xt7n8p5vb19p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5vb19p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1987 1987 1987-09-16 2020 true xt7n8p5vb19p section xt7n8p5vb19p  





UK women’s volleyball team remains un-
defeated. SEE PAGE 5.





Cars first album in 3% years
worth the wait. SEE PAGE 2.



Today: Sunny
Tomorrow Sunny




Vol. XCI. No. 24

Established 1894

udget request
stressing needs

Editor in chief

Basic needs are the emphasis of
the UK biennial budget request and
Five Year Plan approved yesterday
by the Board of Trustees.

The budget requests additional
funds for faculty and staff salaries.
routine building maintenance. oper—
ating expenses and other infrastruc-
tural needs such as library books
and computing equipment.

UK President David Roselle said
it is in addressing such basic needs
that the University can lay the foun-
dation for a strong future.

"The University wants to do a lot
of things." Roselle said. “The bud-
get is certainly the vehicle. or part
of the vehicle. by which we can get

UK‘s budget is set every two
years by the state government. The
University submits biennial budget
requests while using its Five Year

Plan as a road map for more long-
term appropriations.

The budget request will be sent to
the Council on Higher Education,
which has until Nov. 15 to analyze it
and make its own recommendation
to the governor. The new governor
will incorporate the recommenda‘
tion or an amended version into his
own budget and present it to the
General Assembly during its spring

The total budget for 1988-89 is
$631.5 million and for 1989-90 is

The University is requesting an
additional $94.9 million from the
state to bring the University up to
100 percent funding under the Coun-
cil‘s formula for funding higher edu«

The budget and five-year plan are
organized into several main areas.

0 Fixed cost needs and continua-
tion of current services. The Univer~

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


Fixed cost and continuation
Funding of ‘87-88 priorities
Infrastructure needs

Centers of Excellence

Support of academic programs

Special requests (total)


Additional funding requests
(in millions)



$2 36.1






sity is requesting $24.2 million for
the main campus and $6.1 million
for the community college system to
enable the main campus to absorb
an expected 3 percent annual in
crease in utility costs and an ex-
pected 5 percent annual increase in

This money would also provide for
several new buildings that will be
opened during the planning period

0 Restoration of 1987-88 priorities
left unfunded due to budget cuts.
The University is requesting $2.2
million to restore money that had
been taken from several programs
in this year's budget because of bud-

These programs include stipend

adjustments for graduate teaching
assistants. support for the new su-
percomputer and funding for several
centers of study.

0 Infrastiutture needs. The Uni-
versity is requesting $211 million
for tnain campus infrastructural
needs such as instructional equip-
ment. library books and routine
business maintenance.

This money would also be used to
bring faculty and staff salaries up to
the level of benchmark institutions.
UK Vice President for Administra.
tion Ed (‘arter said UK faculty sala-
ries run about $3.700 behind compa-
rable institutions. He said L‘K hopes

Sec Bl lNil’ll'. Page?



. .



Melissa Kennedy (right). a music freshman and Marlyn Lloyd a
nursing senior whirl their batons during majorette practice in the marching band plays at all the home football games

field next to the Student Center


yesterday afternoon. The UK



UT athlete still in coma
as he continues to make
moves toward recovery

Contributing Writer

Five months ago. doctors didn‘t
give Scott Hartman much of a
chance to live.

Although he is still in a coma the
19- year-old member of the Universi-
ty of Tennessee‘s track team contin-
ues to make progress.

Hartman. of Brentwood. Tenn.
was hit on the head during the Ken-
tucky Relays in April by a track
hammer — a it‘rpound steel ball at-
tached to a chain. He was was then
taken to Central Baptist Hospital
where he underwent surgery to re-
lieve pressure on his brain.

In mid- -May. Hartman was moved
to a hospital in Vanderbilt Tenn.
About a month later he was moved
again to Rebound Inc. a privately-
owned comatose management facili-
ty within the Nashville Memorial
Hospital said Hartman‘ s father.

Rebound Inc. is a unit for the “re-
habilitation of traumatically brain-

injured individuals.‘ said Larry
Snyder executive director of Re-
bound Inc. at Nashville Memorial

According to Tom Mattingly. Ten-
nesse‘s assistant sports information
director. “He's tScotti progressing
as well as can be expected. it‘s just
a slow process. "

“(He's) going through the proc-
esses of a child.“ Cleon said.

Hartman is able to communicate
through the use of facial expressions
and hand gestures. Cleon said. He
yawns stretches moves his right
arm and leg and answers questions
with his right thumb Cleon said

"The other day I asked Scott if he
wanted to go fishing and his thumb
went straight up ‘he said.

Cleon also said “(Scott 5) eyes are
open about 25 percent of the time‘

although there is no pupil response
which may indicate that he is blind.

Cleon said he believes Scott is ca-
pable to think logically and reason
but he is trapped inside of his body
“like he sin a prison.


While listening to a Tennessee
football game on television. Cleon
said Scott began waving his right
arm when the Volunteers scored a
touchdown and intercepted a pass.

While Scott is still not unable to
communicate verbally he did mum-
ble what sounded like “Renee" dur—
ing an ambulance ride to Nashville
Memorial Hospital Cleon said
Renee was Hartman‘s sister who
was killed in an automobile accident
byadrunk driver.

Other than that, Cleon said Scott
has only mumbled "uh-huh."

independent since 1971

Wednesday, September 16. 1987

Task force formed
for disease study

Associate Editor

A student task force has been ap
pointed by Student Government Ass
sociation President (‘yndi Weaver.
but its members disagree about
what the committee's purpose is.

The six-member task force was
created after SGA overwhelmingly
approved a resolution to study the
spread of sexually transmitted dis-
eases and unwanted pregnancies.

Weaver said the Sexually Aware-
ness and Safety Task Force's mis-
sion is to propose a plan to the SGA
senate on distributing condoms on

“We might as well stop being se—
cretive. because I think everyone on
that committee knows what the pur-
pose is' Weay er said.‘ It s a propo-
sal to disepnse condoms or not to
dispense condoms. "

But the task forces chairman.
SGA Senator at Large David Bot
kins. said the group's maiti purpose
is to study ways to prevent the
spread of sexually transmitted dis
cases and unwanted pregnancies
and return to the SGA senate with a

David Allgood. SGA arts & sei-
ences senator. said the group‘s main


job is to study the feasibility oi pt...-
ing condom vending innchintu n:
I‘niversity and N‘Slt’it‘tlt‘t‘ hull ri-s

”The main thing is Itittiitttll liltt
chines.” he said

Allgood said he has spoken to sev-
cral people and most of the feedback


Husband-wife team

to discuss

l’iy IiI'I'l‘Il I’FI\\FIIt
Contributing Writer

Robert and Lucille Boyd will be
discussing their teaching expert
ences in Vietnam during the [hind
States‘ involvement there on Sept 17
in 230 Student Center.

During the discussion. sponsored
by the L'K Council on Aging. the
Boyds will talk about the two years
they spent in Southeast Asia from
1969 It) 1971.

The discussion will center on the
culture and tradition of Vietnam and
Malaysia from an American point of
view. Lucille said.

A short slide show covering Singa-
pore. Australia. India and Egypt
will also be shown The slide show
will deal with the people. culture
and population of each place.

“We hope (the discussion 15' en-
tertaining as well as informative
Lucille said. Vie ve learned
through our speaking that lpOOplet
ask about all the many things
they've wondered about ta foreign
country I

A question period will be provided
at the end of the discussion.

Lucille taught high school in Kulaa
lumpur. Malaysia. tor 1-1 months
She also taught for to months in
Vietnam at the I'niversity of lieu
under the title of Administrator of
the American English Program. She


and that it mo ”mpg. .
at the uniwrsiiy mm.
"Because we
going to “”1

though“ no
the twi-iyoiii-
wanted to learn rltigltsti t.il\’lit‘
said "It was my ioli to try and up
grade the system What 1 did
rewarding. but often titties trietra‘
ing “

Robert was the American liean n.
the (‘ollege of Education He \Htf- the
consultant to the Academic tit-an .i‘
the L‘niversity of lien.

His job involved li‘ilH'illlL‘ To 'i.~-
surrounding villages \\i~ tun: '
drive anywhere We were p11,)lli!)t'.t‘

'l‘he .\gg1es controlled the ball for
only tit series of plays and could
move it inst 1:33 yards They tried
running it :3 times and picked up a
:rreosl'. _“| yards Nine llrsl downs. A
rio/en thirdrdown conversion at-

"You Just don't go through many
utttttes where a