xt7n8p5v9w66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5v9w66/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2000-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2000 text GLSO News, August 2000 2000 2000-08 2019 true xt7n8p5v9w66 section xt7n8p5v9w66   GI , S 0 NEW S
Eng}; ,5
Vol. 15 August 2000 No.8
v A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
The Future of RAW“ ROWING Cotonation 19
ThePride Center _ ,
The Rainbow Bowling League Coronation 19 started off With a
Would you like to see a Pride is one of the oldest gay lesbian bang to a sold out house of enthusi-
Center: organizations in town and is open astic fans. Beth Burden of Mother
0 That is open regular hours during to anyone who has an interest in Jane sang the Star Spangled
the day? bowling. Because of our handicap- Banner, acappella, in her own inim-
0 That is accessible to all members ping system, everyone is competi- itable style. The opening number
of our community? tive so you don't have to be a pro to grabbed everyone's attention With a
0 Where you can call to find out bowl with us. fairy tale Ol "innocence LOSl"- A
what is going on in the community? The League will be hosting a small fairy woke from a dream and
0 With a community bulletin board free bowling session at Southland found herself in a garden filled With
full of leads on LGBT friendly hous- Lanes at 8:00 on Tuesday, August goodness, bUt evil was always lurk-
ing, businesses, and services? 22. Teams will be formed that night. ing in the darkness. Eventually Evil
0 With community web site The first night of regular league took over and innocence was lost. It
designed to reach out to our LGBT bowling will be August 29, at 8:45. was primarily a visual piece, With
friends and supporters statewide? This year Rainbow is trying to lighting and COSlUfhth the focus-
0 With a lending library and infor- recruit representatives from the var- Among the 21 Wt or town
mation center for LGBT materials? ious LBGT organizations in Imperial Courts and Baronies pre-
0 With adequate meeting space to Lexington. If you would like to bowl sent at the event. were; court system
serve the needs of our many LGBT as a team from Men's Chorus, founder Jose Sarria, President
organizations? SisterSound, GLSO, Moveable Nicole the Great and 13 members Ol
oThat produces the Pink Pages on Feast, BG Fairness, Moonshine the International Court Come"-
a regular basis? Bears or some other organization Featured performers were; LaTrina
If this is the sort of Pride Center let us know on August 22. A special Bidet - Empress 0f Seattle, Jennifer
you want for the Bluegrass or you trophy Will be given to the organiza- comma” .....confinued on page 5
have some other VISIOn for the tron that has the best composrte .
future the time to act is now! score for the year. ‘ I , ' .
Our LGBT community has had For more information 'call Sponsor of the Month >
a Pride Center at 387 Waller Shawn at 842-4481 or email at - ,
Avenue for 4 years. in that time it igbosmf@earthlink.net or Michael ' ' ‘
has been a gathering place for at 294-4652 \ lexrainbow@aol.com. _, _ . .
many of our organizations and has 3W ................ .. " ' -""'."' , I ‘ -
served us well. However the need Lex. Men’s (33101113 T RIChardson
for sustained funding, an accessible &_ SisterSound ;; .o'i’i; , ,’
space, and expansron of servrces to E? a1} Rehearsals see pg 2 3:; VlSloncenterfl,
the com- ...continued on page 2 ’1 _ .. ~_ _4 7 ., . _’ ‘ ‘ " .; , , "

 munity has brought us to a critical on Sunday nights from 5:30-7:45 at St
., turning point in the history of the Michael's Episcopal Church at 2025
g Pride Center and our community. Bellefonte Drive. Vlhth the change of
The following people have taken rehearsal nights, LMC is hoping to
on the challenge 01‘ addressing its attract some UK students who are
future as the Pride Center busy with UK Lambda on Thursday
Committee: Jane Minder, Chair nights as well as men who are too
Larry Connors Terry Mullins tired to sing after working all day.
Mary Crone Fe Myers LMC will reduce it's concert sea-
Lev‘w Jerry Neff Ginger Moore son to two concerts next year. On Dec
This enthusiastic group of "Old 9 and 10 LMC will present "Tis the
Hats" and "New Blood" are already Season." For Pride Month 2001 LMC
at work on planning, budgets, grant is again teaming with Voices of
proposals, fundraising, and search- Kentuckiana and SisterSound to pre-
The GLSO NEWS ing for an appropriate new space. If sent "No Turning Back", June 9 in
Voids Issue 7 you want a say in what the Pride Louisville and June 16 in Lexington.
Published Monthly by Center is to become it is not too late. LMC remains a non -auditioned
You can still join the committee or chorus and encourages all men who
. you can offer your comments, ser- like to sing to consider joining. For
The Lexington Gay vices, and support to the cause. more info. contact David at 231-0090.
' ' Feel free to contact any of the
Leszan. Servzce Pride Center Committee members Signersoumj
Orgamzatzon or Jane Minder at 859-389-7698. Looking for New Members
Email: lad 'anek @ ahoo.com - , -
321 Second St- Take lgride :1 title fact that we th fSlljtel’SOUDdSLll'Zt rehezgrsaljfor
have the Pride Center of the e a season wr e on may,
Aug 13, 6 pm at Park United
Bluegrass and do what you can to _ .
Editors: help it survive and flourish. Methodist Church. The Church IS
located at 645 E. High St. on the cor-
Mary Crone Lexington Men's Chorus ner of Clay Ave. We enter through
Peter TWIOI‘ The Second Decade. the baCk door WhiCh is 0“ the parking
As this issue of the GLSO News lot, enter from Clay Ave.
goes to print, 22 members of LMC will SisterSound is a non-auditioned
GLSO Annual Dues be in San Jose, California at the chorus made up of women who enjoy
and Newsletter: $15 GALA Festival of Choruses---along singing. You do not have to read
Dues and Newsletter for with 6000 voices from gay and lesbian music to participate. (It would be nice
Couples: $20 choruses from around the world. if you could carry a tune.)
Singing at the festival caps a banner The Fall Concert is set for
. . , 10th Anniversary Year for LMC. Saturday, Nov. 4. We have selected
oPm'ons emmssed m the GLSO News a.” So what lies ahead for LMC? broadway music for this concert and
those of the authors and don't necessarily . . . .
represent those of the GLSO Board. Next season wrll find some changes. we plan to have a lot oi fun with it.
Submissions are welcome and become the Tim Glasscock, a Ky native but recetly Some of the show tunes included wrll
pmpeny of the GLSO. The staff merm exiled to Indiana, has been hired as be "There’s No Busrness Like Show
the right to edit submissions and advertise- Musical Director to fill the diva director Business,” “All That Jazz,” “Sound of
ments as well as the right to reject any sub— shoes of Dawn Coon. Dawn left after Music," and “Beauty and the Beast."
missions or advertisements. two years as Muiscal Director to pur- For more info. call Barbara at
sue her budding opera career. 266-5904 or email her at
Next season LMC will rehearse marycrone@aol.com.
GLSO Page 2 W

 Discussion Group ed; there have been days when We Other finalists included Nicble
”Ask and you shall receive," have had to double up routes in order Dubois of Gulfport, Mississippi;
Last month the GLSO to get them delivered. Marina Diamante of Atlanta; Anjila
Discussion Group put out the word Delivering meals is very easy! Richards of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and
that they were in need of a new You come in at 5:15 pm and you are Atlanta’s fire goddess, Raven.
meeting space. Within a day Beverly through by 7pm (often earlier). We On Wednesday. September 20,
Turner of Turner Counseling had are sure that there individuals out the Miss National At Large 2000
generously offered the use of a there that can give an hour and 45 competition will be held a The Bar
meeting room in her offices at 2216 minutes once a week or even once a Complex. High quality entertainment
Young Drive. month to help someone who really will feature Miss Kentucky National
The Group has already settled in needs food. At Large 1999, LaToya Bacall; Miss
and will continue to meet at this loca- Moveable Feast has delivered National 1999, Ashley Kruiz and from
tion on Wednesday nights from 7 to over 25,000 meals to people with the Parliament House in Orlando,
8:30, until further notice. HIV disease in the last 21/2 years. Florida, Miss Nation At-Large 2000,
This group provides a support- That is 365 days a year without miss- Darcel Stevens. Contact LaToya or
ive and safe place to share your ing a day. This food can be the dif— John Moses at (859)294-0901 for
experiences and concerns about ference between life and death for applications and information.
coming out and living everyday as a some and it can enable others to live
lesbian, gay man, bisexual, or trans- independently rather than having to ,CaCZoira Bacall 270i“
gendered person. We ask only that be dependent on someone else. fl’liss Ohio National Arline“.
participants respect each other's Some individuals aren't able to cook On Sunday July 23, LaToya
fee|ings, protect each other's for themselves and others just can't Bacall won the Miss Ohio National
anonymity, and understand that we afford quality food. We are able to At-Large Pageant at Jessie’s
are all at different places in our three serve these meals through the use of Celebrity in Dayton, Ohio. LaToya
The group is not qualified to pro- volunteers so please help us help won in two categories, interview
vide professionai therapy and Turner others. If you can drive a car you can and presentation. She will repre-
Counseling is in no way invoiyed or change a life. Call 252-2867. sent Ohio at the Miss National At
responsipie for the content of the We are also looking for some- Large Pageant in November at the
meetings. one who knows how to use Quick Parliament House in Orlando,
If you could use some support or Books to give a few hours a week in Florida.
have some support to give please the office, doing data entry, balancing Latoya says “I appreciate the
join us on Wednesday nights from 7 the accounts, and paying bills. If you support of Crossings and all of my
to 330 at 2215 Young Drive, Suite 1. have an accounting background or friends and family. Thank you for
For any information call Jane at 859- bookkeeping experience we could your ongoing encouragement."
389-7698 or email at use your help. Congratulations LaToya, and good
ladyjaneky@yahoo.com luck in November.
uWSS Jlationat 2000
“HEW: Slillllllfll‘! Terri Vanessa Coleman, repre- Unitarian News
Moveable Feast needs your senting Kentucky Natibnal, was The Unitarian Universalist
help. With students gone and yaoa- crowned Miss National 2000 at the Church is a welcoming Congregation
tion season here, we need more yoi_ Rialto Theater in Atlanta last month. and believes in actively supporting
unteers. The regular deiiyery of Terri currently resides in New York diversity within our community as
meals is in danger of being interrupt- City. Congratulations Terri, you rep- well as within our church.
resented us with charm and grace. ...Communfty News continued Page 4

 cmm‘wmgemm email pridealliance@yahoo.com. women and bring us to the same

We»? ave Will be oin oath-m6; h Laurie B. at Lynagh’s space at the same time. We under-
9 9 Laurie 3- Will be preforming at stand that there are degrees of "out-

after church on Sunday, Aug. 13. L h' S t d S t 2 . _

Please join us. W89 3 on a ur ay, 9p; - ness" so we strive to prowde a safe,

Members of the church have Laurie sang. at .the National confidential and welcoming atmos-

, _ _ Women’s MUSIC Festival in June and . . .
committed to working with a group . . . phere. For information, call LeTonia
, _ _ impressed audiences With her
improvmg the African Cemetary on singing Come out to support her 233-3751. or Joan 252-2657.
Seventh St. UU’s go the first Sat of and Lynagh’s for bringing her to
the month which this month will be . MAr~KiND PROJECT

. , Lexmgton. . . .
Aug 5. For more information, contact The Lexmgton community affili-
Mary Crone. Wishing Chair ated With the ManKind Protect
. . ihVites men from the Lexmgton-area
August dates for Wishing . . .
Moonshine 8cm . , . , gay community to a specral evening
Chair. Aug 4 Mars, 9-12 pm, duo ,
On Saturday, August 12, the . . for men, Wednesday, Aug. 9, 7.00
. , , Aug 7 Woodsongs Oldtime Radio . ,
Moonshine Bears of Kentucky inVIte . . pm at the Metropolitan Community
_ _ Hour Taping, Central Library the-
you to 10m us for a Beach Party. . . Church 385 Waller Ave.
, ater, 7 pm, This is a popular show . . .
Come get hot and steamy With the The ManKind Proiect IS an
_ _ , so come early to get a seat. . . . .
Moonshine Bears at Crossmgs in . . international, non-profit organiza-

, _ Aug 8 Alfalfa s, 7-9 pm, duo, child . . .
Lexmgton (117 N. Limestone). Wear friendly show tlon dedicated to the healing and
you: skimp 'e_5t o; be: bsaihbatt": Aug. 9 Picasso's, Elizabethtown, :{Epglvegczg (Swazi: 5:231:13:
an wm a prize or e es eac KY, with lndiegrrl Tour, 8 pm, $5 'p ’. ’ .’
wear. Enjoy our famous Jell-O Aug 10 Cheapside 104 pm duo orientations. The evening on Aug. 9
Shooters, raffles and lots of eye Aug. 12 The Depot, Midway, KY, 7 WI” be a chance for gay men t0
candy. . . meet With gay and straight men

pm, duo, child friendly show . .

Our monthly potluck and meet- . from the ManKind Prerect, to come
. _ Aug. 24 Cheapsrde, 10-1 pm, duo .
ing Will be held that same Saturday, . together and speak With depth and

, _ Aug. 30 Lynagh s, 9 pm, $5 . .
August 12, before the bar night in the honesty about our lives as men in
Loft at Crossings beginning at 7:00 L . . ; this world.
esbian Writer 5 Grow .
pm. Bringadish to share and join us . . p A key feature of the ManKind
f f d f d l _ lf Eileen would like women who Pro'ect is a owerful weekend
hor 00 "U" at” panning. you are interested in writing to contact ex Jerience _ ghe New Warrior
:thanéqrjtes (lions, p eailleoseehone her about a women's writers group. Trefinin Adventure Weekend it's a
o e a en ers or ons ine Whether for fun or with the hope of g . , .
Bears. . . , . dynamic, intense mens training in
becoming published, lets begin . . .

On Saturday, September 9, with a commitment to uttin which paitICIpants take a hard look
2000, the Second Annual Mr. p en/pencil to paper If Wm: integ at what's working in their lives and
Kentucky Bear Contest will be held at ' . what isn't. Many men claim it to be

, , , ested, please respond to Eileen at .
Crossrngs beginning at10:00 pm, leka l0@ puk edu the most powerful experience of
D W ' y‘ ' their lives. More detail will be dis-
Pride Alliance . cussed on Aug 9 including how to

The Pride Alliance of Central BgéaihLESBlt'zN SDLFLCTIVE I sign up for the next one offered by
Kentucky (PACK) is an advocacy, 'Sta S m (.9 'e "S a newy the Louisville Center of The
educational, social, and support tome? and growmg somal/support ManKind Project, October 13-15.
group for GLBT indiVidua|S, and COlleCtWe for LeSblanS Of Afrlcan Join US for what promises to be
their friends, family, and supporters Descent. We meet biweekly. A“ an exceptional evening for men
in the greater Danville/Boyle County black women ages 19 and older are speaking truth to power. ‘For more
community. Call Gary (859-236- welcome to join. The major objective information, contact Michael Fogler
4547), or Shane (859-854-0596), or is to identify a community of black at 299-3074-

GLSO Page 4

 Cotonation... continued from page 1 The Crowning ceremony of the named after the KY State Park. (Not
Ellsworth - Empress of Houston, new Monarchs, EV and Tracy, was what you were thinking.) The State
Victoria Weston - Empress of New presided over by the Past Monarchs dinner and ln-Town Show were both
York City, Booshie Rayburn - of Kentucky joined by Jose 1, Nicole, held on Friday. Saturday night was a
Empress of Cincinnati, along with and Coco LaChine. Jose stole the big night, with the Jose Sings Live
Imperial Crown Princess 13 of KY show with her witty speech. show at the Badisson Spirits
Taylor Bryce, Empress 18 1/2 of KY Coronation was over well before Lounge, the Out-Of-Town Show and
Miss Tate, Empress 15 Natalie Gaye, Midnight. the Male Dancers at the Limestone
Empress 9 Cammie Deitrlch, Several events held before Club.
Empress 17 Mika Milano and Regent Coronation were also fabulous fun. This was one of the most extro-
Emperor 17 Suzanne the First. Wednesday night prior was a joint dinary coronations in recent history.
Empress Milo of Eugene, and pageant of Louisville, Cincinnati and Thanks to everyone for help in mak-
Suzanne Hale of Portland joined Lexington, Miss Big Bone Lick, ing it successful.
Latrina for her number adding
a comedic twist to the night.
Emperor Kevin and
Empress Eden did their final $ 6 OWL I N G
numbers of the year as well. 0 (6
They concluded a banner % ’7
year of fine leadership, having Q’ G
produced quality entertain- YE fl 6
ment and raised substantial Q4 (“
money for charities. - /
The surprise guest was ' 2000 , i K 2001
comedian Etta May. Etta
agreed to work the room dur-
ing the first intermission and
she was a huge hit. Some of
the lampooned audience
members were crying: fut Organizational Mtg/Fun Bowl Aug 22
with tears of laughter. he .
Court was very honored that 50uth|ano| Lance 5.00pm
Etta May agreed to perform . .
her popular act at Coronation, League Play Bcglf’lé Aug 29 at 5.45pm
Two awards were pre—
sented at Coronation. Board
Member of the Year went to Mixed Ue Necessary . Season 'end‘
Chanda Lier (AKA James rear d L309 , "(e SPIr’f W [H |
Knight). The audience voted Ame ' We 909 week k3 N8 6 fun.
for the Henry Faulkner ndlca No EXP 34 MO “0"
Community Service Award H0
which was presented to Larry
Stanley. A proclamation For information contact:
s‘gned by Mayor Mmer was Shawn at 859-542—4451 / igboemf@earthlink.net
read naming July 9, 2000 as ,
"Impede. Court of Kentucky Michael at 359-294-4652 / loxrainbow@aol.oom
. __________________________________.____._
GLSO Page 5

LATOYA BACALL '- " - ' »
ASHLEY KRUIZ 3. ,' if.
'7’ f "a, 1*.» 3
«fr; $1.} .‘ I”. ‘4
QUASI . (1"
2000 .
GLSO Page 6

 stand there and take it because was time to go home and the
By Reinzfite’gflorfe‘simny Moma was talking fast and she had Reverend couldn't find his wife. Old
one hand on her hip and the other nosy Clara shouted across the park
, Dear Aunt Tooty, hand was waving all over the place; that the Reverend's wife had left with
I am writing to tell you about the they couldn't say one word. You Uncle-Billy and his girlfriend. Most of
family reunion because your brother know how she can get, right, well us already knew that, I don't know
and sister were completely out of multiply that by five. why she had to shout it out.
control, which is why I am not going Daddy put his empty plate down Moma asked me to help Daddy
next year. and walked off. Uncle Billy broke take the cooler and stuff to the car, so
Everything was _ just fine until down and cried like a big sissy. lstill i didn't get to hear what happened
Moma made Uncle Billy cry because remember that you said that he is next. But Daddy went running back
he called you a dirty dyke. It all start- tender and men are allowed to cry, to. the table to get Moma; she was
ed when Cousin Reverend Jarvis but why does he have to howl and slinging the shirtthat she had ripped
was blessing the food _ you know snot and slobber all over everybody off of Clara's back. Clara had yanked
how long winded he can be _ anyway, every time he cries? Aunt Tooty, your Moma's horsehair ponytail off her
he asked for all of us to say the name brother was embarrassing! Ris girl- head and she was slinging it back at
of someone who wasn't present. friend and the Reverend's wrfe and Moma, and the rest of that fake hair
M om a said your name and Bella's half the women out there were trying was all over the people who were try-
name. Then Uncle Billy tried to crack to console him. Uncle-Billy didn't shut ing to break up the fight.
on M om a, he said, "Girl, don‘t bring up until Moma took him down on the Aunt Tooty, I couldn't go back to
up that dirty dyke." creek bank to talk. l was glad they the table, I had had enough for one
Some of the people wanted to went somewhere with all of that com- day. May I please come and spend
I au 9“. but they all put on a straight motion. While they . were gone, some time With you and Bella next
face when Moma turned around and Cousin Reverend Jawis finished the year? I don't want. to go through
ask Uncle Billy who was he calling a blessing and we finally got to eat. another family reunion. Please call
dirty dyke. Uncle Billy said that he Then the second flare-up hap- Moma and Daddy and say that it Will
was just kidding because you and pened. You remember that woman be ok for me to Visn.
him cut-up like that all the time and named Clara, you said that she was- I love you. D.T.
you would have understood what he n't kin to us but-she used to date the [1’wa
meant. Moma was going to let it go at Revre rend m :igh'dscthoel, welt; she ,
. . spo e up an sai a my oma , , _' _. ‘ .g; ;' '
W Mime
. . . roe oyou an nce iy. e I - '~ j g I
“he tolrisltn cigar/Egg: ray: rm e that n't know that l was sitting at the table [Seysléaw .fC _
I shouldn't dislike that man just behind her.) The Reverend told Clara 1 __
because my moma married him and that there had been enough confu- .' PLEASE RENEW
she loves him. But after he tried to 3'0” and she had better knack 't Ofi' ' 1e: 1“) "L '
front my moma like that, I didn't like And I agreed mm mm; thats WW I 7.. ;
him at all and he got what he didn't tell Moma what Clara had said. .~ a .
deserved. Daddy should have kept After that Daddy came ham to Biscusstanandplanmug
his mouth shut, he knows that Moma get something to eat, that man has 725‘ fOV‘mepfldeCemer ,2
has got the 'Iittle woman syndrome' never missed a meal. Moma and OpanCOMM'WCMflefi“9
and nobody can tower over her and Uncle 8”” came back and got a Thursdayfiugust 17
try to reprimand her in public. plate of food and they sat down . 33 -» _ . _._ . ,- .
. . beSIde Dadd . The all talked and . _, ., 7PM - _ . ,.
Besrdes, Uncle Billy was wrong. _ y y . , :_ .. . _ .a; _. , . -
Aunt Tooty, Moma went off on everything got worked out. Pride-gentler;
Daddy and Uncle Billy. They had to Evewmdy “ad a 900d “me ”m” 't .i 337 W635?" 2A"?— ,
GLSO Page 7

 _ T—filESDAY——__ 2 Viv—‘EDN ESE?“ 3 THURSDAY“ [FRIDAY 5 smunnfi“ A I , I I A L I A
:1 (3:30 pm MCC Bible Study ‘ 7 30 pm ("jayJLesbian AA
. '__ 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion _
. 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA \ . g _ -
2000 W
O ‘9 ‘I.’ . I
. ’ - . . ,
B—E-fiflfifiiflmw remain?" ?_______.____ 9__.__.__.___._._____ JET—“m“— 1I“~—_—_ 5*Mfl_* '
10:30 am LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Sludy 6:30 pm MC'C Bible Study i 7:00 pm Moonshine Bears of
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion : Kentucky: Potluck & Meeting
12: 30 am C’UUPS (UUl Group i (Crossings) Re S t aur ant
6:00 pm Dignity 7:00 pm Man Kind Project E 9:00 pm Beach Party
Open House (it/ICC} l (Crossings) °
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 5 5 7 8' leeStone
l Lexington, Ky.
T5~fl~~ Tum...“ 15*M___"_ iii-M 1.7...._____.__._11§___________._ l9 _.___.__ _
10:30 am LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7100 pm 51130 Board 6:30 pm MC‘C Bible Study 700 pm Pride Center E 7:30 pm (fiay.;’[,esl)ian AA 25 3 00 1 4
10:45 am UU Chwvch Meeting ' 0me to‘the 7:00 pm GU30 Discussion Committee Meeting :
12: so am cuur’s (UU) Public - (Pride Center) Group (0me to the public) 3 , l
6:00 pm SisterSound 8:00 pm Gay/"Lesbian AA 3 featurlng the famous ii
Rehearsal (Park United :1
Mew“ church) ' Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
WW T“ TW~ 23 - Zim—‘n—u l zg—————-—-———-— 26 ———-—-~——————-—-——-—-- seerng blueberiy
10: Y-O am LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:30 pm MCC Bible Study 2 7:30 pm Ganyesbian AA es
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion i 8:00 pm AAStep Study bUCkWheactipanca 1d,
12:80 am C‘UUPS (UH) Gmup I [no
6:00 pm SisterSound (130 NEWS DEADLINE. 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA : eggs bénhe lCt ? ’
Rehearsal (Park United SUBMIT ADDITIONS
:Mefljodist Ohmh) AND/OR CORRECTIONS i Spanls ome ettes
gigggfiiimf gourmet desserts,
______________ _~_______ ._________.___ __ _______ 2 _____________ __________ and much more
'27 28 29 30 31 i ‘
10: S0 am LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:30 pm MC'C Bible Study 1
1 1:45 am UU Chm-ch 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion
12:3:0 am cuurs (UL) Group . ~ All Of 0111' breads and
6:00 pm SisterSound 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA i .
Rehearsal (Park United I desserts are baked daily
il/[ethxxiist Church) . '
: in our kitchen

 BMWNG A HOUSE: jobs so he called our loan officer and She believed that I would do what it
we R6 NOT viii-gee we weRe found out what paper work we need- would take to have the money to pay
by Kelly 0 Ferre“ ed to get, and before i knew it, this the bills. She believes in me and I

“if is typical for women to be whole process began to breath on its’ needed to hear her words.
afraid to let the too-comfortable and own. We made an offer and it was l had made It through that first
too-safe life die. Sometimes a accepted the next day. phase - the morning after.
woman has reveled in the protection At 6:00 the next morning I woke And the process took a breath.
of the too-good mother, and so up and remembered what we’d done. I think one of the hardest parts of
desires to continue adinfinifum.... In the words of Charlie Brown - buying this house is having to let go
Sometimes a woman is afraid to be “AAUGHIIII” of the place we live in now. I’ve fall-
without security or without certain - My feet hit the floor and I thought en in love with this place. I know, I
ty....She must just simply dive in and l was going to come apart. Tam was know. It’s really small, no closet
stand, not knowing what willhappen sleeping soundly - naturally! “I have space, no yard, yada, yada, yada.
next.” From Women Who Bun With no income It’s too much I can't But, it’s where Tarn and I have grown
IheWolLeo do this” were the words and feelings together. It’s our home. It's safe

pulsing though my body. here.

What perfect timing. When I'm I called a friend who gets up That’s why it was perfect timing
not afraid I’m excited (feelings, I’ve early and left her a message to call that I picked up my old, wonderful
noticed, very closely related), I can when she returned from her walk. book - Women Who Bun With -
see that all that has happened Then, lwoke Tam up and cried and and happened to turn to the story
toward buying this house has been cried. I was terrified. about a girl who also needed to let go
perfect timing. For a while, I just wanted to lock of the too-comfortable and trust her

That's right. Tammy and I actu- all the doors, pull down the shades, intuition.
ally saw a house we both liked. We turn the AC really low, turn on the I remember when I left my real
walked through it, talked and laughed TV’s, take some drug and get in the “too-good" mother several years ago
with the owners (who were delightful) bed with Tam and pull up the covers. by not talking every day on the phone
and then stood by our realtor‘s ljust didn‘t want to remember or feel and finding girlfriends to be apart of
(Scott’s) car and said we liked it all this fear - of the future. my life. lbegan to find my own way
enough to buy it. Fortunately, ldon’t give in to every and listen to my own voice (that last

And it wasn‘t perfect - which feeling that courses through my part sure has taken a lot longer). It
meant that my father must’ve stayed veins. was a time of great change and feel-
in the car this time! I began to remember what I‘ve ings - and coming out!

But, four days earlier my main heard so many times before - just do I knew that this apartment was
income job had ended. Someone the next right thing. It was my day off the “too-good mother”. It has met our
else had told me the week before that and l was planning on going to needs for the last four years and l
they could use me full time (perfect Central KY Radio Eye and volunteer love it - and it‘s time to move now.
timing). my time and talents. The next right So, I began to take the pictures down

Perfect timing or not, buying a thing was to get dressed. I told Tam and lean them against the wall so it
house in between jobs is not good on I’d be OK and, as she was headed would begin to look different. And
the nervous system — or the bowel out the door for work, my friend that has helped me let go a little.
system! I remember thinking how called me back. She's just the voice And the process continues to
wild this would be if we actually I needed to hear. breath.
bought a house with me in between She was excited and had bought We had an inspection and asked
jobs. lknew that this wouldbeone of 7 houses in her life (with her partner) for a few things and heard no to
those experiences that would remind and knew exactly how I felt. We about 95% or them. We were angry

me that anything Is possible with or laughed together as she shared her and confused.
without the “perfect" conditions. experiences and feelings with me. Ahh, but now was my chance to

Scott knew I was in between She said that I could do this. back out! ____commued on "e,“ page

GLSO Page 10

 Now, I thought - far, far away in my center) so I decided to volunteer for show us all about their house. It will
mind - we can stay here and never Helping Hands (Alzheimer’s Asso.. only be the second time we’ve seen
move. 80 we waited a day or two program) while I continue to work the inside of the house. I’m grateful
and talked it out. where I’m needed. for this offering, because it will take
It was okay. We would make the I remember when Tam and l away some of the fear of moving into
changes if necessary. I kept hearing were leaving the bank and had a strange place. And, they’ve offered
the inspector’s words, “For the price signed the papers for a loan, I felt to let us bring some boxes.
you’re paying, you’re getting a cadil— over overwhelmed. Now l would Tam needed to be with her sister
lac of a house. It’s a very sound have to work whether! liked it or not in Houston, TX for5 days, so I asked
house.” so we could pay the bills. Then it friends to come help me get past the
And, as long as we didn’t shut a came to me. All the things I’ve been “packing wall”. I just couldn’t pack
door (proverbially speaking), we doing for the last 3 years with my another thing without help.
were going to just keep making deci- work life dawned on me and I said: "I They came and helped and the
sions and doing the foot work until want my work life to be something I process breaths on.
one shut on us. don’t want to live without.” And that’s By the time you read these
And the process continued to how my work life is today. words, the movers will have come
breath. Sign here, call them, go So we’ve been packing for a and gone, the cats will have marked
there, sign here. while now. For a while, It seemed their new territory, our old apartment
By the way, I’ve made more like we could pack 10 boxes and not will have been cleaned and said
money since this whole thing started see any difference. But, now, all I goodbye to and Tam and I will be
than I ever imagined. I’v