xt7n5t3g1p39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3g1p39/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1996 text GLSO News, December 1996 1996 1996-12 2019 true xt7n5t3g1p39 section xt7n5t3g1p39 $6555 see [ g
/ i. steam” at december 1996
Subscribers Needed Holiday Shopping? 915—0 ONLINE:
Thfe post office has once againfchanged Patronize Gay- Peter: pjtayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
some 0 its maiing re uirements or non- . . Elizabeth: bee mis.net
profit organizations. We gtillneedaminimum Supportlve Bufinesses Tammy: sapphogmismet
of 200 total pieces to mail each month and we contributed by Mary Crone W
are still running a little under that number. When I go out to dinner I notice that a different artists each month. These two
We also NOW NEED 150 SUBSCRIBERS lot of “us” are supporting gay-owned and women have taken a risk in starting their
WITHIN LEXINGTON to receive the lowest gay— friendly restaurants. This is a good business here, let’s support them! (M—Th 11—
rates. We have only about 130 subscribers thing. We also obviously spend a lot of time 8, F & Sll—9. Sun 1—6).<§
within the city. There are ten times that many and money in the local bars. We should also _
lesbigaytrans people living in this city! shop at gay owned and supportive businesses. Parentlng Group Out
We need at least TWENTY MORE Pay attention to who advertises with us, in the On the Town
PEOPLE to sign up. Please join GLSO and Pink Pages, and in other community The Lesbian &Gay Parenting Group had
receive a subscription today. Give a GLSO programs and publications. a small turn—out for the November meeting
membership as a gift for Christmas. Ifyon are Some businesses that have been around when we discussed adoption resources. It was
a student and want a subscription for part of for a while are: 77M Race. in Crossings. 119 N decided that the December meeting would be a
the year, give us a call. If you have a low Lime, Paisley Peacock. 571 S. Lime, The social event.
incomewe can work out special rates. We need Black Mar/eel, 319 S. Ashland, Dandelion So, we are going to meet at the Italian
your support. And you need us to continue our Beads which has moved to Zandale Shopping Oven Restaurant on Richmond Road, 'Iiiesday.
work for our community. Please help! @ Center and Naz‘as/Ja’s can? and Boa/[(1116, December 17, M6130 pm.
304 Southland Dr. Please join us if you are a parent or if you
Fairness in Transition There are also a munber of great florists are considering oarenthood. Bring your
The Lexington Fairness Campaign has that advertise with us and in the Pink Pages. children; the Italian Oven is known to be a
recently seen the resignation of its driving Imperial Flowers and Gifts is at 395 \V’alier “kid-friendly” place.
force, Linda West. Ave, and Flower Garden Originals is at 226 For more information. call Laura at
Announced in its last newsletter via an Walton Ave. Last year you could also buy 276—2685@
open letter from West, Fairness is regrouping at Christmas trees at Flower Garden Originals
an open community—wide meeting, and will Next door to this florist is another new m g,
hoepfully be able to continue its important store that deserves your attention. li’ismi/ at
community work ”4 Walton Ave (where Dandelion Beads use the Ell—59
The hem" 1. 1 .11 ”t ,b I “b 7 y. ' . , y I, y ‘ Sponsor of the Month
g. WilCi W1 occur a d 011 to e) adieitises itself as a store mth gifts for
the same time as this newsletter goes to print. the cosmically inclined. They have a nice ’
is being hosted by UK Lambda, and is expected collection of hand-dipped incense, massage L e x I n g t 0 n
to yield some exciting new ideas and and bodyoils, candles, herbs, t—shirts, bumper F r0 n t
volunteers. stickers, rainbow/pride items, hemp products,
For information, contact Fairness and a lot of great jewelry both commercial R u n n e rs
hotline at 275—7812. And if you see Linda. and hand made. They support and show the
thank her for her incredible efforts. @ work of local artists and will be featuring b_____._._— _
W,“ _ , ,,,—_7 .7vs, ,

 WWWMM Romeo & Mercutio Speak but on rhyme, and I amsatisfied!
WWW'MWIC - In order better to understand the nature
(°°°°h Yeah! and “he", t°°) , , - -
-g of Romeo and Mercutios relationship, one
bY J0“ Shelton - ' ”’
ix? “Young men’s love lies First of all, Romeo Gjulz'et is a
,1“; Not truly in their hearts, but in their — eyes” Shakespearean rewrite from Greek mythology n
‘4 The Greeks had nearly 25 different words to 7.
“g“, M The above quote from Romeo Gfitlt‘e/ define love. Unfortunately modern Western d:
. Le («€423 succeeds in summing up Shakespeare’s culture Ohtl’ has one. The type 0t love that 0
g??? formula for writing the play: supply enough Mercutio feels for Romeo is agape love. This h
* visual interest (duels, fights, etc.) to keep the is the highest form of love by Greek definition t(
t h e g ls 0 NE WS men in the audience attentive as well as plenty ChhSt spoke Of “351179 love 35 the klhd 9f love n
. —- of romantic prose to satisfy the women of for which a man would lay down his life for tt
Published Monthly by the , ' , . , , - l .
. . course, If you happen to be gay, an actor or anothei man. Agape loxe is preva ent in most 0
Lexmgton Gay/Lesbian both, you can enjoy these different aspects of Greek mythology and it doesn't escape the
Services Organization the play equally. You may also pick up on the Shakespearean translation . 5‘
RD. Box 11471 gay subtext of the storyline that is clearly . The SECOhd that” that Ohe thUSt COhStdht u
L . t KY 40575 evident in the relationship between Romeo and ‘5 that the play Romeo 511mg" takes place th Vt
exmg 0“! his best friend Mercutio. Renaissance times. In accordance with the \X
Renaissance code that was a part of the cl
Ed1t0r: MERC’UTIO culture, male companionship and \X
Peter Taylor Romeo! humors! Madman! passion! Lover! camaraderie was-more highly valued than 1:
Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh, male-female relationships. This is partly due B
Layout Editor: to the fact that women were unfairly thought o
Tammy D Strong of as little more than property and had little
Gm hics- An Open Letter from Rev. powemthghh ‘ ,
p ' Ruth I-‘iscella of P-FL AG 80, Mercutio is both a product of the
Elizabeth A“ thliam It is with some pleasant memories thatl Renaissance mindset as well as that Of the
leave Lexington for the time being to take Greek pthSOPhetS who regarded love fl
gls_o Annual Dues and graduate courses at seminaries in Berkeley, between men as the highest form of love. b
Newsletter: $15 California. I am grateful to the lesbigay yercutlto Simply 62111.net accept limes love n
community for the support and encouraoe— or J“ tat 35 anytiing more t ah “St or tl
Dues and NeWStEtter for ment that P—FLAG has received and willb I infatuation, whilst what he and Romeo have is v
Cou les: $20 - , (in his eyes) more real and felt. He is so sure
know, continue to receive. Glen has taken on _ . . ' . . _ e
the responsibility of leadership ably assisted by of this that he is Willing to stake his life on it, tl
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO Offices who have been involved for four years which he does with tragic results. The st0iy of b
News are those of the authors and doii‘ttiecessarily and some new members who are faithful and Romeo 6 Mercy/1'0 might be the greatest stOiy n
FEPF€S€mU105€0f1h€GLSO Board OfDIFECIOFfi active of male—to—male love in classical literature,
Submissions are welcome. All submissions ' ~ - ~
os51bl second onl to Band and onathan in
become the property of GLSO and must indicate Although Isee some concerned people tl B'byl Y J h
full name and address of the author. The staff here struggling to assure the equality that 15 le 1 h: . h
reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to our due, I also see some apathy, apathy Wthh Stud” Ballroom director, BaZ Y
meet publishing requirementsaswellasthe right iS as much an enemy to our cause as the Luhrmart, bravely brings the Bards
to reject any submissions. downright rejection our enemies hand us. We substantial subtext t0 the surface for the t:
PlaCEmem 0f advertising in GLSO News must not rest or let up if we are to obtain our screens latest R 8‘] incarnation. A5 Romeo, 5.
denotes neitheraperson‘s sexual orientation nora goal. Wherever we are, let us keep on fighting! Leonardo DiCaprio’S reaction to Mercutio’s s
busmess customer preference. Ruth Flscella ' ® continued 071 Page 8
_______________________________— _
GLSO News Page 2

 / a a r W a
Networking Meeting anyone “out there” interested in helping more Association of choruses. Q

' Our third Community Networking of us become more “out there”? If you don’t Holiday Services

meeting is planned for Thursday, Dec. 12th at think you have time for a monthly board The Unitarian Universalist Church of
' 7:00 in meeting room C on the 4th floor of the meeting, you could run a support group for 21 Lexington is offering a variety of Holiday
1 downtown Public Library. We had agreatturn limited time, help us put together another Spiritual Services. On Sun. Dec 15th there
' out last month and plan to continue these social event, or write something for our will be a Intergenerational Holiday Service at
3 meetings every six weeks or so. If you are new newsletter. We can use your help at any level 10:45. On Friday Dec. 20th there will be a
‘ to our community or are looking for ways to you can offer it. Call Mary at 266.5904,@ Solstice Ritual and Celebration with the
meet people and get involved, please come to ”PEACE” A Musical Evening Women’s Spirituality Group. Call Mary for
' this gathering and learn about a variety of The Lexington Men’s Chorus is proud to specific information (266—5904). On Sun.
[ community groups. announce the start of its seventh season Dec. 22nd the 10:45 service will also focus on
3 We encourage all groups to send a repre— beginning with its holiday concert, “Peace." Solstice. On the evening of December 24th

sentative and bring brochures or information The concert will be help on December 14 at there will be a Christmas Eve Service. On
r to hand out. Perry from P—FLAG has 8:00 pm and December 15 at 3pm at the Sunday Dec. 29th there will be a service in
1 volunteered to help Mike chair this meeting. Singletary Center for the Arts. Music, celebration of Kwanzaa at 10:45. Come
3 We would like to pass the responsibility for especially during the holidays, seems to bring celebrate diversity with us!
3 chairing the meeting around the community. about special memories. This year’s season Dignity will be having a potluck on
i We need to start thinking about and discussing promises to be the best yet, with the Chorus Friday December 6th at Don’s home. Call him
1 Pride Month dates and activities. The GLSO back from awildly inspirational trip to Tampa, for more information at 299—4458. Dignity
e Board has some money for this event, we need F1. for the international GALA (Gay and has regularly scheduled services at the MCC
ll community involvement. @ Lesbian Association) of Choruses convention. building on the first and third Sundays of each
e GLSO Board Seeks New We are pumped, hyped and ready to sing! month at 7:00 pm.

Members- Butch, Femme, “Peace” will consist of traditional MCC will have their regular Sunday

e or Other holiday music, some with a contemporary services weekly at 11:00 am and a Christmas
e The GLSO Board of directors is looking flair, and several pieces composed and written Eve Service on the 24th. The time has not been
e for a few good men, women, or anything in by our own Composer—in—Residence, Brian set at the time of this publication (but it is
3‘ between to serve on the Board. We have had a Throckmorton. most often at 11:00 pm). Call Rex for more
'e number of people who aren‘t able to complete This concert will debut LMC’s new information at 271—1407.®
fr their terms and we really need some more Musical Director, Loren Tice and Accompanist,
‘5 warm bodies willing to put in some time and Tendrin Lindsay. Their energy and ideas are Club 141 Christmas Ball
7e energy for the lesbigaytrans community. At shaping the Chorus’s upcoming concert into on TUESdflY December 5rd, Club 141 is
1’ this time there is only one woman on the an event sure to be more fun and entertaining hosting 21 Benefit Show for AVOL- Tickets can
3f board, so we would particularly like to have than ever. be purchased lh advance for $7 or at the door
w more female energy. The Chorus is also eager to welcome for $9- D0013 Open at 8330- Come enjoy the
fit Yes, we already have femme energy in back the all—female group The Spirit sounds of jazz and blues, and dance the night
m male form, how about femme energy in butch Drummers under the direction Of Lucina away. Culinary delights Will be served during

form? Actually we‘ll take energy in any form Arachne. the show This Will be a fun way to SUPPOh
1,2 you want to experiment with. Tickets for the concert are $ 10 for adults, AVOL®
ls We are in particular need of someone to $5 for children and are available at the ”House Of Prisms” Youth
16 take over treasurer responsibilities and Singletary Center box office, 606-257—4929. Group Formed
10’ someone to do advertising. We haven’t had a The Lexington Men’s Chorus is a proud A weekly support group for non—college—
)3 support group in a number of years now; member of the international Gay and Lesbian age with has formed. “5 charter includes
3 tantinued on next page
" GLSO News Page 3

 support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, between. She is perhaps best~known in this with HIV. A donation of a NEW toy or game is
transgendered or questioning youth. Its aims area for her thorough knowledge of the requested. This evening of fine food and fit
are to provide educational opportunities, Christian Bible, and her ability to debunk refreshments will take place in the Phoenix
leadership skills, and socialization in a safe legends and misinterpretations which have led Room (Park Plaza Penthouse) on World AIDS
and friendly atmosphere. to centuries of homophobia in our culture. Day (Dec. 1, 1996) from 6-9 pm. Please RSVP
The group is made possible through P~FLAG continues on its course in to (606) 254-9812. Hope to see you all there
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington For more capable hands, but we wish to extend to Ruth after the vigil at Triangle Parkfi
information, a voice mail number has been our warmest thanks and appreciation.@ Are you a Lead 01' a
provided: 222—1919.<§> Reel World String Band to Follow?
Fisceua to Leave P-1-‘LAG Perform at Benefit The Rainbow Cotillion is a group of
Reverend Ruth Fiscelid. One of The Reel World String Band, a local and lesbians and gays interested in country western
Kentucky's most vocal straight activist for gay renowned lesbian folk group, will be and ballroom dancing. We meet each
rights. iS moving for 21 time [0 Berkeley, performing at aconcert benefitting Kentucky Wednesday at Club 141(0n Vine Street) from8
California i0 take graduate seminary courses. Fairness Alliance and the Interfaith Alliance. to 10 p.111. The beginning of each week offers
Her open letter is on page Z. The concert is Sunday, December 15, at free instruction in a different style of dance.
Fiscella. an ordained Presbyterian 6pm at the Acton Folk Centerin Berea. Tickets Lessons will have something for both
minister and mother 0f 21 lesbian, has often are $6. For more information or directions, beginners and more experienced dancers. No
been on the front lines battling homophobia contact Karen at 259—1002.@ partner required. lst Wednesday — Country
in her past few years as head of Lexington‘s E-MALE Cosponsors World Iivo—step and East Coast Swing 2nd Wednesday
chapter of P-FLAG, Parents and Friends of AIDS Day Fundraiser - Ballroom Dancing with Mykol 3rd
Lesbians and Gays. . Ebony Male and the Robert H Williams Wednesday- Country Line Dancing with Laura
Her presence has been known at schools, Cultural Center are sponsoring a “Toys for 4th Wednesday — Open dancing For more
universities, churches, radio talk programs, Kiddees” Soiree to benefit children living with information call Thom at 421—0373.@
newspapers, and practically everywhere in HIV and/or children whose parents are living
, Name(s) _____-______*___~,____________~,~~______n;_;_________~_
Address _______________.__-_______~______~_________H_‘__________*
City, State, ZIP _______;_.___,________*______________;_‘__fi___________
____$ 1 5 Membership and Newsletter
____$20 Couple Membership and Newsletter ;
~___l am (we are) including a donation of $3 or more. Please add the above
name(s) to the OUT AND PROUD sponsorship page infoctober, 1997.
____I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List
‘ used exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/Lesbian organizations.
Please become a, member: help support and, build our Q
. community and receive your newsletter: by mail!
MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter PO. Box 1147], Lexington, KY 40575 -
GLSO News Page 4 , gr-j: .

“we Lexzngton Men 's Cnorus
7 tn Concert 5eason presents :
1 of
each 'T
om 8
affers 5 0 W5 Otf 6 ac 6
‘. No
Saturday, @eeernfier 14, at 8 pm v
Sunday, @eeernoer 15, at 3 pm
Singfetary Center for tFLe flirts
ReserveLfSeating: filcfufts $10, Cniflfren $5
Tickets may Ee purcfiaseo’ 5y edging
5ing[etary Center Twfiet Ofi‘iee at {606) 25 7 -4929
{Memfier of t/ie Lexington flirts andCuh‘urzfl Council and gm
— GLSO News Page 5

 ’3 5019me 3 MONDAY 3 ”517553352 432 WEBNESDAY 5 THURSDAY 6 FREDA‘X f? SATURBAY
11:30 am. 12:00 noon 0:00 pm. CHANUKA, F|R3T 7:00PM. 9:00 am.
Metropolitan Community Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland NIGHT' Dignity Potluck. For more Frontrunners (Arboretum)
Church 7:30 pm. Park) ' information call 299-4458
4:00 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA 7200 pm. 700 in 7:30 pm.
Kentucky Wranglers 8:30 pm. Met. Community Church ‘M p‘, Ch . Gay/Lesbian AA
Meeting Rainbow Bowling League 7:00 pm. en 5 oruslPractice
Central Baptist Church \ '
7:00 pm. HIV/AIDS Support Group ' l -.
Dignity, (MCC Suite) 8:00 pm: " I/l/ - , -'-.
Gay/Lesbian AA L .w y’ll. [4‘1
O a; . , '
11:30 am. 12 :00 noon 0:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm, 9:00 am.
Metropolitan Community Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men's Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum)
Church 7:30 pm. Park) (Central Baptist Church) 8:00 pm. R E s T A U R A N T
12:45 pm. P~Fiag (Chapel Hill 7:00 pm. 7:00 PM. Men's Chorus “Peace" .
interweave monthly . Presbyterian Church) Met. Community Church Networking Meeting Concert, Singletarty 5 5 7 S . le6 Stone
Luncheon 7:30 pm. 7:00 pm. Downtown Public Arts Center
Gay/Lesbian AA HiV/AiDS Support Group Library Room C Lexington, KY
8:30 pm. 8:00 pm.
Rainbow Bowling League Gm/Lesbian AA 2 5 3 _ 0 0 1 4
so , so sir so so go as featuring the
11:30 am. 7:15p.m. 12:00 noon 6:00 pm. 8:00pm. 7.30 p.m. 9:00 am. Famous Alfalf
Metropolitan Community GLSO Board Meeting, Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Bluegrass Colts Gay/ Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum) a
Church (MCC Suite) 6:30 pm. Park) members w k d
3:00 pm. Lesbian/Gay Parenting 6:00 pm, 9:00 pm. 0
Men’s Chorus “Peace" GLSO N EWS Group (Unitarian HIV Positive PWA Dinner Bluegrass Colts 6 e e n B r u n C h '
Concert, Singietary Arts DEADUN E Church) HIV/AIDS Support Group non—members .
Center 7:30 pm. 8:00 p.m. SCI’Vlng blueberry
7:00 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA Gay/Lesbian AA
Dignity,(MCC Suite) 8:30 pm. buckwheat pancakes,
Rainbow Bowling League
eggs benedlct arnold,
22 23 24 25 26 2:2! 28 spanlsh omelettes, gourmet
1 1=30 om CHRISTMAS EVE MERRY CHRISTMAS! 7:30 pm. 9:00 om
Metropolitan Community 1 Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum) d e S 8 e rts 9 a n d m u C h m 0 re - . -
Church 12 :00 noon and 7:30 pm.
Gay/Lesbian AA
11:00 pm.
Met. Community Church
Christmas service ’ All of our breads and desserts
are baked dally 1n our kitchen.
89 3O 3 ’3
Metropolitan Community
ChU’Ch 12 :00 noon and 7:30 pm.
8:30 pm. -.-
Rainbow Bowling League /‘\
i7 7 .. 2,... ,2 A2, ,_- , ,. ,_ ,

 .214 E. Main . 231-6997 - First Run $4.50 . Othn a. Midnne 53.: ,
FREE PAR KING NIGHTS & SAT/SUN ALL DAY cny Hall Anna Gar-an, Nmto Police um.
I Starts Christmas Day!
5‘ I a
One Of The Most Beautlful Gay Love Stones
Yet Recorded 0n Fllm! You Should See It Now,
I I I I ”
So You Can Annclpate Seemg It Agam!
Stephen Brophy. BAY W'INDOW’S
66 I a u I
An Irresmtlble Comlc Fable Of Workmg Class
I I 99
Reahtles, Pop Myths And rFeenage Gay Romance!
-Bob Salulofl. NY NATIVE
+ J v x ’ fl 4*
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