xt7n8p5v9w5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5v9w5m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2008-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2008 text GLSO News, August 2008 2008 2008-08 2019 true xt7n8p5v9w5m section xt7n8p5v9w5m , Gay s: The GLSO NEWS
Services August 2008
Organization '
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Service Organization Volumne 23, Number 8
Imperial Court of Kentucky The Lexington Lyons Celebrate!
The Imperial Court of Kentucky This month the Lexington Lyons
Will be holding its fir“ event 0f the year, celebrate their tenth year of service to
Investitures 27, on August 17th, 2008 at the community with an gathering of
7:00 pm at the Radisson Hotel Plaza in friends to be held at the Lexington
Downtown Lexington. All members 0f Raddison Plaza Hotel. The dinner will
the Imperial Court are asked to be in be held on Saturday, August 23rd at
attendance for this event. 6:30 Pm°
Emperor 27 Daddy Wayne and E.m- Reservations are $50 a plate which
press 27 Eve St Mykal W1“ be bestowmg include a double entree dinner enter—
titles of their respective Lines of Descent , . Z
for the Year, and handing out titles to all tainment by special guest-Bernie Lub-
members ofthe organization. bets, a look back on their Decade of
Investitures ‘27 will be held off the Dedication, and the installation of the
main lobby of the Radisson Hotel in 2008‘2009 officers.
Spirits Lounge. Doors open at 6:00 pm Special room rates have been ar—
and the festivities will begin at 7:00 pm. l'31“ng for the night - please COIN?!“
Light snacks will be served and a cash the Raddison at 859-231-9000 and
bar will be available. Mark your calen- mention the Lexington Lyons for your
dars now for the Courts premiere event discounted rate of $99.
as we embark on another exciting year The Lyons will also be having
of Fun—draisingll their annual charity yard sale on Aug.
2. See page 8 for more information.
Lexington Fairness For further information on the event, ,
The Lexington Fairness Awards please visit www.1exlyons.org or email , ‘
Banquet was held on June 27 at the lexingtonlyonsll@yahoo.com. .
Radisson Plaza Hotel. The July newslet— v."
ter had to be printed before the gala
event so we now want to congratulate the Sponsor 0f the Month
winners of the awards. . .
The Jennifer Crossen OUT for Fair— Unitarian
ness Award went to Latoya Becall/Mark Universalist
Johnson for his outstanding work in the
central KY area. The Award was named ® Chan-Ch
for Jennifer for her years of service to i m 01: Lexington
our community
The Ally for Fairness Award was Celebrating Diversity
given to Reverend Bill Kincaid for his .
ongoing support . Information on pages 2 and 4
Comntued on page 2

 » Lexington Fairness continued
‘M—Hgfi GAY and work for fairness for LGBT people.
%§yg§y’% L E s B I A N Representative Kathy Stein was the winner of
Skim‘L/i/ the Political Fairness Award. She has recent] an-
“it”? nounced that she will be running for Ernesto’s
‘ _v ORG ANIZ ATIO vacated seat in the KY Senate in the fall and where
_ we. know she will continue to be a progressive
Le)" ngton’ KY vorce for reason and Justice.
Incorporated a S h Mail'y 'Crtfle won the .Leaderishdip Awhardéor t
. . . er wor m e community inc u ng e ay 1
The Gay Servrce Organlzatlon Straight Alliance for Youth .and GLSO. She con- l
P.O. B OX 1172 Lex. KY 40588 tlnues to be a force for posrtive change.
www.IexingtongIso@:yahoo com Lexington Fairness is developing a committee I
' structure to encourage people to participate who
MNWN may not want to sit on the board. Thus, individu- ‘
‘9 lsopc'org als who have specific areas of interest will be able 1
to volunteer in ways they truly enjoy. I
also N Ews There will be three committees: 1) advocacy, f
2) education/outreach, and 3) fundraising. Board I
VOLUMEZZ ”0' 8 members will chair each of the committees and I
N _ work closely with community volunteers to de— I
6W8 Edltors velop missions and activities. Opportunities to be
Mary Crone & Sara h Phillips creative are limitless so come join the fun. More I
specific information about committees and meet— ‘
_ _—_'- ing times are available at www.le1cfair.org, or call '
Pnde Center Office Manager 859-951-4450. (Another Fairness article page 14)
Bill Chandler
859 253-3233 Unitarian Universalist Church
GLSO BOARD If you are interested in learning more about :
Unitarian Universalism, the church offers “UU
_ 101”, a short introduction, about once a month. ‘
Mary Clone, Pr eSIdent Sarah Herbener, our membership coordinator, 1
Ginger Moore, Secretary wbill beltifi'ering)thislclass on Al: 3 after clhurctllrl at l
a out :30. eop e can just op in un ess ey ‘
v, sondra MeIIOtt’ Treasurer need child care, in which case you should call 1
2 Thomas COlllnS Sarah at the church office 223-1448 or e—mail her ‘
" Jane Minder at menlriblzrlship@l:[u:lll.org to let her know how 1
- many c 1 en an err ages. 1‘
Dlfigrywlgllllii?:r d UU 101 lasts about one hour and includes a
brief overview of UU beliefs and history and of
. our congregational life, followed by a Q 86 A
GLSO MEITIbEI'ShIP session. Then, if weather permits, a brief walk
& NGWSIOHGI' around the grounds will conclude the presenta— ‘
|ndividua|leoup|es tion. There will be another class in September. 1
$20 per year The UU Woman's Spirituality Group will 1
meet at the home of mary crone on Friday, Au— ‘
O B d . gust 16, at 6 pm for pot luck and at 7 we
pen oar Meetlngs will discuss plans for the next several ‘
You are welcome to attend GLSO months. Depending on the weather, we may have
Board Meetings.which are on the a P9115126 01' may watCh a film about women's
second Thursday of each month. SPmmal‘tY' _
Page 2

 n- ‘ -
:2 Same Sex Domestic Violence New LGBT Phonebook
Rarely do we talk about violence The Bluegrass Gay Phonebook, a

or that happens within our relationships; telephone style directory publication
1y but physical, sexual and emotional vio— has been launched for the Lexington
[1' lence occurs within our lives as com- and Central Kentucky area. The publi-
ee monly as in the lives of straight people. cation will be a directory for gay and
.0 It is time to use your voice to make gay—friendly businesses, service provid—
u- the world a safer place. Contribute a ers and community groups in the Lex—
le memory, a monolOgue, a rant or a ington area. Brian Alan Hill, LLC, will

prayer that will help people understand. Publish the directory annually. The
5’: Selected pieces will be performed at a Bluegrass GYP will be the sister Publi—
"‘1 later date. Submit prose, poetry or a cation to the Kentuckiana Gay Phone—
”1 theatrical piece not longer than 5 pages book, which serves the Metro Louis—
: to LeTonia at lajone72@yahoo.com or ville and Southern Indiana area. The
re to Santana at santana86b@uly.edu. You third edition of the Kentuckiana Gay
t— can also contact them for additional Phonebook is now available.
11 information. Continued on next page

Bluegrass Women’s Network

, The Bluegrass women’s Network is Blue rags gay

a social ran for women of all ages.
It 3 To receivge engails about events contact PHO EBOOKTM
:1 ‘ debbywoman@gmail.com. Yu will be
r; ‘ notified of events ranging from camp— The Bluegrass Gay Phonebook isa
it ing trips, to parties, movie nights and new yellow page based directory for
,y other creative events. You can attend Gay and Gay-Friendly businesses,
ll those of interest to you. You are also service providers and community groups ,
:r welcome to plan an event and invite in Lexington and Central Kentucky. v‘
W the women on the list. Sign up, get

involved. The deadline for our premiere annual
a ‘ . . issue is August 8, 2008, and the directory
if Lexmgton LyOIlS & LEV] Club will be available on September 19, 2008.
k , Call or log onto our web site for

The Lexmgton Lyons meet once a more information.

1‘ month on the second Monday. We are a
ll group of friends who celebrate strength, 10% ofour sales P

un1ty, and d1verstty for those who enjoy . ~ I“!
l- . . . Will be donated to .
'e the Leather and Levr lifestyle. Jorn us GLSO Pr'd C t ~'-
ll on Monday, Aug 10 at the Pride Cen- I e en 61"
e ter, 389 Waller Ave., at 7 m.
5 See our articles on page 1 8L 8 — 9 1-866-640-5504

or visit wwaexlyonsfirg. www.BluegrassGayPhonebook.com
_ Page 3

 grass Gay Phonebook hopes to pick up Unitarian Universalist Church
where The Pink Pages left off to pro- of Lexington
vidlc: a guality djommunjlty resLurce vi: U 't _ U . al' . lb 31
its ar co ye 'tionan matc 'n we ni arian nivers ism is a i ci-
site. BrianPAlan Hill, LLC, will dinate religion that encompasses many faith
10% of the glil'oss sale]: from the Blue- 351$}?ng iggfigifirecgfififtfininitie
G P t th GLSO ’ ’
:3: (3:31” one 00 o e Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, Atheists,
The deadline for the remiere Agnostics, Humanists, and others. The
i . A t 8 d 't '11 P h hi Unitarian Universalist Church of Lex-
ssue ls ugus ’ an 1 W t en t ington (UUCL) values our LGBT mem-
the streets on September 19. The hard— -
di , . _ bers and are proud to sponsor this
copy rectory Will be printed m fidl month’s GLSO News. We welcome visi-
color: on a glossy paper stock and be tors at any time. Our services will be at
distributed 'freely m. the Lexmgton 10am until Aug 24 when we return to
area. The directory VYIH also feature .3 our regular scheduled services at llam.
matching web site With an online dl- On August 3 we will be celebrating
rectory, bar guide, and other commu— gospel music so if you like to sing, join
nity—based information. To view the us for that service. On Aug. 10, Michael
directory’s advertising rates please go Johnathon of Woodsong’s Old Time
to: WWW.BluegrassGayPhonebook.com Radipl qur will b: Elkingalagout Henry
and click the Advertising tab. Davi T oreau an e W en Project.
Please contact Brian at BrianAlan— On Aug. 24 we will have our traditional
Hill@gmail.com with any questions or Water Communion where people bring
to reserve your advertising space. with from Elle" surphmer travels and
mm y )omt em toge er.
We have a variety of groups within
TraDSKentuCky our faith and within our congregation
TransKentucky is a support, so— with various beliefs and activities. Here
cial, and resource group serving Lex- are a few behfifj‘gtems and groups that
ington and Kentucky. Our mission is are active at _ . ' . .
to provide a safe place for transgender Earth Based Spirituality/ Paganism
indiViduals and others who do not fit Delegates from UU congregations
‘ the standard gender norms. We 53“" have agreed that one of the predominant
port each 0th.” .by offering adv1ce, sources of our faith is, "Spiritual teach—
resources and ”nigh.“ from our own ings of earth—centered traditions which
experiences. This 15 ”0‘ a therapy celebrate the sacred circle of life and
group- instruct us to live in harmony with the
Famuyi friends, and supportive rhythms of nature." Unitarian are not
community members are invited to required to agree with or believe in all
attend to gain understanding of issues our principals, but this is a statement
concerning gender presentation, iden- that most of us agree with.
tity and variance. We meet on the first People Who choose earth based
Saturday of each month at 7:30 pm. Slfirituaziiltytfis theilr primary bails: SYStem
Meetings are free and you may dress 0 e“ c emse V“ pagans: ere are
however you feel comfortable. For info many differ“? paths that are included m
and Lexington meeting place email the pagan belief system. The Lexmgton
- UU Church has a CUPPS chapter, or
Page 4 _

le .
3564 Clays Mill Rd
Es 859 223-1448
0 We are a congregation of progressive
g 5, I % individual that stand together on issues
3 I. " ' ; ' of diversity and inclusion.
(8 ~.
v Our Sign says: Civil Marriage is a Civil Right
l UU’s Support Equal Marriage Rights for Same Sex Couples
' » .. grin—””3: ’ 9! .
. 1 a ' A p; E ‘3 Ml Ric: {;
l _ Q Slim \ G "I. .- trig is A, ’7', :
“ ’ $4" 7 “a » ' “tr—THE '9?”
L '17:}..7 ’ ' film-5i: , J
”.7“ -- g a; , Pun-=— , ,. s.
i 5.22 .i . I ’1 ‘ fig?
IT- .” @ mi ‘. . -
Sunday Services 10 am August 3, 10, 17
Sunday Service 1 1 am starting August 24
Yoga Wednesday nights 7:30
Buddhist Sitting Practice and Buddhist Sanga Discussion
on Sundays — Call for Information
859 223—1448
Page 5

 1:} I I 1
Thanks all the Volunteers that Helped made the Festival Happen
Sonny Stanley Donna Thomas Amanda Williamson Ann D'Ambruoso
Del) Stringer Andi Anderson Joe Hilliard Katie Meyer
Joan Welch Burley Thomas Karen Stormbringer Max Perlin
Kathy Jewell Mark Eaton Andrew Tan Dee Robinson
Sherry Partin—Jewell David Turner Russ Draper Brian Slate
Audwin Price Bob Smart Johnnie Vaughan Iggie Pargen
John Williamson Pam Goble TJ Farren Diane Kearney
John Benitez Cheri Tricocci Roni Palmer Liz Young
Kacie Andrews Mark Thompson Rachel Remour Amy Castle
Randall Hendricks Kym Rice Mark King Ron Marrow
Kevin Spicer Connie Harris Donnie House Ashley Green
Jackie Cobern Robin Waller Sara Martinez Russ Moore
Melissa Hurst Cindy Downey Don Lowe Lynn Ellis
Kevin Phillips Lindsay Mattingly Caroline Rankin Lynn Matlock
Liz Wilhelm Ann Malcolm Cyndy Miller Phillip Fryman
Irvine Jones Elisabeth Fitz— Gary Winkle Sharon Wade
Norma Stine patrick Hector Abadar Valerie Marcum
Geri Liles Jane Garverick Joshua Allen Steven Littrell
Sarah Smith Jane Carter Shaun Pheffer Shelia Alexander
Davina Warner Cary Sudduth Montgomery Powers Mark Blevins
Gayle Kelly Randy McMillan Thomas Collins Paula Byrd
David Hutcherson Roy Harrison Derek Ruez Robin Malley
Brigette Sowder Robin Richie Dana Wallingford Angie Maloney
Kathy Cleary Ashley Reed Sarah Phillips Joey Rose
Melissa Bretz Pat Nichols Laura Lynch Melissa Murray
...and all the others. Even if your name is not listed, we appreciate
‘ everyone's work to make our first downtown festival a wonderful success.
EVERY WEDNUDAY »“'Keep the love you find.
PRIDE CENTER 389 WALLER '~« GE! the IOVE you want!”
Jessica Bollinger LCSW
INSIght GI'OUP Imago Relationship Therapist
Friday, Aug 1 Pot Luck EVIDRTralmaVlbm
. . . Couples, Fanily, lndividud
Frlday, Aug. 15 Movre nght - immnnediomm 5526533
Pride Center 7 pm
Page 6

 3 ”Der Most imperial Majesty
Empress 27 Eye 5t. Myebal,
1 ano , ,
ibis Most llmperial Majesty
Emperor 27 anoy Wayne ,
Bnyite everyone to a night of
JRoy al Eitles
' at a ,
Dnyestitures 27
_ Location: JRaoisson Jr’la‘sa hotel
s. a Epirits Lounge
$1.43 Eate 3 ”511116: Eunoay, Mugust 17 -
,y , fl ,_ . - Eooratézoopm-
.. ' : ‘JIinestiteres‘at 7:00pm.
,: pm "3- .,Gover: $8.00
1’" — K“ bors o’oeuyres incluoeo
f“ ,. 7. , ' l; 7: n o b r
v ; ififiifiifuéihifii“
_ _' 1 _ ‘5; Imperial Court of flzentucky
. Page7

 Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. '
They meet every Sunday after church. The Lexmgton Lyons Annual
Women's Spirituality Group also has mem- Charlty Yard Sale
bers that consider themselves pagan. They
will have an organizing meeting on Saturday August 2 will be another high
evening, AugUSt 19, at 6 pm. Contact mary mark in the Lexington Lyons charita—
crone for information (266-5904). ble fundraising history. Having raised
Some Of the UU pagans in °“r local and disbursed over $31,000 in the
congregation are planning the second Lex— last three years, the Lyons are proud
fingtogi—Blueirasszgggin Pride Day or} Zatur- that their annual yard sale is now a
ay, eptem er , rom noon unti pm. - - .
It will be held at UU Church at 2564 Clays Ezfiuiil3g:3ug:sl3:o:hfi5fl 21:12::
Mill Rd. There will be workshops, vendors, . d N C' l R d ’1’}. T
diviners and fun activities. There will be 81 e ew “c e 0a 0 ates
rituals you can participate in and activities Creek. _
for kids. Admission is one can of food per With donors and attendees from
person to be donated to God’s Pantry. the tristzte. riglwn’ thish w1lld 1;: tie
WWW - argest c arlta e event oste y t e
.lexpaganprlde.org Lyons. The event will benefit the
Humanists Leather Archives and Museum in
Humanists make up a significant num- Chicago, an organization that
her of our church members. They were pre- chronicles the storied past and pre—
sent at our Pride Festival. From the website sent of our vital and diverse com-
Www.americanhumanist.org: Humanism is a munity.
progressive philosophy of life that, without This event has in the past bene-
theism, afl‘irms our responsibility to lead fired the New Orleans AIDS task
ethical lives of value to self and humanity. force, Moveable Feast, the AIDS Vol-
I-lumanists 5'{PP°“ GPBZTQ rights. unteers of Lexington, the Leather
American Humanist Assocration (AHA) Archives, and Kentucky's own
president Mel Lipman called the recent Leather Heart and Spirit weekend.
California Supreme court decision "another Premium offerings will include
major step forward in the history of Ameri- h . 'al d
can marriage law. Denying marriage to rome imp rovemenfturmatfi? 5’ art ml].
same—sex couples has been inconsistent with iterature, retro ms ngs,' app 1-
‘ individual liberty and freedom all along. ances, video, computer eqmpment,
The notion of second-class citizenship has electronics, oflice furnlture, bOOkS’

". no legitimate place in the American ethos. and “den" . .

.. This is why we cannot continue to tolerate The ‘ adults only” section W1“
the withholding of equal rights on the basis include novelties, leather items, crea-
of sexual orientation." tive furnishings, and library and me—

Jason Frye, president of the Humanist dia materials and will bene-
Association of San Diego, added: "This is a fit community education.
choice day, not only for the people of Cali- For further information on the
fornia, but all of Americans. The Courts event and the Lyons beneficiaries,
have struck down Jim Crow Marriage." please visit WWW.lexlyons.org or con—
The Humanists at our UU Church have tact them via:
monthly meeting on the second Wednesday lexingtonlyonsll@yahoo. com
from 7 to 8:30. It is always open to inter-
ested individuals. '
Page 8


 1211 Just Fund KY there, you’re obviously square (no of-
A R 1 _ _ f fense to self—proclaimed squares).
ev-o utionary Evening 0 If you want to be part of this history
Dinner and Dancmg making event and host a memorable
high (h gathering, or if you would like to attend
Lrita— 9n Septeililiber 20 ’ JP“ Fund KY one of these glorious dinners, please con—
aised promises a mg t of entertainment unlike tact our Dinner Host Co- Chairs Aim at
th any seen before in the history of Lexing- n@' s tfun dky Ch .
6 ton: one night, 100 dinner parties, and a an . ”.1 .org or ris at
roud . , Mlflfiln—dkflfl’g-
)w a inectacular dance at Lexmgton Center s Ifyou want to attend the dance only,
11 be B uegrass Ballroom. . . tickets will be available on the web site
JustFundKY works to achieve full equity . .
out— f . . for $25 soon. At the door, tickets Will
or all LGBT Kentuckians by connecting b .
[‘ates . . 6 $35. www.1ustFundky.org.
money to mlSSlol‘lS that work. We are ‘ . .
. . . Just Fund 5 goal is to create a mil—
Fr dedicated to far-reaching socml change lion dollar endowment fund to educate
om through large-scale and long-term fman- . .
the . . . Kentuckians on LGBT issues and pro-
Cial support to community-based organi— . . . .
r the . mote fairness for communities across this
zations that work to end sexual— .
the . . . . . . . state. Mr. Cliff Todd has pledged up to
_ orientation discrimination in Kentucky. $500 000 t m t h all I t F d
l m In 2007, Kate Clinton: Climate raises) d Ila: f :1; ll money us un
that Change raised over $200,000 for Just Todd hasobefn :LCOlltlnllO fin
pre— Fund with over 1,000 in attendance. This cial su orter of e ali for :5“ Kan—
om— year, Just Fund has assembled a flawless tuckianl; P in the pas(tluantd’ this comnfii:
en e_ temn?;;:gzgufillti “it; a drevolution— ment represents his continued interest in
task ary . e s. anCing on securing a lasting legacy of fiinding for
Sept. 20. Our indomitable host Will be ro'ects to advance that e ali f r
VOI- Anita Madden, a lady who knows a thing P I (111 ty 0
ther or two about parties. years to come. . .
own W'th h . tan . Once established, the income from
. 1 er ass1s ce, organizers ‘1“ the Cliff Todd Endowment Fund will be
. planning 100 concurrent dinner parties used to make yearly ts to support
lude to be held in Lexington, Louisville and LGBT organizations ang d projects that
and surrounding cities. Each dinner will oHer work aranteein that such efforts ill
tpli— its own theme, menu, and adventure. be 81:5 till“ e d in Kinrucky re dlesswof
ent, The best part is that paying For a seat at whether national funders viewgalzentucky
OkS’ one Of these dinner ,parti-es.will gain you eHom as a priority for their charitable
access to the nights shining feature: a giving
Will spectacular dance party! The CO“ 0f the Check out our web site and become
rea— dinners W111 vary. . . involved in this eHon to establish this
me— At the conclusion of each dinner endowment fund for a fair and e ual
:ne- arty, the artici ants will come to ether q
P P P g future!
at the Bluegrass Dance Hall overlooking .
the Phoenix Park for a glittering night of ii " Ii.)ustfiind.ky.org
ties, music, dancing and more. The experience
:on— will showcase musical fun for savvy danc-
ers and wallflowers alike. JustFundKY
1 expects over 1,000 people to show up at
the dance, which means if you’re not
Page 13

 News from Lexington Fairness Mitch McConnell from Kentucky, who
By Paul Brown is up for reelection in November, did
more than flowers: He gave a eulogy.
Lexington Fairness celebrated an- He praised Helms for standing his
other huge success with the 4d‘ of July ground and adhering to duty, “the sim- _(
parade. Several people marched in front ple duty of treating other people well.” h
of the float with the LexFair banners and If Helms fits McConnell’s description of t
passed out candy. The float featured a treating others well, perhaps one should P
house with several children and two dad— think twice before accepting an invita— 1
dies to show that the GLBTQ commu- tion to his house for dinner. 1:
nity I; ft'alilmily. Pleople from the audience The Family Foundation 5
Jorne e marc ers throughout the pa- _ _ _
rade, and patrons of the Bar cheered The Family Foundation P13?“ the" ‘
loud and proud as the float passed. usual time this month. This time they c
Fabulous doesn’t begin to describe the targeted Six UK professors fonteaching t
good vibes and sense of community pre- thelf classes. Apparently, the“ classes c
sent that day. don t instruct women how to dress for a 1
life as Mrs. Cleaver as evidenced by ex— 1
Jesse Helms ecutive director Kent Ostrander’s gripe, ;
July 4‘” was also historic because it “You don't see anyone on their Web site l
saw the passing of five-time US Senator who is involved with Right to Life, the I
Jesse Helms, bless his heart. In gay cir- Pregnancy Care Center or the value of (
C165, his death met With as much mourn— the traditional view of women, mother— t
ing as did Jerry Falwell’s. It went some- hood and houseWIves.“ (
thing along the lines of a dancing diva Popular UK professor Joan Callahan 31
disco party. immediately lambasted the Family Founda— I
Senator Helms started his career by tion as witch hunters and likened them to 1
supporting political candidates who ran the McCarthy era- Reportedly, she was
on pro-segregation platforms. He cre— offended that she didn’t make their list of I]
ated propaganda that disparaged black witches. The lucky winners were Robert S. ‘
people and went on to be a chief oppo- Tahhehhahmf Joanna M .Badagliacco, J
nent of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He Ellen D B Riggle, Melanie Gus, Jan Oaks, ‘
even went so far as to sing “Dixie” to and .Lucmda Ramberg. Heres a standing (
Carol Mosele -Braun the first black ovation for the Witches Md for Joan and
. Y ’ . . best wishes to Joan for making that list ‘
. woman in the Senate, in an elevator in next time around. i
an effort to make her cry: , Note to the Family Foundation: 1958 ' l
3‘ In later years, he significantly 01?- is long since gone, and women no longer ]
3’ posed gay initiatives. He worked dili— go to college to get their “M—R—S” degree. 2
' gently to block funding of the Ryan ‘
L White Comprehensive AIDS Resources In case you missed this news, ‘
Emergency Care (CARE) Act. He Ernesto Scorsone has decided not to seek V
claimed that more money was spent 0“ reelection to his state Senate seat. He 1
AIDS causes than on heart disease or plans to file to run for Fayette circuit 1
cancer, and he espoused the view that judgeship in November. Kathy Stein 1
AIDS victims deserved the disease be- will run for his senate seat. ‘
cause they participated in “deliberate, Rev. Kelly Flood, previously the i
disgusting, and revolting conduct” and minister at the Unitarian Universalist :
were “weak, morally SiCk wretches.” Church of Lexington, is interested in 5
Well, the wretches didn’t send any replacing Stein. Her progressive views .
flowers to his farewell. Interestingly could have an interesting impact in the .
enough, US Senator Minority Leader House of Representatives. Go Kelly! :
Page 14

 ho GLBT PubliShing HiStory Dec. 1924: Illinois granted a charter to
lid by [nary Crone Henry Gerber’s Society for Human Rights,
at the first documented gay rights organiza-
' Last month I covered some tion in the United States. The Socie ub-
his 9’ P
m— GLBT publications that became available lished two issues of Friendship and Free-
1.” in the second half of the Twentieth (Jen- dam in 1925 before Gerber and several of
of tury. Here is a list of publications that his associates were arrested and charged
ll d premiered between 1900 and 1940. with “conduct unbemming a postal
ta— 1904: In Paris, France, Renee Vivien pub- worker i Gerber served inc;the Arnezftcan
lished A Woman Appeared to Me, a bio- army 0 occupation m ermany er
. World War I and was deeply Influenced by
graphical account of her tormented rela— th G h al , ,
tionship with Natalie CliEord Barney. e “mil: omlosexu _ eitnhaIICipation
eir Vivien’s poetry was widely acclaimed by movement at was appening ere.
ley critics as the epitome of the French roman- 1926: “The Captive”, a Lesbian themed
n tic 8 le. Her 0e and rose were all la , o ened on Broadwa s arkin so
g ty P try P P Y P Y P g
ses openly lesbian. much controversy that the "Padlock" law
1' a 1908: Edward Carpenter published The was enacted, prphibiting Broadway plays
BX- Intermediate Sex in England idealizing from depicting sex perv “51°“: The star
PC, male friendship and homosexuality. He was Helen Menken, then the Wife of Hum-
:ite had this to say about gender: “The im— phrey Bogart.
:he probability... of finding in Nature a sharp 1926: The journal “Fire!”, a periodical
of cleavage between all that is masculine on showcasing the work of Harlem Renais-
er— the one side and all that is feminine on the sance writers, Published its first and only
other, is immense.” issue. In this periodical, the erotic narra-
3 ' ‘K ' ' “
Ian 1909: “Akademos” ’ aFrench journal, was tive poem Smoke, Lilies and.Jade' . by
da. published monthly by Count Adelswiird Bruce Nugent, was the first published piece
to Fersen. about homosexuality by an Afncan-
vas American writer.
of 1918: Emma Goldman was labeled the - _
_ S "most dangerous woman in America" by 1927: Written and produced by Mae West,
co. the FBI and deported to Russia. She was a The Drag was the first Play wnh gay
ks, Jewish Anarchist who opposed the draft for male content to be produced in the US. It
Eng WWI and openly supported gay rights and vthas a box ogice success butbit plaiyefcll in
md equality. She spoke and wrote on a wide ew Jersey ecause It was -anne 0‘“
list variety of issues, including prisons, athe- Broadwéy- West regard“! talking about sex
ism, freedom of speech, militarism, and as a has": human rights issue and was also
’58 _ free love. “And we’re dancing Emma” an hearly advocate of gay and transgender ,'
rig ts.
er 1920: N tal' B ' P d' n - -
g zone (TI: 0 ":hmazgis A1222?) €51,333: 1928: Virginia WoolPs novella Orlando
One sectionofthis book, “Misunderstanding, was published. A semi-biographical novel
W5: or Sappho's Lawsuit", included historical based m part on the life 01: Vim Sackville—
:ek writings about homosexuality along with West Wh°_ was.known to have romantic
He her own commentary. "My queerness," relationships With women. Orlando tells
uit Barney said, "is not a vice, is not deliber- :he story (I): agoufi man who dead? not
. ’ d h _n o grow 0 . e w es up one morning to
em ate an arms no one find that he has metamorphosed into a
h 1922: “The God of Vengeance”, a play by woman -- the same person in a woman's
[. e Sholem ASCII: Written originally in Yiddish, body. Woolf’s fantasy was perhaps one of
I,“ opened on Broadway. It was unusual on the earliest portrayals of transsexuality in
“1 several counts, portraying a Jewish brothel a novel.
W5 owner,.a “Wing lesbian relationship, and 1929:New York publisher Covici-Friede
the domestic Violence. The entire cast was is convicted of .
arrested on obscenity charges. Contmuea' on page 16
Page 15

 for publishing RadclyH'e Hall's lesbian
novel The Well of Loneliness. The convic-
tion is later appealed and overturned. K E [T H D o N l p H A N
1930s: Other European groups dedicated
to increasing tolerance for gay men and E LSTON
lesbians published newsletters and other ATTOR N EY AT LAW
periodicals. The journal “Der Kreis (The ‘
Circle)” began publishing in 1932 in Zu— -rww,
rich, and “Vriendschap (Friendship)” and ’f‘lfiml‘fi‘fln ‘
“Lesbos” were established in Holland. .gA»?2§%ité%“ .1
1934: Despite the padlock bill, Lillian Hiya Mia. if; :
Hellman's play “The Children's Hour”, A: if“ 1 '
about two teachers accused by a student of 3 r n v, . ‘ i
being lesbians, opens on Broadway. There M) Q. g! 3
were some objections but the play was ‘ 'y , ' :Lj';§14" 3
deemed acceptable, perhaps because one of '
the main characters commits suicide be-
cause she realizes that the accusations were E LST O N LAW 0 F Fl C E 1
correct: she was a lesbian. (859) 225_2348 J
- l
moonShlne Bears 0f KY 51 1”A WEST SHORT STREET 1
AHairy Chest Contest at The Bang LEXINGTON, KY 40507 1
Sat. Aug 9 at 1 10 pm. - Admission $3
Cash prize for the Winner 1
Other raffle prizes and drink SP“ials Frankfort GLBT Group Starting i
hcilonfilg d1: Segemlperd E Contact Karen ‘
NIoonwwws nirio:nshcisrslebe:se;m vent ktaylor@fedpb.net i
' ' 502 545-6355 cell 1
goooeoeoeooeooeeeeeoeaeeeeeaeaeeeaeag .
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g Subscriptions help pay Pride Center Expenses g i
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Page 16

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