xt7ncj87hr8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87hr8d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1915-08-sep23-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-08-sep23-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-08-sep23-ec. 1915 1915-08-sep23-ec. 2011 true xt7ncj87hr8d section xt7ncj87hr8d 

     At a meeting of the Executive I; ommittee of State
University, held at "resident 2arker's office, September
23rd, 1915, there were present: Messrs. Stol, lNicholls,
Johnson, Brook and Edelen;

     The minutes of the previous meeting were ordered
corrected and then approveQ.

     Doctor Mutchler come before th  meeting and was hoard.
President ]'arker, Ur. Davies and w .. Lafferty were directed
to present a report at the next meeting of this ommittee,
on the running of the University ining-Rall for the past year.

     'he Dean of the t"ollege of Arts and Science auked for
an additional appropriation of $90.00 in his department,
and  ommandant Underwood asked for an appropriation of $175.00
for band instruments, and the 'ean of ('ivil  ngineering asked
for a transfer of $100.00 frog his budget account to the
salary of Mr. DV. Terrell.   hese three matters were, by
unanimous vote, continued until the next meeting of this
Commit tee.

     The following reports of the  resident and the various
Deans of the Colleges were then presented, read and ordered
to be recorded, which are a9s follows:

     State e  niversity,
          Lexington, Kenticky


     In makin. my re-lort to You, this mornjng, it gIves me Dleas_
ure to say that we opened the 1915-16 term of the Univeritty
with an enrollment of twelve hundred (1200) students, which
constitutes a very decided increase over the enrollment, at
the same time. last year, and I feel sure that the end of the
term will sho- our usual twent-T Tpercent annual increase over
the nreceding year.

     You will take pleasure, I know. in learninp' that the
new student body is uD to the full standard of excellence;
in fact, 1 do not believe that there ever has been. on this
campus. a su.perior body of younp men and women.

     Everything is movinr forward smoothly and auspiciously.
and i see no reason to doubt that we will excerience a most
splendid educational yernr.

     Yesterday, I received a letter from vrofersor Webb of the
Physics Deoartment; asking that a hundred dollars ($100) of   the
fund heretofore allowed in the budget for a student assistant,
be used to surnlement the salary of Professor billibrew, and
gives his reasons therefor.   he letter will be before you, and
I mos' heartly endorse the recommendation comtained in it.

     I have also received from Lielitenant Arthur Underwood, aur
Commandant, a renuest that one hundred and seventy-five dollars
($1751.00) be anrroortated for musical instruments and musiC


for the band.  iie assures vie that he has a most abundant Su!,nly
of musical talent among the freshmen and sonhomores, and if he
can get the proper instruments, he will be able to turn out a
splendid military band of about thirty nieces.   I need not
point out to you the necessity of having a r'ood band. In the
latter part of the year, w6 will doubtless be called to Frank-
fort to participate in the inauguration of a new governor.
he should be able to make a splendid showing at that time. but
this connot be done unless we have a first rate cadet band.

     You will have before you the renort of the various deans,
which will contain such suggestions and requests as they de-
sire to make.

       have, on my table, a claim of Mr. A.B. Rankin, a last
year's student, who claims that he has not received all of his
traveling expenses. He lives in the County of Wayne. about
twenty miles from a railroad. and was forced to lake an auto-
mobile to get to the train to reach Lexington.    he round trip
for the automobile was three dollars ($3.00), but this has not
been allowed him, Mr, Howel nLavies, our auditor, feeling that
the students should be limited to their railroad expenses.
I do not agree with Mr. Dalvies in his construction of the law,
and therefore, submit the question to you, who are mostly law-
yers and better Judges of the proper construction to be given
the charter than I.

                             Very resnectfully submitted,

                             (signe&) H. S.barker. lresident.

Presidgnt lenry i.  arker,
State  nivereilty of Kentucky.

Dear Sir:

   M I hand you herewith, the monthly renort from the College
of Mechanical and Ilectrical .'ngineering. All the class work
began at the day set for the beginning of the fall term; namely
wVednesday, September 5th.

     The matriculated in the various classes are as follows:

                   Freshman ......... 63
                   Sophomores ....... 65
                   Juniors .......... 28
                   Seniors.     .    23
                   Post Graduates..1 .2..2
making a total of.201

      here were only five of the freshmen who did not have the
full fifteen units of credit and in these cases there was only
one unit lacking.   ccording to the rule of the institution,
freshmen are admitted if they have thirteen credits, but those
freshmen who took up mechanical and electrical engineering this
year, are prepared in accordance with the standards of the older
technical schools. With such a well prepared freshmen class,
we will be able to give a training equal to the best teohials


     We have extended the period of our shop work for two days
of the week, from 4hree-thirty to five-thirty P.M. there have
been so many encroachments upon the shop Deriods we have found
It necessary, to keep u. the standards of our shon work, to
add four more hours each week to the regular schedule.

     On Wednesday of each week, at the fourth hour. we have
introdueed for the senior mechanical and electrical engineers,
a special course of lectures in english which will be given by
Dean Mackensle. Last year Dean Mackensie gave elight lectures
to the seniors but this year, the lectures will extend through-
out the year.   e feel that every effort should be made to give
the matriculate in the College of -echanical and   ec1.secal En-
gineering as much English training as possible.

                                   Aesnectfully submitted,
                                   (signed) P. Paul Anderson

                                   Dean 0College of Mechanical
                                   and ^1 ectrical Engineering.

Ron.  secutive "ommittee,
State Unigerslty
Lexington, Kentucky

G eutl e men2

     In compliance with your recent order, 1 hereby submit
fro the College of Oivil ringineering the following renort:

         The entire fac-alty of the 6iollege of  ivil Xngineer-
ing was employed during the vacation in Surveyfng, Ronstruct-
ing, or Insnecting 5tate #id 'oads in various parts of the

     As D1iviion Lngineer, I had charge of the work in the
following counties: Air, Cumberland, Casey, Barren, Monroe,
Pulaske, aussell, s"etcalfe and Groee.

     Professor Aerrell made all of the tests Itf Stone. Cement,
Gravel and other materials used in State Aid oads, and also
assisted in lookinp after several counties in the central nor-
tion of the State,

     Professor Carrel was emnloyed in the Bridge Denartment of
the state Highway Denartment at Frahkfort.

     During the summer, I have had ocasaion to travel over a
good portion of the Statse and there is a prowing desire to have
the 5tat Eighway Department nlaced under the direction of the
College of ivil and lignway Engineering at the 5tate University.
Of course I id not discourage this arrangement in the least
for this was the original scheme.

L11borat Kriesm  oleef
            The ollvge of ivil ngineering how has well equiopped
laboratories for tesoing oaiing Raterials, stone, cement, asphalt
and oils and hopes to be able to get equinment suitable for test-
ing bridge materials In the near future.


       Frofessor D.lV  Terrell was ordinarily entitled to a
$100.00 raise in salary this year.   his raise was not granted
and now I request that $100.00 from the equitment fund from the
budget of the f'ollege of ,,iti-l ngineering, be transferred to
the salary fund, and 'rofessor  errell' s salary be raised from
$1700.00 to P1800.00.

Mat rigulter.s    ."              'sgneig          ssih
             The  ollege of civil  n&;teering has           i n-ight In-
crease in its matriculation this year, there being five or six
more freshmen than usual, and several anderclassmen from other

             Our boys dormitories are in my oninion noorly
eaui ned with fire escanes.   e have been fortunate in the nast,
and   feel that all existinp fire excanes should be tested, and
Drovisions made for additional escanes.   A good rone oroperly
fastened in a student a room would answer the 'ournose.

                               Very resnectfully submitted,

                               ( $ipns&) 4alter f. Row;,
                               Dean  oll0ege of t"ivil  ngineering

To the  xecoutive  ommittee;-


     I submlit the followinf brief report of the (;olV ege of
Arts and Science.

     The total enrollment to date in the   ollege Is 314,   his
is 41 more than kout the same time last year.

     For comoarison by classes I furnish the following tabular
               1914          1915
Snecials         23            20
Freshmen        102            115
6orhouiores      51             79
3uniors          53             45
Seniors                       .4A           -
        'Total  273          314

      he mathematics and German Classes are quite congested
at present, enrecially the latter.   About 300 students are
enrolled in the various1 classes in swdtrn languages, most of
which is German.  We Itave found it imnassibli to rrovide for
all of these in the re.:ular sections, and have to Trovide two
additional ones.   or one of these I have loaned as teacher for
one hour each day, my secretsryl, and for another hour we have
had `o place in charge an undergradua e of GermaB parentage who
spieaks German f:1vently,.  Her name isl ie Marie  ecker.

     Professor "eloher hopes before the semester Is over to
be able to make such combinations as to render uinnecesz'ary
one or two of these sections, but tending this arrangement, I


request that you authori.e the retention of Miss becker with
the com-nensation fo $10.00 per non:h.

                                 Very restectfully,

                                 (Signed) Arthur M. Miller
                                 1ean. College of Arts and 5cience

To the President, and Executive    ommittee
of the utate University,.
Lexington, Kentucky.

Gentl ement-

     I have the bonor to submit the followin!- re-ort regarding2
the work of the ollege of Agriculture and the Exnerinent Station.
The Vollege of AgrIculture onened very ausic ously on Seotem-
ber 13th.  In the  ollega of Agrisculture nroper we have  o date
243 students and in the College of Home Economics, 68. These
are .lassified as follows.:

                 -o- zeg of Agriulture

                   Freshmen ,.0.B
                   ophomores ................ 58
                   Juniors           ..    . 48
                   Seniors........ . .... .o      190
                   1st yr. Two yr. Course ..,. 25
                   2nd yM.  "  if  . R       10
                   Specials....      .18          i
                                                  243    243

               Hone- Economzics

                   Freshmen. . . .............. 29
                   Sophomores   B..          14
                   Junior. e..            I. 6
                   Seniors.............. e            55
                   Short Course ............. 6
                   specials ..............7... 7
                                    TOTAL   .     ...        68

                                    GRAND TOTAL .......... 311
An increase of 24 students ifver last year at this date.       e
are now handling a greater   iimber of students in the College
of Agriculture and in the Department of 1Home eonoilcs than we
havo adequate facilitbes for.   Anong this large number of stu-
dents we have many capable and earnest young men and women who
are obtainiyl- an education here in the face of the greatest

     The work of the E -meriment Station is Proggpeaving satis-
factorily.   ince my last annual renort to the   resident of the
date of May 18, 1915, we have nublished one annual renort
(1913), five bulletins.,  ix eirculars, ten prens bulletins and
four articles In scientific journals, embodying the results of
Exoeriment 6tation work.   Ae have in orese one annual report


(1914). four circular  and threo  articles Ln scientific journal*.
Bulletin  191 exoecially has attracted a great deal of atten-
tion and has been the subject of nuch favorable comment on the
nart of progre- sive and up-to-date farmers throuphout the State
and Bulletin 193 Is a Valhable cantrtbtioun to the chemiotry
of rerresentative "entuaky soils.   he following is a list of
the title of these publications:

191  Ohat the "entuacky Agricultural ixzoeriment Ztation
     Teaches in regard to soil fertility.   George  oberte.
     May 1915.
192. Qarbonated eoxverages.  Allen, LaBach, Brown. Rinnell.
     July, 1915.
193. Soils of KEntaeky.  s.D. ""veritt. July, 1915
194. Sols of Graves Cznnty. t. C. Jones. July, 1915
195. Soil2 of FQranklin ouittty.  S. C. Jones. July. 1915.

  Ojrglar&- ],xioarlmgat Statiao 'Igrlls
33  Poultry  slaisng in 1'entucky.  J.3. Hooper & D.D. blade.
35. Alfalfa.. T. J. Bryant.
36 Poultry ouse Construction. D.D.blade

$Scienti fc P~r

Comnalement Fixation In Ho. 1,holera.  D.J. Nealy end  V.
    3imith. (Journ. InfeOlioBg ;"is. Yol. 17. Mo l, 3July, 1915)
Some important Ccnstituents in the   rult of the iseape -'range.
    J. S. Mcar.ue.   (journ. hndus. & ir. 'heye Vol. 7, Wo. ?*
    July 1915.)
Phe -.1sno-cid Content of Gertain Coammercial !?eedinr ;;tuffs and
    other sources of Protein. B. ! . Nollau. ( journ. Bio-
    logic;.l hem. July, 1915.)
A nromat. and"Efficlent -'enedy for Clover Bleat. D. J. Hlealy
    and J. W. Niutter. Trreederst Glazette, t1ly, 1915)

In Run         Annual roe'nrt for 1914

Circulars - 'xoerinent "aton     eries.
No. 6 Inexpensive Applliances and Utensils for the Dairy.
       W. D. Sicholli.
No. 7 Blackhead in   urkeys.  Grahan and Himiselberger.
No. 8  A 5tudy of 4tem aot of Qlover and Alfalfa an a cause
       of Clove sicknesse .  1.  yer and A. ii. 4ilbert.

Circulars -   Zqention  srles.
No. 34  5simle  ookinp Aeci-te.   Mary S. Sweeney.

Scientific ?apera. 2he feeding of young chicks n grain
        ulatures of HIlh and Low Lysnoe tontent.
         3 3Buckner. M.U. lHollau and t.11. Kastle.

To the President and Axecative ComUittge -?

     1he l'ranelocstlon of the Mineral 6onetituonts of the


      ;oede of fiertain Sliar.tG During treovth. '.i. 4":tskner.
      Qn the Variation In the "oua-ogi -1an of the  an, eOaves
      and sten of the 'zild Grane Ijns (tVjiv. G0rdif~ta) and
      Sugar Manle 'ree (Acer Saocharum) 0. i h. hedd.

      Our work on clover bloatv han met with a cordial reception
among  dairymen and stockmen all over the country.   bhortly
after the oublication of our article on this subject in the
"reeder's Ganette. it waz renrtillshed In the Country Gentlemen
of the date of July 17. 1915,D pae 1174D in a series of s0hort
articles entitled *Live Iterns About -7ivo Stocak.I By our method
of handlintg clover bloat, five valuable cows in the Ei-periment
;tation herd, have b en saved duringr the past twe seasons.

     I  addition to the regular work of the 'Txperiment Station
a number of the Experiment Stat'on Staff haVe aetively partici-
pated in the work of the sttse 'air asnd ther ngrica"tural
fairt held throughout tile State during the past summter and. au-
tun. serving in the can,~cty of judges of live 3tadk, frait,
dairy exhibItt. etc., etc.

                              Res-pectfully submitte6,

                              (signed) T. 1h. gKastle
Dictpted.                     Dean asnd Director

P.S.  Since the above was written three freaarlar et-adents in
      the fonr-year course in agrict-are are to be added to
      the above list of students making a tettl of 14 or an
      increase of 27.

      I am neodizg you a couple of appleg - the 0taymans wineam
      MPp from HoTpktns Co .nty, which indicate better than words
      what is being accmplished fbr apple orcherding In Ken-
      t-acky by the horticultural oexperts of the tpyrimont Ste-
      tion and xtention service.   q.H. E.

The Ixecutive Gcmmittee.
Board of Trustees, 5tate University

Genti eant

     In submitting tihe first *anthly report of the Grraduate
School), It may be well to remind you that as a result of sev-
eral years' effort on my part, the various deans of thq under-
gtrduate colleges. of the State University unsaimoualy recoamend_
od to President Barke, that the time wes rip tft the instituo.
tioe of a Graduate School, whose duty should be the bacouragemant
and supervtiion of advaneed work on the part of iutudente who
had already obtained the Bachelor'e Degree at a reputablo
colloge or university.   .4ecorriugly In 19ll. President 3arker
rocommended to the board of Trustees that a Gradiate School
should be established, and with their sanation I Van honored
with the Deanship and authorited to organise and upballd this
Important phase of our university work.

     With the loyal end efficilent aid of the Graduate School
Committ., such has been done during the last three years. and


with adequate financial and mo1ral support this school i8 dies-
tined to become the c-own of the University. The ail of the
Graduate School is not to lead students along the beaten
pathway of learning, but to encourage and direct pioneer work
that shall constitute an original contribution to the world's

     Last year the enrollment of graduate students, r~sident
and non-resident, was 56, an Increase of more than thirty per
cent as comoared with the previous year, and increase prepor-
tionally greater thar. that of the University as a whole, and
greater than that of any Graduate School in -Smerica. It is too
early to smbmit the enrollment fro the current collegiate year,
but it is safe to predict a substential increase over last year.

     For the first time in the history of the University,
Pellblwships have been offered to a number of worthy graduate
sutdents, who devote part of their ti*re to the teaching of
unir.aZraiusteas. The plan in its entirety, I outlined last
winter to the Committee of Deans, who gave it their cordial
support. The introduction of Fellowships Is a gigantic stop
upward, because it saves money without Impairing the efficiency
of University teaching.  It aids worthy young men and women in
the pursuit of a Master's or Doctor's degree, and it links the
Graduate School in an organic unity with the various under-
graduates colleges.

     In my ne.Tt report I hope to have the pnrivilege of sulbmitt-
ing further suggestions fro the betterment of the University in
general, and the Graduate School in particular.

                                 Very respectfully yours.

                                 (signed) A. S. Mackensle.

Executive Committeo of State University.

Gentl em en:

      I beg leave to bUbmit thgs an my, September, 1915, report.
 as Dean of the kiollege of Law.

      Mr. R.B. aurcheraft, Jr., who has been employed as inetauct-
 or in law has assumed the duties of his position.  We rLave not
 yet summed up the number of new students in this college. but
 we have fully as many as we had last year and the material Is
 much better. The fact that we are requiring one ybre% work
 in the academic department, before graduation, of all stndents
 who are under the age of twenty-one years when "hey matriculate,
 has no doubt had some effect upor. the number of immature atu-
 dents in this college.   his rule we think ti a wholesome one,
 for the reason that the student is bette- nrenared for the law
 work by reason of its enforcement.   his should be by far the
 best year in the history of our law school.

                                Respnectfully submitted.,

                                (signed) W.T. Lafferty.
 Upon motion, the meeting then adjourned.