xt7n8p5v8t1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5v8t1n/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 3, November 15, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 3, November 15, 1919 1919 1919 2015 true xt7n8p5v8t1n section xt7n8p5v8t1n 1’• Id|t•r•: Th• , .
Mmm In thI• Bulletin    
M W_r__, ,__, W IVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ¤··=~-¤ ·· ··=··»·· y
Frm and ns released *·"” '“§“°" ** **‘• g
for publication an post office at L•» l
receipt Ington, Ky.  
 ovember 1 • 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. III. No. 3 g
#_ ITY PICTURE artments of the University y 0 IOW bu Qu um 61 16 ( 11% mu funds were collected on the occasion
(ll`.l'1l1l[lC 0l`gil1liZil.IiUl1 of the msti- °“ “"" “"]‘€“ ““‘“ tho Sky was token of Kentucky, which was amwunced iu of the Sl“`i¤€*`S- in L€Xi¤¥i°¤» was the or thc \i21l1(iC1‘i)ll[' game within teh
n,:u·<> glV?U0Dl)01t\11l1i.Yi.O display i\OV9llli)¤1 A by lodd (neen, of La- at Lormer bulletin, has been worked Experiment Station booth, oi Univer- minutes, between halves, to send
, ll1.1’ll'lUl1l.C·Elblllty, was observed grango, senior 111 the College of Agri- out 311i11gS i13V€ sity Og K€muCky_ A model mlm, twenty-five band members to support
¤~d 1 1;1;(i1\;3i}’q;i;¢1l€;lelgallgliygiiigi Cu]t_m·0_ M1; Green holds the position b¢‘;1§1113t¤i<3Z 1 A · [ 1 D t Showing in mmmtm.0 the workings the team in the game played at Cin-
.·m t * · · · _ . _ , _ wuca ion am ssocia ct epar - cinnati the toll ' · s· ·
of snap shot editoi f tl U ·· · . . ~. . . ·. _ owing ¤1i111d3Y-
; Wmposgd the program, as {O1. · or ie mve1s1ty ments, Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 3:30. ot an up-to-date Blue mass establish The Atm t_ A y   _ O
_ Year book and this picture will appear The Social Sciences. Economics mem Oy 150 acres, with MODS, Came, t I { U ollo lS5o€1<1t1<111 i13S hither-
- t · in the Emmml- S v_ _     A Y I Il · H U · I A U _ o sen 16 iam men with the teams
hy Mddlgdl Sony Luddc MOON}, ocioioby, History, Law, Jouintilism, poulny. from which a not tumtial 111- to the m,£u.by towns but mis year Ou
M Mr. Green asked {oi- and was given Marketmg, Farm Mtuiagcmeiit uml come or $:,000 should be derived, was account of unfavorable weather hon-
; l.l-sson in Hypnotism," Joh:1 the l“`iViioE€ to HY 0V€1` the CRY in L(}:lcaU0;'4 _ slio—.vii_ Tm mils gf Sm] were used ditions and extra expenditure for
il, rlrcenville, assisted by Albert an aeroplane, being used here by the Cherfibn Uiiihbzi i;€$‘uUm?ubi Ot i11 making the base dud mid crops my Ill2llllt,t‘llil1l(‘€, this was not possible.
t . ·‘, ·cs, 0'l,'l\ rr, ,-
 its, B1`3¢ii01`1iSV1ii€- governmeiit aeronautic demonstration. (1,,010;;}, yAm_;u1uu_@ sgfitllexlsiii wm, just hngmuing to Shoot above lhe band has a peculiar status on
,=·· L ~»~‘· ;   °‘ .’ ° ’ ‘ ‘ *1 ‘ ' i tl>=;na·.Al‘i*r  · ··
‘ ‘§;T"Q"‘Q“f of “"""‘°““’ "‘ ···——— U¢1¢¤*¢¤11¤*<>¤5>v1’11>‘Si¤1<>sy. Home mm- t1i<·1<>=¤¤11· U}°§fL§_f°m ;‘,‘;Q";Q‘1‘i“Q1?1g““’*°°*°"
 1‘·i" ‘ , - . , , if Q ‘;c.' '   ·; -
i nt 1, lion UNIETERSITY PRESIDENT oinics and iyducation. hl dddthcl. bddth WM dcmddgtmted Sow mib mil mm lit 1 1; .1.L‘co1il>i3
_ ,_ ·. ».   ·· . , ,, _. . _ __ _ ~·» _   wz ,ie111···eo·i·
ll mu iiemiiuh hogmm, Jium AT NOTABLE MEETING mlgmeelimg Depmltmcms Ol hush haw 1><>11ii1‘Y "’111 111*1i¤0 1110110Y ¢1111i U1" drill {or ire ·h·nan and ;Ol)iI(§lllE)i€\;i`,u1
:;;~1 i  ·; st -. ;·1c·t¤t1·‘ _ A .· ,· pi. ..   . ,_ *‘ ` ’ ” >· ` ‘ -
 _ _____{;;lF_\lEEgm_iSu;0u___`_   u?€1_ui4i" 7 liu? }\1€°l{°U“°b’ Mtiim home economics depurtinent of the gems, hmm hmkmg me Spontaneous
  b\I.l1.th,;" MLQHYB "i"’l1;i]1m l’1·esideut F. L. l\lc\'ey, of the Uni- ;u'iUC`°’_ 1_liyblcS’ hhelmstry uml uw- l'i;iversity had a unique display for the support which is given to purely V0].
1 V   "l ‘I “ ‘Y 1 ’A   _“’ versity of Kentucky, attended the Na- o&»5» ivlieilsh, Iiomance Languuge· housewife. unteer work cl a student activity This
thm lee oung, ,t,>.¤i.bt.>i1. tional Convention Of State Uuivm.Si_ Languages: Lnglxsh, Ancient Lau- _4 Vcan ho   U 1 · i {  
 { {uh Tucker, Lexington; Anna ties held in Chicddo ydv 10 and ji guages, Romance Language, litluca-   I “Llli;’ lm men MB Ldhmg a'
. · . .~,. -- " "" ' ' . *1*1*211 —·‘t·   ·~
M1- 11=¤_>·$r¤1a 11¤=1·1¤M¤·<1·a~» M the .mmhtm we-ui lm, ,.,,- mt mn. KELg=§gN!g1!)’ES§II;’I;I#f*I§I;€3ETAS   is ‘QQ1f€fjTQQ§}" ‘;f§§r}";f;
 li rim; hhzabgth (;OOk’ Mmirmni l)1'Ui)l€%lllS lll`fC(‘[lllg state universities woliiu'0 01`g311iZ3i'i0111 P1`eSide11i, Comes to band Dmgucd Onltimbe I
·;’»m Allen, Maysville, and l\'lii1· were discussed. Deans, L'11ivcrsity Physicians, heads of Y; _ fact 4. r . . _ I L 4 _ ‘ H
c   1‘1‘i11g» L€Xi11&§i‘011· The Dmmemg of wopemuon be Halls, giiiici-imcmigm of Buildings, Attheaunual i11iiDiCiig1l1g day held WhO1n'°’;;*ulJ£**‘*‘i1*Loud. 5€11;<>1‘ 111e11 for
    Ah-hm r Louise ohhheh t _ _. , .   . iiepthtmeht of Physieal i;(im»uti0“, 111 the 1~¤1~ar>1¢y pr 1»e¤¤¤a1~> <-hapaiy I _ $ M {s no oo‘“1’“l°o‘Y·
* * xxeen .Alll('11C.lll nnivexsities and cx- _ _. _. rx _, , · __ ,,, · have been givin libcrallv f tl '·
Q . . . . . Home ldcoiioiiiics and Nlilitnrv '%<·icn~‘ i" 1* I‘“lh}* “mi“bul"" ard H‘ (" g ' O mn
‘* change with ioreign universities, the _ ’ ‘ ‘ ”   Q da. .i. P.,.t,dI, ,. VGN dede-ed time toward the malcine of this or-
, _ r. QNX . d tl , S   ·» C. t1_ __ V. . . _ liusincss and Adniiiiistration: Pros-   *1*** Mb ` H`i‘g’ " "" 1 ‘”" __ . . _ °° `
  <..1zc e an ic man, a 1 problem i·t»l;it1ve to militaiy educa- HUH D m Bubim X Q t _ i M thu www Zum }_(mm__l1_v _w_;(_u‘_ gdmzldmd Wdml whdd They um: E.
    ., _ __ H. _ ._ _ t~ , ezs, *2ssi·r11,"c>‘s- "" " "‘     ,,, _' . V _
Q A Jl, Mduonl Hin}, dud illdllgcvalll Qumommél Lim' trail'. Sui>c1·intcndcnt of L\iiiler, Doctor Hv[c\   is secretary and (uml ])UDm_mmutS, ANS amd Sficuw oi the liighest L‘iliil"i('Lt’l`, [Illia is lilt, Sophomore and {i'(‘\llll1Qll nionibers
'>-.lt—; George Olalliaiii, Hopkins- treasurer ot this body and IS on two ])Q_U,u_Um,mS tcdchiun, _‘gl,icuiuu__ll highest honor possible for an ;a5;i·i¢·ul— of the lmnel ure: li. XV. liziiighinan,
 , cli J. \\V. Selpli, LaGrange. i!11l>01‘t:=l1t Siilliiiilifi <·<111¤Y11iii€0$. U10$€ Smdemd ¤ ` tural stzuloiit. Mr. Kelley is it 1919 biaiitord; \\'. li. Blake, Jackson; YV.
.,4,7-*-4. evi ·ii.<‘<1l;i;I111iZ11ii0i1 of E!'·(,<)lllllll1lllC{l[l0Il. AH and Designs, Eugudhy Romance Science who will receive his agricul- €lz1.rl11 ii1>211'’r<>¢ Nm"
t in at ]\lt. Sterling by the Kell. ing; in (`lxit·ago at that time. He was dont activities and Ul'§,&lIliL2lil()llS. The inonihers of the active chapter \;vOj)d lim? iiixulgtoni mor K1_Yk·
y .` ;.·i·:iil1iii·al iixperinient Station, 11i*<> D1'<¥S€11i Hi U10 1110€ii11g of the AS· The dates for those rieoliugrs will of thc Alpha Zeta are: L. E. Stein- 1`um>\‘l1°" U' (" ‘\["1°m`* 1‘*`¢**1**l111?
. . . . _ _ J l' - . ·. \ v' . N _, .
 in ~ its counsel Mr. W. B. \\'l1itc, ‘io*'1“U·(m <>=A¤¤¤¤1¤¤1a1 Colkiges hold be niznouiiccd later. All grouip; will naiuscr, l)e).iossville; J. l,. Gayle. Fal- 1; M' VI mm‘m’ C"°°mlu€* O°L‘“
U me C_ W_ Jem] Company, mi in Chir·u;;o thc same week. Other meet nt the 1>;·e5iiieiit‘;; Oiigyc, GRUB; mouxli; A_ :5, (:iil, (xiliiiiiliiii; lg (;_ 1j"“i";# xfi`·‘i’o"t? H-o·M=1i<>11<¤__11‘a¤k-
ul mum, Opdmting il number of iueinbers of the faculty who attended in msgs whcyé gi-OHDS nyc wu iuygc iiotibey, Lklitlcllelmrg; il. R. Halbert, ]m’   ]`1(lgP\"'_uy* bh°1`hm`dS“‘l°; T·
ue mviud Smmms throughout this meeting wcre Thomas P. Cooper, to he ziwuxniiioilzzted. `t':uiccburg; \V. D. Salmon, Cork; M' I`l‘°Y' B‘“`1“‘i*"’“? R· [‘· Sm“i°YS•
`. ` .. . ,. v , , ..—-· .· ~ - . ·· ., _   -. - . - · V. . —. . », ·. . ,4 . CO\`i11"`i.()l`1§ N. C. Sizlelnoton Soniersetr
U dd wl. mlmw to D1.d(.m.€ d h_ l)t.1no1 the Abiirultuial College, l’10 'lnese coopctattxe conieicnucs, it (lyle Bhiml, Cymliiaiia, Jesse [`app, ’°_ _ ‘ ·
 0 yd. their dream Station in ML fesscrs Tlioinpson Bryan and Ge01‘£.<: will he renieinbereai, are ain innova- Corydon, J; J' blfmlmo Covmgmni L T· Solo
ii, mst Spring, was Succéssiuily R0i>e1‘lS, 1111ii BUSS M€Ch€YH€ Of U10 tion introduced this year {oi- the pm-. ———i—»——---- I’$`_m_iy"ll€i L J· Toiiorr Sioooi YV- L·
 i·~ mq lust week \VO1ll(‘ll`S Extension Division. pose of banding correlated depart- CITIZENS VOTE BQNDS “lmumS‘ R` O' “11Sm1* Robertson
  ` y 0_   \ _ _ I1l.;R.\V l···l, Lil ·
 de . udbwt Winn attorney for the -#—·-—— monte ioeoihoi im 1·111€11r1i ¢0<1D01'i1· FOR STATE MEIWIORIAL Young Plgg “;l;hmUl`l;u’_ Cf  
’ · I , ,- .., 2 F; ». a‘ey, a1‘1S; <. .
'. 0 un Company, appeared in open $1,521.50 PLEDGED FOR mm *1**1 bouoho _ Ridhdrdddu Somcrsét
t _;i.i ugrwi that ii judgment STUDENT Y. M. G. A. WORK 5——"“ _l_“ me "1o"oo“ Tuosoay- MV 4» the ’ '
. . . ._,.. MOUNTAIN CRAFTS T0 BE citizens of Lexington voted in favor Y`-
1; lv entered against his client _ _
lh riim of $300 00 and costs Tim annual Y- M- C· A- d1`iV€ to 111`°· SHOWN IN EXHIBITION at 3 **011* 1>1S11<= Of $75,000.00, the HWILDSATSH WIN· TIE
‘ · · t th r. t . mi cure fll1l<,iS to carry 011 the ·*Y·· work ———— money to be applied as the city`s AND LOSE A GAME
 1; ".pi€$?li_S ,,,.€__l%? · liioséui     for the forthcoming year at the Uni- The Art and Design Department, (1110m in tim €1`0€ii011 Oi U1€ K*?11i11<‘kY ’t'
    limi iumdo UEUDGI OA versity ot Kentucky, msuiteu in the under the ah-eetmh or Miss l\llll1l3. Memorial Building on the campus of ("““i“g book Sooug after S11ff€1‘i¤g
 Qi ~&¤*1Pa*~a¤¤~kr l°°i;“,€ry pledging or $1,521.50, by the faculty Bock, will hold RHI exhibition Rllltl me the University of 1‘. The ‘i“f"“*S at tho helios of I11l11‘0D1‘iati0n for the \\vii’. who pays taxes, will have it i11€kY`S mat 1'i¤101‘y 0V€1‘ Sewanee 011
ENSION MEN HELP College of Engineering last. The drive Wiii bc helil each day between the l1211`i i11 helping to erect this biiil(ling_ ii1€·T€11119SS€2111S’ field; and the fol-
PLAN FARMERS’ was ll11(lH1' the tih·e¤t1t>h or ithhert J. 1mm-S or 10 ami 12 and 1;.20 to 6. izesities this about $55,000.00 has l°“'“}¥ Week 11<>1<1¤ng the heavy vim-
ORGANIZATION Raible, Louisville, student treasurer Features of the exhibit will be been procured ·to date, after deduct- dmibm eleven to a Saarams ti€· the
.—-— of the ~y,·· fpgm the students and mountain crafts, paintin;;s hy Mrs. ing campaign expenses. Thus about ¤rS¤1¤¤ai¤1·ia¢<>rythat teams of the
 2lll'l`l10l1l21S Coo er of the Experi- . - _ l· _ E Freeman from the James Hopkins, of Cincinnati Art Mu- M55 000.00 of th ne~ · · two schools have met without Vau-
D . Piotesso \V . , q , e cessa1y$300,000.00 _ _ _ _
t Marion, accompanied by eight gaCulty_ seum; books relating to mountain sub- required to erect the building, has dgrbllt cmiuug Off v1°t°1`1°uS‘ Last
 iu·· extension men, attended 3 --—-—-—-—-—— i€€’~S» 1`01111€i i11i1i€ C011i€1‘e11CeS, leo- been pledged and Professor \V_ E_ Soturdoyr m o slow gomo on R muddY
i11=‘ Ht the H0i‘€i H3¤1`Y W3ti€1`· UNIVERSITY MAY TEACH tures, and a studio tea each day. Freeman, chairman of the campaign Helm the Kentucky tgamr with a num`
ui which a State Farm Bureau MEN AT NAVAL PQSTS   cmmnittee, expresses confidence that bor oi Sobomuios m too imo‘“}’· lost
euxucky, an association having as l-—— UNIVERSITY SENIORS the remainder will be procured in a to the University af Cmcmnatl by a·
 l»_i~t·tive the betterment of agri- Men at naval posts may receive edu- DISCUSS HONOR SYSTEM short time, 0`7 soo*`o·
rail conditions in the State, was eiitiohhl training through correspond- -—— —-—-——;— ———-— -a
 ml. mcg Offered by the Extension DiVie— As a probable result of the estab- UNIVERSITY SELECTS SIX ORATORS TO CONTEST AT
 i\\·*Ol1 200 and 300 farmers, repre- ion of the Un1vers1tyh0f Kelltlleky. if lislung and successful working out of MOST POPULAR (}()-EDS_ UNIVERSITY QF KENTUCKY
iii; mh.ty_0n€ counties of Ken. full informauon 011 t e C011fSe 1S S3 · the honor system by the girls of the -;— -———
y_ were pmsenh isf;iei·oi·y to officials of the Bureau University of Kentucky in the govem- In the annual popularity contest held The annual contest of the Southern
 0 Organization is nompolmcaly of Nm-ig;igi0ii_ {nent, of their dgriiiitgrjggy a Commit. at the University of Kentucky under Oratorical League will be held at the
$1‘1‘l2ll‘i21l1 and non-secret. This or- V \Vellington Patrick, Director of Ex- tee has been appointed at a recent H13 311Sl1i€€S of the K9Y1t11Cki311, the U11iV€1`SiiY ef Ke11111l‘kY. N111`<¢i1 5,1920.
zauimm represents what is really tezrion, has received a letter from the meeting of the senior class, to inves- U111V€1‘S1iY 31111113} staff, the following ReD1`eS€11t3iiV9S of the following COL
Urst attempt to organize farmers bureau asking for details of work be- tigate the working of the honor sys- co—eds· were d€€i31`€d the 1110Si D0D11if11‘ i€g€S 31`G to miie l131‘ti J0i111S HODki11S `