xt7ncj87j64r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87j64r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1949-06-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 24, 1949 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 24, 1949 1949 1949-06-24 2013 true xt7ncj87j64r section xt7ncj87j64r The Kentucky Kernel

Amphitheater Movie




-- T

Trustees Approve
Faculty Changes
Sprowlcs Appointed
To Registrars Tost


Continued Warm
Possible Showers
High Of 88



Number 2?


Summer Registration
Passes 3700 Mark


At Camps

List Is Incomplete;
Colleges Report


Group Backs
Moral Values

Among major staff changes apj
proved by the Board of Trusters reJuly 2 Is Deadline To Apply
cently was the promotion effective
Registration of all University
For Summer Term Degrees
July 1. of Dr. Lee Sprowlcs to the
students stood at 3.746 yesterday
Col. G. T. Mackenzie, head of the
position of registrar.
for the summer session, according
department of military science and
All seniors who expect to comto a statement from the registrar's
Dr. Sprowles, who has been as- tactics, announced recently
plete their requirements for gradthat a
Groundwork of a program to
sistant to the registrar since Sep- total of 196 ROTC students are now
uation at the close of the summer
Tomorrow is the deadline for tn-- i
moral and apiritual valtember. 1948, succeeds Dr. Maurice attending summer training camp at
term and who have not at a pretering organized classes, and lat
1946 has held two
completed by
ues in education were
F. Seay who since
six United States military and air
vious time made application for registrants, plus those enrolling fnr
administrative positions, dean of force establishments.
a group of state educators here degrees, are requested to do so
special short courses, are expected
the University and registrar.
July 1 or 2.
Eighty-on- e
students, largest single
to increase the summer session to- Dr. Seay will continue as dean of contingent of UK trainees, already
This applies also to Graduate j u, tQ considerably nil?ner than the
A resolution stating the group's
University with general super- have reported to
Camp Campbell
above figure.
recommendations to formulate the
divisions, where they will
vision of the
their requirements for graduate
receive instruction
Veterans' enrollment excreds by
progrgam will be subincluding the registrar's office.
in infantry tactics.
several hundred the numler ex- -.
mitted to the State Department of
All applications should be filwl
Dr. Dickey Appointed
pected for the summer session, ac- -j
Other groups and their training
Education. J. M. Tydings. chairman in Room 16 of the Administration
Another major staff change, ef- sites are 47
cording to officials in the veteran.--,'
of the department's committee on
air force administration
fective July 15, is the appointment students, Langley Field, Va.; 42
moral and spiritual education, said.
of Dr. Prank G. Dickey, assistant to force engineering
Candidates for the bachelor's
Enrollment for the special sumstudents, Chanute
degree will be charged a gradua- The proposals, designed by apthe dean of the College of Educa- Field, Illinois; 23 signal corps stu
mer session in Mexico fcr students
proximately 40 Kentucky educators, tion fee of $9.00. This will cover
tion, as chairman of the division of dents,
and teachers for the Spanish lanFort Monmouth, N. J.; two
will recommend that "provisions be the rental of cap and gown, diplo- - guage numbered approximately 20.
field artillery students. Fort Bragg,
made in the structural organization ma fee. The Kentuckiaa and other according to Dr . Hobart RvUnd.
R. Spain who has resigned N.
one engineer student,
expenses. Candidates
of the State Department of Educathe post to become dean of instruc- FortC; and Va.
head of the department of Romance
tion at George Peabody
tion for the development of emfor advanced degrees, other than Languages.
In order to qualify for reserve
phasis on moral and spiritual valNashville. Dr. Dickey also was pro.
the doctorate, will be charged a
This number includes 10 Kenmoted from assistant to associate commissions, adanced ROTC stuues such as now exists for other fee of $17.00 which will cover the tucky
view of the bookstore melee is antirlimatic lo most students after they have sufThe above boc'i-she- lf
students and at leist two
dents must attend at least one sumprofessor of Education.
phases of education in Kentucky."
above with the exception of The
fered through the agonizing terrors of the registration and classification lines early in the week. Realizing
other students from
most grueling part of the semester is over, the students crowd into the bookstore eagerly, only to
Kenturkian and in addition the collages and universities. Dr.
involving de- mer training period. The UK stu
that the
Other staff changes
In addition the group will recomdents now
to be presented
create a scene such as this.
partment heads Include the ap- commissionsin camp will receive their
said. Dr. Alberta W. Server,
mend that "a field supervisor in cost of the hood
upon completion of
pointment of Dr. James S. Calvin as their final year of
spiritual values be added the candidate. The fee for candimoral and
associate professor of Spanish and
acting head of the department of ing.
to the personnel of the department dates for the doctorate is $25.00. director of the Mexican summer
are payable not session, open the school in Pueblo
psychology for 1949-5- 0
and the apand that plans be made for regular Graduation fees
A total of 101 students who at'
later than the fourth day precedpointment of Prof. Robert D. HawMonday.
workshops for a continued develcommencement which will
kins as head of the department of tended summer camp last year were
opment emphasizing the moral and ing the
Dr. Ryland stated further that
be August 8.
general engineering. Dr. Calvin suc- commissioned earlier this month.
full University credit will be grantspiritual values in education."
receeds Dr. Frank A. Pattie who
ed all students attending the MexBetween-Semestepilot
quested that he not be reappointed Long, part-tim- e
instructor In Eng
ican session. In addition to rrgular
schools will experiment with the
as head of the department in order lish.
classwork, students will take at
ideas and procedures studied in the
Firemen's School
that he may devote more time to retrips to such
least five week-en- d
College of Agriculture and Home
search. The department of general Economics
About 300 firemen from Ken- workshop, it was explained, with
Fifteen hundred
nearby points of interest as th?
J. C. clubs, county agents members home
engineering has not previously been Barman,
tucky attended the second annual the results to be used as the basis
volcanoes, Popocatapetl and
from assistant professor of
under a department head.
Fireman's School at the University. for further study next summer.
and the pyramid of Cho-lul- a.
dairy manufactures and field agent demonstration agents met here for
Week June
Speeches by fire prevention and
It was also announced that Dr. in dairy manufactures to associate the 26th
Miss Mary Gould Davis, of New
Thirty-thre- e
teachers from the
Herbert Sorenson, professor of edu- professor of dairy manufactures and
the six schools attended the workshop, York, nationally famous author,
Under the direction of J. W.
Kentucky students enrolled
cation, has been named a dis- field agent in dairy manufactures; Whitehouse, state club leader, the
meeting, and firemen watched dem- which covered all phases of school will be the guest speaker June 24 the Mexico session are Jean
A workshop in choral techniques onstrations of new
tinguished professor of the Univerand curricula.
for beginning librarians. She will
Kitty King. Bobbie Sue
R. M. Forbes, from assistant profes- delegates held agricultural demonand choral ballet began this week
sity, an honor given to only a small sor
conspeak at 2:30 p.m.. in room 314. of Orr, Sara Outland. Henrietta Redmethods.
of animal husbandry and as- strations, a style show, Judging
A grant of $1500 from the Gennumber of faculty members who sistant in animal husbandry to as- tests, crop and livestock studies and and will last through August 13, acthe Margaret L King Library. Her ding. Loraine Corneliscn. Mary LouGirls State
eral Education Board was used in subject will be i"storytelling."
cording to Dr. Edwin E. Stein, head
themselves as
have distinguished
ise Covington. Berta Mae Miller.
sociate professor of animal husban- election of state officers.
scholarships for the
The American Legion Auxiliary's providing
of the music department.
scholars and teachers.
Miss Davis will be accompanied Mrs. Marie McCown, and Paul Dar-nadry and associate in animal husSchool Of Banking
ooace openeci nerc teachers attending.
Other promotions, appointments, bandry; John S. Harrison, from asProf. Louis H. Diercks, director of annual uiris
by Miss Bess Gilbert, the librarian
June 15.
resignations, and staff changes apThe second annual Kentucky
Dr. William Clayton Bower, pro- of Berea College. Miss Gilbert was
The summer term here at the
sistant analyst to assistant agrono- School of Banking was held June the Ohio State University symphonic
The session brought
proved were:
choir, is conducting the workshop.
fessor of sociology, was director of a consultant for the library work University will continue, with an
mist; Lawrence S. Bradford, from
on the campus. About 125
In addition Frof. Diercks will di- - standing high school girls to the the workshop.
shop last summer.
Ollege of Arts and Sciences
Independence Day holiday July 4,
associate professor of farm manageKentucky. West Vir- rect the University Chorus during campus from 43 Kentucky coun
A workshop for librarians deuntil August 13. Summer comC. Arnold Anderson, ment to professor of farm manage- bankers from
ties, mey siayeo. at jeweii nan signed to provide practical assistginia and Ohio attended the school,
mencement exercises are scheduled
from associate professor to professor ment; O. M. Davenport, from assistduring the meeting, while they set ance for persons with little or no
designed to offer intensive profesfor Friday. August 12.
of sociology; Carl B. Cone, from as- ant professor of forestry, in charge
up a model of the state government. previous training in library science,
sional training for junior
sistant professor to associate pro- of forestry section, to associate pro- officials.
Officers were elected and the en- was started Monday and will last
fessor of history: Jesse DeBoer. from fessor of forestry, in charge of forChemists Join Staff
tire group went to Frankfort where through July 9.
The course was sponsored by Uniassistant professor to associate pro- estry section.
Two new faculty members have
the Girls State governor was inversity College of Commerce and
Appointment: Athena Yockos, asfessor of philosophy; Merton EngTopics for the session include
Six nationally known educators recently been added to the staff of
augurated. Sessions of the house
Kentucky Bankers Association.
land, from assistant professor to sistant analyst, department of ag- the
and senate were held under the analysis, reader service, selection of are serving as consultants in two the department of chemistry, acMembers were addressed by promprofessor
of history; ronomy.
library materials, organization
of workshops which opened at the cording to Dr. Lyle R. Dawson, head
direction of Kentucky officials.
inent bankers and newsmen from
Field, from instructor to
Leave of Absence: Howard W.
Thomas P.
The meeting ended with an in- libraries, teaching the use of li- College of Education Monday, ac- of the department.
geography; Beers, head of the department of Kentucky and other states, and the
assistant professor of
Dr. William F. Wagner and Tn.
auguration ball at the Student Un- braries, public relations, and eval- cording to Dr. Frank G. Dickey,
William G. Haag. from assistant rural sociology, granted sabbatic following uiuvtriMLy jacuuy lliem- uating library services.
Howard K. Zimmerman
Jr.. will
assistant to the dean.
ion building.
professor to associate professor of leave of absence from August 1, to
Visiting consultants are Dr. H. L both hold the rank of instructor.
Homcmakcrs Meet
anthropology; C. W. Hockensmith, April 30, 1950, to serve as Fulbright
President H. L. Donovan; Prof.
Caswell, dean of Teachers Ccillese
Dr. Wagner, a former Hanover
Almost 500 young homemakers
from associate professor to profes- isiting professor of rural sociology at Elvis J. Stahr. dean of the College
College chemist, holds th
Columbia University; Dr. E. B. Norgathered during the holiday for the
sor of physical education.
Superior School of Agriculture, of Law; Dr. Giflord Blyton. assothe
ton, president of Alabama Statr degree from the University of Chifourth state meeting of the Kenciate professor of speech; and Prof.
Maurice A. Hatch, from instructor Athens, Greece.
Teachers College; Mrs. Nell Winn cago and the Ph.D. degree in anatucky Association of Future
professor of English;
W. W. Haynes, Dr. Rodman Sulto assistant
Mrs. May P. Mac- McGlothlin,
administration and lytical chemistry from the University
of America.
Herbert R. Humphreys, from assist- - Donald, home demonstration agent, livan, Dr. L. H. Carter. Dr. J. T.
educational essistant of the Georgia of Illinois. His professional experispeeches pointing
Programs and
ant professor to associate professor Graves county;
Dunn, Masten and Dr. H. W. Hargreaves,
state department of public health: ence includes five years as research
to FHA's possible contribution to
of psychology; Mildred T. Lewis, home demonstration agent. Barren all of the College of Commerce.
analyst and research chemist with
Dr. Charles Van Riper, director Dr. Helen Shacter. consulting psyinternational good will and peace
from assistant professor to associate County; Mrs. Kathryn S. Calloway,
chologist. Northwestern University
the Illinois State Geological Survey.
of the Western Michigan College
were featured.
professor of music; J. Ardery
agent, Daiess
Home demonstration
Dr. Zimmerman received his masDr. Paul E. Blackwood. U. S. Office
New officers were elected and fuspeech clinic, conducted a lecture- from instructor to assistant County.
Education; and Dr. Gertrude ter's degree at Stanford Unterit.y
ture polirics of the group adopted forum yesterday on ."Helping the of
William E.
professor of journalism;
College of Engineering
PromoWhipple, supervisor of language ed- and a Ph.D. in theoretical and phyHi illHWiPiitthJltt
at business sessions.
McCubbin, from instructor to assist- tions: David K. Blythe and James
sical chemistry at the University of
He explained ucation for the Detroit
Speech Crippled."
Louis II. Dicrcks, director of the
ant professor of physical education; L. Leggett, from instructors to asOregon. During the war he served
such problems as delayed speech,
Ohio State I nivrrsity symphonic
Vincent E. Nelson, from associate sistant professors in civil engineerThe two workshops are for two as an eletaronics officer in the U.S.
stuttering and spastic speech.
professor to professor of geology; ing; Nathan B. Allison, from assistEdmund Gicsbert, currently on choir, is conducting the music
Navy and for the past ypar haj
and four weeks duration respecRhea Taylor, from instructor to as- ant professor of electrical engineer- the faculties of the University of workshop beginning this week.
Dr. Van Riper came to Lexington tively. The
session deals studied theoretical chemistry at Hie
professor of history; Paul K. ing to associate professor of electri- - Chicago and the Art Institute of
as a visiting lecturer for the speech primarily with administrative prob- University of Utah under a
Whitaker, from associate professor cal engineering; Joseph A. Boyd and Chicago, will be a guest lecturer the summer session and will coneducation workshop which began lems of Kentucky schools superinresearch fellowship offercU
duct seminars and conferences with
to professor of German.
Earl T. Noble, from instructors to of the department of art next week,
this week under the sponsorship of tendents, including such individual by the American Chemical Society.
Guy T. Battle, assistant professors of electrical en- - Prof. Edward W. Rannclls, head of teachers and students of music.
J. Stephen Watkins. Lexington the UK department of English.
problems as finance, personnel anc"
Oscar O. Brockett. Richard Griffith, gineering; William P. Savage, from the department, announced
Also on the music department's engineer, has been elected president
A second visiting speech authorThe
public relations.
and Louis Budd. instructors in Engsummer program will be a concert of the UK Alumni Association for ity. Dr. Lionel Crocker, chairman of workshop is concerned with the deto assistant professor of cently.
lish; Nellie Jo Sager and Jack Jes-se- mechanical engineering; Robert D.
marching band clinic for July the coming year, it was announced the department of speech at
velopment of new concepts of leadexhibition of Mr. Giesbert's and
part-tim- e
instructors in English; Hawkins, from professor of theoreti- Guest teachers for the clinic at the University's annual Alumni
University, will be on the cam- ership in elementary education.
are now on display in
Reserve commissions in the US
Goodman, associate pro- cal and applied mechanics to profes- - paintmss
Adolph W.
pus next week to assist a workshop
College of Education
Gallery of the Funkhouscr will be Bernard Fitzgenild, concert banquet.
rmy were awarded to 53 advanced
fessor of mathematics and astrono- sor of applied mechanics and head Biological
band director at the University of
includes Dr. Clifford members on the workshop staff,
r,lb,,rt H Hillenmever. Cincinnati staff which
Sciences Building. The
ourse ROTC officers, according to
my; Robert D. Warth. visiting in- of the department of general cngi- di.spiay w in continue until July 10 Texas, and Hal Bergan, nationally insurance executive, is the newly- - Blyton, associate professor of speech are Dr. Ralph W. Cherrv. chairan announcement made bv Col. G.
structor in history for two months, mining engineering;
known marching, band specialist elected vice president.
E. and
and director of the workshop; Dr. man of the Division of Administra- I". Mackenzie, head of the departopcn to the public daily and
effective July I; Arthur Grove, part-tim- e
from Lansing, Michigan.
(Continued on Page Two)
Sunday afternoons.
The two new officers were elected Herman Spivey, head of the de- tion; Mrs. May M. Duncan, head ment of military science and tae'ici.
instructor in geography and diApplications for the .summer mixDr. Frank of the elementary education departby approximately 4,000 graduates and partment of English;
President H. L. Donovan presentrector of the cartography laboratory.
ed chorus are still being accepted. former students of the University Dickey, assistant dean of the Colment; Lyman Ginger, director or ed commissions to 40 prospective inS. Calvin, acting head of
lege of Education;
Fracticc is being held from 2:10 in recent nation-wid- e
Dr. J. Reid the University training school; Dr. fantry officers. 12 signal cor;s men
balloting conthe Department of Psychology for
to 3:10 p.m. Anyone interested in ducted by mail. Watkins succeeds Sterrett,
of Charles R. Spain, chairman of tlw ind one ordnance randid.ve.
1919-5Dr. F. A. Pattie having rejoining the class, which offers credit, John R. Bullock of Cincinnati as speech; and Wallace Briggs, in- Division of School Services; and
Infantry commissions were xtvra
quested that he not be reappointed
can obtain "further information by president, while Hillenmcyer takes structor of English.
Dr. Dickey.
Sylvester Ball, George D. Cavwfod,
as head of the department next
calling the Music Department, Uni- over
Garrett Donovan, Walter Ferguson.
the vice president's post from
year; Maurice J. Terman, instructor
Winners of six State Insurance?
versity extension 109.
George L. Garrett. Ja'ucs tiiikry,
Bernie Shively, L'K athletic director.
in geology; Mary Eades, assistant to
10 me college quate
Stanit-G!.utie. Newcotrb Clrern
of professionally
It was also announced that two
the director of the library science isiviauui scuuiarsiups
Carl Ha:l. William Hall. John Un-roc- k.
workshop for a period of three of Engineering have been announced trained personnel to meet future demembers of the Association's execu
Edgar Huet. Delmer I.vn.
tive committee were
weeks, effective July 1; Ernest P. by Dean D. V. Terrell.
mands of Kentucky business in- Donald Laffoon. John Locke. WarEdwards, instructor in zoology; V.
their positions in the recent ballot-- i
Students named were Charles dustry.
ren Miigee. Walter Martin. Charles
ing. They are William W. Blanton.
F. Cowling, associate professor of Theobald,
Vernon L. Moore, Beverly
Present plans call for the annual
) Pans attorney, and C. Lee McClain, cipient Hartford, was named theLoy- -'' i the UK Alumni Association or by Maxwell, and SidneyWynn
mathematics and astronomy; Howof the 1949 UK Alumni
Sidney Mitchell,
Rardstown, a former Alumni As- ard F. McGaw, visiting instructor Miracle, Birney Fish, Thomas Clore, award of three scholarships to memalty Fund scholarship. Dr. Leo M. organized alumni clubs. The award Haldon Rubuison, Aaron Taylor. A.
Fifty engineering students are at soeiation president.
in library science for July and and Raymond Distlcr.
bers of the College of Engineering's
Chamberlain, chairman of the Uni- - is not restricted to Kcntuckians but G. Tharp. Charles Tully. John Tul-l- y.
Camp Robinson, a 15,000-acr- c
res Under terms of the scholarship
August; George R. Thomas, assistjunior class, thereby providing re- ervation in Breathitt, Perry, and
ersity scholarship committee has is open to students from other states
Jesse Van Sant. Edwin WaPer...
ant geologist, Kentucky Geological plan, initiated by Governor Earlc C.
Blaine Ou'hnc,
who are duly nominated. It is made John Walton,
periKnott counties, for a
Clements and State Insurance Di- cipients two years' specialized trainSurvey.
Qtiip Of The Week
was graduated this on the basis of scholastic apUtude. George Sparrow, Charles Tucker,
Leaves of Absence: Milo G. Kars-ne- r, rector Spalding Southall, the stu- ing. In order to put the plan into od of practical field work in sur- month from Covington Holmes high character, personality and partici-schoo- l. John Alcorn. James Anderson. Ja .'u
assistant professor of physical dents will begin in September spec- - immediate effect, however, three of veying. An additional 50 men will
.Said the
He will enter the University pation in
activities King, James Price, Gerald R k:rn- y
for a similar
education, granted leave from July 1 ial courses of study in fire protec this year s scholarships were award- - 1,aVL' "
was four in September.
lo a student who
While a student at Holmes high, wald. James Ross. Robert Spi adlin,
to September 1, to attend Army tion and safety engineering. Four ed to seniors and will be of one period.
minutes late:
The Alumni Loyalty Fund scholar- - Hartford was a
member of and Forrest Williams.
new courses in these fields recently year's duration.
school for physical education trainProf. N. E. Shaver, head of the
"Are you a member of this class?" ship, established in 1948. is the larg- - the National Honor Society
par- Reserve commissions in the .signal
ing; William V. Brooke, instructor have been added to the UK Engi- upon graduation, the scholarship department of civil engineering, and
"No sir."
est single scholarship offered to UK ticipated in dramatics, forensic and corps were awarded to Douglas
in physical education, granted leave .mi.k woneKe curriculum, accord- - recipients are expected to accept Assistant Professor David K. Blythe
"Are you visiting?"
It is valued at approxi- - music activities. He has been a con- - bright, Guy Brooks. Jack Carpenter,
during the months of July and Aug- ing to Dean Terrell.
"No sir. I'm going to be a mem- - mately $J800. with the funds made testant in the State high school James Combs. Elmer Drver.
employment with cither the Division arc in charge of the group.
ust, to teach at the College of WilPurpose of the scholarships is to of Insurance, the Kentucky Inspec-creat- e
b(''. I hoe."
Formerly a CCC unit. Camp Rob- available at the rate of $700 a year music and speech festivals held an- - Ethington. Robert Kimberly. M"r
liam and Mary.
"Well, if you come to this class, for each of the four years the re- nually at the University.
interest in fire protection and tion Bureau, private
insurance inson has been used annually by
Moore, William Snead. Michael Wtc- Resignations: David Otis Kelley, safety engineering among junior aeencies. or in such nrivate indus- - UK engineers since 1937, when it
must be an active member, not cipient attends the University.
Last years winner. John Bigger- - kowsky. Waiter Eads, and Billy Ouv.
head of the depart- - engineering students with the long- - tries as have need for fire protection was transferred to the University by iin honorary one."
professor and
Nominations for the scholarship staff of Berea. now is a sophomore
One ordnance commission uxi
ment of library science; Ulmau R.cr range view of providing an ade- - and safety engineers.
the government.
Ore UUidc by individual members of in the College of Aits and Sciences, awarded to John L. Roberts.




Campus Is Scene Of Stale Meets

New Yorker

4-- H

4-- H


To Talk Here

Dicrcks Leads
Choral Groups




Kav-anaug- h.



Begin Session


Chicago Arlisl
Gives Lectures


Speech Expert
Gives Lecture

ema-ster- 's



Alumni Name
New Officers


post-loctor- al




25-2- 9.


Commissions Awarded
To ROTC Officers



Engineer Scholarships Given
For New Insurance Courses

Covington Boy Is Recipicut
Of Largest University Grant

50 Students
Attend Camj


Far-quh- ar

extra-curricul- ar









Pcr.e Two


c.rtitlat and fn7imns are to he
lipinidiit (.( Die unOri lontuckv InWrcollmint Prr.su Association
Lulngton Board of Commrrrc
The Kernel.
i. . ;i,.-Kentucky Prest Association
National Editorial Associat urn
mucm. ovm t,.,n. r
M MO.. I. vkah KFPJ
examination pi Kious
National UhtYtising Service, Ibc.


js. ne













P.n nor vrs
Croi'T Reynolds
Nrll r.lnir

410 MaDiaoH Ava.





N. T.


wmi-ste- r

Editor Reporters: Jobie Anderson, Roberta
Cole, Joanne
Clarick, Temple
Managing Editor
navLs' Earl Conn- - Yolande Coulter,
News Editor
Nancy Gaskin,
Bea Freedman,
RJorts Ff,ilor
FrancLs Hellard. Rosemary HillinfT.
Rtisiiiess Manager
J.ian Cook
Ionard Kernen, Marilyn Kilmis,
Henry Maloney, Bill Mansfield,
r.'.'v M.T-iiMelvin Mitchell, Dorothy Neal,
Asst. News Editor
Fr'j r.ix. F.aii Conn
Kenny WikxI, Bob Smith. Otis
Perkins, Ed Tackett, Ann Tracy,
A'iMViato M.ina' iii'T Editors
and Dudley
Kent Ilt.Ilinrrworth
Barbara Ann Warren, Jane Webb,
r."i!;:vlrj-.... Arsocinto Sports Editors
Tom Wilburn.








I.xmt-ton- .

s n.att. r ui.d. r


By Ruth 'Adams
again the Alumni Gym was
the scene of frenzied, would-b- e students struggling to classify. The
best way to prove the similarity
between registration and establishis debatable but
ing a beach-hea- d
a letter this office received a day
or so ago shows us the attitude an
outsider has of registering. Here It
is just as we received it:
Office of the Kernel
University of Kentucky
Dear sir.
My name Is George. That's all,
just George. In my community you
don't need anything formal like a
Anyway, who's gonna call
a squirrel mister? Yep, that's me.
My home is the fourth tree on the
rii'ht as you walk from Patterson
to Boyd Hall. Our hole is not the
best but we call it home.
Yesterday I was sitting down on
the ground sunning myself and noticing that the hair on my tail was
thinning in preparation for summer when I nearly got stepped on.
Yeh, the nerve of some humans!
They all seemed in a big hurry
to get across the street (like always) so I yawned and tagged

DAT cs--




Iii The Neck Again
the I'niveiMty under terms of
"h. the f.l r.ill. have learned with consiclc raiilf
;npat nit lit thai. Ix i.nise of their failure to notily tlie veterans
irH:.c that iIky would alii nd siminier sihool, iheir subsistence
Stint's f
Piil. lie I.au-



ill il.s will l.e MWi.il weeks late in arming.
I; m mis that einans weie reijniied to go to the campus
vttu.uis olln e soiiHlime iu Mav and signiiy their intention ol
ni inniii", in ii.iinint; dm in;; the sumnier. Otherwise,
stoed as of June 4. T hose who did
iami tits would
not thus male known their intentions were put through the
ing" training this week.
Ixuht i Mime red-i.i1 he inoidinaii ly long lime
between the date of
tlv l.ite ilie Iii si hiks anie has always been annoving to et-- t
rails, ami the l.ut that main of them will not Ik? paid until alxiul
August I. when summer' s hool is practically over, is a rircuni-iiainon the outrageous.
whiih lionh-iNow. the joker in this whole dcik is that a great nnniher of
'ti'i.nis wire not advised of the necessity of repining to ilir
etii.ins olliie dining the sKcided time last month. The only
emi nt made by thai office is alleged to have been in the
l.ii in ol notiics ost(d on vaiious bulletin Ixiaitls around the
campus. Campus bulltiin Imards, which are generally so cluttered
with absurd liivia that the word "bulletin" lieconies a joke, are
hardlv acceptable media for the transmission of imxi l.int in-imation lo the students. T he Kernel, which in lieu of individual contail through the mails, would have lieen the logical organ
lot ir.tihing the student veterans, did not receive a single scrawl)
ol iiilm mation lc gatding the mailer, although a rejioiter was
assent d to cover the vc it rans office weekly.
Of i nurse. th' dt laved receipt of subsistence checks is not, so far
as we know, a matter of life or death; but this new evidence of
bin i aucialic lailure is as irritating as it is discommoding. Manv
students Imiight and paid for their eligibility time with icmaik-preciou- s
coin. 1 he red tae with which they still have lo
i..-- t
will ccilainlv cause many of ihem lo cjucslion whelher or
il il was won!) the tumble.





Vale, Deissicfis Helenicus

I he Ktintl stall
which makes its debut this week would be
guiltv ol the basest ingratitude if it failed to appropriately note
iii.ii t nit in ol one of the most distinguished
editors ol tin-iv. spa h i's career.
No one could have
more unfalteringly diligent in pressing lor the liest intcicsts of the 1'nivcrsity, the student bod v. and.
ciiisecjiieiiily, of the ominonwealth itself, than was Helen Deiss
liming her tenure as the Kernel's editor. Even though the
stand she look mav not have lieen the most MpuIar at ihe
luoiiiciit, time-- , which has already vindicated many of her
will siirclv vindicate the rest.
Associated will) scholastic publications for seven years four
on ihe stall ol I ' Highlights and three with the Kernel
A gteat
ii ii the ctlitoiial chair covered will) honors.
( .iwaits he r.
ol s, j
1 he
present stall, which excrienre has taught to be
about most things, is iniiin llt-- io admit that an associate who
has so i oiiniiaiiili il our resjiert cannot but have lixed our allec-tiot- i





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Phone 5703


The Boston Braves front office
announced Wednesday t