xt7n8p5vb55j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5vb55j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1913-03-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 11, 1913 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 11, 1913 1913 1913-03-11 2020 true xt7n8p5vb55j section xt7n8p5vb55j «m..w~uugmmm.»_n—u~mm—w~

State University of Kentucky, March ll, 1915

The Faculty met in special session at the call of
A?” President Barker at 5:45 P.M. in the faculty room in the gym-
nasium building, those present being President Barker, Vice-
President White, Professors Allen, Boyd, Dantzler, Freeman,
Garman, Gillie, Hamilton, Jones, Kastle, Lt. Gullion, Lafferty,
Mathews, Lelcher, Miller, Norwood, Peter, Pryor, ice, Rowe,
i Strauss, Tuttle, Turner, Tuthill, Tigert, Zembrod, Frankel.
President Barker stated that he had called the
meeting with a View to sending to the Commissioners of the
city of Lexington, an expression of the opinion of the facul-
ty regarding the sale of liquors in saloons upon the immediate
front of the University campus, and presented a resolutionfin—
serted below as afterwards amendedfto that effect. The motion
¢5g was made by Prof. White and seconded by Prof. Gillie, that the
resolution as read, be adopted, and President Barker invited
the fullest discussion of the resolution. Dr. Tuttle expressed
the opinion that the implied threat of removal of the University ’
beginnin? with the words “this failin " etc.
at the close of the resolu.ion, hao better be eliminate /and

so moved, seconded by Prof. Frankel. The amendment and resolu~

tion as a whole, were discussed by Professors Allen, Miller,


Lafferty, Pryor, Dean Hamilton, Melcher, Dr. Kastle and others.
i Dr. Kastle moved as a substitute that we eliminate from
the resolution all references to any threat of removal of the

institution. The motion of Dr. Kastle being duly seconded, was


carried, and after some verbal modifications, it was ordered,

(ER upon motion of Professor Allen, duly seconded, that the resolu-


tion as amended by the substitute, be adooted by the faculty.

The motion was carried, and the resolution, as adopted, follows:






"We, the Faculty of State University, Lexington,
Kentucky, desire to make public our position on the subject
of the sale of liquor by retail within four hundred feet of
the University campus.

At its last session the General Assembly of the Com-
monwealth of Kentucky enacted a law forbidding such sale, and
upon the validity of that law we have depended from that time
to this, believing that at the expiration of the licenses then
in force the authorities of the city of Lexington would not
reissue them.

We were both surprised and grieved to find that the
Commissioners of the city of Lexington. without any sort of
authority therefor, declared the Statute unconstitutional and
issued licenses to the saloons within the forbidden circumfer-
ence. We are advised and we firmly believe that the law is con-
stitutional and will so be held by the courts before which the
question may come for adjudication. Waiving this and admitting
for the time being that the act is unconstitutional still it
expresses the wish of the representatives of the people of Ken-
tucky as to the sale of liquor within the prescribed distance
from the campus of the University, and it seems to us that the
Commissioners of the city of Lexington could well have afforded
to carry into effect the wishes of the peepls of Kentucky on
this subject. even though those wishes were expressed in an
abortive Statute.

The placing of the University in the city of Lexing-
ton was a declaration on the part of the people of Kentucky of
their confiéence in the people of Lexington that they would
do whatever was necessary and in their power to protect the
morals of the students committed to their care. This is a
solemn and sacred trust and cannot be betrayed with honor.

We deorecate the idea that any man or set of men have a Vested

interest in debauching the morals of the youth of the State.










Whiskey has always been regarded as dangerous to the good

morals of the community in which it is retailed, and it has

been so held by every court where the question has come up

for adjudication. The granting of licenses to retail liquor

is a concession by the public to the spirit of nrivate liberty,
and this concession has always been safe-guarded in such a way
as to preserVe inviolate as far as possible the public welfare.
The idea being to grant as much to priVate liberty as was con-
sistent with public safety. It has alxNays been der amt d dangerous
to bring the re tai ling of liquor within the reach of inexper-

ienced youth, and, therefore‘ our Statutes have always forbidden


he sale of liquor to minors. The retailing of liquor has nearly
everywhere been prohibited within a certain distance of school

houses and places of public worship, and it does seem to us

that a decent respect for the sentiments of the People of Ken—
tucky requires taat the spirit of this Statute should be car~

ried into effect in the ordinanCes of Lexington even if it be
conceded that the Statute itself is unconstitutional.

BE IT RESOLVED THEREFORE, that we appeal to the Com—
miss oners and to all good citizens of the city of Lexington,
to undo the great wrong that has been done the University by
the refusal of the Commissioners to protect its students from

to orotect the innocent


the temptations of vice and by failin


young girls who attend the University from having to walk through
crowds of drunken hoodlums who congregate along the streets and

sidewalks in front of these saloons."

The meeting then adjourned.

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