xt7n8p5vb678 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5vb678/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1964 newsletters  English Eddyville, Ky.: Kentucky State Penitentiary  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Castle on the Cumberland Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Periodicals Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky Castle on the Cumberland, July 1964 text Kentucky State Penitentiary v.: ill. 28 cm. Call Numbers HV8301 .C37 and 17-C817 20:C279 Castle on the Cumberland, July 1964 1964 1964 2021 true xt7n8p5vb678 section xt7n8p5vb678 V_.._.._~v___










Volume IV, Number ,1 CASTLE ON THE CUMBELLLAND July, 1961;


The Honorable EDWARD To BREATHITT, Governor

The Honorable HARRY WATERFIELD, Lt. Governor







JOSEPH CANNON, Commissioner Castle News 2
MARSHALL SWAIN, Deputy Commissioner Why Ain't You Writ? 7
Dr. HAROID BLACK, Director of Institutions Poems 8
W; Z. CARTER, Director of Education The Hot Seat 9
BOARD OF PARDONS and PAROLES Chaplains” Corner 10
Dro FRED MOFEATT, Executive Director Editorial ll
WALTER FERGUSONS Chairman - From the Barons 13
ERNEST THOMPSONS Member Exchange Page A ll;-
Mrs. LUCILLE HURT, Member Department Reports 15
GLENN WADE, Member Tall Tales 19

Sports 20

Statistics and Movies 25
LUTHER moms, Warden '

Crossword Puzzle 2h
HENRY E; COWAN, Deputy warden
W} 0. LONG, Captain of the Guard CASTLE STAFF
Rev. H. E. Inmang Protestant Chaplain Cecil R. Springs, Editor

Rev. THOMAS CLARK, Catholic Chaplain

James McKinney, Art Editor

WILLIAM EGBERT, Vocational Instructor John Busby; Multilith Operator


The Castle on the Cumberland is published on the second Monday of every month by
the inmates of the Kentucky State Penitentiary, deyville. Subscriptions} one
dollar a year. Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect
those of the administrations Permission to reprint any part of this magazine is

granted, provided credit is given author and sourcee








Henry E0 Cowan.9 who for the past four
years has been Supervisor of Education
at Kentucky State Penitentiaryg has been
named Deputy 'Warden of the institution
by JOSeph Cannon Commissioner of the Dew
partment of Correctionso

Cowan's appointment was made to fill the
vacancy created when Mrs Luther Thomass
warden of the State Prison accepted the
resignation of veteran Deputy warden
Lloyd To Armstrong on June 23° warden
Thomas stated that his reasons for ac=
cepting the léwmomthwold resignation of
Armstrong wereg he had "made a profane
accusation against my characters" and
had been guilty of "belligerent conduct
and apparent insubordinationo"

Mfo Armstrong has been transferred to
the Kentucky State Reformatory at 1a
Granges Ky09 where he will be assistant
to Deputy Warden Porter Bo Ladyo

-Cowan9 the new 55myear~old Deputy warden
is a native of Union Countys and a grade
uate of Morganfield High Schools He
attended western State Teachers College
at Bowling Greens Kentucky on a football
scholarshipo In addition to football he
excelled in other sports9 and played for
two seasons on the Hilltoppers basketm
ball teamo After his graduation from
western he taught for two years in the
Fulton _City School System at Fulton'9

During a léwmonth tour of duty in Germ
many with the First Army Divisiong Cowan
was NCO Director of Athletics and Race
reation up to and including Divisional
levelo ‘

Although limited in experience in this
particular position» there is no reason
to believe that Mro Cowan will not be
able to discharge the duties of Deputy
warden in a capable and efficient mane
ner. He has the educational background
and the exPerience in handling men, both
of which are needed in this reSponsible
positiono As head of the educational
department here at the prison9 he has
ggingd an insight of the problems of the
”2.- ;

inmates that will be very advantageous
to hime In the past four years he has
seen in direct contact with the majority
of the population here at the prisono
The word from those who have been under

his direct supervision we students and

teachers we all say‘9 "he is firma but


Mrs Cowan who makes his home at Dawson'

Springsg Ky°9 is married to the former
Joyce Fulchero They are the parents of
one childs a song Stanton Henry, 5'years
of ages


An order that became effective recentlyg
resulted in the reolassifying and pros°
moting of seven guards here at the Eddye
ville State Prisono

The officers receiving promotions were:

Day Shift em Mro we DO Gressettg from
Sergeant to Lieutenant; Mro H. Hall,
from Lte to Jre Capto; and Mrs So Parker
from lto to Jr, Capto

Evening Shift we Mro Bo No Porters from
Lto to Jr° Capto; Mro Jo Ra Stewards
from Sgto to Lto

Midnight Shift we Mrs Jo To Hancockg
from Ito to Jro Capto; and Mro We Go
Herndong from Sergeant to Lieutenanto

Mr. W} 0° Long, Captain of the
is now rated as a Senior Captaino





Bill Sands» zonetime cellmate of Caryl
Chessman and former armed robbers is a

prime mover in the establishment of a
new "Freedom House" in Kansas City and
is also conducting premrelease -sessions

inside prison wallso

The new half—way houses "Freedom House"9
will be operated solely by ex~convicts
and for released men from the Kansas
State Prisono



Frankfort, Ky. a- (AP) -- The relation-
ship of the poor defendants and the
criminal courts will be investigated by
a task force to be appointed soon by
Govo Edward Ta Breathitte

The Governor said he believed the State
should begin a drive to eliminate dis»
tinctions between poor and rich defend=
antso The task force would recommend
legislative and administrative action on
bailwbond procedures, capital punishment
and Statemfurnished counsel for the

The Louisville Times quotes the Governor
as sayings "we can see to it that Xena
tucky does not unjustly punish a man who
is already serving a life sentence of
povertyo I've seen an arrested persons
too poor to make bails stay in jail as
long as a year aWaiting trialo This
practice is contrary to our belief that
a man is innocent until proven guilty."

Breathitt said a defendantVs pretrial
release should be determined by the
nature of the crime and the character of
the defendant, not by moneyo

Kentucky judges have power to release
without bail defendants who give their
word they will appear for trialo This
procedure is not followed‘often because
no machinery exists to conduct pretrial
investigations» he saido

"I am hopeful this task force will be
able to develop a plan whereby a judge
can be supplied accurate information on

a defendant9s backgrounds“ Breathitt
"Once a judge has this information» he

is in good position to determine whether
or not an accused person should be re»
leased while awaiting trials"

The Governor said an investigation of
capital punishment would show that the
death sentence is received more often by
the underprivileged and those too poor
to employ counsels

‘ that time was "Living By The

A Breathittmsupportsn bill to abolish
the death penalty pa red the House but
failed in the Senate in the last session
of the legislature.

by De Trodglen

After the struggle of several months of
hard work, there must be a reward. This
reward came for the men of the Voca-
tional and Academia school here on-the
26th of June; A total of 58 men receiv»
ed Diplomas and Certificates of Achieve»

At an exercise held at the institution
school buildings Mrs W; 20 Carter grew
sented the diplomas to eight Go En fly
high school studentss 16 students of the
8th gradeg four certificates on Pracm
tical Barbering were presenteds 5 for
Vocational Masonrys four men received
certificates on Typewriter Repair, and
one man was awarded a certificate on
Auto Mechanicso

Invocation for the exercise was given by
RGVo Ho Eo Inman, Protestant Chaplain
of the institutions Mrs Henry E. Cowan,9
School Supervisor, made the introduc-
tionsg The guest Speaker, Mro RUmsey
Taylorg was presented by warden Luther

Thomaso Mro Taylor» a prominent citizen
of this area; made a very impressive
addresso After presentation of the
diplomas Father Thomas Clark gave the

benediction. Music for the event was
furnished by the prison band under the
charge of Mrs Everett Cherry; Athletic

Mra Taylor was a previous speaker here
at Ko So P93 when he made a speech‘ to
the prearelease class early this years
The topic of Mrs Tayloris address at
Rules of
the Gameo" He emphasized these rules as
the Ten Commandmentso He also illus~
trated the rules in sports as a model of
the use of rules in lifeo Mrs Taylor.has
addressed several graduation classes alm
ready this year in and around this areaa
The main idea of Mr. Taylorfls Speech at
the graduating class and guests was ”You
(Please turn to page 22)



Some 55 inmates of the Kentucky'State
Penitentiary are pushing toward complex
tion of one of the biggest domiteyourw
-self jobs in Commonwealth historye

The project at the penitentiaryg under
the general supervision of warden Luther
Thomas» is a twomstory brick and masonry
building of. generous proportions which
will be used for education and recreaw
tiono L

The 'first floor will be devoted abnost
entirely to educationo It will house a
hOwbybéo foot library and reading roomg
an office for the principal and 10 class
rooms, each 2€pbym26 feeto

On the' second floor there will be a
72mby=lhh foot auditorimg which,9 with
bleachers and ohairss will seat 980
peepleo ‘This big rooms with a small
stages can be used for plays and meetm
ingso With chairs removeda it will be
suitable to basketball and other Sportso

Mro Everett Cherry9.Athletic Director at
the prisons says the following equipment
has been .requested for the new gymo A
boxing rings basketballsa weight lifts
and wall pulleysg volley ballsa and a
trampoline The request also includes
various, pieces of gymnastic equipment.
"There is an outside chance that we may
obtain a few pairs of roller skates
alsoom said.Mr. Cherryo

The new building at the north end of the
_10wacre prison compound is being erected
the warden said» at a cost of about
$15090009 with the use of inmate labor
and materials salvaged from buildings
Which were razed when the major portion
of Eddyville was relocated to make room
for Barkley Lake.

The some 55 prison inmates who have been
working on construction of the building
since it began in August 1962, get 8
cents a dayo The bricks some steel.9 and
window frames were salvaged from the old

Eddyville elementary and high school
building and the Eddyville Baptist

Had the contract for the building been
given to a private firm, warden Thomas
saidg the cost 'would have been about
$25090009 The prison crew is working
under the direction of Ancil weir, an
independent9 outside construction mane
Weir and two corrections officers are
the only outside paid employeeso

The warden said one of the most valuable
rewards the prison inmates gain from the
construction is the training they get.
Trades involveds ‘Weir saids includes
steelworkg brick masonryg carpentry;
concrete finishingg paintingg plumbing
and electrical worko Target date for
completion is this Augusto

weir said some of the men have progress”-
ed surprisingly wello From the 55 ine
mates who have worked on the buildingg
Weir said he had culled several "lead
mono“ He could ”confidently recommend"
thesea he saids for similar work outside
prisono He thinks at least 50 percent9
of the men working on the building could
hold down outside jObSo

That is one reason that warden Thomas
gave for encouraging the group in their
work0 He noted that prison policy now
is to attempt to fl"rehabilitate and re»
motivate" the men rather than to push
than into the back end of a prison, and
then forget them as fast as possible.

Henry Cowans superintendent of the pris~
on school at Eddyvilles is delighted
with the prosPect of new quarterse
Presentlys he saidg there is only "a one
room school in the old structure used as
an education buildings with all grades
in attendance at one times“

Cowan said BhO prisoners are presently
engaged in some type of school worko Of
this numberg 57 are being taught to read
and writeo In grades one through eight,

the student body numbers 110° A much
smaller group is in high school. The
average prisoner has a fifth to ufisikth

grade educationo

Tp‘ be given over entirely to the teachw





”U1 ‘.'

ing of trades when the new building is
occupied will be the building now used
as an educational centers Cowan said an
attempt is being made to teach a trade
to every inmate who wants to learn oneo
Some of the trades are auto mechanics9
woodworkg brick laying and typewriter

In charge of Eddyville since September,
1961,9 Warden Thomas is an ardent sales»
man of the present day prison philosophy
of rehabilitation of persons convicted
of crimes instead of punishment prim

They must be inspired to live and traine
ed for jobs to earn their livings he be=
lieveso "They” at the State penitent=
iary number 1205e




Robert Stroud the "Birdman of Alcatraz”‘

who gained world wide fame through his
studies and writings about our feathered
friends during his years spent as a
federal prisoner has left an interesting

Strouds who died in prison last November
21st at the age of 759 stated in his
will that todaygs prisons are a disgrace
and asked that the funds that are availe
able from his estate be used to design
better and more efficient prisonso His
estate consists largely of royalties
from stories and articles about hing

In his will he stated; "It is not my
nature to hate peoplea but to like them
if they will let me and are willing to
accept me as I ams and never in.my life
have I hated anyone so much that I was
unable to forgive and forget»"


Belfry» Ky. (AP) we Terry Keesee”s news=
paper is pretty small mm two pagesg cirm
culation 1500 But look at his subscribe
ersg Among them is President Johnsono

who is 10 years olds started the
of his

paper this spring with the help

mother and a brothery Rays 6. His mime»
ographed weekly'Star is mailed to 20
customers and 150 copies are for street

When the President visited eastern Kenn
tucky a few weeks ago, Terry9s father
managed to get him credentials so he
could meet Mro Johnsone Terry later rem
ceived a letter from the President's of»
fice requesting a subscription to the
paper 0

WHY AA IN’PRISON? an by Richard Racine

Here at Kentucky State Penitentiary we
have an Alcoholic Anonymous Group which
meets every Sunday from 1350 to 5:00 PM;
It is appropriately named the Hopeful

The purpose of this Avo Group is to
help the inmate who has a drinking probw
lemo We try to help each other with our
problemss and do something constructive
about it while we are hereo Then, when
we are releasedg we h0pe to continue in
an Avo group in our home town and con»
tinue to help ourselveso

The group is well namedg because it does
give a man hope. We have the living
proof of what Avo can do for a person.
We see this living proof each week in
the outside guests who come to visit use
They tell us of their success and failw
arcs in lifee we can see our own lives
through the experiences of these men.
This encourages us who are confinedo
This is an encouragement to all who are
sincere in their battle to overcome ale
cohol and the pitfalls that it bringso
Those who are sincere know that if other
people can overcome a drinking problem»
so can theyo

This attitude will help a man today, as
well as in the futureo It will help us
to be a better man and a better citizen;
it will give us a chance to prove to
ones self that there is hope we even for
a person like myself.


If you pick up a starving dog and make
him prosperousg he will not bite yous
This is the principle difference between
a man and a dogs

:35“, '

 'tional program_ here at the




Due to limited Space in our magazinefl
it will be impossible for us to give
coverage in detail of the Deputy warm
dents COnference Vheld here at the Kane
tucky State Penitentiaryg June 9 - 12°
Practically every institution in the
Central States area was well represented
at thisg the 19th Annual Conference of
Deputy Wardengso Conference wise.9 the
Central States comprise an area from
Michigan to Coloradog and from North
Dakota to Kentuckyo

The various Speakers covered all phases
of penology in their talkss from dis~
cipline and security to crime prevention
and rehabilitationo It would be very
difficult for us to select any one of
the addresses by these most capable men
and term it ”the Speech' of the cone
ferencea For that9 and reasons mentionw
ed aboveg we shall report only the high=
lights of the Conferences attempting to
give our readers a general idea of what
transpired at the different sessionso

At 7:00 PMs June 9th9 a Gethcquaintedu
Dinner was held at the Holiday Inn Motel
at Paducahs Kentuckyo The principal
speaker of the evening was Mro Joseph
Cannons Commissioner of the Kentucky
Department of Correctionso

Following Mro Cannong Mro Marshall Swain
Deputy Commissioner of the Department
of Corrections spoken

Mro Ho E0 Blacky Director of the Din
ision of Institutionsg addressed the
group and welcomed them to the Conferw
ences and to the State of Kentuckyo

Following Mro Blackg Mro Luther Thomasg
warden of the Kentucky State Penitenm
tiaryg reviewed some of the topics to be
discussed during the Conferenceo

On Wednesday mornings June 109 all memm
bers and guests made a tour of the inm
stitutiono After lunch the meeting was
called to order with a roundmtable dis»
cussiono Mro W5 Zo Carter and Mro Ho Eo
Cowan discussed thoroughly the educam


Warden Thomas eXplained the functions
and duties of the warden to Public Re-
lations and Civic Duties. Commissioner
Cannon followed Warden Thomas and Spoke
on the Function of Penal Institutionse
Mro Bill Powell, Executive News Editor
of the Paducah Sun Democrat, was the
guest Speaker of the afternoone

On the morning of June 115 a tour of the
prison farms was conducted by the farm
managero After a lunch of Bar-B-Que
served at the picnic area on Farm No. 1,
members and guests returned to the pris-
on for the showing of films and further
discussionso In the afternoon Rev H. Bo
Inman Protestant Chaplain at the prison,
spoke on the religious programs at our
institution and the duties of the Chap-
laino RevO Inman stressed the fact that
his primary duties at the prison were
dealing with the inmates Spiritually,
and arranging his schedule so as not to
interfere with any other departmento

The last order of business of the Cone
ference was a meeting held in the con-
ference room at the Holiday Inn Motel
at Paducahg Friday morning June 120 At
this session a round-table discussion
concerning the accomplishments made by
the 19th Annual Conference was the prine
cipal t0pico

The meeting9 and the Conference, was
called to an end when Deputy Warden
Lloyd To Armstrong gave the gavel to Mro
Joe Marting of Penelton, Indiana, site
of the 20th Annual Conferenceo




The following bulletin was issued June
2h9 by Mro Ho Re Patterson, Senior Rec-
ords Clerk regarding parole eligibility»

Any inmate must first serve enough time
to become eligible for paroles then he
will be interviewed by the Board the
following montho In no case will a man
appear on the Board during the month his
eligibility time is completed»

Example: For a one (1) year sentence,
you must serve four (h) months to become
eligibles and will meet the Board_ the
fifth montho

by Tom Phillips -- via Sagebrush


Next to being released, the best thing a
man in prison can get is a letter.
Visits are nice of course, but they are
often next to impossiblea Distance9

transportation, etco, all help to make
visits difficult nu but letters? For
fiVe cents you can send a letter, prob»

ably the cheapest gift of happiness anym
one can purchases

The content of a letter is usually not
the most important thing to a man in
prison, but just the fact that someone
on the outside cared enough to spend a
few minutes of their time to let him
know they still think of him: A man in
prison doesnfit necessarily want to hear
news of earthushaking events, for this
he can read in the paperso He wants to
hear about the things he misses the most
w- his wife, children, family, even to
hear that the family dog has pups.

Probably the quietest time of day in
prison is at "Mail Calla" It‘s quiet
because each man is waiting to hear
those magic words calledc . 0 his names
When he doesn't receive a letter, it’s
going to be just another dull day or
night, whichever the case may bee Spent
with only his thoughtso These thoughts
usually stick much to a pattern: What
can be wrong? Is someone ill? Doth
they care about me any more? Is some»
body fooling with my mail? You think

this sounds insane? Believe me, it is
noto More than once I have heard these
very thoughts expressed, and they usuale


77—140 WEE/(’5! ‘




AT use '
MAIL f '


1 "\






ly don't stop there. The biggest share
of a man's time in prison is spent
thinking and it's quite easy to literal-
ly 'make a mountain out of a mole hill.‘

Letters are a man3s greatest assurance
that he is still a part of the human
race» It is also a well known fact that

men who have some sort of contact with
the outside world are the ones who try
harder to do something about helping
themselveso Why not? It may not be the
best thinking but it is very easy for a
man in prison to assume the attitude:
"No one cares for me, why should I
for myself?" Almost all men must have a

.goal outside of themselves to work for.

The same principal applies to men at
war, not many fight just for the sake of
fighting. Their reasons may be many and
varied, but it is almost a surety that
they are not 'doing it for their own
benefit. ‘

Undoubtly you have seen the term "for-
gotten men" used when someone is writing
about prisoners. Is that what society
wants? Because a man has wronged —~
just forget that he exists? I don't
think 309 The Indiana State Prison has
started a program whereby the 'forgotten
men’ receive visits and letters from
people who are interested in a man's
welfare and morale. At the outset these
people were strangers to the inmates
they visited, but according to the arti~

cles that I have read the effects are
If total strangers take the time to

write to men in prison, can family and
friends do any leSS?



care ‘

 POEMS aaaaa by Robert L. Chasteen



When I was just a little child
You cared so much for me3

Youfid hold my hand, and carry me
AS though I could not 8660

I loved you so very much

You were always my hercg

You took me fishingg took me froging
You took me everywhere yoqu goo

I guess you thought as I grew older
I didnft care for yous

I wouldnlt minds or woulngt listen
I was stubborn and bullwheaded too.

I know that you care much for me
You have always done your parts
IVm glad that youire my father» Dad
I love you with all my hearto




Someday honeys, Daddy9s coming home
To be with you every daya

To help with things a Daddy should
And watch you while you plays

walk you to the corner store

To buy an ice cream coneg

To share a life thatls full of joy
While singing a happy songs

Take you to the swimming pool
Or just take you for a ride,
Everything you want me for
1911 be right by your sideo

we will always be together
I love you with all my hearts
May God above bless our days

So weVll never have to part.


I wish I had a Special gift
For every special day,

Iid give it to a lovely girl
And wish her a Happy Birthday.

You wonder why she's so Special
Wells then I‘ll tell you so,
Because I love her very much
And she loves me I kHOWo

Her eyes are blue like the Heavens
And her lips are sweet as wine,

Her hair is longs and black as coal
And her heart is warm and kindo

Her kiss is like a reduhot flame

With love like a rolling seas

So Happy'Birthday3 Mary dear

I thank God you belong to meo



Each Week I look forward to
A letter from you my Dears
Just as sure as any thing

I know it will be hereo

Something you have always done
Itfls right there in the mail,
A letter full of love and pride
Telling me you all are wollo

You send with every letter
A drop of your colognes
A scent that I'll remember
As long as I stay goneo

So please keep writing Darling
Your letters mean so muchs
I feel so very close to you

Just holding something you've touched¢




 THE HOT SEAT me ~— (An event that could
happen to any prisoner in any institu-
tion.) --CRs--


It wasn't so much the thought, but the
waiting, that ate into oneVs insides.
The constant gnawing of guilt the knowl-
edge that you had committed a vicious
crime, was a burden in and of itself.
There was no way that you could condone
the act that you had committed against
societyo Why, in a moment of stress,
couldnit you control your inner emom
tions? What beudldering feature in your
makewup caused you to be what you are?
All these thoughts ran through your mind
as you sat there waitingo

Your train of thoughts are rudely broken
when you see a figure appear in the
doorways Yes, it is timel You arise
and gently shake yourself mentally, pull
your shoulders back and prepare yourself
for the shooko You walk slowly down the
hall and through the door into a small
rooms As you enter, you stand silently
looking beyond the glare of lights into
the faces that are turned toward the
door as you enter» Determined that you
will show no fear, that you will not
quaver, you walk resolutely to the chair
and having arrived there you slowly
settle your weak and faltering body into

You look silently at the circle of faces
as if you are searching for an answer
and then your gaze settles slowly and
inevitably upon the stern face of one
person who is seated directly facing

He rises slowly, looks around at the
others, as if for encouragement, and
then again facing you says: "John.Doe,
Number l23h5, you are hereby granted
parole at this hearingo That is allo"



Refrain from worrying about the after
effects of death or the probability of a
life beyond the grave» Cope with the
life you are now living and you will
have nothing to fear in any othere


CRY ME A RIVER, Mr. Editor --


Some people have an idea that putting
out a magazine is easy. From our own
experience, and from what we hear other
editors tell, it's really no picnic.
Try pleasing all the readers at the same
time ~— next to impossible!

If we print jokes, some readers say we
are plain silly. If we don't print
jokes, some say we are altogether too
sericus o

If we reprint something good from anoth-
er magazine, we are told that we are too
lazy to write the stuff ourselves. If
we don‘t reprint, then, alas, we are
told we are trying to hog all the space
for our own lousy articleso

If we stick close to the typewriter all
day, we are told we ought to be out
hunting up good StOTiGSe When we do go
out and hustle for material, we are told
we ought to stick to the jObo

If we don't print some guy's stuff, we
are accused of failing to recognize true
genius. If we do print it, someone will,
say the magazine is filled with junk.

If we fix up what the other fellow
writes, make it a little more readable,
then we are being too criticalo If we
don't fix up the guy‘s stuff, correct
his EngliSh and Spell the words correctm
1y, we are accused of being asleep on
the jObo

Now you can be positive that some joker
will come along and say we swiped the
idea for this article from some other

well, as a matter of fact, we dido o o


all that it takes to buy you a full
year's subscription to the Castle on the

Send your check or money order to:

Castle on the Cumberland
Po 0'» BOX 128

Eddyville, Kentucky h2058









There is a popular melodys although it
is quite olds which is one of the most
haunting and pleasant tunes in recent
timeso Itfls name is J6810USYe
gins in a dashing manner and then con=
verges into a soothing strain with a
soft Latin beats Since itVs composition
it has enjoyed universal popularity.
There is a very popular vice whose name
is Jealousyg and itg alscg seems to
enjoy wide popularityo

we must not confuse Jealousy and envyo
We can be envious of anothers talentsg
anothers wealth.9 anothers lookss success
and so ong but if we are jealous we have
an eye on anotherls affectionss and this
causes far more troubleo An envious
person may be an uneaSy persons never
satisfied and often consumed with selfw
pity” but a jealous person is made miss
erableo A jealous person is made SUSpim
cious and unreasonableo Not only is
jealousy far worse than envy for the
individual concerneds but it is alse far
worse for everyone elsee Envy seldom
gets beyond the stage of wanting what it
hasn?t gota

Jealous people are of two kindsg those
who know their jealousy to be unjustim
fieds a waste of something good; and
those who don’t. The first kind can be
cured of their evil; the seconds but for
a very Special grace from Godg canlto
In both cases jealousy amounts almost to
a diseases It Spreads rapidlyg it inn
fectss it isolateso But we can only
speak of the first kinda

There are many forms that jealousy can
take and many stages in its developmento
(Please turn to page 18)

It beau


There are certain character traits which

must be present if: a person hopes to
make a success out of this business
called lifeo I feel that they can be

applied to any situationg esPecially if
a person is struggling with problems
that seem to be destroying his lifeo

The first one is humilityo A person
must be humble enough= to make a true
evaluation of his condition. This calls
for facing up to the facts as they realm
ly area This will certainly do away
with arrogancem Humility is the Oppo-

site of pridea Pride is listed at the
top of the seven deadly sinso

The next trait is honestyo A person
must be honest with himself and with

He must be honest enough to be
sincere mm honest enough to admit being
wrongs we only deceive others when we.
are honestc Honesty and integrity are
one and the sameo Integrity has been
defined as "moral soundness; honesty,
freedom from corrupting influence or

Others e

The third step toward success is faith:
This involves a personal faith resulting
from personal eXperienceo Faith not
only in oneselfa but also in something,
or someone outside oneselfo Faith in
God which arises out of a personal en»
counters Faith leads to selfmconfidenceo
The lack of faith leads to selfmpityg
and selfmdestructiono A person must be»
lieve that he can overcome the things
which are destroying his faithg or his
life» This kind of faith is created in
a fellowship of the faithful. The
Christian church constitutes a community
of the faithfulo The members are those
who have been redeemed by the power of
God and are trying to live according to
the teachings of Christ.

Courage must be present if a person eXw
pects to Abe successful in lifeo The
(Please turn to page 18)












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When a man stands before a judge in a court of law, and hears Sentence passed on
.himself, we are told this is the price he must pay society for the crime he comm
mitted. Mb can assune that.this person was guilty as charged, that sufficient
evidence was presented in the case to warrant a conviction, and that the punish—
ment meted. out by the court was not excessive in relation to the crime
committedo It is not for us to question the judgment of the courts; but w