requirement for that rate in The National Newspaper able for the carrier route rate. Most Sh" need 125 pieces on .out-of-coum
2001 is that some form of sequenc- Association has obtained a form CASS programs, such as the popu- ty ”9““ for high-deputy rate,‘but
ing be used, and updated every 90 from USPS Business Mail lar Mailers+4, install LOT in the again, walk sequencmg ‘8 'equefi
days. Unsequenced copies (or more Preparation allowing post offices to carrier-route field. for the “fie-l ““8 alone could mm'
than a 5 percent error rate) could approve sequencing if still correct, I recommend walk sequencing, gate the increasesin 2001' ,
be charged at the 5-digit rate of 8.3 and no changes in route sequencing which is in precise delivery order. The sequencmg reqmrement
cents per copy instead of the new since last sequenced. That form, Why? Because NNA obtained a kept the carrier route rate lower
4.7-cent piece rate for basic carrier and the letter authorizing its use, rule change effective in January than it would otherwise ”"0““ have
route mail. should be submitted every 90 days 1999 that allows the much cheaper been, and will hold down future
The sequencing date is to be to each office. high-density piece rate (3.2 cents in $00 PERIODICAL. POD. 1‘

 The Kentucky Press, January 2001 - Page 5
‘ Technology Today @361
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“(commas pieces of “Happy New Year" art- —
By Kevin Slimp ' ' work. I found a beautiful full-color ,
UT/TPA Institute . piece of artwork which worked it“ . .M'
of Newspaper I Ema. beautifully for the ad Greg needed. ‘TR . s
Technotori :iggz ' if" Five minutes later the ad was fin— , ' . t ._ . j;
ished and s1tt1ng on Greg’s desktop V .V _ . , v g h n.7, 3‘1 Agassp-ssf
. i as an EPS file. I was sold on - g2?” g " if; :3;

Greg Sherri“ ran Into my Office AdBFgléign'I deCided to O baCk to gig {it lanky ‘V.;:.?._:V_:-:VV..., @ “A,
yesterday afternoon in a panic. IVIe AdBuildeil‘ com and see vihat else I at "kg 1’?“ g“ if" 7°” .

A, realized there was a blank space 1n could find I ntered th ) D'1 it 1 " _. gs.»- g g r . " g Left and above: Two examples of
the newspaper where a full-page, Used C rs. qr: and g ,. L h lglfgr ' .;_ - r at, ”.1! a; artwork found through the web-
full-color ad was supposed to be. hotos :f‘Jl u:r" Tfitafc :9 63 a"? . "biz .5. x A: I}, site: AdBuilder.com. Below is an
With a crazed look in his eyes he cliff) ‘ t (lift g 'f J. in W‘ 'l ., ” ' Q -- ” f example from another site,
asked, “Kevin, can you design an 1 (ren p 0‘ 0 “8‘13.” avai ' r a MetroCreativeGraphics.com or

. ,. able. I chose a black & white photo a, a e w , a ‘
ad for me fast? . - (MCG).
of a Jaguar and clicked on the -_____, - _w___>
Enter AdBuilder.com appropriate link (downloading a l
. . , (C C C. l‘ci‘ l" ' ' ' '

It seemed like the perfect time iiiiekiviiliiiggthbmpphbtii; C ltkmg on d V . ,
to test a new website I’ve been hear- Next I went to the Crossword '
ing about gamed AdBuilder.com, , puzzle area, 1 entered “January” in m -.---.-_-_--_-__

AdBuilder ‘5 Multi-ad Serv1ces the search area and puzzles (and “~QW‘“;*H“““ A .
answer to newspaper clipart on the solutions) for each day in January «“wa ‘ fl fit» accegsflnas |
Internet: , h appeared on the screen. I down- N” ,.‘ , ”he-J"

Similar ”.1 theory to Metro 5 loaded an eps version of one of the l . l
MetroCreatlveGraphlcs.C0m, puzzles and it printed perfectly ' . ' _ t N
AdBu11der.com allows the user to from Quark PageMaker and , m» , V [V V .. i
search ten years worth of artwork, InDesign. I also decided to look for . s/K 4:34;;35g ,1 _ , E
photos and ads from MUItl'ad S clipart of Santa. I entered “Santa” tfig ‘ ' ,-

~ AdBuilder and Scan CD artwork in the search window and hun- It, '* '
subscription services. In addition, dreds of pieces of color and black & "“1” “731:“
artwork ’13 ”1911.1de from white artwork appeared on the _;_.__“--z--- i
lVVIacDonaVld S Class1f1ed VServices, screen. I selected one (in EPS for- *4— 49-4-1“ J‘Wéwr l
IVOVfi Cllpart and Adllfe POOd mat) and downloaded it to my _____________.____._____________
Images. _ _ . desktop. still a few bugs to work out, but Although similar to AdBuilder,

AdBuilder works llke ““53 I For a final test I went to the most of the time these filters MCG has some features which set
enter www.adbu11der.c0m and am Food section. I entered “croissant” worked surprisingly well. it apart in some areas. Upon enter-
greeted Wlth a personal greeting in the search window and several New users can try out the ing the site, I noticed that the
(today’s was “Happy HOIIdaYS photos of croissants appeared. I AdBuilder site by clicking on the home page offered entry through
KBle)- I then 5918“ a category selected a photo (in EPS format) “Guest” link upon entering. This three areas: edi