xt7n5t3fzb2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3fzb2p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1895-05-dec11. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1895-05-dec11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1895-05-dec11. 1895 1895-05-dec11. 2011 true xt7n5t3fzb2p section xt7n5t3fzb2p 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1895 - page 53

     The Board of Trustees met in the President's room
in the College building at 9 A. M. sun time Dec. 11, 1895

     Present:-            Dr. R. J. Spurr,  Chairman
                               P. Bird,
                               R. A. Spurr.

      The roll was called and the Chairman announced a

      Mr. Gathright submitted a report on the President's
report as follows:

           " Your committee on the President's report met
      at the Phoenix Hotel. All the members present.

      1st. The first matter considered was the resolution
      offered by the President concerning the submission
      of names to the Grand jury. This committee approve
      and recommend its adoption as follows: viz.

           " Resolved that for the purpose of eliminating
      any bad element which may find its way into the
      matriculation lists of the college, and especially
      into the Dormitories, that it shall be the duty of
      the Faculty, through the President, twice each year
      or more frequently, if thought expedient to furnish
      such names to the Grand Jury for investigation as
      they may think proper.

      2nd. The Committee recommend the adoption of the
      resolution submitted by the President concerning
      the dismissal of students by Professors, as
      follows: viz.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1895 - page 54

     Resolved, That no Assistant Professor in charge
of a department of study, or Dean of any course of
study in the College, shall dismiss a student from
his class for any course whatever, for more than the
current recitations of the day, nor shall he, when he
so suspends a student indicate by such suspension, that
the person affected will be permanently discharged from
duty in his department, or in the course of study in
which he has matriculated. But it shall be the duty
of the Professor to report the person temporarily
suspended, at once to the President, who shall
upon conference with the parties concerned, determine
the matter at issue, or refer it to the faculty for

3rd. Your Committee recommend that no change be made,
in the department of Anatomy and Physiology, at
this time.

4th. Your committee recommend the adoption of the
following resolution as suggested by the President:

     That the salary of Professor Miller be increased
to l8OOOO per annum, in accord with the understanding
at the time of assigning to him the additional duties.

5th. That the contract existing between the A. and
M. College and the Lexington Business College be
terminated at the end of this College year, and
that. the secretary be and he is hereby instructed
to notify Prof. Calhoun of this fact.


MINUTES OF THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 11, 1895 - page 55

     6th. That the erection of a Science building to
     meet the demands of the College be begun as soon as
     the funds are in hand with which tp pay for same.

     7th. That the game of foot ball as it present
     played by so called college Teams, and others is
     brutal, dangerous and not calculated to elevate the
     moral character of the college students, therefore
     your Committee recommend that this game be prohibited
     on the college grounds except by the students, and
     then only under modified rules.

     8th. Your committee recommend that the Committee
     on Legislative appropriation be directed to ask that
     a tax of one tenth of one percent be levied and collect-
     ed for the next five years for the purpose of erecting
     the necessary buildings and properly equipping same
     for the A. and K. College.

           All of which is respectfully submitted

                                W. F. Peak    Chrm.
                                G. V. Green
                                J. T. Gathright

      Ater some discussion the report of the Committee on
the President's report was adopted section by section and
finally as a whole.

      General Buell entered at 9:50 A. M.

      At 10:30 A. M. the Board took a recess to attend
the Chapel services,



     The following report submitted by Mr. Peak  Chairman
of the Committee on Finance was adopted:

      To the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky.

      The undersigned your committee would respectfully
report that I have examined and compared the books, vouchers,
and bank accounts of Prof. James G. White, business Agent
from the last meeting of the Board to December 1st 1895 and
find them correct except an error in voucher No. 915 for
$13.40 charged on the books $11.40 which is an error of
two dollars against the business agent, which should be cor-
rected and paid back to him, all of which is respectfully

                                W. F. Peak, Committee.

Messrs. Gooding and Green, Committee on Experiment Station
submitted the following report which was adopted: viz.

      We find the Agricultural Experiment Station in a
prosperous condition.

      The Insectory has been completed and the dairy
building will be finished by the first of the year. The
latter building has been carefully planned and constructed for
experimental work in dairying & etc. and is a model of its

      Since June three bulletins have been published: No.
56 analysis of commercial Fertilizers, No. 57 Field
Experiments on wheat and oats, and No. 58 on cut worms
in Kentucky: Also the 7th, Annual Report (for 1894).
Under the Fertilizer law $3920.00 have been collected
this year and 133 different brands of commercial fertilizer
have been analyzed. The law has been vigorously


MI1\UTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, 1ec. 11. 1895 - page 57

      A great number of field experiments have been under-
taken, the results of which will be incorporated in
future bulletins.

      The laboratories are in active operation upon various
lines of investigation0

      Messrs. Gathright and Hindman Committee on Internal
Expansion submitted the following report which was
adopted: viz.

      Your Committee on Internal Expansion to whom was re-
ferred the communication of Prof. F. Paul Anderson, con-
cerning his being a member of the Lexington School Board
respectfully recommend that the Secretary inform Prof.
Anderson that his holding office as a member of said school
Board is not compatible with his position as a Professor
in this College and that it is his duty to at once resign
from same and that this action be and it is applicable
to Prof. Roark and any other Professor or officer of
this College.!"

      2nd. Concerning the communication of Prof. Nelson,
your committee recommend lst. that it is to be regretted
that the entire appropriation for the department of Civil
Engineering should have been expended so early in the
session. That the Professor in charge of this department
knew at the beginning of the year just what had been
appropriated for his department and that it is the rule
of the Board that each department shall live within the


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1895 - page 58

That now there are no funds from which to meet the demands
of this department, ana that there are no funds at the
disposal of the Board for this purpose.

      3rd. Your Committee does not recommend the purchase
and binding of the volumes of the American Society of Civil
Engineers as asked for at this time.

      4th. Your committee recommend the expenditure of
$10.00 in the discretion of the Executive Committee in
advertising this department throughout this State by the
distribution of that part of the catalogue pertaining to
this department.

      5th. Your Committee recommend concerning a building
and better equipment for the department of Civil Engineering
that it be not commenced until the money is in hand with
which to pay for same.

      6th. That the request of Prof. Nelson to add
Architecture and Mining Engineering to his department be
not granted at this time.

      7th. Concerning the communication of Prof. Paul
Anderson and the request therein your committee recommend,

         (1) that $57.70 be appropriated from the emergency
             fund to complete the payments on the

         (2) That the employment of W. J. Kearney in the
             Mechanical Department be and it is hereby
             referred to the Executive Cormnittee to
             investigate with power to act.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1895 - page 59

          (3) That the employment of a stenographer for
               the Professor in charge of the Mechanical
               Engineering Department be not recommended,
               but that no objection will be made to his
               employing such a person, himself, he being
               responsible for the salary.

          (4) That the Board express to Prof. Anderson
               its high appreciation of the efficiency shown
               in his department as measured by the results.
               That the fact that five out of seven graduates
               have secured important and lucrative employ-
               ment either in the U. S. cutter service or
               in first class establishments speaks well
               for him and his department.

          (5) That the matter of additional buildings and
               equipment will not be taken up or considered
               until the money is in hand with which to pay
               for same.

      After the above committee report was read and before
it was adopted, President Patterson stated that Prof. Nelson
had asked permission to come before the Board and explain
why his appropriation had been exhausted so early in the

      Prof. Nelson came before the Board and submitted
a statement, and exhibited some drawings made by his

      The Committee on Military Instruction and College
discipline reported that they had not been present at any
Military exercise, but that the answ-ers to their inquiries
indicated a decided improvement in the Military organization
and in the deportment of the students.


MIINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1895 - page 60

      The Committee on the minutes of the Executive Committee
reported as follows:

      The Committee appointed to examine the records of
the Executive Committee beg leave to report: that they
have not been able to perform fully the duty assigned to
them so far as expenditures are concerned because the de-
tails of the expenditures were in the hands of another
Committee and the time did not admit of delay. We have
reason to believe however that the expenditures have been
made in accordance wvith the appropriations and orders of
the Board of Trustees, with the following exceptions:

      (1) We find that by order of the Executive Committee
            the sum of $      has been transferred from the
            emergency fund to the Insurance fund. The extent
            to which Insurance shall be carried on the
            property of the college is a question which
            pertains to the Board of Trustees and in view
            especially of the fact that this action of the
            committee was taken within 24 hours of an ap-
            pointed meeting of the Board we deem it to have
            been unnecessary and unauthorized.

      (2)  We find that a proposition was introduced to
            authorize the use of $200.00 to be taken from
            the appropriation for equipping the new Mechanical
            building to introduce certain heating appurte-
            nances into that building, on the ground that
            the appurtenances referred to might come
            under the head of equipment."  The committee
            showed its sense of the reason urged, by
            refusing the request, we are of the opinion
            therefore that the use of the money in that
            way was improper and ought to be rejected
            by the Board.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1895 - page 61

(3) We find in the minutes of the Committee an
    order extending free tuition in a Post graduate
    course to graduates of certain other colleges.
    We do not raise the question of the expediency
    of such an arrangement or deny here the right of
    even the Board of Trustees to extend such a
    privilege ; but it is quite clear that it is not
    within the competency of the Executive Committee.

(4) Your committee find the record of frequent
    absence from Chapel service, on the part of
    certain members of the faculty amounting to from
    forty to sixty seven cases a month notwithstand-
    ing the orders of the Board on that subject and
    the subsequent admonition, of the Executive
    COmmittee. In a few cases explanations have
    been offered which in part are satisfactory, and
    in part seem not to be so, as a further step
    toward the enforcement of a requirement which
    the Board has deemed necessary in the interest
    of the College we recommend the adoption and
    communication to the different members of the
    faculty of the following as a resolution:

    That the Board of Trustees has observed with
surprise, upon the records which the Executive Committee
is required to keep, the frequent absence from Chapel
service of some members of the faculty amounting to a
considerable number of cases daily, notwithstanding
the injurious effect upon the students and the interests
of the college of such a disregard of the Regulations,
and of the special requirements which the Board has
deemed it necessary to promulgate.

     The Board regret the necessity of repeating these
requirements, the peculiar object of which should
interest the officers of the College with even more
than usual obligations. Not only should the absences


MINUTES OF TIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1895 - page 62

     be scrupously rare, but the duty should be felt
     of making the necessity for them manifest by
     voluntary and cheerful explanation.

                                J. R. Hindman, Chairman.

      The members of the Executive Committee did not vote
on the question of adopting the foregoing report.

      it was moved and seconded that sec. 1 be adopted -
motion lost.

      Aye                       Noes
      Gen. Buell                Peak

      On motion ordered that section 2 be adopted.

      On motion ordered that Sec. 3 be adopted.

      The President and other members remarked against
adoption of the 4th, Sec. after which on motion ordered
that Section 4 be withdrawn from the report. Gen. Buell
voting in the negative.

      On motion the following resolution was adopted:

      Resolved that while disapproving the action of the
Executive Committee in offering free tuition to the graduates
of certain colleges, we hereby nevertheless ratify the
action of the President in communicating the action of
the Executive Committee to the Presidents of the colleges
embraced within the scope of the resolution of the
Executive Committee.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1895 - page 63

Proposed short winter course in Agriculture.

2nd. Hour


3rd. Hour

4th Hour


Drill Hour


Practice in Dairyin
Wood Working
and Farm Accounts.

      On motion ordered that the short winter course in
Agriculture proposed by Prof. Mathews be established. That
the subjects composing the course shall be agreed upon and
arranged by the faculty, whose action shall be ratified by
the Executive Committee.

      Dr. S. B. Bennett the Prof. of Veterinary Science
submitted to the Board a paper requesting some action
authorizing the degree of V. S. (Veterinary Surgeon) to be
conferred upon the graduates of the Veterinary Department.

      On motion of Mer. Hindman ordered that the consider-
ation of the degree of V. S. be deferred till the next
meeting of this Board.

      Dr. Spurr offered his resignation as chairman of the
Executive Committee.

On motion the resignation was reluctantly accepted.


Jan. 3rd.

1st. Hour



MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1895 - page 63-64

      President Patterson moved to nominate all the members
of the Executive Committee except Dr. Spurr for reelection,
and that the name of Judge Hines be substituted for that of
Dr. Spurr. Whereupon the following Executive Committee
was elected by ballot:

      Judge     Thos. H. Hines,       Chairman
                 J. J. Gathright,
                 D. H. James,
                 Robt. Riddell,
                 R. A. Spurr,

      Mr. Bird Chairman of the Committee on Investigation
and Inquiry brought in a report but the other members of
the committee refused to sign it for the reason that they
had not been consulted and knew nothing of its contents.

      The report was read.

      After some discussion, on motion it was ordered to
lay the report on the table.

      No transcript of the report has been made for the
reason that Mr. Bird destroyed it.

      By a unanimous vote the Board of Trustees adopted,
the following:

      Resolved that the Board of Trustees receive with great
regret the resignation of Dr. Spurr, as chairman of the
Executive Committee, whose term of service as Trustee
expires in January by limitation. We desire to bear
cordial testimony to his long and faithful service, to his
unswerving loyalty to the best interests of the College; to
his unwearied devotion to its upbuilding and expansion. We
desire also to record our deep sense of his worth as a man,
his unselfishness, generosity, and uprightness, and to com-
mend his example to all concerned as a gentleman whose
going out and coming in amongst us has been without
fear and without reproach.

      On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 10 A. M.
on Tuesday June 2, 1896.

      V. E. Muncy,