xt7ncj87hr67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ncj87hr67/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1945-12-oct17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-12-oct17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-12-oct17-ec. 1945 1945-12-oct17-ec. 2011 true xt7ncj87hr67 section xt7ncj87hr67 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, October 17, 1945.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10X30 a.m., Wednesday
October 17, 1945.   The following members were present:   Judge Rich-
ard C. Stoll, Chairman; H. S. Cleveland, and R. Ps Hobson.   Presi-
dent H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of
the Board of Trustees, were also present.

     A. Approval of the Minutes.

             1. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the minutes of the Executive Committee of
                AuEust 2, 1945, were approved as published.
                          * ** ** ** * * *

     B. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller submitted financial report for the period ending
September 30, which report was examined in detail, approved, and or-
dered filed.

     Co Meeting of Association of Governing Boards

     President Donovan called the attention of members of the Commit-
tee to the 1945 Conference of the Association of Governing Boards.
He stated that it would not be possible for him to attend the rmeeting
and expressed the thought that it would be well if some of the mem-
bers of the Board of Trustees could be present.    The tentative pro-
gram announced included some most highly important problems confront-
ing the universities in this post-wart period.   The members of the
Executive Committee present felt that they would be unable to attend.

     D. President Donovan's Report on Securing Pre-Fabricated Houses.

     President Donovan reported that, due to the acute housing short-
age at the University, he had applied f or four hundred small pre-fabri-
cated houses owned by the Federal Housing Authority and now located
at Charlestown, Indiana.   He reported that the Authority   had ap-
proved the granting of two hundred of the pre-fabricated houses, and
that he had submitted another request to earmark one hundred addition-
al two and three room houses for the University of Kentucky.     He



further explained the Federal Housing Authority plan provides for a
lease for these houses which includes equipment and furniture.  The
University will be required to pay all cost of moving and setting up
the new housing division on thle campus of the University.  It was
estimated that an expenditure of approximately one hundred thousand
dollars would be required for the installation of two hundred of the
houses on the campus, and that if the additiohal request should be
granted, a proportionate increase would be necessary.   It was esti-
mated that more houses could be rented if made available.  The report
was heartily received, and the administration was directed to proceed
with all details necessary.

     E. Contract for Moving Pre-Fabricated Houses from Charlestown,

     NMr. Peterson reported that he had contacted six transfer compa-
nies requesting bids on moving pre-fabricated houses from Charlestown,
Indiana, to Lexington.   He stated that two bids had been received,
proposing to move the houses "as is" and place on posts and level on
the University site.  Any damage done to any houses in moving is to
be repaired by the contractor.   The plumbing work required on the
Lexington site and the post holes and posts  used under each house are
to be furnished by the University.

     The low bid was received from the Yeary Transfer Company of Win-
chester, same being one hundred dollars per unit, and the second low
bid was one hundred and ten dollars per unit, received from S. O.
Graves, Joffersonville, Indiana.

     The Committee considered the bids and took the following action:

             2. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the bid as submitted by tihe Yeary Transfer
                Company of Winchester is accepted, and the
                Comptroller is authorized to execute contract,

     F. Contract for Sewer Excavation on Housing Site.

     The Comptroller reported that the work required on sewer lines,
roadways, manholes, etc., was deemed to be of an emergency nature and
that a negotiated unit base bid had been received from the Shely Con-
struction Company, rather than asking for competitive bids on formal
specifications,   It was further stated that the negotiated unit base
bid had been checked by the State Hig:hway Engineerls Office.



                   Department of Highways

                      October 22, 1945

     M.r. Frank Peterson
     Compt roller
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear Mr. Peterson:

               Reference is made to your recent request that
      I review the prices submitted by the Shely Construction
      Company covering work for the installation of sewers,
      waterlines, roadway excavation and surfacing in connec-
      tion with the housing development on the university farm.

               I have looked over the prices submitted as re-
      vised by negotiations and feel that they are reasonable
      in line with the quantities involved.

               I am firmly convincel that they are as low as
      they would be if this Job were let by advertisement.

                                   Very truly yours,

                                   (Signed) T. H. CUTLER
                                            STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER

      It was stated that the work should start immediately if the
houses are to be available by the beginning of the winter quarter.
The Committee discussed the unit base bid and took the following ac-

            3, On motion duly made, seconded and carried,
               the negotiated unit base bid of the Shely
               Construction Company is approved, and the
               Comptroller is authorized to execute necessa-
               ry contract and to issue such work orders
               as are required.

* * * ** * * * * *



     G. Report on Meeting with Legislative Council.

     President Donovan reported that members of the Legislative Coun-
cil had spent most of one day on the campus of the University.  He
stated that he submitted a budget request of the University for the
next biennium,   The request was apprently favorably received.  In
addition to hearing the budget request of the University, members of
the Legislative Council visited the Coal Laboratory, Aeronautical
Research Laboratory, and the College of Engimwring.  Members of the
party were guests of the University for luncheon.

     H. Correction in Biennial Budget Request.

     President Donovan stated that the request of Dean Thomas Cooper
for appropriations necessary for the Extension Division of the Col-
lege of Agriculture and Home Economics for the ensuing biennium had
been misunderstood, and he desired to :ask permission to request an
appropriation of the sum of $241,460 to match Federal funds available
through the Bankhead-Flannagan Act for the second year of the biennium,
instead of the sum of $80,730.   This misunderstanding occurred by
the request of an increase of $80,730 the second year of the appropri-
ation over the first year, whereas it was thought to be the amount
requested.   The Committee took the following action:

                          * * * * * *9 * * * *"

             4. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the budget request of the University of
                Kentucky for the Extension Division of the
                College of Agriculture and Home Economics for
                the second year of the biennium is raised from
                $80,730 to S241,460.

     I. Recess for Luncheon.

     The Committee recessed at 12:30 for luncheon, which was served
in the office of the President.   The Committee re-convened at 1:30
and took up the remaining business on the agenda,

     J. Lease of Eugene Simpson House.

     The Comptroller submitted a lease for the Eugene Simpson house
at 203 East Fourth Street, Lexington, to be used to house women stu-
dents who were unable to be housed in the woments residence halls,
It was explained that the lease mentioned two periods of nine months
cach, the first period being the school year 1945-46, and the second
period being the school year 1946-47. The lease was read, and the Com-
mittee took the following action:


                          ** ** * ** ** *

             5. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the lease between Eugene Simpson and the
                University of Kentucky is approved, the ac-
                tion of the Comptroller is ratified, and a
                copy of the lease is ordered filed with the

     K. Contract with Office of Scientific Research and Development.

     President Donovan submitted, with his approval, a recommendation
of Dean Thomas Cooper for the continuation of Contract No. OEM cmr-18.
It was stated that this contract represented the fourth continuation
of the original contract executed in November, 1941.   The Committee
took the following action:

             6. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                Contract No. OEM cmr-18 is continued for one
                year, and the Director of the Experiment Sta-
                tion is authorized to sign same.

     L. Budget Changes.

     President Donovan submitted a list of budget increases necessary
to care for staff members returning from military leaves.

     College of Arts and Sciences


German Language
Physical Education
Romance Languages

College of Engineering

Acct.620    Instruction



Auxiliary Enterprises

1660   Women's Residence Halls





     The Committee took the following action:

             7. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the Comptroller is authorized to make budget
                adJustmentd recommended in accordance with
                the list submitted by the President.

     M. Appropriation for Study on Descent and Distribution.

     President Donovan submitted a request of Dean A. E. Evans for
$200 to make a studiy of the background of the statute on descent and
distribution.   He submitted letters from members of the Bar Associa-
tion requesting that the work be done.   The President recommended
that the request be gra.nted and the appropriation made from the Haggin
Fund.   The Committee discussed the request arnd took the following

             8. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                it is ordered that appropriation of $200 from
                the Haggin Fund be authorized, for study on
                the background. of the statute on descent and

     N. Sick Leave and Vacation Reports.

     President Donovan submitted statement from the Comptroller con-
cerning annual reports of sick leave and vacation records for gjneral
office personnel and general service personnel.

                                           September 26, 1945
    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    My dear President Donovan:

               The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees,
     at the meeting of June 6, 1944, approved the recommendation
     for vacation and sick leave policies for general office and
     general service personnel requiring that all departments keep
     record Of the vacation and sick leave earned and used by each



     general office and general service employee of the Uni-
     versity.  After conference with you Bulletin #32, copy
     of which is attached, under date of September 15, 1944,
     was issued to all payroll divisions, stating that beginning
     July 1, 1944, vacation and sick leave records would be kept
     on a fiscal year basis, instead of on a calendar year basis.
     A recommendation was to be made to the Board to amend the
     statement of policy to a fiscal year basis.  Such a recom-
     mendation was never submitted to the Board.

               I am therefore making the recommendation, in ac-
     cordance with your approval, that vacation and sick leave
     records be kept on a fiscal year basis, so as to be in ac-
     cord with all other records maintained by the University.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  (Sizned) Frank D. Peterson

     The President recommended that the records be reported on the
fiscal year basis and the Committee took the following action:

             9. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                it is ordered that all records pertaining to
                sick leave and vacations for general office
                personnel and general service personnel he
                maintained and reported on a fiscal year basis,
                in accordance with the action of the Executive
                Committee of June 6, 1944.
                          ** * ** ** ** *

     0. Resolution on Death of birs. Lydia Brown.

     President Donovan reported the death off Mrs. Lydia Brown who
for many years, was a member of the staff of the Dean of Women. Hke
submitted the following resolution, with recommendation that same
be spread upon the minutes.

            Resolutions on the Death of Mrs. James Brown

          Mrs. James Brown, widow of the late James Brown of Sharps-
     burg, Kentucky, and former member of the staff of the Dean of
     Women, died at te home of her daughter, Mrs. Forbes Getty, on
     September 25, 1945.

          Airs. Brown was born in Sharpsburg, Kentucky, in 1860.
     She became a member of the Patterson Hall staff in 1915 and
     served as matron of the residence halls until she retired



     in 1932.   Few of the present members of the staff knew her
     during her active years, but they always looked forward to
     MIs, Brown's summer visits.

          Mrs. Brown was a staunch friend, a faithful and efficient
     staff member, a delightful companion, a wise counsellor, and
     a Christian gentlewoman.   During her long service in Patter-
     son Hall, she guided the destinies of hundreds of women stu-
     dents and through her influence the life in many Kentucky
     homes has been enriched.

          To MLr. Paul Brown, Mirs. Leslie Jones and Mirs. Forbes
     Getty, the University of Kentucky staff and students owe a debt
       gratitude in the sharing of their mother with others. The
     sympathy of the staff is extended to them in their personal

                                   Sarah B. Holmes
                                   Anne W. C.allihan
                                   Sallie Pence
                                               Faculty Committee

             10. On motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                 it is ordered that the resolution, as read,
                 be spread upon the minutes of the Executive
                 Committee, and that a copy be sent to the
                 family of the deceased.
                          * * * * * * * * * *

     P. Lydia Brown House Named.

     President Donovan reported that the apartment house at 343 Har-
rison Avenue is now used as an annex to the 'Woments Residence Halls,
The house has never been officially named.   He recommended that it
be named "The Lydia Brown House", in memory of Mrs. Lydia Brown who,
for thirty years, was connected with the staff of the Dean of Women.
The Committee took the following action:

             11. On motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                 it is ordered that the house located at 343
                 Harrison Avenue be known as "The Lydia Brown
                 House" in honor of Mrs. Lydia Brown.
                          * * * ** * * * * *



     Q. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

     President Donovan submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and
other staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.

                    College of Arts and Sciences


     Era Wilder Peniston, Instructor in the Department of Music for
ten months, effective September 1, 1945.

     Ernest Collins, Instructor in the Department of Political Sci-
ence for the Fall Quarter, effective October 1, 1945.

     Harold Black, part-time Instructqr in the Department of Psychol-
ogy, for six months, effective October 1, 1945.

     Elsie Dotson, Graduate Assistant in the Department of Psychology,
farten months, effective September 1, 1945.

     Harold G. Flanary, Graduate Assistant in the Department of
Physics for nine months, effective October 1, 1945.

     Frances Lamb, part-time Instructor in Mathematics  for the month
of October, 1945.

     Mlary Louise Osorio Rodriguez, graduate assistant in the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages for the Winter Quarter, beginning January 1,

     William Gunn, Graduate Assistant in the Department of Zoology
for nine months, effective October 1, 1945.

     Reba lMiarie Bennett, part-time secretary in the Department of Art
for nine months, effective October 1, 1945 to July 1, 1946.

     Julia Anne Waters, secretary part-time in the Department of Geog-
raphy, effective October 1, 1945, to June 30, 1946; and secretary part-
time in the Department of Sociology, effective October 1, 1945, to
June 30, 1946.

     Joe Gardner, student assistant in the Department of Zoology for
nine months, effective October 1, 1945.

     Adelin Stern Wichman, graduate assistant in English for the Fall
Quarter, effective October 1, 1945.

     William E. McCubbin, Instructor in Physical Education for nine
months, effective October 1, 1945.

     Revill Estill Shaw# Instructor in the Department of Physical Edu-
cation for ten months, effective October 11 through June 30, 1946. Mrs
Shaw succeeds Mrs. Marjorie P. 17arren, resigned.



     Arthur L. Cooke, assistant professor of English for the year on
an 11 months, rather than, as stated previously, on a twelve months
basis.  The appointment was effective September 1, 1945.

Salary Ad-, ustmonts

     Wallace Briggs, Acting Director of the Guignol Theatre for the
Fall quarter during the absence of Professor Fowler, adjustment in
salary, difference to be paid from the funds of the Guignol.

     Truman A. Morris, Instructor in Political Science, adjustment
in salary because of extra teaching duties, effective September 1,

     W. R. Sutherland, Assistant Professor of English, adjustment in
salary, because of increased teaching load, for second term of the
Summer Quarter.

     Donald Rose, temporary Instructor, adjustment in salary because
of added class in mathematics.

Leaves of Absence

     L. A. Pardue, Alsociate Professor of Physics, who was granted a
leave of absence to work with the Office of Scientific Research and
Development, returns to the University some time between October 1
and November 1, 1945, 12 months basis.

     M, E. Potter, Professor and Head of the Department of Physical
Education will be released from active duty with the Army Air Forces
and return to the University October 1, 1945, 12 months basis.

     Paul K, thitaker, Assistant Professor of German, to return from
military leave January 1, 1946, on a ten months basis.


     Eileen S. Hillenmeyer, secretary part-time in the Department of
Geography, Rnd secretary part-time in the Department of Sociology,
effective September 30, 1945.

     Marjorie P. Warner, instructor in Physical Education, effective
October 10, 1945.

              College of Agriculture and Home Economics


     Thelma Hollingsworth, clerk in the 4-H Club Department for twelve
months, effective September 20, 1945.

     Dr. Charles A, Evans, Assistant Chemist, effective November 1,



     Hubert W. McFarland, Field Assistant in Plant Pathology, effec-
tive September 26, 1945.

     Mary Belle Hall, clerk in the Department of Poultry Husbandry,
effective October 1, 1945.
     Betty Lou Mitchell, Assistant Home Demonstration Arent in
Christian County, effective October 15, 1945 to June 30, 1946.

     Otto H. Losch, Assistant County Agent in Fayette County, effec-
tive October 10, 1945, to June 30, 1946.

     Juanita Hansen Noffsinger, clerk, Experiment Station, effective
October 10, 1945.  Mrs. Noffsinger replaces Miss Mildred McCarty,
r esigned.

Special Assignment - Change of Occupation

     Willis G. Terrell, inspector in the Department of Feed and Fer-
tilizer, changed to assistant in feed laboratory, effective October 1,

Salary Adjustments

     Luzelle Williams, clerk in the Department of Feed and Fertilizer,
Experiment Station, salary adjustmont, effective September 16, 1945.

     Lois Wagner, clerk, Agricultural Extension Division, salary ad-
justment, effective September 1, 1945.

Leaves of Absence

     Donald W. MacLaury, returning from military leave of absence to
take up his work in the Experiment Station, effective September 17,
1945.   Mr. MacLaury is Assistant in Poultry Husbandry.

     Alice Glenn Keaton, Home Demonstration Agent, granted leave
without pay from September 22 to December 13, 1945.

     Robert Griffith, Assistant in Tobacco Research, granted leave
without pay from October 1, 1945 through June 30, 1946.


     R. 0. Gustafson, Assistant Forester, effective September 11,

     George T. Davis, Field Agent in Poultry Improvement, effective
September 30, 1945,

    Isaac Vernon Berry, temporary Food Production Assistant, effec-
tive August 31, 1945.



    Robert Earl Cocanougher, temporary Food Production Assistants
effective August 18, 1945.

     Robert E. Stevenson, temporary Food Production Assiltant, ef-
fective august 25, 19454

     Frances Amburgey Rose, Home Demonstration Azent in Floyd County,
effective Septerzfber 30, 1945.

     Lucy Guard Adams, Food Conservation Assistant, effective August
31, 1945.

     John W. Gilreath, temporary Food Production Assistant, effective
August 31, 1945.

     Lucille S. Elswick, Home Demonstration Agent in Perry County,
effective September 30, 1945.

     Clay V. Watson, temporary Assistant County Agent at Owensboro,
effective August 21, 1945.

     Roy Ballard, temporary office and field assistant, effective Sep-
tember 30, 1945.

     Mildred McCarty, clerk, effective October 10, 1945.

     Bryan Mills, Emergency Farm Labor Assistant, Barbourville, Ky.,
effective September 30, 1945.

     Catherine Heflin, Assistant in Rural Sociology, effective Octo-
ber 31, 1945.

     J. T. Skinner, Assistant Chemist, effective November 8, 1945.

Termination of Appointment

     Emma C. Loyall, Food Conservation Assistant, Green County, ef-
fective September 30, 1945.

                       College of Engineering
     Arthur S. Coffinberry, Associate Professor of Metallurgical En-
gineering, on a twelve months basis, effective September 10, 1945.

     Ernst V. Johnson, Associate Professor of Architectural Engineer-
ing on a temporary, part-time basis, effective October 1, 1945.

Leave of Absence

     Theodore C. Brown, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
leave of absence without pay for the first quarter of 1945-46, October
1, to December 31, 1945.


                         College of Law


     Dorothy Salmon, law librarian. Miss Salmon's transfer is ef-
fective October 1, 1945.

     Sarah McCormack, secretary to the Dean, effective October 1,
1945.   Miss MIocCormack succeeds Miss Salmon.  She has been serving as
secretary and bookkeeper in the Women's Residence Halls.

     Anne F. Noyes, Law Library assistant, during the Fall Quarter.

     Fred B. Redwine, Law Library assistant, during the Fall Quarter.

     Robert Preston, Law Library assistant, for the Fall Quarter.

     Donald Bailey, Law Library assistant, for the Fall Quarter.

Leave of Absence

     W. Lewis Roberts, Professor of Law, returned from leave of ab-
sence October 1, 1945.

                       Collere of Education


     C, Ruth Hillis, formerly with workshop on resource education,
transferred as Research Assistant, Sloan Experiment, effective Sep-
tember 1, 1945.

     Ruth A4veritt, critic teacher in home economics, to succeed Miss
Frances Brown at Lafayette school, effective September 1, 1945.

     Evangeline Smith, critic teacher in home economics at Bryan
Station School.   Miss Smith is to fill the vacancy left by the resig-
nation off Miss Anita Moore.  Her appointment is elffective September
l, 1945.

     Mary HErrington, secretary, effective October 1, 1945. Miss Her-
rington succeeds Mrs. Reese, resigned.

Salar~y AdJustment

     Miss Thelma Monical, critic teacher in home economics, effective
September 1, 1945.


     Miss Frances Brown, critic teacher in home economics, effective
September 1, 1945.



Uirs. Mary Louise Reese, secretary, effective October 16, 1945.

                           Collegze of Commerce


     Herman Ellis, Research Assistant, from June 15 to September 15,
19 5, continued from September 15 to October l, 1945.  Effective Octo-
ber 1, 1.245, Mir. Ellis is to take the place vacated by Miss Lucia
Peterson, Research Assistant, for nine months, through June, 1946i

     Nell Briscoe, part-time teaching assistant, for October, Novem-
ber and December, 1945.

     Wilimina Gramse, part-time teaching assistant, for October, No-
vember and December, 1945.

     Virginia Lee Keen, secretarial assistant part-time, for eight
months, effective October 1, 1945.

     Janet Helsel, reading assistant, for eight months, effective Oc-
tober 1, 1945.

     Edward A. Farris, reading assistant, for eight months, effective
October 1, 1945.


     H. B. Moore, Associate Professor of Economics, who has been on
leave of absence since February, 1942, effective September 1, 1945.

                           Graduate School

     Truman Morris, Scholar under the Haggin Fellowship Trust Fund,
e ffective September 1, 1945.  Mr... Morris has accepted a position as
Instructor in Political Science.

                        University Extension

     Dr. W. H. Stephenson, editor of University of Kentucky Press,
effective September 1, 1945.

     Veral Peck Brooks, secretary in the Department of University
Extension, effective October 1, 1945.



                         University Library


     Betty Jean Pardo, part-time secretary, effective October 10,1945.

     Maureen Rose, part-time secretary, effective October 10, 1945.

                 Office of the Dean of the University


     Maxine Rodgers, secretary, effective October 1, 1945.


     Elizabeth S. Hunt, secrctary, effective September 30, 1945.

                         Registrar's Office


     Martha Robards, transcript clerk, effective October 8, 1945. Miss
Robards will take the place formerly held by Miss Bess Cleveland.

Salary Adjustment

     Anne Garrison, stenographer, adjustment in salary, effective Oc-
tober 1, 1945.


     Bess Cleveland, transcript clerk, effective October 1, 1945.
Miss Cleveland is resigning because of physical disability.

                      Office of the Dean of M.1en


     Mrs. T. W. Sweatt, housemother, Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity,
off ect ive October 1, 1945.

                      Off ic of the Dean of Women


     Mrs. John Hagan, transferred from position as housemother, to
Elmaide as head resident, with adjustment in salary.



     The following housemothers:

                  Mrs. L. M. Hancock, Kappa Dolta House
                  Mrs. Robert Hcnrys Hamilton House
                  Mrs. Will Hughes, Alpha )a Delta House
                  Mrs. Lillian Caldwell, Shelby House
                  Mrs. A. M. Hale, Alpha Delta Pi House
                  Mrs. Ethel Fish, Alpha Gamma Delta House.

                      Residence Halls for Women


     Mrs. Hettie Brown Schad, bookkeeper, effective October 1, 1945.


     Sarah McCormack, bookkeeper, effective September 30, 1945.


     Mrs. Lydia Brown, formerly housekeeper and matron at Patterson
Hall and for the past few years on a change of occupation assignment,
died September 25, 1945.

                     University Health Service


     Jane Neikirk, nurse in the Infirmary, transferred to position
as nurse in the Health Service and at Jewell Hall, with adjustment in
salary, effective October 1, 1245.   Miss Neikirk is to live in the

           Department of Business Management and Control


     Sara M. Arnold, clerk-stenographer, effective September 24, 1945.
Miss Arnold replaces Miss Edna Edwards, resigned.

                         University Commons
Salary Adeustments

     Jennie Mae Trigg, manager, adjustment in salary, effective Sep-
tember 1, 1945.

     Lawrence Roberts, manager of Grill, adjustment in salary, ef-
fective September 1, 1945.



                       Stenographic Bureau
A-oooi r.4,mont

     :$rs. Carol Hamilton, appliance operator, effective October 9,

     "I. Dora. BO, u, appliance operator, efctivo I ov4ler 1., l45.

                        The Kentucl1y Kernel
Salary Ad justments

     Frarnk Byron, linotype operator, adjustment in salary, effective
October 1, 1945.
     Joe S. Shropshire, linotype operator, adJustment in salary, ef-
fective October 1, 194'5.
     A. J. M.:cFadden, pressman,        adjustment in salary,
effective October 1, 1945.
     Karl Da-vis, pressman, adjustment in salary, effective October
1, 1945.
     W. D. Grote, manager of printin- plant, adjustment in salary,
effective October 1, 194S5.
     iLry Louise Nzaive, secretaryv adjustmorit In salary, ef fctive
October 1, 1945.

                         * * * * * * * * * *

            12. It was moved, seconded and carried that on
                President Donovan's recommendation, the
                above appointments, reappointments, salary
                adjustmenta, leaves of absence, resignations,.
                promotions and other staff changes be concurred
                in and record made in the minutes.

    R. Adlournment.

            15. UTpon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the Executive Committee adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

                                            Frank D. Peterson
                                            Secrotary, Executive
                                                 Committee, Board of
                                                 Trust ees.