xt7n8p5v8b2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5v8b2h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1899 journals kaes_bulletins_085 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.85. text Bulletin n.85. 1899 1899 2014 true xt7n8p5v8b2h section xt7n8p5v8b2h   KENTUCKY
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.   Agrxcultural Expemmcnt Stauon. F
i HART BOSWELL, Chairman, Lexington, Ky. V
( J. T. GATHRIGHT, Louisville, Ky.
, 'FHOS. TODD, Shelbyville, Ky.
ri 1 J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College.
> M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary. A
l\l. A. SCOVELL, Director.  j
A. M. rerun,  t
V Chemists. .
  H. GARMAN, Entoinologist and Botanist.  
(J. W. MATHEWS, Hortieulturist. _
J. N. HARPER, Agrieulturist. {
EDWARD RHORER, Secretary to Director.
\\'. ll. SCIrlERl<`L`lUS,· { Asst tflielnists.
\\'. A. l&l·1AT1‘Y, s
Address of the Stzttion—LEXlNGTON, KY.
. The Bulletins of tl1e Station will be mailed free to any citizen of
Kentucky who sends his name and address to the Station for `
that purpose. 4
Correspondents will please notify the Director of changes in
their post-otlice address, or of any failure to receive the Bulletins.
l liiaxrueicv ;XL}R1(}l`l,Tl_`l{.\I. EXL’1·]l·rcriaZ Fertilizers. 81
‘ fullyimade up by an excess in one or both ofthe others. Under T
.¥ , V the heading, "Relative Value Per T0n," is shown in howmany ·
, instances the Hestirnated value per ton," calculated from our
analysis, equals or exceeds the value calculated from the man-
» · ufacturer’s minimum guaranteed analysis, and in how many it [
is too low, reasonable allowance having been made for un-    
avoidable variations. This table should be carefully studied.   _
It concisely reviews each firm, showing how the samples of §
fertilizers taken from various places in the State compare with T ·
what was guaranteed. In order, however, to see the amount ‘‘`,
of variations from the guaranteed analyses, this table should H
be studied in connection with the table of results of analyses, I
which follows this introduction. This table can be easily re-
ferred to, as the names of the firms are arranged in alphabet-
ical order. · if
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 Conzmcwial Fertilrizciw. 8:7
It is evident from the preceding table that while most of the
·_ ; A fertilizers examined ran above the minimum guarantee, yet a I
thorough and careful inspection seems essential. It is hoped
that farmers will generally take advantage of Section S of the
· fertilizer law, and when they purchase fertilizers, at least in `  ‘,
quantity, that they take a sample in accordance with Section   V.
8 and send it to the Station for free analysis. ;
The essentials in taking a sample are: 1. Take it at the i
time of purchase, and if possible, in the presence of agent or i lv
seller. 2. Take a sample from not less than two bags, and  
from one additional bag for every ten purchased; mix these
samples carefully and take at least a pint of this mixed
sample, put it into a fruit jar, seal, box and express to M. A.
Scovell, Director, Lexington, Ky. 3. Take the sample in the .
presence of at least one witness, and have the Witness sign the J
required certificate. 4. The certificate for free analysis to be if
sent by mail and should be in accordance with the law   given
in Section 8. __
If the sample is taken in accordance with the above direc-  
tions it may be sent. by express and the charges will be paid  
by the Station. Q
A good form of certificate is the following, and blank certifi- .,
cates will be sent free to any farmer requesting the same. V}
1 . .............................. 190 I "
  M. A. S<*o\‘1im.. llircetor, Lexington, Ky.: r
f This is to certify that I am not a dealer in. or agent for the . 3
sale of any fertilizer, and that the fertilizer. a sample of which  
I have sent by express to you for free analysis was purchased  
by me for my own use and not for sale. if
I further certify that the sample was taken at the ti111e of i
purchase from at least lll per cent. of the sacks or other pack-
ages comprising the whole lot purchased, that the sacks or other
packages were tagged with tags bearing the facsimile signa-
W .
I     V i I ` J ‘ »¤·=#-·&—--- vnu. ».•1 .

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;.    I   86 Bulletin N0. 85.
~ _i     ture of the Director, and that it was taken as provid ed in Sec-
$ i f I tion 8 of the fertilizer law in the following described manner, _ ,
_ l i   to-wit:.. ................................................ i I
Q ..................... . .................................
Upon receipt of the analysis from you, I agree to furnish you
with a tag taken from one of the sacks sampled, the name and
address of the firm or agent of whom the fertilizer was pur-
, chased, and the amount purchased.
  (Signature) ...................... ....
(P. O. Address) ..........................
Signatures of witnesses 1
Should, however, any farmer desire to take a sample and not
have a blank certificate at hand, he may write one in full like
the form above given, or take the sample in presence of seller -
and witness and so mark it that he can identify it subse— U V
quently in a certificate, and send it at once to the Experiment
Station with the request that the Station furnish form of cer-
tificate, such certificate to be filled out upon receipt covering
the sample and properly signed by sender and witnesses and
, sent by return mail to the Station.
Sswriow Piaovrnrxo ron FREE AN.u.Ys1s.—Tlie section of i
, the Fertilizer Law, providing for the taking of samples for free
i analysis is as follows:

 Commercial Fertilizers. ' 87 l
SEC. 8. Any person not a dealer in, or agent for the sale of  
__ _ any fertilizer who may purchase any commercial fertilizer in  
‘ ’ this State for his own use and not for sale, may take a sample r
of the same for analysis, which analysis shall be made by the ,
. said Experiment Station free of charge. , Such samples for free
· · analysis shallbe taken by the purchaser in presence of the per- A
son, company or agent selling the fertilizer, from at least ten  i .»
(10) per cent. of the sacks or other packages comprising the Y
whole lot purchased, and shall be thoroughly mixed and at 1 ·
least one pound of the material after mixing must be put into a Y
jar or can, securely sealed and marked in such a way as to ’ ‘
surely identify the sample and show by whom it was sent. ·‘
without giving the name of the fertilizer or the person from ”
whom it was purchased, and must be forwarded to the Director -
of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington,
Ky. The purchaser shall also send with the sample a certifi—
cate signed by himself and witness, or by two witnesses, stat-
ing that the sender has purchased the fertilizer for his own use ’
and not for sale, and that the sample was taken in the manner  
prescribed in this Section. Provided, however, that if the per- ·
son, company or agent shall refuse to witness the taking of the
sample, then the sample may be taken at the time of the pur- _
chase in the manner already described in the presence of two  
witnesses who shall certify to the manner of taking the sample. Q-
The purchaser shall preserve the oflicial label from one of the _f
bags or other packages sampled to be sent to the Director after Q
having received the report of analysis of the sample, and at the .,
same time he shall furnish to the Director the name and ad- ,
dress of the firm of whom the fertilizer was purchased and the  
amount purchased; and any person having sent a sample for ¤
· · free analysis, under the provisions of this Section, who shall, ‘
after having received the report of analysis of the same, refuse T G,.
to furnish the required information, shall thereafter forfeit the ‘
_ privilege of free analysis of fertilizers under this Section. But V _
if any sample shall have been submitted for free analysis {
without all the requirements of this Section having been com- I
plied with, the Director shall inquire into the case and may ac-  
ceptthe sample for free analysis if he believes that it is a fair ‘  
sample of the fertilizer as it was delivered to the purchaser. Q

 r V
  Y l . *  
      r   l
; g 5 g l
      88 BuH¢¤{/i·n N0. 8:7.
I ;  
l .   Tum Amrocrc FERTILIZER Wonks, CHICAGO, ILL.
· l
A§ _ 5 N0. 5624-Bone Meal, collected by deputy inspector fro1n
  ’ stock of Forbes & Bro., Hopkinsville, Ky. (Spring K
Y, shipment) .
S No. 6012-—-Same brand, etc., from fall shipment.
  . » No. 5598——Grain Grower, collected by-deputy inspector from
, stock of Joplin Implement Co., Elizabethtown, Ky.
I No. 5578—Ammoniated Bone with Potash, collected by dep-
  uty inspector from stock of R. O. Dorsey, St.
, Matthews, Ky.
No. 5622—Tobacco Grower, collected bydeputy inspector from
lot purchased by R. C. Gary, Hopkinsville, Ky.
No. 5f$‘23—Bone, Blood and Potash, collected by deputy in-
spector from lot purchased by C. Gregory, Church
g Hill, Ky.
  No. 5898—Star Phosphate, collected by deputy inspector from
stock of Irvington Milling Co., Irvington, Ky.
Przrim B,xc1, O. 1
`R “ No. 5956—Phospho Bone, collected by deputy inspector C
from stock of R. W. Newman, Lewisburg, Ky.
No. 5957-XXX Phosphate, collected by deputy inspector
if from stock of R. W. Newman, Lewisburg, Ky. _ ·i
' No. 55T5—VVhite Burley Tobacco Fertilizer, sent by F. L. Har- l   
mon, Germantown, Ky.   W
CoN'r1NENrA1. FnR*rn.iznR Co., NAsnv11.1,12,TENN. 7 .
No. 5952—-Bear Beef, Blood and Bone, collected by deputy in-  
spector from stock of Tom Huffaker, Monticello, .
Ky. i
No. 5953—Bear Special \Vbeat and Corn Guano, collected by
deputy inspector from stock of Tom Huffaker, .
Monticello, Ky.  
No. G(J13—Same brand, etc.,from Hill & Helsley, Central City,  
Tun CURRIE Fl]l{.'I`II.lZl·IR Co., Loiiisvinma, KY.  
No. 592—l—Currie’s Soluble Bone, collected by deputy inspector ‘qi
from lot purchased by John Sandmyar, Cane Valley, `;
Ky. .,
No. ($tl21——Same brand, etc., from stock of Young, \\'aller & `_,
Young, Morganlield, Ky.  
. . No. 5$)25—-Currie”s Corn and `Nheat Special. collected by dep- T
uty inspector from stock of C. \\'. Quiggius, Eliza- ~ ,,_
bethtown, Ky. "
· · W No. ($ll22—Same brand, Hf($.,rfl`OIT1 Ilughcs, Coffey  Hunter, A
(lradyville, Ky. '
No. 5$)2($——(`urrie`s Butchertown llaw llone Meal, collected by  
deputy inspector from stock of (I. W. Quiggins, · g
Elizabethtown, Ky.  
No. 5739——Currie’s Raw Bone Meal, collwcted by deputy in-  
l Spector from stock ofiftfeorgc   Dick & Bro., Mill if
l Springs, Ky. C
No. 5927——Hame brand, etc., from (Y. VV. Quiggins, Elizabeth-
f town, Ky.
' ii- »“`    - . .
. ' ·*··’¤--··-¤—-··- i•~•..4~ Q1 ` ',

 r V
, 2     90 Bulletin N0. 85.
. ' . ,   Gnoea FERTILIZER Co., Louisyinnn, KY.
A J   No. 5590--Kentucky Standard Tobacco Grower, collected by `» '
A p t deputy inspector from stock of \Vells, Miller & Per-
  V   kins, Elkton, Ky.
Y1 , No. 5646—Same brand, etc.,fromlotpurchased by J. A. Brown- ` ‘
° l ing, Church Hill, Ky.
` No. 5503—Globe Special Tobacco Grower, sent by Peter Gem-
  mell, Geneva, Ky.
  No. 5573-—Same brand, sent by F. L. Harmon, Germantown.
é Ky-
l l No. 5615—Same brand, collected by deputy inspector from
A Gus Young, Hopkinsville, Ky.
No. 5577—Globe Potato Grower, collected by deputy inspector
from stock of A. Button & Son, Louisville, Ky.
No. 5589—Eagle Corn and Wheat Grower, collected by deputy
{ inspector from stock of Wells, Miller & Perkins,
.   Eikmn, Ky.
· N0. 59S6—Same brand, etc., from C. E. Owen, Madisonville,
No. GOO6——Same brand, etc., from Ray & Green, Fredonia,
No. 5588-—Big Four Tobacco Grower, collected by deputy
inspector from stock of Vllells, Miller & Perkins.
Elkton, Ky.
No. 5987-Golden Harvest Bone Meal, collected by deputy .
inspector from stock of J. M. Tindell. Ekron, Ky. }
No. 55S7——Progress \Vl1eat and Corn Grower, collected by dep-  
uty inspector from stock of \Vclls, Miller & Perkins, f »
Elkton, Ky.
No. 56l3—Same brand, etc., from J. M. Francis, Gracey, Ky.
No. 5G14—Same brand, etc., from Smith Bros., Princeton, Ky.
No. 59SS——Globe \Vheat Grower, collected by deputy inspector
from stock of Hunt & Crutcher, Vine Grove, Ky.
  No. 55GS—·Bone & Potash, collected by deputy inspector from
stock of A. Button ry Son, Louisville, Ky.
, ~ No. 559l—Globe Bone Dust, collected by deputy inspector
from stock of l). lC. Pslttcrson, llodgenyille, Ky.

 Commercial Fertilizers. Q 91 T
No. 5567——Globe Soluble Vegetable Manure, collected by dep-
_ uty inspector from stock of A. Button & Son, Louis-
n l ville, Ky.
No. 5592——Globe Bone Meal. collected by deputy inspector
_ I from stock of J. T. Harris & Bro., Franklin, Ky. ,
J. B. Joxss, Louisvnrma, KY.    
No. 5607——Corn Grower, collected by deputy inspector from  
stock of John Heinz & Co., Louisville, Ky. J .
No. 5608—-Tobacco and Potato Grower, same as above.  
No. 5937--Ammoniated Bone Meal, collected by deputy in- ”
spector from stock of I. K. Miller, Campbellsville,
No. 5938—Wheat Grower, same as above.
THE Joxss Fsivrimzixe Co., CINCINNATI, Orno.  
No. 5916——Bone Meal, collected by deputy inspector from
stock of Buchanan & Sanders, Campbellsville, Ky. _..
V No. 5917-Ammoniated Bone, collected by deputy inspector TQQ
from stock of Lewis & Co., Glendale, Ky. · 'Q
No. 5617-Bone and Potash, collected by deputy inspector ·  
from lot purchased by VValter Foard, Church Hill, Y,
Ky. ,2;
No. 5918—Same brand, etc., from stock of VV. T. Kirkman,  
- Elkton, Ky.
No. 561(5—Tobaceo and Potato Grower, collected by deputy  
inspector from lot purchased by Gus Goodwin, _‘°
· Julien, Ky. ·
No. 5G25—Same brand, etc., from stock of A, S. \Vhite, Hop- '
kinsville, Ky.  
No. 5618-Miami Valley, collected by deputy inspector from ‘  
stock of A. S. \Vhite, llopkinsville`, Ky.  
No. 5919-Jones’ Reliable, collected by deputy inspector from  
stock of Buchanan dk Sanders, Campbcllsville, Ky. J
No. 592()—Jcwel Phosphate, collected by deputy inspector i
from stock of Buchanan & Sanders, Uampbellsville,
. '°'*—-·~···-···- lisa. ¤..[ ` ll

  ;   l
K,   I  H2 Bulletin N0. 85.
· yi   _ Louisvihnic FmR*r11.1zER Womcs, LOUISVILLE, KV.
Y ’   N0. 5939—Corn and Wheat Grower, collected by deputy in-
.  `   spector from stock of Albert Blair, Columbia, Ky. ‘ '
    { No. 5596—Potato and Tobacco Grower, collected by deputy
a   inspector from stock of L. S. Brough, Bowling
‘._ Q Green, Ky. . f '
No. 5597——Soluble Bone and Potash, collected by deputy in-
i . specter from stock of L. S. Brough, Bowling Green,
, Ky.
  No. 5940—Wheat Grower, collected by deputy inspector from
E ~ lot purchased by J. F. West, Mill Springs, Ky.
, No. 595l··S2LI'l1O brand, sent by Steven Everin, Avoca, Ky.
N0. 60()O——Same brand, collected by deputy inspector from
stock of D. L. Sandifer, Beaver Dam, Ky.
No. 59411-Bone Meal-, collected by deputy inspector from lot
purchased by S. & M. Shearer, Shearer Valley, Ky.
Q No. 595-f—-Same brand, etc., from stock of Gregory & Co.
  Cloverport, Ky.
No. 5955-—Same brand, etc., from \V._ T. Kirkman, Elkton, Ky.
No. 5942~I{aw Bone Meal, collected by deputy inspector from
stock of Nat Meguiar, Franklin, Ky.
No. 5991-—Same brand sent by Geo. W. Dant. Dant, Ky.
A. B. l\I.wea, lVI’r’u Co.,   Louis, Mo.
No. 5t$2l—.»\nchor Brand Corn and Wheat Grower. collected
· by deputy inspector from stock of Smith Bros., V
Princeton. Ky. I
No. SS94-—Same brand, ctc., from M<¤(`lanahan Bros., Frank-
_ lin, Ky.
No. 5909-Same brand, etc., from Brashear & Co., Sonora, Ky. `
No. 5946-Same brand. etc., from Smith Bros., Princeton,
Ky. (Fall shipment).
No. 5395—Anchor Brand Pure Bone Meal, collected by dep-
uty inspector from stock of Brasher & Co., Sonora,
, Ky.
I No. 59l(l—Same brand, etc., from l\IeClanahan Bros., Frank-
_ lin. Ky.
` No. 594T——Same brand, ctc., from XV. M. Lovell, Green-
ville, Ky.

 Commercial Fertilizers. 93
, , No. 5897——Meridian Home Mixture, collected by deputy in- l
spector from stock of Goodwin &Waddle, Som·
erset, Kyi .
J ‘ MICHIGAN Cannon Worms, Dsraorr, Mrcn. _  
No. 5982—Homestead Corn and Wheat Grower, collected by   `
deputy inspector from stock of J. R. Davis & Bro.,  
Campbellsville, Ky. Y
N o. 6014——Same brand, etc., from D. Childres, Auburn, Ky.  
No. 5595—Homestead Tobacco Grower, collected by deputy °
inspector from stock of Wells, Miller & Perkins,
Elkton, Ky.
No. 5593—Desiccated Bone, collected bv deputv inspectorfrom
stock of Wells, Miller & Perkins, Elkton, Ky. ‘
N0. 5983—Acid Phosphate, collected by deputy inspector from  
stock of L. J. Bryan, Stithton, Ky. `
No. 5594-Red Line Complete Manure, collected by deputy
inspector from stock of Wells, Miller & Perkins,  
Elkton, Ky.  Z
No. 5984-Red Line Crop Grower, collected by deputy inspec-  
tor from stock of J. H. Thurman, Somerset. Ky. l
No. 5985-Red Line Ammoniated Phosphate, collected by _`·
deputy inspector from stock of J. D. Jackson, Scotts- J l
_ burg, Ky.  
— No. 5581—Corn Grower, collected by deputy inspector from PQ
J stock of Wells, Miller & Perkins, Elkton, Ky. ‘ A
L N0. 5579—Tobacc0 Grower, collected by deputy inspector from r
stock of Wells, Miller & Perkins,Elkton, Ky.  
No. 5647—Same brand, etc., from lot purchased by W. L. Cau- _ 3
dle, Herndon, Ky.  
No. 6002——Same brand, etc., from stock of W. S. Knight,  
:$’>" Jamestown, Ky. J . . S
No. 5583—Acid Phosphate, collected by deputy inspector from ·
stock of Wood & Mueller, Glasgow, Ky. `
No. 5580-Sadler’s Formula, collected by deputy inspector
from stock of VVells, Miller & Perkins, Elkton, Ky.
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  l` it   94 Bulletin N0. 85.
l ` j   No. 5584-Pure Bone Meal, collected by deputy inspector from
.  A [ L stock of Wood & Mueller, Glasgow. Ky. _
      No. 5582—National Dissolved Bone, collected by deputy in-
  2 spector from stock of Hill & McElroy, Bowling
  l Green, Ky. . .
_ No. 6003-—Twentieth Century Guano, collected by deputy in-
Y - i l spector from stock of W. S. Knight, Jamestown, Ky.
a No. "6004—Wheat Grower, collected by deputy inspecter from
  stock of Wilson Bros., Adairville, Ky.
i No. 5605-Horse Shoe Brand Fine Raw Bone, collected by
deputy inspector from stock of H. C. Smith, Mgr.,
Louisville, Ky. .
, No. 6008-H. S. B. Pure Ground Bone, collected by deputy in-
  spector from stock of Alex Hendry, Webster, Ky. L
  No. 5602-—H. S. B. Raw Bone and Superphosphate Mixture,
collected by deputy inspector from stock of H. C.
_ Smith, Mgr., Louisville, Ky.
No. 5554-H. S. B. Tobacco Grower, collected by deputy in-
spector from stock of H. C. Smith, Mgr., Louis-
ville, Ky. L
No. 5574-—Same brand, sent by F. L._ Harmon, Germantown,
A Ky.
No. 5630-Same brand, collected by deputy inspector from
stock of Alvin Richey & Co., Princeton,;Ky. , ·
No. 5555-H. S. B. Ky. Tobacco Grower, collected by deputy l
l inspector from stock of H. C. Smith, Mgr., Louis-
ville, Ky. ‘
No. 5553-H. S. B. Challenge Corn Grower, collected by dep-
uty inspector from stock of W. P. Hall, Jefferson-
town, Ky.
No. 5552-H. S. B. Potato Grower, collected by deputy in-
e , spector from stock of W. P. Hall, Jeifersontown,
. · N0. 5603-H. S. B. Corn and Wheat Grower, collected by dep-
uty inspector from stock of H. C. Smith, Manager,
Louisville, Ky.

 Oorrmzercial Fertilizers. 95
No. 6009-H. S. B. Acidulated Bone and Potash, collected by  
· deputy inspector from stock of J. J. Carr, Science
Hill, Ky.
No. 6023—Sarne brand, etc., from Bryan & Clayton, Edmon-
i · ton, Ky. ,  Q
No. 6031—Same brand. etc., from Ross Rogers, Hopkinsville, E j
No. 5556-H. S. B. Bone and Potash, collected by deputy in- Y ,
spector from stock of H. C. Smith, Manager, Louis-  
ville, Ky, "
N0. 5604-H. S. B. Acidulated Bone, collected by deputy in-
spector from stock of H. C. Smith, Manager,
Louisville, Ky. l
· No. 6010—H. S. B. Quick Acting Phosphate, collected by dep· J
i uty inspector from stock of J. J. Carr, Science Hill, {
. Ky. `
No. 5629—H. S. B. Special High Grade Tobacco Grower, col-
lected by deputy inspector from lot purchased by  
J. F. Garnett, The Square, Ky.  
Tm: Orno FAmrsns’ Fsnirrnizmn Co., Conmisus. O.  
No. 5S88—Acid Phosphate, collected by deputy inspector from Y,
stock of Buchanan & Sanders, Carnpbellsville, Ky. li}
No. 5900-—Same brand, etc., from A. Weatherford&Son, Har- ·  
ned, Ky. . *
' ` No. 5811—Soluble Bone and Potash, collected by deputy in- Q,.
l spector from stock of Watkins & Edwards, Hop- _°
l kinsville, Ky. ·
` N0..5889—Same brand, etc., from A. Vileatherford & Son, i
Harned, Ky.  
No. 5901—Same brand, etc., from Buchanan & Sanders, '  
Campbellsville, Ky.  
No. 5999—Same brand, etc., from J. VV. Kelly, Leitchfield,  
No. 5610—Corn, Oats and Wheat Fish Guano, collected by i
deputy inspector from Watkins & Edwards, Hop-
kinsville, Ky.
No. 5884-Same brand, sent by Arthur Goodman, Harned, Ky.
    `-    .   .. . c  . ,__,_ ____, _ _,

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_` A   96 Bulletin N0. 85.
" T l No. 5890-—Same brand, collected by deputy inspector from·
  `   stock of Buchanan & Sanders, Campbellsville, Ky.
f _   No. 5902-Same brand, etc., from J. W. Pate, Jolly Station, i. `
  t Ky.
,   No. 5903-Same brand, etc., from Goodwin & Hollinsworth, l _
_ Hopkinsville, Ky.
[ J No. 5609-Tobacco Special, collected by deputy inspector from
: J lot purchased by L. H. Smithson, Church Hill, Ky,
  No. 5619-Same brand, etc., from stock of Watkins & Ed-
  wards, Hopkinsville, Ky.
_ y No. 5891-—Fine Ground Bone Meal, collected by deputy in·
spector from stock of J. W. Pate, Jolly Station, Ky.
No. 5892-Imperial Raw Bone, collected by deputy inspector
from stock of A. Weatherford & Sou, Hamed, Ky.
No. 5904-Same brand, etc., from Goodwin & Hollinsworth,
  Hopkinsville, Ky.
*{ No. 5893-Desiccated Bone Meal, collected by deputy in-
spector from stock of Buchanan & Sanders. Camp-
bellsville, Ky.
` No. 5905——Same brand, etc., from A. Weatherford & Son,
Hamed, Ky.
No. 5600—·High.Grade Tobacco Grower, collected by deputy
inspector from stock of Wood & Mueller, Glasgow,.
No. 5626——Blood and Bone No. 1, collected by deputy in-- `
spector from stock of A. A. and M. F. Winfree,.
Casky, Kv.
No. 5992-—Same brand, etc., from R. M. Gill, Allensville, Ky, `
No. 5928-—Alkaline Bone, sent by J. M. Stamp, Bonnieville,
No. 5989-Same brand, collected by deputy inspector
_ from stock of Hines, Swope & Co., Science Hill,
‘ Ky.
No. 6001—Same brand, etc., from Bearce & Co., Bowling
° A Green, Ky.
No. 6015——Same brand, etc.. from J. McClain Stanley, Hen-
derson, Ky.

 Commercial Fertilizers. 97 ‘
No. 6032—Same brand, etc., from B. F. Beard, Dillon & C0., l
` Hardinsburg, Ky. ,
l No. 6140—Same brand, etc., from J. McClain Stanley, Hend- J
erson, Ky. (Last shipment).
_ A No. 5993—Farmers’ Special Manure, collected by deputy in-
' spector from stock of VV. H. Bland, Sonora, Ky. , » Q.
No. 6007—Same br