xt7n5t3fzb38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3fzb38/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1990-02-mar6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1990-02-mar6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1990-02-mar6. 1990 1990-02-mar6. 2011 true xt7n5t3fzb38 section xt7n5t3fzb38 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, March 6, 1990.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00
p.m. Lexington time on Tuesday, March 6, 1990 in the Board Room on the
18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.    Meeting Opened and Roll Called

       Mr. Foster Ockerman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at
1 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Professor Raymond Betts.

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll: Mr. Foster Ockerman, (Chairman), Mr. Ted B. Bates,
Professor Raymond F. Betts, Mr. William E. Burnett, Jr., Professor Mary
Sue Coleman, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Senator Walter D.
Huddleston, Mr. Sean Lohman, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Dr. Nicholas J.
Pisacano, Professor Judith Rhoads, Mr. James L. Rose, Mr. Jerome A.
Stricker, Mr. William B. Sturgill, Judge Julia K. Tackett, Mr. Billy B.
Wilcoxson and Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr. Absent from the meeting were
Governor Albert B. Chandler and Judge Robert F. Stephens. The University
administration was represented by Interim President Charles T.
Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth and Robert E. Hemenway;
Acting Chancellor Ben W. Carr, Jr.; Vice Presidents Edward A. Carter,
Wimberly C. Royster and Eugene R. Williams; and Mr. John C. Darsie,
General Counsel.

       Members of the news media were also in attendance. Mrs. Hayes
reported a quorum present, and Mr. Ockerman declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

       B.    Minutes Approved

       Mr. Stricker noted that there had been a correction on page 3 of
the Investment Committee Report since it was distributed. He stated that
under the sales/maturities category the $76,000 Union Tank Bonds should
read $5,000. He requested that the correction be made in the Investment
Committee Report which is a part of the Minutes. The Minutes of the
January 23, 1990 meeting were approved as amended.

       C.    Report of Presidential Search Committee

       Mr. Ockerman reported that the Presidential Search Committee had
met twice. The Minutes of the first meeting and a draft copy of the
Minutes of the second meeting with attachments had been distributed to
the Board. The Minutes and attachments explain the progress being made
by the Search Committee. He noted that the press has been in attendance
at both meetings.


- 2 -

      D.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

      Before beginning his Report, Interim President Wethington called
attention to the NCCJ Brotherhood Award presented at the National
Conference of Christians and Jews Banquet on March 5. He reported that
Dr. William Parker, Vice Chancellor for Minority Affairs at the
University of Kentucky, was one of the recipients of the award. He
expressed his appreciation to Dr. Parker for his service to the
University and congratulated him on receiving this significant award.
Dr. Parker was asked to stand and be recognized, following which he was
given a round of applause. He noted that Mrs. Hayes was the chairperson
of the event and commended her for an exceptional job.

       Interim President Wethington announced that there would be a grand
opening of a new Downtown Center of the University of Kentucky that
afternoon and reviewed the events scheduled for the grand opening. He
extended an invitation to the Board members to visit the University
Center located in the new Lexington Public Library on Main Street and
explained that the Center will offer both credit and non-credit courses
by the University.

       In reviewing his Report, he called attention to the following:
(1) a $1.2 million grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation for an
Appalachian Leadership Project which is a joint effort of the University
of Kentucky and Berea College, (2 ) a national award which the Technical
Assistance Center at Hazard Community College received for its efforts
with small business development in east Kentucky, and (3) the University
of Kentucky Medical Center's recognition for its significant brain tumor
research. He stated that the other items were there for the Board's

       E.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       Interim President Wethington recommended that approval be given to
the appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action and that the report relative to appointments and/or changes
already approved by the administration be accepted. Mr. Stricker so
moved. The motion, seconded by Mr. Rose, passed. (See PR 2 at the end
of the Minutes.)

       F.    Associate Degree Program in the Community College System
Somerset Community College (PR 4A)

       Interim President Wethington recommended that the Board of
Trustees authorize for submission to the Council on Higher Education a
new degree program, Associate Degree in Applied Science, Accounting
Technology, for the Somerset Community College. Professor Judith Rhoads
so moved. The motion, seconded by Mr. Burnett, carried without dissent.
(See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)


- 3

       C.   Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Seven Months Ended January 31, 1990 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Ockerman, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Finance Committee met on the morning of March 6 and had an extended
meeting. He said the Committee found the Interim Financial Report to be
in order and entertained a motion for approval. Mr. Sturgill so moved.
The motion, seconded by Dr. Meriwether, unanimously carried. (See FCR 1
at the end of the Minutes.)

       H.    Report on Leases (FQR 2)

       Mr. Ockerman stated that FCR 2 requests approval of a new lease
between the University of Kentucky Elizabethtown Community College and
the Grayson County Board of Education and a renewal of a lease between
the University of Kentucky and The Learning Channel, Inc. On motion made
by Mr. Burnett, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and carried, the report of leases
was accepted as recommended. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       I.   Disposition of Land at the Robinson Substation (FQR 3)

       Mr. Ockerman reported that the Finance Committee considered the
disposition of three tracts of land in Breathitt County. He stated that
Dr. Jack Blanton had explained FCR 3 by reference to a map in the
Committee meeting and was available to answer questions or provide any
additional details. He explained that the property had earlier been
authorized for sale, but the University experienced difficultly in
conforming to the requirements of the statute for a sale by sealed bids
because of some encroachments and other interests of adjoining property
owners. Therefore, FCR 3 recommends that the Board authorize the Vice
Chancellor for Administration of the Lexington campus in conjunction with
the Real Property Officer of the State Department of Finance to negotiate
with the adjacent land owners for the sale of the three tracts of land.
The three tracts have been appraised for $8,750. He entertained a motion
for approval. The motion, made by Mr. Burnett and seconded by Mr.
Farmer, was voted on and carried. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    Establishment of Application for Admission Fee for College
of Law (FCR 4)

       Mr. Ockerman stated that FCR 4 is to establish an Application for
Admission Fee of $25 for the College of Law effective for the applicants
for the Fall 1991 semester. He explained that there are a number of
applications made that are not intended to be pursued. FCR 4 represents
an effort to cover the cost of handling those applications. Similar fees
are imposed throughout most of the other law schools and the Graduate
School and are under consideration in the College of Medicine and the
College of Dentistry. On motion made by Mr. Stricker, seconded by Judge
Wilhoit and passed, approval was given to FCR 4. (See FCR 4 at the end
of the Minutes.)



       K.    (1) Establishment of Endowed Chair (FOR 5)
             (2)  Estate of Daniel W. Lynch (FCR 6)
             (3) Establishment of Quasi-Endowment Fund for Campus
                    Beautification (FCR 7)

       Since FCR 5, 6 and 7 are similar, Mr. Ockerman stated that the
Board would take one vote on the three FCR's. He reviewed each of the

       FCR 5 -    the establishment of an endowed chair at $100,000 for
                  Construction Engineering and Management entitled the W.
                  L. Raymond and R. E. Shaver Chair,

       FCR 6 -    a bequest in the amount of $25,000 to the University's
                  Martin School of Public Administration from the estate
                  of Daniel W. Lynch, and

       FCR 7 -    the establishment of a quasi-endowment fund for Campus
                  Beautification in the amount of $25,000.

       On motion made by Professor Betts, seconded by Mr. Stricker and
passed, approval was given to FCR's 5, 6 and 7. (See FCR's 5, 6. and 7
at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Patent Assignment (FOR 8)

       Mr. Ockerman stated that FCR 8 is a standard patent assignment and
is in order. He entertained a motion for approval. Mr. Wilcoxson so
moved. The motion, seconded by Mr. Sturgill, unanimously carried. (See
FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M.    Robinson Forest Petition - Unsuitable for Mining (FOR 9)

       Mr. Ockerman reported that the Finance Committee had a lengthy
discussion concerning the Robinson Forest. He felt that it would be
advantageous for the entire Board to hear the remarks and view the slides
presented at the Finance Committee meeting. He, therefore, called upon
Dr. John Overstreet, Mr. Edward Carter and Mr. John Darsie to make
presentations to the Board.

       Dr. Overstreet's slide presentation included visual and factual
information about the Forest. lie reported that Robinson Forest was
established in 1923 by a deed from the E. 0. Robinson Mountain Fund and
is managed by the University of Kentucky's Department of Forestry and the
College of Agriculture for the purposes of forestry related research,
teaching and extension. He noted that there are many prehistoric,
archeological rock shelter sites found throughout the Forest, but among
all the resources related to the forest, water is perhaps the most
valuable. He emphasized that Robinson Forest represents a unique forest
laboratory for many of the research and teaching efforts of the
University and is a valuable asset of the University of Kentucky.


                                  - 5 -

       Mr. Carter briefly reviewed the chronology of events contained in
FCR 9 which led to the recommendation adopted by the Finance Committee.
He stated that the recommendation requested that the University
administration be authorized to file a petition with the Bureau of
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement to declare the Clemons Fork
watershed area unsuitable for surface coal mining to protect the
institution's interest in the land, the forest and the ongoing research
efforts in the watershed area.

       Using a series of maps, Mr. Darsie reviewed the area that would be
impacted and included additional history of the Forest. He noted that
the main tract of the Robinson Forest and the proposed mining operations
involve approximately 160 acres. He reported that the University had
engaged the services of Mr. Frank Gaddy, a mining engineer, to do an
extensive analysis of the Arch Mineral Corporation's plan to mine coal
adjacent to the Robinson Forest and advise the University whether, in his
opinion, the proposal was feasible. Mr. Gaddy concluded that he had
serious reservations with respect to whether the Arch proposal could be
carried out without adversely effecting the University's research

       At the request of Mr. Ockerman, Mr. Darsie explained the
restrictions on the use of the Forest by the University under the
Robinson Trust created by the Deed. He reported that the University had
employed the services of Professor Jesse Dukeminier of UCLA to do a
comprehensive analysis of the various legal documents relating to the
Robinson gift. According to Professor Dukeminier's report, the general
purpose in the instrument by which the University was given the land was
for the purpose of agricultural experimental work and the practical
demonstration of reforestation. The University was directed to institute
a modern farm, orchards and other experimental work that may be desirable
in its judgment. The demonstration study and work in operating farms in
the mountain regions was to aid in teaching agriculture and to conserve
soil fertility, add to it and utilize it profitably and practically. The
revenues derived from any operations on the Forest were to be used for
the same purposes or other bettennent purposes for the mountain region if
agreed to by the E. 0. Robinson Mountain Fund. In conclusion, any
revenues derived from the Forest are not available for general operations
of the University and need to be spent as required by the Robinson Trust.

       Professor Betts asked about the state of the remaining portion of
the Forest.

       Mr. Darsie indicated that there i* no current threat to the Coals
Fork watershed.

       Mr. Stricker asked about the time schedule for permitting the
Forest to be mined.

       Mr. Darsie stated that it would have to go through the processes
of the Environmental Protection Cabinet, and people more knowledgeable
than he have estimated 10 months to a year will be required.


- 6 -

       Mr. Stricker asked, "If we were to lose, would we have an
opportunity to appeal?"

       Mr. Ockerman said, "I think that you can anticipate that there
would be an appeal in any event, and it will probably be years before
this matter is up."

       Mr. Ockerman reported the results of the vote of the Finance
Committee: one abstention by Mr. Sturgill, one no by Mr. Rose, and eight
in favor of the recommendation.

       Mr. Ockerman stated that Mr. Rose was not in favor of mining the
Forest because he was concerned that the Board was imposing some
limitations on the right of the University to act with respect to the
Robinson Forest which changed circumstances might indicate would be
appropriate at some time in the future.

       Mr. Rose agreed with Mr. Ockerman's statement. He stated that his
main objection to the amendment was the words "unsuitable for mining."
He felt that a resolution could be passed and a policy could be adopted
that did not incorporate those three words. In his opinion, it will
ultimately prove to be a mistake because it will be difficult to get it
changed at a later date. He indicated that there may be a half a billion
to a billion dollars in royalties in the Forest, and he did not see the
University locking the door on a potential of this amount that might be
needed to enhance its studies. He stated there were six students working
in the Forest, and he felt that there should be a 100 students in the
field of engineering and other areas working there. It is his opinion
that this is not in keeping with the wishes and the desires of the
Robinson Trust.

       Mr. Ockerman read the recommendation of the Finance Committee,
that the University Administration be authorized to file a petition with
the Bureau of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement to declare the
Clemons Fork watershed area unsuitable for surface coal mining to protect
the institution's interest in the land, the forest and the ongoing
research efforts in the watershed area with the further clarification
that is unnecessary to consider any other portion of Robinson Forest at
this time because the remaining portion is not the subject of any
application which could impact on those other arees. He entertained a
motion with regard to the subject.

       Mr. Farmer moved the adoption of FCR 9, and the motion was
seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson. Upon a vote being taken, the motion passed
with Mr. Rose voting no and Mr. Sturgill abstaining.

       Mr. Sturgill requested that in keeping with his long-standing
position with the Board on the subject of the Forest that the record show
he abstained from voting.

       Dr. Pisacano commended the staff for its presentations and


- 7 -

       N.    Mr. Lohman's Remarks

       Mr. Lohman made a motion that the Board send a letter to the
cheerleading squad, the Student Athletics Council and the University of
Kentucky Band expressing appreciation for the excitement that they
generated at the 1989-90 athletic events. The motion, seconded by
Professor Betts, unanimously carried.

       0.   Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Edythe Jones Hayes
                                       Board of Trustees

(PR's 2 and 4, and FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



Office of the President
March 6, 1990

P/ 2

Members, Board of Trustees:

                          PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendat-ions are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.
Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:

Approved    A



Date: March 6, 1990


- -  



                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



              Madisonville Community College

              Deger, Robert J., Assistant Professor in the Community
                    College System, Dean of Academic Affairs, 3/1/90.


              Hauselman, A. J., Coordinator, Research and Program
                    Planning (part-time), effective 3/1/90 through



               Ashland Community College

               Ward, Russell C., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.

               Elizabethtown Community College

               Key, Wanda W., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.

               Hazard Community College

               Dane, Paul H., Assistant Professor in the Community
                    College System, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.
               Helf, Lisa A., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.
               Hogg, Tawny A., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.
               Lee, Mallory, Assistant Professor in the Community
                    College System, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.

               Jefferson Community College

               Burton, Keith, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/90 through 5/31/90.
               Gregory, Michael A., Instructor in the Community
                    College System, 2/1/90 through 5/31/90.
               Heyman, Patricia A., Instructor in the Community
                    College System, 2/1/90 through 5/31/90.
               Powell, Zelda S., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/90 through 5/31/90.
               Wiles, Thomas S., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 1/1/90 through 5/31/90.



         Lexington Community College

         Barnett, Gary, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
         Bobzien, Michael J., Instructor in the Community
              College, 1/18/90 through 6/30/90.
         Fuller, Paul E., Librarian IV in the Community College
              System, 2/12/90 through 6/30/90.
         Phillips, Barbara, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
         Saperstein, Priscilla F., Instructor in the Community
              College System, 1/22/90 through 5/31/90.

         Madisonville Community Colleqe

         Braasch, Gerald J., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/2/90 through 5/31/90.
         Deger, Robert J., Assistant Professor in the Community
               College System, 3/1/90 through 6/30/90.
         Nygaard, Timothy A., Instructor in the Community
               College System, 1/2/90 through 6/30/90.

         Paducah Community College

         Hely, Sueann W., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/8/90 through 5/31/90.

         Prestonsburg Community College

         Pack, Phillip E., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.

          Southeast Community College

          Simpson, William D., Instructor in the Community
               College System, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.


          Lexington Community College

          Allen, William C., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
          Bingcang, Ben P., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
          Calkley, Jud, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6,/30/90.
          Coates, Fred, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
          DuBick, Marc, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
          Haigler, Sandra K., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.



         Hall, Philip, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
         Hanley, Michael, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
         James, Daniel J., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
         Kasten, Greg, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.
         Olmstead, Willard B., Instructor in the Cormmunity
               College System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through
         Roussos, Panagiotis, Instructor in the Community
               College System, 1/12/90 through 6/30/90.
         White, Kathryn E., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 6/30/90.

          Southeast Community College

          Garrison, Neville, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/10/90 through 5/5/90.


          Lexington Community College

          Lee, Paul, Associate Professor in the Community College
               System (with tenure), Acting Chairman, Division of
               Social Sciences and Business Technologies, 1/1/90
               through 6/30/90.


          Hazard Community College

          Dane, Paul H., Assistant Professor in the Community
               College System, leave without pay, 1/1/90 through

          Lexington Community College

          Dickison, Kathy J., Associate Professor in the
               Community College System (with tenure), sabbatical
               leave at full salary for the 1990 Fall Semester.



                              LEXINGTON CAMPUS



           College of Agriculture

           McAllister, Alan J., Associate Extension Professor (without
              tenure), Animal Sciences, 1/2/90 through 6/30/90.

           College of Business and Economics

           Dahlstrom, Robert, Instructor, Marketing, 8/15/90 through

           College of Home Economics

           Turner, William L., Instructor, Family Studies, 1/1/90 through


           College of Agriculture

           Collard, Cleo W., Expanded Foods and Nutrition Assistant, Area
              Extension Programs, after 21 consecutive years of service,
              under Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 2/2/90.

           Vice Chancellor for Administration

           Lucas, Lonnie, Storekeeper, Blazer Dining Services, Auxiliary
              Services, after 14.5 consecutive years of service, under
              Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 6/18/90.
           Moore, Anna C., Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits and Risk
              Management, after 18.5 consecutive years of service, under
              Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 3/31/90.
            Staley, Florence M., Account Clerk, Student Billing Services,
              after 13.5 consecutive years of service, under Section III.B of
              AR II-1.6-1, effective 3/3/90.


            College of Education

            Ogletree, J. Robert, Professor Emeritus (part--time), Administration
               and Supervision, 7/1/90 through 6/30/91.

*Special Title Series





           College of Agriculture

           Aten, D. Lyle, Instructor (part-time), Horticulture and Landscape
               Architecture, 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.
            Carey, Daniel I., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Agricultural
               Engineering, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.
            Jacobs, Jane J., Instructor (part-time), Horticulture and Landscape
               Architecture, 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.
            Reid, William M., Instructor (part-time), Horticulture and
               Landscape Architecture, 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.

            College of Architecture

            Jacobs, Michael W., Assistant Professor (part-time), 1/1/90
               through 5/15/90.
            Kelly, Robert L., Assistant Professor (part-time), 1/1/90 through
            Pack, Stephen F., Instructor (part-time), 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.
            Whitney, John S., Jr., Instructor (part-time), 1/1/90 through

            College of Arts and Sciences

            Copas, William R., Assistant Professor, Military Science, 2/1/90
               through 1/31/94.
            Farmer, Wesley E., Jr., Assistant Professor, Military Science,
               11/1/89 through 10/31/93.
            Fendley, Kim. Instructor (part-time), Sociology, 1/l/90 through
            Holyoak, Gilbert Reed, Instructor (part-time), Biological Sciences,
               1/1/90 through 5/15/90.
            Jones, E. Roger, Adjunct Assistant Professor (part-time),
               Philosophy, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.
            Rowles, Ruth, Instructor (part-time), Geography, 1/1/90 through
            Uquillas, Jorge E., Visiting Associate Professor (part-time),
               Anthropology, 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.
            Yandell, T. Ben, Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 1/1/90
               through 5/15/90.
            Zabilka, Ivan L., Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time),
                History, 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.

            College of Business and Economics

            Rigsby, William F., Instructor (part-time), Accountancy, 1/1/90
               through 5/15/90.

*Special Title Series


       College of Education

       Ash, Randy William, Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and
          Instruction, 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.
       Daniel, Lois W., Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and
          Instruction, 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.
       Hill, Carol B., Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and Instruction,
          1/1/90 through 5115/90.
      Meyer, Stacie, Instructor (part-time), Special Education, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
      Morford, Michal, Instructor (part-time), Educational and Counseling
          Psychology, 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.
      Willis, Melinda, Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and
          Instruction, 1/1/90 through 5/15/90.

       College of Engineering

       Mortaheb, Mohammad M., Assistant Professor (part-time), Civil,
          1/1/90 through 5/15/90.

       College of Fine Arts

       Gentry, Theodore, Instructor (part-time), Music, 1/1/90 through
       Pearson, Ian D., Instructor (part-time), Music, 1/1/90 through
       Penkalski, Janice, Instructor (part-time), Theatre, 1/1/90 through
       Ramnes, Mary Salmon, Instructor (part-time), Art, 1/1/90 through


       College of Agriculture

       Moody, William G., Professor (with tenure), Animal Sciences,
          appointed Acting Chairman, Animal Sciences, 1/l/90 through

       College of Business and Economics

       Gibson, James L., Professor (with tenure), Management, appointed
          Acting Chairman, Management, 1/1/90 through 6/30/90.

       Office of the Chancellor

       Dearinger, Lana S., appointed Senior Associate Director of
          Admissions, Office of Admissions, effective 1/22/90.

*Special Title Series



       College of Arts and Sciences

       Anosike, Nnamdi V., Instructor (part-time), Sociology, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
       Appleton, Thomas H., Jr., Instructor (part-time), History, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
       Ball, Andrew, Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/90 through
       Baltus-Sih, Marie-Sylvie, Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
       Battista, Philip A., Instructor (part-time), Sociology, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
       Baute, Paschal B., Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
       Begley, Karen, Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/90 through
       Bissiere, Michele, Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
       Bitetto, Vito, Instructor (part-time), Computer Science, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
       Blythe, Marsha, Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/90 through
       Burgett, James, Instructor (part-time), German, 1/1/90 through
       Calhoun, Rita Kay, Instructor (part-time), Chemistry, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
       Campbell, F. Diane, Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/90
          through 5/15/90.
       Carey, Sandra, Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/90 through
       Choe, Hi Jun, Instructor (part-time), Mathematics, 1/1/90 through
       Christ, Alice, Instructor (part-time), Classics, 1/1/90 through
       Cole, Karen, Instructor (part-time), German, 1/1/90 through
       Coz, Sigrid, Instructor (part-time), French, 1/1/90 through
       Deo, Shripad D., Instruct