xt7ncj87j66x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87j66x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-03-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1934 1934 1934-03-16 2013 true xt7ncj87j66x section xt7ncj87j66x Best Copy Available












Five U.K. Bureaus Praised
For Worthwhile Services



There will be a meeting of
the Board of Student Publications on Thursday, March 22,
1934 at 4 p. m., in the office of
Prof. Enoch Orehan, chairman.
Applications for editor of
The Kentucky Kernel, and
business manager of The Kentucky Kernel, will be due on
or before March 22, 1934. Applications should be turned
in to the Secretary of the






Casting Begins


For Strollers9
Musical Comedy



The Placement bureau is adminIN
In addition to the seven colleges istered through the College of Eduon the campus, there are Ave sepa- cation and serves every college on
"Hit the Deck," Musical Com
Team rate bureaus with which most of us the campus In the placement of
All Ratterymen to Report for
Hazel Green, Inez, Ashland,
edy, Will Be Presented by
are. comparatively constantly mak- graduates of the University who
Matches Completed
Practice This Week at
and Rlue Devils Win in
Dramatic Group
These bureaus are
have been prepared to teach in
Men's Gym
First Round
ing valuable contributions in their public or private schools. Prof. M. E.
"Hit the Deck," directed by Frank
own fields and also are rendering Llgon Is the director.
Fowler, and with L. Cass Robinson ASHLAND
invaluable aid to the University
KAW TEAM IN FINAL through their cooperation with the The Bureau of Mineral and TopoALL MEN MARCH 20 as production manager, will be pre
graphic Survey, directed by Dr. A. C.
colleges. The bureaus and their work
tented two nights during the week
jMcFarlan, distributes geological pub- Becretary.
Revised Constitution Is Ap- are described briefly below:
i.i ni
ivoiimoii T cam t i utiiiicu r of April 23 by Strollers, student dra Four of Sixteen Entrants Are
The Bureau of School Service Is in person, questions for Information
proved In Final Mass
Isf irst Call to Re
Eliminated in First
matic organization, according to an
associated with the College of EduMeeting of Year
regarding the geology and mineral
sued Later
announcement made Wednesday by
cation and Is under the direction of resources
of the state. The bureau
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain.
This bu- also
James Fahey, president of Strollers.
The final mass meeting for the
The following notice has been
does field and laboratory work.
WILL issued, regarding the baseball team The musical comedy contains Danville SCORES LAST NIGHT
year of active and associate mem- reau issues organs for the purpose It maintains the Geological museum
18, Central CKy 18.
bers of W. A. A. was held at 8 of studying problems of education on the second floor of the Adminis
speaking parts for ten men and for
at the University, by Smith Broad-ben- t,
seven or eight women, In addition
o'clock last night In the recreation In both public and private schools, tration building. David M. Young
who Is
the squad
Highlands 25, Sacramento 16.
PROGRAM and arranging organizing schedule. to chorus work for a large number.
room of Patterson hall. The pro and for making school surveys to is tne curator.
a practice
gram was i eat urea by the recog- determine the most effective And
Casting of the play for speaking
All batterymen should report this
Opening the annua state hiirh
nition of 25 active members through economical procedure for school byThe Publicity bureau is directed
week for practice at the gymnasium parts and chorus work will be held
Elmer O. Sulzer. This bureau's
tribal initiation.
Philharmonic Group of Uni and all candidates should report at from 3 until 4:30 p. m., today at the school basketball tournament yester
Research aim is to make known to the state
The revised constitution of the Is The Bureau of BusinessCollege
me gymnasium at 3 p. m. Monday Guignol theater. Marjorle Powell day afternoon in the Alumni rrm.
versity Scheduled to Apassociated with the
of and nation, the work and activities
Women's Athletic association
to draw uniforms, sign eligibility will be in charge of the dancing, and 18 teams, all of championship caliber
of the University. This is accompear as Next Musical
Commerce and is under the direcread and approved. The election
games be
cards, and attend a general meeting Fritz deWUde and Florence Kelley, played their
of officers for the coming year will tion of Prof. James W. Martin. The plished by newspaper and magazine
who have taken part In former fore a capacity crowd.
caiiea oy coach Devereaux.
energies of this bureau are directed articles, advertising, radio programs,
be held the early part of next week
None of the teams was seeded to
Baseball practice will start for all Stroller productions, will assist.
nims, and slides of campus scenes,
in the Women's gymnasium. Retlr toward . general research in business. displays
Orchestrations for the production win the tourney and each quintet
and exhibits, and through
Bna r? lno Kuay OI
lng officers are: Clara Margaret
K.nnlTdaj mc hJ'l EPpl.ng! will be under the direction of either played the team that was nicked out
personal contacts.
present, players om n A. Lampert of the music of the hat. Throughout
Fort, president: Sarah PurnelL vice- The University Philharmonic or will dress at
the after
the gymnasium.
president; Helen Jones, treasurer,
department or his assistant, Alex- noon there was colorful and fast
chestra, under the direction of Prof.
If men have uniforms it would ander Capurso.
and Mary Lou Hume, secretary.
playing on the part of all 16 squads.
Carl A. Lampert, will present its be advisable to use them until the
The last of the W.A.A. intercoluurmg tne Ashiand-Pari- s
Patrons for
fourth vesper program of the season. squad is selected. Every man is re- comedy will the Stroller musical the gym was In a continual uproar.
legiate rifle matches was fired
Downing Of Military
10 against the University of
at 4 p. m. Sunday in Memorial hall. quired to furnish his glove and shoes next ten days. solicited during the The rivalry between these two teams
An attempt will be
Wisconsin and the University
To Be Held Sunday Professor Lampert, playing the If possible. There are a few are in made to reach some 200 townspeople seemedsomething spectacular, and
in the stock room but they
Kansas. The scores were Kentuc- "Calendar Revision" Is Topic
to touch the fans' sense of
Bruch Violin Concerto, will be the
and faculty members who will be
oaa condition. The team will be named patrons
ky 470, Wisconsin, a perfect score
of Collateral Speaker
Approximately 40 cadets will be featured soloist for the afternoon.
and who will be thrill.
of 500. The Kansas team's score
Hazel Green successfully raised
The orchestra, organized under unable to buy new shoes this year permitted to occupy a limited num
initiated into Company C of Pershhas not been received. The preing Rifles at a ceremony to be held Professor Lampert's direction some due to lack of funds.
ber of reserved seats. The remain- the curtain in the tourney play by
vious week Kentucky fired against
Prof. H. H. Downing was the Sunday morning at sunrise at Camp 15 years ago, has in the past few ested injuniors or sophomores inter der of the seats will be sold for defeating Bardwell in the opening
being a manager of the club
Missouri and South Dakota, losing speaker
game by a score of 44 to 23. Bardat the freshman engineering Daniel Boone on the Kentucky river. years gained for itself an enviable call Smith Broadbent, Ashland 4126. general admission,
both matches by narrow margins.
The men to be initiated were position and the right to the name in case there is a baseball team i The committee in charge of secur well played In tough luck through10 a. m. Wednes
Members of the rifle team are collateral held at
lng patrons is composed of W. T. out the game, not being able to get
for pledges last semester by of a philharmonic aggregation.
Clara Margaret Fort, Mary Caro- day in Memorial hall. His subject selectedmilitary Instructors because
As head of the music department next year, these men will advance Bishop, chairman; Bazil Baker, its shots to hit the net.
lyn Terrell, Edna Brumagen, Lucy was "Calendar Revision."
their class and seniors will
Patton and R. MoWhorter starred
they were considered outstanding and director of the University Men's trips and receive a "K." go on all Nancy Becker, Margaret "Babe"
Jean Anderson, and Eloise Carroll
for Hazel Green, and Mantle was the
"The length of the day was de material for the drill unit. Since Glee club, Professor Lampert is well
reply to freshman requests. Brown, and Mildred Hart.
Substitutes are Mary Ounn Webb, termined by the rotation
star for Bardwell. The game startof the the middle of October the pledges known in Lexington and Central
Evelyn Marrs, and Katherine Calloalso
a freshman team Chairmen of other committees
fairly fast, but doe to the
earth. The day was first told by the have been drilling with the company Kentucky. His appearance as violin there year. will be first call will be who were appointed at the Stroller ed offfloor,
which neither team was
soloist adds to the interest of the this
meeting Wednesday are: costumes, large
Cree tribe basketball team stars and not by the sun," said Pro- day, Monday, Wednesday, and Fri- program.
issued at a later date.
Mary Templln Faulkner; stage man- used to, the play soon slowed down
A schedule is being arranged by
defeated the Kaws to win the finals fessor was one of "The Chinese cal- unit to they will accompany meet
agement, James Fahey, and pub to normal.
The program follows:
the Pershing Rifle drill
the first having a
in the W. A. A. tournament which, endar
Inez versus Corinth was the secfive-da- y
Overture to "Der Freischutz," Von Daddy" Boles with University of licity, Wesley Carter.
week. The solar calendar to be held in Bloomlngton, Ind., in
was played in the Women's gym
Cincinnati, University of Louisville,
ond fracas, and the teams appeared
Wednesday afternoon. Previously had 29 or 30 days to the month and April.
u, miu junraiuui teams, i wtr
to be evenly matched, but Ines came
Concerto in O Minor for violin
to the
For three consecutive
the two teams had tied. The Apach- 365 daysRomans year," he continued. the organization was years, since orchestra, Bruch; Adagio and and games have been scheduled with MrS. 1C 11. (JOngletOn
out on the long end of the 31 to 23
Alinstalled on
had the first calenes and Thews did not enter teams
Mississippi state and plans for a,
dar hi 46 B.C. and the year began on the campus, the University unit has legro Energico, Carl A. Lampert, southern trip are now under way.
in the tournament.
The Hazard men made their tourMarch 1, and ten months were equal received first honors in the annual violin soloist.
Girls who wish to enter the
Nutcracker 8ulte, Tschalkowsky; have would have been imnrvtslhlA tn Mother of Mayor W. T. Con- - nament debut against Tompkinsville
w J- - -- uuus oaesar naa we drill competitions.
horseback riding classes which be-- 1
revived the sport without the
and emerged victorious by a score
1 to
The men to be initiated will meet Danse des Nlrlitons, Danse Russe lnterest of Dean Croft, the courtesy
Kan at the Cavalry club yesterday ' calendar changed from March
of 21 to 14 in a closely fought game.
gleton Succumbs at Home
at the Armory at 1 p. m. Saturday. Trepak.
are asked to notirv Miss Avenn
This tilt was the slowest of the afterPomp and Circumstance, Elgar. .... of the Athletic council, the free use
From the Armory the cadets will be
in Irvine
Charges for riding, said.
of L. E. Orifflng's ball park, and the
noon, both teams consistently missSI a single ride. $7.29 fori "Pope Gregory 13th had the first taken to Valley Dale on the Tates
will be
free services of generous Pat Dev
Mrs. Rowena Howe Congleton, 79 ing easy shots. Although doped to
efeht rides, 14 for IS rides, and day of spring changed from March Creek pike in automobiles and then
CWA Checks ereaux as coach,"' said Broadbent years old, mother of Mayor W. T. have a sure-fir- e team. Hazard's play
31 to March 21. The Russian New will march to Camp Daniel Boone
$20 for 34 rides.
Congleton, Lexington, died at 2:30 yesterday afternoon did not have
The money is to be paid at the Year, which begins on January 14, at Valley View.
a. m. Wednesday at her home in the qualifications for such, repuSummer Session
After the initiation Sunday a
Business office and receipts are to in 1887 was changed into quarters,
Ehe was a native of Lee tation.
be presented at the club. Single having 91 days to each quarter breakfast will be held in honor of Dean Jones Urges Students
iv county, Virginia, moving to Ken
game seemed
The Ashland-Pari- a
The unit
ride fees are to be paid to Wildan which is similar to our present cal- the new members. Lexington. then
To Work FuU Quota of
tucky in 1867. She was a widow of to be the feature of the afternoon.
Thomas at the academy. Girls endar. The League of Nations is will motor back to
More than 200 applications for William B. Congleton and a daugh Paris opened the game with the
who wish to ride must sign up the trying to introduce a new calendar,"
information and bulletins for the ter of William and Permelia Howe, speed of a professional team. During
day before the class meets, or no- declared the speaker.
Student C.W.A checks for the 1934 University summer session have natives of Halifax county, Virginia. the first half both teams played with
tify Miss Averill in the Women's
Professor Downing was introduced
been received
Funeral services were held
gym Classes will be held on Wed- by Professor Horine, adviser of the
Now on Display month and February have been re- that the sessionand Indications are Nada, on the Jackson highway at theirscore was skill, andtoat half-tim- e
will be a successful
tied, 10
in the
distribution was started
nesday, Thursday, arid Saturdays freshman class. A special letter from
In the third quarter Ashland put
Thursday one, according to Dr. Jesse Adams, Powell county, at 2 p. m. Thursday.
from the
from 4 to 5 p. m. The season will Dean P. Paul Anderson was read by
Pictures made for the federal gov afternoon. business office
Mrs. Congleton Is survived by four on a burst of speed and when that
Students should call director of the school.
be concluded with a horse show in the freshma npresldent.
ernment under the Public Works of there for their checks immediately.
Doctor Adams also expressed the sons and four daughters: Mayor frame ended the Tomcats were on
Art Project for Lexington, by Miss
Dean Jones desires to impress belief that more Interest is being Congleton, George W. Congleton the long end of a 21 to 14 score.
Life saving instruction for womJoy Pride and William J. Frazer, upon students doing C.W.A.
shown by University students
The last quarter was a
S. Congleton,
en students will begin next Monformer University
IN display today only students, are on the necessity of getting their work summer school this year than in the Los Angeles; CharlesElla Congleton.
formaffair, both teams accounting
Paulina, Ore.; Miss
day, between 4 and 6. in the Womat the Art center. quota of hours each month. The erly as many of the requests for Lexington; Mrs. B. 8. Broaddus, for numerous fouls, but few of
Dorothy Whit-woren's gymnasium.
The pictures will be shipped to Federal C.W.A. inpayroll now being information are from students now Irvine; Mrs. Minnie White, Hazard, being converted into points. them
will be manager. Girls who
Washington Immediately, but will be
are interested are asked to see Re- EDUCATIONAL AID returned to Lexington to hang in distributed is more than $400 less enrolled. During the last year the and Mrs. Stella Atkinson, Irvine. retaining their speed the Ashland
Tomcats brought the score to 27 to
be. This, Dean Jones school was made one of 32 Univer
21 grand
She is also survived by
than it should
becca Van Meter or Miss Averill.
public buildings here.
points out, is a loss not only to the slty sessions holding membership in children and by one sister. Miss 21 as the game ended.
Miss Pride has pictures of three students but to the University as the Association of Deans and Dlrec Josie Howe, Campton.
After playing Impressively in the
Fund of $50,000 Set Aside to Bluegrass homes of historic interest. welL
tors of Summer Session. The sumfirst half, Coach John Heber's HenThey are: "Ashland," home of Henry
Help Stranded Teachers
ry Clay high school Blue Devils
Professors and others employing mer session bulletins will be off the
"Home of John
withstood a last half rally on the
Obtain Employment. Ac Clay;"Home of James Hunt Morgan," C.W.A. workers should report to press in a few weeks.
cording to Prof. A. N. May and Frazer has done Lane of six the Dean of Men if they able to
Received by Dean initialofbout, 34 to City to win their
a series
their students will not be
prints of fa- get their time In, or if the students Nominations Made
The local team got away to a nice
A vocational education project un
Circulars Reported Not Au- start in the opening period, leading
miliar views of Lexington. They are: assigned to them are not working.
Y.M. Positions
der the Emergency Education Relief "Market House," "Main Street," Substitutions can be made quickly
10 to 2, and held a 18 to 6 advantage
thentic, According to
is now being carried on in Kentucky "Tobacco Mart," "Campus," "Race and the full quota of time put to
as the first half ended. But the
through funds provided by the CWA. Track," and "Irish Town."
"K" Book Editor and Business
game little team from the first reuse.
according to Prof. A. N. May, head
Manager Candidates
Students who have read the circu- gion, playing inspired ball In the last
will have an im- of the Department of Industrial
Chi Delta Phi
Are Named
lars posted In various buildings on two periods, constantly narrowed the
portant meeting at the Women's Education. The money being used
the campus pertaining to subsidies margin.
Inter-Fr- at
All pledges and actives for carrying out the program is an
For the Blue Devils, Tic. Splcer.
Will Be Observed
Nominations Tor the election of for educational awards and grants
appropriation of $50,000 set aside by
must attend.
the editor and business manager of may be Interested in the following and Walker were outstanding, while
the CWA to be used "In an effort to
Played the "K" book. 1934-3- 5 officers, and letter received Thursday morning by Hurley, forward for Calvert City,
University Radio Studios of
was best for his team with seven
A meeting of the Horticulture club reach stranded teachers, give them
members of the executive council of the office of the Dean of Women:
employment, and help them In any
to Have Special
(Continued on Page Four)
will be held at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday,
U. S. Department of Interior
First round games of the Inter- - the YMCA were made at a meeting
way possible."
March 30, in the Alpha Zeta reading
fraternity Duplicate Contract Bridge of the nominating committee at 3
Office of Education
room at the Dairy building. Election
The program Includes six points:
tournament were played this week p. m. yesterday in the organization
The fifth anniversary of the oper- with the Triangle and Sigma Alpha rooms in the Armory.
of officers will be held and all mem- rural education, extending the terms
March 10, 1934 PHI
of public schools, etc; adult illiteracy ation of the University studios of Epsilon teams winning their first
bers are urged to attend.
The selections of the committee Announcement:
wiU be cele- engagements over their opponents,
education, teaching those who have radio station WHAS
Recently printed circulars anwill be approved at a meeting of the
The Stephen Collins Foster pro- less than a fifth grade education; brated Sunday, April 1 with a special the Alpha Lambda Tau and Alphe present executive board Tuesday, nouncing a "large private subsidy"
gram may be heard over a radio in vocational education, including agri- program from 6:15 to 6:45 p. m., Tau Omega entrants. The games March 19, when the date for the for
"Educational Awards and TO BE
the browsing room of the library culture, home economics, and trades central standard time.
were played in the rear room of the election will be announced. Nomi- Orants" to college students have
today from l to 1:15 p. m.
and commercial phases; adult genShort talks will be featured by Toggery Shop on South Limestone nees will not be announced until been mailed to a group of higher
eral education, giving instruction to Pres. Frank L. McVey, Credo Harris, sponsor of the tournament.
after this meeting.
educational institutions, purporting Kentucky Chapter of Nation
Petitions for Y.W.OA. offices of unemployed adults over IS years of manager of radio station WHAS,
al Botanical Fraternity to
Clarence Moore, president of the to come from the National Student
The competing teams piay 10
secretary, age, a division of which was carried and Thomas P. Cooper, dean of the
hands at each of the two tables, YMCA. appointed the following league. National Press building,
Hold Ceremonies Today at
and treasurer must be signed by 25 on recently in the University under College of Agriculture. Music will using duplicate boards. Scoring is committee to make nominations: Washington, D. C.
5:30 p. m.
members of the Y.W OA. and turn- sponsorship of the extension depart- be furnished by Elizabeth Hardin, computed as follows: the team scor Joe Relster, Edwin Patterson, Julian
The executive secretary of the
ed la to the Y.W.OA. office by 12 ment; rehabilitation, which is the organist, and a Stephen Foster en- ing the highest number of points on Cox, and Prof. L. J. H or lac her, National Student league in New
Preparation has been made for the
noon Thursday, March 22.
helping of teachers who are physi- semble.
each board, two points; each half member of the executive council.
York City disavows all connection Installation of the Kentucky chapcally injured while teaching and
The University studios celebrated board, one point. Games begin at
with the above circulars.
ter of Phi Epsilon Phi. national
Omega, honorary boy training them for another phase their first anniversary
Alpha Phi
p. m. and each fraternity will
in 1929. Since
Geo. F. Zook,
honorary Botanical fraternity, at
scout fraternity, will meet at 7 o'- which they may be able to teach, then, under the direction of Elmer 8:30
when it is to
6:30 p. m. today at the Lafayette
Y room of the and, a nursery school. Various parts Sulzer, director of the . University be notified of the date
clock tonight in the
Professor Manning of the political
play. Students are Invited to watch
hotel. The installation will be folArmory. All members are asked to of the program have been under the studios, the programs have given
science department has written ar
lowed by a banquet in the Red room
be present.
direction of Homer Nichols, Prank-for- t; students an opportunity to exercise
Sigma Chi and Kappa Sigma article entitled "Administrative Re UK
of the hotel. Members of the fraO. Ivan Barnes of Frankfort, their talents. The equipment also teams will meet tonight and the organization in Kentucky," which
Ohio Wesleyan Team ternity from West Virginia and Ohio
General open house will be held and Professor May.
has been Improved and enlarged and Kappa Alpha and Phi Delta Theta will appear in the April issue of the
State university will attend the
at the Women's building this afterwith the cooperation of student body, teams will play Tuesday night.
National Municipal Review.
The University debating team met ceremony.
noon from 4 to 6 p. m. All students "HEALTH
ALCOHOL" IS TOPIC faculty, and citizens of Lexington,
The article contains a description the team of Ohio Wesleyan, DelaThe Initiates will be Sue Anna
are invited.
the University studios have been RANNELLS TO SPEAK
and analysis of the recently enacted ware, In a
at Irvine, Hazel Nollau, Alma CarpenAll University students are invited valuable to the University.
reorganization bill which will go into Patterson hall Wednesday debate on ter, Mary
AT ANNUAL MEETING effect July 1.
Wharton, James RosenPhi Upsilon Oraicron will meet at to hear the lecture on "Health and
the subject, "Resolved, That the berg, Lois Mae Banks, James Cooper,
7:30 p. m. Monday at the home of Alcohol" to be given at 7:30 p. m.
Powers of the President Should be Billy Hawkins, Hansford 8hacklette,
Prof. E. W. Rannells, head of the
Miss Mary Helzer, 802 W. Maxwell. Sunday, March 18, at Woodland
HEAR MRS. DURBIN University Art department, has ac- YMCA HEAD WILL
Substantially Increased As a Settled Lewis Flster, James Downing and
After the business meeting the ac- auditorium by Julius White, nationINTERVIEW STUDENTS Policy." The affirmative side was Bess Riffle.
cepted an invitation to be one of
ally known lecture on foods and
tive will sew aprons.
library staff will hold its the speakers on the program at the
supported by Kentucky.
Phi Epsilon Phi was founded at
nutrition. Mr. White will illustrate
regular meeting this afternoon, at annual uieeting of the College Art
University debaters were Mabel West Virginia university in 1929 to
W. D. Weatherford. president of
The committee appointed by Dean his lecture with 150 colored slides.
which Mrs. J. M. Durbln will give a association in New York city, March the YMCA Graduate school, Nash- Tyree, Paducah; Stanley B. Zucker-ma- encourage high scholastic attainimJones to formulate a plan for
N. Y., and James A. Moore, ment during the professional trainproving the credit of the fraternity EXECUTIVE VISITS LEXINGTON review and criticism of "Anthony
Professor Rannells will have ville, arrived In Lexington yesterday
group will meet in the office of the
for his subject, "Making Pictures: to interview students on the campus Madlsonville. The Ohio Wesleyan ing period and to increase interest
Mrs. Durbln's talk will go into the A Means of Vitalizing College Work who are interested In making the team was composed of Sylvia Cupp, in botanical research.
Dean of Men Monday at 4 p. u.
Dr. T. L. Howard, executive sec
YMCA a life work.
Membership In the fraternity will
leanette Kocher, and Donna Horne-bretary of the committee on com- sources of "Anthony Adverse" rather in Art."
accompanied by Mrs. J. T. consist of regularly enrolled and
Mr. Weatherford was founder and
Members of The Kernel staff will pilation of basis data for the TV A. than giving merely its story, and she
Professor Rannells will be one of
graduate students In the botanical
have a luncheon meeting at 12 noon was in Levington Monday on a tour will present several criticisms on the the speakers of the forum on director of the West Virginia Blue Marshman.
The next match of the University sciences.
today in the University Commons. of Inspection. He visited the offices book. Mrs. Durbln teaches English "Methods of Teaching the Fine Arts RWge conrerence which is attended
The charter for the local chapter
All reporters must atumd the lunchof Professors Morton. Chamberlain, at Hamilton college and has made in Colleges." He will take along by presidents and representatives of team will be with Transylvania toa thorough study of the book which several examples of students' work the college divisions of YMCA each night at 7:30 at Morrison ball on was granted to the Rafinesque Boeon or report for the meeting which and Manning, and three headquar
J the Transylvania campus.
she is to present.
ill be held at 12:30.
tanical club of the University.
ters of TV A work in Lexington.
for exhibition purpose.















Engineering Frosh
Hear Prof.

Annual Initiation












n:,::,. wuuw

Art Works

rough-and-tumb- le




Letter of Warning




Fifth Anniversary

Tourney Is



Debaters Engage


28-3- 0.


� Best



The Kentucky Kernel



National Collet Free Auoelttloa
Ktnturkjr IntereollrflaU PreM AMKltlon
Lei'nftoo Board o( Commerce
lh Major Collete
represented bj A. t. Norm HIM
Co, It B. lnd St., New York Oltr; 131
W. Madiasn St., Chlcafo; 1004 In
BeatUe; 120 Maple An., Lot Anfelri: OaH
Bld(., Ban Franclaco.










Subscription ta.M

Entered at


Lfiinfton. Kj., Pottofflc Ai


Olaaa Mall Matter



fnaf!n Hilar




Saturday night was one of the best
examples of a drinking orgy to be
seen at the University of Kentucky
for some time. It will Illustrate the
tact that leniency toward students
does not pay at the University. Now
that this attitude has been taken by
students attending dances, undoubtedly more strict disciplinary measures will be taken by authorities.
Does it not behoove every student
at the University of Kentucky to go
to the social functions and behave
himself as a gentleman, or else refrain from going to them at all?
During this past year the dances
have been unusually free from
drinking and disturbances, and it
seems to us that this is decidedly the
wrong time to begin such practices,
As a matter of sound advice The
Kernel Is asking the students, if
they must drink, for their own good
and for the sake of the University
to refrain from attending gatherings
in such condition. However, If students do Insist, then the student
must accept the punishment which
will be meted out alike to all of


An outstanding newspaper publisher, Frank E. Gannett, has formulated plans for a Federal Department
of Peace for the definite promotion
of international friendship. This
movement, unique in its very essence,
is creating widespread
throughout the country.
Gannett, publisher of 17 newspapers that bear his name, declares
that talk against war, disarmament
conferences, preparedness for war
and even international treaties have
proved futile in ending war. He
further states that what is needed is
not opposition to war, but definitely
planned promotion of peace. Gan
nett believes that other nations
would follow America's lead if we
should set up a Department of Peace
with a Cabinet officer at its head
"on a par in authority and influence
with other cabinet members."
The newspaperman's Idea would
embrace the development of an international peace conference entirely apart from other international
bodies, but cooperating heartily with
them. This body would be chiefly
concerned, not with the prevention
of war, but the bringing about of
better international friendships.
The publisher is of the opinion
that such a department and such an
international conference could be
helpful in settling economic controversies which have been so proftlic a
cause of war.
Gannett spoke Wednesday over a


National Broadcasting

plish anything. That this is true Is
not to be denied. Oannett suggests
that all modes of advertising be
utilized In promoting this unique
The very originality and farsight-e- d
aspects of this plan makes it
excellent food for thought. Is not
the Idea seeking, in an intelligent
manner, to do away with war?
Doubtless peace is most important
and should be preserved In this
country at any cost. Any plan or
idea that aids the promo