xt7n5t3g1q9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3g1q9c/data/mets.xml Utah United States. Works Progress Administration Lowe, Robert C.(Robert Chapin), 1907- Adams, Donna Seare 1936 p. 4201-4249, 1 leaf (folded); 27 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:35/Ut 1 books English Washington: Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Utah Works Progress Administration Publications Public welfare -- Law and legislation -- Utah Charity laws and legislation -- Utah Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of Utah text Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of Utah 1936 1936 2019 true xt7n5t3g1q9c section xt7n5t3g1q9c ~>/ 3:, UNIVERSITVOFKENTUCKY ‘ .k‘
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This bulletin is one of a series intended to present in
CC abstract form the public welfare provisions of the laws of eacr of
_2‘ the States.
‘ (a The purpose of these bulletins is to give a brief review
W3 . . . . '
of the prov1s10ns for public ass1stance under the laws of the several
-3 jurisdictions, and of the administrative agencies set up by law with
11 reference thereto. A chart show1ng the organizational relationships
. if of the administrative agencies is included.
3~ The possibility of error in attempting with a limited staff
(a and in a limited time to assemble and digest the formidable mass of
5v material incident to such a study is frankly recognized. The cooperaw
0 tion of those who have occasion to use these digests in reporting any
}§ errors of omission or commission noted, or in suggesting improvement
g: in form or content, is invited and will be greatly appreciated.
fl Meanwhile it is hoped that those interested in considering
”f the reorganization or strengthening of public welfare services in the
;% several States may find the digests of practical value.
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Public Welfare Provisions Page
Aid to Dependent Children in Their Own Homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4202
Care of Dependent and Neglected Children (Institutions and Agencies). . . 4204
Blind “Biatmcgo I I I I I I I I l U I O I I O O I I I I I I I I I I I O 4206
old Asa Assistance. I I I I I I O l C C O I I O I O O I I I I I I I I I I 4,208
veterms‘ Relief. 0 O I I I I I O I O O I O O O I O O I I I O O C I O I I 4210
Administrative Provisions
state Dewtmnt of ”11° 'elfarO- I I O I I I I O I I C I I I O O I I O 4211 ‘
Board of Corrections (State Prison) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4214
Board of Pardons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4220
. SteteHospitel..............................4223

State Training School I I I I I I O I O O I I I I I I I I O I I O D I I I 4228
State Industrial School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4232
Juvenile Court I l fl I I l I I I O I I I I I I I O I D I I I I O O I I O I 4256
Juvenile Court and Probation Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4240
Board of County Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4242

County Poor Commissioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4245

County Detention Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4245

County Deyertment of Public Welfare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4247
Note on School for Deaf and Blind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4248
Note on State-Aided Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4249
Chart Showing Public welfare Agencies

 Utah 4201
(a) Description of class
Indigent sick or otherwise dependent poor persons. y ,
(b) Procedure for determinig eligibility
Upon complaint made to the County Commissioners that any
person is in distress, the Commissioners must make an examination into
‘ the facts of the case. 3/
No person may be received into any hospital or infirmary
maintained by the county without an order of the County Commissioners
or of the Commissioner of the Poor. _2_/
(of) Measure of responsibility
Care in poorhouse _1_./, medical care by county physician 1],
hospitalization in the county hospital or infirmary 1], burial y,
temporary relief and burial for non—residents. 2/
(d) Qualifications immsed
Residence in State one year and acquisition of legal settle-
. ment (residence in county 4 months during the year). No lawful settlement
can be acquired by any indigent person while a recipient of charity. 3/
County Commissioners may compel support of poor by relatives. §/
I (e) Incidence of financial responsibility
0n the county. y (Obligation mandatory. _J_./)
(1‘) Taxes
County Commissioners may levy an annual tax not exceeding one
mill on the dollar. 1/ ‘
(g) Administrative agencies
County Boards of Commissioners or County Commissioners of the
Poor. §_/ County Welfare Departments (when and if established) administer
State and Federal funds. g
(h) Supervisory controls
The State Department of Public Welfare supervises administra-
tion of State and Federal funds. 10/
1. Revised Statutes Ann. (1955), Sec. 19—5-55. 6. Ibid, Sec. 19-5-62-55.
2. Ibid, Sec. 19-5-65. '7. Ibid, Sec. 19—5-63-62.
5. Ibid, Sec. 19-5-57. 8. Ibid, Sec. 19—5-64-55.
. 4. Ibid, Sec. 19-5-60. 9. Laws (1935), Ch. 69,
5. Ibid, Sec. lg‘O‘le s_ece 7.
10. Ibid, Sec. 6.

 4202 Utah — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(a) Description of class
Widowed and dependent mother of child under 16. l/
The tenn "widowed" is construed to include a mother whose husband
is dead or permanently incapacitated for work by reason of mental
or physical infirmities or confinement in a penal institution, or
whose husband has been divorced from, or has deserted her, and
~ an unmarried woman who is the mother of a child or children born
out of wedlock. E/
(b) Procedure for detenmining eligibility
Application to County Commissioners. The Commissioners
may require more complete infonnation from the applicant. g/ (If
State and Federal funds are made available application must be made
to the County Departments of Public Welfare, if and when established. 2/)
(0) Measure of responsibility
Not to exceed $40 per month. é]
(d) Qualifications imposed
(a) Mother: Widowed and dependent on own efforts for
maintenance of children §/; husband dead, permanently incapacitated or
confined in penal institution; divorced; deserted 3/; allowance neces- .
sary to enable her to remain home; proper person morally, physically,
and mentally for bringing up children; may not receive allowance if
support received from public funds within one year before taking up
residence in county of application 2/; must make monthly report to
County Commissioners. g/
(b) Child: Must be living with mother; allowance neces-
sary to save child from neglect. Children over 16 or any adult member
of household must contribute proportionate share of household expenses. 2/
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
On the county. g/ (Obligation mandatory. §/)
1. Revised Statutes Ann. (1953), Sec. 14b5-2-6.
2. Ibid, Sec. 14-5-11.
5. Ibid, Sec. 14-5-5 (8).
4. Laws (1935), Ch. 69. -
5. Revised Statutes Ann. (1933), Sec. 14-5-2.
6. Ibid, Sec. 14-5-6.
7. Ibid, Sec. l4-5-3.
8. Revised Statutes Ann. (1033), Sec. 14-5-1. I

 Utah - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 4205
(f) Taxes
No specific provision. County general fund. 2/
(3) Administrative agencies
County Board of Commissioners. _9_/ (County Departments of
Public Welfare, if State and Federal funds are made available. _l_(_)/)
(h) Supervisog controls
No provision. (State Department of Public Welfare if State
and Federal funds are made available. y) ’
I 9. Revised Statutes Ann. (1953), Sec. 14—5-2.
10. Laws (1955), Ch. 69.

 4204 Utah - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(a) Description of class
Dependent or neglected children who are under the age of 18
years. (Care may be continued until child becomes 21 years of age, in
the discretion of the juvenile court. 3/)
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
Any person may, and any peace officer must, give to the court
information that a child is dependent or neglected; thereupon preliminary
inquiries must be made under the direction of the Probation Department 2/,
and subsequently a petition may be filed 3/ and summons served upon the
parents, guardians or custodian of the child. 3/ The hearing may be conducted
in an informal manner and must be regarded as an equity proceeding. §/ At
the conclusion of the hearing the court may:
(1) Commit the child to any suitable institution, Children's Aid
Society or any other agency incorporated under the laws of the State and
authorized to care for children or to place them in family homes;
(2) Place the child under such guardianship or custody as may be
warranted by the evidence in the case and for the best interests of the child. fi/
(c) measure of responsibility
Commitment to any suitable institution or Children's Aid Society .
or any other agency incorporated under the laws of the State and authorized to
care for children or to place them in family homes; placement of children
under such guardianship or custody as may be warranted by the evidence in the
Juvenile court hearing. 2/
(d) Qualifications imposed
(e) Incidence of financial responsibilitz
The State contributes to certain private institutions caring for
children, such as, the Children's Aid Society §/, but the county of which the
child is a resident is liable for the support of the child and the court may
order the payment of a reasonable sum per day covering the actual number of
days the child is cared for by the person, society, agency or institution. 2/
(Obligation for support mandatory on counties. 2/)
1. Revised Statutes Ann. (1933), See. 14-7-4.
For definitions of "dependent child" and "neglected child" see abstract of
provisions regarding Juvenile Court, infra.
2. Revised Statutes Ann. (1933), Sec. 14-7-12.
Probation Department consists of probation officers. See ”Juvenile COurt".
3. Revised Statutes Ann. (1933), Sec. 14-7-13.
4. Ibid, Sec. 14-7-14, 14-7-15.
5. Ibid, Sec. 14-7—25. .
6. Ibid, Sec. 14-7—42, 14—7-43, 14—7-29.
7. Ibid, Sec. 14-7-29.
8. Laws (1935), Ch. 138.
9. Revised Statutes Ann. (1935), Sec. 14—47-47.

 M - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 4205
(f) m
No specific provisions. (County general fund. 19/)
_ (g) Administrative agencies
Juvenile Courts. 13/ Probation Departments. 13/
(h) Sumrvisory controls
No provision.
10. Revised Statutes Ann. (1935), Sec. 14-7-47.
11. Ibid, Sec. 14-7-29.
12. Ibid, Sec. 14-7-11.

 4206 Utah - Digest of Public welfare Provisions
(a) Description of class
Any person 16 years of age or over who by reason of loss or
impairment of sight is in such condition that he cannot be rehabilitated
for self-support through facilities offered by the Department of Education
or the School for the Deaf l/ or who is unable to provide himself with the
necessities of life and has not sufficient means to maintain himself. 5/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
Application filed with the county clerk of the county in which
applicant resides, accompanied by an affidavit signed by applicant stating
his age, sex, places of residence during the preceding 7 years, his finan-
cial resources and income and such other data as the Board of County Commis-
sioners may require. The clerk presents such application to the Board of
County Commissioners §/; subsequent hearings before County Commissioners at
which 2 reputable citizens and a licensed physician must testify that they
know applicant to be blind. 3/ The Board of Commissioners must investigate
annually or oftener the qualifications of the blind pensioners. E/
(c) Measure of responsibility
Cash pension not to exceed $600 per year. 3/
(d) Qualifications imposed .
Applicant must have resided in the State 7 years and in county 4
one year preceding application. Applicant must have lost sight while a bone
fide resident of the State and must have been a continuous resident during
that time, and a resident in the county one year prior to making applica-
tions y
Applicant must not be an inmate of an institution supported in
whole or in part by the State or any of its political divisions. No person
may receive aid who is suffering from a mental or physical infirmity which
in itself would make him a charge upon any other institution or agency of
the State, where such infirmity is the primary cause of the need for aid
requested. Applicant must not have relatives responsible for his support
and financially able to support him. Applicant may not publicly solicit
alms. §/
Father, mother, child, grandchild, brother, sister, husband,
or wife are responsible for the support of blind persons. §/
1. A11 laws governing the School for the Deaf as far as applicable must
apply to the School for the Blind. Revised Statutes Ann. (1933), Sec.
85-5-16. It is assumed that School for the Blind is meant hero.
2. Revised Statutes Ann. (1933), Sec. 19-5-69.
3. Ibid, Sec. 19-5~71.
4- Ibid, Sec. 19-5-72.
5. Ibid, Sec. 19-5-73. .
6. Ibid, Sec. 19—5-70. .

 Utah - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 4207
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
On the county. 1/ (Obligation mandatory. §/)
(f) Taxes
The Boards of County Commissioners may levy a tax not to exceed
one-tenth of a mill per dollar on the assessed value of the property of
their respective counties. 2/
(8) Administrative agencies
Board of County Commissioners. 10/ (County Department of
Public Welfare, if and when established, administers State and Federal funds. 11/
(h) Supervisory controls
None. (State Department of Public welfare administers state and
Federal funds, if and when available. ll/)
7. Revised Statutes Ann. (1935), Sec. 19-5-68, 74.
8. Ibid, Sec. 19—5-73.
9 0 Ibid , Sec. 19’5‘68 o
10. Ibid, Sec. 19-5—71.
11. Laws (1935), Ch. 69.

 4208 Utah — Digest of Public lolfare Provisions
(a) Description of class
Any person over 65 who is incapacitated to gain a livelihood. 1/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibilitz
Application in writing supported by affidavit of 2 reputable
citizens of the county 3/ to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners;
subsequent hearing before the Board 3/, upon the conclusion of which the -
Board may grant or deny the relief. 3/
(6) Measure of responsibility
Not to exceed $25 per month. 3/
Burial not to exceed $100. 3/
(d) Spalifications imposed
Applicant must have been a united States citizen for 15 years
last past 3/; must have resided in State for 15 years last past (absence
not exceeding 3 years or absences in services of state or united States not
deemed to interrupt continuous residence) or have resided in the State for
25 years and have resided therein continuously for 5 years last past.
Applicant must have resided in county 5 years immediately preceding applica-
tion. 3/ .
Applicant has not, during 10 years last past been imprisoned
upon conviction of a felony or indictable misdemeanor; if a husband, has not,
during 15 years last past deserted, or without Just cause failed to provide
adequate means for the support of his wife, or neglected to maintain and
provide for the support of such of his children as were under 15 for a
period of 6 months; if a wife, has not during 15 years last past without Just
cause deserted her husband or such of her children as were under 15; has not
within one year last past been a vagrant or beggar; has no relative legally
responsible for and able to support him 3/; is not receiving other aid from
the State or any political subdivision thereof except for radical and surgical
assistance 3/; imprisonment suspends pension during such imprisonment. 2/
Annual income must not exceed $300 computed by adding to earned
income 5% of market value of property. 3/ Board may require assignment of
property as condition to granting aid. 3/ Applicant must not have directly
or indirectly disposed or deprived himself of any property for the purpose
of qualifying for aid. 3/
1. Revised Statutes Ann. (1933). See. 19-12-2. '
2. Ibid, Sec. 19-12-3.
3. Ibid, Soc. 19-12-5.
40 Ibid, Sec. 19-12-60
5. Ibid, Sec. 19-12—11.
6. Ibid, Sec. 19-12-18. .
7‘ Ibid, Sec. 19-12-16. '

 Utah - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 4209
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
0n the county. _s/ (Obligation optional. 3/)
(f) Taxes
‘ No specific provision. County general fund. §/
(g) Administrative ggencies
Board of County Commissioners. 10/ (County Departments of
Public Welfare (if and when established) administer State and Federal
funds if and when available. ll/)
(h) Supervisogy controls
(State Department of Public Welfare administers State and
Federal funds if and when available. ll/)
8. Revised Statutes Ann. (1953), Sec. 19-12-1.
9. Ibid, Sec. 19-12—2.
10. Ibid, Sec. 19-12-6.
11. Laws (1955), Ch. 69.

 4310 Utah - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(a) Description of class
Veterans of the Civil War, their widows, and army nurses, who
are heads of families who by reason of sickness or other disability are in
need. 2/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
Application to the Department Commander of the Grand Army of
the Republic, which Department Commander presents his written request in
behalf of the beneficiary, approved by the Attorney General, to the State
Auditor who must draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for the amount
specified. 3/
(0) Measure of responsibility
Cash pension not to exceed $15 per month. g/
Burial expenses of Civil War Veterans not to exceed $100. g/
Burial may not be made in cemetery or burial ground used for the burial
of paupers. 3/
(d) Qualifications imposed
(l) Pension: Applicant must have been actual and bona fide
resident of the State of Utah for not less than 2 years. 2/ .
(2) Burial: Must have died a resident of the State. §/
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
On the county. 2/ (Obligation mandatory. 2/)
(f) Taxes
No specific provision.
Annual appropriation of $6,000 from the State general fund. g]
(g) Administrative agencies
Attorney General of the State and the Department Commander of
the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Utah. 2/
(h) Supervisory controls
1. Revised Statutes Ann. (1953), Sec. 98-2-1.
2. Ibid, Sec. 98-2-5, 4.
5. Ibid, Sec. 98-2-5. ‘
4. Ibid, Sec. 98-2-2. .
5. Ibid, Sec. 98-2-4.
6. Ibid, Sec. 98-2-1; Laws (1955), Ch. 138.
7. Ibid, Sec. 98-2-5.

 Utah 4211
(Statutory Body)
I. General Powers and Duties
(a) Board of Public Welfare:

(1) After the Governor has made acceptance of executive
and legislative provisions of the Federal Government, the State Depart-
ment of Public Welfare is authorized and empowered to act as the sole
agency of the State in administering and giving full force and effect
to the provision promulgated or enacted and the Department may by rules
and regulations adopted by it provide, in compliance with the Federal
provisions, or independently, and in cooperation with the counties or
other local districts, for the administration of any State or Federal
funds for relief and welfare purposes. l/

(2) The Department, by and with the consent of the Gover-
nor, is authorized to provide emergency relief to residents of the y

. State who have been such continuously for at least one year preceding ‘
the date of this Act and who are in destitute and in necessitous circum-
stances. For this purpose the Department may cooperate, in its discre-
tion, with counties, towns, or with private charity or relief organiza-

. tions. It may adopt and enforce such rules and regulations as it may
deem necessary or expedient for the administration of such emergency
relief and it is authorized to do all things reasonable and necessary to
prevent suffering and sickness amongst destitute residents of the State. g/

(5) The Board must determine the policies of the Depart—
ment. g/ p

(4) The Board must adopt and enforce all of the rules and
regulations it may deem necessary or advisable to manage, operate and
control the Department and its functions, to comply with the rules and
regulations and requirements of the Federal Government applicable to
welfare matters. g/

(5) The Board may create such divisions and bureaus within
the Department as it may deem desirable and necessary to secure adequate
functioning and administration of the Department and from the funds
provided therefor it is authorized to expend such amount as may be neces-
sary to cover its expenses and the administration and enforcement of the
provisions of the Welfare Act. g]

1. Laws (1935), Ch. 69, Sec. 6.
2. Ibid, Ch. 70.
3. Ibid, Ch. 69, Sec. 4.

 4212 Utah - Abstract of Administrative Provrciwns
I. General Powers and Duties (Cent's) .
(a) Board of Public Hilfere (Cont'd)

(6) The State Department may establish county departments of
public welfare in all counties or districts applying for State or Federal
funds or where the Boards of County Commissioners request aid in the
establishment of such departments. The State Board must fir standards
governing the selection of directors or managers of county or district
departments of public welfare which are to be charged with the amhinistra-

7 tion of Federal, State, or local funds and all appointments to such
positions may be made only after approval by the State Department. 2/

(7) If any executive or legislative Federal act which is
accepted by the Governor requires as a condition to the participation of
Federal funds that the State must contribute amounts of money, the Depart-
ment is authorized to supply such funds and to distribute the funds
provided by the Federal Government. §/

(b) Governor:

The Governor is authorized in his discretion to accept
in behalf of the State any executive or legislative provisions that may be
enacted by the Federal Government whereby the State is permitted to partici-
pate in the distribution of any Federal funds. 2/

’ (c) Director: .

The Director is responsible to the Board for the admini-
stration of the duties with which the Board or the Department is charged.
He must establish offices in the State Capitol, appoint all necessary
assistants and personnel to fill such positions as the Board may create
from time to time and fix their compensation. E/

II. Composition and Appointment of Governing Body

The Board consists of the Governor as Chairman of the
Board and 6 other members appointed by him with the consent of the Senste
for 4-year terms; no more than 3 of the appointees may be members of the
same political party. The Governor may remove any member for any cause.
All members of the Board must serve without pay save for actual traveling
expenses. 2/

III. Reports

No provision.
4. Laws (1935), Ch. 69, Sec. 7.

5. Ibid, Sec. 5.
6. Ibid, Sec. 3.
7. Ibid, Sec. 2. ‘

 Utah - Abstract of Administrative Provisions 4213
. IV. Executive

The Director of Public Welfare is appointed by the
Governor with the consent of the Senate for a 4-year term. g/
V. Staff

The Director must appoint all necessary assistants and
fill such positions as the Board may create, and fix their compensation.
All appointments and compensation of employees are subject to approval by
the Board, which may remove officers or employees at any time. §/
VI. Financial Provisions

The Department is financed by appropriation from the
Emergency Relief Fund of the State. 2/

Amount of Appropriation and Limitation of Funds:

The sum of $2,000,000 is appropriated annually by the
Governor from the Emergency Relief Fund of the State for the direct relief
of the destitute and needy of the State. 2/

Administrative expenses are paid by appropriations from
the Emergency Relief Fund. 2/
8. Laws (1935), Ch. 69, Sec. 3.
9. Ibid, Sec. 92.

A 2 percent sales tax was enacted in 1933, the proceeds of which are

deposited to the Emergency Relief Fund.

 4214 Utah - Abstract of Administrative Provisions
(State Prison)
(Statutory Body)
I. General Powers and Duties
(a) Warden:
(l) The Warden must exercise general superintendence of the
Prison and superintend the business affairs thereof. 3/
(2) The Warden must give necessary directions to all inferior
Officers, keepers and guards and to ascertain whether they have been careful
and vigilant in their respective duties. 3/
(3) The Warden must examine daily into the state of the Prison
and the health, conduct and safe-keeping of the prisoners. 3/
(4) The Warden must use every proper means to furnish employ—
ment to the prisoners most beneficial to the State and best suited to their
several capacities. 3/
(5) The Warden must superintend any manufacturing and mechanical
business that may be carried on by the State ndthin the Prison; receive the
articles manufactured and dispose and sell them for the benefit of the State. 2/ .
(6) The Warden must take charge Of the realty attached to and all I
of the personalty belonging to the Prison. 3/
(7) The Warden must inquire into the justice of any complaint
made by any of the convicts relative to their food, clothing or treatment. E/
(8) The Warden must under the direction of the Board, be the .
custodian of appropriations made by the Legislature and drawn from the State
Treasury and of all funds belonging to the Prison and arising from the labor
of convicts or the sales of manufactured articles. 3/
(9) The Warden must generally have charge of all departments of
the Prison and its officers. E/
(10) The Warden must cause to be posted in a conspicuous place
outside of and within the buildings and upon the grounds of the Prison and at
and near any camp where convicts are at Work, notice of punishment for escape
and assault upon inmates and guards. g/
l. The Legislature must prohibit the contracting of prison labor and the labor
of convicts outside prison grounds except for public works under the direct
control of the State. Constitution, Art. XVI, Sec. 3 (2, 3).
2. Revised Statutes Ann. (1935), Sec. 85—9-15.
3. Ibid, sec. 85-9-14. .

 Utah - Abstract of Administrative Provisions 4215
. I. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd)
(a) Warden: (Cont'd)

(11) At the end of each month, the Warden must cover into
the Treasury all moneys received by him from every source by virtue of
his office, which money must be placed by the State Treasurer to the
credit of the maintenance account of the Prison. 4/

(12) The Warden may employ, under such regulations as the
Board adopts, convicts in the erection or repair of the buildings or
walls of the Prison and in the operation and maintenance of the Prison. E/

(13) The Warden or deputy may punish convicts for miscon-
duct in the same manner and under such regulations as are adopted by
the Board. A record must be kept by the Warden of punishments inflicted,
and punishments may in no case be brutal or inhuman. No corporal punish—
ment may be inflicted without the presence of the Prison physician. fi/

(14) When a convict is discharged from Prison, the Warden
must furnish him with clothing not exceeding 310 in value, as the Warden
deems necessary and proper, provided the prisoner has less than $10 of
earnings to his credit. The Board may furnish such convict with cash
not to exceed $15. Instead of paying the discharged convict cash, the

v Warden may, in his discretion, expend the money and allowance or such
portion thereof as may be necessary in paying the fare of the convict
. to his home or place of destination. 2/

(15) Whenever any convict escapes from the Prison, the
Warden must take all proper measures for his apprehension and for that
purpose he may offer an award not exceeding $50 for the return of the
convict. §/

(b) Board of Corrections:

(1) It is the duty of the Board to adopt such rules and
regulations for classification as will be conducive to reformation of
the prisoners, and to classify the prisoners into 5 grades as follows: §/

(a) Those prisoners appearing to be corrigible or
less vicious than the others and likely to obey the laws and maintain
themselves by honest industry after their discharge; §/

(b) Those appearing to be incorrigible or more vicious
but competent in their work and so reasonably obedient to discipline as
not to seriously interfere with the productiveness of their labor; g/

(0) Those who are incorrigible and incompetent other—
wise than from ill health. §/

4.. Revised Statutes Ann. (1985), Sec. 85-9—15.
5. Ibid, Sec. 85-9-29._
6. Ibid, Sec. 85-9—39.
. ’7. Ibid, Sec. 85—9—58. ,
8. Ibid, Sec. 85~9-57.

 4216 Utah — Abstract-of Administrative Provisions
I. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd) .
(b) Board of Corrections: (Cont'd)

(2) The Board at its regular meetings must examine all of
the different departments of the Prison and inquire into all matters
connected with the government, discipline and policy thereof and the
punishment and employment of the convicts therein confined. 2/

(3) The Board must examine the books, accounts, and
vouchers of the Warden and clerk, the money, the purchases and sales
of articles provided for the Prison or sold on account thereof, and
ascertain whether or not the convicts are properly fed, clothed and
governed. 2/

(4) The Board must inquire into any improper acts which
may be alleged to have been committed by the Warden or any other offi—
cer or employee of the Prison. 2/

(5) The Board must have entered such facts respecting
each person received into the Prison as can be ascertained, plus
observed improvement or deterioriation of character and notes as to
methods of treatment employed. lO/

(6) The Board may make such regulations in respect to
the food, rations, clothing and bedding of the convicts as the health,
well-being and circumstances of each may require; but all diet, rations,
clothing and beds and bedding must be plain, of good quality and in .
sufficient quantity for the sustenance and comfort of the convicts. 11/

(7) The Board must meet at least once in 6 months to
determine what lines of productive labor are to be pursued in the
Prison and in so determining the Board must select diversified lines of
industry so as to interfere as little as possible with the same lines
of industry carried on by the citizens of the State. No contract may
be made for the labor of prisoners but they must be employed by the
Warden under rules and regulations established by the Board. 12/

(8) The Board must examine and audit, before payment, all
bills and accounts of the Prison at least monthly and enter a strict
account of same in the books. After the accounts have been examined,
entered and audited they must be transmitted by the Board to the State
Auditor. 13/

9. Revised Statutes Ann. (1955), Sec. 85—9-25.
10. Ibid, Sec. 85-9—28. -
11. Ibid, Sec. 85-9—26.

12. Ibid, Sec. 85-9-32 to 85—9-35.
13. Ibid, Sec. 85-9—44.

 Utah - Abstract of Administrative Provisions 4217
. I. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd)
(b) Board of Corrections: (Cont'd)

(9) The Board may establish rules for the admission of
visitors within the Prison and it may prescribe a reasonable sum, not
more than 25¢ to be charged each individual for one a