xt7n8p5v7j52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n8p5v7j52/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2007-01-jan23. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2007-01-jan23. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2007-01-jan23. 2007 2007-01-jan23. 2011 true xt7n8p5v7j52 section xt7n8p5v7j52 

Meeting of the Board of Trustees University of Kentucky
1:00 P.M.
January 23, 2007
18th Floor Patterson Office Tower
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes - (Consent)
Minutes - December 12, 2006 President's Report and Action Items
PR 1          President's Report to the Trustees
College of Social Work Report - Dean Kay Hoffman PR 2         Personnel Actions (Consent) PR 3          Proposed Revision of University of Kentucky Governing Regulation
Academic Affairs Committee Report
AACR 1    Academic Degree Recommendation
AACR 2    Establishment of the Institute for Workplace Innovation
Finance Committee Report
FCR 1        R. Bruce Bacon Pledge (Consent)
FCR2       Gift and Pledges to the Virginia T. Barrow Professorship in Brain Disease
Research (Consent)
FCR 3       William Stamps Farish Fund Gift and Pledge (Consent) FCR 4       Gifts and Pledges to the John R. Gaines Endowed Chair in the Humanities
Fund (Consent) FCR 5       Gifts and Pledges to the Endowed Professorship for Neuro -Urologic
Research (Consent)
FCR 6       James and Diane Stuckert Pledge (Consent) FCR 7       Gifts and Pledges to the Women's Circle Endowment (Consent) FCR 8       Renaming of Paul A. Thornton Graduate Fellowship in Clinical Nutrition and
Acceptance of Michael P. Thornton Pledge FCR 9       Proposed 2007-08 Room and Board Rates FCR 10     Proposed 2007-08 Tuition and Mandatory Registration Fee Schedules
Student Affairs Committee Report


University Hospital Committee Report
Update on UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital   -   Michael Karpf, M.D.
UHCR 1    Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc. ("KMSF") Approval of
Amended and Restated By-laws and Restated Articles of Incorporation UHCR 2    UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital Certificate of Need
Other Business Adjourn


Office of the President January 23, 2007
1.         UK Breaks into Top 20 for Faculty Scholarly Activity in Chronicle Ranking
A new national ranking of universities, based on faculty scholarly activity, places the University of Kentucky among the Top 20 public research universities. The 2005 Faculty Scholarly Activity Index, unveiled in January by the Chronicle of Higher Education, ranked UK overall as number 19, tied with the University of California - Davis. The index ranked two University of Kentucky doctoral programs as number one among programs at large research universities, with a total of seven UK programs ranked in the top ten in their respective areas. The departments of Hispanic Studies and Plant Pathology were both ranked first among doctorate-granting programs in their fields at large research universities nationwide. The Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology was ranked number three, Nursing as well as Counseling Psychology at number nine, and Educational Psychology and Entomology at number 10 among their peer programs. The index was created by Academic Analytics, a company partially owned by the State University of New York at Stony Brook. It ranks 7,294 individual doctoral programs in 104 disciplines at 354 institutions.
2.         President Todd Chairs New Statewide Panel on STEM Strategy
University of Kentucky President Lee T. Todd, Jr., is chairing a new statewide Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Task Force convened by the Council on Postsecondary Education that will develop a statewide strategic action plan to accelerate Kentucky's performance within the STEM disciplines from preschool through graduate school. The task force is composed of representatives from the executive and legislative branches of state government, postsecondary education, and K-12 education; professionals within the STEM disciplines; and the business community. The four sector groups (government, business, K-12, and higher education) will meet separately to prepare sector reports that will form the basis of a final report. The task force will also explore the critical relationship between STEM production and the knowledge economy of Kentucky. The task force will meet through March 2007 to finalize a report expected to be released during the 2007 Legislative Session that will include recommendations and accountability measures.
3.         National Publication Highlights UK's Lung Cancer Blood Test Research
Research at UK on a blood test that can detect lung cancer was highlighted in the December issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, a national health publication. The publication focuses on the theme, "Signs of the Times: Biomarkers in Perspective." It describes five years of research by Dr. Edward A. Hirschowitz and Dr. Li Zhong to


develop a blood test to detect non-small cell lung cancer. The test could potentially help detect early stage lung cancer in people with high risk factors for developing the disease, such as age, smoking, and genetic history.
4.         Gatton College MBA Students Win "Worldwide First Place" in Simulation
Competing head-to-head against not only their classmates, but also against nearly 1,100 MBA teams worldwide, a team of MBA students in the Gatton College of Business and Economics new 11-month Immersive MBA Program earned a "Worldwide First Place" ranking in the Glo-Bus global strategy simulation used in the Business Simulation course taught by management professor Walter Ferrier. This simulation-based course caps off the six-week HiDef Business Fundamentals module. It serves as a dynamic, immersive, and fun way for students to explore the essential concepts and processes associated with strategic management, functional integration, and team-based decision making. The winning team was comprised of MBA students Kelly Anne Beile, Baptiste Isambert, Tom Masthay, Julie Powell, and Aaron Rothke.
5.         UK Professor's Bestseller Is Named USA Today's Book of the Year
USA Today has named Kim Edwards' novel The Memory Keeper's Daughter as its "Book of the Year" for 2006. The national newspaper noted, "We've done something unusual by choosing a novel that was published last year as our Book of the Year. The Memory Keeper's Daughter became a phenomenon this year when it was released in paperback." The newspaper pointed out that the book by Edwards, a UK creative writing assistant professor, has 2.5 million paperback copies in print, compared with its hardback run of 55,000 copies. The book reached the top position on USA Today's bestseller list and remained in the top 10 for months. The Memory Keeper's Daughter is Edwards' first novel.
6.         Nobel Laureate in Physics Delivers Lecture at UK
Nobel Laureate Wolfgang Ketterle delivered a talk titled "Ultracold Atoms -Dilute Gases with Strong Interactions" at UK on December 1. The talk, a colloquium for the Department of Physics and Astronomy, was free and open to the public. Ketterle, the John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was one of three atomic physicists jointly awarded the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics.
7.         Breast Cancer Drug Clinically Tested at UK Wins FDA Approval
A new use for the breast cancer drug Herceptin was approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration in mid-November, a move that means more treatment options for the 25 percent of breast cancer patients with early-stage HER-2 positive breast cancer. Dr. Edward Romond, a cancer specialist and researcher at UK Healthcare's Markey Cancer Center, was instrumental in researching and analyzing the results of two massive clinical trials of early-stage breast cancer patients who received Herceptin in combination with chemotherapy. The results indicated a 52 percent decrease in the risk for breast


cancer recurrence compared with patients who received the same chemotherapy without Herceptin. Romond also served as the national media spokesperson for the new-use approval of Herceptin for its maker, Genentech.
8.         Thirty-one Students Participate in Gatton College's First Global Scholars
For young people interested in pursuing a career in business, it's no longer an option to compete in a global environment, it's a must. With this in mind, the UK Gatton College of Business and Economics welcomed its first class of Global Scholars this past fall. A part of Gatton's Project Destiny initiative, this first class of Global Scholars is composed of 31 exceptional first-year students who are seeking to develop their professional acumen and leadership skills. The selective admission criteria used in the program includes an ACT score of 28 or higher (or SAT score of 1240 or higher) and an un-weighted high school grade point average of 3.6 or above. In addition to special courses scholars are required to complete, they must also spend one semester abroad during their junior year studying with students from one of a growing list of UK's partner universities. Procter & Gamble Vice President Gretchen Price, a 1976 Gatton College graduate and member of the school's alumni hall of fame, addressed the scholars, together with parents, faculty, and staff at a reception to launch the program.
9.         Kentucky Geological Survey Research Highlighted on ScienCentral News
Recent work on the carbon dioxide storage capacity of Devonian shales by Brandon Nuttall, a Kentucky Geological Survey researcher, was featured in a video production of ScienCentral News, which provides syndicated news items to ABC affiliate television stations nationwide. Nuttall's research has found extensive storage potential in the shales that underlie about two-thirds of Kentucky. In addition to serving as a storage reservoir for greenhouse gas and helping to reduce global warming, this capacity of the shales could also lead to recovery of additional natural gas.
10.       Gatton's Information Systems Program Ranked Nation's Fifth by Association
A recent study published by the Association for Information Systems (AIS) ranks the School of Management in the Gatton College of Business and Economics fifth in the nation in an information systems (IS) research productivity measure. UK is one of the top five along with two of its benchmark universities, the University of Minnesota and the University of California-Los Angeles, in the highest output-per-researcher published in leading IS journals during the five-year period 2001-05. Among the study's other findings, the Gatton College ranks among the Top 20 institutions worldwide (tied with the Harvard Business School and the University of Southern California) for doctoral programs supplying the most graduates who published in leading IS journals during the same period (2001-05). In addition, Gatton ranks among the Top 20 U.S. doctoral degree-granting universities which have produced the most research in leading IS journals over that same period, even though the college has a small number of IS researchers relative to other Top 20 faculties. As part of the School of Management's Decision Science and


Information Systems unit, the information systems faculty is composed of seven professors.
11.        The New York Times Quotes Center for Business and Economic Research Study
A study conducted by the Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) at the Gatton College of Business and Economics was recently quoted in a New York Times article concerning the effects of sprawl on metropolitan areas, both within city neighborhoods and outlying communities. The citation by the Times quoted work done previously by Gatton Endowed Associate Professor of Economics Chris Bollinger, together with the late UK professor Mark Berger, then director of CBER, and former UK faculty member Eric Thompson. The Times highlighted the portion of the UK study that found that the cost of government services, such as police, schools, and sewers, was much higher in counties with low-density sprawl.
12.       Bulgarian State Opera Performs at Singletary Center for the Arts
The Singletary Center for the Arts presented the Bulgarian State Opera (BSO) in Giacomo Puccini's Turandot on Thursday, January 18. The performance, part of the 2006-07 Corner on Classics Series, was the first staged by BSO in Kentucky. Puccini's final work, Turandot, opened at Milan's La Scala in April 1926, 17 months after the composer's death. BSO, formerly known as the legendary company Opera Verdi Europa, was given its new name in August 2005 by the Bulgarian Parliament and the country's Ministry of Culture when the government entities named Opera Verdi Europa as the State Opera Company of Bulgaria. The company now collaborates for its productions with not only Bulgarian opera theatres and symphony orchestras, but also the opera houses of Bucharest, Budapest, Chisinau, Kiev, Theatre Nemirovich-Danchenko, and many others.
13.       Architecture Students Present Urban Design Exhibition in Louisville
UK College of Design School of Architecture students and graduate students from The School of Urban and Public Affairs at the University of Louisville presented urban design work in an exhibition December 15 at the Urban Design Studio in Louisville. The exhibition, titled "SoBro - in 50 Views," drew a comparison between the past, present, and future of the urban area referred to as SoBro, a district located south of Broadway in Louisville. Drawings and models in the exhibition helped illustrate the rich history of the area and potential design opportunities. The students' designs are part of an envisioning process and planning effort to revitalize the SoBro district, which lies between downtown and the historic district of old Louisville. The work by UK and U of L students was led by Mark O'Bryan, associate professor of architecture at UK. Louisville Metro Planning and Design, in conjunction with neighborhood leaders, has proposed rezoning the area to help promote economic development and strengthen its urban character.


14.       Television Actress Sara Rue Discusses Acting Profession with UK Students
UK theatre students were visited by popular television actress Sara Rue on November 21. The actress talked with theatre majors and minors about the acting profession and her experiences. She shared her thoughts about training, auditioning, and the acting profession. Students also had a chance to ask questions. Rue, probably best known as the star of ABC's Less Than Perfect, currently has a recurring role on the CBS television sitcom Two and a Half Men.
15.       Advanced Architecture Studio Presents Stock Exchange in Gallery Hop
UK's Advanced Architecture Studio taught by Karen Lewis, an assistant professor of architecture, presented an exhibition on the Blue Grass Stockyards titled Stock Exchange and took part in Lexington's Downtown Gallery Hop in November. The exhibition visually explored the Blue Grass Stockyards through architecture, graphic design, and social awareness. Students presenting proposals in Stock Exchange included Brian Buckner, Chris Clarke, Brock Hinze, Beth Hunter, Catharine Lowery, and Matt Storrie.
16.       Documentary on Iraqi Insurgency Is Shown at Worsham Theater
Meeting Resistance, a non-fiction, feature-length film set in the streets of Baghdad, Iraq, was shown on October 30 in Worsham Theater. Meeting Resistance enters the physical and psychological heart of the insurgency against the American occupation. Photojournalists and directors Steve Connors and Louisville native Molly Bingham spent 10 months among the insurgents in Iraq to create this insightful, and yet horrifying, film about their lives. Bingham began working as a photojournalist in earnest in 1994, traveling to Rwanda in the wake of the genocide. From 1998 through 2001, she worked as an official photographer to the office of the Vice President of the United States. Bingham and Connors both attended the screening. Bingham will return to campus in April to give the annual Creason Lecture.
17.        School of Music, University Bands Present ^Band Spectacular'
UK School of Music and the University Bands presented the UK Band Spectacular on November 19 at the Singletary Center for the Arts. The concert is an annual event featuring four outstanding UK bands or ensembles from the School of Music: the Wind Ensemble under the direction of John Cody Birdwell, director of bands; the Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Miles Osland, director of jazz studies and professor of saxophone; the Steel Drum Band under the direction of James Campbell, director of percussion studies and professor of music; and the Wildcat Marching Band under the direction of George R. Boulden, associate director of bands and associate professor of music.


18.       Markey Cancer Center Program Wins Maximum Reaccreditation
The Blood and Marrow Transplant program at Markey Cancer Center received the maximum three-year reaccreditation from the Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy.
19.       Army Muslim Chaplain Describes Effort for Civil Liberties at Guantanamo Bay
James Yee, a third-generation Chinese-American, a graduate of West Point, a U.S. Army veteran, a devout Muslim, and the recipient of two Army Commendation medals, delivered a talk, "An Army Muslim Chaplain's Struggle for Justice: Civil Liberties and Guantanamo Bay," at the William T. Young Library. An open reception and book signing followed his talk. Yee appeared on WUKY radio and other local media.
20.       Architecture Studio Unveils Possible Military History Museum Designs
UK College of Design Comprehensive Architecture Studio presented a public exhibition of possible designs for the Kentucky Military History Museum on December 8 at the Thomas D. Clark Center for Kentucky History in Frankfort. The proposals were prepared this semester by students of Stephen Deger, professor of architecture, and Bruce Swetnam, associate professor of architecture. Students, whose work was included, were Eric Baxter, Brandi Berryman, Ben Clements, Cameron Coleman, Erik Dyer, Anna Gregory, Amanda Hardaway, Rudy Renfrow, Phil Schilffarth, Aaron Smith, Emily Stallone, Jeff Stark, Natalie Wheatley, Ashley Wright, and Katie Zurlage.
21.       Niles Center for American Music Offers Concert Series
The John Jacob Niles Center for American Music has presented a number of concerts as part of a series titled "Appalachia in the Bluegrass."   The series explores traditional music in the Appalachian region. The series' performances concluded this winter with appearances by popular WoodSongs folk artist Michael Johnathon and the old-time string band, the Red State Ramblers. The Red State Ramblers presented a holiday concert "Breakin' Up Christmas," which refers to a Blue Ridge holiday tradition. The band includes native and adopted Kentuckians with connections to UK's School of Music, Nikos Pappas and Kevin Kehrberg, doctoral candidates in musicology; Jeff Keith, a doctoral candidate in history; and Will Bacon, UK alumnus and owner of BaConstruction.
22.       UK Libraries Joins Interface to Expand Search-engine Capabilities
The UK Libraries will join Innovative Interfaces Inc. in developing Encore, a next-generation library interface that expands UK Libraries' current search-engine capabilities and makes for an easier searching experience for students and faculty. UK joins 13 other partners that are engaged in development partnerships to create this new library-technology product. Encore will become available to the UK community in 2007. The Encore discovery services platform transforms the user experience of the library. As a unified search and access tool, Encore is a new way of creating public access to


libraries on the Web. New features include the ability to bring more kinds of information to the user from a single keyword search, including results from UK's many subscription databases; community features that allow students and faculty to rate, review, and "tag" library items (as is done on Web sites like del.icio.us); and a more dynamic and interactive interface that brings new search results without refreshing the Web page or interrupting the user's flow.
23.       Gregory Turay Performs at Washington Event Honoring Steven Spielberg
UK Opera Theatre alumnus Gregory Turay recorded a performance of Make Our Garden Grow with Harolyn Blackwell and the United States Army Chorus under the baton of Maestro John Williams for the Kennedy Center Honors Awards Show on December 3. The performance honored Steven Spielberg, Oscar-award winning director, and aired December 26. In addition to the awards show, Turay was invited to the White House by President and Mrs. George Bush for a reception, to a dinner hosted by Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, to a brunch, and to a gala dance in honor of the Kennedy Center honorees.
24.       UK Orthopaedic Surgeon Becomes Lexington's First to Use New Knee System
UK orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Mauro Giordani became Lexington's first to perform partial knee replacement surgery using the Oxford Unicompartmental Knee System. The partial knee replacement procedure allows patients to return to their active lifestyle more quickly and with less pain and complications compared to a traditional total knee replacement. The Oxford Knee became available in the United States last year, although it has been used in Europe for more than 20 years. It is the only FDA-approved device of its kind available in the United States. Unlike total knee replacement involving removal of all the knee joint surfaces, a partial knee replacement replaces only the damaged side of the knee joint. The Oxford Knee procedure also allows all ligaments to remain intact. By retaining all of the undamaged parts, the joint can function more naturally. And because it is a minimally invasive surgery with only a small incision, the Oxford Knee procedure provides a more rapid recovery than a total knee replacement.
25.       Markey Cookbook Is Now on Sale at UK Chandler Hospital, Center
The Markey Recipes & Remembrances Cookbook is now available for purchase at UK Chandler Hospital. Proceeds of the cookbook will help offset the cost of cancer patients traveling to Lexington for their outpatient care. Cookbooks can be purchased at the gift shop at the hospital and at various Markey Cancer Center locations - the first floor registration desk in the Roach Building, the first floor check-out desk in the Whitney-Hendrickson Building, and either of the chemotherapy suites. Cost for the cookbooks is $10 each. Checks should be made payable to University of Kentucky, with Markey Cookbook written on the memo line.


26.       PBS's Antiques Roadshow Returns to UK for Event
The Public Broadcasting System's popular Antiques Roadshow returned to the UK Singletary Center for the Arts for Discovery Day: Antique Appraisal and White Elephant Sale on January 6. The fundraising event for the UK Art Museum offered the public an opportunity to get antique appraisals from nationally recognized experts, including UK alumnus Wes Cowan and fellow appraisers Danica Farnand, Ann Hays, Ken Hays, Lark Mason, Zeff Maloney, and Buck Pennington. The group of experts appraised items such as art glass, jewelry, silver, dolls, toys, musical instruments, paintings, pottery, prints, photographs, manuscripts, autographs, Civil War and American West memorabilia, folk art, Asian art, and Native American art.
27.        Student Awards and Achievements
Shaye Rabold, Martin School of Public Policy and Public Administration alumna, was featured in the Lexington Herald-Leader for her role managing the campaign of Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Mayor-elect Jim Newberry.
28.       Faculty and Staff Awards and Achievements
Sara Boyd, Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute, received the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Anne Rudigier award. The award is given each year to one trainee in the national network who best exemplifies the values of leadership and advocacy for people with developmental disabilities.
Stephen Dobson, Entomology, received $330,000 from the National Institutes of Health for year one of a five-year grant to eliminate a mosquito that transmits tropical diseases.
Walter Ferrier, Management, was recently recognized as having published one of the "most interesting" management research articles of all time. In a 2004 survey, members of the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal cited Ferrier's 1999 article, "The Role of Competitive Action in Market Share Erosion and Industry Dethronement: A Study of Industry Leaders and Challengers," also published in the Academy of Management Journal, as one of the 20 most interesting articles.
Gilbert H. FriedelL former director of UK Healthcare's Markey Cancer Center, received the 2006 Leadership Award from the Institution for the Advancement of Multicultural and Minority Medicine. The award was given in recognition of his contributions to lessen racial and ethnic disparities in health and health care in multicultural communities.
Jack Groppo and Tom Robl, Center for Applied Energy Research, each received the Special Recognition Award in Innovation at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Coal Combustion Products Partnership conference. The award is for investigations of advanced coal by-product processing at the Ghent, Ky., power plant.
Donald Gross, Political Science, was featured in a segment on the FOXNews show Special Report with Brit Hume on October 25. Gross commented on congressional races in Kentucky. The segment aired as part of an overall story on Kentucky politics


during the 2006 election season. Gross also served as a political commentator for The New York Times and other media.
Carol Hanley, Tracy Farmer Center for the Environment, received $190,000 from the Kentucky Department of Military Affairs for implementation of a solid waste management educational program.
Gerald Huffman, Consortium for Fossil Fuel Science, has been elected as a Fellow in the American Physical Society, a recognition based on outstanding contributions to physics.
Larry Jones, Agricultural Economics, received $146,000 from the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board for conducting the Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Development program that supports emerging farm and agribusiness leaders.
Aardra Kachroo, Plant Pathology, received $187,000 from the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service for research involving dissection of soybean defense pathways.
Harold Kleinert, Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute, has two articles forthcoming focused on effectiveness studies of pre-service health-training project modules. The first article will appear in the Journal of Nursing Education; the second will be published in the February issue of the Journal of Dental Education.
Saratha Kumudini, Plant and Soil Sciences, heads an international project and associated Web site that features a yield loss prediction tool for field-specific risk management of Asian soybean rust. The aim of this study is to develop an interactive software tool that will determine a farmer's current yield potential and predicted yield loss if soybean rust should defoliate the crop.
Charlene Leach, International Affairs, received the Leo R. Dowling Award for Compassion, Integrity and Leadership at the Region Six conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators.
Linda S. Levstik, Education, led a discussion about her new book, Teaching History for the Common Good, at the Project Archaeology Ninth Annual Coordinators Conference at Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill. The book was published in 2004 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Mahwah, New Jersey.
Krish Muralidhar, Gatton Endowed Professor in the School of Management in the Gatton College of Business and Economics, recently was awarded a 2006 Distinguished Doctoral Alumni Award from Texas A&M University's Mays Business School.
Beth Rous, Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute, received the 2006 Division for Early Childhood Merle B. Karnes Service Award for her contribution in the areas of leadership, service, research, advocacy, and publications. She also recently co-authored and published a book, Tools for Transition in Early Childhood: A Step by Step Guide for Agencies, Teachers, and Families.
Carrie Saunders, Social Work, was presented an Excellence in Service Award at the state's first Adoption Conference in October. The Department for Community Based Services presented the award to Saunders for her work in promoting and supporting Kentucky's adoptive families. It is the only award presented to a social work professional at the conference. Saunders is an alumna of UK as well.
William Silvia, Animal and Food Sciences, has been awarded the 2006 George Fleming Literary Prize by The Veterinary Journal. Silvia, along with colleagues Ben


Hatler, Susan Hayes, and Les Anderson, published an article on increasing reproductive efficiency in dairy animals.
Mark Stuhlfaut Journalism and Telecommunications, has an article appearing in the Journal of Mass Communications and Society titled "Is Advertising a Personal or a Social Process?" It evaluates a series of moments of creation and applies a social model for deeper insight into the creative process.
Lucian Taylor, Education, received an award for his distinguished career of achievement in service to the Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and the profession.
John Thelin, Education, was a featured speaker at the American Enterprise Institute's conference in Washington, D.C., on "Footing the Tuition Bill." Attended by 200 representatives from federal agencies, congressional staffs, higher education associations, and national foundations, the conference dealt with the emergence of an unprecedented student loan industry.


PR 2
Office of the President January 23, 2007
Members, Board of Trustees:
Recommendation: that approval be given to the attached appointments, actions, and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted.
Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the university. These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate provost/executive vice president through the president and have the president's concurrence.
Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the president or other administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board. These items of report follow the recommendations requiring Board approval.
Action taken:        El Approved        ? Disapproved          ? Other
see correction in minutes


Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Lewis, Verna, Food Service Worker II, Employee Benefits, after 17 years, 1 month of consecutive service, under ARII-1.6-1, Section III.B, effective 12/31/06.
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Johnson, James, Custodial Worker I, Employee Benefits, after 25 years, 5 months of consecutive service under AR II-1.6-1, Section III.A.2, effective 11/30/06.
Vice President for Facilities Management
Bivens, Raymond, Building Operator III, Auxiliary Services, after 31 years,
10 months of consecutive service and 32 years, 5 months of total
service, under AR II-1.6-1, Section III.A.2, effective 1/12/07. Carpenter, James, Building Operator III, Auxiliary Services, after 29 years, 9
months of consecutive service under AR II-1.6-1, Section III.A.2,
effective 2/2/07. Lane, Danny G., Maintenance Superintendent IV, Physical Plant Division,
after 33 years, 7 months of consecutive service under AR II-1.6-1,
Section III.A.2, effective 1/1/07. Snapp, Clyde A., Grounds Worker II, Physical Plant Division, after 18 years,
3 months of consecutive service under AR II-1.6-1, Section III.A.2,
effective 11/25/06. Winburn, Terry, Carpenter III, Medical Center Physical Plant Division, after
26 years, 3 months of consecutive service and 30 years,