xt7n8p5vb17h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5vb17h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1985 1985 1985-09-19 2020 true xt7n8p5vb17h section xt7n8p5vb17h WW
— I
Vol. LXXXIX, No. I” Established IB94 University at Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since lint Thursday, September l9, INS .-
T t S " l“ "' ' - «1,
u u- eavers Opens I, merican os age , ,
0 e e ., ». _ . , f
UK series examimng in Lebanon released
4' ‘3 u i 3 U ‘ fill .‘ I, ”1‘
. . . '- () ‘) B) ‘\S.\.\\l‘: .‘lNH.\Fl‘:R [erw'ard‘ Reagan Supphed [he of“. '1. ' I - . '1 .-
Sout frican 011818 31‘ ’ ' A: W A
§ , ' "back in America. safe with his . ' '~ .2;
p - ' CONCORD. \ H . The Rev Ben- famjly " _ -,. ~.-;' ;
' ' y - . :5 . ,I , .. ‘ . ' jamin Weir is free after a 16-month ~1 am ha rfOr mm and his fami- ,1 6': -..'l,~
Nobel prizewmner 5 daughter to discuss ,. l: “'2 m; WWW Oman m Wm but ,3, me magi“... W m , w.“ .5 '3‘. r.
- ' '2 " .12: . Pres‘deht Reagan Sald yesterday not be satisfied and Will not cease .' - ‘3. 3‘53?
COllegCS’ r016 1n I‘CSlStanCC mOVemCDI h l ._,_ ‘ ,.' ‘ that he "will not be satisfied” until our efforts until all the hostages. the ' .- "5";
_' 9“ the six remaining American cap» othersix are released " ‘ ‘ ,'.."i.
P ByCllRlSTY MOORE said. “For example. Black Africans. e1 l " tives alsoare released Later, as he boarded A” Force 4].} ,‘f
Contributing Writer 14 years Old and higher. lack educa~ ,. 4V Weir was released to L' S authori- one to return to Washington. Rea- . .-' .- 721' ' ‘i‘i'
tional textb00ks. Students can do- --' ties in Beirut on Saturday. but an gan held up six fingers and told re~ ‘. 72' . f. ‘3
Naomi Tutu-Seavers. daughter of nate their used textbooks to the announcement was withheld to de porters. "Six more togo “ '~‘,‘ :. 5'25-
the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner Black Africans." termiiie whether the release of the Weir. 61. a Presbyterian mimster. ' ,J :1
. BtShOP [)5de Tutu. Will be the 'I‘utu-Seavers. a graduate 0t Berea other Americans might also be 0b- was kidnapped bv terrorists May 8. \‘.~ ".fg 3, .
first speaker in a series of lectures College and the UK Patterson School tamed 1984. in Beirut ' 'J ' " xi ‘;
and films examining the political 0f Diplomacy. was active in the ‘We here trying to keep it so Neither Reagan nor Djerejian of- i fl.
. crisis inSouth Africa. South African movement while in quiet because we don‘t want to do fered any details about m5 release ; ‘ .. ,
’l‘utu-Seavers' speech. titled school. She founded the Students . anything that endangers the chances Djerej'ian said Weir was in Nor- I ..' '1. ., I '
"Major Trends in the South African United Against Apartheid in Berea. :_________g_____. of the other six} Reagan said at the folk Va ‘ but that he was not hospi- . ‘ 3 "~ - ~
’ Resistance hiovement." is at noon She also gave speeches In states t'tillt'iUSltlntlfa speech promoting his {aimed Doctors described him as ‘I; . ’.1
l tomorrow in the Student Center The such as Iowa and Minnesota for the Naomi Tutu-Seavers. daughter of l984 Nobel Peace Prize winner tax reform Proptl‘at being "in good mental and phySical ‘ '- - . . .5 ".‘
ater. It will focus on how universi- American Friends Service Commit- Bishop Desmond Tutu, will speak at UK tomorrow about the po- But White House spokesman Ed- condition."the spokesmanadded. 1' ‘, 5‘
ties can play an active role in aiding tee liticol crisis in South Africa. ward Djerejian briefing the press He said the L'mted States had “ab- 5 , '5 ‘-" j
South Africa. . ,. . . élftt‘r Reagan's spceth ‘dlll It be solutely‘ made no deal With the Ler. ' ,' _ 5'"

"1 Wt“ talk about how students. Since lutu-Seavers graduation tn other necessnies to the 750,000 refit can bring about a peaceful rt-mlii tam“ apparent “Hedi“ hllrlht that rorists who had held Weir "Our po— _‘
especially L'K students, can atd the May. bhe has been named the presi~ gees who have fled South Africa tioii noiiiorcrelezises were ii.minent " sition on negotiating with terrorists ..’. -- 3 ' i A . ‘-
struggle Of Black Africans." Tutu- dent Of the B'ShOp Tutu Refugee Re; “It has been predicted that there I ncimhmml i~~ um i. it We“- - is vervclear. ‘he said ‘ A - f
Seavers said in a recent telephone het Fund The organization “it“ will be freedom m South Africa ma TuturSeavers also works full (”319 W ..,-. ‘Irf' .0 1‘ t1“ “1.,“ 'th 1‘ Asked if the L'mted States had ' . " ' '
interview from her office m Hart» started I." June 19%. .bt the (‘apital decade." TuturSeavers said "Well at Equator. a Prl‘ht" “‘h‘UItmL’ émfnthri ‘t:l:‘pf‘l(til: ‘3“ “[10 {:2 given up anything to win Weir‘s re " C A - i
ford.Conn. Reiltht onferenceoft hurches pray that 15 so csmpziny for development :r south Home“ mm“ “mm The Presbyter lease. the spokesman said. , I'm not ~‘ ‘ -. _'.

"()ne way L'K students can help is The organization. located in Hart “That is why my program is so i m“ ri.iii (hurrih said early yesterday guingto getintothat H - 5 . 1.. . .
with material aid." Tutu-Seavers ford. supplies money. clothing and important It shows people how they \t': It H -‘l “N“ no: that “(‘lt‘ had been freed Soon af— See H()\H(.l-..riaiie9 ur- .‘ " ;"

e e e e e
UniverSity Club adopts cafeteria-style menu to lower def1c1t . .- : _
B) NANCY S. MAHL’RIN chell. agglstanl vice chancellor for The "trouble-shooting“ board re» style. before choosing the cafeteria traditionally been to charge to an payments and bookkeeping." he ’- ‘ ' - . .
StaffWriter administration The club now has views the budget and makes deci~ line. account in which the club handleo said _ ‘ 1‘ . g

started to decrease the deficit and Sions ranging from the type of sery~ "We hope it‘ll go over well It it all the book work. said Allen Hie .~ = i

The L'niversity Club. a dining fa» by the end of the 1986 fiscal year. ice to what kind of mustard to put dtk’Sh't “'9'“ tr." something else man directorof food services Rlemdh 8150 Sélld the €th had a f ' _, -. V "
cility for staff and faculty members, Ruschell hopes the deficit will be re» on the tableshesaid. 'l‘ri added that the cafeteria style on Sept 3. the club started ac problem Wlth accounts h0t being ‘ . , - x ‘
has changed its format in order to ducedtoaboutszoooo “We were presented with a \lluzl didii t haveto be permanent cepting cash. and enemies: Oct 1. paid “There weren‘t a lot. but it .> . - . . '. . ‘.
help climb out of financialtrouble. The club. which operates from it tlon where we had a sizable deficit. "If this lcafeteria style gets the they will switch from the charge ac- was an added expense to the rest of '1 ‘ ' ~ ; . ‘

a rn to l .10 pm Monday through so we looked for a solution which club out of trouble, then we may go count to Visa and MasterCard the members .. 3 ‘ y '_ i - -

After a $40,000 deficit the last aca- Friday. has switched to a cafeteria would lower the defiCit and improve back tothe sitdown style charge oiin Rieman said . ‘ ‘ _‘ "
demic year. the board that directs style restaurant. instead of a sit- foodquality'andservice.”shesaid Besides the change to cafeteria "Its simpler to let Visa and Has ”I added that She d‘dht think ‘ . . - , ' I
the club decided to make major down style restaurant. said Mary Tri said the board examined a few style. the L'niverSity t‘lub has also tert'ard handle the bookkeeping and 990W“ tEtt the” blue deliberately ;- '
changes in order to keep the club 'f‘ri, president of the L'niversity (‘lub optiom. such as closing the club made some other major changes less expensive to not handle the ex- People WOlltd leave the thlVetSlt)‘ ‘ __
running this year, said George Rus~ Board. completely or changing to a buffet The payment plan for the club has pense of the extra labor for records. sect l l 8 page E‘ '- ' " ’ ,

amen men , .. , , _
h>m~u"‘~>fl ‘ , ‘ ”I ._(w‘_‘u~__ .. “3”,“...wmnv .0, ., .xs. .,. man , _ - t > ‘.
M fjx A» keep OfflCC hOUI'S ’
1 &' By S(‘0T'l‘\'i':\Rl) . ' ' ,
. . *‘ SpecialProjectsEditor " - ’ -
.fi, ‘ . _ . , ,
I ' ‘ ~ ‘ only one dissenswn. the Student '4 .' ' . t .' i ' ~
‘ .4 ‘ Government Assoc1ation senate last . ; 2 ‘.'_ ‘ ', .
g ‘ .. night passed an amendment to the .» " »_-. 7 " 1.
'? assomation's bylaws. creating man- 5‘ .' . n, 3' ' '. ‘
" ; datory office hours forsenators ‘ ‘- '- , -
. The amendment. which was a _' " l’ .
‘ (D .. modified version of one tabled last g ' ‘. l. . i
' u i ’ _Nm_”__ week, requires that all senators 3" . .
W~~ ~ < --— -_ spend one predesignated hour a ’ . ,v.
. ' week in either the SGA office or. in ‘ f. -I»
the case of college senators. a loca- , k . .'
tion in their college . ,1 . fl.
College of Fine Arts Senator John ,‘- ._ , ’ .:
w mm,,.y,m Ngenkhaifis reéeived a roundhof ap- -' ., .~-l
' ° pause or 's comment tat a- ‘ " »‘ .
Bar aSSOCIatlon though senators are not paid mone- ' " - ‘ ., .7
tarily ~ an issue brought up at the . ‘ " ,
John Phillippe, cl 8 8. H Electric, works on the overhead lighting system yester- be finished late this tall. Money for the facility came from a $250,000 donation last senate meeting - "We're being ‘ - . ,
day at the new indoor tennis facility. The complex IS tentatively scheduled to WthhWOS matChed by the UK Athletics ASSOClot'OH. ”Pl“ the trust of 21.000 constitu~ . _ » .1
en 8 ‘ '. .
l iiexcused absences from office . t ’ . : " ' _‘
. . . 0 C . hours will be equivalent to one- ' ,' . .
e 1 ions 0 1 ays not 1ncluded in a sence 0 1c «ins - ~
Senators can be purged from the . .
senatefortw'ounexcusedabsences ‘ ' ' . t .
B) CYNTHIA A. PALORMO some faculty members about the said “To anyone. their religion‘s term illness of a student or family solved in favor of the faculty. thus SGA also unveiled the permanent .
Senior Staff Writer possible need to include religious holidays are major " member. death of a member of a granting them promotions plaque for the Robert G Zumwinkle '-
holidays in the proposal Instead. the Council may consider student‘s immediate family or a “This made us feel our time was Student Rights Award Formerly . ,

Religious holidays will not be in- p ‘ asking the ombudsman to inform l'niversity-sponsored trip The pro notwasted,”she said . . , 3 - ‘ .'
cluded in the category of excused t‘ouncd Wm" Ed'“ Waldhart faculty members of religious holi- posal still must be voted on by the sewn 0f the 32 appeals “ere 5°“('"““3"w , -
absences in the Senate Council's said she originally hkf‘d tht‘ idea 0t days so they could be aware in case l'nlverSity Senate. dropped before being heard by the ‘ - - ‘
newly proposed absence policy. the 9X9U$1h8 students for m15_5'h8 tests any scheduling conflicts arise In other news. Billie Winer. chair committee She said the committee :
groupdecidedyesterday. “'h'Ch t9” 0" religious holidays. ht“ (‘anon said that in 1979. the I'm» man of the privilege and tenure declined to hear {our appeals and i *

Brad Canon. Council chairman. added that as she thought about 't- versity's office of student affairs at committee. reported the commit (19mm “inure to one facul“ mcin- ‘-
said determining which religious She deemed the 99"” “hum be tempted to make religious holidays tee's action during the 1984-85 aca tier '
holidays merit excused absences more problem than ‘t sworth an excused absence but rar- into the demic year Four appeals are still pending Kentucky bushel Pt!!!" m U!“ ‘

“'Olltd be “opening UP a can 0t "The problem is what's consid- samecomplications Winer said22faculty members re» Because the topic of this dis- yesterday when ma hr - -
worms. ' ered a major religious holiday and As the proposal now stands. ext quested appeals concerning promo- cussion concerned faculty persor‘ntl. issues—n: m UK “2 Mi-
Canon said he was approached by what's considered a minor one." she cused absences will include short- lion. She said six appeals were re names were not disclosed null Pro Day. For the m. s.

Weinberger says Soviets stealing Western defense technology ‘
Lees Jesus. a may tend: as! v
By NORMAN BLACK thousands of technical reports that lected military research projects by system of blacklisting" to prevent Much of the general information in plug-orientated 'I’ routed!-
Associated Press are not classified but are useful. and obtaining western technology ' Soviet agents who are expelled from the study was disclosed previously perform a UK Oct. Isl’et s ”-
are diverting high-tech equipment Neither Weinberger nor Assistant one country from gaining posts in But it gave what it called more ex- view.sssm~1

WASHINGTON — The Soviets deSigned for one purpose but which Defense Secretary Richard Perle. another allied nation.headded amples of how the Sowets collect in- ‘ .,
have been much more successful tin be used in weapons programs who later briefed. reporters on the Perle said he would recommend formation and products and what
than prevmh'hbi though; in Stealth“ 'lh their own estimate. more study. would elaborate on the that President Reagan "0t (1180le the) ‘tOWlthSUCh technology. m
Western fee 0 08y 3" as a '5‘” than-3 ooo Soviet militar research sources used to measure the Soviet any broader scientific and educatio s ~
"we are subsidizing the military pi'oiicts each year areybenefiting effort nal ties with the Soviets when he 8(P’ortsexamplefiothe reportedsai: the
buildup of the Soviet Union." De 3mm, mm). from Western acquired But the re rt said Perle hould meets with Soviet leader Mikhail me t' somethew secur t I?“
fcnse Secretary Caspar W, “cm technology." Weinberger said at a lead to effort): bh the U ted sStat Gorbachev inNovember. mania ionedon mweaponcgn ro ms Tm'lhfimfi ,
berger said yesterday. news conference. .. -- 3 n1 .5 , ra rs us on - Navy 5 -A-181et w h . M . fl .- ’ 3:

to even up the number of Soviet The study was described as the fighter It said the documents * '. h “ ~.-

Weinberger released s study as- The report said that while compre~ diplomats allowed to operate here product of I special Technology served “as the technical basis for “In.“ - . "”3?
setting the Soviets have targeted hensive figures are not available. compared with the Americans indie Transfer Intelligence Committee in new look-down, shoot-down en- nun-3w ”1%
specific American defuise contrsc- the Soviets estimate they saved at Soviet Union. The United States and eluding officials from the Pentagon. gagement radars for the latest gen- “ gee.» - may. i
tors and universities; sre scquiring least $640 million in 1980 alone on so its allies should also consider "a the CIA and 20 other US. agencies eration of Soviet fighters) ‘ . ‘ ‘ ."

I , .‘.

 z-xmvmi. ann. 1“
Am Editor
Assistant Ar't Edltor
‘ ., new . a -. - wwisaasosmsssi its
\W . -» - - -- -- . - = - ,. ~ swede»
00 S-I'OC an one llSthE coming t0
' 3) STEVE DRIESLER Dolly Parton. Chrissie Hynde and brace other forms of music. primar- with McKee on the “Streets of Fire"
- Contributing “filer Linda Ronstadt in his recent five» ilyR-andB-tinged rockand roll. soundtrack.
_ pa ecoverstoryontheband . . . lovine was not the only well-
' For ”‘09 0‘ you "3““8 a “"19 flost critics concur that McKee, c Tints lincortaorztton 0f other hf“: known name that helped the band
' - d' dose 0‘ grass roots American we“ 20 shows incredible muSical maturi- a 5 yes an ' uences caug . e out in the studio. Annie Lennox of o
- . . . . . ‘ .. . attention of the record companies . . .
n roll ”Sm here 0" campus. Jubtlce tv and \'€f‘Sa[lill\ for her age and . the Eurvthmics supplied some un- t - .
. . , - - . who had preViously been scared off . - d. , ,
‘ isabouttobesened. pomt to the touches of rhvthm and . .. . . .. credited backup vocals. Bob Dylan .
‘ ‘ ‘ ' L009 Jmtice a L05 Angeles-based bl esdndeven os lin her'singing by the bands unmarketability. and Tom Pett' also contrib ted ‘h .
. .‘ .d » ‘ - .» u d g pe , Lone Justice signed a contract with 3 ‘ , u . - ,- f '
' band Nth "3 feet planted firmly "1 Despite her youth. Mchee is no . songs to the album iDylans song as
_ _ , » - .- . Geffen in October 1983, but took a yr
. . . country ““510 and bluesoriented newcomer to the L A music Circuit - . was recorded but not released). Pet- .
. FOCk ‘n‘ roll. W1" play at 8 P m. 0C! At the age of 15. she began singing fareful year 82d a half tolrtlajlease .n“ t\ 's song "Ways to Be Wicked.“ ' .
. - 8 in the Student Center Grand Ball» backup vocals for the Bryan Mac» Jaigffnggoe band 5m ad a '0! originally intended for his Damn the ' . ' 4 ~ . i q?
‘ _ ‘ . room. _ . _ . . lb Lean Band tMacLean is her broth ' torpedoes album. was chosen as the f j. l {N ‘y
.‘ I. The bands self-titled flrSi a um eri She began to hang ‘out m the But although they were taking band sfirst “(190' . . . { s. ‘ . a g ,.
- . was released on Gege’éachggséfer' blossoming L A rockabilly scene. their time. the band was not sitting ”petting for Lone JUSlK‘e “:1“ be ‘f’ ~ I ell"
,. . . . ~ . . her this year. but el ‘nl’ s n occasionally venturing on stage'to still by a long shot. With the addition Love lractor.‘another rootsoriented , . v ‘ v 3.. , a g a.
_ -. . tgggégglfiflgtttcfwgcc aim Since sitng “hm tvirioustloiglgltznsdsblh war: of drummer Don Heffington. who ligand that‘hails froth hurts“; (it: .. _ v 0;. ! ‘ ,
:13 j . ' a sue a s ow a . e we- . . i c spawning groun o n ‘ i e ‘_ , .
. . .. . - . Lone Justice has areal affinity for in Orange County that she met gui» :tstftd 8:)": 1312);: fugitzlohladflizght it t; M. the 35,2“ and Pylon. They a“ .0 din
' ' . . . the Amderica: bStliéms dot countryl. tarist Ryan Hedgecock. . . ened its new sound and started to m. are supporting their new EP called , w. .. Dz;
. , . . ' . {21:}. 3368:1002; snfeiliiod: 532:3”? Mchgdgecockg wéas dmpgbctded 3th troduce it to the rest of the country liiiiltlf? (mi-s (.nnio Home on DB Re— \
. -.- ' .~ ; . ' . i C ees Sln In an Sll es a . s . ' ‘ji ('(irts'
_ ' : ' Of these elements With a fervid pas- they play together. These informal alteyR‘tio‘it'egngs 336°§1T§h§§l 12:5,- 'l‘he concert is being presented by L ' - ’I :
~' ‘ » - iam‘2fsisi. its? mortar. dddddd dd dddddd It“ “ism rd" Cider: ' , 9 ' ‘
« . - - . . - . ‘ _. us 9 'n 5 se consise . omini ee in Ctmqu ion wi e .
‘ .4 . ‘ ~ ., er, is lead singer Maria McKee. entirely of acoustic covers of coun- Tom PEI” Rolling Stone Career Expo and . t I
‘ .. ' . ‘ _ whose VOICe ”“585 Lone Justice try artists like George Jones. Kitty When the band was finally read) Music Showcase Tickets for the 3 .5233
. Q .d , -_ 323:9 0tihe 0:158de: giaurriirlgiidzg Weils it‘lri‘d Rose Maddox Hfowevelzr. tootéegin rjcordingl its first r:ecohrd. :howkare $6 St) Ifor :tludentsh and $8 § 3"“
. . ‘ , 9f SC‘ ~ - Ullt er e encouragement 0 new y- pr ucer immy ovine. w o as or tie genera [)U)l(‘ T ey are ‘
.’ .1 .. ‘ Los Angeles Times critic ROD?“ added bass‘ist Marvin Etzioni. the worked with Bruce Springsteen. available at the Student Center tick- MOVOCOUHISVOHWWHAOIVI'IIHOAlD
, 1 ““an compared M0535 V0199 band soon began to write its own John Lennon and Patti Smith. of. et office and both Disc Jockey Re-
‘ ; ' " and stage presence ‘0 Janis 309““ material and branch out and em- fered his services. after working cords locations Los Angeles bond Lone Justice will perform at UK Oct. 8.
  . . . TV week features Outdoor campus show,
' ' ”it? Af ' l
, cult films classms "can C“ “"9 0“ lap
I , i . l 5‘8" r(1)0"s ca: Time Running Out." a series of
. . ‘ By WESLEY MILLER heavyweight champion Michael V ._. fl , lectures and films sponsored by the
‘, ' ' Staff Writer Spinks «274). 19 KOs‘. However. if ' \ ‘ \4 Two Small Bodies will perform UK Office of Minority Student Af-
_ _ . . . Holmes wms. don‘t look for an eight Irv " ~- _ their original FOCk from noon [0 130 fairs in cooperation with the Black
, . ' , The pickings are pretty lean on minute standing 0\dll()ll from the . / ‘; a pm. today on the campus corner 0‘ Student Linion. fellowship of Recon-
' ’ - the four major pay chamiels this Las‘ Vegas crowd Vt,” ‘ ‘ Limestone and Euclid. behind the ciliation and the African Students
. ‘ - week. featuring even fewer endofr " A ‘ Student Center . Association
- " , the—month premieres than usual Altho h l . . f'l Q h . bee "5,,” ‘ This trio of bass. guitar and
' ' - ug casSic lm’ aye n « ‘fl drums recently recorded the" tune Experience Africa. an African
_ . . popping up on the four major pay» -~‘x\ / 5,. .. / "W k td rid See for a com ila— , . . "ll
. _ ~ There is only one film premiere channels more now than m the past . _ g ,A r? c . a e p a P performing arts company. wi pre-
‘ . ' this week. and it debuts on Show- i“Wutherin Hei hts" on Cinemax __=..—_—_-_ II / t}. ,r“ ‘ é tion album of local bands. released sent workshops m Afncan muSical
" . ' _ time this Saturday. The Buddy Sys- "Bi Lea Eer" go" Showtime and gzaf 1-, '1 233-7.;— 5- by Lexmgton's Splatt Records. and dance techniques this weekend
' , . ‘ . ' ‘ tem. a 1984 film. stars Wil Wheaton “Rogpe” ogn The Movie Channeli —:~';.:;f— ‘ ,. . The concert. sponsored by the‘Stud The first presentation will be an
. ' . as a lonely boy who plays match- there remain many viewers who .4 . _, ‘. t » " dent ActiVities Boardtoncert (om- introduction to African drumming
. ». . .- ,- maker for his single mother iSusan would prefer to see more samples m” “mum“ “HUN“ $3th is the fitrst ":1 ah serlilesldot techniques titled “your Heart. the
' , 3.”an ‘2‘; Cotnprml'nismg P(l)Sl from the golden age of celluloid and 1936's The Ex-Mrs. Bradford. which liixhy are involved in riotous skits. as $ngthgrizgtherzelrcmits‘ :aiSIrdD:uiriiLth bgfigflggyih: ‘53:;
, _ ilRonshd danD 3f s “18%;“? noye ‘St fewer new duds N‘Best Defense" on casts William Powell and Jean Ar Watchiton (‘inemax withafriend. ‘ ‘ terliwal', Hi he“ g
' ‘ , ' - t' w] r “reg “55.: . "21‘.” emo- Showtime. C Ht D." on The thur as a husband-wife team of de- John Sayles and Lewis Teague Magician \ndre K0“, will gm. at A} :n lgthk'thm 'n Motion“ an
" , ionaedcon llocdr an” "in: As soiso Movie Channel and "Roller Boogie" tectives tracking down a murderer present \lligator. the 1980 horror 1655! one person a lift at his show to . tiodmt‘ t -‘ l'rli'th . Afr 'n
. '4 . comm y-me Staaintai ¥\c “Al? 5,0 on HBO The stars are perfectly paired in farce that's on the top of the list as night Kole a creative consultant for m r, ‘uchion 0 ‘p0f)om"3 Emcm 15mm
' ‘ IherSFeanl” P9? (V 5' ‘Allm this “Thin Man"-type comedy-mys tar as mutant reptile movies go; magiciansIIkivid Copperfield and glauwjl if)??? (.rh les-DYgiin an»
. . . (u “end? K3113? ‘ ancy en For those wrth such discerning tery. don't miss the graffiti in the final Doug Henning promises illusions of t 3‘ dS( d 8 ar g
. Dress 0 - tastes. there is the American M0vie . . . . scene The film also is on Cinemax. levitation ' erh . . ksh “Af .
' , . . 4 . Classics channel. which shows only Also worth watching '5 3m" VIC" : . «. . , 't‘ T ,9 final worn °P~ rican
For comedian-magwian affiCion’av ,. you guessed it ,, classic Ameri» tory. which starts its cable-TV run The Adventures of Buckaroo Ban- 1" add't‘m“ to. disappearing ‘3‘. 5 MUS" and Dance. W1" be a fea-
‘ dOS. Harry Anderson ‘Of T‘ 5 Can-movifi' tomorrow. This 1958 film. which was Iai. a 1984 film. features heroic neu- and the “$3.1 mind-boggling "739“ “if“ 9"9’“ 3‘ the‘Second Annual
. “Night Court“i . offers, enough shot in France. stars Richard Bur~ rosurgeon’rock star'rocketship pilot he (also Will-include: stage pref?- Woodland Dancer l-estival at 2:30
offbeat humor and interesting “51131 There are three noteworthy pre- ton and Curt Jurgens as a brash Peter Weller and his battle with “no? relating to t e spiritua " pm. Sept, 391" Woodland Park. The
effects to make the one-hour “3") meta on AMC this week. ahd the young officer and his incompetent super \‘illian Dr Lizardo «John Lith- mension oflife. . d b' workshops 3"? 0P9" [0 experienced
, Anderson's ”Hello Sud?" SP?Clal highlight is 1937-5 Shall We Dance. superior. Ruth Roman also stars as gowi The movie is on The Movie Cgmhguspegfizsrgi‘lfceforbpgiiiifte will and nonexperienced dancers.
. ' worth watching. ll premieres on winch ' ‘ - Jurgens's wife who was once in- Channel Lots of fun. but don't trv to i ‘ ' ‘ ' .
, » . . _ , premieres Wednesday. fled . ‘ . , . -. - t --- ) t ' ht M 0 «1 The format for each resentation
, Sh°wume unswmmd‘” Astaire and Ginger Rogers hogf volved wwth lBtitilrtofili.bghis ejxtertded understand everything thats going gigfinTikétéireglg '“ em “'3 vill be lecture demonstfation. with
' _ . the" way through SUCh Gershwin verSion Ԥ a ' e .a. 3 an no "E on 'ierformances by the dancers and
_ j . And for those WI.” enjoyedwatch- classtcs as “Let's call the Whole to par “1th thevonglnal' but WON “ I. . ' H ‘ :nugicians as we“ as audience par-
_ . ing Pete Rose break Tv Cobbs base» Thing Off“ and "Thev All watching anyway. finally. we have the off-the-wall “01a :\lbert.. a South African ,lClpauO"
' ‘ _‘ hitting record. here comes Larry Laughed“‘ while encountering all comedy~musical The Blues Broth- film. will beshown at noon today in
» - Holmes' bid for immortality The kinds of difficujttes when they pre— Cult Classic Dept. The pay chan- cm. with the famed Saturday Night the UK Student Theater. Written All events are free and open to the
'- . undefeated WBC heavyweight cham- tend they are married. Not quite the nels are brimming with cult favor~ Live duo as the title characters The and performed by two South Afri- public The workshops are spon-
d. . classic that ..Top Hat" is. but an. ites. and the cream of the crop is film. to be shown on (.‘inemax, also cans. it is an ironic tale of Christ re- sored by the CK Office of Minority
~ _ 2’ ' pion (48-0. 34 K05» goes for the jovablenonetheless. John Landis‘s 1977 spoof Kentucky features John Candy. Carrie Fisher. turning 10 the self-proclaimed Student Affairs. Lexington Parks
'. ' f .- ~ Rocky Marciano-tying Victory ' Fried Movie. in which Donald Sud Aretha Franklin and too many oth- “Christian"nation Of South Africa. and Recreation and the Syncopated.
- ‘. ‘ against undefeated WBA light- Monday sees the premiere of therland. Henry Gibson and Bill ers to mention The film is the first in “South Afri» lnc,dancecompany.
" ‘3 ‘. . . m Playing This Week To 40 Dance Music
- ' - u 1 as; STRAIT AWAY Nam-ck -ch-r|to- Gar-co STU DENT
. 1 _\ . r”
_ ._.. _ _. 01/ Thcl I" I
p _ . d. 9 . MC 0 .cc 01' GROUP
‘. .. _ d, . '\ v.
- / t Tonight ‘Js . ~ We.
- . ' , - ‘ , . A \ . 4., / . , '1
s. Lad-es \~ HEALTH
7‘ ‘ / 1-9:oo . it . o.
11': d: _, Ladies Only ” g ' fa. 1, l
~' / do ‘ t : :’ INSURANCE
L.‘ (, ’.-,>.’:. 9.1.0,“. \" rli‘" _ I»; v
.' . ';.'. '-.- "v'd 2 " -'
" r. Battle of the Coolers Showdown ‘ . ~— ;.. ‘34? , (Through Colonial Penn Lifelnsurunce Company)
’_ , t. ‘ Barthel-James VS Sun Country ’ 4 , ' ‘2‘ 7’, -"‘
I ; Calf. Cooler ' Seagroms . y' b, '1. ,.,."'
i; 4'. ' .. (Loser: Leave Mr) L $ . '“ “it/4 " ,
- ‘. ' .th ' ‘ .- Plus Giveaways! 3." ‘ 4 " "
2533'. ’d t w ”C ._.. I Enrollment period for the Student Health Insurance extends until September
._. v, v-d / 1 30.1985.
. . . .
H~ .' _ " ' y w a ’ ., v . Enrollments must be postmarked by midnight September 30, l985.
7'" ' ‘5 ' x ‘3 . i ‘ OR
. ,., .2 m g ' it 5 .
. . '. .l E s " ' ; w ,1" . ‘j V. i _ ‘2. Enrollments may be brought to the Insurance Office at the Student Health
. . .' ’ , z I. 0 /. I .v' ! Service between the hours of 8:00 o.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday thr0ugh Friday.
" . ' o O E h E I " - . If you have questions, someone will be available to assist you, Or you may
, , - ,. - f > I; gg g ‘ ‘ call 233-6356.
I . . ‘ s v
.. , one-<3: ' l x . t " '
. g E, , . \ -‘ FROM me COMPANY.
, E ‘V. ‘ a \
26.44" 2909 Richmond Id. Lukovlow Plan
‘. ‘ ‘

 P I. ff. 0 P "EN’UC‘V‘EMEI-fvawm 19, was
t' t' advice about drinking
0 r , 3_ ByMARYZIMMl-ZRER pectations lmhnwn llt‘ inmi with '
Contributing Writer can (‘Ufllt‘ ll‘llll‘i .. triwlinl tic-sire- to . .
crime, self-defense . “it
t ' , BACCHUS members think coping She stressed the llllplll'lti'ltt' iii pro
31-“ - ' _ ,‘ 5 ' with alcohol is one of the most diffl- ple making llieii 2mm lt't \-Ill‘l.~ lie . ‘
ggnltributiigwift: hifiinzsirfilgdigougmg at the eyes ' ; cult problems {acmg a college fresh- cause only the) hlllM ’llt'.l puiwiial >
. ‘ ‘ ‘fF-h 25, 3 limitations - - 2‘
“A woman is never powerless," ‘3' f; ‘ , man . . ‘ ,. N 2 i . .- . 3 '
Women have the right to protect she said “A woman can be the most ’2 .L f A510”! 200 3w03rjnezn3hmost (,f33theni mlot 3:1;31:k33r3t.3ix:i3is3l3n.3 \3itl3tlt3llls 3 _ 3 3
themselves, said Rebecca Langston. vicious fighter because you never ' ”’3 "f2“ mfg: déaen [9 imp :fpret; I it! 3”: Hull 322:32332ini 3.i....3.i_3i23in . r ' ' ’
alexingtonMetroPollceofficer. know whatthey'regoingtodo." 23‘ ‘ . gram es -‘ nigh I I 0 er 9. d (‘ n) .“m‘ ' " “‘“H - >-,. ,
“No one has the right to put their 3’“ 3 \_ simple advice on ho“ to deal with stand lhl> low. pwpw '3 M 32-.iii/e 2 3. ~
hands onsomeone orders that same When traveling alOl’le. Langston 3. ’ 2; i l 3 the situation at l'K The program3 that alcohol ullevls mi l. 'i‘li‘..lllldl 3. - 3 3 I
one approves " 181188“!!! said dur- said passengers should always lock ( . U” . titled "Women and AlcohoL" \Nab differently lit-prinlirw. " ‘ll' “' ‘d .' -r' .
ing a “Self-Protection" lecture yes- their car dun. Check the back seat ’ '. . sponsored by Boosting Alcohol Con- “0“ “WWW" - ." .
terday in the Student Center and Ulltlt'r' the car and scout out the ‘. sciousness (‘oncerning the Health of Alter Martin \ \imw : l.lll(ia 33-1 .3 .
Theater. “If meme harms you area upon their arrival. They also "- l'niverSity Students and the Panhel TllomPN’ll n “WW-H »- 22:2'illollt‘ .i .-’ 3 ,2. ",' {3'-
they harm your familyandfriemg." ' should walk in the middle of parking '- lenic(‘ouncil and drug odd!“ ‘l"""" W ” ""r . I ' l '
Rape is m mm: mmly I r. Structures . SIX speakers offered adVlC? on experiences. \tl3\2'ii.l 'l2.;'. slit' slilfit‘tl ' 3 . "’3‘? '.3'~
reported crime according to a . . '3 I. g peer and personal anltude§ and ex2 drinking when \lit‘ .22. . .2: 3- _,:-,K '3 .33 I 23' 3.3
Scriptographic B‘ooklet which pub~ If people think they re being fol- . pectations. drinking responsibly-3 5”. because \ht‘ mum-21' 3 ' 3 3 ;.3;-;".3.'~
lishes various “m6“ pamph- lowed. Langston advised drivmg to a 3 0 ting personal limitations. alcoholism M ”“3 WM 333 3333 W 33 3333 333,3 .' 3.33.312 til-'1 .
. place where the) can get help. such ' and help for alcoholics ’ .\ i .l . . i. 2‘ l. . I "‘. '1' '1‘
lets. The pamphlet said about 10 3 3 3 . 3 ”Guam“ .. . , 3 she aker. r... . M» i" .. .
rapes occur for everyonereported. as ‘1 Dome del‘ ‘rtmem or a busmess e e W "“9 feel 3 l0‘ 0f films are“ need your cart n. in. hi2 ' 3 . ' _ 3 . ~::~. . 3.2"" 'f .l
“A lot of incidents of rape come open 24 hours Rebecco Langston. 0 Lexington Metro Police officer, gives some to the fact that drinking ‘5 “"5 and is herearouiid in. ", “fqi’fl
from a known person such as a advice on selldeiense otalecture yesterday available and almost expected on 3 - 233,333.. 3.3.23. 33 .
date " Langston told the group of The best \t‘d)‘ to deal with obscene college t'gguses. :ald Mindy hm 3 Mar) 1‘” 2..ii....~. 3 .22; 3'

' l one calls 15 to han u 3 she said _ 3 33 tin. BAC VS spea ers corps c air or oi i‘ ry~ali~ Houw in 3.2 l3. 3 f t
abgjhégfotnuggtm. e Should ar- pLgngston advised gpe‘hple who person 3‘ “use or apartment. check becameol the poss|bility of the of‘ person house for women mitt-i li.‘ mm .21 1" 33.3.
range a first meeWting with an 803 wanted to he ”d of obscene callers locks and windows and give recom- fense being repeated. 3"lf they do it Martin spoke against many of the coholism and other tin-nu .i; 'lt‘pt'Y: :35: 2"_2'._ 1.- 2333

uaintance in a safe location until to change me”, phone number, use mendations on how to make then once, they wont hesitate to do it outdated altitudes 5““ held con- deny)“ tall-(Mi .,, .3... .. ,..3 \ ~.~ 3...3.3ic [3.332.333
q tha rson be an answering machine to screen home moresecure. again. shesaid. cermng women Who drink. SUCh 1‘ program: l’” WW": " 2 21” .52- ’-
:eegestlt'tgt 30w erstsl’ieesaid tter. calls or tap the mouthpiece and say" . 3 the connotation. "If will" drunk ””d