xt7n5t3g0276 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3g0276/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1930 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. V, No. 4, Spring 1930 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. V, No. 4, Spring 1930 1930 1930 2014 true xt7n5t3g0276 section xt7n5t3g0276 F
I   The Quarterly Bulletin 0f
; ` The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
t VOL. V. SPRING, 1930 NO. 4
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Published quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. A
snnscnipmnn pmcn smc pm YEAR 4
"Entered a·s second class matter ./une 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington,  »
Ky., under the Act 0] March 3, I879."
` V

U There are two seas in Palestine.
One is fresh, and fish are in it. Slashes of green adorn its
_,I banks. Trees spread their branches over it, and stretch out
WI their thirsty roots to sip of its healing water.
  ` - Along its shores the children play as children played when
I He was there. He loved it. He could look across its silver
I surface when He spoke His parables. And on a rolling plain
I not far away He fed live thousand people.
I The river Jordan makes this sea with sparkling water from
I . the hills. So it laughs in the sunshine. And the men build _
their houses near to it, and birds their nests: and every kind s
I of life is happier because it is there.
I The river Jordan flows on south into another sea.
  Here is no splash of {ish, no fluttering leaf, no song of birds,
I' no children‘s laughter. Travelers choose another route, unless
I on urgent business. The air hangs heavy above its waters,
I and neither man, nor beast, nor fowl will drink.
I What makes this mighty difference in these neighbor seas'?
{ Not the river Jordan. It empties the same good water
into both. Not the soil in which they lie; not the country
I round about.
I This is the difference. The Sea of Galilee receives but does
not keep the Jordan. For every drop that flows into it another
I drop flows out. The giving and receiving go on in equal
I measure.
I The other sea is shrewder, hoarding its income jealously.
I It will not be tempted into any generous impulse. Every _ _
[Q drop it gets it keeps. _
The Sea of Galilee gives and lives. This other sea gives
I nothing. It is named the Dead Sea.
'   'There are two kinds of people in the world.
There are two seas in Palestine.
- ——Bru.ce Barton in M cC'all’s.

Mrs, Charles Anderson  
As this Bulletin goes to press, we are shocked ,{_.
and grieved to learn of the sudden death, in France, J
of Mrs. Charles Anderson of Cincinnati—one of our  
early committee members and our loyal supporter and `~
friend. To all of her family and many friends we
extend our abiding sympathy.
>l< =l< _*
Clay Hunt n
It is hard to write of the passing of Clay Hunt  
of Lexington, Kentucky, our Trustee until his health  
broke completely, because we loved him so much. The g'
qualities that endeared him to his friends were those pg
of the heart——an open kindliness of spirit, a cheery it
zest for life, unilagging through his years of physical
suffering. gi
In his family circle he stood supreme—but so i';
large a fatherhood as his could not rest content with QI
the happiness of his own beloved boys and girl. This ii
last Christmas, when he lay dying, he exerted himself, {4
as he had done the year before, to provide personally, .
and through his extensive business connections, all `
the candy for the more than three thousand mountain
children served by the Frontier Nursing Service—and zi
he said to us, with his radiant smile, "It’s the very 1
best candy." .,4
We, left in this World, could not catch the welcome  
for him when he passed over to the other side—but :;;.41
we know that the gaiety of thousands of little children, i '
in whose service his last eforts were given, followed `gi
him to the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven.  

 é gigonrimn NURSIQQERVICE ___g___g_3
_ · The Possum Bend Center reported a run on babies in "
{ February. One of the nurses wrote:
_*_, "We have been having a fruitful time, five babies in three _,
J days and one false call, and the sixth baby two days later. We 5
  didn’t see each other f-or three days, and in seventy-two hours,
A I had about four hours’ sleep; and I only had two fried eggs and
a spoonful of rice to keep me going for fifty-two hours. One
case lasted thirty-one hours, slow but steady progress all the I
time. It was bitterly cold and the fire smoked and no windows,
so we all sat in the darkness around the fire, the smoke making
. our eyes burn. We had a ‘tide’. I had to cross in a boat and
walk to one case, and cross the swinging bridge and ride a mule
  to another."
  The other nurse, Marion Price of Rochester, reported the
  same period as follows:
ll "We have had a truly busy weekend—six maternity cases
. delivered and one of mine, which Bridget kindly took, lasted
  thirty—one hours. In the meantime, I could not relieve her, for
  I had two deliveries in eighteen hours. We did not see each
  other from Friday noon until 6:00 P. M. Sunday. Luckily, we
  each had Sunday night in bed, and then, after a very busy Mon-
i day, we both went out to a case miles up Trace Branch, at 7:00
i P. M., who delivered at 4:30 A. M. It is the only time Bridget
{V and I have been able to go together. ,
Al "It is a great satisfaction to both of us to have all six cases
-¢ safely over, and all very appreciative people, some of them so
Q poor. The Sunday dinner to which I was cordially invited, and
{M shared with the father and six small children, cons·isted of a
fp large bowl of boiled potatoes and cornbread only. A spotless
tl kitchen, and the father made me a cup of weak coffee, served in
i an old glass. I could have wept at the pathos of it all, for on the
V door was a text, ‘In God We Trust’. I couldn’t help wondering
  how they could feel that any kind of God was good to them."

 ** Qatar- THE QUARTER re___?_._._...._re
.. Will the friends of the Frontier Nursing Service, While
they are waiting for the year’s report, which does not come to
them until June, get out of this littlereport the real meaning
it might convey?
FIRST; The nurses you, as subscribers, are supporting are p
doing faithful work. 1
SECOND: This work is desperately needed, not only to be f;.
carriedlon, but to be extended into every humble mountain fg
home, where it is unthinkable that childbirth should be without f,‘,_‘
trained care. lm
. THIRD: Until the Frontier Nursing Service has the endow- !
ment it is yet not old enough to raise, its work depends literally  
from month to month upon the generosity of its subscribers.  
FOURTH: The Frontier Nursing Service, now nearing the  
end of its first five years of existence, has never paid one dollar  
anywhere for office rent, or one dollar in overhead for execu-  
tive salaries. Its donations, except such expenditures as are ji
necessary to reach the donors, go into actual service and  
maintenance. . t I  
‘ l
Why does such work as that of the Frontier Nursing Q
Service, so obviously needed, and its quality vouched for by so
many outstanding people who have watched it at first-hand, take
years of precious time to get upon its feet hnancially? We _
have been thinking of this all during the past months of this I
hardest of all years for philanthropies and we have reached a Q
few clear conclusions, based upon the facts. I , _
People who support the work of the Frontier Nursing Sl
Service and that of other philanthropies rnnst be exceptional  
peopZe—erceptionaZ in two ways:  
_ First: They rnust have money. One of the most astonishing , ·
things to us, as we go about our task of enlisting support for a -
large philanthropy, is the vague thinking of the average edu-  ·
cated person in elementary economics. We have not talked J

 _1 .o..   ._._... o . 1.--....- . o-}iBQ£" ’HE*.§Q"&$@’£*‘;Ao1AA_o_,___ 12
with tive persons, among the hundreds with whom we discuss it
every year, whose thought on the financing of philanthropy
A_ relates itself clearly to the problem of where the money is to be
_ found. The only people who can possibly give money are those
3 who have it. Who are these people in the United States? The
  Internal Revenue Bureau of the Treasury Bepartment in 1927 ‘
Q lists 4,122,242 Americans with reportable incomes. This means
Q that approximately three per cent only of Americans have in-
··‘ comes large enough to be taxed, and more than three-fourths* ty
  of these incomes are below $5,000.00 a year. - `
Such figures are inescapable. Americans with money
constitute but a small part of the whole population, and only a
fourth of these have over $5,000.00 a year. But people with
Q less than $5,000.00 a year who have families to bring up
Q cannot give away large sums of money. One must go into the '
  higher incomes to get substantial support. Now, the Americans
  possessing incomes in excess of $25,000.00 a year, according to
  the Hgures furnished by the Treasury Department, were 93,401,
fj or approximately one-twelfth of one per cent of the American
  population. Their total income in 1927 was nearly fourteen
  billion dollars. When we see our wealth in America stated, we
;` nearly always find it worked out on a per capita basis-——namely,
l the average income. There is, of course, no average income.
Three per cent of the American people are affluent and one—»
A twelfth of one per cent are very wealthy. Only those who live
in territories where nobody has any wealth at all can appre-
ciate the grinding poverty at the opposite end of the scale. The
7 people who support the work of the Frontier Nursing Service
and other philanthropies are exceptional people—they have
money. i
  Second: They must be socially ma-ture. This quality is
V more exceptional than wealth and not always associated with
{ it. Only the other day, we received a cheque for $3.00 from a
  See page 8, Statistics of Income for 1927, United States Internal
V R€\'€HllB Blll`t·!21l\.

 §;”___f_ rms QUARTERLY BULLETIN __g__ _  _A
‘ woman who said, "There is probably someone, perhaps a child,
. poorer than I am. This is for him." We bought shoes for a ·
motherless ten-year—old with her gift.
What do we mean exactly by social maturity, and what are I
the facts, and how mature socially are those in America who _
have wealth? ,
After the market crash in November, when the Frontier
Nursing Service, like most American philanthropies, was 'll
brooding over its probable income in relation to its budget, we l
got a letter from one of our subscribers in Detroit wh-o has "*
been giving us $250.00 a year. She increased it to $1,000.00, W
saying that she knew the year was going to be a hard one and I
she was making a special effort because of that. This person is  
socially mature, and, fortunately, she has wealth. In contrast, fj
we received, and other philanthropies have faced the same situ-  
ation, letter after letter curtailing or eliminating subscriptions. jf
It has been our experience, as we went about after the crash,  
that most of the people We met were curtailing their charities  
only—Palm Beach and Santa Barbara and Europe, to say gj
nothing of parties at home, kept going about as usual, when at  
the lower end of the scale there is actual want.  
The socially mature person is distinguished by his gener-  
osity. He cannot live without sharing; he does not divide his  
surplus only. It is not that jewels and champagne, and travel -  
for self-pleasure and self-culture, are wrong to him as that S2
exclusive indulgence in them is intolerable in the face of want. l
He has ceased to think in terms only of his family and himself.  
Is generosity then so rare? The rarest of all things. What  
are the facts? By way of illustration, and not because it is  
different, take Chicago: The financial secretary of one of the U
really philanthropic men in that city told us a few weeks ago .
that approximately six hundred people carried the charities of  
Chicago. A study of the Internal Revenue Bureau’s report for  
1926 shows that 283,646 people in Chicago and its rich suburbs
have exceptional wealth. Six hundred of these only are carry- {
ing the charities of Chicago: that is, one-fourth of one per- ll.
cent. In other words, the leading citizens of Chicago fall,  

roughly, into two classes—one-fourth of one per cent and the
dead-beats. To reverse this—ninety-nine and three-fourths per
cent of the affluent classes of Chicago have abrogated their
  social responsibilities.
We could draw our illustrations from other cities. Now, .
  why do we wonder at corruption and crime and disorder among A '
1 the masses, when the classes fail so srignally in leadership? There
l is only one form of leadership which counts. So long as most
rl of the people who are in possession of the good things of life i
l shirk their obligations, feeding one another when they are not
'-’ hungry with costly food and leaving the hungry unfed, just so
1 long will we have American families sitting down, "in a spotless
l kitchen" to a Sunday dinner of "boiled potatoes and cornbread."
  This contrast is the most astonishing thing in the world. As
  we have said elsewhere, it recalls to us Saleeby’s "We are still y
, in the rude fore-shadowings of the civilization that is to come." A
gl The people who support the work of the Frontier Nursing
  Service, and other philanthroptes, are exceptional people—they
Q] are socially mature.
ii *
El -1**-+-
J Two or three times a year, we are going to list special needs
. of the Frontier Nursing Service, large and small things both,
  to enable givers to help in the most useful ways possible.
i` V FIRST, and foremost: We need the running expenses of the
i work, from month to month—a standing need.
  SECOND: We need layettes, any number of them. Many
  babies come to us now every week and we don’t want them

 .8. , A . . vn THE Q§;‘·E'£E€*l·K§li¥eI:I‘J_EII_`I_.. ..     T
dressed in black-and-white calico. Will everyone who reads
. this who has babies’ cast-off things send them to us? We are
hoping too that new sewing groups will be formed to make "
quantities of new layettes.
THIRD: A piano for the Hyden Hospital is greatly desired, (
by nurses, some of whom play, and patients alike.  
FOURTH: A combination truck-ambulance, for the new dirt  
road from Hazard to Hyden. The model we want costs seven .
hundred dollars. lr
FIFTH: An administration building for Wendover, at a cost W
of about $12,000.00. In the space originally intended for one I
s·ecretary, an office force of five is now sleeping and working-  
a veritable slum. Our records are beyond all price. We des- ·;
perately need both working space and storage space for them, ;
and sleeping quarters for the personnel who are carrying this I;
vital end of the work.  
SIXTH: Another wing to the Hyden Hospital, at a cost of I
about $15,000.00, and a small isolation building, at a cost of _
about $3,000.00. The effect of over-crowding there has been ;
brought home to us· very vividlly in the last few days, when one  
of our babies came down with scarlet fever, conveyed by a  
carrier unknown. The baby was in a ward with three maternity gi
cases. The generous kindness of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Capps, who  
took the baby at once into their own house, with a nurse detailed  
to special him, terminated a grave crisis. But the lesson is it
obvious. Maternity cases should have a wa_rd and delivery-room A
to themselves; and provision must be made to isolate communi- €
cable diseases when they occur. In an emergency hospital, >
which is constantly admitting cases from anywhere, in all kinds .1
of conditions, there should also be an admitting room, where ,5;
children can be kept for the first few days after they come in.  
. tl
, El

 . . mmw-1rv1_o--1*BQE1`&i?_ °£@*@%_r_____-1Q
( , The picture in the Seal of the Frontier Nursing Service,
_ shown for the first time on the cover of this issue of the Bulletin, I
l is drawn for us by the artist, Mr. David O. Shoemaker, of New l
l York, whose mother, Mrs. Charles O. Shoemaker, is our Pitts-
» burgh Chairman. Ever since we incorporated, in 1925, we have f
had permission to use a seal, and years ago our Executive
  Board decided on the wording and the design; but we made futile
1 attempts, through several channels, to get a picture which
f would show the fire and eagerness of the Frontier nurse re—
V? sponding to a call. Mr. Shoemaker volunteered his services.
Q We think that all of our friends will rejoice with us that he did. .
l Some people are royal givers. We received over three
I thousand presents for our children at Christmas, but never in
j our his·tory have we had such a shipment as was sent by our
  Cleveland Chairman, Mrs. Leonard C. Hanna, whose three large
  packing cases contained the following:
si .
  4 boxes of stockings 3 boxes toy automobiles
  2 boxes of baby dresses 7 dozen dolls
`·i 3 dozen children’s dress·es 4 boxes harmonicas
A % dozen children’s coats 1 box miscellaneous toys
i 2 dozen baby coats 3 dozen drums
Q 2 dozen sweaters 4 dozen toy horses l
  7 boxes children’s pajamas 3 dozen toy trains
il % dozen iiannel pajamas 2 dozen bears on wheels
Q 5 boxes flannel sleeping suits 3 dozen horses· with wagons
fl 8 boxes baby ves·ts 1 dozen yellow speedsters
8 boxes girls’ vests 2 dozen teddy bears
l   3 dozen pairs corduroy knickers 1 dozen cat-and-mouse me-
  6 boxes boys’ shirts chanical toys
IK 2 dozen pairs boys’ overalls 2 dozen baby rattles
  2 dozen sniocks 1 dozen musical toys
  7 dozen story and picture books 1 dozen toy rabbits
Q 1 dozen painting books 2 dozen auto dump carts

We have great happiness in announcing the gift of our t
eighth nursing station, from Mrs. Charles S. Frost, Mrs. Alfred
H. Granger, and Mr. Marvin Hughitt, of Lake Forest, Illinois, i
in memory of their mother, and called the "Belle Darrett Z
Hughitt Center/’ This station will be built as soon as the in- l
crease in the budget can be found to allow for its operation.  
* * * iz
Invaluable as are all of its friendships to the Frontier 5{
Nursing Service, there are only a few people without whom it  
feels it could not have gotten through the early years of its _
work. One of these is Dr. Josephine Hunt, of Lexington. None f
but the nurses and patients themselves know what she has ¢
meant to us. Literally hundreds of patients, in the past four
` and one-half years, have been relayed through her hands and
passed on to hospitals and other physicians for appropriate
care. In addition to her own services, generously given, day and ”
night, over and over again, she has defrayed personally tele-
grams and other charges. Best of all, she has been a veritable
refuge for every nurse and every patient who needed the per- {
sonal counsel of a wise and kind friend. We, hundreds of us,  
bless and thank her.  
We gratefully acknowledge from Sister Elizabeth Kenny, of Q
Australia, the gift of ten per cent of her royalties on the Sylvia ,
Stretcher, which she has invented and which is being made by  
Knauth Brothers Surgical Supply House, in New York. Sister ,
Kenny gives a share of her royalties in every country where the ij
stretcher is patented to one charity, and upon the advice of the ih
New York Chapter of the American Red Cross, she selected the p  
Frontier Nursing Service for the charity in America. »‘
The New York Chapter of the.American Red Cross seems E
never to forget us. We have before taken occasion to express ·;
our deep gratitude for the courtesies shown by Miss Florence Q
Johnson and Miss Mary Magoun Brown to new nurses coming
to us from overseas. As regularly as the boat docks, the new  i

 l ______ _ H____ §E}@&@I3X@- --.?r. ..- FQ
nurse is met, looked after overnight, introduced to other nurses
in New York, and started safely on her way down to us in
t Kentucky.
  =•= * >a=
i Mrs. E. Waring Wilson, who has given the most untiring
5; and loyal service as the first Chairman of the New York Com-
iii mittee of the Frontier Nursing Service, has resigned, her
. resignation to become effective in the new Hscal year. In
at her opinion, the time has come to select as Chairman for
this, the greatest committee of the Frontier Nursing Service,
i a man outstanding in the life of New York and of
y America. The chairmanship will remain unsupplied until
the New York Committee has found such a leader, who both can
and will carry its responsibilities. The whole Frontier Nursing
Service, as well as the New York Committee, will cherish a
» grateful feeling always toward Mrs. Wilson for having carried _
the work up through its initial difficult stages to its present
position. Hers has been the rare privilege of handing on the
. thing she has been carrying much better and much stronger than
when she took it over. Ours is the abiding appreciation.
  Miss Anne Winslow, of New Haven, daughter of Mr. and
Q Mrs. C.-E. A. Winslow, who graduates from Vassar this year,
E has accepted the position of Executive Secretary for New York
  of the Frontier Nursing Service. This marks a real departure
E, in the growth of the Frontier Nursing Service. The details will
  be given in a subsequent issue of the Bulletin.

 g r§_gr_&·rg:_gLY BULLETIN _4___ _____
The Director of the Frontier Nursing Service was asked
to serve on the Committee on Prenatal and Maternal Care, of gx
which Dr. Fred L. Adair is Chairman, of the White House _,·_
Conference on Child Health and Protection. l
She is also serving on the committee in New York, of which
Dr. Ralph Lobenstine is Chairman, to consider the problem
of the training of midwives.
In February, she spoke, through the courtesy of Dr. Edwin
G. Langrock, Chairman of the Section on Obstetrics, at the
New York Academy of Medicine, Dr. George W. Kosmak leading
— the discussion.
The Director also spoke before the staff of the Tuberculosis
Clinic of Cornell University College of Medicine at Bellevue,
through Dr. Walter C. Klotz; to the students in the Department
of Nursing and Health in the Teachers College of Columbia
. University; to the nurses in the Presbyterian Hospital of _
Philadelphia; at their Alumnae dinner, to two hundred and
twenty-five graduates of St. Luke’s Hospital in New York; and
to many other professional groups. A good many hours of
time have been given to this form of service during the past year.
These facts are given because the friends of the Frontier ‘
Nursing Service should know that, even under the strain of
organizing a pioneer piece of work and getting it iinanced, we
recognize the claims of public service and deeply appreciate the  
opportunity of carrying our share.  

 , C. A C C _..__-._E§QIiT@§§§¥e°LGiT€B‘@ ere.e  rrr ACTTCACA 13
ih "There is a great need for graduate nurses who may
} qualify as midwives to work in conjunction with the medical
’ profession in the care of a large group of women who are unable
to pay for adequate obstetric service under existing conditions.
A nurse-midwife service, such as Mary Breckinridge has or-
ganized in the Kentucky mountains, if sufficiently developed,
might lead to a marked decrease in the maternal mortality rate
of the United States."
"From ‘Obstetrics and Gynecology in General Practice’,"
Carl Henry Davis, M. D., in the Journal of the American Medi-
cal Association."
Quoted by The American Journal of Nursing, page 1443, December 1929.
It reminds us, says F. P. A. in the New York World, of
_ l what the lady said when she was asked for the tenth time to
contribute to the fund for Be-Kind-to-Animals Week. "It’d be
cheaper," said Miss S., "to buy a horse and be kind to it."

' I
· . l
The outstanding excitement in the field this winter has I
been Miss Marvin Breckinridge and her movie camera. She
has spent weeks going about, in all kinds of weather, "shooting"
the nurses, the patients, the scenery, the snow-storms, the log-
ging, and all the manifold activities of the centers and the sur- I
rounding country. Next winter we will have the joy of showing  
these movies to our supporters and friends.  
. 3
The Frontier Nursing Service has acquired an agricultural ,
- agent in Miss Marion F. Benest, B. S., a graduate in that branch
of the science. Mrs. William Monroe Wright’s gift of the
Georgia Wright Clearing led to this expansion. We found our-  
selves in possession of nearly one hundred apple trees, enough i
to keep the hospital and the guest house in fruit if properly {
tended, but all needing expert pruning, fertilizing, and spraying.  
We found we had a place large enough to raise our own sheep.  
Lastly, but most important we had at last the acreage upon which _ S 
to grow the grass needed by our twenty-six horses in their holi- g
day moments. Miss Benest made a visit to the Robinson Experi-  
ment Station of the State University, at Quicksand, and, with  
. their advice, she has put the orchard in condition and made a  
good start on the grass. To our joy, we find some of our neigh-  
bors also beginning to spray and prune their trees.  
In addition to Miss Benest, the Frontier Nursing Service  
has another new worker in Miss Rosalie Edmondson, B. A., who i
is attached to the division handling nursing records and book- I 
keeping. » _i 
>»< =s< =x=  fg
We joyfully announce the birth, within a few days of each  
other, of two bonnie girl babies, named Ada Florence and T
B Mahaley, at the Jessie Preston Draper Center at Beech Fork. .
The mothers lived too far away for the nurse to reach them and

 o l
l begged to come in. To get them to the hospital at Hyden would
§ —have required still another day’s horseback travel; so Miss
i Buck and Miss Worcester stretched their living quarters to
accommodate them, and now the babies are here and the young
mothers (sisters· married to father and son), are happy and _
having the best of care. See picture at back of Bulletin.
{ =1< =•= =•·
g Miss Gladys M. Peacock and Miss Mary B. Willeford are
Q on leave of absence, to attend the spring semester in the Depart-
;2 ment of Nursing and Health at Teachers College, Columbia
g University, New York. Miss Willeford has a scholarship from
, the National Council of Parent Education for special work in
that field.
_ * * *
  The retaining walls in front of the Hyden Hospital are at
{ last finished and paid for. They vary in breadth from seven
  feet in the solid rock to eighteen inches at the top, and rise
  twenty feet in height. They have been built under the most
G  difficult circumstances winter could impose—rain that loosened
{ the earth and made new yawning cracks in the mountainside,
  threatening, and sometimes succeeding in burying the partly
  completed work under an avalanche of earth, necessitating the
  repeated building of breastworks and reinforcements; snow
  ‘ and frost that forbade the laying of stone, lest the cement be
  frozen, and mud on the steep roadway so deep as to make
  materials hauled over them almost as precious as gold. But
  hard as it has been to build them, they were essential needs, for
  the mountainside was literally slipping away, leaving the hos-
  pital perched all ·too precariously above a veritable waste, and
·  threatening to bury the roadway beneath tons and tons of mud
.  and rock.
3 To the State Highway Department, we are indebted for
engineering supervision, given freely and without charge by
their Mr. W. S. Carrington. The terrible costs of construction,
nearly $12,000.00, have been met in full by our Chairman, Mrs.
Y S. Thruston Ballard, and the trustee of the Mary Parker Gill
Estate, the United States Trust Company of Louisville.

 S I I
Executwe Board  
Chairman r‘
Mrs. S. '1`hruston Ballard, Louisville
Mrs. S. C. Henning, Cherokee Park, Louisville A
Judge Edward O'Rear, Frankfort
Treasurer ` ,
Mr. C. N. Manning, Security Trust Company, Lexington  
Recording Secretary  
Mrs. \V. H. Coffman, Georgetown  
Corresponding Secretary  
Mrs. Joseph Carter, Versailles  
Mrs. A. J. A. Alexander, Spring Station ii
Dr. Scott Breckinridge, Lexington _`
Dr. Josephine Hunt, Lexington
Mrs. Preston Johnston, Fayette County {
Mr. E. S. Jouett, Louisville i,
Mrs. Frank McVey, Lexington ,
Miss Linda Neville. Lexington i`
Mr. Bethel 1;. Veeeh, Louisville 3
Chairmen and Vice Chairmen District Comrnlttees I
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Begley, Hyden Mr. Cicero Feltncr, Big Creek  
Mr. Boyd Campbell, Confluence Mr. \Valter Hoskins, Hyden {
Mr. Shermsm Cook, Asher Judge and Mrs. L. D. Lewis, Hydon  
Mrs. Taylor Morgan. \\'endover  
Mr. Sherman Eversole, Hyden, Treasurer (in Leslie) `
2\[i‘. XVm. Mnrivum, Manchester, Treasurer (in Clay) l
Mr. 'l‘hom:1s L. Britton, Oneidzt V
Director j
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, R. N., \Vendover, above Hyden, Leslie County V
()il'ice Se<·rr·tari<·s ¤
Miss Marion Ross, li. .\., `Wemlover
Miss ltoszllio li¤lmon¤lson,i li. A., \\`endover I
Secretaries to Director _,
Miss Bland Morrow, B. A., TVendover  
Miss `Wilma Duvall, \Vendover Q
l\LZ'l'i(’\l"Il1`1ll Secretary  
Miss Marion F. llencst, Ii. S,. \Vt‘l'lll