xt7n8p5v9v9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5v9v9d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-11-19 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 10, November 19, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 10, November 19, 1914 1914 1914-11-19 2015 true xt7n8p5v9v9d section xt7n8p5v9v9d  
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' University of Kentucky
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J lllllllllf Pllll I M" ”“ ”|lEl|l|1|}ll lllll lllll ""’“’"*"“ ATH “° Sllll SMIIIHEHS
’ I I .
I0   Mlss Mlrlam Mullens, of Texas.[ Methods Employed Are Slightly DI1-
D national treasurer of the Kappa Delta f¤*‘¤¤¥ F"°m Th°•° U*°d
Sorority, was the guest of the local t _ _ HW"- _
 j*j , Students and Faculty of S. chapter Monday and Tuesday and btaxc   Leiavg HOIDQ foli ——-— L{lSt IIOIIIQ Gamg for Wlld-
{ U Join in Demonstrar was entertained Monday afternoon at }.*`l1'SlZ TIIIIC 111 Y€H.I‘S ll0I' The system of handling ¤¢hl¤¤¢¤ ul- oats Ez1sy—CI'lppl6d
I . t Prttrrrtm Hah. Miss Muhrntt made Turkey Day Gamer Purdue University ls entirely differ- Tttrtm rvtrts 42—0.
t tum Of Respect an Interesting report or the Pan Hel- ' ent from that employed at this U¤i- ‘ '
( --7-..
. = lenlc Assoclatlon which met in New t N , VGFSNY Bild others In thi! ¤€°U°¤ of
2 A M is * ·
MONUMENT UNVEILED y,,,,,t to me ,,,e,,,,,e,, 0, me K,,r,r,e_ bHAMPI0NbHlP G me e,,,,,,.,,_ The Athletic Commit. ll. 0}+ L. TEAM WEAK
.1.. Kappa Gamma, Alpha Xl Delta, Al- _ tee at Purdue ls composed of twelve —·····
Tribute to John B. Bowman. regent Dha Gamma Delta and Chi Omega So- K°mu°kY and T°¤¤°$“°° hu"° u°‘ men. Six of these representatives The Wildcats, although badly crip-
rt Strttt Urttvrrrtty and the Asrrcuhh mrmee who were Invited to meet feated every southern team so far are chosen from the faculty and the pled, celebrated their hut hhpeerehee
  ral and Mechanical College from hu`- this season that either have met. Tm"' 0*; thu sumugm? am studistm on gm]; Field this year by making
. , o , wo un ors, one om
rt b 1885 te 18-,8_ reepermhle fer the lo. Tuesday morning Mlss Mullens vis Tennessee has prayed vtmderhmt :0 serr rs and one tmm the monkeys out Ot the Urrtrrrrttr or
A cation of State Unlverslty of Ken- {Wd the ¤¤lV°”“Y· and len W€d¤°”‘ Alabama gnd Sewanee, all having trgrhstzirloglggirr Loulsvlllle, defating them by the
tucky and other educational instltu- day afhernoonttfor Clthclnnxrtl, wzeretbtrttn deterred. They are now tooktt In rormrcttrm rrtth rms board tm Score or 42 to or The Frm Ctry tram
I 1   t t d tor and 8hG wl COD HUB GI` HSDBC 011,; ’
tons n X ng on 8 uu hlch be an ln Texas last September Img forward to Homer merry Scrap athletic director is employed, and un- °°m° t° mum with h°p°° °f bmumug
”*°'°”'“““· "'°“ mud Th“"”°°y by W 8 ` on Thanksslvlns Day. when our Wild- der his direction are the coaches their losing streak at the expense or
I   · '
8******** *““d°“° muy wd mculty WM Cats 80 to Knoxville. Auburn. T6¤¤¤¤- Three men are ttmproyed as coaches the Wildcats, but were badly disap-
attcuded the u¤V¤Ui¤8 ¤¤d dedlcutum   F     we and Kentucky are the ¤¤lY teams at pm-due smlth, head coach. played p°im€d’ as the acme sum"`
of the monument erected in the Lex—I hhdereetedt and by coming out vlc. trrtrttr Orr one Ot the big eastern The most encouraging part of the
i¤!¢0¤ ¢6¤1¤l¤¥'Y Ul mu hum"`- torlous ln this game, State has altrrmr rtrrrrrt yrrrr rgot contest from the State standpoint
Pr°°m°m Bmw presmd at the chu"' ‘° “°““‘°'“ °““‘“”*°““*‘u’ °°°` class athletics there are handled in W" uw “'°"*‘ °' M°C‘“*°Y at h°u‘
· I
exercises and made a. short address at ors. We have shown that our scor-tthr totrowtrrg wry: Each man who back and George R. Smith at center.
um °p°“u‘g· P"°°m°°° Cr°°°u°ld °f tins machine was as great as any his makes the crass team is mowed to ‘Both of these men have been watch-
Tnnsylvmm University cclelivelljld [Dr. R- T. Foster UGUHQS I me South for State and Auburn hom I wear his numerals, but to retain them Img m°St of the games from the side
I l dd f th . e . . . . . t
• th° prmc W °h gm °rr srtraytt rl C(>lllI1l€1'(}13l1SII1 111 Amer- Im“d° 19 l’°*“‘“ “8“‘““‘ M*”‘““u’P’ he must come out each year and de-l“"""· g°‘““g umu um mi °h°“°°
_ had spethtrxguc H me I; Pd rt; wtgtk tran College Athletics |A_ and M, Auburn beat vanderbilt rend them, although it re het heeee_ iu Saturdays contest. They both
WY 0 u °· ° mv °w° ‘ ° 6-0 whlle Tennessee could beat tt played star football, getting a touch-
_ · ary that he make the team in order
with B“°°“ C°“°u°’ Hammw (’°“°g°’ "Va¤dY" by 0¤lY two D0i¤iS· WW1 to derehd his numerals already made'down apiece and spollins several
Sum Uui"°“uY' and Transylvania  P  F  Park, Bailey and Thompson back ln in years previous Louisville plays before they were well
U“iv°"ny in th? mp"' BY his °t` "t the game, our chances of a victory I 1 started.
mus K°m’“°ky Umvusny and the Dr. R. T. Foster, president of Reed lwlll be greatly increased. Thé 8'8m€ WBS D0! of B S!¤·!‘Ui¤¢ ¤¤··
gliiculttirul uu? M°:u;:§°; n:°1;;$; College portland, Oren addressed mei Our line is in good shape and will     Iture by any means, both teams re-
1* 6 ¤¤¤¤¤¤ 0 I · rtl t ld·f hl d f tb ll, d
llrcrzssed the number of gtudgntg to P¤bli¢ in State University Chapel Tr; ;bm;rtV;f¢:;i¤;r¤;<;n;l;¢ ustjef :*3;   t:;¤S“;td°m;’8 p;*;ng‘:; c0;°p0;ug Tre
772· which wu umu um munh lug` Thursday mgm` His address wulthe big Van Aiken, Abell and 0‘Brieni     basis of attack of both teams. Only
est group of students ln America. Mr. confined to the theme of "Scholar-·r0r three downs on the Oneyhrd hhet three er State-e rerwerd peeeee werh_
Bowman 0U0¢!6d the ¤¤i°¤ °t K°u` ship and Success." at purdue l ed, but all were good for big gains,
. ' ·· f "A " and Ex-
0 tucky Univusny mid Kmtucky Agri The speaker said at the beginning Tennessee claims to have the dopetulclubtulb U rt g the tlrst one going for a touchdown.
cunurul mu M°°u°m°°1 C°“°8°' HB th th bjgct would on us indirectly. We can claim the· pelhmleut Stag Spend Louisville only tried lt once and failed
of his speech at e su I , .
d°di°°t°d his M8 to the raising of . » Y di I r r same of Purdue, but a more dlrectl  €Ck at W3.ShlHgtOD them
funds fur mis m°w*‘m°"‘ In this hc bm Dont Let our Stu as n Br Bw source may be found for Purdue, andl ` _ _ The Wildcats took the Cardinals off
wuu succusstuu puwmg um umvusny with Your College workin 8. mn we will demonstrate to Tennessee Meetings Of the mucus assoc?. their feet and had them beaten ln
I l i lt l k t Wa -
r on a solid flnanclal basis. which he had found on the wall of a that trrdtrrrt dope grrr ttrr naught. tttzitin nrtagr chtrhgaattxggrredaby meet;. about thrrrr mtrrrrtrr Ot play, when
Dr. James K. Patterson beln8 ab- college student. Dr. Foster beganl However the tram heede em- Sup. ’ ‘ " Schander took a forward pass over
w. sem' his paper was md by Dr' A·lwith the m0d9\;¤ collese of Am€"ica· port in this great game. Eight men bers of the faculty of State Umversi- for the first touchdown. The Louis-
S- Mu°u°u'u°· DL P°tt°r°°° °h°w°d which he ueclumu was uu “i“1· Helwlll llght their last battle as wear- ty and of the rilxperimen; Sino!} ville bunch tried hard and for a few
hu" uw spirit °t ° man nvm am"` made uu Gut-eusivu uumue of um ers of the Blue and White. Can wefsmm Prot" J` I'_Tum8r' n C airge minutes after the next kick-off show-
hlm by lnstllllng into Transylvania Aulerican eyetem et athletic,] declalg rot tr rome wry rhow them ttrrrt wriof the been Commission of Kentuc yt rd ttttshrr rt torrrr but rt rw ttmr
University the true splrlt of Chris- mg it wee exclusively eh e business rrr wtmrrg to rrrcrtttrr rrrmrttrttrr trrtwrent I;W3Slll:1gtOH€;(;f0;. t1tr1;ert;rI;t;r?r_did they come up to expectations.
tlanlty. He said: basis and did not benellt that large Order to wm this game? It 9 as commjsfon t rt The Blue and White team scored
• “R°8°¤* B°Wm“u was °°° °f um mlmbar °f students wu'-) u°°u"u p"°p' The team will leave next Tuesday *Smt€S’ aud Wuhan? R0d;S' csemi once in the second and third quarters
few umu who m“k° and 1°°v° °' last` 9* °°X*`ci¤° t0 build Strung men Of night. One thousand students should in the sou and fertmmr GDM ment and three times in the last period.
ing impression upon their fellows. He eeuege ethdehte br there to SBB them Orr. left lglorrdtay rt? r;1e;;t::ttI;rtli;h·;:;2t{Tuttle got two touchdowns, McCauley.
was a fine classical scholar. B11 9** Dr. Foster has traveled through Eu- —-—-·-•-•-i- can OC 9 y “ g ` |Scott, Schander and Smith one each.
oellent teacher, and, above all, of the ropet and spent Home time in Englandr     attr); ashlngtothr rmt rr trrrttutttttrr Oriscott kicked all the goals. Tuttle,
hl8h96t ¤h¤1'¤¤¥-6¤‘·" where he became imbued with thel     °mps°" i ’ I r h rr, ‘Scott. Hite and Schander were State's
"j"*•‘•"_"*‘ English idea of athletic sports.I -.- the hxtemuon lepamuem 0 tre lzuchlef ground galners. It was Tuttle’a
Y M C A BAZARR which h° hu °x°m°"u°d at R°°d Col The Freshman team of the Univer- perimcm Sraumh hastrjust rrihumt: `lust “W°u"““°° °u Smu meld und
· • · • from atteniiug a mee ng o e s-
1 o, , he was a demon both ln offensive and
IN ARKORY DEC, 3. °' _ MW “0¤ iw 8¤m° with IM D°**’ and Sociatjon O; _rgr;.·uuuml Colleges mtu
Oppeaad to Fraternities. Dumb School at Dehvme Serhrthty hy St rt t W rrr t defensive play. Hite, playing out of
'_’_‘ . .‘ . on.
The young ladies ofthe Y w c A I F¤**<>w*¤¢ me ¤¤¤—¤¤¤ 0* ¤**·*¤···=¤· .. score of 47-.6 Tm. ls the um f”t]""°Q;“""" R“bt°f` "d t “j rfg ¤¤¤¤¤¤··. ssc Diaved ¤ nm- gm.
· ··· ‘ ore o rsan 1.. umey , ,
have announced that they would hold h° u"°°°°d°d t° mus °‘°""—’ “’uu“`ks time that the ··Kmehe·· here been hai; rtittritrd rrttrr trrttrmrrug the rrr- Smith taking Baileys place at cen-
a bazarr ln the Armory on Decem- concerning college fmmmmas and so- scored against A forward pass and I r tr t r . r r r wu was °° the j°b {mm °"°rt t°
I S 0IlS 0 19 .· lll€l‘ CHU BOC 0 Y U
ber 3. Many artlcles of value can be r°rm°°' According t° his Opinion' a long end run were responsible for Arrrmmmtstst mush His passing was 8°°d’ nd
rrurchrrrd upon this Occasion at an such society organizations did not the Scorer ttrrhough the Kmehe here *•~—__tt•+__rr rw on the defense he was in every play
economic price. MID thou who many should bocomelthe Danville boys for three downs on OADET HOP IN ARNIORY SATUR- ms r°°°v°"y °f 8* fumbl° by Fwd
I better acquainted with society mat- thttrr httrr_yttt_h Hutt bttrttrtt it was DAY. NOVEMBER 21. GET TICKETS gave State its last touchdown,
t 0 1cEt I tcrl. {many (-I-owned over. The l·‘reshmeu FROM DEAN HAMILTON TM Dunms family and Fwd pl"`
. iN T · The conclusion of his speech touch- put rn rout rttbttmuttttt in the mst I ____ ed the star game for the Cardinals.
——-— ed upon statistics of successful men quarter NOTICE, BASKET BALL GIRLS- Ford’s kicking was good, and with
The mg; mgqtlpg of the Graduate gud their scholarships. He slnowedl I e____r__ ·—*— bettter Interference would have
Club will be held lu ihv b¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¥ °Y that schclarahl iu collesv WM lhs LOUISVILLE CLU! MEETS FRI- There will be a meeting of all girls ghgwgd up bgttggy poem-_ who played
" I
the University Library l*`l‘ld¤Y· N°· greatest of all assets to a successful DAY AT NOON IN JOURNALIBM Interested ln basketball held in Prof. a guy game here [wg ygqrg ago, show.
veniber 20. at 8 p. m. Illfe. IROOM. Melcher's room Friday at 12 o’clock. od gtrqhs of hl. 0ld-[|mg {org] but

2 *1* H E 1 D m A •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go’s Go.
“°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°"5°
Me At Admission 10c I
t I
wild nothing sp•·<·m<·ulnr. The line-up: 4 "AFTUI THE lALL."   BIRMINGHAM ALUMN| * the University appeared In the Blr- ,
`State. l.oulsvllle.l —-— I HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING mlmzlmm paper, which the local chap- ‘ O
A D A M   D E (Wright .............. Merrlwt-wither: "After the HnII," ln which Ameri-l it ter took exception.
‘ I
Ineft.   IFRS fOTPI'I"IOF[ Star!. Mr. Herbert Kel-I The Ilirmingllum Chnptpr Of the -————-·—-•¢·•—-t--.
    I(‘I`\l[ChEr . ......, . ......   Daniels (‘Py and MIBR   Shannon, are f€8*I Alum"' of     II-   B business    
I • Left Tackle. Ilured, will be shown at the Ben AllIImd ,0cmI meeung Saturday 6venIng_   M I
I<‘orn ........................ Blunk hBX{ Monday and Tuesday, with daily I October 25th, at the home of Mn Mcqem-y Holbrook of me cla.! of
2       Left (laurels. matinee. No expense has b(’GhIH8nry wurtelm with · hm. ammd_ 1914, hu entered the banking house
3     8 Smith .......... R. Daniels (Capt.) spared to make this offering the great-I Imc°_ of george, }{_ Burr & Con Rooker-y l
- - Q I '
Center. est human document ever olfered |nI The chapter hu lost heavny ln Building. Chicago. He writes; "l nm E
Petrie ....................... Grant the silent drama. It abounds In-membenmp during the pug yggr, but tlndlng the work I pursued ln the If
wc MATMEE Inc Rishi G¤¤Md- been w¤¤h<·¤· d¤i¤w wmedy ¤¤d up me remaining members are very en- History Department or great semce I
Downing ................ J. Daniels series of the most death-defying sen-? thusluglc gud mlm gn gctlvg interest In my present posltlon." _  
      Right Tackle. satlons ever known. Im the pmcqodlugl t I   •
Ischmder .................... Dwyer The work of Kelcey and Shnnnonl Oftlcors for the ensuing year were One of the committees reporting at I 
h , Risht End. Mlfpnsnee BH former legitimate Stuxe elected as follows: the next session of the Kentucky Ed- 7 
UM" Ennmy N"' ”°"°°°m°M hlite ...................... Mc(`nleb productions they have hben seen ln. J. Miles Sprague, B. M. E., ’07, Pres- ucatlonnl Assoclstlon will treat the Q ,
I Quarterback. Prices 15 and 25 cents. ident; H. J. Wurtele, B. C. E., ’04, teaching of history ln grades. Prof.  
~ IMcCnuley ,,,.,...,.......... Foster — - Vice-President; A. B. Hsswell, B. M. Tuthlll Is chairman of this commit-  hy
I f Right Half Buck. GEORGE EVAN8' MINSTRELS. E., ’l1, Secretary and Treasurer. tee, I    II
_ ITuttle ........................ Fordl ——-— Among the new men who have re- .. ‘ h' lh
I .· A
' }   , Len Half Back. ¤ money Boy" Evans will bring his cantly located In this vicinity and who The ohm Valley Historical Associa-  
'{ lS(·ott (Capt.) ............... Pontius new minstrel production to the Ben were D!'6¤¤¤¢ Bt the ¤1¤0¢i¤$ Wei'! tion will hold Its next meeting Novem-  Ii
I' If Fullbnck. An next wednesday, matinee and Hendricks Lvtle. B. C. E. ’11.¤¤d Wil- ber 25 at Charlestown, w. vs. Pm:.  
Il :·lubstltutlons——Stute: Birk for Pe- night. For this, the seventh year of mlm H°d8ki¤¤» B- E· M-» '13· Robertson, of Berea, will read s pa-  
i / trle; Hedges for Hite; Hite for Hedg- stellar mlnstrelsey for the "Honey Dum]! the PN"- Yen UW? haw per on social oondltlons in the moun- { I il  ,
I \ es; Zerfoss for Wright; Thompson for Boy," he promises a. production new b€¤€ h0|di¤8 i¤f0!'¤1¤! social ¤1e€¢|¤8¤ ming Oy wss; vlyglma and Kon.  
’ _' Blrk; Hedges for Hite; Hite for Mc- ln its entirety. There will be u new at UW h0!¤¤¤ of the various member! tugky_  
·I § Csuley, University of Louisville: Iscenic frame for every feature of the M which ¤ff¤ir¤ °°¤°°*'¤i¤8 the Uh" --  
V Osorlo for Blunk; Levi for Dwyer; program. new costumes, new musical "€"8“Y hm h`°°lY di¤°u¤¤°d· Additional subjects chosen by the  
f Dwyer for Pontlus; Smith for Merri- numbers and new songs. In short, it Th° Americhh mm and $****1 Ins"' Seniors in History are as follows: ‘  
M weather; Taylor for Levi. is the aim of the little mlnstrel to muh at vhlch uw heads °f uw leading Miss Annabel Grainger, the Teaching  
Touchdowns—Sehrader, McCauley, each year make u new offering for the {mn md Btw] f°*b'lt°"°“ °f this °°““' of History ln the Sixth Grade; Miss  
Scott, Tuttle (2), Smith. time-honored American entertainment. try w°"° p'°°°“t· h°ld its anmml m°°t' Natalie M. Wood, A Legislative His-  
Goals from Touchdown——Scott 6. The big company contains such ster- mg in Bh`mm8h‘m· October 28- 30' 3l· tory of pmmbmon in Kentucky; M;-_  
Referee——Baker, of Ohio Wesleyan. ling mlnstrel players at Arthur Rig- At this m°°u“g °“° °f the most ih` _]_ H_ Coleman, Om- Sguthgrn Bound.  l 
Umpire-Hedges, of Ohio State. by, Sum Lee, John J. Rogers, Leroy mresung p°p°rs was read by Mr- ary une; Mn L_ w_ Grady, our west.  
Head Linesman—Hargrave, of Yale. "Las8es" White, Tommy Hyde, Eldon Frank G' Cutler' B' M' E" ,01’ Chief em Boundary Line; Mr, A, H, John-  
Time of Perlods—Flfteen minutes. Durand, James Mehann, William H. °f Buruu °t St’°°m EnK|n°°rmg· T°°' Eton, Kenguckyg Eyecmml v0te_  
Score by periods—State: 7, 7, 7, 21; Thompson, Jim Doherty, Master Paul nessu C°°]’ lm and R°ur°ud C°m` .   ’
I IUnlverslty of Louisville, 0, 0, 0, 0. Van Dyke and Eddie Cupero’s big con- pam" uw subject °f which was “Th° °;_°'°'°'_"_  
_P   I can band and Orchestra. It pmmmes Use of Steam Turbines for Various Jack—"Miss Schlitzenberger bought I  
Q R-BI · . I Funny Some WODIG cmu take meh to be u mpmsanmuve couecmm of an Purposes." Mr. Cutler was recently three boxes of face powder this morn- , I»I`,?~§I 
ville paper Sunday accuses the Wild- rgnt the ··H0nGy B0y·· usmg the €°°°ty °°v°"*I disphragihg “" T°m_’"Y°¤· th° G°*`m¤h¤ W6 ¤¤i¤K QI 
  cats of playing dirty   At phrase useventh Year of Positive Su- marks concerning BthlBtiC CODditiODS B l0[ of p0Wd8l' [IIQSQ days],    
  VV ·
the highest praise was heard con- ..........   AM I   I _,Q·I;¢li 
Especially     cerning the conduct of the team both KELLERMAN PIC-ruRE8_ T0    
F_ d S 1 above on and off the playing field. ln the in- ,;II‘  
in Our CS wa • :;I"5-
ty Y cideht referred t° ih the paper was Announcement is made that the I     (     _  
th¢ 3V¢l‘a.gC • • • • • • the first of its kind that has occurred Opening performance at the moving y "   il '
on Stoll Field this year, and from sev- picture I·€8tuI.e_ Annette Keuermann      
eral sources of lnformation, includlngIm ··N€ptuue·s Daughters. wm take   I§II_I$ 
the aforesaid Louisville DBDBF, W¤S|p]gce gt the Ben All Thanksgiving   II-N', _. 
Fal]   started by a Louisville lwleyer- I matinee and night and Friday matinee C C   ra       I  
__. and night. • • y p y ‘_;f·Ij IQ
n ‘.~~ _ —‘ Q
Hats, Saturdays contest with l.0uisvilleI I This Dh0Y°·DI8Y mel with ¤¤ e¤¢h¤·      
brought State's total to 312 points ¤i8BY·l¤ ¥'€¢€DU0¤ in New York, and   I__
Shoes and against our 0pp0nentS' yII_ Oy the Op, was lndorsed by every crltlc as an I         _   {
p0$i[i()[]B   p()il)[§I 40 INQTQ filade   exceptional p‘ctur€· The story d88lS           I   .._`*
F , h, one t_gan]_ Tgnngggge has played one   thB Land of MAKE-BBHOVQ, and · • I I I      
t11`I`1iS ings mom game than we have Img mn for two hours and A half 0,,,, wm,. Bncycles and Repalrs, Pennants and Posters, ·_   _;
NGW Ready and her point mtu IS 351 to 31_ ders from one beautiful scene to an- FISIIIIIK Tackle I I   ,_ I
_- other. whlle the creatures of this I O `   ’
Vanderbilt has had the same coach mystic hmd hhfold h thm that might md Su I-   ' I `· Z'
for eleven pears, and in the ten yearslweh hhvh come {mm W9 P¤K9¤ of PP ya. I     ·.
previous to this she won the south- Hhhs Chrhmhh Ahd°*`¤°h- I46 I48 WEST MAIN ST '  ~i:.Q‘, 1
( : . · · LEXINGTON KY.  r .
    erh championship GNU! Um€¤. lost Annettte Keuermhnn 88 "NGDUIHGB •  
’ only two games to southern colleges, Daughtarn diV°¤· $Wim¤· dhhces und __> __ _ __ ___________  
[19d Win] Yale Bhd the Navy, lilld WUI] I fences and does Home remarkable act'      
O. fro"`     Indians vvhen                     I
lncorpomud ¤“·g]·8 in [hgh- py|mg_ Iromantlc drama of land and 588, of   &      _IF’ III
._._.   the realms of the Immortal King Nep- ‘     
The College Fellows'   The State Frgghlgg in five gumggltuhe and the m0|’tB] King William,  
VV 7 I _W___r4 _ ______ 7 *__1_;;t__ with §()[]|Q of     §(fh()0l tgulus in           the     I   Q     7
I zxington Cigar CO. the State have scored 254 points to` “°"°°“· Prices I5 and 26 °°ht*· ° `  :.,"'  
6. They n eet tl e Tenn, .e l·‘r hie i"°'°""""` lncor or td lljh .1, I
“°°'°°"“‘ _ _` ` __ (im, °B ° oar vous Lvczum ncxers I ° °   ‘
Manuncwnn of on btoll Held here lhanksgnvlug lluy, FROM MISS GRADDV IN REGIBI .
    but no date on the Tennessee year- TRAR'8 OFFICE. • • j»·IIwI I  
Excwsrvew ·*·· ¤·—   be   I ____,___ 'Z 'he Rrght Now Servzce  
‘°° ‘””" §"f','j_§[§“T   be ~--”-   s..--.--*_ M, vlsgsll say., me only banking    5;, "
_ , some tellers do ls ln the pool rom;  _.=Y_  
"I · ‘  9
University Lunch Sthhd DR. J. D.   we say the only three-bull combine.- __ j*  I` 
c“'" “°|“'l"°'Y ‘° 8“'d°““ gyg, EAR, NQQE gud ·r|·m0A·|· tlon some fellows ever see ls the one     A   _1   
und Faculty of 8tat• Un|v•r•Ity SPECIALIST III from of K ..II0cksh0p.. md me only I    
A B   Glu". Grwnd `° ord"' thing some ever put in a, pocket In AK ‘A`
· · · mcnusne surnam;. 124-128 N01'th Limestone Lexington, Ky.  ` ‘Y s"
gon. |. LIMIITONE AND COLFAXI 0ff|c• Phon• 082-X R••|d•ne• 70-X UM" h°°d°· '    
',  WI, ·< I.
··T  ‘el¢ ae
I "r"‘
 `  `pl ` 
` I

• ' _ T H E 1 D E A 8
! l "“"”"`” `°`—“` ‘—""‘—"
I ILYQEUM   PATTERSON ELECTS OFFICERS. lmw these little appurtenances wlll
J `AQ   J J i READY FOR. STUDENTQ _ ` `_"‘ l<*¤<**v Mo *hem up wm. pmt. .-4;,;,,,,,
Uflleers for the term were •.el¢···l··¤l mul send them tn the hobby mu] Oy
wv- The Lyceum Course this year mt- at :1 lll0i*Hllg of the l';¤it•~rs¢·*** ¤¤*¤- wu on the www ,,Bu_m__m M rm. ··o..... ot p......· -c..........,..... .0 an w. Mm same.
:7;  ers who are wmmg to team by on- °°" °' "‘° °°°° H°“’°“°"“" M“‘“‘ m,m°¤_.. "v•=¤t¤0h*¤¤0 Uber A**0¤·" Am0¤s The Student’s Photograph:
1   ug-uuon, gg that [hg agency that Elm M; gba S°l°3'i°° md Pripnz Jann", 16-MmB Mm. Pmmu v°_ the lion hunters, golf enthusiasts and
  on o ea s." er practlcs an ‘ ’ _ 
¢  pr°b°bly dm m°r° t° sprud uw dis` helpful suggestions were presented callst of rare ability, who ls an ex- other men of me present day we und Benkart A Fotsoh, Proprloterg
tgt  ease among hogs in Illinois than any Wmmt of the theory unt music is W? 0W¤ D*'0f€¤¤0l'S. 811 the real "live
  other one thm was infected mmm most cleverly in rhyme. Following wimsh among whom have hobbies E I B b  
 “· 8 this address there was a rather infor- °°°°"°ry t° livin" .   e      
ig T sent out   commercial serum m.¤u. ' l Among UIGSB WB nnd PI`Of€SBOI' L.     8 h
lj»._  Early fn February, Dr. Fred Wolle, Wi I-|M••t¤n• 8tr••t
* ,3Q facturing companies at the Chtca:0 mn ducuumu in regard to me proper recognised as the greatest organist Dum"' Hb h°bbY is "¥0¤€tic" spell- 0pp¤•lt• the Phoonlx Hotel noel;
  seoekysras. when the oovemmem °°‘°""‘“°“ °‘ “‘° °”"°°°’“°¤ "“’“" In me Umm sum who vm me ins. 1¤"f0¤¤tic"¤pelll¤s he believes L°"'"9*°”· "¥·
.   in- actors found this cu 20 000 day of Ellen Richards. After Instruct- _ ’ in going the llmlt. On account of the FmST'cLA88 WORK °UAnANT!.¤
.. p t 8 .
.   worth of this serum was destroyed. Ins the program committee to pr0_ tlrst to give Bachs Mass ln B minor. war in Europe one should emnomize -M t M An un
  i_____•_•____ vide a suitable entertainment ln h0n·I smao ttm°El·?r’ .'w:::mm Onmgw in the use of wrltlng materials as ec ° at a
  M { { th H Ec __s ua on n ur pe, some or- _ ,
ie ELMENDORF HERD OF °' t ' ”°“°°' " ° °“‘° °¤°¤* mmm in mm to mmm? mm mm ss possus, so um th81¤1D¤`0V€d McGURK S
|   I     |¢¤ movement, the club adjourned to method of spelling ls useful at pres- _
  meet again on November 23. tamu {by th; ngrmn Dl;°w°"' by an eu; wh'! in || wd. Illd GOOD.
  I --——-——·-•— -—-—·—·— B do mm " 0 lr Putman at These are the sentiments of Profes— H h
  The entire herd of Shorthorn catt e B|°L°mcAL CLUB washington. D ot C Ocohle, Candy usd loss
·   at Elmendorf Farm has been sold to ` The Gund Entertainment by theiimr °mz:°r` ’;°°°‘-ding °° uw pm`)  
.   "· _ ··*‘ essor sucl wor s as "though" should, .
  Ki¤s¤|¤Y M¤¢0¤1b¤!‘» ¤W¤¤*' 0f PN The nut mmm, mann: of the BL Arts Club. An effort will be made to be spelled _,t_h_0,, __el€pham_, Hella- D1'.   EdW3I°d Gordon
  cmu F°¤ch°’ Paicmgm San Benito ological Club will be held in the Sci- °°°‘"° °’ d°"° f°r °° °ddr°°° by DI" f·a-n·t" and "percelved" shduld be DENTIST
(  gfl County Callforia. The herd consists Quantum, president of Armour m_ V ’ u __
.   f b t sixty had of prime show ence Bulldlng Friday, November 20, spelled s.a,.w_ Mech'. d B .l I.
·   o a ou
, {fyi  md bmdm mm headed by the at 7:30 v. m. Prof. A. M. Millar wm ""“‘° °' "`°°"“°‘°"' “‘ °“'°“‘°· i mnorml xotktrals column hopes ;-it-i-—
{fg-; ,,  • U  
  two show buns Kms Cumberland lecture to the club on the Geological, I. • * * • • * · • · • • I. • · • {l to be able from time to tlme to dls· GO TO
HW} H1 t f Pl t." Th t lt d  
g§.‘—,:¤ and Fayette Marshall. It is one of gory ° an l B aw Y an • UNIVERSITY NOTES ,•, °“““ °Fh"” h“Sm“g U“i"‘*’°“Y mw .]0hI1S’ DTI]: st0I'€
'~_4‘i   the most noted md white and mm students are cordially invited. I and their hobbies, hence the request is! N"; to pon gmc.
  ' —-—-—•-—-···· \*••I»+·I*+·•••4•·I*•I··|··|··I»++·I··I· d l ·lh l· l ·.
    collections in the show ring for sev- Y -—-—-— ima 6 mmm t hdl al mcse Wh) For Prescriptions. Stationery. SMI
a   W, • CADET HOP IN ARMOR SATUR- Kumck D_ whim graduate of me -   --1.- -. .. -   -.   .___ I
  " eral years as the property of the late ' Wakf, Cutkyy   and [mus
g J B H gi DAY' NCWEMBER 21' GET TIcK` class of 1911 College of Mines and       °
  ‘.‘. _ . . as ¤. ' **·····E·~--—
 .  ETS FROM DEAN HAMILTON Metallurgy, is In Asia Minor em- y
  l. Mr. Macomber, the new owner of I | . s ym,      ..-?.-··---]
2    * the herd, is a son-in—law of L. V. It at tlret you don't succeed, flunk,Ipl°y°d “ °* mum $°°l°Km DY u \*"g°     1 ` I r ‘ ” " ’° `  "~i  °· f
l   'com an He has worked for the 0 W  -·-Z-Z - ` ·’
· _Q~;{gq,.T$j  Harkness, proprietor of Walnut Hall flunk agaln. l P y' This ls a specialty that makes our *2 l.   -  
    *KBDtUCky 0601081031 SUPVB)', [[18 HL [Bu0l`lIlg Jultfight. By Stlldylllg )'0lll` _Q `-.i II . I     ‘ A,.
,..j{=* j _ personality we- me able to tail r l d`. T   FX
    lnols Survey, the Carribean Petroleumwmuamy mm your clomesi as "we ‘:w‘i _ __, _ - .   _ _   .5 ., 1'—_
$$2; gy E r M Q F   H Company ln Venezuela slnce gradua- and Ht all garments on the premises i
nfl?   Oung en S a ats um., Bild .cc¤ mea rl. .. resa M pw- *0 W measure ·**   *~**··*~     hY HavB S0l’B Feet
5     tlon last June. It is reported that he $ 1 8 UP _
i         receives a. salary of $3.000 a year. C H B}; Walkanz on  
__   a and see our large display of lm- S0 €S, W CII WC
lg,. 2 t d d (I l ' *
,   is , pmt. J. T. C. N0., of .l... m...... ¥3I1.~°...‘2!2.....`Z.“‘.i.“l§..$..“°°""“ “““ ““'° ***9** 0** f0r the same
 ‘_ll » Q You’1lfind them all here- tional Department, use Monday for WE GUARANTEE EVERY p"°°· Work d°“° Whde
I   ,,i` ' tht! DEW gl’€€l'lS, bl‘0Wl'lS, Bowling Green, and will go from there T duszmlcrir GGR:'E;*T· you Walt'
  »· · o e
 _ 2;*;, tv blues-any Shade y0** hke to s··¤vm·». mu. to denver an ¤¤- .....l glve:a?i)sl?a