xt7n2z12rk88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12rk88/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1982 1982 1982-03-08 2020 true xt7n2z12rk88 section xt7n2z12rk88 3 Dream Game' 3 St minutes away
By MARTY McGEE 59“”? WmdsatmylnN“hYme- Ywerday to Memphis State. 7342. The last time Kentucky and University President Otis Singletary with the pairings."
S rts Editor boulswlle (we), wluch lost ln-the was made the No.3 seed in the Louiser met was in the 1959 NCAA said, “I can't imagine that this par. UK Coach Joe B Hall, who could
po Metro Conference tournament final Mideast Regional by the NCAA's tournament. when the Cardinals won ticular legislation has anything to do not be reached for comment. said on 1 .
———————————~— Selection Committee. this giving the 7661- In 1975. the teams almost met in his weekly television show yesterday. .
Cardinals a first-round bye into the the NCAA finals in San Diego. but “l‘m going to predict . . that our " '
Information for this story was also Mideastquarterfinals. Louisw'lle lost in overtime 75-74 to team will makeagood showmgin the
gathered by Assistant Managing hm , NCAA we haven" played WSW”?
Editor James Edwin Harris and . ll .‘tmlvnl tickets fur NCAA first- and um-nml-rnuml gum” ul \llshl"lllt' Since 1959 and this is a chance [0 get .
Editorial Editor Dale G_ Morton. will In- anhl by Inllrr)‘. New page 5. that game back from Louisville ',
. 1‘ V1 .1 .‘i'c-Im-liun L'unluiillt-o- giro-it \n.l Nf’l'lls Iii \nrtli lurulinu. “It's just sure death to look ahead" . '
The University of Kentucky- + v _ l irgi'uin. (ir'iirgivlmrn and Oregon 8min. Sow page 3. at the possible confrontation with ("L 2 2 2
University of Louisville basketball it 32“ u——“—""'"“‘”‘—"’—————-‘ because of the quality of Middle Ten -
“Dream Game" may be jist 40 7 ' -, up Kentucky (22-7). which lost in UCLA. which defeated UK 92-85 two nessee State Hall added .
minutes away. A 3i. ,r‘. Saturday’s Southeastern Conference nights later in the championship Hall said the game Mm Middle .- '
Pairings for the 1982 NCAA basket- t' CU: \ . tournament final 4846 to Alabama, game. Tennessee being heldin Nashville on- .
b8“ championship tournament 3’“ 2 was seeded No-Sinu‘edeeaSt by the A ”"85“!“de feud over whether iv a three» to fourhour drive from 3 -
nounced yesterday in Kansas City, , _ Committee. The Cats will meet Mid- the schools should play each other has Lexington is ”W”. important to our " -'
Mo, have determined UK will meet u die Tennessee. the Ohio Valley C0n- gone as far as the Kentucky General fans .. 2 ' .- ' ~
Middle Tennessee State in the touma- 3% 9 'iii ference representative by virtue of a Assembly. The House Education ‘ I .\ Hall 15 On record as (tpposmg man- .‘.
ment‘s first round Thursday in \l id 617 ~ g t! 54-52 win over Western Kentucky in Committee is presently debating a 1 datory scheduling of a game Wm, ... -,
Nashville. Tenn. And if Kentucky “ t l , l the OVC tournament champiOnship, bill thatwould force the two schools to ““ Louisville as ls t'K Athletics Director f 3
wins. it will meet Louisville, an in- ' ' which was named the 11th of 12 seeds schedule each other in basketball an~ v (‘liff Hagan 2 g. ,2-2
trastate arch-rival the Wildcats have in the "9810"- The winner Of that game nually. .--. UK-UL pom-t ., 2.
repeatedly retusedtoschedule, in the will meet Louisville. Contacted at home last night, 2 2': ’34
M .‘yv: 3,
KEN I 0‘ KY , The Tide rollsln . 2
i 3 It was 0 tournome'i' to» _.6 umo' min '7‘?" .33' Q3:
. ' #1” . SEC lournomerit ill Prior: AVE‘HO WUI‘ by "-3? :
Alubomu Keii'utky boot Auhu'i Oti’l », 3.3:
Some "'10 |' coop ‘ MlSSlSSippl and then lost to Alabama D'lb ’ y ' '
J Minnietield W0" the touriionwii's Meal ' ,
It will be mostly sunny today With a light L Valuable PlOYef but "9 ”it" ti“ "0' hi" ,.’ ['2. .,
wmd. Fair weather tonight With lows neor ‘\ ‘ teammates W626 ”my happy 3323330333 23‘" -‘ ': '2 ‘
25 Tomorrow will be partly cloudy with l _ _ ‘Otiinomeni tfrophy PiL‘tJlé“: point the ‘
highs both days near 40. i, g, L g, g : ‘~ , “OW 0" 9°99 0W _ ,, . 2
Vol ixxxw No i2i Monday Marthe tea: ”“9"” °'“°'””“‘V ”MW” “"‘W‘V A" ‘"d°"°"d"”""‘d°"' ""‘WW' “"“3 W22 32 2‘:
lest-3t . I l I : .
Pharmacy bUI/dm g =
‘ h'ts o dblo k ' '
s 5 A&R subcommittee ;
i 2 3333 a: ’3 ‘3 24:": " 1*" , .1 - . 2 “ .'
\ ' . , a“? ~- - : « <~ ———--—. ~ ~ '
3 . Mg, .- '- ’ 2‘ 1 ASSlstantManaglng Editor macv Dean Joseph Swmtoskv very " l
. . m i-.-~: .. its . ~ . ~ ~ ' -.~.
. . ;~«-{ g , Edggea _ _.t- 1.... .m _-_“..,____.__._. 1 2. 7 e s lidppy. Although he was elated when _ . g 1.
”if“ :3 ’ “‘ - -- 2 fig. 2 ‘ V32 . 3, A Home Appropriations and thcgovernor made his proposal in the r, ,' 2
«:4 Q; J“. " M ‘ .. .. ' , I Revenue subcommittee. deciding a State of the Commonwealth address. a ;
"3 3 2 g . new UK College of Pharmacy he was resigned to the building‘s fate 2‘ 2’ . .
.3, i building isn‘t as essential as Gov. yesterday. "The best I can d0.” he 2; ‘. '
, John Y. Brown thought it was said. "is to point out our needs f“. - .x
.»~3 t: M,, , . “a, -- .1 'b Thursday. sent a recommendation The college‘s primary need is to
. . s§§3~~“ . “77"“ LL: ,1.,,~’_ 2 2 3c f2 '3 t ’ not to finance the structure to the full centralize its faculty members and -. i ‘-
t”; m ‘ .WL' .;~..2 ”QM“ 4.1" mm ~ _ ’i. i . 9* . ' ” , :3: committee Friday. students in a single building. At pre- '"
..;...';.'.'.I...’;..L.L;.,..a..,.... ._ g 2 ,W .. , - Mm ' . g .....- , it The committee meets at 9 am. to sent. classes and faculty members
J ." MW“ .. . . . . . 231% g ,2f:¥gi- L . , day toact on the recommendation. Offices are in six buildings spread k i
,. "; r' "’i " -- ., . Brown. in his State of the Com— acrossthesouthern halfof campus. ‘3 -'
: , . . ‘- _, , ' monwealth address Thursday, pro- The University Board Of 'l‘rtstees
imntouum KornelSlot‘ posed an extensive agenda of new recognized the college‘s space pri» r
__., a? , f 3 taxes and fees to finance $160 million blems in 1975 when it approved the .2
, . 3 ,‘f . " P in new education. transportation and (-‘OIISYTUChOH 0f 8 new pharmacy .
tu ents omeless it ,’ 'fi human services projects. Con- building. but money for the structure :
f3 5 ‘ struction of the pharmacy building has never materialized 72",}:
‘ i g was one of Brown's proposals. Swintosky has said the imprU\P- in
_ . , g; Rep. Carl Nett‘s subcommittee on ment of the college's facilities may .‘2 2 ,
Applecreek hit hard by Friday fire ,, i 5 education. however, voted to stall the 22ft: anhefffct aid 3:13 estimcredi [Mon 45 _,
2.3 .. = " proposal. The Louisville Democrat 0 esc 00 .sc or nextyear. I'j-V.
, I, . . t 1 fl . ”3 said the members did not think they ‘l‘llt‘s :1 23221332515312 l:aec'ceptancedm the ,
. . . . ~- " . . " Should approve new construction (‘0 ege am y a ing sprea 0u 15 ,. 2, .
By ANDREW OPPMANN :23: gfimméjghgfflyysfig 33:31.8 a? ‘ W W43 3:: ' “w,“ . _, ' while questions on program duplica- nogoodi‘ ‘Swmstoskyrsald In a Kernel
Senior Staff Writer namenttickets." ’ . p * ago} ‘ g -: «1,; gig tion and consolidation remain article inday it IS dithUh. he said. '3‘. 4
Teresa VanCleave asecond-year “3" " i- ' 3 9 33 ... unanswered by the Counc1l 0" Higher 30 administer the needs 03 faculty 2.3 2 -’
m law student wash't sure the Mt , ;' 53% . . t Education. members and StUdentS- and to com- [I 1:1,; ,
‘ Several UK students were left building was on fire until someone ,. W . 2‘2 3 "; ' W a Nett said additional space could be munlcate with them. when they are ~ .'
homeless Friday after an early told her . ’1"? ’ ' '.~ “..~, ‘ g " a. . ~ ‘4: made for the pharmacy school .by spread so thinly 4, 2: .'
afternoon blaze seriously damaged “1 went down to (apartment) 107 . - i2” . 4'0 gm” ,. 3 We allowmg the UniverSity of Louisv1lle . ill .1 hatve tdfone‘ffor Ltrlliellast two ‘i 1' .4
12 Applecreek Apartments. 151 to see someone. I thought someone ., . a W-& W ., to consolidate its dental school With wee s is pu ou ires'or e nnersr it? .1 _
Todds Road. was grilling or something " . '12 . ’73 “3,3553 13;? UK‘S' The pharmacy ““001 could 33' .Sald Rep. Jerry Lundergan. D i' .93.
“The important thing now is to VanCleave said. ’ aw “m, we. knit? . W333“ _ ' then occupy the UK. dental school‘s ltmngtdtén. & R 't ,1'3-2.2.i
get some clothes ' ' ‘ A” I have now "I didn't see a thing 0“ the way 3 r3 3‘3" 2 4.:3‘ ‘* 43:73.32 2 ' 2; space m the UK Medical Center. Nett melmubler 1531“ :30 :ork ”1:350 $303211? "-7323
is the clothes on my back,“saidLee out,butllooked back and it was all . 3‘ fit a . ”37W"; " sa‘d' . _ u. ' t 8 th f. Th Mg g.
Greenup. second-year law student. in flames." she said. i... 1 Te - It? i... ”Masai " at: f ”w“ ' The ”mm”? “3‘7“” “3" J93 p” ".‘g 0-" .3”) er "8' "3 vph 7 "r .
The fire claimed some of The fire believed tobethe result WA, a ‘ ‘ r ,. Clarke 9'98"“‘19' sa'dthe comm” "we" bu‘lmng‘ “merge" Sia'd' .5 ‘-
Greenup's most valuable “386- of a malfunction in the furnace ig- gs ., g“ “Kw” '. 2,32,§::g-.;..g?§ f tee cannot act on spending matters another of many issues affecting t K . I)“
sions —- his legal textbooks and nited the roof of the ancestor-y .t :3 '2 W “332:2", ._ 2 3 ‘ WithWt hrSt knowing how ”NC" for meh he WI“ strongly fight. ai‘d' -,‘ ,3
notes along With his Stereo! televi- building and destroyed the upper :r**”é"ei; . . 25:53 revenue Win be available. And S33.” 3 N do my 33853 tohavea 30333330333353 {132$ ‘22
sion, video cassette recorder and three apartments.'l‘he other nine “,m’s§*?‘f,’ . 7i I 3“...” ._ .49 Mike Moloney. D-Lexlngton, c‘hair- “’59" that the bmldmg ‘5 funded.
wardrobe. apartments suffered extensive ’. M~:.-'..-,.;~;;v W; i ' 9 , man of the Senate A 81. R‘ committee. Donald t,lapp.-wce president for ad- :3. i; ,7
“l'Ve 80t 38.000 in fire in- water and smoke damage. ’aeh3‘313332 QC. 1 ' ““3““ t said the fate 03 the building depends "3133353333203 882d there 33 support :1“
surance." hesaid. “It's not going to Estimateson the costofthe blaze 4*33«.r:"”3 f . 1‘2 -, ' ‘E‘ 4 2 22%.” on House approval of Brown 5 tax ".19 “3815mm"? for the bmifj’ng' a . ;.,-
. cover it, but it's better than range from $100,000 to $200,000, 3% aw ' m gym ;; .1, 1.3333 fig ”‘3’ *3 package. _ . ding 9383 conflict over 33 Is far from g. 2’
nothing.” Residents. left homeless by the "Masts; gigggs 5?: =3; ’5: .2 Moloney said he intends to ask the over. I»;
“I only went back in for one blaze were given {_c'nporary hous- .. 3233:” 3333* trig; "‘ti‘w‘“ . 2'4 if: :33?in congpitgw to finance ththe “The dizpartmerittlahast a SCI‘IOté;
. ,, . . . . W . 1'“ ‘ M»- . «v2 . ., - it "2 ’53.. ' 'n i e ouse a roves e space pro em we ve 0 rest) ve. 3’2
thing. said Lester Demaree, inginunoccuoit’JCiplirtments. VIDMAVII KarnolStoH packagge. pp Clappsaid. 323.2231.
B I h" d th at short promis 'ng caree ‘2
_._—_._— ‘special one' of their children," pressure from gangs and other leader of abandof killerbees (“Your drunk." the Toronto Globe and Mail commitments.
By BARBARAF’RICE SALLEE Belushi said in a Newsweek inta- groups forcedthetroupetoleave and pollen or your wife"). the Greek said. Two movies starring Belushi were '. ~ '
seniorStafferter view. one of the few times he spoke eventuallydlsband. owner of a luncheonette “Dustin Hoffman proved that a released in 1979. The first was Old g
abouthisfamily life. HesaidhisAlba- In the early 19705, Belushi joined (“Cheeseburgen chips. Pepsi"). movie leading man need not be tall, Boyfriends. in which Belushi played . '
nian parents “sacrificed everything" Chicago's Second City comedy club. Beaver Cleaver and a spastic imper- chiseled, and dashing. Now John Eric Katz. an aging rock mUSlClan. , ‘ .3
“You change. In your twenties. you for him. “a school where comedians learn sonationof singer Joe Cocker. Belushi has demonstrated that he can He was credited by one reVlewer as - .‘. _‘
fee] like you're indstructable‘ that In high school, Belushi was chosen about improvisation. satire and WOI'k- The samurai warrior character was be a slob." said Tony Schwartz in “giving a performance that was full
nothing can kill you, and you laugh at captain of the Wheaton Central High ingwithin a group." Bill Murray. Dan conceived while he was playing with Newsweek. of both humour and pathos." The ' _ '
death. Just try tokill me, you know?" School football team his junior year Akroyd, and BChIShl'S younger his cat, Bellshi said in a radio inta- “No matter what role he plays. he is mowe was another boxoffice failure. . ,
_. John Belushi. Rolling Stone. Jan, and elected homecoming king in 1967. brother Jim are also “graduates" 0f view. adding that Lorne Michaels. always John Belushi." said Charles Belushi starred with Avkroyd. ' ‘ ‘
21' . hissenioryear. SecondCity. producer of “Saturday Night Live." M. Young in a Rolling Stone profile. Treat Williams and Robert Stack m : _~ \
Belushi's words took on an ironic After graduation, Belmhi PM" Belushi also appeared With Chevy appreciated it more than his cat. “The almost certain prospect of Steven Spielberg's ,9“, a comic 1
castasnewsofhisdeathatssshocked ticipated in a summer acting pro- ‘ Giase in Lemmings, a parody of the In 1978. Belushi played Bluto becoming a major star carries the treatment of the invasion scare that “-
his fans across the nation Friday. gram for gifted students at Michigan rock music world. National Lampoon Blutarsky in National Lampoon 's danger of being typecast as a maniac gripped “Mom,- a f0“0\ving the 7 .
Preliminary tests to dew-mine the State. He then performed in a few produced this off-Broadway produc- Animal "01482.8 satireofcollege and for the rest of his life and ultimately Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. . -
cause of death were inconclusive. summer stock shows, including Ar- tion in 1m and it played for two fraternity life intheearly 198(1Many boring his farm. But, [doubt this will The movie was considered a rarity
Further tests on Return”: body are thur Miller‘s The Crucible. years. ‘ . reviews for the movie were positive. happen because he would bore because dame Spielberg's directing ‘
scheduled for today. Belmhi wanted to perform his own In Febinry1m4.3elmhiagalnioln- but some were condemnatory. “it himself first." and the large number of “name" per- ‘
Belushi's comic genim produced a material after he became disillmion— edwiththeNationat Lampoon staff to revels in deliberately disgusting A part in Jack Nicholson's Goin‘ {omers_ ,t too did poorly at the b0, . .
career that spanned actim in high ed with acting. He formed an im- write. direct and act in segments of humor of the sort usually called South followed Belushi's triumph in ,mm
school. summer stock. radio broad- provisational comedy group tlntper- TthatlonalLampoonRadloflour. _ 'sophomoric.”rhe Christian Science Animal House. Belushi played a but the disappomtments were
eating. improvisational comedy. off- formed inthebuementota church. he following year brousht Belt-hi Monitorsaid. maney chicane deputy sheriff in the followed by a large dose of success.
Broadway theatre. television. “MattaoffactJthinkthat’swhce into American livingroomeasa ”N“ The majority 0f the reviews for imboxofficefailure. Willie Belmhi and Aykroyd were”.
records, and movies. [did my bat comedy." Belt-hi said Ready for Prime Time" player on Beluhi himself. however. were In September 1m. Belinhi and formmgon Saturday Night Live. they
He was born Jan. 24. 1949 in intheRollingStoneintu-vlew. NBC‘s “Saturday Night Live." Hi8 ecstatic. “Not since Lee Marvin in close friend Dan Aykroyd announced created the Blues Brothers. two ‘
Chicago. the oldest of four children. The church was in a “"rough part most memorable character from the Cat Ballou has there been such a they were leaving “Saturday Night characters who starred in a movie of ‘
"My para“! considered me the of town, accordim to Belt-hi. The show includedaumum “Mon"! My northern-mic and lovable Live.“citing other film and recording 5.. mug... 909.6 ,
. ‘ so I V 2

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. fduo: iul Emmi
em Mellon [on em... a..." and». Mn Cmuh Ilrbv "own- at. m an.
I [dam maven Du, Ed-vo: Moneys. Davis 390!“ sang. Avis Educ: G'ooh'K‘idI'o' Photo Educ:
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ersuaSIO" .........- .......... .. '°“"""" ““'”"”"“’" """°°“ '°“°“"
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' V Wfl—v~._~ ,__,7__‘_____—___—_________.___. _________.___..__————,A. A____________
. I I I C I
..» Close 03” Efficiency of officiels must take precedent over financial interests of SEC
. Tears dotted the visage of Ole Miss basket- But three times this year the system,has
, ~ I~ .I ball head coach Bob Weltlich. He was sadden- failed. .
, . ed, not because of Friday’s 62-58 loss to UK in On Feb. 20 a “whistle-stop timer” malfunc- AW, gfop GRtPt N ' AM’ 7 R1 IN' TO C/fllA/CVE TH'RU“§~
'. _~ -f- a semi-final game of the Southeastern Con- tioned, and an SEC ruling allowed Tennessee’s T
. ference Tournament, but because he was the last second basket against LSU to stand —giv- ‘(OU KNOW t HE. oNLY/QML RULE- OF: H‘s
i latest victim of poor officiating. ing the Vols a 54-53 victory. Before that, “‘5 17 ____
fl"? ~’ Weltlich leveled a harsh, penetrating however,theruling went the other way. GA ls THE W5 OF ; :70 B
7.: f . 3 criticism of the work of officials Don On Feb. 3 the same device malfunctioned _
Rutledge, Wally Tanner and Ormond Brown, during the overtime period of Auburn’s 83-81
-. -. dared SEC commissioner Boyd McWhorter to victory over Kentucky. The Wildcat’s tying it
~ “ .i . suspend him for his attack and praised the ef- goal was nullified and the clock reset, but the ‘ l I z
.- 1. 2' forts of his players - “my kids are crying timer malfunctioned a second time. The solu- a» I!
4. .r ,. f I their eyes out. n tion — use the sideline clock to keep time. Hm” “W” W” 32
'. j , “Under the circumstances, I put the In many respects the Southeastern Con- . i -
'.I‘- ;. strongest crew on the game that was possi- ference is a powerful part of basketball. Our / l .l ‘ M y
‘-’_f , " ble," explained John Guthrie, assistant com- image outside the conference is important, but U
'- . missioner of the SEC. “It was one of the most currently this image has been badly tarnish- I * <5)
4 . .. ., j difficult games to officiate I’ve seen in a long ed. \ l i M»
time. So many calls, ‘big calls,’ could have At least the damage is not irreparable. ll .
" '. gone one way or the other." Those responsible for the operation of a major I .
. If the game was so important (and it was), if basketball conference should closely examine ’ l H” ”mm
' 7 experienced officials were needed (and they the current selection process for officials. . i ”Mr
,I were), then it‘s a shame better qualified of- They should strive for consistency. . , . /
~ _. ficials were not selected for the SEC tourna- The Southeastern Conference board, - , ’
» . I If ment. chaired by UK President Otis Singletary, does ® I
i I, , 't He’s correct. Basketball is only a game, a not appear to be doing anything to correct the “I.” , ’33" I
~ , game that brings enjoyment to the players problems. One reason couldbeafear that con- :1 "
-_ 51., and fans, and financial gains should be of tinued rule changes would result inafinancial 1. , ..,.
. f; secondary concern. Emphasis mustbe placed loss. This, however, should not deter board .5555? ll ""553. .-
7g]: on assuring teams that the rules will be fair members from taking the proper course of ac- . . . . ~. ’6’?
L' and properly administered. tion. ,"".,’”555§5 ’3' (mm... '-
» ', Major college basketball referees are often If there are faulty rules, the board should be *I‘ , _ '7’ ,igg ,‘E _.r
- ,‘I. i. the object of fan and coach criticism. Each considerate of the teams. Ole Miss was vic- “in, . .. ”*4" :3‘; V ‘
;, . "I S referee is generally aware of this before he or timized, and therefore did not receive a bid to ":1; t. ~ "mm": i g; i' ~25
'5 . j she reaches the big leagues, because it takes the national championships. Weltlich summed , ' a ‘ ‘ 3, .. .1: - ‘ 4—

_v 1 time to earn the priviledge of working a col- up the situation best, “It’s a shame for teams ' A
, I- :~, .~ lege game. at this level, in this league, to have the kind of

.j. “i? _______________————————-————————-———————-

,1 ‘3'; . Bullets
. -', 5 ' _.__,---_,_, “WM--. , WW- ___,,, ,, u__-_,cfi-._ _,;-#._.#__e___________________________.______.___.———————————

III; I 3“" this portion of the library. The first suspect that he did not wanttosee the for polluters to be compromised, (Report of the President’s Council on

'I ' The system was on aISunday afternoon. I do not SA senate pool of potential candidates for his postponed or eliminated. Finally, the Environmental Quality). Of course
.' ,. - A: look for illegal spaces in which to seat expanded. . I amendments would actually exempt these figuresdonot include intangible
. , Sometimes bad feel'n need t be leave my naive and trusting car sub- . . . Although I agree With portions of large industrial sources of acid rain results such as the emotional life one

I . ‘ _x, , ‘ gs ° Ject to those nasty Jaws of the tow- In response to the editorial ln youreditorial,ma I intout that 00- llutants from the w ‘

I .. . , bl call e ed f th I y p0 p0 la . These would gets fromabreathoffresh air.

I. III- pu tIi ys bignesst , even in ose truck. Wednesdays (Feb. 24) Kernel about casionally the Kernel’s coverage of certainly lead to compromised air
. :’ IsenI Imetflhe mg 0 ogzbsma v0ice lam the average student trying to the Student Assoc1ation Senate Senate meetings is incomplete? quality forthenation. So, if you feel that we cannot allow
.I w; I acmg ever-Iormi ‘6 system. work to make ends meet while going meetings. I ayee that Senate time environmental protection to become
.-I .. . . 5:9 5133?)!" to “Web I am refer W18 15 to school. Though I am probably more could be more productively used. In Vincent Yeh These proposals are part of thepro— the scapegoat of our present
i- ' - ~ ~ conscientious in that I checked the recent weeks, I have been talking Physics graduate student gram ent'fled”E°°“°m1C Recovery” economic difficulties I urge you to
.' ‘. II reaIize that it IS the job of the Chemist -Ph sics rkin lot as with representatives of student However, the question remains on write your congressman now and ask
31' . ;I.I,I._.« IIiK police department to patrol and l ry , y Ipa g populations that are not well . how effective the proposals will be. him toopposetheDingell-Broyhill bill
2'. I~ i ticket any illegially parked vehicles. _We 1 as the Fm" Arts one before com— represented in the Senate. 1 have Clean a" The supporters argue that there will (H R 5252)

.~ However, the department seems to mg towork todayBotIhwerefull. . be 'n ed ~ - - ' ' '

, . _. . _ _ So h uldlha dr ba kh recorded many concerrs, which have 1 creas JObS m the mldWSt due . . .

., '5 .._ ve ve an overw eminga- . i - ~ to' ' S a ess ‘5: “3' l

, ' ‘ I ha ‘39 loped h 1 f s 0 ve wen c ome not been addressed by the Senate. Soon there Will be an issue debated industnalgrowth. “1 ddr Larry HOP!"

I -.'.:-j T» fection (or grudge?) for my small only to walk to work once more . . . . United States House of Represen-

I III .. II . I babl thi rt t 1 t f However, let me pomt out an issue in the House of Representatives that . - .

I‘ 5'. blue Mustang. . ‘prka I): d th “3; mull: I? a e] or raised at Monday’s Senate meeting will haveadirect effect onthequality Ontheother hand, they say verylit- tatives, Washington, Dc ”515'
Over theIpast school year, while WI? da k em paw: ome, 21:26”. with long-range implications that of life for each ofus. This debate will tie about the lossof revenue up in the Speak now or forever hold your

.‘ II II ,I quietly and innocently waiting for it‘s a er ar , WI egree wea r. were not mentioned in the Kernel. A center around pro amendments tourist dependent areas of New breath. We can not sit idly by while 10 ‘
.2 driver to return from work, my car Of course 18Idegrees is much better Constitutional amendment allowing to the Clean Air pAocstedof 1W0 These England and Canada. There, increas- years of environmental protection
, III. I has been ticketed seven times; not to than the rain, snow and sub-zero part-time representation on the amendments (Din ell-Bro hill ed acid rainfall would kill the sport- progressisbeing raped!

.IIII»,I_, III, mention three tows. lcan think of bet- temperatures to which I have been Senate was introduced only to fail by amendments to Clean i“ Act 3}} R fishing and tourist industries on

-.'I_.-,‘I-._:, ter ways to spend 5115. (Not including SUbJeCtEd‘ One vote The Sponsomg committee 5252I are an attempt to mmOI’Ie the which many people depend. Arethose Patrick Burns
“Ti-t3" ‘- 7'. _.‘A the $25 Whid‘ 1_ paid for a parking , Since IIseem to be causing SUICh an has vowed to reintroduce it. In some teeth from the air quality enforce- JObS any 155 valuable? Medical student
I._III,III.. sticker while livmg at Greg Page inconvenience for the UKPD w1IthIall ways the needs of part-time students ment program, Centering their argument on the

i. ~ .' ;,3, {\pagments. from where I was also thet trouble theybhavI: s03: ItII striding differs from those of full-time In effect, the Dingell-Broyhill bill single issue of economic growth the _' " ‘
"II-j .5 . ,» "-. ".I 1 W l- I 0“ my car,ma ye Iey 1 W0 students. would take air pollution control back industrial lobb 'sts and the Red n '

1.57, 4“"‘2‘ When I moved off campus in Dec. be less time consummg to Simply of- For instance, evening students to the 1950‘s level. The amendments administration’s’leem to overlook wghit tiofil::;?:nfso;tfmegil: 2:21;;
:3 1981. I was ecstatic, thinking 0f no fer meItheir free chaufeur semce? (many of whom are part-time) have would double auto emission limits for the Clean Air Act means to the con- 31 and April 1 Prior to this the
"'ii'.’ more parking Violationssolwork on 01‘ POISSlbly they COUJdlSSUIe "1983115 difficulty with some routing ad- carbon monoxide and nitrogen ox- sumernow. Km... will haunt each ’can-
”In; -: I campus . : . there is nothinngrons permit, so that I coul_d drive to work ministrative functions because ides, the major contributers to inner In 1973 alone, the law saved i4 000 didate’s lagorm Be informed

I ”f“, ,.I.I- WithIIwalking t0 workiIInght- We“. at 1835t one Of the Six days Wthh I departmental and college offices as city pollution. lives, as well as $21 million in health before yo: cast our vote

., I I-- : Sui,‘ Mr, WFB badge "0- 93 Who had the work per week? well as many other University offices Also, the bill would allow penalties property crops and other materials ______.——-—y -

.ij. . ',- 1 courtesy to issue me another of those Also, though I am a Wildcat fan and are closed at night. And this segment' ’

.I: I II’II. yellow envelopes at 5:25 pm. today, proud of the University as a whole, of the campusisg‘rowing. I . I

,.I _ .I‘,iI.i-,‘I.I.,II maybe you would care to walk to and why did not the UK vehicles parked Even this issue was not free from understandl ke to r I

i'IfiIlI L'II‘HJIIHj'Io from classes five days a week; then beside my Mistang warrant the com- political games. One individual who y p em so "9
’._I'II7I-'.I perhaps another trip to andIIfrom the man courtesy of receiving your voted against this amendment is

II,., .‘ '2‘; .,I. Arit‘h Library Six days a weehlIt h yellow envelopes? thinking of running for re-election as During spring semester rush week, blame of this feud oneither side. reaching about 27,000 people each
III I "c. III, e second Citation w c I have . Senator-at-Large. Although he did not my roommate Scott and I were ap— Fratermties and sororities at UK day.

I-I I.” .".’ received in the past month was for l‘lbby L. Mackey give his reasons for his negative vote proached by one of the brothers at a represent 18 percent of this campus’ Because of this, the paper centers
II'I'; 1'“, parking 0" a yellow ““9 m front 0f Amed Healthiumor during 'the meeting, one might popularfratermty. population. Their memberships are its coverage on events which affect
:III II 3 ;.';- Apparently, Scott knew this plaid- refined and carefully selected on the the student body. Recently, the
1:31"; .II ,_IgI, covered individual, so he introduced basisof individual chapter decisions. Kernel has devoted several inches of
i noon COUNTY b memfiem'em ————_ ismsmwmmmhmm
. 'I 1' y Berke Breathed “This is my roommate Andrew education and student financial aid.

. . _ . WM GOT \ \ *‘lH fl Oppmann. He‘s a semor staff writer Staff Various minor events spomored by
i . -: 3- AtLTHE W m / mN'rMess IN NO! SIR’ mum: LRUI’ .. into \ AWMHW forthe Kernel,”Scottsaid. fraternities and sororities sometimes
I_ . ; mpg?“ hang me migrate 3221763395 me Swami newest. “That's OK,”thefrat man said, ex- 0 " ' gowithoutcoverageintheKernel,not
.‘ III . I meBiG W, TONK ' WWMHNZ ALBUM 600661600 ,Q‘ISIIONL I Oo tending his right hand towards me for plnlon because of a hidden hositlllty but a
,1 I}. iI _ . I WM.” mugs, I \ a handshake, “I won't hold that lackofstaffmembers.
'xi an). : 753i A) I - £9: 7~ BSRthYOW" Because of this, the Kentucky
'.-'-g II-, ,‘t F. . t .-‘ ‘ ,It .‘ WI ’I . ? ' .. Greek, the Greek community’s own
III , ,.I. ;I_,IIII , I_, («i I I \. r . E If i Acouple of days ago, I ViSited the It’s not unmual that the claim, newspaper, has the burden of pro-
I'I;‘ .. E 3i ff, 3 . :I: p . . ~\ editors of the Kentucky Greek, UK’s “Most Greeks seem to be identical,” viding the fraternities and sororities
I .' .- i , - .JI , \Ix » I I publication for fraternities and ismedfrequentlyfeople mually en- the news coverage necessary when
. II I i, I _ u / £ I. \ . II I b j git sororities. courage those with likepersonalities theKernelcannot.
.I -. . i I . . /, .l/ . EL‘ . While looking over the pages of an and beliefs to )om With them — and This is not an anti-Greek column. I
_I II .- .4' .l I 2-: I, .K ,I/ [ _,_ E j/ ,I I issue, one of the Greeh'a reporters thusisthecasewithsomeofthecom- respect most aspects of the Greek
.’ ,I .., ———" ' enteredtheoffice. ponentsoftheGreek system. community and most fraternity and
I I. ,I . “Doyouwork for m?,"heasked. The Kernel, however, is structured sorority members thltlknaw.
-I . ,r -' . MT ROCK am; ”I vouthx “No. l'mawriter forthe Kernel."l alittle differently. This is, however, an anti-

. I 10me;ng H QWIngLI Howl?» mmmemq— comm 1m “Oh really? I didn’t know they let is to report campus, state and ne- the roentment heldbysome Greeks
I , .I DANCE. MW 2 , IIIIII, 490” - . 57,7231 Morifi panama? NOW- people who wear lzodsI write for the tional news and publish a newspaper toward the Kernel, and the resem-

.‘ ' - / I ‘ FAMILY” / t ' Shmgjehcek fiidhsmgfi to the girl the t gigdgdgtbody to %m&wm more :33 l

, , . , ew . 'ng'newso s . G ‘Io
1. , I»: 1']. .7 ”4 [I I‘M-«II 1} A ,.I #3” 0 The Kernel staffishomogenou—e simply by understand!“ each
, . . 4,11%,{1 'y' I . {Q I _ ; x, Q .. ~ , '"T’, e It‘s really hard to describe, but sampling of almost every type of poup’uimtionelntbetta. \

. I ,3, If, / +7 $172 t f I . t'Ij’ /: \~ RI there seems to an atmosphere of beckgmtmd. The staff contain per- ' ‘*
. (V ’ r/I 2 ._ ‘1 . , (‘1' /,“’ ,. 4 r3“ discontent between the Greek com- sonalltiee ranging from extremely Andrew Opprnann u a senior M}
_ . ~ . 4,,- 4/; ‘\ _ * munity andtheKernel. preppietoextremely freakish. writ" for the Kernel. He la a
. -I_. . t ' ~ I - If I've thouht about this subject The Kernel is the primary news frcfltman mflortn‘ in polltlcal
, , '1, - i . ”fit“ often. but I have yet to pin down the source of the average UK student, get...“ and journalism.
. v ‘ I. . ‘ l

-"——‘ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday, March 8. 1902-3
. . :4 and ,
Roundup ‘ . .. “it i’ r . .
\ . ,
. ‘ :‘
- ———————m————o————-~~—-—--~~WW“ - - 1- ~ “can " . 5-4 - .
“1 . u' '1 A .
Local Iranian paramilitary groups. Anything the ‘ . 5“. 1. -
United States is doim to help exiled poltical World ~ ' . ' . - p. i, »‘

LEXINGTON—GovJohnYBrown indicated groupsis“indirect,"hesaid. _ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘3’ f“: -
yesterday that his administration may appeal a The Times reported that its intelligence . . . ‘ ~. - . - ,/ ~ ‘ .
Kentucky Supreme Court decision Wthh voided sources said no efforts were being made to over- GivevaW k; 61;“? glpowmfibghop Jose: " ix ‘ ‘ 3*. 4, 7
the ti-ansferIof functions from the state Depart- thmwthelsl