xt7n5t3g1s9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3g1s9g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1979 1979 1979-11-19 2020 true xt7n5t3g1s9g section xt7n5t3g1s9g ' U s t tf It ‘
UK Iranians say . . governmen a au ., ,
BV NANCY GWINN The girl. who asked not to be identified, country. (‘rhaffarin said students he knew who In the Student t‘cnter cafeteria Friday, several .. ‘
Staff writer nodded in agreement with Ghaffarin. but added were subject to deportation are part-time Iranian students sitting at a table presented their . _, ,1 ; _ -
that she did not want to talk about it. students or those who had not known exactly views of the Iranian situation in Iran. America % . “If"? - /
Tears streamed down the face of an Iranian UK students from Iran received letters last when their passports were to have been renewed and Lexington. . y . .
coed Frrdav morning while she sat in UK‘s Monday requesting their appearance before by the Immigration office. ' ‘ ‘ Masoud Kalantar. a provisional graduate _
International Affairs Student Office. where Immigration and Naturalization officials in Ali Jabbari." an engineering senior. said student in physics. said he saw the immigration 7 "s. _ f ' 1'
immigration officialschecked visas and passports Bradley Hall. in accordance with President immigration officrals checked hIS'VISH and asked check as an “inqiiiry of mind; to intimidate mgr .’ “a: a . 0%
of Iranian students. Carter‘s order to deport Iranian students who him to stgn a paper demonstrating his feelings When Iranian youths sci/ed the US. Embassy j . f '
A male Iranian expressed his displeasure with had violated their visas. about the US. government. . Among the in Tehran I6 days ago, AmCIICdlI‘hostilities w ;. . I
the procedure. “Immigration asked for only It has been reported that approximately 400 QUCSUOHS appearing on the questionnaire were: escalated at home towards the oil-rich nation ’ ’*
Iranian students; it bothers me." said Sadaghat Iranian students are subject to deportation from Was he opposed to'the government? And. did be which was alreadyentrenched in internalturmoil.
(ihaffarin. a sophomore in chemical engineering. 300 colleges and universities throughout the plan to overthrow it. Jabbari said. (‘ontinued on page 4 MI(‘H.-\III, I)A\\.-\HARI
voi. ixxu, No. 67 Ker e] i‘niversity of Kentucky
Monday. November I9. 1979 an Independent student ““3””, Lexington. Kentucky
B . . I I I I i . «e 7 e ;:2:-7:;T"5”ts.;11 4' -
emg first black on B & Es faculty not unusua
\i i is: T .o' ‘ . :2; .- ' ;
By Rl'TH R AGLAND has not happened here as relates to in finance. they moved to ‘ - ___ . ._ . .
Reporter sexism and racrsm." Minneapolis. Minn. (iray' accepted a ‘ i A; 3.
His success story is not a common commercial lending position with the m” ' 3f". .
Every Monday. the 32-year-old one. First National Bank of Minnesota to ““ .1 .
attorney offers his business law classes p e cpl Two years after he entered West obtain a solid background in finance. _ x .
some words of wisdom culled from Virginia State College in I964. (iray' Two years later.(iray was offered c . '
iokes. stories and poems his mother flunked out. Although he spent the and accepted the position of k 1 . " s ' ; .
.sent him while he was in Vietnam, He insensitive uniiersitv.“ Although ”(.3 next year working and” intended to regional counsel forthc Omaha. Neb. , f . - ,5 ; .‘ ' _
wears three-piece surts to class and history speaks for itself. (irav said.the return to college. he was drafted in branch of‘ the federal Deposit . .
Kojak style sometimes enjoys a I'niieirsitv has Committed itselfto hire I907. , Insurance (orp. IHrs duties included g ‘
lollipop while giving lectures. more “when?“ minorities [4(rray said he was against the adiising the regional administrator. .g . vs
For Professor C. Michael Gray of Gray said he intends to keepaclose \ietnam \har. but“ he decrded that the H)I( s bank examiners and the ‘ i \‘9
L'K‘, College of Businggc and watch -on how the hiring of womcnand refusing the~ draft took more nerve insured banks in Nebraska and Iowa. _ _- ~ s ; a“
Economics. being the college's first minorities develops '1! [K than I had. ; They took a chance making me .. fig: .. “.5 “E‘s .
black facult\ member is not so ' .. , ‘. ‘ .‘ ;; He spent two years in the army regional counsel because I had never =2 ,5 V“ ‘
unusual. I . BL" n 5.3 sad ”“I‘g- he said. I during one of those. he was stationed practiced a lick of law." (irav said. ’ kk 1’ i’
’l he summer before he entered [h'rjk they \e done,” 91” 0‘ ”9‘“ in Vietnam Seeing the army‘s racral last spring. the (irays decided to s\$\\ Qy§¥
eighth grade. his mother told him he {tzrced’ttt d9 ‘3‘ film; W“)! be thanks disparity there was a larger moie their two sons 7-y car-old . 5' ‘ " *s,. ‘
would be leaiingthe integrated public ' ““519” Ian 0‘ t .mum‘vl a” percentage of black combat troops Mason and Courtney. 2 closer to " \ km *
; . been guilty of the blind leading the , - ‘ - ; ; . , . . , ,- . . ; y EE .. .Q‘ i» .. .. :3:
school he was attending in his bl' d"' l ‘ than white troops motnatcd himto \Mst \irgina. (tray said hc‘wastoying s. .. s§vm§y :1} .; A s. . $.32,
- . in in 30““ ”W“- . . . A , o .. . , 2 =~ we . .. -.‘-= s
hometown. Huntington. \V\ a to “\l . 1‘ Id l‘ k h' pursue a law degree. .. . with tht Ide of tcaching full—time $5 ,. ‘8“ ; s:
becomethefirst black studentenrolled ‘ 0“ pcopc “0.“ [,“n .l f“ "lwanted to put myself inaposrtron he had taught part-time at iunror ' " * “E’A .
‘ in Marshall l'nivcrsiu Lab School. when you have a W”. uniyersity m where maybe I could attempt to colleges in Minnesota and at the 5' “his. “sh"
"It wasa shock (to melthat I would your city that “WWW-V would be eliminate that type ofiniustice.“(irav University of Nebraska. 2;. _ i W. ' i
be chaniiny tschoolsi.“ (irav said, leading the crty In being somewhat said. i i ' They both sent resumes to scyeral ._
Looking back. however. he said hers progressive. he Sd'd' Butclearly. ”1‘” Returning home in I969. (iray re- firms and universities. including I'K. \ “‘3‘. ' ~ ).§
glad his parents enrolled him in the entered West Virginia State (‘ollegc but were skeptical about accepting .- ‘ _- 93... "
school. _‘ x and “played the game much better." positions here. (iray said l'K's .__ ,; ,s f . :«
"I had to draw upon a lot of things ”43%??sz He made the dean's list and met and persistent follow —iip on their .. ' w x _
. they had taught me in order to sirryiie 5:97 married Yvonne. applications and a campus \isit were 51$ 3‘. ‘v .. V
mentally." he said. "lo get up eyery :/ After graduation. the couple moved the decrding factors which brought s _. , . :l. is} "$3.“;
morning and go to that schoolwasan to Madison. Wis. to attend the them to UK. ' i 3' é .- 1 ; 513?: t;
effort.“ 3/ WM IJnitersity' of Wisconsin. (iray said he Although he is not sure he wants to i 5' » it 5 ; ' g
(iray s wife. home. is the first ’,,4, a; ,- remembers the housing for married teach forthe rest of his life. (tray said . ~ washes -:~ w
blacktoholdatcaching positioninthe I ' / . . 5/ students resembled army barracks. the fun of teaching undergraduates \ it; tint \IOI(\\ kcrirt-l ‘stafl ;
accounting department of the B & I? 5 “and that was a wee bit depressing." about law is something he "would not ' I
college. They based their decision to A Howeicr. he said the people were gi\c tip for the world right now." Oh BOWie.
come to l' K on seieral factors the I” M extremely friendly and added that be
small number of minorities on l'K‘s still considers the university an "l'lt’ people" is a Kernel feature Sam Bowie (3| above) scores two of his 22 points with a slam dunk
faculty was one. Q . 4 ; enlightened school, about the l'niversity's students. during his first I'K game Saturday in the Hall of I‘itmt' (lassic at
09“”le ‘0 (iray. I‘K hi” “l“u.“ ‘ I In I975. after (iray recciied a law faculty'sadministrators and staffwhich Springfield. Mass. l'K lost the season ()Pt'i'lt‘r against lira ~ I ah t-rsE:
been in the eyes ofblacks "a very (‘. MICHAEL GRAY degree and Ysonnc a master‘s degree Will appear on Mondays. 82‘76- 59“ W") 0" P32? 5-
C d/ l' h m h 400 m m
an 9 [Q t arc attracts over W0 en, en
By TERESA YOI'NC sidewalks. not in the street. and join us." then. He returned to UK after serving (iamma Delia fraternity house on the Rape ('irsis (crate: .rrid titltc' camps
‘As‘st‘c‘lufc manor (‘alls of recognition and laughter About 100 people did. in the armed forces. corner of Rose Street and Kalmra concerned with worrrer s r gifts ..
filled the air as people joined the lhe marchers' numbers grew as After walking with some of the Aycniie were the triost \ocal. Iiigt‘lllft‘t‘titvul"ttfllt'c‘ifltittil. the
It was reminiscent of marches crowd. One womanjoining the group people parkedtheircarsandy’oinedthe marchers. Vicini said. “ltjust dawned lhe marchers made their way down Reel \korld String Band .iii .ill
duringthe sixties. Postersand banners carried a drum; others distributed walk. Groups of students who heard on me that I fought for every cause Rose Streetio Main Street.wlictctlicy female bluegrass hand donating their
were carried by about 400 chanting candles to marchers who did not the chants came out of their houses (back then) and now I‘m just setting/ chanted “\‘o more porn“ outside an tiiiic for the Itlll} mng two Holly
demonstrators: already have one. and talked to marchers. Many'joined back and saying it‘s gonna happer adult theater. \ctii songs ticappella \\llll .isHsldttt‘L‘
The difference was that the Pamela Carpenter. one of the first in the chants and laterjoined the anyway. lhe walkers nexttttrnctl onto \orth from Ihs‘ crowd
participants weren‘t demonstrating march'sorganilers. used a bullhorn to march. “That‘s why I wasn't going to Mill Street. passing their original lhe .itmosphcrc tool. l‘t‘strlflc‘ tunic ‘ f
' against problems in Iran or US. tell the crowd at 8 pm. it was time to Two young men bringing upthe rear march. but a lot of people supporting stopping point. d o w ntow it ~. serious when Iltc speakers talked it
imolvemcnt overseas. They were part begin. Candles were fit. signs and of the line encouraged bystanders to this may make the streets safer.“ ('heaps‘rde Park. lhey went to lhird rape. its itciirrrs. s: snot "ttt!.t\\tt‘.cfll
of Saturday night‘s march entitled. banners raised, ioin in the demonstration. Although Cheers came fromthc crowd asthcy Street. then to North Broadway. and \icttiiis. oiHlic-tul‘ liarnsmim: and ;
"WWW" Against ViOICUCC Atlainst With a fourncar police escort. the one OIIIIL‘ men said he “was not afraid passed a house on the corner ofEuclid finally ended the walk after 90 minutes the “wt rm on (It that women who j
Women.“ protesters started down East High to walk at night." he said he was Avenue and Aylesford Place at I ‘9‘};‘5‘5‘ . . . 5ng, wasteful country. about ?0 percent householder would not have to worry weather forecasters.thecomingWinter
‘ * ,, », // . ' ' . :th _ .3, . ==. ' goes for homes and more than half of about being sold a bill of goods by will be a cold one