xt7n8p5v7t39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5v7t39/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Harlan County--Directories Kentucky--Harlan County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Harlan County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Harlan County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7n8p5v7t39 section xt7n8p5v7t39       T   mw * V* MIUNTMWIMIwww         I  
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4 I GUIDE TO    
  I It Compiled for


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L,_ t. U · (ig  
By The
_ War Services Section -
Service Division
{L5, Work Projects Administration I .o·-·“   _
- A Louisville, Kentucky  
V October 1942 ` .
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§° Harlan City¤G0unty Defense Council
é The Harlan County Defense Council is affiliated
%V with the Kentucky'Defense Council
.Q _ ` Frankfort, Kentucky
Q Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
Q Chairman `
i dohn J. Greenleaf, State Director of
·§ Civilian Defense _
g Major J. A. Gregory, Chairman
§_ D. E. Perkins, Vice—Chairman James F, Bryson, Coordinator
V Richard Helms Kyle Whitehead `
“ F. R. Trovillion `W, EQ Arnold
C Gus B. Bruner C. D. Evans
, Dr. P. O. Lewis J. W. Oakley
l` This guide is prepared for the official use
5Q· of the Defense Council of Harlan County and
§ other agencies engaged in defense work; It
%' “ . should not be made available for conmercial
T uses Additional copies can be obtained at
$4 the office of the Harlan County Defense

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‘§ A§ERICAN LECION, HARLAN'POST #64 (National American Legion), q/o Walter N.
—; Hays, South Main'Street, Harlan. Founded 1920. Contender, Gus B. Bruner,
‘; 210 tbund Street, Harlan. Telephone 572»J. Adjutant, Walter F. Hays.
} Telephone 779. Terms expire l9é2.. · _
~; , ? Membership: 90. Qualifications, a veteran of World Ear I with honorable
V.‘*. Vdischarge.
it Committees: Executive, Sherman Burkhart, Martin Street, Harlan.
2, Purpose: Promotion of one hundred per cent Americanism.
-}· Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with all civic, religious and benevolent
r`. organizations. General public services carried on. `
` `» Defense Activities: Interested in Air Raid`Uarden Service.
’ Local Publications: None.
{ AMERICAN RED CROSS, HARLAN COUNTY CQAPTHR (American National Red Cross),'c/oi
· w- . . · . » - e . .
i C. O. noskins;·206 Cumberland Avenue, darlan. _bcunded l9l8. Cnairman, C. O.
A Hoskins. Telephone 54. Term indefinite. , "
l lmrmcrsbipz 650. Qualifications, contribution of one dollar or more annually.
§ Committees; lknmcrship, N. H. Nool,'First Street; Disaster, James Sryson,` .
Q First Street; Relief, C. A. Wardrup, Central Street; lkdical Aid, Dr.‘N. R. '
  Parks, South Main Street; Publicity, Douglas Terry, 5rd Street, Harlan,· {
\ r .
{ Purposo:’ Emergency relief in time of disaster; service and relief for umn of
§ · U. S. Armed Forces and their families. ‘ I .
1 ,
Normal Civic Activities: First Aid instruction and advice on home hygiene and
nursing. Cooperating with N. Y. A. Nutrition Program. Home Service for the
families of the men in thc U. S. Armed Forces. ‘_
—Qefcnse Activities:“ Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, Preparation
and Serving of Food, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas. Training for
Child Care. W ;»
gocal Publications: None. ‘ - _
l B'NAI SHOLOM SISTERHOOD (National Federation of Temple Sistcrhoods) c/o Nancy
Q Etlin,‘lO8 Bailey Street, Harlan. Iresident, lbs. Sophia Geller, 201 Crunb
Q AVGHUG, Harlan. Telephone CBQJW. Secretary, Nancy Btlin. Telephone SSI.
A Terms expire l942. ·
E .
Q§fbcrshipE 29, Open to wives, daughters, sisters and mothnrs.of members of
the Temple. I n
' , . 9
. ·'£‘ A

 ..2.. A
B'¤ai Shelom Sisterhood (Continued) Q B
Committees: Executive, Hrs. Fred Friedmen, Harlan. TU
Purpose: To assist in raising money for the support of the Temple and charities. _
———————~— Mo
. . . . . A . . . . . to
Normal Civic Activities: Ceoperates with all service clubs in their charity _ Qi
‘ . . . T . . ,.. . . . . Di
Defense Activities: interested in Ambulance Service, nospital and Clinical §%
Assistance, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assisttnce, R
. . . . 1 . . . . . e
First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Feed, Operation of Cantoons, Child Care, _
Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Entertainmrnt, Teaching Literacy L
1 . , a . .»... , . . e
Classes lor Aliens and Others Teachin: nnericanization Classes for Aliens and _ M-
3 -
Others, Research Assistance, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, Interviewing. _
. . M eq BU
Local Publications: none. Hg
-. V Te
. ’ » ’ Nb
Anwrica),'c/o C. Hr Copeland, QOS Surgener avenue, jarlan. Founded 1929. i E;
President, C. O. Hoskins, 206 Cumberland Avenue, Harlan. Assistant‘Sceut U “
Executive, C. H. Copeland. Telephone 8l2#N, Terms expire December, 1942. , CC
I . . . _ . F .. .-  
Membership: e75 boys, e75 men. Open to uoys not under ls years oi age able to a Or
pass scout tests and requirements and adults who are outstanding citizens of ` L
_ their community. T DL
. » . ,. . -. . ~. ..,. .,   . . EE
Cenmittees: Organization, E. T..iicks; Camping, r. r. Caweod; nealth and ·
Safety, Dr. L. C. Hoskins; Advancehent, Rev, Martin J. Andrews; Finance, L. C. 3 N
. - . . n -- l <
Henderson, all of Harlan; Training, E. n, dorsworthy, Loyall, H-
` . . . . . . . l D<
Purpose: Character building and citizenship training. 7;
- . . . . . . .. t . . . . ·. , ~ O
Normal Qrvic Activities: Training for hed Cross Assistance, First aid.
Interested in Anbulance Eurwlee, J ilrcticn of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, " L(
Library1Service, Signal Strvicee. . ~.
p Qefense Activities: Training for Red Cross Assistance, First Aid.“ Interested m
in Amoulance Service, Collection of Mcrap tktals and Other Metals, Library ' T
Scrvice, Signal Services. ii
. . { T C1
Local Publications: annual Report. ‘
‘,.  TT
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, TROOF #98 (Natitnal Bay Scouts of America), q/0 Bert U
' ‘ ' O f .· ,_ . ~._j _ — if . — ·
O. Fields, loin street, Cumberland. ·?eunded l9e5. President, Joe Isaacs, P
"·l`v r`· ~~> '~ ~. ». ’? ' ····  ‘ ..
main Street, Cuxierland. Telephone ee. Sceutuaster, Bert O. Fields. Terms 3 m
expire" December, 1942. rg
., ,_ . Q . .. . T C
nengaijnnmlr c6, Open te boys lp years of age and over who can pass the tender- ? T
feet test as required of National Organization. O T N
Committees: Local, J. E. Isaacs, Cumberland, _`

 é -5*
Q Boy Scouts of America, Troop #98 (Continued)
§ Purpeser Scouting, training and developing character and citizenship in boys.
S- i - . . ~ . .,. · . ,.. . . . ; 2 .
g Mormal_Civicj{qtivrties: Ceeperates with civic orgarizatinns in collecting
E; toys at Christmas for ne L
Defenseggetivitiesz Entergsted in Motor Corp: S~rv’ue ;_. _? ring and Preparation V
of Surgi:al`Dressings, Red Cross assistance, Pir¤t`h¤i, Trtparation and A E
Serving of Food,'0peratien of vinzcems, Child Fi·<, Ycljee *’s‘ ion of Scrap lktals .
and Other lbtals. Hnterteinment, Recreation, L;b¤arv Ssxvice, Discussion g
Leaders. ‘ d
Local Publications. None. V
"“""""“""""“"` ’.. [
, , V T
_ I
HlRLaN COUKTY GIRL SCCUT aSEOGlLTTOH,“(UationiX @1r* Szeats of America),'q/o · A
_ lbs. C. M. Ball, 5l5 Perth Elm Street, Harlan. '7eanded_lQ29. President, Mrs.
C. E. Ball. Telephone Bl. Seeretary—Treasurer, Fred Lewis,`Harlan. Vice- ,· 2
' President, lbs. Kathleen Phillips, Loyall. Terms indefinite.
Lhrmprshipi 400. Qualifications, girls from lO to 18 years of ago and of ° Q i
good moral character. ~ L ·
Boardmofegirectersi las. L. P. Johnson, Crummies; Mrs. D. H. Fields,‘Cumber—.’ J
land; lms. a. b. Shurtleff, Lynch. T

_ Harlan County Girl Scout Association i(Continued)· ’ -’
· Purpose: Training girls in character building,rhealth, hcrmmaking and
’» Normal Civiollgtivities: Cooperation with various.roligieusQorganizatiens and
service clubs in their activities.
4 Defense égtivitiesz Interested in Sewing and Preparation ef_Surgical=Dressings,
* First aid, Collection of Scrap lbtals and Other lbtals, Collecting Books.
' `C Local Publications: "Camp O' Cumberland" (Annual). C ` `”
. HARLAN COUNTY HOTELDKERS FEDERnTlOH, (Kentucky Honemakers Fcderativn; Extension
‘ Scrvicc,ef University of Kentucky), lks..C. R. Brack, Lanellen..Foundod'l926.
_ Brcsident, lhs. C. R. Eraeko Secretary, lbs. J. L. Lawson, Wallins Creek. ·__ '
; Terms expire November, 19iB. Executive Secretafy, Hrs, Roxio C,-Perkins, H.D·A,,
?; VCourt Hesse, Harlan. Telephone ll?. Term indaiin te.
H lbmbershipi 279. Open to any woman interested in the betterment of living
* ·cenditi;ns. -_ A ». r
=D Corndtteos: Clothing, Yrs. John lnyhew, Chcvroloty Foods and Hutriticn,·'
’” Eks. Noah Cridor, Liggett; Citizenship, iis. E. H, Rainey, Evartsg G¤rdon,».
" Lbs. C, C, Christian, Harlan} Enorgcncy Hutriti;nal Prograra las. Joe Nitchell,»
1 Loyall; Library, Thelrm. Bay; Bastor, ‘ ‘ ‘
Purpose: To better living e;nditions.,, _ · .
l Normal Civic Activities: Ccuntyiwido service ii plnrn‘nq adrquate family
diets ard better living ccrditions. Home inrravonont, health, sanitati.n and
study of ford and nutrition.
_ V~ Defense nctivitios: Engaged in Preparation and Serving if Food. Training for
First nid, Discussion Leaoers. lntorestod in Sewing`and Eroparatitn of V
rSurgieal Dressings, Red Cross nssistance, Child Cara, Public Speaking. R
local Tublicatiens: Circular Lcttrrs (lnt¤r¤itt;ntly). .
C HKRLANQCOUHTY TEDICAL SOCIETY`(Kentucky State Fkdical.Soeiety),'South Main ` ‘
_» Street, Harlan. Founded l9l8. APresident, O. L. Caywcod, K. D., Highsplint.
’ Tolephono 2411. -Secretary, Dr. N. E. Riley, lbtcalf Building, Harlan. ‘
i Telephone 16; lTerms,expire Docorber, 1942. T ` , .
DQ lkrmorship; 48, Open to’graduates_cf Class A lbdical Colleges and licensed
Q by the State of Kentucky, also passed on by membership committee.

 -3-·{_' »
Harlan C;unty Medical Society (Continued)" U_ _ _4_y;_j _ ,#; ;·u .A._ y Ha;
Ebygjitteesjp Tbtbership, Dr. H. K.,Butterman, Liggett. j_ O rl _· ; p ap ,p> » FUI
.. ‘ T     _: um
Purpose: To promote the advancement cf medical science by discussion and Pa]
scientific medical programs; J; ~ _ · j 3__, __—- _. 5;. - V ‘
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Kiwanis Club and sponsors Crippled ‘j{
Children's Clinic.’ `; _· . ,; ; V, V»} g ~gp
Defense Activities~ Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance. ·?
*- A I I ‘ l U DG
Publicaticnsr Iona, ` EH
—_—- Ai
» · C ·»7 . , ¥~l . l ‘ ___ Sc
HARLAN"CQUNTl:£ZN"STELI&L.LSEOCILTIOE, Harlan._ Secretary, Rev, lhrk J, i. _ TG
Andrcws,"havlan»Q Te:v.i*pirts Scpterhcr, l948. — _ I _.
·—~· ·- ¤- ~Y“*f . ‘ ,. . T · · Lo
Ibxberrhlp: 5cl Op:; on nixisters with settled yasterate. _ ”"
Committees; Fragrant Rev. Tattoo, Bcnhays HA
Tl-- " . » , · _ C Hi
Pur cse; Tu eromete better soiriiudl and cultural re;uiii;shio amen· ministers ·
._....-.-.-.-.. . L *- _ J- 4,-
ef the vari us denrminatizns in jarlan Ccuntyh _
  VQ   i 4 MC
Normal Cixic Activities: Home repsrted. , ;; ;_ ‘r »L ; » EE
.i . ; .. ,;· L ·- _ { · _.
efenre.-ctivities: Interested in Hospital $§C’GllHjO&i.lrElFbQBOO, Rod Oreos , " Q;
Assistanoc, Family S ~ial'Servica in Industrial Arear, Rocieitiiz, Library' _ Tm
Service, Collecting Books, Tenehlrg Literacy Classes-for ®Zi»ns and Others, ._ P1
Teaching Axwricenination Class#s for Aliens and Jthers, T ‘ "'
Local lublL·atie;s; lcnec ,,; C ` ` " `E
L _ _ - , T w
HARLAN ELEEQNTLFTLVCQOLL ·r.— F&EE§TrEVlJHB& ASStClAlTOT ;?Vai¤'au1 National Congress- D
es of P, T..P,,_’c/0 lksl nicer Kftffmin, WU} T;vnG,St#ec;. Iarl&n,-.Fqunded ·Q“· —
1928. PresiCent, Iksa TyroL’K:uffmafL Tplepheae %$c~ ·$ecretary,'lhudeiH0well, _ L
Teachers Club, Clover Street, “erlsn0 Lxecutive Coeteil Zhairman, lks. Guy `—
` Fcrtenay, Second Street, Harlant Terms expire l9é2s· T ·‘
. ' ‘ I H
- Lbmbership: 250.` Open to all persons interested in the objects for which the - A
*‘ """‘."` \f."" . ¤ . . - · .. . '
associatxen is organ1zed;may become active·members,upenppaymcnt of dues.- ‘: 4
* " `I ¥"" ’ ` YJ * ·`·‘ ; ij W; •V I _.4. '. . » .":Y l T
Ceggitteesi .Budget and‘Pinance; Lrs` Fred Henrit;e,`Lound‘StreetA _·‘_ Publicity, l' T
hrs. Il.1S.iGi'lr1er_. Sceeiid Street; laegislatipm, Misa J- I- N¤;$h,» Iv_y:_‘Yi“¤1”Os<§l?3i' ;
l@rmer§iip, yrs. Gus Drunerr Hound ¤treet; 'dealth and Safety, lhs. md Hicks, l
First street; Objectives, ers.-Guy EertenaygpSecond‘Street,_all Qf·Harlanq- ·
‘ · ` ’ »` S iq » $2,H £_f l__. · _l;]d Tf°Mfi 4 E

_ ·A·, L 5 Harlan Elementary School Farcnt~Teacher Association (Continued)
;» rurpose: To prorwte the welfare of children andryeuth in home, school, church
·_; and conrunity. To raise standard of homc_life and secure relation between
parents and_teachers. · . — ,e·V ’ ·_r’ · " ·
HE` Normal Civicgiqtivitiesz Maintenance of elementary school library, scheel_
lunch and health program. `Furnish clothing to·undcrprivileged children. _
I _h_A 1 _ "Sponsor Tansil Clinic and.coeperates‘with-Nurses,Association, Girl and Beyr
.Y V A Scouts Christmas Toy Campaign. ’ ‘ ` _ Y "‘
,-I .   *· •· · _ . .
·‘ ` Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance. Interested in Hospital
and Clinical Assistance, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, First
_ Aid, Family Social Service in'Industrial Areas, Child Care,'Collcctien of_ _'
» Scrap lhtals and Other kktals, Recreation, Collecting Books, Public Speaking,
Teaching Literacy Classes for Aliens and Others. ` - ‘ "
D Local Publications: Ncnes ‘ _
HARLAN FIRE DEPARTIENT, Clover Street. Founded l@22. Chief, Estil'Gilcs,
Highland Avenue, Telephone 352. Term indefinite Chi;f Executive, Dr. T
Elmer Smith Clever and First Streets. Telephone BOT. Term exoires l945$
A. 3_ I .4. 1.
lkubershipz. 15. Open to male American citizens, under 45 years of age
» and residing in Harlan.
· i Connittecs: None reported. _ ‘
·. Purpose: To prevent and fight fires and answer all kinds of disaster calls.
Normal Civic Activities; Prometien of shows to raiwe·ftnds for·tho purchase
. of fire departmrnt cquiprmnt. Cooperetes with all s;~vice clubs in the
county in their financial drives.
S' Defense Activities: Interested in.Auxiliary Fire Frctectien, First Aid.
. ~ local Publications: None.
' . . _ __ ____> _ _ , ‘ _ _ I F I _ A
HARLAN GARDEN CLUB (Rational G rden Clues), c/o les, J. B. Jones, Sunshine
{ Addition, Harlan. Founded l959, Frcsidcnt, Hrs. J. B. Jones. Telephone
¥ I 4l5—J. Secretary, Mrs. Fred Hcnritzg, Wound Strcpt, Harlan. Telephone 5%. r
I ,· Terms expire 1942. Executive Secretary, Irs, C. E. Ball, Elm Street, Harlan.
"' Term indefinite. _ _, ·; ` » . " _
‘ P@Ybership{ “20, Open to any one interested in gardening and city improvement. .
A j Committees; '"Spring Clean Up," 2ks..Rcxie Perkins, Ceurtheuee;`Nindow Display,
X AHH Richards, Central Street, both of Harlan.

 -lO·$·’ §j~.._A
A . . Har
Harlan Garden Club (Continued)- * · . ‘ “ I ‘
IM. Men
. in
Purpose: Civic improvement. ‘ O _ ,_, Q;
" . ‘ • ¤ • • • • _ • *   ‘, 6 ` C I ..b.' ‘ . ""_'
Normal Civic Activities: Conservation of wild life and owers. oopera lng
with all civic organizations in their financial drives. "‘ I _ pv Pm
Defense Activities: Engagedfin Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings. I Nm
Training-for PubliciSpeaking, Interested in Red_Cross Assistance, Preparation I . OL
and Serving of Food, Fanily Social Service in Industrial Areas, Teaching Amer~
icanization Classes for Aliens and Others. ` · De
; _i,, . . ` ‘. in
Local Publications: None. V ‘ - -.U Im
.A I E ` t U A l U A V Lo·
HARLAN LIONS CLUB, (International Lions Club), Carl L. Noe, Harlan. Founded ""
1941, President, Melvin Morsworth¤,Harlan. Telephone 356-J. Secretary, Carl
L. Hoe, Terms expire July, IQQB. KI
-C » Pr
Membership; 48. Open to males engaged in a legitirote business or profession _ C,
and of gooo standing. y ` Q_ ' . ’ l9
Committees: Finance, Charles Hov.rd; *‘.` Citizensmip and Pitrictism, Clarence° . lk
Green; Civic Inprovonent, Ray Clark;_Educatien, Astor Hogg, all of Harlan; ' cl
Safety,.&. L. Gregnolds, Loyall; Health and Weliare, Lr. Will rd Buttermere,
Ligp·et‘i2., I n ' I I . . . Co
Purpose: To create and foster better business and professional relationships 4 He
and promote the theorr and wractice of wood ~ovornment and citizenshi`. l Dr
- .7 A 0 YJ
Normal Clwic Activities; Instrvmental in bringii; Trade School to Harlan Pu
County, Sight Censfrvetion, pirtioulirlv for nbildr-nn Caooerates with yn
~   _ -- .~’ _ V - . I
Cri lcd Childrcn's Coxmissxrn and civic er¤un;zatioxs worniiv for eemmunit
Pp gl J
betterment. Nc
. _ ck
Defense Activities: Engaged in Collection of Scrap Vet ls, Teaching Classes it
in Mechanical Shills No dri if Defrnse I dxstries, Trxininw for Discussion .
_ _ _   ,.........¤; ......_ _
Leaders. Interested in Hesyita; ana Clinical Assist n;;, First Aid, Operation Dc
of Cantocns, Entertainment, Signal Services, Corsun r Pretccticn Activities; “ y Sc
Many me¤m¤rs of club new engaged ZE Civilian Drf ns; Traini;g. A S;
Local Publieatitns; "Nane and Tail" (Weekly Bulletin). l V L4
HARLAN REGISTERED NURSES ASSOCIATION, q/o Miss lirgie ‘‘.l Adams, East First $treet,` G
Harlan, Founded 1956. President, Miss lurgie Adams. Telephone 228, Secretary, . Q
Nns. Helen Bennett, Elm Street, H rlan. Telephone 9ll, Terms expire April, M
1945. _ _ P R:

. *].1* i
Harlan Registered Nurses Association QContinued)__ ._ ·
Membership: 25. Open to graduate nurses of an accredited school, registered
in State and District, _ _ __ _ _ ,
`if I Committees: Credential and Bbnbership, Mrs. E. T. Hicks, First Street, Harlan.
Purnése: ‘Te keep informed and‘ahreast“of_disccvcries in medical science. -iD-
w Normal Civie;&etivities: Ceeperates with children’s clinics, all service
' organizations and local business clubsl' ` " ‘ .
‘ Defense hetgvitiesi Training for Child Care, Red Cross Assistance. Interested
_· in Hospital and Clinical Assistance,‘First Aid, Family Social Service in—. ~ -
· Industrial areas, Discussion Leaders, Interviewing,
Local Publications; None. ` " S W
-———-—-·¢·*—-:*·?·-—-·-··*··•·•'·-··—r·—···· . . ' _ _ _
KIHAHIS CLUB OF EARLAH {Kiwanis International), Harlan. Founded 1920. .
- President, L; Joe Lsher, Eorton'~ddition, Harlm:0 Telephone 325—J. Secretary, L.
. C, S. Lavson, East River Street, Harlan, Telephone L7, Terms expire January,
C 1943.
. lknmership:,.S2L Qualifications, two male membe1s‘f:em.oach,veeatienal ` '"
elfssifieatien , elected by lbmbership Committee and Beard of Directors.
I - Committees: Accident Prevention, C. L. Evans, Chairman, W, E. Arnold, Dr. J.
B. Jenes;‘Beys and Girls, C, A. Wardrup, Chairman, Captain Harold Harlee, L. C. »
_ Henderson, Ray Fcrtney; ·Agrieulture, Gray`Willians; Jlvenile Delinquency,`
Dr. Clark Bailey; Public Affairs, C. D. Cole, all of Eaylix.
Purpose: To give nrinaev Lu the human and oni*5tua[ riirzr than to the _
rnteriel values of life. ‘ ` —
_ Nermal Civic Activities: Conducting tutdezr gang ir: BL underprivileged ` ~
children, sponsoring Boy Scout Troop and coopztctc: with civic organizations
in annual financial drives. _
Defense Activities: Interested in Air Rail Darden B,rvice, Colléctien ef V
Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Entertainment, Dincussion Leaders, Public
Speaking, Drafting, Consumer Protection Activities. . ,
Local Publications: None. V
I ORDER OF EASTERK"STAR, HARLAN CHAPTER,`(Grand Chapter of hbntueky, O. EJ S.),"
c/e Mrs. Rayma`Huff, 405 Central'Strect, Harlan. Founded 1917. Worthy Matrcn» '
P DES. Freeman Howard, ibin Street, Harlan. Telephone 668-J. Secretary,_lks.
Riyma Huff. Telephone 2864W. Torms_expired August, lQ42. _ ` .
· l

Order of Eastern Star, Harlan Chapter` (Continued) Ref
Membership: 78. Qualifications, good character and close relationship with  
member of Masonic Order. _ Y- 7. VM
Committees: Red Cross Sewing, Mrs. Zada Rutherford, Elm Street; Finance, Mrs. CUT
Joe McDowell, Central Street,·both of Harlan. " `
Purpose: To participate with>Masonic organizations in distributing aid to, J
widows and crphans of Masons. · V ‘ l ‘ NQ?
_ N Am
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Masonieeloodges indrivcs for ° ; ASM
finances for the support of Masonic Widows and Orphans Homes. G1'
Defense Jxctivities: Interested in Hospital and Clinical ilssistancé, Sewing and  
Preparation r~·£” iluypicaj. Dressings, Preparation and Serving of Food, Collecting Mi
Books, I.itc¤1·viewirig. H $*5
Local Iiblicatin ns: None.
ORDER OF EASTERN `S'l‘.`xR, LOl~E£`OI.lE PINE CHLKPTER 5{QSZO ("·ra1¢.C. Chapter of Kentucky,
O. E. S3}, e/e IErs.,‘Lily Hensley, Lyzchh »r£e1it’1=‘-*j."JYo1··thy Tlztrcn, Mrs. Lily ` SM
‘ Hensley., 'Secretary, Kiss Ora Creech,. Curiberlands ""Ieleph .11;+ 40. Worthy Patron, ‘  
Rey Yecnry, Cumberla.n—i.. Terms expired August, l91l2., IC
· _ ` · · V Ta
Mcxnbership: lOO. Open to lJ.’lVeS;. daugghtersy sisters, twithnrs and widows of rl
  <— N V w » it
Ceztmmittoes: Mo1¢Jocrship_, Mrs. R. F. Freeman, Cuxfil;~;+·la»;_`.» C
Purpose: Fraternsl and charitable., it
_"—""`" · P1
Normal Civic Lxetixii‘e;·;·s: Cooperating with Maselic cr;;:>ni··;·.eiins in the support = JU
of Masonic Y.`iJ;1·rs and Orphans ifwznos. » _ · ~ · ` 4
M _ _ · N
D°f°¥LS...,.°A*‘*°Q§l’lj·lY_t}E_L  §i_@?§T; jj; {$0*-Vilig €-11**. i?“.*‘e§fw‘&·.tt¤.€f1 ·:‘f` Surgical Dressings, C
Red Cross assistance, Child Gere, Library Service, Celloei=in;j. Books, Public , ‘
_ Speaking. _ " 2
. A i I ‘ *j
` L L-aca]. Publicationsi None. _ , » ` · ‘ J ` O C
ROTARY CLUB OF CUNBERL`iI?D`(Rotar;1 Internaticnal), c/o J. H. Hutton, Main Street, A
p Cumberland. 'Feunded 1956. President, J. H. Hutton. Telephcne 94} Secretary, J
C. ;I, Parker, lain Street, Cumberland. Telephone 5. ‘ Terrts expire 1942. r r, _ A .t
l·.Ie:jb;rshi`p: E8. Qualificyciozis, rnereprosen-t§.`tivc* from eachibmfsiness cr; _ ;%_ -· .
prcfessirn and passed on by brard of directors. - ¥- ‘ .

   V rrrrr 7 '
..15- __
Rotary Clue of Cumberland (Continued)- I l , _ ~ ·
I. I I ‘,_:` "_\ y'}-· _ ‘ ~ `_··‘ IVE   l. .:'4\- 'I 'D " V: ·:··A P.; I, { ..—\;•_ _ A
Ccmmittees:·jiims*and Objects, J. H._Hutton; Club Service, Judgo_Ira biclds;—
Vooational·Sorvioe, J. E. Isaacs; Community Service, Morris Scott; Inter-
" _ national Service, Sam Ferguson? Program Chairman, -Ernc’st Jacobs, all bf ~ _- -
Cumberland, "‘ ` " `
" Purpose: Service above self.
‘ Normal Civic Actiritiosé‘ S onsored Charitr`Nclfaro'Or·anizatien Bo Scouts
__________,_ ___, _   _ _____,_   _o,_,_ _ E -• _ »
American Rod Cross Jhaptor, Cripplod Children Drive, High School Athlotici
Association. Ccaperatcs with U. S. O., Cancer Control Drive and other worthy,
civic enterprises, - ~ ‘~··
. Defense Activities? Interested in Emergency Repair Service, Motor Corps Service,
Ambulance Service, Stwgig and Pfcparatirn of'Sur;ical Dressings, Rod Cross
Assistance, First Aid, Operation of Canteens, Child Caro, Collection of Scrap
lktals and Other Fctals, Entertainment, Public Spcaking._ »
c Local Eublicaticns: Nonos
x SLLVLTION ARTH (Tho Salvation Army, Ines), SMO N _ 3 S . 1.
lO7.· Adjutant, Pearl Tanner, ZOO South Main StreoU,_n.rlan, Telephone IO7.
, g Terms in£ofinito.’ o _ -
lhrborship: QO. Qualifications, profession of Christ anity, rofraining from
·_ . worldly-enusonents and intoxicating liquors »
R Cormittoes: Advisory Boari, lk. W. R. Ferks, Synth Nair Street, Harlan. ,
Furness- Reliwious and charitable- also_extcnd, smirltual, ph sioal and _.
......... .-..-.....-., -7 sl ’
1 temporal aid to the unfortunate.
Normal Civic Aoti"ities: Coonerates with Rei Cross, R. T. A. and distributes
clothing and food to neoav fawil