xt7ncj87ht0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87ht0t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-11-25  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1930 1930 1930-11-25 2012 true xt7ncj87ht0t section xt7ncj87ht0t W

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25, 1930

WOMAN QUESTION Army of Kentuckians to Mobilize
Crusade for Sacred Beer Keg

Over 600 Attend International
Argument In Memorial Hall
Saturday Evening
Britons Are Entertaining In
Description of Woman as
Stupid and Selfish
Before a crowd of approximately 600
In Memorial hall Saturday evening
representatives of Cambridge University, England, and of the University of Kentucky debated the question "Resolved that the Emergence
of the Woman from the Home Is a
Regrettable Feature of Modern
Life." N. C. Oatrldge, Cambridge
and Hugh R. Jackson were affirmative debaters while A. E. Holdsworth
and William Ardery, Kentucky, upheld the negative.
Dean P. P. Boyd, of the College
of Arts and Sciences, presided at the
debate, which was preceded by a
program of organ music by Dr. Ab-nKelly. No decision was rendered.
Hugh R. Jackson "was the first
speaker of the evening, basing his
argument on the biological differences of man and woman and saying that if the race is to continue
the family as a unit of societydifferremain in existence. Many
ences in the physical make-u- p
man and woman were pointed out
Jackson attempted to prove
and Mr.
that due to these differences woman
Is unfitted for emergence Into our
industrial order.
William Ardery, first negative
speaker, accepted almost the entire
argument which was presented by
Mr. Jackson, agreeing that the family is a necessary unit of society and
that If society is to exist the family
must continue. Mr. Ardery differed,
however, in believing that the exis
teoee of the family was dependant
on the emergence of the woman
frets the home.. "We have accepted
the present economic and social order, we have sanctioned the practices of capitalism and we have permitted a domination of wealth."
Unless we are willing to regret the
entire present social order then we
cannot regret the emergence of the
woman from the home since this
emergence Is but one small aspect
(Continued on Page Sight)

Organization of
University "K
Club Is Planned
Plans for the organization of a
"K" club at the university have
been completed, and a petition has
been submitted to C. R Melcher,
Dean of Men. A committee, consisting of Carey Spicer, Louis Toth,
Kenneth Andrews, and Tom Phipps.
drew up a constitution, which will
be submitted to the Men's Student
Council at a joint meeting with
the university Senate.
The club will consist of all letter
ball, basketball, baseball, and track.
Coach Bernie Shlvely, line coach of
the Wildcats, is sponsoring the part:
The constitution declares in
shall be
"The purpose of this club
for the promotion of better fellowship among the wearers of the "K,"
for better understanding among the
athletes in Kentucky. Membership
shall be restricted to those who
earned their "K" in any of the
four major sports, and who shall
be voted upon and passed by two-thirof the active members. Regular meetings shall be held the first
Monday in every month, and dues
will be 50 cents a month. Honorary members shall be elected by the
unanimous vote of those present.
Such members shall be exempt from
initiation and payment of all fees."

Hordes of Big Blue Supporters Will Encamp Beneath Walls
of Knoxville in Epic Battle; Barbaric Charm Will Be
Evidenced in Feminine Furs and War Paint

Three Credit Hours to
Added for Absences


The Thanksgiving holiday will
begin after classes Wednesday
afternoon and will end Saturday
if, 8 o'clock.
All absences on the day immediately following the holidays
shall be considered unexcuscd
unless an excuse presented to
the Senate is accepted. The penalty for violation of this rule is
the addition of three credit hours
o the number required for graduation. This rule, however, does
apply to Juniors and seniors
Sot a standing of 2.4 last semes-J- er
nor does it apply to graduate
jtudents. In these cases, no excuses for absences are required,
but each Instructor may record
and report absences as he sees

University Publication
Wins With Local Paper in




Hack's Hospitality!
U. K. Students Arc Invited
to Be Guests
In a telegram to the Kernel,
Buddy Hackman, president of
the student body of the University of Tennessee and famous
half of the Hack and Mack combination, extended a cordial invitation to students of the University of Kentucky to be the
guests of members of the student
body there for the Thanksgiving
game at Knoxville. The telegram:
"Students of the University of
Tennessee extend cordial invitations to the students of the
University of Kentucky to be
their guests while at Knoxville
for the Kentucky - Tennessee
game, November 27. Tennessee
is happy to have Its traditional
foe, famous for its sportsmanship, to be its guest on the
President Tennessee Student

OF U. K.


Disappointments Are Forgotten as Big Blue Completes
Final Preparations

in the arena, the sons of the north
side of the mountains against those
of the south side.... a colorful set
ting.... to the winner the spoils,
"brer feves" et al.
Frances Holliday Is AppointPicture a group of southern war
Autos and Special Trains Will
riors gathered around an altar uped as Member of Executive
Carry Many Supporters
on which is offered' the Wildcats
Council of Association
to Knoxville
most delectable morsel a victory
over Tennessee and the reason for
The University of Kentucky KerBy VERNON ROOKS
Gamage (the Llonhcartd) leading
nel tied with the student publicaanother crusade will be clear. PicCobwebs have been cleaned
tion of the University of Ohio In
ture the sacred beer keg guarded
the contest for
fnm the University of Kenby Tennesseans.
papers, which was conducted by the
tucky trophy case and room
Hordes of Kentucky fans will ro
National Collegiate Press Associahas1 been reserved for the batto Knoxville.
Banners will be
tion at Its annual convention at the
flown and the Knights of Kentucky
tered beer keg which will arUniversity of Pittsburgh, November
will wear their colors with religious
rive in Lexington from KnoxThe University of Kentucky
fervor. There will be evidence of
was selected as the site of the 1931
ville Friday morning.
barbaric days as girls attire themas host.
convention with the Kernel
Knights of the Wildcat camp
selves in furs and war paint. CourThis meeting will be held the third Body.
tesy will be extended to the Invadhave forgotten their disappointFriday and Saturday of November.
ments of yesterday and their war
ing army. The battle will be fair
The University of Michigan and
cries have sounded loud and long
but sanguinary.
Game With Mary-vill- e the University of Minnesota dallies
above the din on Stoll field during
When one team has the other Tentative
Team to Open 1931 won first place In the contest for
the last week as preparations were
with its back to the goal posts
made for the downfall of the TenSeason Is Discussed By labaloo, dallies; and the Tulane
there will be no quarter. Appeals
the Georgetown University
nessee Volunteers.
The success or
to the stands will be met with
Athletic Council
publication, and the University of
failure of the 1930 football sea- Dr. A. F. Morgenstern Is En- thumbs down. Kentucky will be the
South Carolina paper were
invader, Tennessee the defender,
grid schedule of the
the best of the weeklies.
Students and the pilgrimage to Tennessee, and
tertained by German Club football the method of combat, and The
meeting of
Sheep Flocks to Compete at indications are that nothing short
and Other Organizations at the sacred beer keg the trophy. Wildcats, completed at a last nignt editor, Frances Holliday, managing
the Athletic Council late
Coleman Smith, business
Interesting Livestock Meet- of a catastrophe will stop the Big
Many will bear evidence of having Includes eight conference games and manager, and Wilbur Frye, editor,
had access to the keg. Tradition a tentative game with Maryville, ac- - who represented the Kernel at the
trw ThA
nnrAtnrr tn an otinniinpflmnnf
Dr. A. F. Morgenstern, physician will rule the day.
- . convention returned Sunday. During
i.uiuu.6 v
White-heade- d
and level-headof intenational repute, addressed
Dean L. J. Horlacher, W. W. Di- Kernel by Prof. Enoch Grehan, their visit at Pittsburgh, Miss Holll- scribes remind the Wildcats that
the second convocation of
member of the Council. Negotla day was the guest of Miss Virginia mock, J. Holmes Martin, R. C. Mil
against them. But what
which was held In Memorial hall
tions which have been pending for Wlckersham, at the Kappa Kappa ler, W. J. Harris, E. S. Good, and odds are
Friday under the auspices of
a game with Florida in 1931 and Gamma house, and Mr. Smith was Wayland Rhoads, members of the of odds, what of records, what of
the past when Kentucky meets
faculty of the College of Agriculture
The subject of his talk
were discussed and the guest of the Pittsburgh chapter
also in
Tennessee. The Kentucky mounwas "German History the Result
will be closed immediately.
of Delta Tau Delta, of which he Is are planning to attend the annual tains have a long history of bloody
of Peculiar Racial and Geographic
International Livestock Exposition feuds, and in none has odds been
Tulane University, New Orleans, a member.
which opens Saturday, November
La., will meet the Wildcats in 1932
not of
Miss Holliday served on the conif a contract which is being consid- vention committee on national ad- 29. at the stock yards in Chicago, mentioned. It a survival
As a background for his remarks
following the fittest but of the alert and
by the Council is closed.
and continues untu
on the future of Germany, Dr. Mor- Hugh Adcock, President, Con- ered
vertising; and was appointed as a Saturday, December 6, the
quantity of sheer nerve and
genstern sketched the past history,
council plans to include Tulane and member of
ducts Exercises of
the executive council
Florida as permanent games lor of
naming the various forms of govThe experiment station will make
the association.
A championship will not be at
customary exhibition of fine Ken
which have been tried and
par- its
Luncheons, dinners, theatre
The meeting with Florida will
tucky sheep and cattle. A student stake but the game is far more imthe influences that have affected
At Sunday vesper services, No probably be held In Jacksonville ties, and inspection tours of points Judging team, coached by Prof. L. J. portant than championships in the
the nation from the time the Teu
tonic tribes overran Europe untu vember 23, six students were pledg- next year on December 6. Arrange of interest in Pittsburgh were fea- Horlacher. will compete with teams schedules of the neighboring univerthe convention. Speakers, from land grant colleges throughout sities. All the weight of glorious trathe nresent day. He said that the ed by Phi MU Alpha, men's honor- - ments depend on tentative changes tures of prominent in
dition will follow the Wildcats down
the jiewspa-per-fie- ld
The exer- to be maJejq,.tne nuesc we who are
German people, nave always been ary musical, fraternity.
United States
will settle
into Tennessee
of the United States, ad- the
actuated ey aaaaaentu motives, !clse:were held at the close .of the Southern Conference at a confer
Professors into the stadium and there short per
While in Chicago,
during a
dressed the convention at dinners
clinging to program.
ence council
which resulted in their
Rhoads. Good, and Miller will read
tribal and family divisions, instead
Phi Mu Alpha was founded at the
The contract which has been of held Friday and Saturday nights at papers before the American Society iod which will endure for a lifetime.
of merging in one government as Boston Conservatory of Music in fered the Wildcats by Clemson was the Faculty Club.
of Animal Production.
Twelve Kentucky men will be do
did the more stoically minded Ro- 1912. In order to be eligible one over ruled Monday night. NegotiaMr. James G. Lewis, eastern manHarold Barber, master shepherd ing their last bit for the Big Blue.
mans. However, when union final- must be a second semester sopho tions with Maryville for the open- - ager, national advertising depart
paper; and showman, in charge of the Ken These 12 men will bid goodbye to
ly did take place, they were for this more and must take part In at least ine crame of the season on October ment of the Scripps-Howar gh
very reason all the more Intensely two of the musical organizations 3, 1931, will be begun immediately. Mr. Leo Dolan, Pennsylvania State tucky flocks, who has won past, their alma mater with the best they
In expositions of the
have, and the Kentucky student
comloyal to their fatherland.
S. A. Boles was appointed a
of the university.
Manager of the International News awards putting
finishing touches
Is now
will sing their praises win. lose
Many nationally known musicians mittee of one at the meeting to ar- Service; Mr. Cy Hungerford, car- on a herd of the sneep, wnicn in body
In regard to Germany's future.
or draw. They are: Captain "Flop- te
of Pittsburgh;
Dr. Morgenstern said that the world are members of Phi Mu Alpha. range for a football banquet which toonist,
(Contlnued on Page Eight)
Cheviots, five Hamp-shlre- s,
at the close of this Chancellor John G. Bowman, of the cludes eight Southdowns, and six
is being too slow to realize that the Among them are, John Philip will be held
University of Pittsburgh; Oliver J.
future of Gemany is the future of Sousa, Arthur Pryor, Victor Her- season.
crossbreds. Among the Cheviots is
Edward Ackerman. Lexington, sac Keller, editor of the
Europe, because of Tier geographic bert, and Fritz Krelsler.
as a lamb
places her in the
with the Council at the meeting. Mr. and Raymond C. Clapper of the a yearling weather which
relationship, which
The pledges are, Eugene Wilson.
were outstanding was chamDion of the breed at last
heart of the continent. Germany John Buskle, Jewett McDowell, Ackerman was recently appointed to United Press
year's International.- Kentucky sheep
by President Mcvey. speakers on the programs.
has been cramped since the war, Herndon Blades, Herb Schoepflin, the Council
numoer oi iirsi piaces
Members of the board present
Reese L. seweii, George wasning- - have won a with the best on the
and unless she is allowed to regain and Max Kerr. Officers and accompetition
her former strength, the rest of tives are, Hugh Adcock, president; at the meeting, which was held in ton University, Washington was in
Europe will remain without a bul- Elden Durand, vice president; Earl the office of John G. Stoll at the elected president; Fred Holtz, Uni- continent.
Three Aberdeen Angus yearling
wark against invasion from strife-tor- n Michel, secretary; Edward Barlow, Lexington Leader, were: Proi. w. versity of California was chosen for
John G. Stoll, editor of the Lexana William v. steers will be entered under the diRussia. As proof of the influ- treasurer; William Ardery, histor- D. Funkhouser, E. A. Bureau, S. A. the
ington Leader, ,was host to the
ence German economics have on ian; Wilbur G. Frye, David Young, Boles, Louis Hillenmeyer, John G. Mau'lsby, Pittsburgh, was elected ex rection of Mr. John. Fraser.
judging team, John Wildcat football squad and memProf. ecutive secretary of the association
The student
the trade and business of the world, Eugene Royse, Beryl Bogardus, Earl Stoll, Edward Ackerman,
Dr. Morgenstern cited the present K. Senff, Wiley Forman, Kern Pat- Enoch Grehan, Gayle Mohney, and at the business session Saturday Cochran, George Harris, William bers of the Athletic Council of the
Florence, Hyman Levy, ivan Jeic, university last night at a dinner
general depression, which he be- terson, Joe Conley, Edgar Bradshaw, Len Miller.
and Theodore Mllby. left Sunday for which was given in honor of the
The schedule for 1931:
lieves is traceable directly to a sim- David Welch, Joe McGurk, Norman
Purdue University, LaFayette, Ind., Wildcats In the garage of the Leadilar condition that has been forced Hainsey, John Stevens, Claude Oct. 3 Maryville, Lexington,
where they will inspect the Purdue er building.
upon Germany.
Oct. 10 Washington and Lee,
Walker, and Gayle Hamon.
livestock, doing practice work under
The football squad, and the mem
Dr. Morgenstern was entertained
the direction of Dean Horlacher. bers of the council, were the only
Oct. 17 Maryland, uouege, ram,
at Maxwell Place with a luncheon
Purdue they will go to the guests. The party was a surprise
Be Open
N. Y. From
Friday noon, and following this he
University of Illinois conducting to the Wildcats as they did not
Oct. 23 V. P. I., Lexington
showed lantern slides in Dicker hall,
Stoll had In store
nractlee ludtrine at the schools. The
Oct. 31 Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala.
explaining them in German. A tea
F. Paul Anderson, College of team will appear In competition with i know what Mr. they arrived at the
for them until
Nov. 7 Duke, Lexington
lecwas given for him, after this
Engineering, will leave Saturday for
Mr. Stoll said that
Nov. 14 V. M. I., Lexington, Va. New York to attend the annual con- other students at tne miernauonai Leader office.
ture by the German club, and many
on Saturday, November the affair was to act as a means
Nov. 26 Tennessee, Lexington
persons, not students of the univervention of the American Society of Exposition
For the benefit of those who are
the team for the
Dec. 6 Florida, Jacksonville, Fla. Mechanical Engineers. During a ten 29, and will return to Lexington, of pepping
sity attended at this time, especially planning to
drive to Knoxville for (tentative)
December 2.
Thanksgiving game with Tennessee.
those townspeople who are
day stay in the east, Dean Ander- Tuesday,
After the dinner, the Athletic
of Dr. Morgenstern. In the
son also intends to spend some time
game, the Lexington Automobile
VISITS UNIVERSITY Council of the university held a
the evening he was the guest of the club announces that the Knoxville
in Newark and Philadelphia and to
meeting. Games which are to be
International Relations club, where road U. S. 25, from Corbln through
organizavisit various industrial
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Downing, Mil added to the 1931 football schedule
he made an Informal talk to its Williamsburg, Jellico, and Lafollette
tions at those places.
yeswere dismissed, and a tentative basmembers.
Is In New York, Dean waukee, visited the university
While he
schedule for next year was
as a cli- will be open for traffic ThanksgivDowning, a graduate of
This convocation served
ing day.
Organization of Honorary Ba- Anderson power attendto the annual terday. Mr. of Engineering, class '11, ketball
outlined. Plans to attend the ancollege
max to the student activities of the
Military Fraternity Is national the Grand Centralheld this the assistant chief engineer of the nual Southern Conference convensic
Detours have been removed from
month on the subject of Germany,
Palace. and
year in
Is to be held In the near
road, where
which has been sponsored by Pan the Richmond-Bere- a
Planned at U. K.
Appliances showing the year's out- Nash Motor Company, Is the broth tion which
by the
PoPUtlkon. The study of Holland black top surfacing has been com
standing developments in the me- er of Prof. H. H. Downing, or tne (council. were also discussed
will be taken up by them In the pleted. The Ashland-Louis- a
The Lexington Minute Men are
electrical fields will be university.
near future.
U. 8. 23 which has been under con making an attempt to organize a chanical and
struction for several months is also unit of Pershing Rifles, honorary on display.
executives and
At a meeting of
finished and is open for traffic.
Basic Military fraternity, 'at tne employes of the the
Carrier EngineerThe Cincinnati-LookoMountain university. This organization would ing Corporation, Monday, in New
Airline is reported to be in good be composed mainly of basic
Anderson will be the
The officers would be ark, Dean speaker. Tuesday, he will
condition, but tourists are using students.
state roads 90 and 35 to the Ten advance course men.
gathering of Kentucky and
nessee line and the Tennessee state
Drill Is held twice a week, on attend a
alumni at
Monday and Wednesday afternoons Philadelphia Philadelphia. the Engl'
road 28 into Chattanooga.
Janitor confronts the excited reportpresent neer's Club,
American viewpoint although they
from 5 to 6 o'clock at the
er and tells hun that the dean does
in their
still carry handkerchiefs
time. The Minute Men Is a temOne minute before press time the n't allow track workouts at this
"One would be considered
porary name for the organization.
telephone In the office drones meth- particular hour of the day.
vulgar in England If one did not"
are 60 members at preThere
The annual meeting of the Ken odically and mechanically three
Where's those twins?" pleads the
and insist that American cigarettes
sent, but it Is expected that the
membership will be cut to 40 in the tucky High School Press Association
are terrible. The gentlemen seemed
reporter near the Instru- man of the press.
Judge Lyman Chalkey will 6oeak future. A temporary officer who will be held at Georgetown Friday times. A
to desire that their names be omitTwins?" The Janitor scratches
as he
ment Is awakened, and
pate. "You mean Trixle's
ted from the scandal column of this at the Law college convocation this was elected at the last meeting is and Saturday, Dec. 5 and 6, accordup he accidentally his bald
paper. They understood, neverthe- morning at 10 o'clock on the sub- O. B. Coffman, Lewlsburg, W. Va,. ing to Information received here. straightens
twins? Here they are."
ject "German Jurisprudence."
member of Delta Tau Delta social Editors or representatives of the knocks the earpiece from the hook.
less that the space In such a column
Together they walk Into a cell
His address will be given in con- fraternity, who will fill the office of high school publications throughout He will leave It as it is, he thinks, like offing, and there, by Zeus, Is
would be devoted mainly to the
the school publications throughout
nection with the program of
again; no,
The committee In charge of the the state will attend the meeting and maybe it won't ring and slowly Trlxle and,black, twins, but one little,
which has chosen GerIn England one feels very "arty" many
and feeble looking
he thinks better of it,
as the topic for this month. organization consists of three senior to discuss problems connected with places the earphone to the side of rat terrier puppy.
very modern when one drinks
has sponsored several and Ave Junior military men. Sen- their papers. Instructors in the his head.
tea served with lemon. Cream is oft"I thought they were twins?"
journalism at tho
Ben Crosby, Austin Henen used by the English in their tea, other Interesting talks this month, iors areand Louis Peyton. Juniors department ofofKentucky have been
growls the newspaper man, "Gee,
which is very strong. The forensic notably, that of Dr. Otto Kopplus are O. B. Coffman, Harry Lair, Lis- asked to Judge tho entries In the
"Hello, Kernel office?" says a there is only one, and he is only
representatives have been unable to at tho Engineering assembly, and
newspaper makeup, editorial and voice that sounds very far away.
a dog."
acquire a taste for our highly pop- Dr. Morgenstern 's at the general ter Witherspoon, BUI Saunders, and news writing contests.
"Veh, what do you want?"
"It s not a he, and besides there
Bob Tucker.
ular coke and were quite shocked convocation.
"There's been twins born In the were two In the beginning," rewhen ttiey learned that tea hour in
marks the Janitor, picking up what
basement of the Administration
America had degenerated into MAKERS OF THE UNIVERSE
ho said was to be the greatest coon
"coke hour".
Marquis de la Falals do la
One real estate expert declares
"Twins? Whoso twins? When? dog In the world.
George Bernard Shaw, who namThe gentlemen find tho ettes in
Gloria Swanson's divorced How? Wh ? Hello, hello,... been
So the reporter was disappointed.
that 20 per cent of value of tho
teresting and blase but on the wholo ed Pythagoras, Ptolmy, Copernicus, modern dwelling lies in the base count, says he does not intend to cut off."
Notlilng ever happens. Well, that's
Kepler, Newton and Einstein as
ment; that is unless the furnace wed again, but there s a fellow who j Tho reporter" runs for the first tho way it goes. Hero was a good
"makers of the universe," had bet.
He had run
For two days after their arrival in ter be careful how he lets a break fire has rendered tho place so warm could sling that name about the time m years to tne Aaministra- - feature shot to h
Lexington, the Englishmen were un liko that become
known that the stuit had to be moved to waist of milady and Jerk it into a tlon building, pulls the door open, all tho way over here expecting to
impression that The Kernel for Nick LoiiKWorth and Simeon Fess the attic to keep it from turning to bow knot before she had time to and dashes down Into the dark con find twins, and discovers that Trlxder the
I tines
of the basement. Pierre, the le has only another family.
jump to safety.
to 'find it out.
was a city paper.
Richard the Llonhcarted once led
a crusade Into the heart of the
Moslem's (stronghold to regain a
wooden cross.
On Thanksgiving Day there will
be another crusade a crusade of
the twentieth century. A vast army
of Kentuckians will mobilize in the
heart of the bluegrass and behind
the vanguard of a frenzied group
of Wildcats will roll swiftly over
the hills of Tennessee to encamp
beneath the walls of Knoxville. This
crusade will be launched to obtain
possession of the sacred beer keg.
A beer keg, thousands of enthusiastic fans, two groups of stalwart
gladiators pitted against each other





Pledging Service
of Phi Mu Alpha
Held at Vespers

Leader Editor
Has Dinner for
'Cats, Council

Dean Anderson to
Attend Meeting of
Engineers at

Roads to
For Thanksgiving
Game at Knoxville

Sought for Kentucky

Birth of Twins Upsets Quiet
Routine of Kernel News Room

Necking Is Less Standardized
In Merrie England, Say Debaters
Kentucky girls, say Messrs. Oatrldge and Holdsworth, Cambridge
are far
forensic, representatives,
more sophisticated than are the fair
ones who inhabit the island. When
asked if the Institution of necking
existed In England Mr. Oatrldge
raised eyebrows and in a decidedly
English accent, "Oh, not at all as
you do it is not so standardized in
our country."
Both gentlemen found the horse
farms of the Blue Grass comparable
to the parks of England but seemed
to think their hedges a more beautiful means of demarkatlon than our
stone fences. Any English university other than Oxford or Cambridge is provincial and Oxford is
merely a good imitation of Cam-bldg- e,
said the gentlemen.
After hearing one of our proml-ed- s
referred to by a no less prominent ette as a "Honey," Oatrldge
asked, "Yes, and what could you
Something rather
mean by that?
sticky and sweet, I should suppose."
Both Britons, however, seem to have
gained an Intimate knowledge of the


Holiday Rule

Law Students
Hear JudgeChalkley

� VJf






Phone Ashland 3648


ij g


Tuesday, November 25, 1930


been visiting her parents at her
home in Ashland.
Miss Eleanor Swcarinccr spent
last week-en- d
at her home in Paris.
Alpha Xi Delta sorority, announces
the pledging of Misses Jo Ellen
Maxln, Milwaukee, Wis.; and Dorothy Root, Cambridge Springs, Pa.
Miss Virginia Wardrun has been
visiting at her home in Middlcs- -

and his accompanist Dr. Wesley La
Dr. ProschowsKi
Violette, Chicago.
lectured on "Musical Education"
Friday night at the university.
In the receiving line were Mrs.
Frank L. McVey, nnd the guests or
honor: their hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Jarman; Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sul-zc- r,
Miss Lenora Wilson and Mr.
R. D. Mclntyre.
Mrs. E. N. Fergus, Mrs. S. A. Boles,
Miss Edith Love, Mrs. Edward Wcist
and Miss Kate Phillips presided at
the lovely tables.
Assisting In entertaining were
members of the two musical fraternities, Phi Beta and Phi Mu Alpha;
also Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Zembrod,
Mr. Blaine W. Schick, Miss Margaret Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hansen,
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Holmes, Mr. and
Dudley South, Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Robinson, Dean and Mrs. P. P.
Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Randall,
Mrs. Florence Stout, Dr. Abncr Kcl-le- y.
Misses Anne Whitney Smith,
Mlna Pate. Marv Grace Heaven- ridge. Mary King Montgomery, Jane
Banding, Flossie Minlter. Beryl Har
dy, Margaret Jefferson, Miss enns- tophcr.


Famous Artist Appears for
Recital at Auditorium Under Auspices of Lexington
College of Music

snent the
at her home in Louisville. byLea Luboshutz, recentlyone of the
American critics as
Alpha Delta Theta sorority enter
tained all of the nlcdgcs at the greatest geniuses of the auspices was
head here under the
chapter house for the
the Lexington College of Music at
Miss Sara McCampbcll spent the Woodland auditorium
Miss Florence




week-en- d
Wednesday, November 2G
in Louisville.
Miss Anna Chandler Goff in
Tea at Maxwell Place for the stuMiss Florence Lewis spent the
week-en- d
charge of the ticket sale. Madame
dents and faculty of the university
at the Tri Delta House.
Luboshutz, when not on tour, is a
from 4 until 6 o'clock.
Miss Alice Bruner spent the
member of the faculty of the CurThursday, November 27
end at Louisville.
Miss Leota Ford spent the week tis Institute of Music in Philadel
Thanksgiving Day. Qridgraph of
phia, being associated with Carl
In Louisville.
and University footthe Tennessee
Miss Ruth Glerlneer spent the Flesch in the direction of that deball game at 2:30 o'clock in the
- partment. She is the first woman to
week-en- d
Men's gymnasium.
with Miss Mary Lib BrothTuesday, November 25
become a member of the violin deFriday, November 28
Theta Sigma Phi Initiation In the
The Delta Delta Delta Founders' partment of that institution.
Holiday. University Woman's club
followed by a dinner at 6
Day banquet will be Tuesday evefacMadame Luboshutz speaks of her
o'clock In honor of the initiates, at dinner for the members of the
ning In the Palm room of the work at the institute with enthusulty at 6:30 o'clock in Boyd hall.
the Lafayette hotel.
Phoenix hotel. Mary Frances Young, iasm "I love to teach" she said in
at The marriage of Miss Stella Splc-e-in
Law school faculty luncheon
an interview recently given at her
to Mr. Elmer Ollb at 5 o'clock
12:20 o'clock In the University ComMiss Nelve Crumc spent the week New York home. "Already several of
the Calvary Baptist church.
end at Frankfort.
my pupils have given successful reSaturday, November 29
Cadet Hops
The mothers club of Alpha Delta
citals in Europe and America; I
Alpha Gamma Delta tea dance at
The first cadet hop of the year
sorority meeting this afterTheta
have only one theory of teaching
hall from 3 until 6 o'clock. will be given from 3 to 6 o'clock De
noon at the chapter house on south Patterson Chi house dance at the cember 13 In the mens gymnasium,
It Is work, work, and again woric
Limestone at 2:30 o'clock fo