xt7n2z12rh37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12rh37/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 2005 Vol.76 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 2005 Vol.76 No.11 2005 2005 2019 true xt7n2z12rh37 section xt7n2z12rh37 M Volume 76, Number 11 ' ' '
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November 2005 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ;
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v 77 at $31;
Johnson voted new e 1111] S ,. . . ; :
KPA Vice pre31dent . 2
. Kriss Johnson. chair of-the KPA - - - - w ff} ‘53.: 3
Chm-1mm Division; foreMMthe-Pas. KPA Wlll offer onhne trainlng 3; »
four years, harsbeen elected Vice h . M “ l 5
Prgslden‘tfiffifi‘gfiex‘entaeky1.31.335 t0 prevent sexual a1“ aSSment f '
SemceShe we; ' ‘_ .1 BY DAVID GREER Thompson said. M. .
be. {111mg , the-i , MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTOR KPA board member Taylor ‘
une'x-pired'jtremrm. flaws; At its October meeting, the Hayes, CEO and publisher Of the
0f Glenn Gray as fitter. ', Kentucky Press Association board Iélentlpcky '11 New aim in s. 3
VP. , Gray of directors voted to offer a new 0p mstl 2 expresse strong
resigned his post W ‘ member service to Kentucky 811111??? orbt e concept.“ f manage family-owned business- :
earlier this year 3"» newspapers — online sexual 'bl alve' een reign mg a ea- es,” he said. ”I fully intend to Offer 5
to become head harassment training for employ- :1 he‘so utlonhto ,a refss Gigollng the training to all our employees
basketball coach ees. To do this, KPA will affiliate raining thn tUls issue (if. t e is}: of both Iobe Publishing Inc. and .
at Clay County 49 with New Media Learning of 51X moln I‘SI'R pon spea mg X1 The Edmonton Herald News Inc." j,
. ' ' Napa, Calif., an online-training severa , managers 'w ose Man Kentuck newspapers M
High School. t 1 - y y
‘ _ Johnson e du— KRISS provider. organiza ions are 11,5ng 0? 1ne selxd already offer sexual harassment '
Incational ' out- JOHNSON A committee of board members ua :rassment tragmg, amdsoul training for their employees. One
, ugh; d" , , , will work with KPA staff and New on t. e concecpt, _ h ageshsal ' h such company is Landmark "
in??? Mfg”: 13a- ’ ‘ Media Learning to implement the was lngplrfscsie Wlt t 9't oroctllgh- Community Newspapers Inc.,
tor for , eLeXIngton.Herald-,Leader, training program. The board 1:955le e (Emile prolglram £11?) t e with more than 20 papers and
,Wm serve as .Vlce presrdent for the voted for KPA to pay the initial eaSll 1 ityflo ess t an $ per other properties in the state. Kim
remajmder'M-of 'tlIG—fvyear. and W111 be license fee but newspapers will empfchyeet.) b d b d Hogan, LCNI .human resources
preISIdent 916‘:th 2700631191 President pay for their employees’ training. 1]): h]0 e, f oar Niel; er a: director, said her company was
in2007. ' , p' ’ ’ The cost will not exceed $10 per pu 1:15, er 0 383%: . entu: y told by its attorneys that if it was
The KPA/IKPS Executive employee and could be as little as wee “135’ agife ‘ 15 15 a per ect ever brought into court on a sexu-
Committee now consists of Charlie $2 or $3 per person depending on exarp

i>s’e-,- 5: :‘1‘1-‘~'«;?l‘;'.' .1 “ l 2 l The Kentucky Press, November 2005 - Page 3 'f i o o 1_ The Kentucky Press - onlme or print . l i i. It’s like the 01d breath mint ad. 0 1’1 S e C "d ,g; a posted. There will also be an will be dissecting the options in the , - 5 The Kentucky Press is a printed 0 5.9% I archive capability so members can next couple of weeks and determin- j 3 publication. Thought research topics, stories, gee, even ing which would be the best, and . The Kentucky Press is an online "“——_ $3” Staff columns from previous issues. easiest, way to get both products .1 publication. gig”, Providing both a printed prod- done. : Stop. Both are correct. By David T. Thompson not and the online version isn’t any- Probably, the first of the month ; At its fall retreat a couple of KPA Executive Director 3’ thlng new for The Kentucky Press. onlme issue w1ll mirror the printed : weeks ago, the Kentucky Press We’ve done that for the last two product. The middle of the month I ' Association/ Kentucky Press detail the information, stories could years. Originally it was set up to kypressonline.com may contain , Service Board of Directors took up be introduced with a link to anoth- cease printing and mailing The updates on, news, obituaries, the topic. er web site for additional informa- Kentucky Press to state and nation— detailed information about upcom- Is it time for The. Kentucky Press tion. al press associations. It saved some ing KPA programs and reminders : _' to become strictly an online publi- Cost was a consideration as well. money but it quickened delivery of approaching deadlines. . ‘ cation? Do we continue The Though not a substantial cost, the time to colleagues around the coun- About a dozen other press asso— ‘ Kentucky Press as a printed prod— online format would be more than try. ciations — state, regional and ? ] uct, as it has been since sometime in 75 percent cheaper than the printed It was done in PDF format which national — have moved to the elec— f , the 19005? form. isn't the best format and not the tronic form in the last year to 18 . ‘ In the end, the Board decided During legislative sessions, the solution the staff recommended for months. Perhaps we’ll link to news , both would be the future Kentucky online version would include direct the online version. in some of those publications in the L: Press at least for a year. links to bills KPA is watching. But still over the last couple of mid-month. ? . After a motion to transition The The printed product is tradition- years, we’ve seen the online version Don’t look for the first edition in ‘ Kentucky Press to an online publi- a1. It’s what newspapers do and as get more ”hits” than the number of both formats until the first of ‘y . cation for a couple of months was a newspaper association, KPA copies printed and mailed. We December. We’ll notify you each ’ f, defeated 11 to 9, a motion was should mirror its members, don’t know who was "hitting” on time the electronic version is post— ' j ,_ M made that for 2006 KPA/ KPS By the December issue, we plan the PDF format from the web site, ing for reading. 1 ‘ F i would produce The Kentucky Press to begin that move to providing our but the numbers were substantial. Go ahead and make a bookmark 4, ‘ — in both printed form and electron— members The Kentucky Press in The February 2005 issue had for www.kypressonline.corn and f , ic form. both formats. The printed product more than 1,700 hits on it. For continue to let us know what you ' An electronic format would will remain monthly. The online October 2005, the count is right at think. And don’t hesitate to do that. i , allow quicker communication of version will be done twice a month. 800. Both are above the number of If there’s something you’d like to 1 ‘ news about the industry in the For the online version, we’ll e- printed copies. see us add, to the printed or online 1’ state. It would also allow more mail everyone we can the link to Now we begin the process of version, drop us a note. Especially i information in shorter form. www.kypressonline.com to let moving to a more formal introduc- with the online version, we’ll be 3 Instead of printing longer stories to them know the next issue has been tion of the online version. The staff able to do more, more quickly. '; W KU teams up with NPPA for online photo help ' : A one-year, $100,000 grant from Knight support.” , Foundation will help Western Kentucky More WKU news iS available at WKU President Gary Ransdell said the uni- » University partner with the National Press , , versity is pleased with this additional gift from .1 3 Photographers Association to create online tools www.wku.edu. If YOU d [Ike t0 the Knight Foundation. ; to teach professionals, teachers and students how receive WKU news via e_m ail, ”We appreciate the significance of the Knight 'V to produce better photos. Foundation’s continued support of our strong ‘ The project will create an educational pro— send a message to photojournalism program, and we look forward gram, which will include online judging of the WKUNews@ wku.edu. to this new partnership,” he said. NPPA’s Best of Photojournalism contests. A leader among photo contests worldwide, . (I ”We consider this a perfect partnership — the the United States NPPA’s annual Best of 5 : top photojournalism program partnering with students through the event; teaching modules Photojournalism competition attracts entries 3 the top photojournalism contest,” Pam created from contest winners,- expanding photo from still and television photojournalists, photo Z McAllister Johnson, head of WKU’s School of archiving as a learning tool for professionals, editors, and web editors from leading media Journalism and Broadcasting, said. teachers and students; and a roundtable to dis- around the world. . 1 In the Hearst Intercollegiate Photojournalism cuss ethics and First Amendment issues before ”This partnership is an example of how great . contest - the collegiate equivalent of the Pulitzer the contest, then distributing the seminar online. professionals and great teaching institutions can , Prize - WKU has ranked first for 15 of the last 17 ”We are excited about partnering With a pres- work together for the benefit of the entire news years. This year, Johnson was selected to serve on tigious national foundation to recognize some of community,” said Eric Newton, director of jour- ‘ the contest committee. the best photojournalists in the world,” Tom nalism initiatives for the John S. and James L. ‘ The project’s goal is to improve the quality of I-Iiles, WKU’s vice president for Institutional Knight Foundation. 1 news photos worldwide through educational Advancement, said. ”Knight Foundation is a The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation = tools. They include online judging of the Best of leader in support of journalism education, and promotes excellence in journalism worldwide _ 3 Photojournalism contest to help teachers guide we are very grateful for their trust and continued and invests in the vitality of 26 US. communities. Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, November 2005 . . . ,. ‘ More papers reaching out to high schools * " The Kentucky High School covers all facets of journalism, students and other schools. We typi- Iournalism Association, founded Oh, By _ including newspaper, yearbook and cally have 800 students and teachers and sponsored by the Kentucky broadcast, for an entire school year. attend our annual convention and . Press Association, is nearing the end The Way 3%»: We make it very painless to spon- awards banquet. But schools must _ of its annual membership registra- “—— ttftgg " sor aschool. You can send usa check belong to KHSJA before they can " ». tion drive. Our goal— really our mis- . or we can bill you or we can even enter the contest. The next conven- _ . sion —- is to top the 106 member ”gamma L1 deduct the sponsorship fee from tion is set for April 12 in Louisville . t, schools from last year. Director ‘46 your KPS ad revenue check. Many at the Clarion Hotel 8: Conference I ‘ Membership renewals and spon— four schools sponsored papers opt for that last — and maybe Center. . . sorships are looking good as this . Pioneer News, Shepherdsville, least painful way of paying— Since Take a moment to fill out the = issue of The Kentucky Press is pre- three schools you don’t even have to cut a check. sponsorship form you received ear- ' pared for print but we are not quite . The Record, Leitchfield, one KHSIA membership permits a lier from KHSIA and mail to: where I’d like us to be with mem- school school, including its journalism KHSIA, 101 Consumer Lane, . bership totals running in the 805 at . Record-Herald, Greensburg, teachers and students, to attend our Frankfort, KY 40601 or fax it in at present. But time remains and I am one school training sessions, annual state con— (502) 226—3867. If you have mis- confident we will top last year’s . Herald-Ledger, Eddyville, one vention and participate in the placed the form, just call me at (800) - membership total. school extremely popular annual high 264-5721 or e-mail me at At press time, 25 papers have 0 Richmond Register, three school journalism contest. Last dgreer@kypress.com and I can take ' sponsored 51 schools so far. Those schools school year, we had nearly 2,200 the information and get your spon- 51 schools represent 62 percent of o Berea Citizen, one school contest entries from several dozen sorship started immediately. ” our total KHSIA membership. . Mountain Citizen, one school schools. By sponsoring one or more In the past month, these 10 0 Lebanon Enterprise, one school Many teachers tell me their stu— schools, you will help mold the next _ Kentucky newspapers have stepped 0 The Turret, Fort Knox, one dents look forward with great generation of journalists and do . up and sponsored area schools: school enthusiasm to participating in the something nice for students and OLedger Independent, Maysville, To sponsor a school is $50. That contest and competing against other teachers in your community. __—_______________________________________________ . TRAINING “mums r99“. hm: can be used across most of the nation. .M. new media "" "“””""" Although the same sexual harassment training iv; Continued from page 4 I. teaming I t will be offered to all participating members, New V 333 Media Learning offers a degree of customization ees had received such training. :2; For example, when an employee signs onto Typically, newspapers and other businesses swam the web site, they would see a greeting and gen- conduct sexual harassment training in a Class- mom us eral message from KPA- Later in the program, a room-type setting with several employees watch— Resouaczs ”choice” page can be inserted that permits ing a video and then discussing the subject mat— ““7"” employees to identify their employer through a ter afterwards with a trainer. Trainers may even CHECK OUT drop-down menu. When the employee does this, test participants on the material. Employees often the sexual harassment POhCy for that specific sign a sheet of paper documenting their partici— WWW‘NEWMEDIALEARNING’COM newspaper appears. When the employee finishes pation. reading their newspaper’s policy, they will be , New Media Learning’s online training covers ered and employers can set a minimum passing taken back into the main program. . ' the same type of material but permits each score. After completing the course, the employee 7 employee to take the course individually and 0 Company-owned newspapers offering on— enters their name and takes a brief multiple— _‘ then be tested on its content at a time that’s con- site sexual harassment training now might find choice test on the material. A drop-down menu venient for him or her. After completing the online training to be an excellent supplement to will allow them to enter the name of their paper. course and exam _ which usually takes about 40 what they already offer. After completing the test, the employee can print ,_ ~ minutes __ each participant receives an online Kentucky publishers interested in the new acertificate that states, for example, ”John or Jane . certificate, which they print out, sign and giye to member service may want to visit www.newme- Doe of the Bluegrass Chronicle has completed the their employer to be kept on file. dialearning.com to get an idea of what is being Kentucky Press Association Preventing Sexual . Online training Offers several benefits; offered. Click ”Demos” on the left side of the Harassment Training Program Oct. 31, 2005, with , . . Low cost compared to traditional on-site page and then click ”Presenting sexual harass— a score of 100 percent.” , , training sessions led by a trainer, ment demo.” You will also find a list of company ”This is how member newspapers can identify 7 _ ‘ t . Immediate availability for newly hired clients on the web site, including some in their employees,” Gunter said. ”Each paper iden- employees. Traditional on-site training is often Kentucky. tified in the drop-down menu will receive course . conducted on an annual basis, which means some Companies with newspapers in Kentucky and completion reports sent directly to an e-mail employees could go for nearly a year before other states will be able to participate in the KPA address each month.” . . ' . being trained. program if they desire, New Media Learning’s The online training committee comprised of . - o Exempt employees can take the course and Arlene Gunter told board members at their meet- KPA board members will have several issues, exam on their own time at home. ing. Only three of the 50 US. states have state- such as. billing, web site customization and . . Employees are tested on the material coy- specific sexual harassment laws, she said, mean- employee participation, to work out before a ' ing that training material based on federal law launch date is set. . V 7:: \ , , . t ; , - . a'q,‘3"sxes\xt\3.553592.311723;xix.'\ _\"\\‘:§\.\:fo~“' it??? t t . \c 71:: T '1 . . 1". M. The Kentucky Press, November 2005 - Page 5 ‘ SHARING IDEAS E . d ’t for/5 .‘ 1 ’;J/“95§§;5f°§fift ’ ”’fiow ~/‘Z‘{9‘~4' .. ,;:::;'3.1=i?fté'='f'fz-« 1 ‘ it =1 5/5 Dlsastefs come In all She es and 81288- Whlle the disaster that = . . , (We 1 5.;11 15:5: 152% .2:;;1:;‘=.;_;;;,,, 9§;”M»,¢‘W“§ ‘ . ' '. { org/”’3“; affects us may not be as catastrophlc as a hurricane, it is Still . WW” W /§.5‘9//V5~;5 » 1m ortant to have an emer enc lan 1n lace. W = = , gg/ ’g‘w/fia‘f‘a : ...» e? ”e“ Dunng the recent Southeast Reglon NeWSPaper Ad Manager’s _ J "n; .. ’ e3; 1 ,, 44/15; . . . . . ' a»? I . W *2 meeting 1n Charleston, W- Va., t1P5 were glven on how to be more $1 a»; " it .5 ; Prepamd durmg a dlsaSter- affix; = We? . 54/ l 3/ Some Of the Items are . . 5.2331113! 73%” 1 .;;... “ m ‘5’ eas to do whlle Others AdUBTtlSln ' = «1-;92552'5-5/2'5; ; '1 .;;;e 5;»:: -- -. 4%“ wwwgwa», -’» 5;. :=- {.551 5 ,5: 5 5; w ... my” 5.5;" , ' . 2 .. M21133.- » 51%; . “Mtg: :‘s 5 W 5‘“ take some planfilmgfiWhen Plus j a "" " at“ t . . , an emer enc its oweV- . a "f .mu, 33i;.,‘.'..~”5 ‘ gage/tr»! h 81 y. I 'll b .2; % fl 5’1 /§ .532. 14635;,» .;;: l/fl,~<;%g,‘a,;; er, t e p annrng W1 e “3}“ ,, 5, at i». :1' »"‘ .5 a worth the tlme- 7% 5%,. let; 55M?» "‘ at?“ " - By Teresa R9019” ’EA " ‘ ' , WW5» r554 M- -A1ways have a 115t Of - ’6 w mezm»; ’ we; . KPS Dim“)? Of Sales ’ 5 “em 1' a» . 1' hone numbers for co— W . svw1»:z~9z,’;),zze @9mkfi'k». 5:1,, ‘.-1 eat-ta. 12- m;am2aae, 143% ...»: t1 workers and thelr relatrves 3.1;; . .; , . . ,5 . .. ; . .; Ma... 1 . off site. It is easy to get in touch in withaCO-worker when you see 5; er§%§%»--:tgz .=k;;;555;_;f;; ' a "3m, "Xi’ivge1k’5khg them every day. However, 1f something happens to the office, do ”33.1% ééfewfi;mfifi*®%@ you have a llst of phone numbers at home? .3 .. . ._ , , . . ., , . "g, 5 .. _ ,. 1.. A . #1sz If you can’t get In touch Wlth your co-workers, do you have an 55.1,==::=5-»'.<'2.‘." 3 1- ' 1 1 ' ‘1' "2.; " .. ‘4.» - . emer enc contact reference sheet that lists relatives and their ; - a. , .5";=,t=5=E=-='515‘~515E=E1=5-We?) ”gm :’ g y e ' ; - ~ ' a , ', ;M;; phone numbers? Glorla Flowers executrve d1rect0r Of the West 1g! 32%? 43"" Vlr 1n1a Press Assocration, said 1ts assocratron had made co res of M » . .;;... Ware- 2 all employees P one numbers and am“ 9 employees to take so; $551" )::>z“;):>;‘.ti?€ ’ég‘jfilwileg {ax-gt." x)! {go the list home_ J; _ . _ e»;w 1;; 1' 5.3.5.». * 5» t . ' e , h . . . £15553ng ,, . hm . . '3: . 0 Don t rely too eavrly on cell phones. Some people take It for ~ “WW“ W = granted that all of their 1mportant phone numbers are stored in . . . “W their cell phone. Easy access until a cell phone tower is ' ’ destroyed. . 0 Make sure your employees are ready. Have an alternative 5 -.;-. .1 5 ;;;;.g;,:,_:;. ”a; .. .;;; office plan. Whether it be at the local library or at someone’s ,-;.:F‘€123???§;E:.:'Iv=>‘s,g553:;'3;"i?-;,':-E ;, ., ' . .iaeggesstz :x (a? “J»:.»-5y 42x“ mfg. g ‘1; O " i,_ , . ox; » _5 1 32%? ’§ 5°; >3 OUSE, ma 9 sure your emp oyeeS 0W W ere ey are eXpeC e 1-5 1 5 ' l ' “felt; 31% g .;‘t to show up for work in case something happens to the office. _, , . l / an}, =5" 0 Back up 1nforrnat10n on the computer and be sure to store It -_ . , 1 . 5‘53} 4% off srte. What good would It to do to have a year’s worth of back Moog»; , 1’, i i??? 4‘ . a; g‘? (£5 ewe :- up If you left it 1n your desk drawer when a tornado wrped your 55e5eee§ea gig; 3:51“ we office away? . = the” we 1 451$ ' Make sure that you have a hst of your chents and how to get . v.1w5‘5t? “g 5‘5" .;M .r " - 5 . . . , “fa?“xéx.‘ .. 3‘ .55 “35 ~ In touch w1th them durm an emer enc . Chents stlll need hel 5 aw“ ‘1 f5“: w1th thelr work and, if ou are like me lots of our clients are ' ~>3§«“3§§ ‘.‘.. £VM>/‘7<.J‘ d f y ’ h y h a; ,. - 5g _, ,5 ocate out 0 state. ometlmes we may 6 avmg severe wea er e133: 1, ‘. 1 '3 ‘f 3:; gen» ' .._ but the client 1s working Just like It there IS nothlng wrong. We .- . 2% ‘1 ' c that 1nd1cates who to contact In case of emergency and thelr “3 ., $5 - phone number. WI:5.5t:.:-::§:\'!'=?.’:3.‘::'§:E;:5'5535E1332:555E5E';:;-:'_i:";§;lfi.§iv‘§‘§3;.:§:§,::55; 1; , . 5111;552:333“; “gerarr‘v “3553;925:55}?15,2:21-2. ’ , .‘ ‘3='EF3=22 ” » ' ' 2- fig!" ' :1 ;: .- ° Keep the Office StOCked Wlth Plenty Of fOOd and Wfiten I'm . 55" > - .5 - 5 - . E egg; .5 . .;;; , '1 glad I was given permISSIOn on thlS one. I have plenty Of food and “ .5 ,5 ‘1 1 '- . ' - § flit €533.12: 1' t = water (enough for a few frlends) at our Office 50 1 f9“ Pretty COH- fident on that one. PHOTOS BY JOSHUA WILSON - WEST VIRGINIA PRESS ASSOCIATION 0 Make sure your exits are Clearly marked. If there is any trou- - ble with access to and from your building, make sure to address 1 To : Gloria Flowers, executive director of the West Vir inia Press Association listens to the ' 1t. . = discussion during the Southeast Region Newspaper Ad Managers meeting held Oct. 6-8 1n Finally the last suggestion was to make sure that the Office has ' ‘ Charleston..Flowers was JOlned by He1d1 Hoffman of South Carolina Press Assoc1at10n, Leigh plenty of flashlights and batteries. There should be at least one Tortorlcr of Alabama Press Assocratron and Amanda Pearce Of Tennessee Press Assoc1atron. battery operated flashlight per person in each Office. Stairwells . Center: Also taking part In the SERNAM meetlng were Rick Hammell of Georgla Press can be hard to navigate in the dark so it is important to have a , Assomatron, Alanna thchre of South Carolina Press Assoc1atlon and John Jackson of the plan if the electricity is off. West Vlrgrnla Press Assocratron. .Bottom: Frrst to the meeting were Barry Jarrell of Our wish is that you don’t ever have to implement a disaster Tennessee; Teresa Revlett representlng Kentucky and Indiana; Amanda Pearce of Tennessee; preparedness plan. But if you do need a plan, right in the middle He1d1 Hoffman for South Carolina; and John Jackson Of West Vlrguua. of the actual disaster is not the time to be taking care of it. \_-\.,.5 \_s. c' ‘ :"1’f, ’ . . Am - ’:e‘~ 1 , 330'. ., , .I 5 , a. r; 5, 1 w v .A, 4, (1-1,; , 1: ‘ 7' .‘1.’r.2’..;§ggg_u. { 1 . _ , . .. ‘.~.' ~ I!“ ’2 he? hm“! 1.80:) F51 . . . . ' ‘ 2085 q ‘ KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION NEWSROOM SURVEY W! i . V OW 0 you an ; ~e 5” ml 9 copy. . esyurnewspaperullsh ‘ " H . ' ._0W0esthepub11creact . Or, - . * free" .4 . sumltteltemS’r‘r‘e ‘ Greaflyappr0V63365% figmeagsfi hlmafl68853% — API9V6853% . nesfaffmember(CIerk}463%ei“/i *‘ . Egageentsteddmgs731% ShgdydlsamVeS97% Vaflsstaff‘memhemfiéqoéw ‘ . , ' Amrhrsaneséfiw’ _. i . . , - . “Imesefifih . ‘= . :5 ‘ . ‘ v f . ' , _ . ' ‘ r. ‘ " . ‘ srerveeeevemwweeW‘wrweweehereeeehwewm. . . 3:. , , ,, . , J » _ ., . ' KENTUCKY PRESS “mm“ NEWS “UREA" ' eeeatrsyeurgent . ‘ , .35 ’; ‘ ' ‘ If you can learn one thing from surveying editors around the fig, tgyie;r‘¢s,hengéis: ; . - . _p . , yum/vavejlttajjnsn , ‘ . V 7 , State/You W111 ‘1“1Cklyleam thatthere aFe a1°t°fways OfPubhshmg /ficycafglnfr i ‘ - - hrf‘; . ' a newspaper- . . ' he‘ ~r - ' suttey. ,. Thts survey, Which was'tntptred hy severl phone cans to we sniffecyl’ “aesyurnewslaaers about what other papers d0 in relation to submitted COPY, takes a , ' ., - . ' ' quick look at nevvspspers and how they deal wtth items from the ~ Nbsrefwrdslzw . , llcyencurager Public . - . Everyfl‘m’mwgg” i ' ‘ : Setamuntfmfaun . . , This survey, which is not a p011 and isn’t sciefitificv' offers a Fiatratee’?% . = * scura£sttecyi ghmpse into other papers senses. - Penrarew . L-r » wwfafehw One et the most tntereetthg stettsttes brought truth the srvey rs d6 , - -; .. Nhtensefirt .. the number of papers offering free obituaries. For the purpose of this *e’euge~rat$“””"’€‘e'¢14%% ' " " . ’e‘:a9€’%eveagfi$fa§%§e§%é .. ' eEnEQuragses“,/%“e‘té‘r‘f;%§€frjfigf% séeééfijf” 1’ "’fl ’ survey, obltuarles are cons1deredrboth complete obltuarles (which Frcétsnscfibfirskelge . Eclmeseflréééreev/ . Isiaher2¥4%:ew typtcally contam a long 11st of survwors) and the smaller ”death , Beer/awesrm . a: . ’gyftrewefl rr/hssrsrsee notices” which usually only gives the date and time or services. %g:§e:;:ifi?:fie§fgéggggJigimg.3;:;:;;igfr -7 i ‘. ngzflgfiégflat§fifiéiffspawe’,* ”e:r,’x/reu’teferéL/esereeidf/e th Manyyofthe edttors Included addmonal mformahon concernmg firigflgggégfiwx . ,‘E‘Wfé’arésetutuswmé ' '