xt7n8p5v7j6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5v7j6n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1916-17-nov1-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-17-nov1-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-17-nov1-ec. 1916 1916-17-nov1-ec. 2011 true xt7n8p5v7j6n section xt7n8p5v7j6n 

                  NOV. 1, '1916

     2 The executive  Board of University of -entuck-y met with
(hairman Nichols in the chair aid the following present:
Chairman Nichols, R. C. Stoll,  . .  errell, Frank McKee, Ge
G& Brock, John E. Brown and P. P. Johnston, Jr.

     1he  oard suspended the regular order of business in Vorder
to give opportunity to a committee from the Agricultural   ollege,
composed of rof. kA. Bryant-, George    berts and L.f. Good, to
address the Board. T.R. Bryant announced that on the first of
January arrnagements were being made to hold the mid-winter
Breeders and Farmers Exhibition at the 8xperimemt Station and
askea that the board make an a-ppropriation of $360.00 to pay
for prizes.   r. Stoll asked if Doctor lastle had not, years
ago, extablished the custom of giving bronze medals as premiums
and desired to know why this custom should not be continued.
Mr. Bryant said that bronze medals had been Drovided for seeep
stake awards and thnt that custom would be continued as to
sweepstakes but these medals, on account of the fact that so
many were -;iven out, were of little value.

     Mr. Stoll asked if prizes had not been gotten mostly by
popular subscription and Mr. Bryant replied that they had; that
mauhants and manufacturers had from time to time donated prizes
but in many instances they were su-ch prizes as churns and farm
implements and articles of l1ttle ivalue which the merchats were
glad to get rid of and wtlch in many cases the Agricultural
Departm ent did not recommend.  r. Stoll then asked if the
Extension fund of the college could not be so used.   Mr. Bryant
said that the draft on the -5xtension fund already for expenses
was very heavy, for speakers andftr general arrangements for
the event. tr. -ryanir said further that it was humilitating for
members of the faculty of the tiollege of Agriculture to be
compelled to take their hats In their hands and go begging
among merchants who have already been overworked for prizes
to Dromote this exhibition.   e pointed out the value of this
exhibition to the University 9nd to the farmers of the State.
Dean pro tem %oberts and  r. Good voiced the same view a s dr.
Bryant concerning the matter of begging for pries.

     Mr. McKee said that the exhibition was undoubtedly a great
benefit to the University and to the farmers and that he was
in favor of tne appropriation in case it was found that the
money was forthcoming to meet the expense of these premiuams.
Mr. Mcere further said that he favored medals instead of money
as prizes.

     bean Itoberts stated that the university of "llinois had
adopted the custom of having a trophy that stays always in the
institution and that the names of successful contestants were
simply added as a mark of hone;- Lo this trophy from year to
year and that he believed that some such step as this would be
wise a f   pfrt of the University of 'entucky.    After submitting


the followig report, the committee retired, the Board having
announced its intention to ascertain from the Business Agent
the condition of the funds of the Agricultural College, declar-
ing that it would take action finally in its meeting Nov. 15.

                               Lexington, Ky., NIov. 1, 1916

The Extension Gommittee,
University of Jentucky,
Lexington, Ky.

Gentl e1men:

     Duiring the first week in January of each year, there ti
held at the Agriculttural 'olle e a great mid-winter farm fese-
tival, known as faers Week .       Inclftentl, wo this occasion
which consists of the annual conventions of ten or a dozen
farmers' and breeders' organizations there are held several
competitive exhibits of such products as corn, horticultural
prod;fucts, dairy products, etc.

     431 these organizations are young and as yet are not
strong either in m-mbership or financially.  Almost without
exception the existence of these farmers' associations is due
directly to the activity of the Agricultural College and In
most cases some member of the "gricultural Gollege Itaff is
the secretary and treasurer of the organization.

     The matter of Droviding premium  ists for these competS -
tive exhibits has always been a difficult task and has de-
volved alsmost entirely upon the secretaries. lie feel thatthis
is an imposition, that members of the Agricultural  allege
taff are thus placed under undue obligations to merchants,
manufacturers, etc. who consent to contribute cash or mer-
chandise pri ea.

     For this and other reaso s, and with the desire of having
the farming -ublic made to feel that the Agricultural College
is the agricultural center of the state and with thie desire
to stimulate attendance at "Farmers "eek" and comnetition in
the shows, we r quest that your committee aonrooriate the sum
of $360.00 to be used as prizes and to be divided as follows:

     To the  entucky Beef Cattle Association         $20.00
         iiu *  o    Swine breeders'                  9 0.00
      U1 U      "    Corn Growers'                   100.00
      u' u      u    State horticultural Sooiety     100.00
                     Sheep Breeders' Association      20.00
      U "      H    Dairy Cattle Club                 50.00
      "  *      "     eWomens' Work                   50.00

                    Committee aD pointed by the Btation Council
                    to make such request1
                                          T.R. 2ryant
                                          B.S. Good
                                          George "oberte


      President Barker reaorted that he had conferred with
 the Carey Reed Company with reference to the iorGrements
 being made on the old college pond at the Niorthwest corner
 of the camnus and had entered Into a written cntract with
 Carey-Reed Go. for the completion of this work.   He stated
 that hitherto no written contract existed and that the pre-
 sent contract was virtual   the former verbal contract with
 Doctor Kautle. put into writing. Thas contract contemnlited
 that the work be done at cost plus 15% commission with the
 guarantee by the Carey--ieed Co. thst it should not exceed
 $3600.00 and ti;e further understanding that the work should
 be done under the eunervision of 2rofessor Prank Uc'arland.
 The contract, embodyIng also a letter by the Carey-Reed Co.
 addressede to Dr. A.k. Peter. Actine, Dir-ctor of the Expert-
 ment Station waz ordered seread upon the minutes as follows:

                             Lexington. Ky., Sept.29, 1916

   r,..a  -eter.
 Acting Director Ky. Kxp. Station,

 De-sr Sir.:

      Referring to tele-hae conversation yesterday with
you relat5ve to aome work wr ar- doing on the University
Campus, desire to say thoit no formal contract for the
work, In question, ms executed between Doctor Rasftle and
ourselves, due to the fact that many features of the im-
provement were indeterminable and for this reason a contract
could not be made that would be both fair to ourselves and
the station.  D33ctor astlie  however, before oermitting
Us to st-rt the work in~isted thlzvt we make an actimate,
using as a basis certain Poier r  fnats AP:' figurrs whiTh
he furnished at that time.   his resulted in our gur;arantee-
ing that the cost of the proposed work mould not exceed

     Ue made   aurvey of tho oropoeed walk or road and in
CORFaltartion with Doctor Kastle. agreed on the grades an
well as o!ther fedres pertaining. to the work.

     The enclosed dr:awing, which ti a plan and prof,&ie of
the road, is a result aied ".,iirly renresonte Doactor Kastle's
ideas with R*gard to this Iranrovesent.

     Uenerally, speaking, thei work consimt% of building a
concrete culvert with stone head walls. In line with the
branch; three setq of concrete ste'a; fill across swamp,
grading McLaughlin lot. rashaAnig terrance along Limestone
ot . filp in In around old Calv'rt cottata.^  r nntni  water
line anid   1acntg two hydranti where Indicated; layine an
     v walk, where shown, 8' -ide, conposed of 4" Port-
land cement 1-3-6- concrete covered by 1" asnhalt mantic,
s-ame class of work as Duncan Park. all of wicth Is gener-
ally shown on the  lanv waht Ih we enclose.

     There are one or two othfr mleters -nertaining to -lis
im:erovemeat with hiich we are familiarr but which tin ot tn-


cluded in our contract, Should you desire we will be
glad  to give you any information we can in this connection.

                              Yours truly,

                                     Carey-Reed Co.
                                     By Geo.B. -'arey.

Plan sent under separate cover.

     It is agreed between the University of hentucky and
the Carey-Reed ompany that the Cargy-Reed Ccmvany io to
finish the contraet heretofore made by them with ioctor
J.H. Kastle, for a roadway from the camnus of the Univer-
sity to the walkway of ;atterson Hall grounds as shown
on blue crint which is herewith filed as a cart hereof.

     The narticular terms of this contract is set forth
in a letter from Mr. 'eorge B. Carey to Doctor A. M. Peter.
Acting "irector of the Exneriment 5sation, dated Septem er
29th, 1916, which is herewith filed as a part hereof.    he
Carey-Reed 'omcany agrees to finish said work in accordance
with the terms of the contract as set forth in said letter
and b'ue nrint upon the following consideration:

     The work to be done at cost Dlus fifteen nercent com-
migsion, with a guarantee on the rart of th   Carey-Reed
Conmany that the work, as a whole, shall not exceed the
sum of thirty-six hundred dollars ($36o0), this work to be
done with ordinary diligence and peed, in a workmanlire
manner, under the supervision of rofessor McFarland, who
was appointed in lieu of Doctor Fastle as sucervisor of

     In testimony 'whereof witness the signatures of the
Carey-Reed Company My Ggerge B. Carey and the University
of  entucky by its 'resident Renry S'. Iarker, this first
day of Niovember 1916.

                                  Carey-Reed Company,
                                  By Goerge B. Carey

                                  University of Kentucky
                                  By Henry S.Barlter, Pres.

     Pinned to the contract were blue Drint olans of the
work to be donel

     Mr. Johnston moved that this contract be approved and
recorded on the minutes. Those voting aye were Messrs.
Nichol", Terrell, kcKes, Brock, Johnston and Brown. the
motion carried, Mr. Stoll asked to be recorded as not voting.

     It was moved and seconded that an inv-ntory of the
contents of the box rented by President Barker of the Uni-
versity at the Security Trust Co. In which were to be stored


important legal papers of the University, be made and thalt
a list be furnished of this inventory to the Secretary and
the same be aoread unon the minutes. 1he list as furnish-
ed follows:

     Peaboiy Note-%ond of Treasurer Alexander; Mr. Peak's
bond with the American Surety Co.; Juiige Lafferty's bond
in the Fidelity and DeDosit Co. of Maryland; J.B. Lyons'
bond in the  idelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland; the deed
of kargaret McLaughlin to State University bearing date of
June 9, 19109 and conveying a certain lot and narcel of
ground on the east side of 5outh Limestone Street; abstract
of said McLaughlin deed; commissioner's deed to McLaughlin
in completion of the original transaction of the McLaugh-
lin deed; a tean day option of sale on a certain lot on
east side of %outh Limlestone Street belonging to Rebecca
Calverg, bearing date of December 8th, 1910; abstract of
deed bearing title "Rebecca J. 'alvert to State University,
Lexington, Ky." and a deed dated March 4, 1903 between
William J. Calvert of St. Louis, Mo. and Rebecca- . Calvert
of eexington, Ky., contract between Carey-Reed   ompany and
University for work done on campus lake.

     By unanimous vote, this motion passed.

     President Barker renorted that the di-olomas which the
Board at a recent meeting voted sho-uld be changed as to
the name of the University, had been made out with the cor-
rection incorporated and would go forward to the 1916 grad-
uates at once.

     Mr. Brown brought un the matter of the shortage of the
cafeteria which was renorted to am-o-ant to $90.00 in the
last six weeks.   resident Barker stated that he had arrang-
ed with Mrs. Judy, the manager of the cafeteria that she
should get nothing for serviztg the meals to the students
unless excess of income over outlay justified it. President
Barker then reported thatle he fouand th& net loss un to
October 31 wae $147.90.   resident 0arker renorted that the
universal comment was and his own o servatien had been,
that the food was good and wholesome, well served and the
students met at the oateria and had their meals under sat-
isfactory moral surroundings. He said that in his Judgment,
the loas could not have been orevented by Mrs. Judy.

     Mr. McKee asked why, If meals were wholesome and the
conditions happy, the boys did not natronize the Eafeteria.
President Barker said, "I donnot know, I rresume it is be-
cause they know we want them to."

Mr. Stoll- ""hat recommendation do you maks,   resident Barker?

President 4arker- "I am a loss to make any.   Food stuff is
twice as high as it was a year ago and the pronosition io
really a difficult one. I confess that I am disannointed
and chagrined at the outcome."

Mr. Stoll- "I do not t ink the University has a right to


legally Day for the feeding of students, hence I bcelieve
'he University could not legally continue to noay the de-
ficit arising out of their being fed at the cafeteria.
I do not believe we should use the peoples' money in that
way and so long as these deficits continue, we would be
so using this money."

President Barker- "I consider the cafeteria a great adjunct
to University life and a distinct benefit to have a place
where the boys can get wholesome meals on the grounds and
close to their classes. I believeI; however, that wThen the
weather is colder and it will be disagreeable to leave te
college and go a distance to meals, there will be a greater
patronage of the cafeteria; at least, I am honing so and
I would like to see the thing tried at least long enough
to test out that phase of it."

Mr. brown- "Why should we maintain -the cafeteria under the
present arrangements when certain other women of the
city will take it and run it at the same nrice for board
relieving the University of all possible loss?"

President Barker- 'I have done the best I could in the

Mr. Stoll- "I believe we ought to rent the cafeteria to
some lessed who will run it and shoulder the losses or
pocket the orofits."

      *r. Stoll again asked Judge Barker what recommendation
 he had to make.

 President Barker- "I will see mrs. Clarmace Eghert and
 Mrs. Million who recently offered to condu t the cafeteria
 and charge the boys $3.00 per week board, assuming all
 responsibility and see what can be done with them as they
 have alr ady annlied for this nrivilege."

 Mr. dorwn- "Mrs. MYilion and      Egrs Egbert have had experience.
 We want to give the boys the best we can and women can
 do ootter than men and create a be-ter atmosphere for these
 boys in the cafeteria. I favor these women."

 Mr. Stoll- "Do you not think, President Barker, we had
 better ascertain whether it can be run without loss at all
 and then act accordinglyO

      Chairman Nichols said David Kahn had led him to be-
lieve that he wanted to take charge of the cafeteria and
ran it but that his purpose ias to have a woman to look
after it and that he could furnish the food through his
grocery at a closer figure than any one else.

      Adopting ,,resident Barker's suggestion that further
trial be given to the cafeteria, Mr. Stoll moved that the
irouident be authorized to continue the cafeteria to sov-


with the view of ascertaininfg whether it can be conducted
longer witho-ut loss, but th, t., if at that time these losses
continue, then the service be susnended.   Seconded by  r.
fLpock, the notion carried by -unanimous vote.

     President Barker re orte". that arnlicant send names
of others suggested for irector of the ExcTeriment Station
include the following men:

C.C. Hedges- Department of G'hemistry and Q'henmcal tung-
             Gollqge Station, Texas.
Dr. J.N. Harner- 54lemson Ag. College, Clemson  ollege, S.C.
Dr. G.K. ffrancis- Oklahoma Ag. & Mech. Collegs
                  Stillwater, Oklahoma.
RI.M. Allen-WVard Baking G o. - New York. N.Y.
J.H. Shelnerd- N.D. Agric. Gollege
C.T.  hristie- Denartment of Ag.Extension, Purdue Univ.
               Laiayette. Inikiana
J.J. Hoocer- Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Fred Mutchler- ,exington, Ky.
Prof. E.S. (ood- Lexington. Ky.
J.A. Yates- State Manual Training School, Pittsburgh. Kansa8.
L.Junius L7esha- Memphis, 5'enn.

     President Barker excolgined that some of these were
applicants and some had merely been recommended.

     Ur. Stoll made a motion that the Board elect a Board
of voatrol for 'atterson Hall as the law requires, one
woman to serve for the long term, one for the next longest
term and one for the short term.   Mr. Johnston seconded
this motion, which carried unanimously.

     Mr. Stoll then nominated fVV this   oard,  re. Eliza-
beth King 6mith for the longest term, ,rs. A.M. Harrison
for the next longest berm and Mrs. S.   ftarbison. for the
short term. Mr. lacgee, seconded the Inomination which
carried unanimously.   Xhe Secretary was ordered to notify
each of the accointees of their selection and ask them
to be good enough to meet President Barker at their earliest
convenience and discuss with him the work of the Board.

      he funeral accouhf of Mr. RA, Milligan for $172.25.
which had been pres-nted to the board, was referred to the
Th-siness, Agent with instruction to gee If action had not
already been taken by the hoard In this matter and so re-
port at the next meeting of the oard.

     At this point, Mr. Stoll moved and the motion carried
that the body go into executive session.

     Dean pro temr George 'oberts, College of Agriculture,
submitted a report and asked for action.   }n this renort
he indicated that the finances of the college showed that
he wan overdra,.wn approximately on general exnense, about
$125.00 and requested that an allowance be made to cover
this amount and that $300.00 additional to cover contingen-
cies as they may arise.


     Dea- 24oberts submitted the following report and
asked for action to cover the deficit:

                              Lexcington, Ky., Oct. 9, 1916

President Heur S. Barker,
University of  entucky

My dear  resident Barker:

     I desire to call your attention to the financial
condition of the College of Agriculture, with the pur-
nose of asking you for relief through the executive cOMn-
mittee, which has a meeting,, I understand, on the 13th

    The budget as turned over to me was as follows:

    Salaries (including $200.00 formerly 'paid
                                     lDr. Kastle)  $13,505.00
     Dep~artmaental Budget~s
        Agronomy                     $400.00
        An. Husbandry (Good)          4o.oo
        An Rusbandry  (Hooper)        400.Q0
        Horticultrtre                 400.00
        Botany                        700.00
        Bacteri ology                 45-0.00
        Agric. Aconomics                             3_950.0$,200.00

        Student Travel                300.00
        iural Kentuckian              319. 60
        State Fair Catalog             35.00
        Lex. Herald Adv..              50,-00--       704. 60
                          Tootal AiproDriati on     17,600.00
                          Balance Unbudgeted           190.40

     No statement was turned over to me that anything had
been scent out of this $190.40.   Action upon the aessimp-
tion that it had not been drawn unon, I dre;w requisitions
for some Durchakses which were made annroximating $100.00.
After this was done, I was in the business office one day
and found that this s-.m of ;190.40 had been spont in the
purchase of a movin, rcicture machine jointly with the
Colleg- of "'ngineering, the part of the G ollege of Agri-
culture amountinr to $212.00.    he balance had been d-irect-
ed oaid Dro tata out of the deoartmental budgets.

     An error of $50.00 In one of the salarieR to the cre-
dit of the College vvag folld, which   artly covered the
overdraft.  Irt my renort to you of 5entember 19th, I asked
for a general exnense allotment to cover such iteras of ex-
pense as i' is impossible Ao foresee and accurately estimate.
You told me that, in the rush of business at the mseeting
of the committee, thig item was overlooked.    In oraer to
carry on the work of the office, I have been comnelled tO
make purchase of stamns, stntionery and incidental items
amounting to amnroximately $50.00.


     There Is, of course, unexpended money in the Gollege
of Agriculture allowance to cover these p .rchases. but it
would hav- to be taken out of one or more departmental
allowances, which are already far too small to meet the
de-ertmental needs.

     As the finances now stand, we are apnrosimately over-
drawn on general expense about $125.00. I reouest, there-
fore, that an allowance to cover this amount be made, and
that $300. additional be allowed to cover contingencies
as they may arise.

     With this matter once straightened out and adefinite
allowance made, I shall certainly keeo within it.   Under
the circ-uastances no other course was nossible then the
6ne pursued, excent to stop work or nay for the nurchases

     In regard to the $200.00 rer year, which formerly
went to Dr. Kastle's salary, and which you informed me
was to be added to my ,own, I will apnrecieTte it very much
if you will get an official action on thip, in order that
it may apnear on the October salary list.

                                Yours -very truly,

                                         Goo. t. Loberts,

     Concerning this report, Mr. Stoll said he was not
willltng. to votd for the aporopriation herein asked for
until the ABusiness Agent had vouched that the moneywas
in the College to be used for the purpose set oiit.   here-
upon, Mr. Stoll moved that all reauests for maon .   in
addition to buidgeted amounts, be filed with the  usiness
agent one week before the Executive Board meets and that
the Business Agent report to the oard whether such
moneys are on hand; and further that a copy of this reso-
lution be sent to all -.oncerned.   his motion carried
-1thout dissenting vote. 1he Secre ary sent the notices.

     Mr. Brown moved that $250,00 be apDro-nriated to the
College of Agriculture to meet current exoenses In view
of the fact that Dean Roberts had no avail.Rbel funds for
current exenases.  Secondecd by kr. 'Brock, the motion
carried. 1'he followin'r voted aye: Messrs. 1ichols, Terrell
McKee, Johnston. Brown and Brock.   "r. Stoll asked to be
noted as not. voting ani have his reason that he wanted to
be s-re first that the money was availab&4.

     Dean '!. Paul 'ndereon, hairman of the Jubilee Con-
mittee. aubmitted a renort of exren3e for that fund, total-
ing $2433.77. Mr. Stoll noved that this renort be receiv-
ed and this total of exoenditiure be snread iuon the
minutes and the detailed statement then to be turned over
to the Business Agent.  ihe maotion carried unanimously,
1he report Is as follow%:




;ue Byrnes       Aug. to Qctober
Beatrice Million  Aulg. to Votober
Madeline '1ldrick
Hallie R1use
Nell H. Turner

                TYPE WRI TERS

Remington Typewriter Go. ribbon,
Typewriter rental





               ADD     AISasNG & TAIN&TS

Albert acMichael
Lucile Lane
f. C. Little
J. W. Ow ens
'. sZ  mith
Emory iFrazier
J. S. 3r'ringer
Minnie a  eVille

Guy Johnson Printing Go.
Guy Johnson Printing Co.
University 'Book Store,

                  COCRTE MEMORIA

F  a. Austice    0O.
Mitchael Art ironzec Oo. (B~ronze Tablet)

l  1L -



9-3Q .

                 BURGqO AND LUNCH

Leoh Smith, help
Leon Smith. Services
Bayless Fruil Co.
Waller Mfg. (o. (Wood)
Downing Bakery Co.
J.T. 0hristian Co. (ens)
Hughes & Co.       (Rent tables)
F.B. Aodes        (Milk and cream)
Ault Wooden Ware Co.
Armour & Oo.       (MeA at a)
Combs Lumber Co.

Llryan-Huat Co.
Dennis Mulligan
Gus Jaubert
Ste Uent Labor

(Gr.- ceries)
( Kett I1es)

63. 50
48. 23


J. M. Byrnos     (P2aner)                  4.4U
Georg6 Payne t& Co.                        1.40

               MI SCHL _REOUS

S tams                                   214.00
Western Union Telegrarh Co.                 2.08
F?. P. wnderson                            50.00
John C. Weber  (band)                     130.00
Phoenix Hotel Co.  (guests)                28.00
Junior Class       (Drize)                100.00
Caps and gowns                             86.00
Michler Brothers   (dOlant8)                7,50
Louis E. Ramsey & Co.                      12.50
Caufield & 'hark  (Photographer)            9.00
Mimeograph 5upplies and ink                82.50

     Dean Anderson then addressed the Board, stating a gen-
eral objection to certain items of exrense being charged
to the %t3llege of aechanical and -Ilectrical -engineering
instead of to University general expense. He explained
that on certain ocxasions moneys had been ex-oended for what
he considered to be for the benefit of the University and
char.ed to the College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineer-
ing.  He gave as an instance the case of the erection of
the Railway monument near mechanical Hall last May and
the ceremonies attending it, and certain eox'enses charged
to his account that grew ouk of the recent fiftleth anni-
versary celebration.  Dean  nderson said he believed that
these accounts should be charged to general University ex-
pense and not to his deoartment.

     Mr. McKee stated that when an exnense was incurred
without an aDprooriation or budget therefor, it had to be
charged to the department that authorized that expense as
there was no annarent way out of it.   &r. Stoll concurred
in this view anr! askied Dean Anderson if the trouble was
not dul to the fact thiat exrenditures were made without
first gettini- authority of the :xe utive board to make
them. Dean nderson said he would accept the responsibil-
ity for any act that he dia but he wanted this -Board to
know that when the occasion arose in which he was ccmnelled
to run over a specified fixed amount, he felt th t he was
doing it for the benefit of the University and the Univer-
sity should assume the expense. At this point Mr. Bvgwn

     i Dean Anderson referred to the purchase of a moving
icicture machine by him and Doctor Ka5tle, each to pay
half of the cost.   he machine, he sAid was to be used
for student instruot on and benefit.   "r. Stoll interrupt-
ed and said. *Do you not think that when things are to be
charged to the University account, it is better to allow
this Board to decide on and pass apironrlations for them?"

j _            v


Dean "nde:-son gaid he did and hence orth w7-4U1  comply
with this demand. Dean An-derson called attention to thB
fat that in two items of cost, for oak and tile fl1boring
in the Mechanical iuilding, he ac ented the tile proposi-
tion at cost of $30.00 more because h' believed it was the

Mr. Stoll- "Did b4r. Peas or Judge Aafferty authorize the
exnense for these renairs?"

     Dean Anderson said that Jack Dicker did the work.

     Mr. Stoll replied that he did not consider that asr.
Dicker had been given the rii-ht to decide on the cost of
repairs. Dean Anderson then said Judge Lafferty had author-
ized Mr. Dicker to make all repairs on university buildings
and that he had been doing so under that authorization through-
out the summer. IMr. Stoll then moved thati a committee
comnosed of  r. Peak and President Barker be apnointed to
a-certain the amounts of Dean "nderson's accounts with
power tt act and report to the-meeting on November 15.
Seconded hy Mr. Mc1ee, motion was adonted unanimously.

     Dean Anderson suggested that the s-oeeches mad- on the
occasion of the Jubilee be put in some permarnent published
form and suggested further that the SecretaFy of this Board
be instructed to take charge of the work.    r. Stoll said
he favored such a step, provided there were funds available
to effect it.  Mr. Stoll then moved that President 3arker
be authorised to have the Jubilee proceedings Published
provided there were funds available for this nurnose.
Seconded by kr. Brock, the motion was adopted unanimously.

     Mr. Stoll made the following st- tement;

     t'I want to renort to this Board certain disorders of
students of the university of Kentucky last night (Hallow'een).
some of our students were arrested arnd hailed into police
court.  One boy among them was a student at Smith's Commer-
cial College, and all the rest of the crowd arrested go
to school here. Judge ?Ailey of the police court passed
the cases until November 10 to see what action, this facul-
ty should bgke and told me that he believed this faculty
should be given opportunity first to act."   Mr. Stoll said,
"the conduct of the students on the occasion of this
Hellow'een was no worse than on other Hallow'een nights.
He said thst stones were thrown at street cafs, windows
in cars were broken and nassengers actuial'y had their faces
cut; that an attack was made on the Ada Meade theatre "by
these boys out here at the college' and that damage was
done to the front of this theatre.   He said other damamge
had been done and reports had it that university students
were the guilty ones. "Somethiag must be done to bring
order about out here in this college. boys have no right
to destroy property. Their acts on this occasion were fe-
lonIes.  It is a humilating soectacle to see our boys arest-
ed and other boys following the police as they ase conducted
to prison ,jeering at the officers of the law". Ur. Terrell


advised that these boys be detected and sent home. I'The
Disci-lIne Committee should act ceitainly and swiftly.0

     Mr. Stoll resumed with the q-uestion,"4hst has been
done about the hair cutting?" -resident Barker rerorted
that all these cases had been investigated but that evi-
dence could not be gotten against the guilty as they were
banded together and would not tell on one another.

     President Barker promised to have the Disci oline
Committee take up the matter of the Hallowteen outrage and
another case reported by Mr. Stoll in which students are
alleged to have damaged a niece of road machinery belong-
Ing to Carey-Reed Co.. investigate the cases thoroughly
and report to the Executeve Board.

     Mr. McKee moved that the eresident and faculty be
directed to invettIgate all acts of disorder on the night
of Uctober 31 and other nights and report this action to
this body at its next meeting. ;iit~out objection, the
motion passed.

     The Board adjourned.

                               Very respectfully,

                                 Enoch Greham
                                 Secretary Eixecutite Board