xt7n5t3g1z97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3g1z97/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Mass.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs. Massachusetts Historical Records Survey (Mass.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs. 1941 iii, 231, [3] p.: ill. 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:M 382/3/no.14/v.2 books  English Boston, Mass.: the Survey  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Massachusetts Works Progress Administration Publications Athol (Mass.)--Archival resources Public records--Massachusetts--Athol Athol (Mass.)--History--Sources Archival resources--Massachusetts--Bibliography Archives--Massachusetts--Bibliography Inventory of City and Town Archives of Massachusetts. No. 14, Worcester County, vol. II, Athol, 1941 text Inventory of City and Town Archives of Massachusetts. No. 14, Worcester County, vol. II, Athol, 1941 1941 1941 2020 true xt7n5t3g1z97 section xt7n5t3g1z97 IUVCHTOQH

NO.14.W0rcester County


60510”, mHSSflCHUQQTTS




Sargent B. Child,
Carl J. Wennerblad,
Aron S. Gilmartin,
L“ isioq :3 Service


Florence Kerr,
Robert T. Fhillins,

Y .
Harold G. Dunney,

"'.".‘- Y‘Tfir'f, r'r ,' “pat“ “."n C‘Tfi ‘
: .(Uu . u l 14,1; Ll ! Lu-) .L L.


Howard 0. Hunter,
John J. HcDouough,
Denis U. Delaney,


Frederic W. Cook,


iistorical Records Survey Program

sational Director
b te Supervisor of Research and
Records Programs in Massachusetts

State Supervisor of the Historical
Records Survey in.Massachusetts

fl .

c181 Supervisor


.ctinp Commissioner

Regional Director
State Administrator


Secretary of the Commonwealth








By authority of a Presidential Letter, the Historical Records Survey

established in January, 1936, under the national direction of Dr.

, M. Evans, as a federally sponsored project of the Worki Projects
thistration. Since August 31, 1939, the sponsorship of the Aassachusetts

;njt of the survey has been undertaken by Frederic W. Cook, Secretary of

9 Commonwealth. Since March, 1940 the individual state projects of the

)storical Records Survey have been under the national direction of Sargent
(:hild who, as field representative of Dr. ?Jans, had had technical

sunervision of the work of the survey in New Lngland from its inception.

31c pres ent writer has been in direct charge of the project in Iiassachusetts

”ram august 936 to September 1940 when he was succeeded by Aron S. Gilmartin.

41‘ 1.:



Tue purpose of the 1m oject is to survey, pres eive and render acces—
oi: historical source 1m aterials of all kinds. Its work has falle

, Eurall: i.nto th -e folio Jing; main divis‘ons: public records, priva

:.uu CT pts, church records, early Almeric an imprints, historical portraits

hi wwwgoaoers I"instically all historical material falls under one or

2r of t: ese divisions. In bringing this material under control

nor in technio ues Lave been found practicable. depending on the nature
subject rm tte aid using variously the louncls 01 the inventory,

. the c:len dar, the check list or the index in the publication

“.sult. Fo r :;uolic records, church records and portraits, the

the inventory has worked best; for historical manuscripts. the

in rare cases where the material was of unisuai importance

nnor; for imprints, the check list; for newspaper and court rec-

index; and so on.





The actual work of gathering inf011:mtion concerning historical ma—
toflfllS at thei .1 place of storage or one body has in most cases been pre—
ceded by a Liost nec HS ary and, for both the custodian and posterity, im—
portant task. that of putting records in order; of cleaning, dusting, re—
filing, and treating them; and, in short, doing everything possible to
nsure their preservation. This function of the project, often performed
by its workers under almost indescribable conditions of dust filth,
'phcss, poor ventilation, and even vermin may well be regarded by future

generations as a most important contribution of the survey.


Scarcely less important, however, are the editorial processes to
which all field information must be subjected before publication. Here
gaps and inadequacies are spotted, inconsistencies reconciled, and order
brought out of chaos. In the field of public records it has been found
necessary not only to sketch briefly the history of the county or town
and its government but also to preface the inventory of each subordinate
office or institution with an outline of its development, based upon its
own records or upon statutory or other sources. In the inventories of




the preparation of the history of each church

church records, similarly,
h that of locating and listing its

constitutes a task equally arduous wit

records. In Massachusetts two broader works have also been undertaken, q
The general historical background, statutory origin and functioning of _ ?;
county, city, or town offices have been studied with a View to providiig 3 :‘e
satisfactory accounts of the development of county and municipal governw 1Y0
ment generally. These latter undertakings are now happily nearing com-~ 1" :3
pletion. " 1”8

The inventory of the town archives of Athol is the second in the '; ,
series of such inventories covering the towns of Worcester County. A - ;?f
, -(A

full list of publications of the survey to date appears after the index

at the end of this book.

The Survey is indebted to the town officials of Athol for their cow
operation and to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Frederic W. Cook,
without whose sponsorship this project would not be possible.


Aron S. Gilmartin
State Supervisor of Historical
Records Survey





The layering 93.21.19 Mn and Qiiy. first—lies. sf lieessshuswetts is one
or a number of bibliographies of historical materials prepared Lhroughout
the United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey of the Work
Projects Administration. The publication herewith presented, an inventory
of the Archives of Athol in Worcester County, is volume II of number 14 of
the Massachusetts series,

The Historical Records Survey was undertaken in the winter of l935—36
for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unemployed histo—
rians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical word rs. In carrying
out this objective, the project was organized to compile inventories of
historical materials, particularly the unpublished government documents
and records which are basic in the administration of local government, and
nfllCh provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and
social history, The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet
the requirements of daywto~day administration by town officials, and also
‘e needs of lawyer , business men and other citizens who require facts




.. C

J. u

from the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The vol—
Ins is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research

'n unprinted sources ii the same way he uses the library card catalogue


Tor printed sources



The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey attempt to
do more than give merely a list of records——the‘ attempt further to sketch


in the historical background 01 the county or other unit of government, and
to describe precisely and in detail the organisation and functions of the
government agencies whose records they list. The county, town, and city
inventories for the entire country will, when completed, constitute an en—
cyclopedia of local government as well as bibliography of local archives.

The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records Survey
even in a single town, would not be possible without the support of public
officials, historical and legal specialists, anl many other groups in the
community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged.

The Survey directed by Luther H. Evans from its inception in January
1956 to March 1, 1940 when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child formerly
National Field Supervisor, It operates as a nation—wide project in the
Division of Professional and Service Projects, of which Mrs, Florence
Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge.

Howard 0. Hunter
Acting Commissloner of Work
Projects Administration





Part A. Athol and Its Records System


Historical Sketch.................................
Aggregates of Polls, ?roperty and
Taxes as Assessed.............................
Chart of Town Government....................... ..
Governmental Organization and Records System....d

Governmental Organization of Paguciag Plantation

Governmental Organization of the Town of Athol..=,

Rousing, Care, and Accessibility of Records....,.,
Abbreviations. Svmbols and Explanatorv Notes;.....
Part B. Town Officers and Their Records

1. Selectmen... ....................‘................
Minutes and Reports; Financial “anirfiS‘ Licenses

Highway chards; State and Militarv Aid; Maps and

Plans; Miscellaneous

ll. Town Clerk.,. ......................................

Minute‘ and LepnrtS; Vital Statistics; Propertv

Records; Licelmes; Pole Locations; Special Committees;

Military Records; Miscellaneous

III. Registrars of Voters...,.........................‘....

hinutes and Resorts; Recurd: of Voters;
Election Reecris

IV; Election Officers.............. ......................
V. Assessors,...i......................................u.
Reports; Valuations; Assessments; Abatements; Motor

Vehicle Excise; Miscellaneous
VI. Collector of Taxes.......,..t...r..i.....~.. . ...
VII. Treasurer.t . ..........=;q . z..... _ _
Resorts, Receipts and Expenditures; Checks and

e an.

Warrants; Trust FJnds; Notes and Bonds; Contracts

and Insurance Policies; Miscellaneous
VIII- Town Accountant.......c.........,....‘.... ..
Reports; Financial Records; Bond Issues
IX. Advisory Committee.......... ...3.......n’........
X. Contributory Retirement Board.. ........,.........
Sinking Fund Commissioners.......................
XII. School Committee..............‘..........,....(...
Minutes and Reports; Pupils' Records; Employees'
Records; Financial Records; Plans
XIII. Superintendent of Schools....u....................
Reports; Miscellaneous

‘ 35





. -.













Table of Contents


1' "t" .- V 1, m1 -
Lflil 1braiy irustees. .1 . ( ..n:r..n... ..

es and Reports; Accert sions and Circula Uj one;


Fina nc ial Records; Correspondence
)Wlll Yoard of Public welfare 1 it ...h....._1., 1“.) 151
Minutes and Rejorts; Gereral Cases; Financial
Records, Aid to Dependent Children; Old Age
~10 the Infirmary , . , ,..u....... ...1159
.103rd Cr? Uealtli .. . . 140


Celfiagious Diseases, linencia J
Permits: Miscellaneous


, ... ... . . l,
...... ... 14b
1.53 .1


, Ir" 1
F? H‘— 1.”
\‘1 0':

1_1 .~
CO \1


Silver Lake Cemetery;
'ords; Trust E‘unds;


15 (fl

, 1 , "
s, or be: diers‘ Graves




mi Cl (j? ‘

‘A_' [.4 l_J [1:




eras; Financial
;{£ ..1 1 161
ns and Permits;
32311 g zissioners . n ...... ......., .... .. 1 170
XKXIII Ple nning Board and MFA Drojects Committee J 170
XXXIV Trc 'e Warden r. .) ,... , 1.. w . .. . 171
KKXV Hops Superintendentw . . 4 n_. 1,., 1.. ,...172
XXXVI i’viice Departrient .,. ..,, ,.;,¢. ,. a. _ u 172
Reports, Arrests; Motor Vehicle Records;
Acring Chie i 01 Police enU;heener of Lock—up 175
Constables , t . M. _ u .. :1. ..bln.......,176
Eire Depertment v, ..... .u.. .0...... .,..HJ .,. ..177
Einutes and ReporLz; Record of Fires, Ambulance
Scrv1ce, Permits; Einanciel ecords
)3 ?orest 1 ire ”arden , j > w..».. )1 181
Oificer 11..J. . ,,»,. .1 ..n.....",u.. .,u _ 182
L lnseectorwv .... . . .n.................w.l82
Wnights and Measures . 1.~..1.¢, .,n n..}q;,182
of Lumber ,1 ,1....4 .,.11 D._.o.u1183
XLV Heesurece of Wood anf Ba :1 ..n. 4..;...a¢~”..a, .1 , 184

XLVI Public Ieighers ,, 184






Hill I I .



Table of Contents


Fence Viewers.......... ......... .. ...... ...................185
Moderator..... .......... .... ...... .........................186
Town Solicitors.... ......... ...............................186

Memorial Hall Committee....................................l86

Part C. Defunct Offices

Deer Reeves. ....... . ........ ...............................188
Field Drivers ................ ..............................l88
Hog Reeves ................ . ...... . ..... ....................188
Surveyor of Leather..... ...... .............................189
Surveyor of Shingles ........... ............................l89
Tythingmen. .......... ......................................189
Surveyor of Wheat..........................................190
Pound Keeper .......... . ........... .........................190
Sexton ........ . ...... . .......... . ..... .....................190
Appendix ............. . ...... ...............................192

Establishment of Township; Proprietors Records;

List of Sources. ........ .............................. ..... 203
Index. ...... ........ . ...... ...........................;...205
List of Publications ...... .................................232

Boundary Changes Since 1762

1762 [Mar. 6]

Organiza1(plentetion celled Payquege)
1783 [Oct. 15]

Part annexed to Orange (district)
1786 [Oct. 20]

Part annexed to Gerry (new town, now Phillipsten)
1799 [Feb. 26]

Part annexed to Royalston
1806 [Mar. 7]

Part annexed to Royalston
1806 [Feb. 28]

Part annexed from Gerry
1816 [Feb. 7]

Part annexed from Orange
1829 [June 11]

Common Lands (Little Grant) annexed
1830 [Feb. 5]

Part annexed from New Salem
1867 [Mar. 16]

Part annexed from New Salem














90 gps‘rau 3
é!!!"r h, ‘I...fl


Woncasres couu'rv'












E a :2.








April 20, l?




Historical Sketch

Athol, in northwestern Worcester County, was incorporated on March
6, 1762, but the history of the town and plantation properly begin on
55, when the General Court adopted a resolve which authorized
the laying out of four new grants, as follows:

In answer to that part of His Excellency's Speech which

relates to the ungranted Lands of the Province Upon Considera—
tion_yt (that) Power Is given the General Assembly to Grant
Lands especially for the Planting or Settling of the province,
& that by the Great Increase of His Majesty's good Subjects,
many that are inclined to Industry have not been able to
obtain Lands for the Employment of themselves, & Families, &
great numbers have removed to Neighboring Colonies for their

Voted that there be four Towns opened of the Contents of

Six Miles square Each Viz. One at Paquoiag on Miller's River,
Two on Ashuwelet River above Northfield, the other in the East—
ern Country at the Head of Berwich; all to be surveyed in
October or November next at furthest by the Direction of Comm—
tees to be appointed by the General Court & their Surveys to

be Reported at the Fall Session & the Charge of the Commtee &
Survey to be paid out of the publick Treasury yt that) Comm~
tees be appointed to admit Settlers & to lay out the House

Lots so that ye Settlements may be made in a Defensible manner,
& to direct in the drawing thereof, but not to lay out any other
Divisions without further Directions from.this Court, Each Home
Lot to consist of so many Acres as the Court shall Order After
Report is made of the Quality & other Circumstances of the Land,

the Commtees to be paid as the Court shall Order, that there be
sixty three House Lots laid out in Each Township, One for the
first Settled Minister, One for the Ministry, one for the School
& one for Each of the Sixty Settlers who shall Settle thereon

in his own person or by one of his Children, The rest of the
Land to be allotted or Divided equally into Sixty three Parts;
That one Year be allowed from the Survey for the Admission of
Settlers, And that the Comtee be directed to Demand & receive
from each Settler at his admission Five pounds part of which
shall be employed for reimbursing the Province the Money to be
advanced for paying the Committee & the Charge of the Survey,
the remaining part to be employed for building Houses for
publick Worship or other wise as the General Court shall Order,
That each Settler actually live on his Lands within three Years
from his Admission, build an House on his Land of eighteen feet
square & Seven feet Stud at the least, & within the same time

do sufficiently fence in & till or fit for mowing Eight Acres

of Land, Each Settler to have his Land on Condition that he
Perform ihe foregoing injunctions, & in Case any Settler fail of
performance in the whole or in part, his Right shall be forfeited





First entry, p. 5 Historical Sketch

& such Land shall revert to the province & the Commtee to be ap—
pointed to Admit Settlers are directe‘ at the Time of admission

to take a Bond of Twenty pounds of each Settler to be paid to them
or their Successors for the Use & Benefit of the Settlers in Case

he fail of performing the several Conditions & Injunctions before

mentioned, & that the Settlers in each Town to be obliged to build
a sutable meeting house & to settle a learned orthodox Minister

in such Town within the space of five years from the Admission of

the Settlers.1

Of these four proposed townships or plantations, the first mentioned in
the resolve was the Paquoiag Plantation,2 which later became the town of Athcl
On the same day the resolve was passed the General Court appointed a committvg
to lay out “the three New Town: in the Western Frontiers," including Paquoiagfi
[n October of that year, this commit
was appointed by the court with instructions to lay out a township at Paquoia;
and, if possible, two, but at least one, at Ashuelot.4

aken in November, when the court appointed a committca
. s they shall think proper to bring forward the Settltv
wns lately granted at Ashulot & paquoiag."5 The following

a court adopted an order accepting the plat of 25,CC
acres of land "in the County of Hampshire Situate Southeast from North»
field, Including the Land of Pequoiag," and giving its hounds in detail.6 A
second plat "of the New Town at Paquoiap Shewing the Homelotts laid out therc‘
was accepted.by the court on June 39th.”

a t
”to admit such
ment of the new
February l4the (

The same da" the court ordered that


whereas the committee have notified all persons that are
desirous to take up Lotts upon the Terms and Conditions that this


1. Erovince_ggt§ and Resolves, XI (1726-1735), ch. 125, pp. 701—702.
or the original ms. of this act, see entny 591.
. The most common early spelling was "Paquoiag", which has been re—
tained here. The proprietors’ records, however, spell the name "Pequoiag."





3. Province Acts and Resolves, XI (l726~l755), ch. 128, p. 705.
4. lg;d., ch. 2, p. 744. The original ms. of this order is described

in the up endix, entry 2.

5. 'hid., ch. 125, p. 758.

6. bid., ch. 167, pp. 775, 776. The original ms. of this order is
described in the appendix, entry 3.

7. Ibid., XII (1754~174 ), ch. 29, h 19. The original ms. of this

[F1 ’0



order is described in the appendix, entry 5. On April 16, 1754 the court had
limited the size of the house lots to between 20 and 40 acres "as the committee
shall think fit", and had appointed a new member to this conmnttee to fill a
vacancy (ipid., XI (1726—1735), p. 792; for the original ms. of this act, see
the appendix, entry 4.)



tee having taken no action, a new committx






. I‘“




ho had
"N. 1.
in the

of the
in the




Historical Sketch birat entry, p 57


Court has directed to Meet at Concord on Wednesday the Twcn y
Sixth Instant And it being Necessary after such Lotts
that the Grantees be assembled & come into proper Met
Settlement of their said Lotts &c.,


hods for the

Voted, that after the sixty persons for each Township shall

have Drawn Lotta and given Bonds and paid their five pounds Ac—

cording to the order of this Court July 17521 that they forth—

with assemble at Concord and then and there Choose a Moderator

a Proprietors Clerk and Agree upon Rules & Methods for the ful—

fillment of their Respective Grants and for making any lurther

‘ xisions and for Calling other Meetings for the Future aLd an


the Speedy set lement of the said

0 ner Matters or things for


committee rendered an account on Jhe following . 22, show—
cccipt: of £368.? 8 from prospective settlers in tie The
sum let out to nt rest until such tine a? forty families
fram> of a ree-inghcgse raised,

1 (
:tled in each town and th

--~- v ‘.~ vav u ,. —. '
‘ ."fCL-lOIl 080.; t-JL‘JTl has uO 30001


s d'tticult to get exact informat'
9, one Early authority gives Sibstanl
of the proprietors leit Hatfield a:
on September 17. 1735, m(*'





ed by ,
the township, ”Lyons Hill", in the east part, an
Int hill" section.4

The expectations of the General Court regarding the speedy settlement
the new grant were not, however, destined to be fulfilled, Paquoiag ha
in prior to the time of the grant, the home of various bands of Indians

‘lO had taken part in King Philip's War, many of Whom still remained and



order of July 1752 can be found neither

n manuscript form
husetts Archives, Room 458, State House, 0

”ston, nor in



2. Province Acts and Resolves, XII (1754-174L),
zuiginal ms. of this order is described in the a,peLdi
of the original bonds are still preserved in the S‘~‘
in the appendix, entry 7.

3. lEiQ-7 ch. 98, p. 46.

4. George w. Herr, "Athol" in History 9: Worcester County, I, 215.


on 42, p 24. The
X d four



First entry, p 57 Historical Sketch

entertained no great friendliness towards the white men 1 Settlement was
therefore of a particularly hazardous nature, and few families came forward
ro attest their desire to leave the comparative security of the old-ostab
JiCLed towns for the insecurity of the untamed wilderness

A few years later, on May 26, 1740, Richard Norto and other settlers
presented a petition to the General Court

Showing that the Grantees were obliged to have sixty families
on the spot and to perform the other conditions of the Grant before

tLere is but Fourteen.Families settled on place,


rs are under crest discouragements for want of the
f‘ 1 I, " ’I “7 ox r.‘ in: ' 4- r 1’ 3 4' rV W? H" " ‘ )"I
goo ,Jhich “no a..~._, not. (lulu to suppOLU oi. then
and by son of their exposed condition in case of a war,

and praying for some re_ief from this court 4

In answer to this petition the court appointed a conmittee 'to inquire
" with their obligations “5


1 ns from other towns and ”the Apnreh nsions this House
have or a Sneedv nunture between the Crowns of Great '
e Gene‘al Court, after a delay of two years, to SiVe

r On November ll, 1742, it voted that money



~e services of the men wlr lied as agents in the purchase of lan
from the Indians were highly regarded and well connensated For example to
Zachariah Field, who had negotiated the ourchase of the lands at Pequoiag




the Gen ral Court on December 4. l?34 granted 800 acres "in one or two piecec
a adjoining to the township at paquoiag" as compensation (Ergv;nge ‘

Besolves, XII (1754~l740), ch 121, p 6i ) On December 5, l735 the
of 400 acres of this grant to Field were confirmed by the court, the
of the remainder being confirmed on June l8, 175C (Ibid_, ch l27‘
180, ch 55, p 276 ) When one of these tracts was discovered to be
within a township granted to the inhabitants of Salem, the court granted Fie;
400 acres of equivalent land further west, in Hampshire County (lbid Xlli

(l74l—l747], ch 2, p 129.) Another order of the court, dated July 5, l?iO
confirmed the boundaries of a ’“Ent of 250 acres to Jabez Fairbanks ”on the


West side of Pequoiag " (Ibvn , XII (1734—1740), ch 49, p 69l ) This g a:

J I‘
was subsequently found to be mostly within the bounds of New Salem, as a rent

Thomas Fairbanks, the son of Jabez, was permitted, in 1751, to lay out an
equivalent tract elsewhere, (Ibid , XIV (1747—1752), ch 125, p 4R9 ] In
1745 John Snead of Paquoiag was granted 200 acres of the unappropriated lands
"at or near" Paquoiag in consideration of the services of his father in the
Indian wars (Ibid , XIII (l?4l~1747), ch 55, p, 252 )

2 Ibid , XII (1754—1740), ch 16, p 677 The ms original of this
petition and order are described in the appendix, entry 8

5 Ibid


H H n—t-'< ,4."

#HFF'W L—n‘n


:;uiutorical Sketch t"










A:rd ,. car the ln.Land F1ontiers in this Province be put i.nto a better Posture
ab ‘Cf Ucfguac OI bUlS appiopriatiou "100 W1; dvlmtfwd to the plantanion 3*
.‘Plfiuolag, and a committee was set up
ers to lay out in the most prudent manner in etar"ng in each of
the beforenamed Settlements for the ir security do 17ing the War a
Garrison or Garrisons of Stockades or (>f Square mle7 round
0 some Dwelling House on houses or 05 ne:v- Ls: as welJ be most 101
e the Security €LJDe WE nos 01 the whole lnhabit'“*”‘ Piovudad
Nevertheless that ii‘ tue hpprehensions oi L ozer before
50 the Honey be laid out wnat remains snail be returned into the
Treasur“, there to lye for tJG further Older of ihis Cou:t 1
So urgent did the daracr seem 1/46 that the court OTPBljd
1 ms; and subsistence be allowed to th 1r ty volunteer scouts for the
Ni?» V l ~?D 1h ontier for the period of a mont ten of these being for tle
1 tion of Paquoiag 2 A little later the same month the court vote d to
1 _J t the governor to write tie Governor 01 Connecticut to send 500 men
so 1 *le defence of the frontier
n- Two other petitions, both undated, testify to the rigors an? dangers
Dria7 ife at Paquoiag One was addr ssed by Richard Morton and six Other
wh would

'tants to Governor Spencer Phips and the General Court - 15
,3 it at some time between September ll, 17 49 and August 6, 1753 or
September 25, 1756 and April 1, 1757, during both of which periods

A , ... . v . .
was governor - After reelting the 1dit ions of the original grant

so 1
.,,_, E“ 7n". ,
'e court in LIuly 1702,J tie petition S'tates that the settlers have






endured more the an l4 vears hardship 6 already to eifeot so good
et there are out 18 families now res1ding in said
than 50, by means of which we

r e designe Y
' Pequoiag nor ever has been more

sour humble petitioners have been and still are QflCw 1 g
liculties and discouragements and much hindered in tie managing
or our affairs; etc., and have been prevented fr m being incorporated as
a town and all the benefits which such an act blings to its innabi

ants. we esteem it a great unhappiness to he kept out so long
Line (by re'son of the smallness of our muvaeis} fry (from) being

rear a11~





' '1'." I "‘§1}§~111§§"'1§ijéand Rééf'; J, an"(1611117171:”;1“"registry“

2 lbid , ch 320“ p 702

C lhid‘l Ch 357‘ p V14

1 Massachusetts General Court

19:59:; .1 p 201

» An apparently erroneous date traceable to the i‘aulty memory oi the

.Iwihi wti oners since the grant of the court was not made until apiil 80,1753
6 Ihis would place the date of the petition at about l7a6

flannel :91: the. Else 91“ .1119. general




Historical Sketch


entry, p. 57


a body corporate and of consequence fr, (for) the benefit and
protection of the laws made for incorporated towns and having
no remedy of law for trepasses committed on us since we are
destitute of and have not absolute right and property to our
lands as also for suitable schooling and educating our children
and a great part of time destitute of the gospel and its ordinances
and without the help and benefit of tradesmen for the mending

and making of farming tools and necessary utensils etc. many

also are the hardships etc. we have undergone from the remote—

ness of our habitations from incorporated towns etc. but more
especially in a time of war, the loss of time in not being able

to carry on our farming by reason of the lurking, lying in

waite of the enemy, while so few in numbers etc. We therefore

pray your Honors would cause the terms and conditions of the

grant to be fulfilled, more especially that our numbers may be
completed and we have absolute right and property to our lands

or grant us liberty to remove ourselves and families to some

other place where we may be more serviceable to ourselves and

the Commonwealth. Or we pray bonds may be prosecuted against
delinquent Proprietors that we ma: have some compensation for

the hardships and difficulties we have endured.1


The other undated petition was addressed to Governor William Shirley
and the General Court and would by that fact be assigned to the period
between August 14, 1741 and September ll, l749 or between August 7, 1755
and September 25, 1756. This petition is signed by Joseph Lord on behalf
of the inhabitants of Paquoiag and states that, although in a few years of
peace the plantation would be able to defend itself, its present nunbers
are few and can offer little defense against attack, that the people are
dailv expecting a visit from the Indians and pray that some defense
measures may be taken.2 Apparently some aid must have been furnished,
for another petition dated January 7, 1755, of which Lord was again the
chief signer, mentions "the fort already built" although it pleads for
province aid in construction of two additional forts of square timbers,
one of 45 to 50 feet square on the west (or north) side of the river for
receiving the six families on that side and the other 64 feet square on
the east or south side of the river for the twenty families and five
single men on that side.3 In addition to the danger of attack "from
our (Indian) enemies who in the late war took away the life of one man
and led captive another" this petition strikes a new notezu . . . "and
inasmuch as by our not being incorporated we are unable to constrain
such persons as claim an equal share of land with us the inhabitants of
said Paquoiag to an equal or to even any expense with us in building nec—
essary forts or garrisons for our defence against the assults of our



appendix, entry 23.
appendix, entry 27.
appendix, entry 24.


l ,









Historical Sketch First entry, p. 57

. . . 1
enemies whose lands Will be equally defended With our own. . , ."‘ Why,
should we defend at the risk of our lives

said the people of Pa