xt7n8p5vb28n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5vb28n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-04-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1993 1993 1993-04-13 2020 true xt7n8p5vb28n section xt7n8p5vb28n    

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shares stories

with her ‘kids’


By Cathy Jones
Contributing Writer


Jeri Childs never had any biologi-
cal children. but she does have “a
whole schoolful of kids“ to care for
each day.

Childs. who tums 58 this month.
can be seen driving the Blue Route
bus on campus five days a week.
Her short graying hair is usually
topped with one of the more than
500 hats she has collected over the

She thinks of her student passen-
gers as friends first and passengers
second. In fact. she goes a step fur-
ther. calling them her “kids."

“They're all my kids, my chil-
dren. I don‘t care if they are young
or old or black or while." she said.

(‘hilds is especially protective of
the disabled students. They ride her
bus partly because of the wheel-
chair lifts. but more because of her.
even planning their trips to campus
around her bus schedule.


Press turns
50 without
big fanfare

By Clarissa Blair
Staff Writer



Although the University Press of
Kentucky is celebrating its 50th an-
niversary this year. several employ-
ees said the day-to-day routine con-
tinues as always — fast-paced.
highly technical and vastly reward-

“its been a very interesting and
challenging career." said Georgiana
Strickland. the press‘ managing edi-

“This press is very much like a
publishing house in New York. but
on a smaller scale." she said.
“We‘re very much a team.“

In an upper room inside the
three-story frame building on Lime-
stone Street that houses the publish-
er of scholarly books, Strickland
and author Kent Brown huddle over
a stack of Civil War illustrations.
deciding how to arrange them in
Brown's book. "Pushing of Gettys-

After an evening panning through
a group of pictures spread across
her living room floor. Strickland
still was agonizing over two that
just didn't seem to fit.

In another room. Editor in Chief
Jerry Crouch. who after more than
34 years at the Press is hoping to re-
tire this year. listened intently to the
woman who may take his place.

And in another room. designer
Glenda King was. as she put it.
“worshiping at the copier.“

“Fast-paced" is how Strickland
described the work at the press.

“Still, I have an enormous
amount of respect for the time and
effort an author puts into a book.“
said Strickland. who has been a
manuscript editor at the Press for 24

“1 know what I have done on it is
only a small part."

The University Press. which pub-
lishes about 50 books each year.
has among its list of authors many
famous names. including historian
Thomas D. Clark. investigative
writer Joe Nickel]. Lexington attor-
ney and historian Kent Brown and
UK English professor and Renais-
sance scholar John T. Shawcross.

New authors include journalism
professor Maria Braden. whose new
book. “She Said What?" currently
is en route to book stores.

Director Ken Cherry said the

See PRESS. Page 6

“She takes care of her boys." ar-
chitecture senior Jeff Merrill said.

Lee Gordon. an undecided sopho—
more. and Darin Sechrest, an ani-
mal science junior. echoed Merrill‘s
opinion about (Thilds‘ relationship
with her “boys." The mere mention
of her name brought smiles and
laughter as they shared their stories.

Ryan Watkins. a political sci-
ence senior. also is aware of Childs’
special bond with the disabled stu-
dents on campus.

Watkins recalled being on a bus
with a different driver when a dis-
abled student was preparing to
board. Watkins said the student
looked up. saw the driver was not
Childs and decided to wait for
Childs‘ bus.

Childs describes herself as “rath-
er pleasant" and “very compassion—

Gordon called her “spontaneous."
but Watkins said “airing" is the
most fitting word to describe Jeri

See CHILDS. Page 6






Jeri Childs, who drives the Blue Route bus on campus five days a week. says she thinks of UK students first as friends and then

as passengers. The students call her ‘spontaneous’ and ‘caring.’











Cam ms Netwoi
(inertia-Joe Rmdoll
Concert (‘0-


(‘imtem mrary xii



(Thain-Kelly Kaiser .
Jason Martin
fairs-Matt Hall
Caroline Sliively
Indoor Activities-Sally Harper

.llulticultm‘al-Richard (iai
anilv ll'vekend-Candace .
l’cr in'niingArts-le Hensle) ‘ .
Public Relulions-lhvitl ( ravcralt
S )otlight jars-Steve Bottom
Travel-BrianSlirenskcr .

Visual Arts-GretchenRobinson ‘-








By Clarissa Blair
Staff Writer


Newly elected Student Activi-
ties Board President Wes Butler
said yesterday hc plans to make
the board committees more effi-
cient and responsible dtiring the
next academic year.

“There are always possibilities
of making it better so it will in-
clude more students." said Butler.
a history junior. “Students bring
new and innovative ideas to the

SAB has three objectives. But-
ler said.

“Our mission is to entenain.
educate and bring cultural and
ideological diversity to the carn-

He said the board could not ac-
complish all three without good
student involvement.
Butler. a third—year member of
SAB. said he plans to have a
board meeting with the heads of


MARK TARTER/Kemol Graphic.

President-select plans
more responsible SAB

all board committees before the
beginning of the next school
term to establish some cenUal

“My per-
sonal goal is
to bring
more diver-
sity to cam-
pus." Butler
said. “But I
want to find


out what

other mem-

BUTLER bers‘ goals
are. At the

meeting. we will find out where
we are heading so we can all be
together and have a central

One concern Butler expressed
was the lack of information the
UK student body has about
SAB. He said participating on a
board committee will provide
students with a wealth of unique

See SAB. Page 6



Construction to begin at farm


Associated Press


Besides a high-tech complex that
houses a division of Hughes Air-
craft, there is little at UK's (‘old-
stream Farm to indicate its intend~
ed future.

But construction projects this
year are expected to be a key to the
success of transforming a large
portion of UK‘s agricultural experi—
ment station into a research park.
as was originally envisioned in the

One of the projects. widening of
a nearby road from two to four

lanes took a step forward last week.
when the I'mversity sold the state
Department of Transportation about
9 acres for right-of-way. The
$126,000 purchase also included an
easement to build storm sewers
across the westem portion of the
farm. on l exington‘s northwest

In June. the t‘ll)‘ will begin to in-
stall the first of It) miles of stutitar)
sewer lines rmd a pump station on
(‘oldstream that will clear the way
for large-scale development.

The sewers are being paid for by
the Lexington-Fayette Urban

(‘oumy government in exchange for
221) acres that will be used as park
land. Once the sewers are in place
v— sometime in mid-1094 — UK
can pick up the pace in soliciting
tenants. \Llld la] Carter. l'K vice
president tor budgeting. who is
mcrsccmg (‘oldstream develop-

“\\'c’\c moved very slowly so we
didn‘t get ahead of the sewer pro-
ject." (‘artcr srud

Drug companies already are a tar-
get for the dean of ‘t'K's College of

See FARM, Page 6







A student questioned in writing the effectiveness of the Enoch J. Grehan Journalism Build-
lng's new smoking policy. Officials placed no smoking signs on ashtrays yesterday.




Lawyer points out hole
in Jones’ heath reform


By Mark R. Chellgren
Associated Press


IRANKFORT. Ky. -- A Wash-
ington lawyer hired to explain the
pitfalls of federal law to Ken.
tucky‘s health care reform efforts
also pointed out a gaping loophole
in Gov. Brereton Jones' latest plan.

In his latest version. Jones would
force individuals to buy their own
health care insurance.

Employers would have to pay a
payroll tax of 3 percent to 4 per-
cent. but would be exempt if they
offered health coverage to their

(‘harles Miller. a partner in the
firm of (‘ovington and Burling. said
federal law would prohibit the state
from imposing any rules on those
employer health care plans.

“What you can‘t do is tell the em-
ployer what he must buy." Miller

“A state cannot tell the employer

. what the terms of his Coverage

Legislative members of the
Health (‘are Reform (‘ommission
were openly skeptical.

Rep. limesto Scorsone. D-

See HEALTH. Page 6



Cooperation between Student
Government Association
administrations is necessary
for students‘ voices to be
heard next year in Frankfort.
Editorial. Page 4.


Mostty sunny today: high
around 65. Partly cloudy
tonight; low between 45 and
50. Partly sunny and milder
tomorrow; high around 70.


Diversions .. . . . . . . 2
Sports .....8
Viewpoint ..4

Classifieds ........ B










 my», ,, ,,




Weak plot
is downfall



By Greg Labor
Staff Critic


A down-and-out couple goes to
Vegas and loses all of its money.
Then, a professional gambler offers
to bail them out if he can spend the
night with the young man‘s wife.
Sound familiar?

Last year, it was called "Honey-
moon in Vegas." and it was a laugh
not. Now, it's the premise of “In-
decent Proposal." and we're sup—
posed to take it seriously.

The makers of this film are up
against steep odds. It's tough to
evoke emotional responses from a
situation someone else made us
laugh at. Director Adrian Lyne tries
hard — perhaps a little too hard.

Based on Jack Englehard‘s novel
of the same name, “Indecent Propo-
sal" centers on the relationship be
tween two high school sweethearts.
David. played by “Cheers“ regular
Woody Harrelson. is an aspiring
and impassioned architect. Demi
Moore (“A Few Good Men") plays

his wife, Diana. a real-estate agent.
Diana suggests they take out a
couple in seemingly innocent ways.





The storyline in ‘lndecent Proposal,’ starring Roberd Redford, Demi Moore and Woody Harrel-
son may remind moviegoers of last year's hit, ‘Honeymoon in Vegas.’

loan so David can build his dream
house and make a name for him-
self. Unfortunately. the recession
wipes out their dreams. and they
are forced to scrounge for funds or
abandon the project. David comes
up with the bright idea of flying to
Vegas with their last 55,000.

When luck fails them. they are
approached by John Gage. a profes-
sional gambler who wants to bor-
row Diana for a few rolls of the die.
She wins him big money. and he in-
sists on repaying them at a party. It
is here that he offers David 51 mil-
lion t'or a night with his wife.

Gage ingratiates himself to the



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but his ulterior motives are obvious
to the audience. We can feel our-
selves slowly sucked into his trap as
the couple accepts gift after gift.

But once David and Diana accept
the garnbler's offer, there is no
where left to go. All of Lyne’s clev-
er camera angles and imaginative
lighting aren‘t enough to breathe
life into this soulless script.

The talented cast offers little
help. As the gambler. Redford
walks through his role with little
enthusiasm or expression.

Moore does no better as the wife
turned prostitute. Rather than devel-
op a character. she is content to rely
on sex appeal and frequent tears.

Ironically. it is Woody Harrelson
who is most believable in what
many consider a difficult dramatic
role. The comic charms he honed
on TV and in last year's “White



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_ . Wednesday _



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7 Thursday

Men Can‘t Jump" make him lika-
ble. even as this very flawed man.

The problem with the movie is
one common to Lyne‘s work. Like
many of his contemporaries, Lyne
is more comfortable with visual
gimrnickry than human frailties.

The last half of the film sputters
out of control as Gage pursues and
torments the couple like Glenn
Close in “Fatal Attraction.“ When
David cracks. we are expected to
believe that his wife overcomes her
hatred of the gambler and falls for
him instead. The transition is so un-
likely, it seems almost comic.

Expecting us to believe in these
people and their actions is the most
indecent proposal of all.

"Indecent Proposal. " rated R, is
showing at Lexington Green. Lex-
ington Mall and North Park cine-





Redford and Moore make
new movie worth watching

“lndecent Proposal"

Starring Woody Harrelson, Demi
Moore and Robert Redford

Paramount Pictures


By 80 List
Staff Critic


You're $50,000 in debt, and you
have only $5,000. What do you do?

Go to Las Vegas, of course.

Well, that's what David and Diao
na Murphy do. David (Woody liar-
relson) has just borrowed that mon—
ey from his father in a last-ditch
effort to come out ahead. His house
(his dream) is on the line, and there
seems to be few options for them.

Believe it or not. though, they
turn that $5,000 into $25,000 in a
few short hours. They go back to
their hotel, tumble romantically in
their winnings, and promptly lose it
all the next day.

Where is the solution?

It appears in the form of million-
aire John Gage (Robert Redford).
He takes quite a liking to Diana
(Demi Moore) when he notices her
stealing complimentary chocolates
from an expensive clothier. He later
asks David if he can “borrow" her
for good luck on a million-dollar

She wins it for him, and he is en-

()ver a casual game of pool. the
three of them discuss whether peo-
ple can be bought. Diana says no.
and to prove a point, Gage offers
David (remember this) $1 million
for one night with Diana.

They say no. but can't sleep that
night. They need the money and de-
cide to go through with it because it
would just be her body. not her
mind or her heart.

A contract is drawn up by the
couple‘s lawyer and friend Jeremy
(Oliver Platt who appeared in “Flat-
liners"). complete with all kinds of
clauses including payment in the
event of impotence or death. Gecz,
he‘s not that old.

The night comes and goes, and
they are given the million. 'Ihey
agree never to speak of it again and
leave Vegas with the intention that
Gage be left behind with it.

But David finds Gage's phone
number in Diana‘s purse. Was Dia-
na really just talking on the phone
with her mother. or is she having an
affair with Gage? And just what is
David doing in Diana‘s purse? Sus-
picions arise and they both discov-
er that they can’t forget about it.

Anything else would reveal some


. C C O O O C O

of the pleasanter charms of the mo-
vie. “Indecent Proposal" has no
shortage of little reasons to like it.

However, they are not enough to
completely erase one gigantic flaw:
unoriginality. There isn‘t a whole
lot here that hasn‘t been done be-
fore. The recent comedy “Honey-
moon in Vegas“ fits the same mold,
and “Pretty Woman" bears a resem-
blance as well.

This is no romantic comedy.
though. “Indecent Proposal" is dark
and. in many ways, sinister.

Money as an object and as a con-
cept, is paid enormous respect and
is held in higher regard than free-
dom, fidelity and human life. This
attitude is reflected on all fronts,
and is no more evident than in
Gage‘s treatment of David as an
owner of a woman rather than as a

This isn’t the film's point of
view, though: director Adrian Lyne
plays devil’s advocate on a lot of
these issues, and his handling of the
situations shows more class than

Speaking of class, did I mention
that Robert Redford’s in it? As the
plutocratically romantic John Gage,
he commands style and careful re-
serve. lle measures his character's
relationships precisely. and they end
up intriguing and defined. particu-
larly with his chauffeur Mr. Shake!—
ford (“l’acesm Seymour Cassel).
'llic role certainly is no stretch. but
he makes the most of it.







Surprisingly good is Delhi
Moore. Since her career tumaround
in "Ghost." she has been on a
steady road of good acting. but
graduates here to very good. She
was pretty good in last year's “A
Few Good Men." Her emotions
seem real. and her pronounced
transfonnation throughout the film
is believable and bears real weight.

llzurelson. though, will find it
hard not to be Woody from
“Cheers“ in just about anything he's
in. “Proposal" is no exception.

He seems to have effectively re-
moved the Woody from him, but
has replaced it with little, leaving
his character a bit dry next to the
juicy performances of Redford and




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Mashbum uses ineligibility to his benefit


By Ty Halpln
Sports Editor

When Jamal Mashbum walked
off the court after UK's loss to
Michigan at the Louisiana Super-
dome in New Orleans, he could
have looked into the cameras and
said, “I'm going to Disneyland."

Mashbum didn't get a paycheck
signed by Michael Eisner, but Sat-
urday he did sign autographs at The
Cats' Pause fu’ $5 a pop. With the
estimated four to five hundred
Wildcat fans who attended the ses-
sion. someone stood to make a pret-
ty penny.

Oscar Combs, publisher of The
Cats' Pause, contacted Mashbum to
set up the event and indicated yes-
terday that Mashbum cleaned up on
the deal.

“He made a nice piece of
change," Combs said. “We paid
him to come. Basically, all the
money went to him.“

Wildcat fans have seen the new
Mashbum — the professional
Mashbum. By foregoing his senior


By Jeff Drummond
Senior Staff Writer



UK vs. Westem Kentucky.

It's the game spons fans across
the state wanted to see in the
NCAA basketball tournament, but
it didn‘t materialize as the llilltop~
pers were eliminated just a three-
pointer shy of a matchup with the

Although the action shifts from
the hardwood floor to grassy Shive-
ly Field, the intrastate rivals finally
will meet today when the Hilltop-
pers visit UK for a 6 pm. game
against the baseball Cats.

WKU enters the game with an
overall record of 20-9 and a 7-5
mark in the Sun Belt Conference.
The Hilltoppers are riding a six-
garne winning streak, including a
three-game sweep of Jacksonville


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season at UK, Mashbum opens
himself up to the NBA draft tn June
and also to any
other opportuni-
ties that may
come about.
such as auto-
graph signings.

The question
of whether
Mashbum was
able to receive - k,
the money was
not a real con-MASHBURN
cem, Combs said.

“He's no longer an amateur," he
said. “Once he played his last game,
he became ineligible. We made no
contact with him until after his last

John Bostick, UK’s director for
compliance, said that Mashbum is
not in any trouble with the NCAA.

“The big thing is that what he did
would affect his (future) eligibili-
ty," he said. “He didn‘t plan to use
his extra year of eligibility, so
there‘s no problem.“

David Berst, assistant executive





director of the NCAA, agreed with
Bostick's assessment of the situa-

“if he 5 going professional, eligi-
bility wouldn' t be a concem of his"
he said “He can use his athletic tal-
ents for his own profit.“

Both Berst and Bostick said no
NCAA violation has occurred.

Berst said there is no written
agreement Mashbum has to sign to
break his ties from UK.

The situation is similar with for-
mer Wildcat player Richie Farmer,
who has appeared in numerous

When and if Mashbum selects an
agent, this also will deem him ineli-
gible from NCAA athletics, Bostick

“He announced a long time ago
that he would go pro," he said. “If
he has contacted an agent, he be-
comes ineligible. If he's not eligi-
ble, then he can sign autographs."

Chris Cameron, assistant athletics
director at UK, said the UK junior
will find an agent soon.

“He almost has decided," he said.

“He‘s working on that."

Cameron said Mashbum should
have an agent within the next few

By signing autographs, the chanc-
es for Mashbum to return for his
senior season at UK became almost
null and void.

This ineligibility probably
doesn‘t mean anything to Mash-
burn, but it may be of interest to
someone like Michigan's Chris
Webber who hasn‘t announced
whether he‘s going to turn pro or
stay in school.

Webber and two of his Wolverine
teammates garnered media scrutiny
but no NCAA sanctions after re-
ceiving payment for judging a
slam-dunk contest last year.

Berst and Bostick said Mashbum
is not required to sign anything to
release him from the letter of intent
he signed with UK.

Accepting the money from
Combs released Mashbum from
any UK ties.

try to top UK with tough team today

over Easter Weekend.

“(Westem's) got a good ball-
club " UK coach Keith Madison
said. “They just went out and swept
Jacksonville, so that tells me
they' re going to be tough.

“And they always get up for Ken-
tucky. We‘ve never seen them flat.“

That could spell trouble for the
Cats (19-11 overall, 3-6 in South-
eastern Conference play), who start—
ed the season hot but have cooled
down of late.

UK's lackluster play was exem-
plified over the weekend in losing
two out of three games at Arkansas.

“On Friday night. we got great


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pitching and outstanding defense,"
said Madison of the Cats‘ 1-0 loss
in the series opener. “But we didn’t
execute offensively.

“Then we put it together in the
second game. but we didn't execute
defensively in the third game.
We‘ve been up and down lately."

Madison hopes a six-game home-
stand — which starts today with
WKU and concludes against Ten-
nessee this weekend — will help
the team regain its early-season

“We're going to be home for six-
in-a-row, so this is a good time for
us to become consistent." he said.



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WKU coach Joel Murrie brings a
veteran squad to Shively with
strong support from the junior col-
lege ranks. The liilltoppers‘ roster
features only nine players who
came directly out of high school
into the WKU program. The other
18 players are transfers.

“Western does a good job of re-
cruiting," Madison said. “Coach
Murrie really has a solid program.“



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4 - Kentucky Kennel. Tuned-y, April 13, 1093



Kentucky Kernel
Established in 1894
Independent since I971



“tor-lat Board
Gregory A. Hall, Editor in Chief
Joe Braun. Editorial Editor
Jason Vaughn, Editorial (‘anoonlst

Mary Madden. Managing Editor

Dale Greer. Execuuse Editor

Tyrone Benson, News Editor

Brian lent. Senior Staff Writer
Kyle Foster, Senior Staff wrllct





L_.- ,.____- _ ..

Cooperation now means
students have better shot

at being heard next year




One of the most important uansitions facing the Student Government
Association relates to students‘ voices being heard in the halls of state


In past years, outgoing presidents have done everything from sabotage
to nothing to damaging their successors‘ voices. There is hope this year
that one of those unfortunate situations will not be repeated.

Outgoing President Pete November and President-elect Lance Dowdy
should resolve, for UK students‘ benefit not to let one of those scenarios


One way the two presidents can work together is to secure the selection
of Dowdy as chairman of the Board of Student Body Presidents, which
consists of the student presidents of the eight state-supported universities.

Because of Lexington‘s proximity to Frankfort. it's important in a legis-
lative year that the board chairman be able to reach the capital quickly.
The fact that UK is the state‘s flagship institution cannot be ignored.

This position had gone to UK presidents before. but the last two times
any hope was scuttled by the lame duck.

Another important decision the board makes is nominating individuals
for the student seat on the state Council on Higher Education. The board
will send three names to Gov. Brereton Jones. who will make the appoint-


This year's representative. Clay Edwards. did a yeoman's job in his un-
successful attempt to avert a tuition increase — a much better job than any

of the student presidents did.

For that reason and the fact that. as a UK graduate and a University of
Louisville law student. Edwards represents two of the biggest state institu-
tions. he should be reappointed. Rather than nominating someone else,
Dowdy should nominate or support Fdwards.

With Edwards back on the CHE and with Dowdy as chairman of the
board. UK students will be placed in a better position to have their voices
heard in Frankfort Teamwork is the key.

Dead week —— N0 examina-
tions or quizzes, except for
"make-up" examinations or la-
boratory practicals, shall be giv-
en the week of April 26-30.

There will be regularly sched-
uled classes during dead week.
Students are responsible for any
assignments given or due during
this week. Instructors planning to
give a regular examination dur-
ing this period need to rearrange
their schedules and offer the ex-
amination before dead week.
Call 257-3737, if you have any

Finak -— No final examina-
tion shall be given before Mon-
day, May 3, 1992.

Any student with more than
two final examinations sched-




uled on any one date (not within
24 hours) shall be entitled to
have the examination for the
class with the highest catalog
number rescheduled at another
time during the final examination

In case the highest number is
shared by more than one course,
the one whose departmental pre-
fix is first alphabetically will be

The option to reschedule must
be exercised in writing to the ap-
propriate instructor two weeks
prior to the last class meeting.

Gretchen LaGodna is UK '5 ac-
ademic ombudsman.




Braun too big

for editor’s chair
To the editor:

Hey, Joe Braun!

Your column on March 25. “Clin-
ton destroying the United States,“
was arrogant, ludicrous and embar-
rassing. You compared Janet Reno
and those proposing legislation that
would protect the staff and patrons
of abortion clinics to the Nazis: “Si-
lencing the opposition. Remember
the German Gestapo?"

The conservative terrorism of
abortion activists seems more in
line with Nazi tactics than laws to
protect the rights of women. You
wrote: “If it becomes illegal to
block or picket the entrance to fed-

and no brains lately).

Maybe we‘ve got you wrong.
Maybe you're putting on that
poundage purposefully so you can
fill Rush Limbaugh's shoes. (Both
you and your reactionary idol get a
lot of mileage out of absurd Nazi
parallels, e.g. Limbaugh’s femi-
Nazi gibberish.)

Instead of wolfing down Twink-
ies, you might go further if you
worked on your prose. Sentences
like “Assuming Aspin can stay
alive long enough (because of his
ailing heart). the wording will be in-
teresting to see" don‘t