xt7ncj87m522 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87m522/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1945 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1945 Vol.16 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, August 1945 Vol.16 No.10 1945 1945 2019 true xt7ncj87m522 section xt7ncj87m522 , . 3 4 >3 - 3 ‘ ' ' 3- -- ~ ‘ J J . J -3 , ‘ V J, »_._‘_____r~",~__m_;;_:t._-_._c;.;s;;_.-;:.::3,..:.:,:.'“...‘.t,:wi;Tfi-;gs. 3
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J: v: 43
tProposed Rate Is D t ' t l T P 3 ~
g e rtmen a. 0 apers , .
‘V Publication of testimony on book postal pay future postal charges is not clear. l’ostal on the heretofore unquestioned acceptance J‘ J'Jr‘
. if rates recently disclosed that C. A. Heiss, regulations allow publishers one year to ob- of the cost ascertainment report were evident . J J ‘
”1611' Jé special consultant to the Postmaster General, tain renewals or remove the delinquent sub- in the minority report. In considering pros- ‘, J J
For ? anticipates that placing newspaper postage scriber front second-class rate mailings. The pects of overcoming the department program J' ' 3 J J
estic J an a self-sustaining basis will require a self department’s schedules showing the “increas- for newspaper rate increases, the cold fact is _ J J
’teen 1 mg price of 7 or 8 cents per copy. The pre- es per unit of paid circulation" on typical that almost two—thirds of the House commit- J j~ '
13dicti0n, made in an executive committee daily and weekly newspapers carried the sig— tee subscribed to the majority views which JJJ .JJJ.
with g sessmn, was revealed in a spirited colloquy nificant footnote that the extra mailing cost stressed their approval of this policy: “Those ’ J33 3
\2 between the postal official and Rep. Hartley be ”required from subscription and advertis- who use the postal service for the transpor- JJJ; .: . 33J
f; (R): Of New Jersey, ranking minority com- ing revenue or from profits." In other words, tation and delivery of mail of a strictly busi- :33 lJJJ J j J j 3
:r of J2 mittee member. Heiss admitted at the pub- if the added postal charges are not passed on ness character should be required to pay JJiJJ :2f 1 3
than ,2: “C ll€aringz “To place newspapers on a self the readers or advertisers in higher rates, the postage rates sufficient to cover the cost of 3i JJ J f
It 0f J3’SllStaln1ng basis now it would be necessary publisher must meet the advance “from the service rendered to them.” J J.” J
tple. ‘t to Increase the postal cost several times. profits." The number of newspapers handled in 3 J 3} jJ
; not ti though there are other ways of going about The Heiss testimony was presented before 1944 was approximately 1,484,000,000, and J J
, 1‘ A: It. You could step up the cost by annual he submitted his extensive report on second- the number of pieces handled was upwards »’ JJ J » '
‘JP L 3 StePS." Apparently referring to Heiss' com- class rates (summarized in NBA Legislative of 4.(i33,0()0,000. Two examples of the ef- _
e ”J J ments in private committee sessions. Repre Bulletin, July 18). Heiss informed the (our feet of postal rate changes were given in , ‘ . /
SEIltative Hartley reminded him: ”Your mittee. “1 am absolutely opposed to sub- NliA Legislative Bulletin, july 18. To illus- 3 J JJ3. '
pro- J‘J Statement was to the effect that in order to sidies." It is noteworthy that the committee trate the rates, here are others from the .JJ ‘3'3’. J
llern is put newspapers on a self-sustaining postal in reporting the book rate bill as part of a department's schedule and based on their “J. JJ 3
:tries J basis it would be necessary to charge 7 or series to make all classes selfisustaining en- tests: A daily newspaper with 13,652 copies 3. J 3 J .
xi 3 cents for a newspaper and that would put dorsed the department’s cost ascertainment in the mail today weighing 4.7 ounces per J"; J J
)ossi< ll “1;th or many of them out of business." report (upon which the proposed newspaper Single copy pays a yearly postage of $19,544. 3' JJ 3
etter JJ eekly newspapers sent by mail now aver- rates are based), claiming it “accords lull Under the proposed rates, this publication J‘ 3; ,
_ ‘ JJ J age 3 01‘ 4 cents per copy at $1.50 or $2.00 faith and credit to the soundness and authen- at the same weight per copy but paying one- ;j' J. ‘ J »_
Vlng' é a year 511bscription rates. ticity of such study.” fourth cent minimum per copy would hate J ,
{Z In attempting to justify his newspaper However, the first split in the committee a postage bill of $33,328 for the first year ;
J POStal rate, Heiss referred to information he ranks occurred when eight of the 25 members or an increase of $13,784. \Vhen the grad- '1 J 3i; J
fl ”felted from “one weekly newspaperman filed a minority report in which they em- uated per copy increases reach the final step JJJJJHJJ
J1 firlmmg fl s17eable paper that he could setp phasized: “We wish to make it perfectly clear or eighth year at two cents per copy, plus 1JJ=5? - c1r . ‘ ,.,;l])' ’ I. (.13 I ime _ ‘nt 115 '
" ~77“ ‘L‘LL L7 1 111 500 P the P 996 mall 31‘0“ “6‘91 cSS ”550 :1 “Hm , mung I ~lor
. IngejI: E II It-Li 8 Two 16 end less than Hected by] with ~~ 11in? apl [~th sol!“ Pr without t [he pr fskilled la) -
I LIN}? vii 3: , , t t1 . _ e a I ek y 'Eig ( )OS t L t I I en [11“ . e 0 [ic 11m.
' ‘ "-“l‘ ‘ 11" - P09 .nd ‘l )0st ill b '1 “e )y “ 1er I ,‘ll ‘1‘) ~ ble .horl‘lg rapl ‘
‘ {ilxfi .~ t :‘ .528 (1 the I W for t 1 co] I '1 ye: A e “x _ evlta I 21 I5 the g n m
‘ L‘ 'L ‘ L L " ~ ‘ . ~' ‘9 . he 30115 'ng e , hi!h ‘ .} :mg ‘ ll1 -en(.e , \‘C ,Ome
\- I ‘! at v 1- = 1 .1t L’ . 01.15 . S t )bVl 51 u ( 1 I .11 was 6“ I hr‘ ‘x
1 a: 1 a: :v . . blot c m tune t . d a . s n0 rate st ‘6‘ leXl) ears ()ung . work
L' ‘i‘ 3‘ ' L '1: ” ‘1‘ (IOU ' 1 rat 12 Cr ‘ ‘1" unce sed fir ’ l , 011k . ny y . 11d y Ing
\ t :1 ,; .; ,1 han nud .bol‘l ~1se P “on ,0 () rOPO‘ 4 [116 mm .511 . m“ n ‘1 the ag 'th-
5 4' " “ e ‘ a“ ‘ ‘1 ‘ cre‘ 9 t“ P $2 21" tor . me yce . bxr
" 'LLL >‘ ' ‘ mor ' hth 7 ”I I“ '10 ' 46” The -1 t0 ' 11th '1» at n" 0]) 4 (last
5 L “L '1‘? ‘1‘ I: e elg 2,48 The 218 ‘0’ ' m“ . 12- , b11 6 Clg “ rec-1‘ N . )1 r011 0 S m T . age ew§
' LL LLLL Li :I E in of [h ()uld be $1 ('W‘rge' is “Sad ,uld be bi” 0f 1:116 1’05“] end of th is now f first tram“ )2 numbel zlllalned i'g mu"try n er
(4.," ‘5? . r . t A‘ -.'A ‘ ~. ‘
L L 1‘“ FL I L 1“ 5“ age w pesmge-«ulflt‘on my" W he first double 7 at the. n What 1 $29 [ht the squIUU average. Viissol‘l {with the avft
' ‘1‘? LLV‘L -I 3:1; "I 1“ ’ press“; paid (‘11; ce_in.coU5I leVied t ”PiCCe nd [0 $9In addltIOII’III Week yonl)", at CIIt erg T1124 years 1" onll’ardl y Jacob MI
‘5' 3:? =~ 1‘3" ‘3“ - ‘ “ 1‘ ‘.“3 . a ‘ . , 11' ' '4 - be ( )1 ) ~ in
‘I: '~ E v; t, . t 0 f T’ s a . 1 Se. 05[ I 1 € I‘rtl L I I ~[L( . 10"
L: KL; 1 ‘ .3!“ ‘3: un1 bresent charge 0 th year aekly “1d increa n would Cu ieCe (ha {ice deP [0 the day) 0 )lélnls m 1Y '18 rcPOI «Phlcal 1m 1nder
' .1, In; 7, ‘ 1 t 11 ~ - . ~ . I . I . I I. r( 1
~ L“: 5 if w :15; The ged and 7 the elgh “me “6‘5 5 Ounces County d $227 h: post 0 of Pleees Pieces l’al)er[146~ yc‘mhe Typog the groul’
V‘ 3"” ~' ' “- ~' 'n r . e I >*‘ [t )1 10V\’-"
1. ti, .1 t I ‘1 I (ban d $27 «.kc A . lung tad“) ar d T umbe Sam _ (IS: I e ( IS 0 .uC ( I 116“ .
x; ‘:;.;,s“; ’ L ~ ‘ 1‘ an n '1“ . .welg I .1 ~e . Ye 'Bi‘r‘ he ‘1 0“ ‘ 1r C ‘ (1g )mbe ' S» e “h 111g rshIP
I 1» I. .I.I I; I ar 1 ,I .“ls mu 8 first . hth ) ,n t Stage f the 0 . mt I 'CI (15% ,I yen lube
‘r' - .t I
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w: .\ t .1 e . the $8 0° t h e .. \ [he 1 . c6“ 35 to The . um» T-U' 18F”
'13 ‘- ‘ ' 3” r‘ I 1- charg ies m .ing ‘ f 1;],6 “ I,ight 1163- I rge 3 [)6] ~01“ \ llt 0559. 1d][“ 6 I- m 1 ‘
. 7’»; 'IIIiII NI 1“ 2". I ‘g 0 (1)1) 1 Pay ‘ . r6 0 ‘ . [he L a arg is 1.1 hiln 'l\" f] viylfle 1. t . C C01 qt [h -e(l [1‘0 total
' - 41' 1‘1 9‘ 33"“ '~ 6,04 2111‘ osldfv 1 ()1 _ir('U' {Ind 1655 t as p1 1 e I" 1‘ I rUm t [I]! . Te?” f mg
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' IL 'W‘ L‘- L E; 1 Per U11.111 (73113](7 at the c it ”L pd! charge amounts. 0. whlle The ”.6 qbout 23.1210 pointlng 1rs Hf “36 2 Der (Clunvinced [ha
ILII ~ hm-‘Vi [31.“ L; I The I) ‘ $6,18 )Cr l1" . County the ‘ hIIndlln-‘s' rf’or' led) [5 ‘ ,.);1})ers II 60 yC‘ r [0 200 ft is (,( . 16 to age.
L 1 5L i up ‘0 ~ (1-8856 I [‘1‘6‘3'111- $1270 ”f nt the . 9x611“ n Ne“SI ouhty 0"” . 1029 930‘ L0 lmnt‘m
I t t“ - ~ I 4 . . , ~ - . - ' . ‘ - - ‘ .' '
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' L“ 'LL 1‘) " LL L ear or $1 19 “m t ycal 0111?" M300 If e in (I of lxfln f :111 more f C Ibcrshl} mbcrsh‘] dent 11boll
5”" 7 ’ Y of ~ ’ _- firs - c . i» “ (‘ re ,Ost 1t 0 ,‘th 0 non me en .-
~ ‘ - A? ,9 ~ - , '011 _ ln halg rllh . l . f e ‘ CCI . “1 . v use 1 IU. I (161) mmes
' ‘ ‘1? ‘~1 in I 4 ‘ 1‘1“ .Os-t $159 t "PieCC (SIyIIJCr Tltiofl ”1;; cent “for 99 I): r dalllcs weekl‘esl Avel“ [he I'Taverage- i“(111511 )’ 1y OPPOrtl been
J, .I L, . ( - I :1 )w ‘ _. [12 --7 . t a 6 he ) . n he ,ln . “ml 1 11%
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11? L L 3 eighth gnti'WCEklyltC mall )V “0W ”id Pay mailings. eq exceed 1ore tlmnfrec-in'd)l 11cc? “Oh“oufgsmen ()fli’rinlers hd in the rurfi
“X ‘1 L ”{3} .:: " ‘ 12 ~)[ 4 , 11 ‘ su - n , “ u ' ~§l ‘ . . n . a1
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L‘ ’va “1 ‘5 m L: 1 welgh r the 31“ 1t ‘ . ()W welg as C The (1 3g .lrlht . l1 [her . 3
L“ "L ‘ “ " “'"‘ " ‘4 \ v ;r A U“ I] ~ 6 111C 11“ eX' 16 ‘ - ‘ 9 - ' ~t 0 _ - . ~ 1,
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1 :il -.l - t ,. t ,, t . 6. .‘ t ,v -—
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H- I "LL-I'LL “Ppe‘lriqs a ,nAllIIIES Per "F11: l’langtflfi [he livery' T113298 Cents, recOVCr hrIeI)S Cogxfikef E IIIIIIIII, 11: in d Pofthe
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‘ “i “1'11“"! '1 =1“ llishe - m ‘ -- 0W“ sed es pro 31 S asi y o in pre . t s1 t
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1, I945 ' August, I945 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 1 1
1 .; . ‘ ,.
1 . 1. ..
the state of Mg. 2
nsis on the mall 1 ‘ 1 1
hlet by the Mi; 1
Another Step Towards * H ..
116 emergency it ‘2”; . 11
”inf-till?“ ixlullulsny . . Y Q 1 .
60 $16( am ;‘I t
Reduction Of Food W aste it '
701mg women in 1’ 1‘ 1
:e the aging work- _ 1
, nge (last birth-1 Today, with the nation’s food supply one of the top-urgent problems, ‘1
“15 “funny News; it is a tragic fact that more than $500,000,000 worth of fresh fruits and 1‘ '
red “11th theaW11 vegetables alone 90 to waste annually. 1 1 ,
:(1 by Jacob Loft 1
”uphical union in‘ This means that the product of one out of every four acres of Amer— ‘ 1
the group under1 ica's forms is going to waste . . . that one out of every four hours the farmer 1 1 1
| higher now... works is wasted . . . that one out of every four dollars the average housewife 1‘ ;
F'U' membemfil’ spends for food goes to pay for this waste. " 1 I
sed from 11.8 per
(cm of the ml For years, agricultural leaders and food distributors have been trying , 1 '
is convinced that - to find means of cutting down waste. Two of the principal types of waste .11! ,
[(7011timle to 336- are in transportation and spoilage: THE TRANSPORTATION INVOLVED 1 1
s a' . ‘ i .
lven in the rural To combat these wastes, A 8: P Food Stores and Ohio State Univer- '; 1 '
“1‘8 are bettt’I‘Paid sity, together with a group of Ohio growers, have recently embarked on a 111 -
1” fidds' indud” program to determine the extent to which pre—packaging and refrigeration 11 5
11$ng - - ' 110111111 1 of produce can give the consumer a fresher, more nutritious product, and ‘1 1 111 t '
11g 5163111161111111111 give the grower a greater return for his labor. All types of produce, except 1 1 1 g
1111;16:1111121211111; citrus and potatoes, are being carefully trimmed, and wrapped in consumer- 1 1 1
_. size cellophane packages. Then they are placed on sale in specially con- , 1
_____ structed open refrigerator cases where they remain fresh and untouched 1
1d 1 until purchased by the consumer. 1 .- 1 f
The next step in this program contemplates the trimming and pack- ; . 1 ,
has just issued“ aging of produce right on the farm. Test shipments of pre-packaged straw- 1 1 .
:nt and Popular berries from Tennessee, and peaches from South Carolina are first moves 1 1 [:1 1
nd copies of the in this direction. ; 3 .111 1 1:
quest from Brook _ . . _ 1 1
. ‘ . t'pe1 During the year or more thIs experiment IS to run, carefu! records 1 1 1 _
116mm L1m1 are being kept of freshness, vitamin content, cost of transportation, and 7 1 1 ;;
booklet that tells salability, in order to develop methods which will benefit producers and 1 1 1.
3w many lines 01 consumers—and will combat the waste of precious food. 1‘ 1 1 ; 1 i
’ measure “1111-1111: These experiments are further evidence of A 8. P's constant efforts 1 1 1
men?“ 611111111131 to improve the movement of food from farm to dinner table . . . efforts that 1 . 1 1 '1
gonvement 51“ . . . , j '
in the pocket or: today make l'l' pOSSIbIe for the men and women of. A & P to do the natlon s 1 1
en books or texl‘1 most efficient job of food distribution. 1 1 V 1 J1
ves the publishfli, V11 1 1 1 ’1
5 found desirable: 3. 1 .' :
nent says thfll‘1 1 1. ,
subsidy 1111511011111 1
we the [)r0fi1511-‘1 1 .« 1" _
of users 010111 _ 1- 1 1 .
.1 States TrellSler' w ‘; ' i 1 4 .
, t 1 , 1 21 ~
. 1 ‘1 1‘ ’1 ‘
, . 331111 11511“.- '1

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J 153.111): 2 V- Vs», 1 1nd ( .11 211m V It you nméms as
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I "I ‘V‘ V! :VV ' V: Ken (I H vs (:0 < ' [16 . ()l' ._—— t
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‘E V “' Hi 10" . f “e . 'on lutlo' m ‘15 1110110
- V- V v_1 . .‘V V II fi—WI— 1 0 A 1Ctl SO . Om _ - 'nd V
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V _‘VVt, ‘3 ‘ '1 - tor ‘ press, 'I “5 ‘, [he . (1 1m . d :- P1“?S ‘ th 0 ‘ V . .
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V: ‘VVVVV"; i} IV‘V 1V T} Nggizte-Mesfferald’tifilng; Tylesreymmgarge'; Ilfig‘s‘gow. [ 1733 fee Press I ~ing those Publisher CV Cl they “
V‘V’ V VV‘ I; I V V achinson’ ML s eat_LargeV ”tea/c— 171163» G in x ‘ id”) r Ck ( ul t I the V Ve In [On Pub
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V VV‘V V E E VV “ fifitga’ififid'migafiézflyoe lexgmen’s cm: Presjdelfrtt’ The ive 21nd 0P6-n t victory of 1(l I)€0Ple Poln Suddenly wnel~ and In whing
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1V .VVVV 1 -. VI VIV a K tton Her kmndge Journ p(,WelV r9 am . (1 of t _ cem , . R0 _ 1 Her: mgm. .
‘vV : _I » ee OungV 50“ R. )0] . _ 1 re(or of Valkcl . [W11 e (121" .[mg
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I;‘VIV VVIV V “V I 1 ;;I V V1 V; Ixfigace'itfidieucas‘. Iii/“SI J. L- - 1h ThC AmerlCdII economlcally advertislngy Augub£ 2 S inCludc h daught€F5v rgC D. [he pd
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V :11 *1“ ~ ‘ ,. . .11: :2 its . 1n . C ‘ 08 ~1-zttl . “[rK'
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V‘, II‘§~V;.VV§:V V 11/1EMBER EL“? thtold to the P60: sacrifices Ofbattlefields’ Kentucky. (led the Unll‘r 0f KapP‘l 168T“ help 8
V ‘I' ;II . vi IVVVIVVVI , ‘ be I r611 ‘ the .ltten n] )6 .I laW ( ,
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