xt7n8p5v7k7s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5v7k7s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-11-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1927 1927 1927-11-11 2012 true xt7n8p5v7k7s section xt7n8p5v7k7s THE KENTUCKY KERNEL




WOdcats Play V.M.I. Cadets
Tomorrow in Conference Tilt;








Port-woo- d,

The University of Kentucky band
has scored again! Professor Sulzer
and his Blue and White musicians created no less than a sensation when
they journeyed down to 'Bama last
Saturday. The band arrived in Birmingham at noon and paraded to
field soon afterwar.
The game started at 1 o'clock,
ahead of schedule time, but the band
members soon made up for their delay after they arrived. Taking their
seats in the stadium, they played for
the some 7,000 football fanaall during
the first half. Then falling into formation with their sponsor. Miss
onarsiey amitn. who carried a' large
bouquet of flowers on her arm, they
marched to the center of the field.
Splitting there, the band whipped into
columns until it formed a large "A."
The spectators knew the plan before
it was executed, and filled the air
with cheers and general acclaim.
James Saxon Childers in the
Birmingham News of November 6.
says, "Somewhere in the world there
may be a bett r band than Kentucky's.
those who saw the musical Wildcats
disport themselves at Richwood on
Saturday afternoon will never believe
it." Mr. Childers was also loud in nis
praise of our sponsor and wrote,
"Frequently at local football cam os
glorious bits of feminity have delighted the crowds.
Yet only Kentucky's
band could have conceived the most
worthy idea of treating the spectators
to such a memorable glimpse of
unquestionable proof of one of Kentucky's three boasts. And she stepped
out with that band in such a manner
to cause the old men to forcret the
chimnev corner and the vouths to for
get that spring had come." Alabama
says that about our band and sponsor, and the only difference between
them and us, is that we're even more
enthusiastic in our praise.

Bridle Club Will Give
Stock Show Monday

The "Little International" is a miniature international livestock show,
the purpose of which is to show such
animals as are to be sent to "The International Livestock Show" held annually at Chicago. Here the public
will have an opportunity to see some
Woman Makes of the best livestock in the state.
Famous Russian
Three Addresses at
There will be entries of cattle, hogs,
sheep, poultry and others, among
Under Auspices of
which will be Queen Marie, one of
Kentucky's high producing hens, as
TELLS ABOUT REVOLUTION well as Kentucky Queen, who has
record and
just completed a
has never before been shown to the
(By Roy Baldridge)
Between our own Abraham Lincoln public.
Some of the added features of the
and Russia's Princess Kropotkin there
is a difference of generations, a dif- evening will be stunts by students,
ference of peoples, and a difference contests in guessing, agricultural
of sex. However, so far as differ- product displays, pledging of new
ence of their ideas is concerned, there members into the Block and Bridle
Club, Alpha Zeta (honorary agriculis merely the matter of tense.
"Most people consider a revolution ture) pledging and free refreshments.
This will be held in the judging
as a terrible thing," began the princess, speaking at the University con- pavilion on" Rose street Monday evenvocation Wednesday. "Well, it is. A ing at 7:30. A general admission of
revolution is a
experience. But
(Continued on Page Eight)
you cannot stop a thing that has happened. A revolution is nearly always
as inevitable as a flood, a tornado, or
some natural phenomenon. The most
inevitable thing that I have seen happen in my life is the revolution in
Russia. The most difficult thing to
(By Kady Elvove)
do during a revolution is to keep one's
physically, but
Tranquil and peaceful is the camhead; I do not mean
metamorphically. This is very dif- pus of the University of Kentucky
ficult in the first period of the revolu- this morning, as happy eager stution, as it is almost impossible not to dents and instructors hurry on to
be carried away by ideals. Whatever classes. A scarred cannon and a simone's attitude to the old is, something ple tablet to the dead are the only
of the new vision touches one; people reminders of the grim war which
nine years ago, The guns on
are seeing horizons that they never
the frontiers are silentj the khaki-cla- d
saw before.
thing in
soldiers who "went over the top"
"The most
the Great War was the lack of equip- are home again; many of the boys are
ment of the army. On 80 miles of atleep over there in Flanders Field.
front there was one ambulance run But in the memories of those who
by a nurse who had one year's ex- went over the seas and in the hearts
perience, and she had to perform the of those who anxiously waited at
duties of nurse and surg on. There home, the day on which peace was dewere tremendous numbers of desert- clared is as vivid as it was on November 11, 1918.
"During all the period preceding
Just where were the University of
the war," she continued, "there wre Kentucky instructors and students on
the day the Armistice took effect?
The face of the tall commanding
(Continued cn Page Eight)
head of the military department broke
into a broad smile when I asked him
that question.
"I was commander of the 101st InDean Graves of the University of
Louisville Medical school will addres: fantry of the 2Gth Division," said Col.
Society at an early H. P. Hobbs, recalling the time. "We
students are asked were on the front lines about fifteen
date. All
to watch The Kernel columns for de- rr.ilcs riorthesast of Verdun. My regiDean Graves is an exceptional ment was attacking and had just
speaker and will prove very interest- reached a ridge about one mile east
of the little ruined town of Beaumont.
ing to the




body-rackin- g,


nerve-tearin- g,


Kittens w ill Meet Strong

wf Vi; on Stoll Field
Team Today







Program, Which Is to Be Held
in Men's Gymnasium, Will
Include "The Year

.Affairs of Youths


Troy Perkins, a graduate student
at the university, is the author of
"The Visiting Lady," a comedy that
was produced for the first time on
any stage by the Romany Theater last'
Monday night: The play will be presented tonight and tomorrow night,
and will continue through all of next



"The Visiting Lady" is of especial
interest to Kentucky students not only because most of the parts are
played by persons connocted with the
university, but because the play concerns the generation which has not
yet arrived at the age when it asks
"what the younger generation is comAl Hawkins, quarterback, is one of ing to." The action of the comedy
the threats on which the Flying evolves about the conversations, par- Alfred Portwood, smallest man on
the Wildcat team, will be in the
Squadron depends to defeat Ken- ties, and love affairs of young perline-utomorrow against V. M. I.
tucky's Flying Wildcats.
He is Kentucky's best ball toter.
There is no underlying thesis in the
play to interrupt the smooth flow of
comedy; yet the characters are all
delineated with such respect for reality, that the play serves to correct
MARCH the general impression thatto unyounger generation is subject
perversities, and
precedented moral
R. "0. T. C. Unit Parades With that its contemrit for conventional Faculty Hosts to
Louisville Citrestraints is indicative of a terrifying
Other Organizations of City
izens Who Award Scholardecadence.
in Memorial Observance
ships to Youths Seeking
Dunster Duncan Foster has the
Farm Instruction
leading role in the comedy, that of
whose visit
REGIMENT FgftMS AT 9:50 girl friendthe lady East creates atofu-a RECIPIENTS ALSO
in the
of susceptible males.
Headquarters of the R. O. T. C.'unit rore in the ranks a part
Miss Foster has
that demands
Faculty members entertained at
of the University of Kentucky have a quality of characterization most dif- lunch
yesterday at the university
announced the following as the gen- ficult to effect.
Actually a very
eral order for the services and parade worldly wise young lady, Suzanne cafeteria those Louisville citizens who
for Armistice day, November 11, realizes the advantages of appearing boys donating scholarships to girls Uniprospective students of the
innocent, and she is sensible enough versity of Kentucky.
General order No. 33
to assume an attitude of
Those attending
were: John E.
1. As a mark of respect to the naivete.
Huhn. of the Liberty Insurance bank;
memory of those who gave their lives
aspect of Emil Von Allman, of the Von Allman
To convey this
in service during the World War, on the part to the audience without los- Dairy Company; John G.
Still, and
Armistice day, November 11, 1927, ing the subtlety which gives the com-d- y J. G. Schwartz, of the Sanitary Milk
the R. O. T. C. regiment will particiits charm is a dramatic task not Company President Frank L. McVey,
pate in a street parade in the city easy to perform. The ease and grace Dean Thomas P. Cooper, T. R. BryLexington.
with which Miss Foster interprets the ant, and J. W. Whitehouse, of the uni2. Th? National Flag will be dis- role attests her ability as an actress. versity, and those boys and girls who
played at half mast from reveille
Alice Spaulding, as Prudence Wool- are recipients of scholarships, Miss
until noon, when it will be raised to wich, hostess to the visiting lady, con- Grace Short, of Elkton; Miss Anna
the top of the staff.
tributes much to the finish and Carlton, of Parksville; Dudley Smith,
3. The R. O. T. C. regiment will smoothness of the performance. Pru- of Campbellsville, and Theo. Milby, of
form on the parade ground at 9:50 dence serves as a mediator in the Buffalo. The fourth winner was una. m. (all members of the regiment involved situations which aris be- able to be present because of illness.
To a junior, boy or girl, who is a
being dismissed from their other cause of her guest's attraction, for
Club and who
classes at that time). Formation: gentlemen (who in this case da not member of the
Line-u- p
prefer blondes). Miss Sraulding carin dairying in each of the five
battalions in column of close
ries her role with an admirabla poise districts into which the state is dijust east of Limestone
and she has a clarity of diction that vided, is awarded a scholarshp by
street, facing the flag pole.
Messrs. Huhn and Von Allman. The
4. At 10 a. m. the regiment will lends effect to all her lines.
Todd Green, as Richard Deal, a winner must popsess proper qualificamarch in column of squads to the asyoung man whose assumptions of tions for entrance in the college of
sembly point for the parade on
at its junction with East cynicism is torn away by Suzanne's agriculture and must study agricul- evoluMain street. Route to be followed to artful artlessness, traces the
to a
tion of a
f Continued on Page Eight)
lover without losing
(Continued on Page Eight)
consistency of characterization. His
final love scene with the visiting lady
whose visit is almost done is one of
Be Given by
the most delightful in the play.
John Murphree has the "heavest"
comedy role in the production.
Plans are made to give the Wildcat
Frances Nash, "America's foremost Willy Mason, a lad with a thirst for
woman pianist," will give the second culture and more stimulating things. team and their Kentucky rooters
"comfort plus" on their -- journey to
concert in the "artist series" at WoodCharleston. W. Va., where the Wildland auditorium, Tuesday ngiht, No(Continued on Page Eight)
cats will meet V. M. I. Saturday aftervember 15, at 8:15 o'clock.
noon in a "win or die" combat. The
Miss Nash, a native of Omaha,
band also will be on hand to "strut its
Nebraska, comes here direct from Grid-grapstuff" and secure the customary
New York, where she gave her openpraise for the university, and more
ing recital in Town Hall last week
V. M. I. Game stars in its crown.
before a capacity audience which deA special car has been secured for
manded 10 encores for her. The New
Reports of the Virginia Military the Kentucky men and the train will
York Sun said, "Miss Nash plays
Institute and Kentucky game will leave the Union station at 8:50 Friwith a vigor that many masculine exIt will leave the
ponents of the pianoforte might envy, be given play by play on the to- h day evening.
at the men's gymnasium,
Charleston station Sunday morning
and such virility of treatment is cerat 7:40. The price for the trip is
tainly an asset in presenting such an morrow at 2 o'clock.
Progress of the game will be re$7.09.
exacting program."
ported over a special wire running
Many University of Kentucky stuTickets for the concert can be obdirect from the press box on the
tained at the Lexington College of Charleston field. An admission of dents expect to make the trip by
train, and still others will travel via
Music, the prices are 1.10 to 2.20,
25 cents will be charged.
including war tax.











Team and Rooters
Have "Comfort Plus"
Trip to Charleston

Piano Concert
Nash at Auditorium

to Report

Plays of





pre-me- d.


At three in the morning, on November for over a week to no effect. But
11, the artillery fire from the German when once we found out that the news
side became very intense. Then at was true, we all went to town to
11 o'clock all firing ceased 'abruptly. celebrate.
Marseilles simply went
My men sat down on the edge of shell wild that day. Cafes were crowded
holes and looked at each other in until far into the night, and women
amazement. We knew of course that kissed almost anbody they could find.
the firing was to cease at that time, Reckless abandon, shouting, and conbut couldn't believe it. The deathly fusion was everywhere. The French
silence, coming so soon after days of guards, who had charge of the Gerconstant roar and noise was more man prisoners at work on the roads,
than we could understand. For two were so moved by the gaiety of the
or three nights after the Armistice occasion that they abandoned their
we would awaken at night with a prisoners and joined in the celebrastart, because of the unaccustomed tion."
We didn't celebrate very
Sergeant H. B. Bryant, another inmuch, because after all there is not structor in the military department
much One can do on a battlefront. who took part in the Argonne drive,
But though we were dirty, thirsty, didn't have much to say about the
tired, and hungry we were happy and ' "zero hour" on the front. "Yes, we
that was celebration enough."
celebrated when we got the news.
Marseilles Celebrates
We built a bonfire and dried our
In the front line trenches
"Unfortunately I have nothing ro- clothes!
mantic to say," Capt. Herbert W. where I was, that was a celebration
Schmidt told me regretfully, as he indeed!"
looked up from inspection of a small
First Sgt. J. A. Short, who was a
cannon for practice by the military member of the air forces, was in
department. "I was camped outside Milan, Italy, on the morning of the
of Marseilles and our first news of eleventh. "You know how emotional
the treaty was the blowing of whis- Italians are anyway," he said laughtles in the town. Instead of feeling ing. "Everybody down there was
relief when we heard the noise, we
There were rumors of peace
suffered from apprehension, because circulating two or three days before
we had been hearing rumors of peace the official news came out. In fact,

one night about half of the citizens
of Milan came out to our barracks
and serenaded us at two o'clock in
the morning, because they had heard
that the war was over."
Warrant Officer E. F. Gallagher
was silent for a moment when he
heard my question. Then he answered
simply, "I was in the trenches in the
Meuse Argonne when peace was proclaimed.
There wasn't any way to
celebrate, but we felt very happy."

"We were marching back from the
Meureuse river, in the Sedan r gion,
when we got the news," Maj. B. D.
Spaulding, of the military department, said, pointing out his route on
a large map which he had gotten out
to show me. "We couldn't realize
that the Armistice was really in effect. When the cannon ceased firing,
there was no celebration at first. It
was too solemn an occasion for merriment and exultation. But that night
when we bivouaced at Bois de la Folie,
on the road near Buzancy, we built
a huge bonfire the first open fire we
had had in two years. When we saw
the flames leaping up, the tension
broke and we believed."
Brady Had Hard Job
"Where was I when the Armistice
was signed and what did I do." Prof.
G. K. Brady, instructor of English,



The music department has planned
a very interesting program for Russian month. The orchestra concert
to be given at the Men's Gym November 20, from 3 to 5, will consist
of Russian music, which will includ
Tschaikowsky's "The Year 1812 Overture." All music classes will be addressed by Professors Lampert and
Sulzer on Russian music throughout
the month of November.
The Social Science classes will des
vote their time in discussing the
of Russia, the 14th an 15th of
this month.
Dr. Jennings will speak before the
of Education during the
third and fourth hours on November
18 and 19. His subject will
"Sketches in Economic History of
Russia." At the second hour on November 16 Dean Weist will speak on
"Economic Changeswn Russia from
1914 to 1917."
The last week in this month will be
devoted to lectures given by the art
teachers to all art classes. An exhibit of several fine Russian paintings
is being considered at the Art Center.
Further announcements concerning
definite dates and programs not
given here will be published and posted in the Administration building,
also they will be given definite places
on the programs.
The personnel of the
Joe Palis: Executive Committee
mer, president; Gayle Mohney, vice
president; Elizabeth Smith, secreA. P. Roberttary.
son, literary! Xpwry Caldwell, agriculture; Madison Cowains, physical
Atkins, commerce;
science; Newell
Theresa Newhoff, art and poster;
Jennie Williams, music; Oscar Stoes-se- r,
English; Bernice Edwards, social
Lloyd Walker, commerce;
William Scott, law, and Dorothy Sellers, education.

Mohney and Cogswell
Reappointed to A. C.
Doctor Funkhouser Again Made
Chairman; Hillenmeyer to
Represent Alumni
Gayle Mohney and Henry Cogswell,
on account of their excellent service
as student members of the athletic
council during the past year, were
reappointed for another one year term
by President McVey.

Doctor Funkhouser was reappointed
as chairman of the council and Prof.
Hillenmeyer was appointed
again to represent the alumni. Terms
of the faculty members cover three
years, whilehe students are appointed for one year periods.
There were no other appointments,
as these were the only vacancies to
be filled this year.
This leaves the council composed
of the following members: Dr. W.
Funkhouser, chairman;
Frank L. McVey; Prof. Enoch
Prof. E. A. Bureau; Prof. S. A.
Boles; Mr. John Stoll; Mr. Louis L.
Hagin; Prof. Louis Hillenmeyer; Henry Cogswell, and Gayle Mohney.

Gre-ha- n;

All R. O. T. C. men are expected to
be in the Armistice parade which will

take place today. The companies that
have not had formal announcement of
this are expected to be in the parade
as well as all the other companies.
The regiment will form in front of
the Administration building at 9:30



This afternoon at 2 o'clock on Stoll
field, the Kittens will be host to the
University of West Virginia freshmen, a team that is conceded to be
the best first year eleven ever at
that institution, and one that has
made an enviable record so far this
According to Coach Major, a better
showing in the blocking department
of the game is expected from the
Green and White over that shown
against the Vanderbilt yearlings last


The West Virginia frosh are fast,
and able in their duties as
a freshman football team, with a
record that is unblemished by defeat
so far, having conquered the strong
first year aggregations of the Pittsburgh and Maryland institutions.
As far as injuries are concerned the
Kittens are not bothered, excepting,
perhaps few hurt feelings which resulted from the Vanderbilt game. Allen, who plays at center, is nursing an
injury that is hardly worth mentioning and other than that all is well.
In all probability the lineup will
be different from that which played
against Vanderbilt. Spicer, left tackle,
Bronston, left end, and Farquer, right
guard, are certain of a place in the
line, while Knight, Richards and
are expected to start in the
backfield positions. This , combination should put up a worthy fight
against any foe.

Nationally Known Interpreter of
Russian Folk. Songs and
Dances on Convocation


In accordance with the observance
of Russian month at the university,
lovers of the folk songs of foreign
lands have an opportunity to haar
these delightful airs, when on November 18, Miss Ellenor Cook, nationally
known interpreter of Russian songs
md dances, with her accompanist,
Miss Eugenia Folliard, will delivT a
program sponsored by the
club of the university.
program, which will be a general university convocation, will take place at
11 o'clock.
Miss Cook will present a
like program at 4 o'clock the same
day, the place to be determined later.
Few artists in recent years have
won such universal success as Miss
Cook with her folk song recitals in
costume. She is also a skilled pianist
and dancer, and posseses a voice that
adds much to her fame. She has specialized in the music of all eastern
Europe, and with Miss Folliard, they
are said to portray wonderfully the
songs, dances, dress, and customs of
these countries.
Miss Cook is a graduate of Miss
Porter's School in Farmington, Conn.,
and is a member of the Junior
League. During the summer of 1926
she visited the small villages in
and Jugoslavia in quest of
color, costumes, and new folk airs.
All of the songs, most of them unknown in America are sung in the
native languages; however, Miss Cook
interprets each one beforehand and
the reason for their being written.
Miss Cook Tias virtually covered
America in her tour and has appeared
from New England through the Middle West, and from Montana to Florida. She has been recommended very
enthusiastically by every audience
which has heard her


Pol-lan- d,

Czecho-Slovaki- a,




Dispensary Receives
Lamp From Trustee



Visiting Team Has Clean Record
With Wins Over Pittsburgh
and Maryland First

Members of the Block and Bridle
Club and the students and faculty of
the College of Agriculture have
planned, in the Little International
Livestock Show and Dance, to give
line-u- p
will be: CovThe probable
to the students and faculty of the
ends; Drury and other colleges and to the public, an
ington and Summers
Dees, tackles; Wert and Walters, evening of exhibits, shows, stunts,
guards; Pence, center; Miller, quar- amusements, refreshments, and dancterback; Portwood and Mohney, half- ing such as has never before been
backs; Gilb, fullback.
known at the university;




Dunster Foster Carries Lead in
Story Which Concerns Love

Musical Wildcats Play for 7,000
(By Kenneth Gregory)
Football Fans AH During
The Wildcat football team enters
the First Half of
the home stretch this week when
Coach Harry "Gloomy" Gamage takes
his squad to Charleston, W. Va.f for
their annual encounter "with Virginia SPONSOR WINS LAURELS
Military Institute on Laidley field.
The Blue and White special pullman
will be attached to the G. & O. train
which will leave the Union Station
at 8:40 o'clock tonight. Coach Gam-ag- e
remained here over Friday in order to allow the Wildcats to view the
Kitten tilt.
and defensively the
Wildcats look better. Any team that
can hold the Crimson Tide as the
Wildcats did last week "will be hard
for any team to walk over. The
sweeping end runs, which the Virginia
Cadets are noted for, will probably
find a snag in Kentucky's powerful
namely, Covington
Walters. These two flankmen checked
allowing them
the Tide's end dashes,
only 13 yards around their positions.
Coach Gamage has drilled his proteges hard all week- and as expected
there have been many injuries. Dees
and Miller are still nursing bruises
and may not see action against the
Flying Squadron.
Gayle Mohney and Paul Jenkins
may not get to play against the Cadets as both were hurt in Wednesday's
practice. Mohney can hardly breathe
having suffered three cracked
to his
Jenkins is suffering a
ankle, which by the way, kept him
out of the Alabama game.
The Squadron and the Wildcats appear in top form for the week-en- d
battle, with" the Cadets holding the
edge in weight and contests won.
The Virginians have won two Southwhile the
ern Conference games
Wildcats are still looking for a victory.
The Wildcats scrimmaged three
times this week and were given several new plays for use in the V. M. I.
tilt The Blue, looked mediocre
against Cadet plays and formations
which were employed by Coach Major's frosh eleven. The passes of the
Virginians are likely to puzzle the
Kentucky team.
Those who make the trip to
Charleston are: Captain Wert, Dees,
Ellis, Phipps, Mohney, Jenkins,
Pence, Walters, Drury,
Idleman, Curry, Blanton, Belt,
Covington, Summers, Gilb, Terrill,
Griffith, Ford, Miller, Lyons, Mcintosh, Bickel, Kirdendall and Frank-






Troy Perkins' "The Visiting
Lady," Shows Before Packed
House Every Evening
During Week



1. K.


Mohney, Jenkins Are Injured
Squad Leaves Tonight at S.40
for Charleston; Wednesday's
Practice Brings Injuries
to Backfleld Stars

NOVEMBER 11, 1927

ftu iuAm i a u ft h a

v. m. i. star



KY-- ,


" and the
burst into laughter. "I remembered
all right. I was on the frontier at St.
Lambert near the Aisne river. We
were lodged in stables which horses
had vacated all too recently, and we
were somewhat uncomfortable. But
we forgot about that when the news
came to us. There was one automobile on the grounds at that time, so
some of the boys went to town and
came back with a car full of wine.
My Job was to see that the boys didn't get drunk!"
Staff Sgt. H. J. Eberhardt, another
instructor in the military department,
was on prison guard duty at Camp
Wadsworth, S. C, when the war
"They were awfully happy
down there. Everybody was out on
the square whooping, yelling, and
shouting. The German prisoners who
had been captured on the seas and
sent to our prison camp reacted differently to the news. A few were
sorry, but most of them shared our
Victor Portmann, of the journalism
department leaned back in his chair.
hospi"I was in the American-Frenc- h
a few kil- tal at
repeated after me. "Well!


Mr. J. Irvine Lyle, trustee of the
university, has given to the Department of Hygiene and Public Health
one of the newer types and most recent models of a quartz lamb a very
expensive piece of apparatus, which
will be used for various types of heat
treatment, particularly the treatment
of certain skin diseases, muscles,
bruises, and the like.
This addition to the equipment, together with the renovations made last
spring and this fall makes the dispensary
thoroughly furnished-t- p
handle successfully college ills. Its
equipment is new and modern In every"

On Armistice day from 11:30 to 12
o'clock at Patterson hall, the Y. W.
C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. will have

a meeting for the students and faculty for the purpose of offering
prayer for world peace.
The meeting will be informal and
there will be no program given. Students may come and go as they wish.
Interesting snapshots made of campus life are wanted for this year's
annual. See Ray King in the
office for more information.

Ken-tucki- an

(Continued on Page Eight)


� r





Subscribe for






Miss Francesca Renick, '25, and
Ben Gordon Marsh, '19,
Are Married on Octo-

Jaraes Park, '15

ber 25
Mrs. Rodes EsUU. '21




L. Kirk. '24

Walter Hillenmeyer,
Waylaad Rhodes, '15
Wr. C. Wilson,

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C Elliott, '02


Wm. H. Town send, 12


Game, Thursday,
November 24, Stoll Field, Lexington, Ky.
Club Secretaries:
Please send
in the dates and places for your

Thanksgiving day is the big day for alumni of the University
of Kentucky. There will be hundreds of old grads and former
students here to see the last game of the season. Make your
plans now.
There is not a single Kentuckian who will want to
We are expecting you.
miss this day. Come on home.

"Letters," the University of Kentucky's literary magazine,
made its first appearance on the campus last week. The editors
of this column deem it so worthy a publication that we cannot
let this opportunity pass to recommend it to the alumni of the
University of Kentucky.
For the past several years there have been plans on foot to
begin the publication of a literary magazine, but, as is the
case in a great many of our fondest plans and hopes, funds were
not available. Last year the students who publish The Kentucky
Kernel volunteered to finance the publication of this magazine
until it is put on a financial basis that will make it self

Alumnus, Member of Class of
1896, Is Widely Known
As Engineer in

winter meetings.
ua keep everyone informed ias to
the activities of the association.


"Letters" is not a sophomoric publication.
It is edited by
the department of English of the university and the material is
chosen with care.
While students are contributors to its. columns it is not a student publication. Professors and instructors
of the university are contributors and the work of other
is given a place.
Letters is being mailed out to a large number of alumni this
The first copy is a sample copy.
The subscription price
is only $1.00 a year and it is published four timese during the
school year.
If any of you are interested in obtaining the magazine you can send invyour subscription through this office or
address your letter to, "Letters," University of Kentucky,


This is an effort that deserves your support.

They Tell Me


Howard K. Bell, B. C. E. 1904, is
Oscar Lee Day, B. M. E. 1911, is
a civil engineer with offices at 727, the Cleveland representative of the
McClelland building, Lexington, Ky. Harbison-WalkRefractories ComHe is a specialist on water supply and pany, of Pittsburgh.
He has been
with this company ever since his
graduation in 1911. He has his of
Harry B. Dobrowsky, B. S. 1914, is fices at 1513 Rockefeller building,
manager of the Ideal Shoe Store in Cleveland, Ohio.
Newark, Ohio.
Miss Frances Fern Anderson, B. A.
O. T. Dunn, B. C. E. 1902, C. E. in Education 1924, is an instructor in
1904, is a construction engineer for the high school at Covington.
the Illinois Central Railway Company became a member of the alumni as
and is stationed in Paducah, Ky. He sociation as soon as she graduated
recently has moved his residence from and has been active each year since
the Rankin apartments to the Rhodes Sht is a candidate for the roll of hon
apartments on North Seventh street. or and it seems as if she is going to
He has been with his present company make it.
pany for more than ten years and for
most of the time has been an active
David P. Eastin,
is cashier
of the Union Bank and Trust Com
pany of Lexington, Ky. He became
Thomas E. Sparks, LL. B. 1923, is an active member of the alumni as
county judge of Muhlenberg county sociation a few years ago and has
and lives in Greenville, Ky.