xt7n5t3g1n6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3g1n6h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-04-16 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 29, April 16, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 29, April 16, 1914 1914 1914-04-16 2015 true xt7n5t3g1n6h section xt7n5t3g1n6h • .
  ·-— --. —   —......-A___- oa. .--*..__._-. _   _ ,,_  ._- _...-
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Ll1• wlthout labor Is qullt. FORECAST.
—-John Ruskin. \ . Tomorrow: Fslr enough
, to do your duty.
V R—h ?*7""“’ ’_"“‘*‘** *7* _
University of Kentu k
. I \
-U-—rV`_>'_—`-——*"»"`— “"" "` `_ "’ ‘ "‘ ` M V ·r ··r ·—·——-—; ·;— i`————-—- "_" ---·   T ”;: 2;T"‘ ,_ ;  "·—*—;·"*—"l***`·’··‘_——__ -;_T;_i_;;;-—-———-;‘_"j_i,i__"‘T-_
J ° ll LINI DR l -·
(1   4 OPS V T ._
' ° yne Ins Kentucky GAME T0 STATE I Clndéfbhf 0 MQQC Stale
• •
I t C ll ‘ 0 · o·
I • n er- 0 egrate ratorrcal Contest w....... Crum ..... 0.,... tm. .... Debate F rrday Evenmg
(;rcat Contest ° ° ° ° ''”'” ` W " ° __.-—- _ °
I k fgchl m UNVQTSIQY Chapel With All Ken- rounrzan ro ·rwo. The Most lnterestmg Debate Ever Held at State Wtll be
uc y 0 egcs and Umverstttcs Well W- Between These Two Institutions.
RepreS€nted_ llllnols bane ball team dropped a I
____t___ one-Sidféd C nm [ { U Wlldl {
SAMUEI D B _ lw ° " " "’ ‘““ " IN CHAPEL 8:00 p. m.
J ,       ednesday evening. Kentucky led
        from the first lnnlng, showing superb 0,,6 you- ago g, team of lawyers from Vanderbilt. That lnstltutlon ls
___,_____ pluyins ln all f€¤i¤¤‘€¤· were overcome by Vandy’s Flight. sending its best team from sunny
I _ _ — ._\ IMI vlilgvl if tac l¤;t>vv dmc Xher; love Wright and Urum landed tour mts mss csstsst ot word and wlt wm Tennessee to Kentucky ss they snow
  _ Islout ae e . t · .. ..
I  - t_ I "` Vu" " ma "*“ n lm out ot tive times at bat. Jim and again be celebrated and thus glvlng that a wall must be overcome before
,_ _ ·_ I hearts of men, when , I
. Q ,_· \ Curt S Park d"°"€ the Pm 0'UY to D6 our debaters another chance to rise. they can conquer.
igato   ` UNO |()llg(*l‘ H'()|n itg brazen portals chased   Marutllon r&c9r$. Every student" memwr of the   The queguin for debate ISI une-
•   F \ The blasts of war should shake tho In the eighth i¤¤l¤8 with the SCON and friends of the lnstltutlon who solved, That the President of the `
    I IIIII **I:‘;;;;II_ I I III I of Six ¤<> two- Stew Swrted ¤ zrnnd love the spoken word should not an- Unlwd States Should be Elected bv
». ..»=,;· ~ ~ . u as on .
 .· .~I   I . m0I_IaI_I S gs ° ° m bamng ¤¥'¤¤U¢€· with ¤¤€ m¤¤ 0¤ sont themselves trom the great feast the Direct Vote of the People}
i  `    l V The holy molodlos of lgvg s,,0,,,d ,-,,,,s_·· ba"' umun Bmw MQS fo" t“’° and of ¤•‘¤ul¤ent. and oratory. State': team will present the arhrms.
  III., . I the whole team followed ln almost M°",·¤_ (7, P_ Nloholson and B. D. tive side and Vandy with Messrs. T. l·.
t I The history or ,,,;,,0,,,, ,8 ,,c,,,-c9,,· “·“ Bndlebs ““°°°”i°“- Illinois has ¤¤ Sartln were chosen some time ago lu Parks and C E. Coolidge. will relate
more than a lurld picture of war. Its *"“*°"€m record in [00*- b¤U» but K6¤· s, tryout no compete with the team n few donlals.
horrors are unb0undgd_ How   tuckbx with Parks on the mound, WQIE  
Z";   d°;;;g°**°¤ <>:' h¤¤;¤¤ lif¢d¤¤d unable to connect wltl, the twlstsrs. KENTUCKY IREPORT OF THE
` t sgu energ es o men oes
I l·or the first time is a period of ,I,IImIy record? DeII(,I.,II,,0II8 0,. but A" “€“‘l“’d “"°°“'“ °[ *h° K°m° Wm   I    
I yektrs U18 KGBIIIUCKY lnter·Colleglatc t_|(~;g_ gggklng of (·|[|egI and [hg (gap- follow in next weeks issue of The     Y• M• C• A•
g Contest was won by a State student. tlvlty of nations follow each other ln! IDEA __ -——;
1 'l`he final contest was held ln chapel un endless ““c“°S8i0n· W9 $66 rulers! *°"_*"°‘—_" First Annual Contut ln Public Spllk- ccvumgthe work 0, th. Auocinwn
L Friday night and each lnstltutlon ln and legmawrx not devising °°mpr°'     F"°'” 0°t°b°" 1912 t°
the ABSOCIIIIIIOH Img W II r re nt II henslve plans for universal welfare, —-— . mg' Mmm and Tuck` April, 1914
. 9 GD SB 8 bu, ,€,,y,,,g and ,,,1,,,,,,),,,,, ,1,.,,,,% and The Wildcat club are scheduled to —-——- '
in th6 {U18}- Inavies, and extorting taxes to main- cross bats with Miami this evening at PRELIMWAMES AT THE The Young Men's Christian Associa-
t MF P¤Y¤€ *5 D¤‘€¤id6¤t Of the AS-Ham u""“· It Qxhlblts the mumphal 3:45. Miami is making their ogrly DWTRWT CENTER. tion of the Unlverslty of Kentucky
IIIICIMIOII and SIIICB he repmsonwdl return of warriors to be crowned with SOIIIIIQITI mp and are in the KIIIIIIE to —.— has for its supervisory agencies, two
SING- IIIGIIII AI WI GIIIIIOII was se- ¤It;noruI worthy Ioi a god, but it tot; WIII Nut wss; tho proumlnarlos of the bodies: The Board of Management
oen as opcurettecarnageo ‘
|90\€d to D|’9¤id6· the battle field, the desolate provinces The Varsity team has Showed much Kentucky Intgmcbolutic Tournament :fu;t;m;a(c’:;t;u:em'Ib}e?·sf(o;I1;(;1lecltllnlvkzfs
  Each college had a large delegation and a mourning people. lt is as though improvement over the flrst game of wm be hem at the district came"` sity, slx students, and slx resident
I present and each speaker was urged "h"d"‘¤*" Should be taken w ¤<>l¤¤l<1 the season. We will be forced to uso Ev°ry !°ur`y°°r high °ch°°l‘ in uw business men of the City of Lexington.
on to vlctory. However, they were ;?;`d;faII:1h$ h$ImI°f T cl_UI 03 me' ull reserve as Mlaml easily defeated State has been invited to participate This BW-rd Selects and €mPl°YS W9
IIIHIIIIE III COIIQ WIIII the c0mII0IIm0II IIIG mII*I>I<;II;raI;:II*: I;¤:I;I€;)I§Il€u¤:;I;I¥:g;:; 2; ,I,I_IIIIIIyIwIIIa and G90I_gewwnI and the reports from the different dis- General Secretary, subject to the ap-
and delivery of our winning mgmbepi the mmun and terror and death I_€Ign_ Come €8_I.,y and get III the game I0 trict centers have been very encoursg- DYOVKI of UN! Association, and through
Xlr. Payne fs a member of the Unionl lng beneath lt. the tlnlnh. All were eager to play all ing so fu" Although the time for (C0¤li¤\l6d OD P880 FWS.)
Q Literary Society and an orator of We look back with wonder, lndig- {usc tcams and now every student preparation Secretary Weaver urges  
,,,.0,,, u,,,,,,y_ ,,,,,,0,, ,,,,,, ,,,,y ,,,, ,,,,,,,,· of ,,,8 ,.,,,,_ SIIOIIIII be III_€I_I€III and hem WIII upon every hlgh school to enter at be awarded to the school winning the
I__III_ Ihe IIEIICIIII UI our many readerq toms of former ages. \\'e shudder at least ono representative in the prelim- meet. This last cup will become the
' ‘ the ·ruelty of tl A.·.·_‘l ki · ·l . `
“l**’ wllld **0* be l>"€¤*¢m at the 0¤`¤· torotont thc tt»tll;ttc;i:t‘r thlir   VARSITY NINE Tunes, fir Wheuiir hhs wlnsbrr no: property of the association at the next
"""*'“l "*’“(9**l· we M0 DUUHBUIHK Ml`. and tlayed [hel]; ggliyo; ,,-H ,,,_,,,,,,· ,,,8       tw exper ence W 9 VB- UB 6. ¤0 &I1¤\J8.]l0UPD8,m8¤t and tho trophy will
I,IIIIII(_.S WIIIIIIIIE OIIIIIIOIII \ I ,,II.,,II,_S (I, ,,I,I SIIuIIIII,I ,IIIIuISIIIoIII ’ ` ` ` Ionly for the student, but for the school again be contested tor. Whenever
HTM concord of NatI°mI,,   wo marvel at ,,,8 ,g,,,,,,,,,c,, ,,,,,,   whlch he represents, in the future con- any school shall win this cup for two
,.;,-0,., and ,t,,,,,-S are ,,,,,,,,,8 ,,,,,,,0,.,,,, h¤¤l¤<*d Ulf! Suiclll witches. But ‘—"—"* tests of the association. consecutive years or three years all to-
,II (,,aIIII,c S,mg__,,I€ one the deny OI, how surtIIaIre we that some cus·!T“"“ Sh°‘”* M"°h "“P"°"°'“°'“ and All high schools are expected to gether lt shall become the permanent
Love. the other the god of War. Be- \?I[SS III; I   :§gar§*;)I;)r°;I$   Play. Grnt Gam" compete flrst at the centers ln public possession of the school.
fore civilization came into the fullness ’ · , _t oak, d i b t in t k La ·
of IIS SII(_III_II,I and the IIIOIY of IIS generations as only popular d¢=—I The Varsity base ball team clearly Sp ng an musc u mc st yur 8. meet WM held at me
II(I,,.(,I. ,,,,,8 Sa, gupreme on the luslons? lt is doubtful tt-ltetlwr th,. IIIIII_IIII__(d III? I.III\8I In OI, T events the preliminary for the high University but was rather poorly at-
• “,III,,d.S t,II,0II(,I ,II me darkness 0,, ;>th;·r gsnegttlon will witness the spec·I Sw IIIIIS III IIIPII gum? (III SIOIIQESTG schools ot Louisville, Lexington. tended. This year, with the associa-
hoathon psgshls,,,_ might was right; M *' " 3 Wt Ot "`**rSl*ll’S encircling, _ ` _ ' Owensboro, Henderson, Paducah, New- tion behind the movement lt should
_ . · . , Frlduy atternoon. wlnnlng bv a score '
torce was the only power; the spirit of the NUDE [0 exhnm the l"’“*"` ‘*"" * ng,0 _
IIIOII was WIIIIOUI SIIBII AIIIIIINIIOII IIIIOIII III II IIIRIOIII IS It IIOI amd that III I, I0 III AI III) IIIIIQ wem III9 wud- port and Covl u wlll be held at prove a splendid success. The rail
llud H t has ( ..a»t,su`t. tl l t ¤···· of the ·¤·¤~¤ l·<>¤·rl¤ t·r¤<·¤<·•»¤ of ous iu udlltsr of sang s [ d ""’ U“"°'“"’ ““" W"' "" '°"°"°° ’°“"*‘ “"" "°‘°‘“ W"' gm '°‘*“°°"
t o ~ eo · 1 te tear t t ‘ *‘ ea en an _
or man. llut ln the reign of Caesar “‘""*{° ""`" IMS l"’°" “"d "°“' is p°p`|only once in serious danger or bolng lmmedmmy by the mms` mms and to make me occasion doubly
I I ular tn every nation in (‘hrlstendom? _ Thirty sets of medals and tive beau- attractive the Mining lnstitute will be
A"*·“"t““ the gates ms Janus were . . scored upon tast fielding killing off
(.,058,,; 8 new Ha was ushered ,¤_ \\ hat custom ot the most barbarous IIIIS one IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII tiful lovhtg oops will bo awarded the in session at the University at the
ln that golden age a light was seen ;;?II;°2I_lTII:;;';r°II:I°iI*;I:I$I';;mu:I°d mII"u;§;; The I_I`II0I_` “u_II`IIuIII I d I II wlnnors of tho diilerent events at the same time and will give a number of
ln the stty. true wtso Men from the _· ‘ " " r ’“"° “ ‘“ n , ·r· t 4 ts ul be 1 t tt tu
ms, ,I,,,I9,,, ,, “.,,,I awe as ,, ,,,,6,, and than that or deciding controvorstos be. ,,9,,, In bu, uIIdI ,II HMI ,II every d€_ ml S· “°¤ Y Ol"` $6 W ¤ 9*68 UK 0¤ O0? programs. among
hooded tht- earth. Its dazzling bril- [“'°"" "“u""” at the Umm °f me b“y‘ nartment of the game bv the wlldt-st aww-ded me winners of tuck md new mem being an Bum reproduction of u
IIIUIVII IIIIIIIIGII IIIII WIIWIIIIIPII OI III0 ,,,,,.,7 H,,,·,. an ,,,,, 0,,,,,,- c,,,,,,,,,,S ,,,· IIIIIINIIIIIIIIOII WIIICII IIIIII IIIIBIIIIIIIIIY event; twelve tor ouch of the two mine explosion and a tlrst-aid-to-thelm
_.II_I_ I II I I I I _I . I I s:tva;.;cry and clvlllzatlon combined oc- _ ` t k d ti ld t, ts to b h ld Nd t t b
?.?...T 2321. ..l‘t!I,°Zl"‘L,`Q..t“{EI `l.T.€".§J.TI.EZ..‘L   ·»····· l ¤~···· ·····   · ···· · ···»·~·»— · ···‘ ‘*·‘·* l···  ····*     M ······¤· ..Y"f...f`E..,,2.-.l.`§"`Q".I`.,"`ZZ .,1.. .;.5., {Em. ZZ°`LIT.`....,,.,y...`YZ EZ`? °`°°"
· ___ , I tion tls that of war? lllll contest with Ml·l1ig l t S t - ° e ue`
. ol the worlds hallowed and gratlousl _ _ _ ° an as au" sohools_ the other for the larger The followlng are records made at
,,·,,,, ,,,8 ,,,,,,,_ 0,, ,,,,I,, ,,,g,,, ,,, BI lt ts tut- more tasclnatlng to attack dur I
llethlehem manger the Son of Man, than W d**Y·**Udl to €X€l¢€ URW l0 'Fellllessee looked somewhat danger. schoom A locing cup wm be awudad last years meet
was born, whose sacred precepts from, “°°"‘“· Hut "“* m“"““* "“'*°"y M out in the tlrst round With one gone to me why winners in ouch of me 100 yard d“h_w 3-5`
[hp hluunt of ()liveS are   the ill_Ig[‘Qu[ l)()“‘p|* is [hut of   r98tru|"[_ Asha sin led to I It d S ' above                 2  
splratlon of the world. We umol ull be i¤¤l·=h¤ Nw! llluiuul _I   g I wl er an mm] gm bs awarded the winner of the decla- 120 burdle——14 4-5. new track record.
t·l.,I,stIt-tnn.- to Iliwn ,»,·o;Ilal,ntnnI tr! ::::;;’Il:j•li:II·>tII;·;·;I:lI:>t¤:··‘Iwlllgl ¤l¤¤¤l;¤ jIIITI_;"“II‘: lI_‘I‘I;':II;;`I°I ;:*“f"?“‘:° "I:" mation contest rot- boys, the readlns 220 yard t1sslt—24 1-5.
,,,,s,,,t ,, ,,,.,,,·,._ was ,,t ,,,,1 ,,,· , ‘· c· , ws Il ace ~ · .» . ll '¢ '•+ . tlllllv . ,_ _ ,
l»l‘llt<·l|llo of his toaohings ag hg! Mtv of thought and ox,,r,·s,,{o,,_ ,,,,,, and UI, me I_IaIIIt_ Ina), UI park I_uugIII ¢0|\w¤¥- Y0? UNB. Bild 016 WIDIIOTB Ofl *5 mlle dash—3_]3 3.,,
traveled through tho hills of Judeal “"'d hl ""“** ‘****·?"*‘*‘ *° """'¤ hl mul smith oft tlrst bv a snap throw for me vocal wm come"' me vocal qu"' High jumpua fa"' 3 mchel
I,,I,, III.,,I,,.,I0,, ,I,. ,,I,, Sea (I, GII_,,,,w_ hl,,,.,s,·,, ,,,,,,» IIIG IIIIIII IIIII ' tot contest, tho violin solo contest and llammer———ll9 feet, 6 inches.
,,·,,,,,,,,.,» ,,,. ,,,,, ,,, ,,,9 ,,,,,,,,, of ,,,,,| “I I I I IIIIII BIIIIIIIII IIII IIIL IIIIIIIIIII III II tho plano solo contest. A loving cup 440-yard run—57 l·€».
` I I ` I ,, , I . , ~I I AI ' t . ¤ • b ' ](*
Ilttbbis or tht, |t·h,,,h_ 0,- fed me mu,. no ll. lt ~h·nl *lNt‘¤d and mutt be II wh, bg ,,ws,-dsa tho hlgh school hav- Broad jump—~l9 feet. 6 inches.
tltudes ln ole asm,. nts aomtlls that llkrr ···¤¤· ~···‘····—*- *0 rmt Um *····*¤¤ M , r »
,,,, ,,,,,,,_,,, wm., ,,,·,,,,,,l,·,,,_,,_,,,I ,,, ,,,9 ’I‘ht·uot;lt all the S¢‘tINOIlS of the golden bounced tt slow one toward thlrd base mg uw best Orchestra. A handsome I HHMVQ mm" 4.;) Sec
S(I'l1}{\!QIt‘ in Gclhsemane’s garden, iu Wu"- uhlch llutcltlson could not handle ln cup Mu be awarded me Individual Shotuss fem' 9 mchel
IIIII II_IIII__III IIII ,,IIIIIII_y.B IIIIII III IIIH l.__.-.-_;.....i _ _ _ clwntviorr. i· 6-. the lurtmt vviut ww- Milo rvluvw 1-<>¤i¤vlll•¤ 3 ¤¤¤¤·. 50 2-5
triumph of the bursting tomb, llo saw ¢<`¤¤¤ti¤¤¤~· Shu,. Sh,. I,.m.,,,.,| HH, siiiw limi ihi'i•··i·i»iiiu·i· mis, mix-. .I.` Park AHM. zh It  4 0 1 1 0 Ol ·-—·—————————-——-—t;
    Hlmush hmg`mw_ uml Mmmm, um, of il1··d ln \\iIlmm>. hut Iuttlv Ilitvd in Smith rf   4 U I I 0 0. I   R 5
HI,. ,-,,,.,.,,,_,,, ,.;,mHsh ,],,.1,kmg u(._ 1i¤1|•· iii mdk in third haw-, whivh \\'ii· if 4 ’ 2 0 I I
  H R ;__I___H_mt (___ m___(,___,_ .i,.. ..,. ;..,.. ii".-.—it ip. i-in bm- .»·· ll   ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 4 L 0 4 U 0 FOR ALL 00CA8l0lIS
      |hU“·_"_r· HHH during Nun In·(.i(N]’ vight ll|•‘llI, illlll lIl‘ \\ 8.H Sill`?. II\1l1‘IIIH()ll \\ HHHILIS lf   my 2 0 U I U 0 •—~—-
April 17 and 18. > ··=· *‘*·     ····‘···‘ ··'*·>l···'   ··=··‘* """‘   """""' "" "“““"" ‘" """" .¤......M..._ it- it ..... ·» .. i. 0 U 0 S¤~·<·m~¤~y·»y··r·i·—ri¤¤ _
··tliIu· mi- ·r~··ii·-i- ·ii‘ii~irx lim. mp =-Ml ¤|¤•·M Mil \`=•ui:lm. fiirviiii; in itwti. frrim MS
gggq Auggopg ‘ l` l` ' ' ‘ · ‘ _ _ _ lliirriii, lil; .     3 U U l 1 U ____
MAXWELL HOLDEN, mi,. ml,. in |,,.,~ In-,.,,.m ph.), ··|;,.Hu liittlv was nut ut tlw plain uu \\ atvrs RMI" (I   3 U I 12 4 0
8h.d°w°r·phj·`_ ll()[]||;|_.` ull lldlllllllliitll ·IHlYl"?i Ilvmlurll unrllllllpll (U Short. \vrIght (h·P“' |{||((·]|h4()|] p   0 U 0 2       • •
·.. .. .· t a l· l`··   · l(Y.l’ k. `  
RUSSELL AND cygugcp-4 l·.ipz.m lim inside irmn thc popular *`“"ln*"`) "f* ll*d‘*` \*;"l;ll¥ Ll, { HK? I _ _ __ _ __ _ 417 EAST MAXWELL
Eccentric Comedy Dancing Act iim·•·i or (liv smut mum- by Robert N l¤'·**l•' ****1**] UH im ¤E 5 F T ¤i~ Totals   0 6 24 10 4
    Hi(‘l\¢‘l|S, THIS l`(lll‘ Hill (lilly lllTUl`dH Out" KENTlg(wKY_     H· POIAIE. V' A'  
Novelty Roller Skating Act. the- nt-iiwss trvme-ndmis latitude- but lm" **ld*"‘ “"*“* ""l **l“"’*‘l l" °"d"" wright M.   4 0 1 3 0 0 I-- K'S‘U'R°°r°°°°t°Hv°‘
PAUL LA CROW AND COMPANY in its m\Hm,um,nS She, plays uponliiniii the last ni iiie sixth, whvn Statv Sllhrmlmn 3h   4 0 1 1 3 2 D E N T I  
Comedy Hat Mlnipulntort •-xm`) string iii th•· e-ntiro gamut of the lift"' ?·‘;;ll(’;;*"‘  *:;:1 lllt*;;'(;"£;::   Crum, rf I I ' I · · · · U 4 2 2 1 1 0
» ¤·ni.s or we ¤¤¤.¤¤~ west *····i·~· i·=·~**¤··~- """ ‘ "` ‘ " l I it 1»1- ti, it ........... 3 2 1 0 0 0 pg_ J_ ·[_ SLATUN
lig Scenic Instrumental Mu•icaI Act Tho pmductimi is re-ported to be an i*"`*l l" ""m€'· Reed fa““"d· ·· I Park D 4 1 2 0 G 0  
WILL Rggggg ¢·sp<~<·iuily vluborziti- nm-. e·at·li of tliv {mk 'l"l'“v’ IM" *‘°"· “h0 l¤·¤f*<“*?*l t;“ Tuttle, lb   4 1 1 12 1 1   bheapsidc
Thg Amqrlggn cow Boy four ut-is being imiiclsniiwly smgvti. mu *"‘“" ““d uu h“"d“ lwnds? °‘ (·_ Park (, _________ 3 1 2 4 1 0 l{0urs8A. M. tn8i·.M. PHONE ms;-X
- . · . · .. "limimsoii muffvd Tuttlefs line rvv ` ’
THREE KEATONS, (lmrI•—> l·rolimuii pr<·>i·nt Mtzimom I · Vaughn. 2b   2 0 1 3 2 0  .
Including Buster, the Boy Acrobat in "l£ellu Umiim" ut the- Ben Ali 'l`h¤·u- {wd ( rum and Pafk $(`0“"l· 'l“m‘~` mk Bailey, 2b i I l l · · i U 0 0 0 0 1 0 DOL! I R SAFETY RAZORS  
PRICES. tre for um- pe·ri`urnmn<·<= only. mg ’*""0“d· C· lark singled m righh waters HS 4 0 0 3 0 0
' I smring Tuttle, Park taking second on *B ’ ``'''```` 0 0 0 0 0 0 Endel', Keen Cllttéf, • l
M8tlI\¢€, 25C, 15c Hlld 10C ·~K { h-ZKTUK mp throw to the mam. Park was rpson ........... and Ever Ready {
Night 5°°’25° and mc Ut au ew el miiipzlit 0iY second, Keith to Daws0n.· JUST WHAT YOU NEED.
400 GOOD SEATS ALWAYS AT 10c 'l`h•—re· iiill only be i`our pe·ri'oi·m· \_ ll Qin had to H ht (md qmle Sec 1 ·|·,,miS __________ 33 7 11 27 14 3 ·
uu ‘ 1 1 . ' . · . V-
  ·¤-<     **·**·*¤ **···<*<··‘***<· 8* me   Kim Ji r JZ?. M the M ***¤’~·>·· bam *0* Vaughn *" ****3. COOPER & DUNN I
<>ll(,) aes ai te
'"_"”";__`_` -1 Ali '1`h<¤a¤r~ this w+·ek——l~`riduy and eighth, _ I
., , . . _ <···i· . DRUGGISTS j
T•|•ph¤n• 638 ¤.itiird.u. mth daily niatine<=>. T _ r 1 lan Q to Score Score by Inmngu. MAIN STREET AND BROADW i
e—niwsse¢»s ea cn c AY
'l`l·blll` 1'.·.·l ¤ . · ...... 00000000-0
Th G · C ,_ " I ‘°’   """l €“’3“ff"""‘ (-l.....» in the W-mi,. Thomason led ;°""°";‘*‘ 32 0 0 0 3 2 0 _ 7 ·—·i ———— I
ii *t ‘ ' ' , · ' ‘ ...... ·· *
c utzclt 0’ l· mw {E lion ihmbp ai: le Q; "" "'“" “ ‘“'°‘°“gg"' ‘° °°“‘°' “"°' mm y p ii mi Th l.€XlIlgt0Il (lil! C0llI|)&Il)' l
tire not- 1 ut ot wr oo ings ma e Summurv: ' wo- use s- om-
_ Lindsay was safe on S<·liruder`s bad `
TOBACCOS, PIPES, ETC- " """°”“""‘· “" “ ‘” ‘“"‘“° “" °' “‘° throw to nm. Thomason tried to “S°"’ J' P‘"k` Fmt °° bans-on Mm.°lm;?;:d¤a i
b .· 1 d. '1`l B Ali · , .2. S 1 b -—Wilii ,
Pipes Repaircd   on UQ ro: _ t le Hen musuiil score on the play and was out, Tuttle wlicallson b 1 Us an as/Tim {gg;     ..
. wi new an in ems n 1, ‘ , ‘ ra er, ‘ , .
I u { 5 f H d to t'. Park. The next two were easy 7 rgl cl S k t B   ,
LEXINGTON, _ _ KENTUCKY open the per ormducc, to e 0 owe outs. Naughn, Bryson. truc 0u — Y 136 WEST MAIN STREET -
by the following: Maxwell Holden. MM for good meaqum State again Hutchison, 9; by Park, 3. Left on   . ·
  siiudoxigruliiiist, a line of entertain- [ mlm around the bggs in their half bases—'l`ennessce, 5; K€¤¤1¢kY 6·     and  
s a
UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND ment that is particularly pleasing to _ Double p\gys—C, Park to Tuttle,   and    
c•*•"* •*°'“'l"°*Y ‘° ““d°"“ both old and ·oun Russell and of mo Seventh. “ right flamed, but R edi T me Keith to Lindsay Hit ’
gnu Fqculty of State University 1 I I 5 g` ti d Schrader stole second and went to be T u V ’ h B R   by     ‘
l`1uI‘C1 iave an eccen rc (*0mQ y y ])l[(‘l9I`·— aug n, l‘YB0ll, 96 . .
tli d ‘l t`r qcratched :1, hit
A. B. BARNETT dmmg atilimitsSamm¤€um»m’tl;l;llgl:`   JM to scm but ii..u-hiS0..; Williams by vm. um- Slllllllll-FlllBl Flllllllalll PBIIS é
COR. 8. LIMESTONE AND COI-FAX from start to iinish. The Harrahs' ug Ol. Thomasows bemimul pire—Black.   K i
\\1I S0 l .
,_ l·‘·z ll‘ki ·tthti t
""‘ ‘ “’ ‘”‘ F “‘“" “‘, “ “,“°V i·ii¤»~· t<>t1¤¤v1¤t¢=- Reed was mt. and ———-————-·— Bfllwlllllg-Slagg mug cn, li
only new but is novel; 1uulLa (,r0ix 1 ` ,., + ,|, ,•, ,|, ,., + ‘, 4, .|, .·. .., .|. 4. g. .|. 1
YES, d L d I { i 1 he and (rum pulled off u double steal. WM E STAGG Succcnor ]
T V , v _ n • y •
w. m ami mming 4 sum mr smc ““ _ _f’;f‘;”“‘;{_· l°"“;“m’ L;“ld"‘“;‘v"“t‘f_ nom scored wiwii J. Park doubled w ·•· WANT COLUMN "’ 309 WEST M AIN STREET •
`”at_ mn` A H9 In 5 0 Q 0 en Q? ’ lvft. Tuttle vndvd the inning with a °I' + + + °.° * * + + + + + + * + +
Bi“Y B¤il°Y’8 Pressing Club “‘ " mg “°“"“` ‘"“"“"“’"‘“‘ ‘““S‘°“‘ my U, Ash.] who nmde Z. beautiful Om-. -»—— U~ —--— —-»~——~——— W   `-_""”
AND unv ci.zANiN¤ wonxs um, imp iwii one or the Sensations h;md__d cat;_h_ An ““‘"‘*"_‘sl"g ““d" “"“ :;°“d.wm J. D   •   •
169 South Limestone Phone 621-y of tho <·ntir·•· (-irvuit and <·mnt~1ieru1ded Tl _ W { rm H t_ l I about iw t·iiurged tut ut the rate of ve tents • ,
  tis mw uf tli•· i:,i‘~ut¢·st ;u·ts ul` the kind H H “dh I E M HM, mud A por line. (lnwrpuuw.1) X
'Mw ,mdu'_Pd the- guuw, hut Stutv played steaiiily DORGTHY DODD SHOES E
C A   __ I k ` _ __ and t·misist•·nt1y tiiruugliout, wliilel RUKDM ANU B()ARI)—G00d rooms FOR WOMEN 1
° ° HH. mw my my UI Hm bm mu un. 'l`•~iiu»·sst··· svciiied to gu to piet-es with with excellent table board. Mrs.   50 to     Q
COMPLETE DRUG STORE billed as "'i‘lit· American Cowb0y."  
MA?:°°fNgay?/Af;U€;.°aS$_°:1;éTS {This is ai uno man turn, but there is FOR MEN
. { i
|•iiuu;.,ii tun 111 it tor 1 D .
‘ · · ` ` ' 1 dozen and • $4,00 to   OO
I l{il]l¢‘l`S llilh l)(+(‘ll Ill?   of (!V(’Y`\'        
• ' '
    C0. L iiii<·i··~ liv has appe~ur+·d. Montgomery For the
Anthracite and Bituminous l .x· Stmw •·u¤lorse· "'1`iit» Ain<·ri<·zm l`uw· C   B ‘
~   . .   M · · ~ 0 8[0 0yS Slll0li8l‘
COALS I ""’ "* ""` "°”‘ ‘“'" ""> *‘" °““· Tuesday and Friday evenings at U. L. T. Hall, by ,  
. . The three Keatons, including Buster, Go to ;
Lexlngtorh - kentucky! ile iwll known b v acrobat close tho • ' ' ' ' I
‘ "· · Miss Spurr and Wm. Warfield. Admission 50 cents. The Lewin Cigar Co.
  siimv with uu ucrobatic uvt that is 0pp. N•w Phoenix i
" ’· '   V • • '   é
W' S'   www Special 3pp0ll\t.lI\€l1tS made for t€3(‘I\lllg` the Tllllg'0, LEXINGTON
. l ——r— •-$•- 7
The Sanitary Grocer cH0nAL ci.u¤ smcs swEE1·i.v.
WOM M Q Mama, Hesitation and one step. CREAM FLOUR
. . . . Lust 'fuvsday night the tirst 0ngz1g<—— Takes less shortening
Cor. S. Lime and Virginia Ave. _ _ -5 mm by--
iiie·iit> ol tlie· (`lmral Su<·it·i)‘ was vn-  ‘_"’“’“"  Lexin ton R   r   C ‘
      jnyud by ai. full oliapel,   gi lnmlgorged I S 0°’
Mr. Uiuii lud tli•· chorus of about i; ,
119 SOUTH UPPER ST. mw liuiidrod voices iii the iiiiiefuliiesh       & M I I       prop r
Fresh Candles Made Dally. Ur tlw tern-iuiiigs l>uuglit+·r. Mm il;       ' '
w \ • _ I
POD (J0l‘I\ l‘I‘ltl0l`b· <·ttii.»riiiH mt··1it·11 mtu mss icmuiiem ’ ` P
LEX|NGT0N» · · KENTU‘-7** i iioliii, . l     A    
'l`li•· pla} was divided in [vm purts _
Club Rates, 5 Suits, $1,50 uml solos und ulew <‘iub Quartet in l |24..l28 North Limestone Lexington, Ky. I DI" ]°    
gg] g_ Llm•_ pho", ]g7g.x [nifl I und in purl. ll the Erl—Klng'» l {   ·
+ ltutixliiw wok the lend. __ _ , _ _ ______ I City N•t`l. Bank Bld’q.
¢¢¢¢OO¢¢O0 ;:·__ —-——-?;gy———— —·———~—————-—;——·· ·  A ~

 • •
T H E I D E A " 8
ll H a     I   I E R Money Loaned on all goodsof Value. lcan save you from 30 to 60 per cent on l
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc.
LICENSED PAWN BROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block
  ·— - »···•a¤•~• 
Q Q ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••°°°°°°°°"°°°°°‘°°°°°'|' the breath of a fiery dragon sweeping purdon." Every step of progress which HHSUMWI. l»····aus<— the once hosttie
• ,,·,., HI,. mm|H,.ap,, [mm Atlanta [U th,. thc peoples of the earth make in their l`l1*‘il*>¤H were l`u>¤•·l'l*l f•‘*l¤rH¥»lon. National
,,,...--..,.......---••••••••··•·•·•··••••••••q """· l"'“"" l"‘ “"°"""‘Y- 'l`l‘° energy und angels, of universal peace and hoiintlarles no longer remain lmpugg.
I A Hm of mt ummm hm havn OL expetitlevtl by the non-producing armies brotherhood. ¤lll*¥· ll\*¥ “'<>Fl\‘**F'.Y· M**Xl€°· “'l**’" ¥`0tl1e¤`ll00¢l ¤m0¤l; i¤1diVld\18l¤. fam- Arizona, will reclaim thousands of of Love and extended its dominion to
_ exercises will be held ln the mo,-mug the effort on the part of the ussocia- ilies and communities, which has kms land, prbvlde homes tor hundreds ot me ends or me earth. lt win be the
l and the business meeting of the Alum- tlvn to make ll1l8 U18 best Bhd SNBBKBBI Since been ¢*y¤¤¤l¤:·>¤ mw lluma:6 f8mlll€8 and V88llY l¤C!`€88€ the V&ll1€l source of 0lll' joy and hope through the
f _ ,, laws in every Christ all country of t e or taxable property, ages which are unending.
{ •
nl Association win be held in me at- old grad year in the history of the smh MS me mmm qw _
l . ' . p in the plan Tl U {ted St t d · r  
l @€l‘¤00¤ N the Alumnl H¤ll and ln Mw Unlverslty‘ lfor the arnlty of nations. The ltwlns threlse hulldred ullilllsorllslbfsldillaisobi-  
l evening the annual Alumni banquet The $9°"€W*`l€*’ M9: MlS*‘ lnez G"' l down of arms and the adoption of an uuglly for its army and ngvy, or which
4 and ball will be given at the phoenix lls '13, MISS Addle Dean`12, MIBS AllCe international (:0de of laws Wlll be the {wg hundred millions c0uld· bg saved A. w _  
l H I Tl t Se i Cl Carey Williams ·u’ Mr. D_ v_ Terrell final attainment of this ideal. The re- to be devoted to the improvement of    `,.
l' lnlxipll tolsulggsize bagqolfet :3 sg: ,10 Miss Marv ROMS .09 Mr. Frank lationshlp of men today in the social rivers and harbors and highways, and  ‘ _;;.°'  és; 
» _ · ‘ ’ ' ' and industrial worlds verltles that the t tl r ment ot rt, clence   T;;f.**"~,.,  
l and the purchase of the ticket for the Battelle. `08. Mr. E. L. Reese ‘07, Miss mm pan of me great problem has aim :iu°;;‘;’(;*nl‘*§If’hink wha;*& paradise M zi;.}   
s· banquet will be equivalent to paying Alma W¤1¤i¤ `U6- M"- HUYY Edwards been accomplished. The age ot duels this country could bg made with an an- ~ \__‘ —  ‘ " l' g
l dues for the first years’ membership '05· Ml'- Ed Fl`9€m¤·¤ '04» Ml¤¤ M¤|`·li¤ 0V9¤‘· MMYB 8¤‘¤d¤8l development nual income of so vast a sum of ‘··-—-.-._ _' l
* h¤`0\1Sl1 U16 06¤\¤¤`l€¤ of hlBl0l‘Y hw money· think what burdens could be -7*·` — ‘-
. { th A I tl _ guerite McLaughlin 03, Mr. T. T. l· · 3,,,,
· · n e SB0¢¤ 0¤ l m b JMS _01 Mr