xt7n5t3fzb13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n5t3fzb13/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1935-10-nov15. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1935-10-nov15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1935-10-nov15. 1935 1935-10-nov15. 2011 true xt7n5t3fzb13 section xt7n5t3fzb13 



    Minutes of Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Universi-
ty of Kentucky, November 15, 1935, at 10:30 a. m., held in Pres-
ident McVey's office, Administration Building, University of Ken-
tucky campus, Lexington, Kentucky.

    The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Governor
Ruby Laffoon, and on roll call the following members answered
present: Governor Ruby Laffoon, Judge Richard C. Stoll, J. B,
Andrews, John S. Cooper, Eugene Flowers, Louis E. Hillenmeyer,
Dr. George H. Wilson, 0. C. Whitfield, G. C. Wells, James R. Rash
and R. Miller Holland.

     The Chairman then had the Secretary of the Board read the
call, signed copies of which had been mailed to each member of
the Board ten days before the date of this the proposed meeting
of November 15, 1935, and the Board ordered that the call be made
a part of the minutes and copied therein.   It reads as follows:

          The undersigned, Richard C. Stoll, Vice-Chairman
     of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
     and Richard C. Stoll, Robert G. Gordon and James Park,
     members of the Board of Trustees of the University of
     Kentucky, hereby call a special meeting of the Board of
     Trustees of the University of Kentucky to be held in
     President McVey's office, Administration Building, Uni-
     versity of Kentucky campus, Lexington, Kentucky, at
     10:30 a.m., Friday, November 15, 1935.

          The object and purpose of the meeting is stated
     as follows:

          "To consider and accept an offer of a grant of
     $40,950 made by the Federal Emergency Administration
     of Public Works to aid in financing the construction
     of an annex to the Experiment Station building of the
     College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky.

         "To consider and to approve plans, specifications
     and contract documents for the construction of said an-
     nex building, to a total estimated cost of $90,950.

         "To consider and to approve the construction of
     said annex building.

         "To consider and to approve the advertising for
     contractor's bids for said construction.

         "To consider and to approve a resolution or resolu-
     tions authorizing the Executive Committee or the Vice-
     Chairman of the Board of Trustees to negotiate and
     execute a loan in behalf of the University of Kentucky



     in the total sum of fifty thousand dollars, this sum
     to be used and expended only as the University's cash
     contribution toward the construction costs of said An-
     nex Building to the Experiment Station, College of

          To consider and to approve by resolution the plans,
     specifications and contract documents for the construction
     of a Central Heating Plant for the use of the buildings
     upon the University's campus at Lexington, Kentucky,

          To consider and to approve by resolution the adver-
     tising for contractor's bids on the construction of
     said Central Heating Plant or any essential part thereof.

          To authorize the Executive Committee of the Board
     of Trustees to receive said contractors bids."

     Please sign and return in enclosed envelope the enclosed
     waiver of notice.

     The presence of each member of the Board is earnestly

                  (Signed)  Richard C. Stoll
                            Vice-Chairman of Board of Trustees,
                            University of Kentucky

                            Richard C. Stoll
                            Robert G. Gordon
                            James Park
                            Members of the Board of Trustees,
                            University of Kentucky

     The Secretary of the Board then presented waiver of notice
of the proposed meeting of November 15, 1935, which had been
signed by each member of the Board.   A copy was ordered inserted
in the minutes.   It reads as follows:

     Mr. D. H. Peak,
     Secretary of the Board of Trustees,
     University of Kentucky,
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Sty dear Mr. Peak:

          I, the undersigned member of the Board of Trustees
     of the University of Kentucky, hereby accept service of
     the notice of call for a special meeting of the Board



     of Trustees, to be held at Lexington, Kentucky, on No-
     vember 15, in the office of the President, and con-
     sent and agree that said Board shall meet at the time
     and place named, and for the purpose stated in the no-

                          (Signed) Ruby taffoon
                                    Richard C. Stoll
                                    C. B. Andrews
                                    John S. Cooper
                                    Eugene Flowers
                                    Robert G. Gordon
                                    Louis E. Hillenmeyer
                                    George H. Wilson
                                    0. C. Whitfield
                                    G. C. Wells
                                    James H. Richmond
                                    James R. Rash
                                    James Park
                                    W. C. Hanna
                                    R. Miller Holland

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board on July 18, 1935, were read by the Secretary, D. H. Peak.

     The President then explained:

     That pursuant to the authority given by the Executive Commit-
tee, an application for Federal Funds, to finance a building pro-
gram upon the University campus at Lexington, Kentucky, had been
filed with the State Director of the Federal Emergency Adminis-
tration of Public Works on July 23, 1935.

     That the sum set forth in the application was for a loan of
$600,000 and a grant of $490,909 in relation of 55 to 45.

     That the Docket Number given to this application was No.

     That on August 3o, 1935, a second application was filed with
the State Director for a grant of $40,950 to aid in the construc-
tion of an Annex to the Experiment Station Building, College of

That this application had been given the Docket Number KY-



     That this second application was predicated upon the fact
that the College of Agriculture, having received certain fees
and other income in connection with the general Federal agricul-
tural program, had accumulated a fund, with which it desired to
establish a credit for the financing of a needed extension to the
Experiment Station Building, provided additional funds could be
secured in the form of a grant from the Federal Government.

     That the estimated cost of tis extension was approximately
$87,000, upon which the application for the grant of $40,950 was
based, -- University funds (College of Agriculture) $47 000;
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works grant J40,900
in relation to 55 to 45.

     That on September 28 notice had been received that the Pres-
ident of the United States had allotted Federal Funds, wherein
the University was awarded under its two applications:

     (a) A loan of $201,500 and a grant of 8165,000 -- Docket No.
KY-1013 and,

     (b) A grant of $40,950 to aid in financing the construction
of an Annex to the Experiment Station, College of Agriculture,
Docket No. KY-1114.

     That by letter dated October 3 and after consultation with
the State Director, Federal Emergency Administration of Public
Works, the University had elected to construct out of the funds
received or to be received under Docket No. KY-1013 the follow-
ing buildings:

     A Central Heating Plant, an Engineering College Group Build-
ing, a Student Union Building, and a Law College Building.

     That it was manifest that all these buildings could not be
constructed with the funds then allotted, so therefore by letter
dated October 5 a reinstatement of the loan from $201,000 to the
full amount of $600,000 wqs requested together with such further
grants as might be available from time to time.

     That it appeared the Federal Emergency Administration of
Public Works had adopted the policy of giving priority to the mak-
ing of "formal offers" of "grants" and under this policy the
"grant", Docket No. KY-1114, had been received under date of Octo-
ber 19.

     That upon receipt of this "formal offer", detailed plans
and specifications for the Annex to the Experiment Station Build-
ing had been prepared and filed with the State Director, Federal
Emergency Administration of Public Works, that the Security Trust
Company of Lexington, Kentucky, had been consulted as to the ex-
tension of a loan to the University to cover its part of the con-
struction costs of this Annex building or $50,000, -- that the
Trust Company had agreed to make such a loan on such conditions
and terms as might be deemed best and proper.



     That under the rulings of the Federal Emergency Administra-
tion of Public Works all plans, specifications and contract docu-
ments must be on file with the State Director by November 10, that
upon approval of these by the Director, then public advertisements
for contract bids must be made through a period of two weeks; and
that all awards of contracts must be made by December 15, 1935,
on some important part of the buildings or works proposed.

     That detailed plans, specifications and contract documents
for a Central Heating Plant had been prepared also and filed with
the State Director in order to comply with the ruling of the Fed-
eral Emergency Administration of Public Works, although no "formal
offer" for the loan and grant, or for the reinstatement of the
loan, had been received from the Administration. However, as-
surance had been received from Washington that not only would the
original allotment of loan $201,000, grant $165,000 be made for-
mally, but that the loan would be reinstated in full or $600,000,
the whole having been approved by the several sections of the
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works and the documents
were awaiting the formal signatures of the Administrator himself.

     That in order to take advantage of the grant of $40,950 for
the building of the Annex to the Experiment Station, and to do all
other necessary things possible in order to comply with the rul-
ings of the Administration such as advertising for contract bids,
etc., it was necessary for the Board of Trustees promptly to con-
sider and approve certain acts, plans and resolutions prior to
the regular meeting on December 10.

     The President further stated he had in hand copies of all
pertinent correspondence between the University and the Federal
Emergency Administration of Public Works, concerning the foregoing
and that these in no way committed the University to any policy
or program.

     The Chairman then asked the Secretary to read such sections
of the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings on July 18,
1935, September 24, 1935 and October 31, 1935, as were pertinent
to the matters listed in the call for the special meetihg of the
Board and discussed by the President.   These minutes having been
presented, formal approval thereof was deferred until the next
regular meeting of the Board of Trustees.

     The Chairman then presented to the Board the "furmal offer"
of the United States of America made through the Federal Emergency
Administration of Public Works to aid by way of grant in financing
the construction of an addition to the Main Building of the Agri-
cultural Experiment Station.



Resolution No. 1
     After discussion of the offer of the United States of Ameri-
ca to aid by way of grant in financing the construction of an ad-
dition to the Main Building of the Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion, the following Resolution, entitled "A Resolution Accepting
the Offer of the United States to the University of Kentucky to
Aid by Way of Grant in Financing the Construction of an Addition
to the Main Building of the Agricultural Experiment Station" was
proposed by Louis E. Hillenmeyer and read in full:


     Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the University of

     Section 1.   That the offer of the United States of America
to the University of Kentucky to aid by way of grant in financing
the construction of an addition to the Main Building of the Agri-
cultural Experiment Station a copy of which offer reads as fol-

                       OF PUBLIC WORKS

                                           Washington, D. C.
                                           October 19, 1935
                                           State File No. KY-1114

     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky

          1. Subject to the Rules and Regulations (PWA FPrm
     No . 179, July 22, 1935, as amended to date) which are
     made a part hereof, the United States of America hereby
     offers to aid In financing the construction of an addi-
     tion to the Main Building of the Agricultural. Experiment
     Station (herein called the "Project") by making a grant
     to the University of Kentucky in the amount of 45 per
     cent of the cost of' the Project upon completion, as de-
     termined by the Federal Emergency Administrator of Pub-
     lic Works, but not to exceed, in any event, the sum of



          2. This offer is conditioned upon the applicant's
    depositing in the Construction Account described in
    Part 1, Paragraph 9, of the Rules and Regulations
    which are made a part hereof, prior to the advance of
    any part whatever of the grant for the Project, an
    amount equal to at least 55 per cent of the estimated
    cost thereof.

                              UNITED STATES OF A1ERICA

                              Federal Emergency Administrator
                              of Public Works

                              By (Sgd) Horatio B.Hackett
                                       Assistant Administrator"

be and the same is hereby in all respects accepted.

     Section 2.   That said University of Kentucky agrees to abide
by all the rules and regulations relating to such grant a copy of
which rules and regulations was, annexed to the Government's offer
and made a part thereof.

     Section 3.   That the Secretary be and he is hereby author-
ized and directed forthwith to send to the Federal Emergency Ad-
ministration of Public Works three certified copies of this Reso-
lution and three certified copies of the proceedings of this
Board in connection with the adoption of this Resolution, and such
further documents or proofs in connection with the acceptance of
said offer as may be requested by the Federal Emergency Adminis-
tration of Public Works.

                        (Signed) Ruby Laffoon, Governor
                                 Chairman of the Board of
                                 Trustees of the University
                                 of Kentucky.

     The above resolution was seconded by Lr. Richard C. Stoll and
was adopted, with the following voting aye: Governor Ruby Laffoon,
Judge Richard C. Stoll, J. B. Andrews, John S. Cooper, Eugene
Flowers, Louis E. Hillenmeyer, Dr. George H. Wilson, 0. C. Whit-
field, G. C. Wells, James R. Rash and R. Miller Holland; and the
following voting nay: none.



     The Chairman thereupon declared said Resolution carried and
thereupon signed said Resolution in approval thereof.

     The Chairman then presented to the meeting the plans, speci-
fications and contract documents for the construction of the pro-
posed Annex to the Exneriment Station building at an estimated
cost of no more than t9O,OOO.   After discussion, the Chairman
requested a resolution concerning this proposal.    Thereupon Mr.
John S. Cooper, seconded by Dr. George H. Wilson, offered Resolu-
tion No. 2 which follows:  The roll was called, the following
voting aye: Governor Ruby Laffoon, Judge Richard C. Stoll, J. B.
Andrews, John S. Cooper, Eugene Flowers, Louis E. Hillenmeyer,
Dr. George H. Wilson, 0. C. Whitfield, G. C. Wells, James R. Rash
and R. Miller Holland; and the following voting nay: none; the
Chairman thereupon declaring Resolution 2 carried.

Resolution No. 2

     Whereas plans and specifications have been prepared for the
construction of an Annex to the Experiment Station Building, Col-
lege of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, and that said plans
and specifications have been submitted and considered by this


     Section 1. That the plans and specifications for the con-
struction of said Annex to the Experiment Station Building, Col-
lege of Agriculture submitted by Frankel & Curtis, Architects,
are hereby approved and adopted and identified by the signature
thereon of Governor Ruby Laffoon, Chairman of the Board of Trus-
tees, and that said building shall be constructed in accordance
with said plans and specifications and contract documents thereto
attached, which said documents are likewise adopted by this Board.

     Section 2. That D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board of Trus-
tees of the University of Kentucky, is authorized and directed to
advertise for the reception of bids for the construction of said
Annex to the Experiment Station Building, College of Agriculture,
the conditions of the reception of the bids and the advertisement
for said bids to conform to the regulations contained in the plans
and specifications and contract documents herein adopted.

     Section 3. That the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky shall advertise for said bids by the
publication of a notice for the reception of bids in a newspaper
of general circulation, published in the City of Lexington, Ken-
tucky, for a period of at least fourteen (14) days; such notice
shall be published in such newspaper for at least two insertions;
the date for the reception of bids shall be as determined by the
Acting State Director of the Federal Emergency Administration of
Public Works of Kentucky.



     The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky is
hereby authorized and directed to receive and consider such bids
and to determine the lowest and best bid and the Vice-Chairman,
Richard C. Stoll, is hereby authorized to execute contracts for
the construction of said Annex, provided, however, that the con-
tracts for the construction of said project shall not exceed the
sum of $90,000.

     Section 4. The cost of the construction of the project shall
be payable solely and only from the proceeds of a loan to be
hereinafter authorized by this Board, together with any funds re-
ceived from the United States of America on account of the grant.

     The Chairman then stated that in order that the University
may benefit from the grant of $40,950 offered by the United States
of America and in order to comply with the foregoing Resolution,
it would be necessary to borrow the sum of $50,000 as the share
of the University in the financing of the Annex to the Experiment
Station Building; that the Security Trust Company of Lexington,
Kentucky, had offered to make such a loan to the University.

     Thereupon fr. Eugene Flowers offered the following Resolu-
tion, which was seconded by Mr. James R. Rash:

Resolution No. 3


     Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky as follows:

     Section 1. That the President, Frank L. McVey, is hereby
authorized and empowered to negotiate and execute the bond of the
University of Kentucky in the amount of $50,000 to the Security
Trust Company of Lexington, Kentucky, or other bank or trust com-
pany, upon such terms as may be proper.

      Section 2. That the basis for credit and payment of interest
and principal of said bold shall be limited to the remainder of
the special income, accruing now and in the future to the College
of Agriculture from special fees, etc.

     Section 3. That this bond shall not in any way involve the
general credit of the University of Kentucky or involve the income
of the University of Kentucky derived or to be derived from what
Is known generally as "Student Fees".



     The roll was called on this resolution and each of the eleven
members present voted aye, the Chairman thereupon declaring the
resolution carried.

     The Chairman then referred to the statement of President Mc-
Vey concerning the status of the University's application, Docket
No. KY-1013, for a loan of $600,000 and a grant of $165,000 from
the United States of America made through the Federal Emergency
Administration of Public Works, saying:

     That the President of the United States had set a dead line
date of December 15, 1935, for the starting of construction upon
some essential part of any project, financed in whole or in part
by the United States of America.

     That the Dean of the College of Engineering had been in con-
ference with the State Director of the Federal Emrgency Administra-
tion of Public Works and, in view of the short space of time al-
lowed, had prepared plans, specifications and contract documents
for the Steam Distribution System and other essential parts of the
Central Heating Plant and had filed these with the Director, as
complying with the wishes of the President of the United States.

     That whereas the formal offer of the United States had not
been fully executed and forwarded to the University, the said offer
could not be accepted by the Board of Trustees at this meeting;
but in the situation and shortness of time, it was deemed advisable
to proceed with such approvals as were possible and with the ad-
vertising for contract bids and thus consummate as much of the bus-
iness as was possible prior to the receipt of the offer.

     Therefore he asked that a resolution covering this business
be made and seconded in accordance with the provisions of the call
for the special meeting of the Board.

     Therefore Mr. 0. C. Whitfield, seconded by Mr. G. 0. Wells,
offered Resolution No. 4 which follows.   The roll  was called,
the following voting aye: Governor Ruby Laffoon, Judge Richard C.
Stoll, J. B. Andrews, John S. Cooper, Eugene Flowers, Louis E.
Hillenmeyer, Dr. George H. Wilson, 0. C. Whitfield, G. C. Wells,
James R. Rash and R. Miller Holland; and the following voting nay:
none; the Chairman thereupon declaring Resolution No. 3 carried,

Resolution No. 4




     Whereas, the United States of America has heretofore Indi-
cated that it will offer to purchase certain special obligation
bonds of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and
in addition thereto will make a grant to said Board for the pur-
pose of constructing certain improvements to the plant of the
Uxiversity of Kentucky, and has indicated that a formal offer
will be submitted to said Board; and

     Whereas, this Board has caused plans and specifications to
be prepared for the construction of a Central Heating Plant, and
that said plans and specifications have been submitted and consid-
ered by this Board:


     Section 1. That the plans and specifications for the con-
struction of a Central Heating Plant submitted by the College of
Engineering, University of Kentucky, are hereby approved and adopt-
ed and identified by the signature of Governor Ruby Laffoon, Chair-
man of the Board of Trustees, and that said Plant shall be con-
structed in accordance with said plans and specifications and con-
tract documents thereto attached, which said documents are like-
wise adopted by the Board and in like manner identified.

     Section 2. That D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board of Trus-
tees of the University of Kentucky, is authorized and directed
to advertise for the reception of bids for the construction of the
several essential parts of said central heating plant when and as
said parts have received the approval of the State Director, Fed-
eral Emergency Administration of Public Works, the conditions of
the reception of the bids and the advertisement for said bids to
conform to the regulations contained in the plans and specifica-
tions and contrast documents herein adopted.

     Section 3. That the Secretary of the Bcardcf Trustees of
the University of Kentuoky shall advertise for said bids by the
publication of a notice for the reception of bids in a newspaper
of general circulation, published in the City of Lexington, Ken-
tucky, for a period of at least fourteen (14) days; such notice
shall be published in such newspaper for at least two insertions;
the date for the reception of bids shall be as determined by the
Acting State Director of the Federal Emergency Administration of
Public Works of Kentucky.

     The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky is here-
by authorized and directed to receive and consider such bids and
to determine the lowest and best bid and to execute contrasts for
the construction of any orie or all of the foregoing projects,
provided, however, that the contracts for the construction of
said projects shall riot exceed the total of the allotment made
to the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky by the
United States Government.



     Section 4. The cost of the construction of the projects
shall be payable solely and only from the proceeds of special ob-
ligation bonds to be hereinafter authorized by this Board, togeth-
er with any funds received from the United States of America on
account of the grant, with the exception of the improvements to
the plant of the Department of Agriculture, in which case said
Department is to furnish in cash the sum of $40,950.

     During the discussion of the foregoing Resolution, the point
was raised concerning the commitment or possible commitment of
the University in the advertising for contract bids prior to the
receipt of the formal offer by the United States and its accept-
ance and approval by the Board of Trustees of the University.
The Chairman, therefore, furnished a copy of the draft form pre-
pared by the College of Engineering and approved by the State Di-
rector, of such advertising for contract bids.    The Chairman
pointed out that this draft would amply protect the University
should anything prevent the receiving of funds from the Govern-
ment, as would Section 4 of the foregoing Resolution, which had
been inserted especially to insure safety.    For copies of adver-
tisement zefer to appendix.

     It was agreed that a call be made for a meeting of the Board
of Trustees, the date December 7, 1935, being suggested, for the
purpose of transacting further business connected with the P. W. A.
contracts and other University business.

     The business of the meeting having been completed, on motion
of J. B. Andrews, seconded by G. C. Wells, the meeting adjourned.

                   (Signed) Ruby Laffoon, Governor
                             Chairman of the Board of Trustees

D. H. Peak
Secretary of the Board of Trustees



     Immediately after the close of business of the special meet-
ing, the minutes of which are recorded above, on this the 15th
day of November 1935, Judge Richard C. Stoll, Vice-Chairman of the
Board of Trustees, asked the members of the Board present to as-
semble in extraordinary sewsion.   To this request the following
members answered present: Judge Richard C. Stoll, Eugene Flowers,
R. Miller Holland, J. B. Andrews, John S. Cooper, Louis Hillenmey-
er, Dr. George Wilson, 0. C. Whitfield, G. C. Wells, James R. Rash
and Governor Ruby Laffoon.

     The Vice-Chairman stated the object of the meeting to be that
the members of the Board might be in open meeting pay tribute to
the retiring Chairman, Governor Ruby Laffoon.

     Thereupon, Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Wells, offered the
resolution copied below.   The resolution was passed by a unani-
mous vote and President McVey was directed to have a copy en-
grossed and signed by each member and officer of the Board, and
to present the copy to Governor Ruby Laffoon.

     Resolution: The Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
tucky in session November 15, 1935, having in mind the services
of the Honorable Ruby Laffoon, Governor of Kentucky, and chairman
of the Board of Trustees during his term of office, 1932-1936,
do resolve:

     That the thanks of this board are presented to Governor Laf-
foon for his service as chairman and for his continued interest
in the University.

     During his administration he has regularly attended the meet-
ings of this board, and in the sessions of the Legislature he sup-
ported warmly the appropriation requests of the University with
the result that the University's finances were strengthened and

     In addition his enthusiastic support of the Educational Code
was of great aid in its passage thru the Legislature.

     Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution appro-
priately lettered be presented to Governor Laffoon,

     On motion, the meeting adjourned.

D. H. Peak
Secretary, Board of Trustees