xt7ncj87m392 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87m392/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1991-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1991 text GLSO News, January 1991 1991 1991-01 2019 true xt7ncj87m392 section xt7ncj87m392 /
NEWS 1991 > I 5 w
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from Linda Laporte
I am pleased to announce the creation of material, she blends folk, rhythm and blues,
Athena Productions. During the past year I and a touch of iazz with expressive lyrics
have roduced concerts under the name reflecting the joy and irony of the world around
CrossedD Fingers Productions. Since then, two her. We hope ou will join us for an evening
women, Laura Drew and Phyllis Giberson, have of warm, wonderful music as we begin our
joined me. The 1990 season was wonderful to spring season.
produce and I'm sure the women and men who Other ambitious plans include Holly Near
attended the performances had a good time. with accom nist John Bucchino on March 30,
However, not all the events broke even despite i991. \MZITming up for Ho” are two black
the donations of time and money from women from Atlanta named Jlo ce & Jacque.
community members. By forming this new Those of you who attended ghythmFest last
production company we plan to develop a more summer wil remember their stunning day stage
secure financial structure to insure the erformance and their accompaniment with
continuation of these performances. Flo“ on ni ht stage. More details in February!
These events are for you and can not be 6n Aprfi 19, 1991 we are very proud to
done without you. We need your attendance present the exciting grou Two Nice Girls from
and su port. Our programs offer more than Austin Texas. First of aii, there aren't' two of
wonderlgul entertainment. They make us laugh, them lthere are four) and your mother definitely
develop our pride, raise political awareness, would not think they are nice. They consider
help us heal and unite us as a community. So themselves an all- irl folk-disco—country, rock
please join us and bring your friends. T ether and roll band. Whatever category they fall
we can do the important work of builgsigng a into, they are outrageous and extremel skilled
strong community. musicians. We know you are going to fove this
Our first concert is Redwood recording artist group! More details to come.
Hunter Davis, January Ti, 1991, 8 pm, at the May and June will bring musician Jamie
Unitarian Universalist Church, 3564 Clays Mill Anderson and comedian Kate Clinton. Any
Pike. Hunter has been to Lexin ton twice in the questions or for work exchange call Linda
last several years. ConstantFy creating new Laporte,266-9748.
from GLSO News staff
The Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S (Circle of place participation awards at the Blue Max and
Leathermen Together), the only leather/levi club Centurions runs. Members also attended runs
in Kentucky and located here in Lexington, will hosted by the Conductors in Nashville, Win 5 in
celebrate its first anniversary with several events Memphis, Gateway in St. Louis, and The Tribe
January 18 - 20, 1991. The weekend in Detroit. Over $300 was raised for the
celebration will begin on Friday, January i8, NAMES Proliect of Kentucky and the club
with a special bar night at Crossings, the regularly col ects canned oods to feed the
C.O.L.T.S home bar, and conclude with a homeless. At Christmas, tSFre club rovided a
dinner on January 20. decorated Christmas tree for an ICE ward at
The club has had a busy first year, Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington.
articipating in several runs and raising funds The club had a charter membership of ii
For several charities. The C.O.L.T.S took second and has grown to T7 during its first year.

[ ] Please send me information on GLSO.
[ ] I’d like to become a votin Member of
GLSO, including home defive oi the '—————'
GLSO NEWS an discounts at gLSO Dear Readers,
functions. Membership of SiO/yr.
individual, SiS/yr. couple, is enclosed. Well, I'm off to Tierra del Fuelgo tor a few
weeks, but before I o, here's my @Lrite
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but cookie recipe for the Hofidays.
please send me the GLSO NEWS each
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. AUNT MARY’S CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES
28 lbs. ranulated sugar
Name: 20 lbs. grown su or
32 lbs. shorting (i; prefer butter)
Address: 12 oz. baking soda
8 oz. salt
City, St, Zip: 2 gals. eg 5
8 oz. vanifia to imitation)
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 1147] l gal. water é Oiiled preferably)
Lexington, KY 40575 48 lbs. flour a 50/50 mix at whole wheat and
unbleached is nice)
)6 lbs. cocoa chips
16 lbs. chocolate chips
GLSO News is published monthly by the Combine all the dry ingredients lirst. Alter
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. mixing thoroughly, add the melted butter, eg 5,
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), vanilla and water. Place on greased cooEie
P.O. Box 114;], Lexington, KY 405%5. sheets and bake at 350 degree oven until tops
are li htly browned (about 10 minutes). Makes
Craig Clere, Managing Editor 660 five-inch cookies. Enioy!
Esmerelda Collective, Esmerelda Parlour See you all in 1991!
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist Aunt Mary
Additilonaii Cfigéiéautgrs: C‘Ffilg'AdGLSO, Laura,
Heart on , , an, e vocate; Typist:
Craig; Equipment: Dave; Layout: Craig, Steve; HUNTER DAVIS
Mailing: Bill; Courier: Craig; Folding,& Stuffing: .
Steve, Mark. 111 concert .
Jan. 11, 1991
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO 8 pm
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions . .
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the lull name Umtarlan ChurCh
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not . .
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the right to alter TICketS ' $6 111 advance
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as . .
well as the right to reiect any submission it deems offensive or at squIal Medla
discriminate . Placement of advertising in GLSO News does
not denoterya person's sexual orientation nor a business’s $8 at the door
customer preference.
2 Jan GLSO

from Debbie Currie

After a fruitful three-and-a-half ear run, it opportunity to perform, and are thankful to them
appears that the GLSO Coffeehouse and for helping to make the Coffeehouses a success.
Dances have run their course. Although much And now for the good news! We've gotten
has been accomplished and there are many wind of a new force in the community that we
highlights to look back upon, the Dance are confident will go far in filling the void
Committee feels that the time is right to move created by the departure of the Coffeehouses.
on. We are grateful to all of you who have A new production group called Athena is
supported us eit er through your attendance or working hard to get some really great things
by elping out with the production. One of the lines up for the spring. Keep your eyes and
primary purposes of the Coffeehouses was to ears 0 n for more information, and PLEASE
raise unds to help pay for GLSO News and SUPPOET this roup's offerings. The only way
the GLSO Phonelme, and in that, they have that you can ge assured of having continuing
been a resounding success. in addition, they opportunities to hear to musicians perform here
have provided an alternative source of in Lexin tan is to ATTEND the concerts. The
entertainment that was not readily available Dance Committee wishes Athena, and all of
elsewhere in the community. We are proud to you, the best.
have been able to provrde many artists the Debbie, Teresa, Kenneth, John, &Teri

from GLSO News staff

An organizational meeting for the Front The club's goals are to provide gay men
Runners, a newl formed local chapter of an and lesbians WIth fellowship while running, to
international gayfllesbian running club, was held link up with runners in other cities, and to
in earl November with 13 peo Ie attending. network with other organizations.

Since that initial meeting, the cfub has been All are welcome to ioin the group Dues are
running at the For Course on 9 am, Saturdays, $10 per year and a newsletter is panned. For
followed by breakfast at a local restaurant. more information contact Dan, 254—6850.
from GLSO News staff

Crossings, H7 North Limestone, has recently gay and leather-oriented magazines and cards
opened The Rack, 0 leather shop. The store as well as personal lubricants.
carries a wide selection of leather and leather Crossin s merchandise, such as tank taps,
related items, rangin from harnesses, caps, t-shirts, orig sweatshirts are also available. he
vests, arm and wrist Tmnds, C/B items, jocks Rock is open Friday and Saturday from 10 pm
and smaller erotic toys. The shop also carries to i am and during the week by appointment.

Jan GLSO 3

 9 am outraged at the harassment, rape, and
.. S murder a women in the Middle East. There
. I l ’ p are brutal war crirfles aléedclzdy being committed
I, against women in t e Mi e East.
‘ / smere d8 5 ar10 .- US. military women in the Gulf are being
‘g subjected to sexist practices by their
QV".\ commanding officers; wit the justification that
_~ ' such péacticesh reflect Saudi cultulre. ”When in
. , Rome 0 ast e Romans” mentai .
“‘ I, I have been told that all maifl send to my
. THIS INSULTS WOMEN“ lassume everyone friend will be censored. Nothing sexual, or
is sick of hearing about the Persian Gulf crisis revealing of women will be allowed. So, I
and I can only guess at what the state of affairs guess I won't be sending her any pictures from
Wlll be by phU licatilon time of GbLeSO lVII‘Iews. | t e music festivals! | h d i
am writin t is artice on Decem r 6t . Ms. Magazine recenty a an open etter

As wifit other things in my life | work at on the Persian Gulf Crisis that ended with this:
keeping current with national and world affairs "Women have traditionally formed the peace
from a somewhat detached place. Then when movement because we believe in living for a
it hits close to home,_ I become personally cause, not dying or it. WE are sick of systems
Involved. Thus, the PerSian Gulf Ct‘lSlS. lwatc that equate manhood and honor With death
the news, read, and listen to NPR. attempting and destruction. We insist on peace for
to keep current and somewhat aware of w at's ourselves, the human family, and the planet."
happening. Then, one Thursday night, it Laura Drew
became Fpersonal. One of my oldest and
dearest riends got deployed -- she got her
orders. She is with the 4 5th MASH unit from

Then, early on Saturday morning Janette
and I went to Frankfort to say our good-byes. _

Now I amlscared and I miss her a lot. Nanonal

l am aso ANGRY. -

. Soon after the Gulf crisis began a CBS I esyblal] conference
News Poll showed 43 percent of women
pisapfproveK of the use of Uijt "gaps to fofrcef April 24 - 28,1991
tLaeqmrgrrn uwai, as compare a percen 0 Atlanta, Georgia

Women's opinions are consistentla ignored. DIV_ERS|TY . SOLlDARlTY . EMPOWERMENT

The US. is spending $30 to $4 million per _ _ ‘
do), on O ration Desert Shield As if we don't Downtown - Hilton IHotel, Raddison hotel, Holiday
have AIDSTQhomeless, poor people, old people, In” and Atlanta C'V'C cent”
and other similar sane priorities right here in the Purpose- To bring together a national diverse
good 'ole US. of A.'. group of as many as 5,000 inspired lesbians

. for workshops, plenary sessions, strategy meet‘

l d0 “(5” con§lder il'te U'S'.r0|e to .be that Of ings, and cultural events to create a national
€|Obal pOlICe officer. The United NGl'OPS '5 the lesbian agenda, build our grassroots structures
orum for conflict resolution. The U.S._ is only a and have rung
part Of Cl multinational peacekeeping force A Call For: Workshops, Caucuses, Panels, Speakers,
underlfhe UHN “Cg Performers, Exhibitors, Interpreters, Volunteers.

. Isni il’tts (,Jll ObOUi OlL OHYWOY? BlOOd for Interested? Contact us. (404) 373-0000

Oll. WOUldnt we be better served by reductng Send for your NLC Brochure 8 Registration Packet
our dependence on Oll, and that attention to the NLC, [)0 Box 1999' Decatur, GA 30031

Gulf deployment would be better spent on

conservatign and on establishing an aternative

ener y poicy.

[\Tow let's look at OPPRESSlON. The U.S. is
supporting a country that oppresses women. |
4 Jan GLSO

 Don’t just worry about HIV.
Do something about it.
If you think you are at risk for
HIV infection, now is the time
to consider HIV counseling
and testing.
The test is FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Call your local Health Department,
or, the Kentucky AIDS Hotline at
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
’ Jan GLSO 5

Gay Eagle Scout Timothy Curran may A suit has been tiled against Essence
proceed with his case against the Boy Scouts oi magazine on behalf of the Bloc Gay & Lesbian
American which bans gay men from serving as Leadershi Forum (BGLLF). The complaint
scout masters. A superior court has ruled that charges Essence with discrimination based on
the local Boy Scout troo is subject to the state's sexual orientation, in violation of New York
Civil Rights Act. The national scouting City's human rights ordinance, because the
organization had argued for a dismissal oi the magazine, at the last minute, pulled an already
SUII, stating that since it was <3 non-profit group, poi for ad placed by BGLLF, fearing that
it was free to make its own moral iudgments. 'conservative advertisers might not approve."
Essence published an extensive artice in its
CHICAGO, II. Se tember I990 issue about Black gay and
lesbian leaders.
Pop author Father Andrew Greeley, a
Chicago Catholic priest, says the Archdiocese of
Chicago is coverin up incidents of sexual Author Vito Russo, 44, best-known for his
molestation oi chilgren by members of the book The Celluloid Closet and as an AIDS
clergy. "Priests whose peculiar sexual activist, has died of AIDS com lications following
propensities are well—known continue to be a five-year battle. The CeIIuIbid Closet trace
assigned to arishes in the archdiocese, " and analyzed the role oi gays in films from the
GreeIe stated). Archdiocese spokespersons silent era to the present day.
deny G’reeley’s claims.
The Southern Appalachian Lesbian and Gay
The Indianapolis Youth Group has been Alliance has been denied participation in the
asked to do an in-service for social workers, North Carolina Department of Transportation's
guidance counselors and psychologists tor the Adopt-a-Highway anti-litter pro ram, wherin
Indianapolis Public School system on ay and groups volunteer to pick up gage e ann a
lesbian youth. 180 IPS staii memgers are stretch at highway and are rewarded witg 0
expected to attend the in-service. The sign with their name on it. The DOT said
unprecedented session was organized as the posting the words " ay" and "lesbian" on a
result of a needs—assessment survey at the city's public higfhway woulda ' not be in the interest of
guidance counselors. public so ety" and might cause the stretch of
road to attract more than its share of litter.
A appellate court has ruled that a lower
court erred in issuing a preliminary injunction State Rep. Dave Clarenbach has proposed 0
against rent regulations that protect esbian and universal health care plan that would especially
ay survivinlg partners from eviction on the some benefit persons with AIDS. Clarenbach, best
Eosis as ot er surviving family members. The known as the author of the state's Hate Crimes
case now goes back to the lower court. Iaw, proposed 0 Ian that would cover all
The 24-page ruIirctig left in place the broad health conditions andjeiiectively take health care
rotections establishe by the state Division of out of the private market and into the hands oi
Elousing and Community Renewal earlier this a small governin bod. Medical services
ear. This decision followed last year's would be provideg For all individuals, includin
landmark ruling by the state's hi h court which those infected with HIV or AIDS, regardless 0%
established criteria by which to geiine "Iamily" the patient's condition or long-term need.
according to the diversity in which people live.
6 Jan GLSO

—————-—— GLSO Gayline 231-0335
The Bar Complex, 224 East Main, 255-1551. GLSO Board caII Craig, 266-8887
The restaurant, Cafe Montparnasse, open from GLSO News caIICrai , 266—8887
6 - 11 pm, Saturday 6 pm - 3 am. Also GLSO Speakers Bureau..caTI Bill, .. 266—9175
features Johnny Angel Disco, Gilded Gage GLSO Coming Out Group
Cabaret, and the Living Room Lounge. callAan, 253-2414
Atterhours Saturday night from 1:30 - 3:30 am. orTeresa, 231-0205
GLSO Coffeehouse & Dance
Crossings, 117 North Limestone, 233-7266. call Esmerelda, 255-3851
Lexington’s mens' bar. Cowboy night Ist GLSO Rainbow Bowling League
Saturday, Leather night 3rd Saturday. Operates caIITeri, 268-4789
The Rock, a leather shop, open Friday and GLSO Cards&Games
Saturday, 10 pm to 1 am. callThom, 266-3208
NAMES Proiect Kentucky
The Metro, 156 West Main, 254-9881. Shows call Katie 223-3855
every weekend. Aiterhours Friday and Lesbian Potluck
Saturday, 1:30 — 4 am. caIIEsmereIda, 271-6131
Esmerelda’s Parlour
—— call Laura, 276-2685
UNIT ARI AN Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates
caIIKate/Amy, 272-4519
call Susan, 259-0037
C H U R CH Gay/Lesbian AA
”MCMYSM’LL callTom, 273-1779
LEXINGTON, KY. GOY/LeSb'firéAg Anon 293 051 6
Phone:606/22J—IHJ ca 0 e h -
Imperial Court of t e Bluegrass
SundayServices ‘ '. Empire.. caIITerry, 266-8715
10:45 a.m. Dignity/ Lexington
't . U' I'smdoesnot‘ust call Keith, 263-5940
toIJerileigierlggvsglri/grliaiinians,itaffirnis |nterw_eave.... callCraig, 266-8887
each person's sexual truth. Since 1975 (Unitarian Universalist gays, lesbians and friends.)
thitd%n€mlgafii%gE‘s/vgsggggg?‘ (AVOI. dd) 276-AVOL
m' e 9W r' . _. AIDS supportan e ucation
I‘ .ItS .
Iii}mgtréiégahrteseffigéfiiggieénigooiiigiate ACT-Lexmgton 281-5151
at gay and lesbian Services of Union. (AIDS education and reierral)
—-—————-—— HIV+, ARC, AIDS Support Group
Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Department
(800) 767-4297 AIDS Testing 288-AIDS
(For anonymous counselin and testing)
—— Madison County Healtthepartment
AlDSTesting 623-7312
NATIONAL HATE CRIMES HOTLINE (For anonymous counseling and testing, call the
above number and ask for an AIDS Counselor.)
(800) 347-4283 Louisville Crisis Hotline (502) 454-6699
Jan GLSO 7

Contact names and numbers For all events listed SPECIAL EVENTS
can be Iound in the Directory on the previous
page. The Camp Care Center is located at SUN 6 Working Class Kitchen - Poetry &
20 Mechanic Street, Lexington. Perlormance Art, 6 m, a la
Lucie's, 159 North [Limestone
l J A N U A R Y WED 9 RIAMESR Proiefit ‘GCeneral Meeting,
a 2EaE$55555g352353s5s523a22523aE23%a523:5aE£3235E233':sfsE53:53:isEzE25232EaEaEiisizmiisiz?53s5zisiaizisisggiaEaEaisEsEa5s5552323s2aIEaE255525sE:EziziaEsfzfsfiEsisisisfs Trapnsylva nia U n ive rsity
1 2 3 4 5 THU l0 GLSO N D dl'
ews ea me;
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NAMES Pro'ect Panel Making
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Workshop, 5 pm, Quilters Square,
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DUd'eY Square
27 28 29 30 31 } FRI 11 GLSO Cards & Games, 8 pm;
“H“ —‘-—————"—- " ' ‘ " Hunter Davis concert, 8 pm,
Unitarian Universalist Church,
3564 Clays Mill Road
SUN T3 Lesbian Potluck, 2 pm;
SUNDAY Gay/ Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comp Aids Volunteers OI Lexington,
Care Center; 5:30 pm, Comp Care Center
GayIine, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm
FRl i8 Interweave's Night Out, 7 pm
TUESDAY Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon, 7 pm;
Rainbow Bowling League, 9 pm, MON 2i Pro-Choice Alliance, 7:30 pm,
Joyland Lanes Allalta’s Restaurant
WEDNESDAY GLUE (Gays & Lesbians United FRI 25 GLSO Cards & Games, 8 pm
tor Education) - UK's student,
stall and Iaculty group, 8 pm, WED 30 GLSO Board Meeting, 7:30 pm
St. Augustine's C apel
472 Rose St.; Gay/ esbian AA,
8 pm, St. Joseph Hospital, CCI
Meetin Room; Gayline, _—————
231-0335, 8 - 11 pm
Group; Gayline, 231-0335, GLSO NEWS, PO BOX 11475
8 - TT pm LEXINGTON, KY 40575.
Care Center;
GayIine, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm
8 Jan GLSO