xt7n5t3g0317 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3g0317/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1980 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 55, No. 3, Winter 1980 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 55, No. 3, Winter 1980 1980 1980 2014 true xt7n5t3g0317 section xt7n5t3g0317 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE
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Us ISSN 0016-2116 l
For Peggy, her last Quarterly Bulletin.
Cover: This silhouette was first used by Mrs. Breckinridge to
illustrate an article about her work which appeared in the
Spring 1942 issue of the Quarterly Bulletin. For Mrs.
Breckinridge, the silhouette signiiied the bond between
mother and child. `
We use it here in memoriam for Peggy G. Elmore,
September 30, 1929-March 8, 1980, who gave thirty years
of dedicated service to the Frontier Nursing Service. It is
fitting that Peggy entered the next life in her room at
Wendover. ·
We use it also in thanks for the years of work that Dr. E.
Fidelia Gilbert has given.  
Us 1ssN 00162116
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $2.00 a Year
Edit0r’s Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Second—c1ass postage paid at Wendover, Ky. 41775 and at additional mailing offices
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775
Copyright 1980, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. `

.} V A Vacation for the Big House Dale Deaton 30
.  F Beyond the Mountains 27
 ~ Black Lung Tim Carey, MD. 13
 ` Board of Governors 20-21
  Business and Coal Dinner, 1979 17
, Field Notes 37
  For a Special Delivery,
, Call a Midwife Cathy Carr 8
  For Mother and Child Molly Lee 2
From the Medical Director S. D. Palmer, MD. 10
  Frontier School of Midwifery and
` Family Nursing—Reassessment Dean Lydia DeSantis 45
l Helen Browne Honored
T by Berea College 22
In Memoriam 26, 36
Las Vegas East 29
Memorial Gifts 25
I. Old Courier News 32
  Old Staff News 41
_   Our Mail Bag 17
  Peggy G. Elmore, 1929-1980 23
Staff Opportunities Inside Back
3 Cover
 L The FNS Advisory Committee James Mosley 18
V The Making of a Grandma Jean Elam 5
l Urgent Needs 44

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Dr. E. Fidelia Gilbert  

  By Molly Lee
  I first met Dr. E. Fidelia Gilbert when she visited FNS with
 . Beth Beers, an FNS graduate nurse-midwife who had worked with
'§" Dr. Gilbert for some years overseas. Dr. Gilbert, who had retired
? after 34 years of mission service in Bangladesh, was looking for
_; somewhere to give useful service for a few more years.
"‘ When we next met it was at a conference of the International
i Confederation of Midwives in Washington, D. C. Dr. Gilbert had
  decided to accept the position here — little did we know then that
i FNS was getting such a complete person. Retired from the
E women’s hospital in Bogral which she had been instrumental in
‘ building, we hardly expected such an up to date, alive, and
  meticulous physician to be in charge of maternity services and
~ Gynecology here.
l Throughout her seven years here, Dr. Gilbert has helped to
  keep the Midwifery Program in step with modern advances in
i treatment and technology, in the classroom and in clinical areas,
  without sacrificing the skills inherent in the midwifery profes-
i sion. She has assisted in the training of more than 50 students and
  helped to deliver more than 2000 babies. Her oft stated purpose in
; being here has been to share her knowledge and the skills of her
3} hands with nurses and midwives in whose own hands lies the
  future of those for whom they care, wherever they practice in the
·~ Her innate kindness, pure common sense, and quick-witted
5 humour have endeared her to all. She has borne the weight of
` extensive classroom teaching for both the midwives and family
l nurses in training. She has worked beside them in clinical practice
F and on call hours with the same fortitude and Christian commit-
  ment that she showed on foreign soil.
 .2 We marvel at her stamina: her ‘extra’ outreach work with the
 t Kentucky River Program in the Hazard Health Department
  which provides services to mothers; her listening ear to any and
  all who would counsel; her support of the struggling Bible study
T; group; her fantastic ability to look after her work, her studying,
 1 and herself — to be refreshed only by cat naps in the night hours
’· when on call.
  It was said of her by a former faculty member several years ago
  that her epitaph should be: "Dear and Glorious Physician".

 4 Fnowrisa Nunsmc ssavics l
Dr. Yvonne Imbleau came to join the staff and to assist Dr. l
Gilbert two years ago. She, too, came from the mission field:
several years of obstetric work specializing in surgery in Kenya _
and Rhodesia. Her arrival made a considerable difference to the  ~
maternity team since she had board certification in OB-GYN. We  
had another physician to share the twenty-four hour call and  
more importantly, someone able to share the responsibilities of a  
Caesarian section when the occasion arose. She has performed all _'&
of this with skill, expertise, and the utmost competence. She has ii
also met surgical emergencies at Red Bird Hospital 25 miles away,
and the Red Bird Mission has reciprocated by lending us relief
anesthetic coverage.
It was no small decision for Dr. Imbleau to come here. On her
first visit, she was attracted by the deep sense of service to the ~
patients and by the friendly personnel. She was delayed in getting
here by the sad necessity of having to sell the family house and,
further, made quite a sacrifice by deciding to leave her mother to I
make a new life for herself in a retirement complex. '
Muggins or Mugsie, her African friend of ‘57 varieties’, has =
become very much at home in the Barn apartments on hospital
hill and shows the same sense of sportsmanship that her Missus
demonstrates —— with a twinkle in her eye. Together they have
enjoyed the weekly rotation at the district clinics and will be
sorely missed.
At this writing there is no permanent replacement in sight for
another OB-GYN physician. In the "Sound of Music" Maria says i
with great conviction, "Wherever God closes a door, He opens a 'W
window." With the missions overseas that are closing year by r
year, surely somewhere there is someone waiting to hear and ‘
respond to the Frontier Nursing Service. We are eternally grateful L5
for the love and devotion which our departing physicians have  ;
shown and we await in His time the answer to our prayer of need.  
Retirement is just a ‘change of occupation’. May both, in their ]
separate ways, enjoy health, happiness, and contentment. W

 l QUARTERLY surmmu 5
_ by Jean Elam
  ‘ ‘I hope you don’t care, but this baby is going to be born at your
lg house," Sue said when she came back from her first visit to THE
  I was delighted, if Sue could work this out with the nurses and
  Dr. Gilbert, but this was not the policy with FNS — to have home
` deliveries in this present age.
All went well. Sue is a healthy, happy young woman and she
and her husband, David, wanted this baby. Sue was also very sure
she wanted the delivery "at home", meaning her mother’s home
because Sue and David live in Ohio, but both were FNS babies.
` This meant regular trips to Hyden for check-ups and then, in the
last month, Sue, Dobie (the Doberman), J. R. (the German
, Shepherd), and Goldie (the cat) moved to Hyden. David is a "Steel-
y A Hauling Man" so he came weekends to be with his family and to
get instructed.
L Cathy, the nurse-midwife, and Sue became very good friends.
Cathy arranged to have classes on Saturday evenings so David
could be included but, because there was always the possibility
that he might be on the road, Sue’s sister, Sarah, was in on the
The date was set for November 8, but babies and mamas d0n’t
g always follow calendars — so, a few days before, Cathy brought
_ over a kit of supplies — just in case. The room was readied, the bed
made firm, and, on November 6, Cathy and Sister Dorothy came
, over to become more familiar with the setting, to be sure the things
; they needed were handy and to check Sue again. It would
 g probably be a few days — David could take a load of lumber to
 L Cincinnati, load for Knoxville, and call when he got back to
  London, fifty miles away. Since he could not unload until
j morning, he decided to leave about midnight. But about eleven-
thirty I was aroused from sleep by quite a clatter just outside my
bedroom door. "The waters broke — Sue’s waters broke — her
bed’s all wet," David told me excitedly.
The bed got changed, Sue got warmed up, Sarah and David
settled each other but Sue didn’t seem to be able to settle down to
rest. It seemed like a good time for me to iron some of Sue’s and her
sister’s baby clothes that we had washed but not ironed. Sue

 6 momma Nunsmo smzvxce } 
looked in and commented how pretty they were and how her baby
was going to wear them. After all, this was going to be a baby girl
— how could it be anything else? Sue is the youngest of five girls — ‘
no brothers. David has four nieces and no nephews. This child  
would be a girl. Only a girl’s name had been selected. ia
Sue became more restless so we called Cathy. She came very  
promptly. After reassuring Sue and David, she made a couple of  
telephone calls, and Sister Dorothy arrived about 3:00 a.m. About  
5:00, Sister Dorothy suggested everyone try to get some rest — it Q
would be awhile. We did. Sister Dorothy and Cathy could stretch
out on couches, Sue and David on the floor —- Sue draped over a D
large footstool, Sarah and I to our rooms.
About eight everyone became more alert. I fixed breakfast but
breakfast could wait — Sue was about to deliver. David was beside
Sue, Cathy and Sister Dorothy were tending to the delivery, Sarah
held the mirror so David and Sue could see the action, and I stood
at the door and strained with Sue and pushed with her and thrilled ‘
with them when the baby began to appear. `
The head came and there was a pause in the action. "Why
doesn’t he cry?" asked Sue. She was told it was a little soon —
there was more work to do. The action started again and then as
the baby slipped out, Cathy informed everyone "IT’S A BOY".
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Sue and lonathan David

 · The baby cried! David sat down! Sarah gave the time! It was 9:15
{ a.m., November 7, 1979.
2 Anne, another nurse-midwife ~ with experience in neonatal
  nursing, had stopped by on her way home from her shift at the
if hospital, arriving about 8:30. She took the baby, cleared the
  breathing passages, wrapped him in a blanket, and handed him to
  David with "Remember, hold him just like you would a football!"
  The expression on David’s face seemed to say, "Sue, y0u’ve had
  him for nine months, now I get him for awhile!"
be Cathy was still tending Sue when she looked up at David and
V said, "Oh, David! We have us a little boy; in about three years we’ll
have to have a little sister for him."
At 9:25 a.m. — only ten minutes had passed — the telephone
rang. It was for David — his family calling. As David went by he
said, "Will Grandma hold him?" What a wonderful name ——
GRANDMA! He was so wonderful that it took four days to find a
  name that was just right. Jonathan David — Gift of God, Beloved.
i Sue, David and Grandma all say, "Thank you, FNS School of
Midwifery, for helping us have this experience."

 a Fnomma Nonsmo ssavics ,
by Cathy Carr  
An FNS graduate’s mother-in-law had designed a bumper ;
sticker some years ago with the slogan, "For A Special Delivery,  
Call A Midwife", and mine had been pasted to the refrigerator  
door at my house on Short Creek ever since. Special deliveries are  
a midwife’s joy and privilege, contributed to by the uniqueness of  
each woman and her family. '
My favorite "special" was the home delivery of Jonathan
David in Hyden last November. His mother, Sue, had been I
referred to me when she expressed an interest in having a home `
birth. When I met Sue, she was still early in her pregnancy, but we
immediately began to prepare for a healthy, safe home delivery.
Logistics became quite a major part of our planning. Sue and
David lived in Ohio, a five hour drive from Hyden. They wanted to ,
deliver at her mother’s home, just across the street from the Mary w
Breckinridge Hospital.
Throughout her pregnancy, Sue worked at staying fit and
healthy. Their two large dogs insured plenty of exercise by taking _
her for walks. She and David’s father gardened all summer, even
freezing ice cube trays of blended produce for the little one.
As D-day approached, the long drives for more frequent
prenatal visits became too tiring and Sue and the dogs moved to
Mrs. Elam’s in Hyden and David commuted when he could. So _»
that David could be included as labor coach, we started weekend .
prenatal classes in Mrs. E1am’s home. Over tea and juice we
practiced exercises and breathing on the living room floor. Sue’s  
sister, Sarah, became the substitute coach and practiced with Sue  
when David was away. As Mrs. Elam embroidered baby quilts, we L.  , I
discussed what to expect. This family-style labor and delivery  
preparation became a weekly visit that I looked forward to and {
enjoyed. f
Sister Dorothy, my midwife back-up, went over lists of j
equipment and made a prenatal home visit for a trial run. Delivery
day finally arrived late one night in early November. David was ‘
there so we didn’t have to worry about trying to find him on the
road. Mrs. Elam, Sarah, Sister Dorothy and I drank a lot of coffee _
and waited with Sue and David.
Jonathan David was bom in the big double bed that Sue and ‘

j Sarah had prepared. Soft lights, the early morning sun and his
  father’s arms greeted the new baby. His grandmother and aunt
were in attendance, helping and welcoming him into the family.
1 Ann Shaw, a family nurse-midwife, arrived from work in time to
;_ circulate for the delivery and do a quick "well-baby" physical.
lj After making sure everything was normal, we left Sue and
  David with their new son while Mrs. Elam made a huge breakfast
ft for three hungry midwives and a happy family. Sue got breakfast
il in bed, her tray adorned with a single red rose. Sarah was
; dispatched to put "It’s A Boy" sign in the window of Elam’s
g Department Store, and the congratulatory phone calls started.
For the next several days, Sister Dorothy, Ann and Itook turns
making home visits to check on Sue and Jonathan. It was a
special delivery for all of us and for me it was a privilege and a joy
to birth a very special baby into a wonderful family.
{ .

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Chair in Exemplary Orthopedic Surgery Presented to David Stevens, M.D. ll
by S. D. Palmer, M.D. y
"Mrs. Breckinridge, I’m David Stevens from Lexington. Can  
you use an orthopedic consultant?" L
Mrs. Breckinridge was startled by the\30 year oldiphysician  
who stood in the doorway. FNS certainly could use an orthopedic gg
consultant, and has — for 20 years now. Dr. Stevens had been in .
Hazard and, having heard of the work of the Frontier Nursing 3
Service, he came to make a firsthand inspection and generously *
offer his services. é
What an auspicious occasion! Since then Dr. Stevens, with or i
without entourage, has held monthly orthopedic clinics in the old {
hospital and the new, through Kentucky bad winters and . 
springtime, snow and flood. Remarkably, he has missed only one,  I
single, solitary clinic in 20 years! On that occasion, the roads were I
impassable and closed. Through other less impossible weather §
conditions, he has gotten through. This past winter his was one of j

* the last cars through the Hyden Spur on his way back one night.
 ‘ On another occasion the Kentucky State Police drove him home
1 when his car was stranded.
~ Dr. Stevens recalls that, early on, the FNS "wasn’t too well
  equipped." The iilms were taken by Miss Nollie, who did both x-
I ray and laboratory. Dr. Stevens would go from room to room
  seeing patients. In the old hospital, of course, there was no
dt elevator, and patients were carried up the stairs on chairs.
2 One of Dr. Steven’s first patients —— I tell you no lie — was a deer
p which had received a head injury by a vehicle. He saw the docile
{ patient in the cow barn across from the "hospital on the hill" and
. felt some degree of professional satisfaction at having con-
  tributed, somewhat, to the beast’s survival until . . . the next
J month, when he was silently fed venision for supper. He didn’t
  ask. Mrs. Breckinridge didn’t volunteer. No comment.
· A more grateful and, perhaps, more successfully treated patient
Q? was Dr. Beasley. The details are understandably lost in the mists
° of memory, but somehow this urbane physician fell while
~ climbing a grapevine or something, and sustained a compression
2 fracture of the L1. Less seriously ill, but also less visibly grateful,
was Trink,· Dr. Beasley’s loyal and gracious wife. Trink swears
_A that Dr. Stevens, discussing her arthritis with another person,
· referred to her as "degenerate" rather than afflicted with
_· degenerative arthritis. Primum no nocere, David B.
  Despite the many miles driven to and from Hyden during this
  long period — would you believe over 60,000 miles — he’s had only
, two accidents. He recalls, once, driving with his nurse along a
  tortuous and slippery road, down a hill toward Granny’s Branch
.,  near Brightshade, going about 35 miles per hour, hitting the
brakes as he approached a sharp left turn. He skidded toward a
. house where a country gentlewoman sat on the porch. Trying to
avoid her and her Old Kentucky Home, he went off the road, over a
, small cliff, landing in Granny’s Branch. Happily, no injuries.
 ‘ Deja vu?
» Dr. Stevens’s clinics are models of efficiency with large
‘ numbers of patients seen by this capable and gracious man. As a
E  fellow physician, I am very impressed with the intensity of his
r contact with the patients. I have recommended to medical
= students that they follow him around in clinics to learn the art, as
well as the science, of our profession.

Recently, the University of Kentucky honored Dr. Stevens by Y
asking him to be in charge of pediatric orthopedic work. He will é
now be Chief of Staff at the Shriners Hospital in addition to being ,
Medical Director of Cardinal Hill Hospital. This has required  
giving up his private practice with Dr. Sweeney, but — thanks be  
to God! — he will continue to come to the Mary Breckinridge Yi
In late March, at the end of a characteristically long clinic, Dr.  
Stevens was given a walnut rocking chair made by Cecil Morgan. i
On it was a brass plate inscribed: "The David B. Stevens Chair in `
Exemplary Orthopedic Surgery. Frontier Nursing Service."  
Thank you, Dr. Stevens, for who you are, what you do for FNS, i
and for the privilege of knowing and working with you. é

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i Black Lung patient — Farmer Sizemore with Dr. Tim Carey
{ by Tim Carey, M.D.
  Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis, or Black Lung disease, is a
_ chronic respiratory disease found in miners who have worked
  underground in excess often years. Undera federal program, over
q 100,000 former miners are currently receiving benefits and
_r.· medical assistance for pulmonary disease and disability incurred
  as a consequence of employment in the coal industry. The exact
g figures are not known, but several hundred individuals in the area
 ’ served by the Frontier Nursing Service have qualified for Black
Lung benefits, and many more men are currently engaged in
- mining coal. In recent years, FNS has devoted more energy to
  evaluating and treating these individuals.
 Y Coal dust, once inhaled, may be exhaled in expired air, or
, coughed up and expectorated. Intermediate-sized particles,
i however, impact in the small airways and the alveoli. Many of
I these particles remain for years, their presence setting off a
, fibrotic response that leads to eventual scarring of the lung and

 14 Fnommz Nunsmo smzvicra ·
restriction of lung function. The amount of scarring of the lung is ,
directly proportional to the amount of dust in the lung. Thus, the ·
longer a miner is employed in the industry, and the heavier the ;
dust exposure, the greater the risk that a miner may suffer lung  
damage. Workers in deep mines are, therefore, at greater risk than I;
workers in strip mines, and face workers (those who actually run  
the mining and loading machinery) have the greatest risk of all. —
Somewhere around ten percent of long—term deep miners have ·_
some evidence of Black Lung, and one to two percent have more --°
severe disease. -
The straightforward disease-equivilent—to-amount-of-dust
theory breaks down, however, over two problems. First, each
miner’s respiratory defenses are different. This is true for many
health problems affecting individuals; the response of the body to 5
the stimulus — virus, bacterium, or foreign chemical- is variable .
and determines the presence, and extent, of disease. Second, the
problem of smoking. Smoking is prevalent in miners, as in the
population as a whole, and much of the debate surrounding Black
Lung, and especially its compensation, has involved the role of
smoking. Many pulmonary physicians adopt the hard-line view .
that much of the disability seen in miners is secondary to
smoking, with the coal dust exposure contributing little to the (
overall picture. Studies done in the British Isles have shown that a
moderate amount of Black Lung can be seen on chest x-ray with
little, if any, respiratory impairment in non-smokers. A
My view, however, is that the two factors, coal dust and ._
smoking, act in a way that reduces the lung’s reserve capacity to li
the point where the patient is symptomatic. Each factor alone  
may not be enough to cause symptoms, but the two together can be  
disabling, causing shortness of breath on exercise, increased risk 1"
of infection, and an increased mortality from respiratory disease.
A miner, once disabled, should not be penalized because he once
At FNS, we perform two functions in the Black Lung Program. A
The first is diagnostic. Once aminer applies for benefits under the
compensation program, he undergoes a medical evaluation. Chest l
x-ray, arterial blood gas analysis, and spirometric studies (which
measure the capacity of the lungs) are performed in the
respiratory therapy department. After these studies are com-
pleted, I perform a history and physical examination and forward

. the results to the Department of Labor, which makes the final
I determination of the miner’s eligibility for compensation. From
T six to eight of these evaluations are performed each week.
‘ The second function is treatment. Under the compensation
  program, the miner’s heart and lung health care is paid for by the
* federal government, with financing ultimately coming from the
i coal companies. The treatment consists of paying for hospital
_ admissions, physician’s visits and diagnostic studies, and out-
" patient respiratory therapy. Treatment of Black Lung is often
disappointing, and confined to complications such as infection,
congestive heart failure, and treatment of accompanying asthma.
. Coal dust, once in the lung, cannot be extracted, and the lives of
many of these men are marked by progressive shortness of breath,
3 repeated infections, and increasing restriction in what they can
. do. Medication, oxygen, and respiratory therapy can make their
lives more comfortable, and often they gain considerable benefit
‘ from being in a setting where someone cares, about them, about
· their problems. The miners devoted their lives to dirty, dangerous
work so that others could keep warm in lighted houses, and many
have lost their health. They feel, justifiably, that the health care is
their right.
Many frustrating problems remain with the program. The
emphasis currently is on miners disabled by respiratory disease.
But the treatment options are limited and often disappointing.
. Prevention is currently woefully inadequate. Inspections of mines
;_ are sometimes inadequate, and many miners do not receive
periodic chest x-rays to pick up damage from coal dust early,
  before disability occurs. Cigarette smoking remains common,
E} especially among high school students, and education programs
 i to these and other groups would aid in the prevention of
respiratory disease ten and twenty years in the future. Vaccina-
T tion programs against influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia
need to be expanded to include all recipients of Black Lung
_ The bureaucratic organization of the benefits program is
confusing and conflicting. The program is administered by the
Department of Labor, an organization new to the field of health
care delivery. The program only provides for payment of health
care for the heart and lungs, a provision which has prompted most
practitioners to take very wide views of "heart" and "1ungs".

Health care cannot be compartmentalized. Programs about
prevention are administered by a different agency, under the ·
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and interagency S
communication is poor. Q
In sum, while vigorous effort needs to be put into the treatment  
of miners disabled by Black Lung disease, in the long run much l
more can be gained by prevention and surveillance. It is hoped  
that the government and the industry can be induced to come  
around to this view. The goal should be to make Coal Worker’s ii
Pneumoconiosis a textbook disease, an historical curiosity from
the bad old times when your job could kill you.

. From the Director of the Prince Leopold Institute of
· Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium -
$7 Let me tell you how much I enjoyed my visit at Frontier
T Nursing Service.
l As I told you I have certainly found there the inspiration for
  answers to a number of problems which we have. This visit was an
·' opening to an entire world the existence of which I did not know. I
am extremely thankful for the opportunity which was given me to
come into contact with your service and for the effort you made to
make my stay useful and agreeable.
I From An Old Courier -
The Bulletin suits an oldtimer like me and yet is vastly
improved too. How do you do it?
K Since the spring of 1979, the coal market has been sagging;
hence, most of the mines in Leslie, Clay and surrounding counties
i have been working only part time and a lot of this coal has not
J been sold but put in stockpiles. In spite of this serious recession
which Leslie County is undergoing, many local businessmen and
j coal companies participated in a dinner at the Appalachia Motel
Qx in Hyden to raise funds for the Frontier Nursing Service School of
li Pat Angel, District Manager for the Eastern Kentucky Office
  of Surface lVIining, Enforcement Division, and William Hayes,
 ` Supervisor for Letcher, Knott, Leslie and Perry Counties, gave
good talks on the strip mine laws. James Mosley, at that time
Chairman of the FNS Advisory Committee and, therefore, a
1 member of the Board of Governors, spoke about the various
 p aspects of the FNS, both personally and as a community member,
T and Kate Ireland, National Chairman of FNS, presented facts
 ` and figures of the FNS role in the economy of Leslie and Clay
I Counties.
Once again, the Leslie County Telephone Company hosted this
. fund-raising dinner and it was gratifying to have some new
- contributors included in this successful local effort.

 is Fuomrma NURSING ssavicm
By James Mosley, Chairman, 1978-80
Our FNS Advisory Committee was formed four years ago. I =
was contacted by Dr. Beasley who told me that he was trying to  
get together about twenty-six people scattered over the FNS V
service area to function as an Advisory Committee for FNS.  
The idea sounded good so I accepted and soon a meeting was  
held, officers elected, and committees formed to formulate by—laws  
and reasons for existence. Mr. Edward Mattingly was elected {
Chairman, I was elected Vice Chairman, and Mrs. Betty M. Huff
was Secretary for two years, followed by Mrs. Betty Roberts. We
had no Treasurer and, after four years, haven’t needed one.
There have been several changes in our group. We now have r
_ representatives from all outpost centers and hold meetings at the
outpost center clinics twice a year. Mr. Bill Pollard is the present J
Chairman, Mr. Alden Gay, Vice Chairman and Mrs. Phronia A. `
Smith is Secretary.
Dr. Rogers Beasley, our Director, has guided FNS the past few
years through perhaps the roughest period in the history of our
Service. We have been forced to change the way of operation in I
order to survive in this modern time. This has been a very trying
time, with many people predicting failure, bankruptcy and
disaster. Dr. Beasley, as Director, has had to bear the brunt of the
threat of disaster, but a sound Board of Governors, along with
better management, cut-backs here and there, a general conserva- f_,'
tion, sound advice from a consulting firm, execution by hard l`
working people at FNS and, I must add, sound advice from our  
Committee, has brought FNS back on an even keel. We are still not GJ
out of the woods but we can see a glimmer of light ahead.  l
Our Committee will always be asking for "better service at a
lower price", and is made up of some strong people who are not
afraid to speak up. As one member put it, "they didn’t hire us so  i
they can’t fire us!" We feel that we can be a sou