xt7n2z12rg0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12rg0x/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1990-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 1990 text GLSO News, October 1990 1990 1990-10 2019 true xt7n2z12rg0x section xt7n2z12rg0x NEWS 1990 @l 5 @
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from GLSO News staff
AVOL, AIDS Volunteers of Lexington, Inc., AVOL’s busy weekend was followed by a
sponsored two fund raisin events durin conference sponsored by ACT-Lexington, Inc. on
September, promoted on art 310W, participated Monda evening, September I7. The to ic,
in a conference sponsored by AC -Lexington, "The gost of HIV,ll harmonized with AVCgL's
and encouraged AIDS awareness at the city's fund raising campaign. About a dozen people,
Second Annual Roots & Heritage Festival. including AVOL's Executive Director, participated
The organization's major event was its Third in a panel discussion before an overflow
Annual Summer Benefit. Held at ArtsPlace on audience in the Public Library's Board Room.
Sunday evening September i6, about ISO Panel members focused on the cost of medical
people gathered over a three hour period to care and some techniques they have learned to
support AVOL's education and client service access alternative resources. The psycho-social
activities. Attendees mingled while enjo ing impact of the disease was also discussed. State
music, beverage, and hors d'oevres donated/ b Rep. Paul Mason provided a very personal
local merchants. Black and white attire, with insight into how his daughter's illness has
some in formal dress, added to the festive affected his life.
atmosphere. The evening concluded with a An exhibit by artist Kevin Barnhart occurred
raffle drawing of 24 prizes, also donated by at Artist's Attic, Victorian Square, the second
local businesses. Net proceeds from the raffle, week of September. Barnhart uses computer
admission tickets, and related contributions enhancement to produce images which reflect
raised over $5,200. The Benefit received his personal rspective on the gay community
extensive coverage the next morning in the during the AIDS epidemic. His work has been
Lexinpton Herald Leader, and a highly displayed in major metropolitan areas across the
compimentary Editorial in that paper on country. The exhibit was promoted by AVOL,
September i9. and several Board members attended a
The Benefit weekend was "kicked off" by a reception for the artist at the exhibition site on
private showing of the movie "Longtime Sunday, September 9.
Companion" on Friday ni ht, September I4. Finally, AVOL volunteers manned an AIDS
Held at Lexington Green %inema, the theater awareness exhibit at the Roots & Herita e
lobby was alive with activity during a 45-minute Festival held downtown on September 22. Tfie
reception before the show. Refreshments were festival was organized to promote Black pride
served and AIDS education/prevention and to expose the entire community to
brochures displayed. About T25 people African-American culture. AVOL has undertaken
attended the reception and private showing. It several outreach projects targeted at Blacks
netted an additional $560 for AVOL pr rams. because of the rising incidence of AIDS amongst
AVOL has spent over $31,000 soOTar this minorities nationwide.
year to romote AIDS education and to assist In related news, NAMES Project Kentucky
those affected by HIV Disease. September's displayed a portion of the memorial quilt at the
events raised enou h money so that year to Singleta Center for the Arts on September 2.
date income caungt up with expenditures. The exhibit coincided with the arrival of students
Support of future events is increasingly important returning for the fall semester. Educational and
to meet the growing demand for client services. commemorative material was offered.

[ ] Please send me information on GLSO. ASK AUN
[ ] l'd like to become a votin Member of
GLSO, includin home deiive of the ———'——_—
GLSO NEWS orig discounts at gLSO Dear Aunt Mary,
functions. Membership of SiO/yr. i am uncomfortable discussing my sexuality
individual, STS/yr. couple, is enclosed. with my doctor. l have no idea what his
reaction would be. Any ideas or does it really
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but matter?
please send me the GLSO NEWS each Waiting patiently
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee.
Dear Waitin ,
Yes, it dgoes matter. it ma not op or to
Name: matter as long as you remain healthy, b); ay
men and lesbians often have health needs tTiat
Address: differ from other grou 5. To help your physician
provide you with the best medical care possible,
City, St, Zip: you should feel free to discuss most aspects of
your life with him or her. This calls for a
Mail to: Newsletter, PO. Box 11471 trusting relationship and, regardless of whether
Lexington,KY40575 you are "out" to others, you should seriously
coEsider informing your physician for your own
so e.
To inform you doctor about your sexual
preference can be a fri htening and stressful
GLSO News is published monthly by the experience and it can onTy help to know what
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. our doctor's reaction might be, based on his or
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), her rvious histo . The Gayline operated by
P.O. 80X 114%, Lexington, KY 40595. GLSOehas a list of doctors who are sensitive to
the needs of gay men and lesbians and you
Craig Clere, Managing Editor can check this list a ainst the list provided by
Esmerelda Collective, Esmerelda Parlour your insurance provider. Or if you have an
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist otherwise good relationship with a doctor, ou
might consider asking him or her about i:llV
Additional Contributors: NGLTF, HRCF, Craig, testing. In this way, without telling your doctor
GLSO, Laura, Joyce, Heartland, The Advocate; about your sexuality, you can get a feel for his
Typist: Craig; Equipment: Dave; La out: Craig, or her sensitivity about an issue that is of
Steve; Mailin : Bill; Courier: Kenneth; Folding & concern to the gay and lesbian community. A
Stuffing: Debbie, Melanie, Teresa, Craig, Dave, doctor who recommends anonymous testing at
John. the health department and is aware of the
changing attitude towards testing is likely to be
sensitive to the issues of a gay man or lesbian.
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the You should expect your doctor to be
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO supportive of your needs. Most of us have
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions been socialized i0 see doctors C15 authority
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the full name figures and we often forget that he or she is a
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not service provider whose responsibility is to meet
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the right to alter our needs. If your doctor doesnt meet your
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as needs then he or she should be replaced.
well as the right to reject any submission it deems offensive or
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does if you would like to write i0 Aunt MO , send
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business's your letter to: Aunt MO , c/o GLSO, rho BOX
customer preference. i i47i , Lexington, KY 4’5575.
2 Oct GLSO

from Kate Black

On, three consecutive Sunda afternoons discrimination to safe sex, community education,
beginning November 4, AVOL (AIDS Volunteers and the celebration of sexuality and life; and
of exingtonj1 will be screening VIDEO AGAINST from resistance to the mainstream media's
'AIDS, a tree-part program of independent distortions to rassroots activist responses. The
media productions distributed by the Video Data works in VIDEgO AGAINST AIDS are diverse in
Bank at the School of the Art Institute of form and style, too - from lyrical and campy
Chicago. The program, a six-hour compilation music-videos to experimental and surreal pieces
of 22 works by various video artists, will be to boldly confrontational documentaries.
shown in two"—hour installments at the Lexington AVOL, a non-profit education and service
Central Public Libra 's theatre. or anization serving people affected by HIV and

VIDEO AGAINST AIDS is conceived as 0 AIDS, is sponsonn VIDEO AGAINST AIDS
counter-representation of the AIDS crisis and as rimarily as a culturaT and educational program,
cultural intervention through the venue of home but ho s to raise funds with the event as well.
video distribution. Due to the mainstream SeveraFeLexington organizations and businesses
media's inadequate representation of AIDS have generously contributed money and labor to
issues, individual artists, friends and family of help offset the costs: The Bar Complex, BHRA
PWA's (People with AIDS), and community jBIuegrass Human Rights Advocates), GLSO
activists have been inspired to create alternative Gay & Lesbian Services Or anization),
media information which documents their own Kentucky Film Artists Coalition am? The Metro.
experiences regardin AIDS. This collection No admission will be char ed but donations at
brings together wofi What it my matches don't work out? 0f 3'0” mawh“

I ' ComQuest'receives numerous letters from members who have Note: The use of vetoes restricts the number of members qualified

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your match printout). remaining matches. You can usethe credit to alter your question-
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Addr — live outside the areas listed in the Residence category below. cross
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City St Zip ,
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I hereby affirm that I am at least 18 years of age and that I will hold l_l_l_|_l_l‘l_I’L‘LI—l—l—L|_l_l_l_|_l_l_l_l_l_l_l m
neither ComQuest not its agents liable for the accuracy of informa- [__|_|_|_]_|_|_|_|_LLL|__|_|_]_|_|__|_|_|_|__]__]_|_|
tion provrded or the behavror or health of the people I meet as a 3
result of its services. (Signature is required.) l_i_i_i_i_i_.i._i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i
Signed —____— Dare l_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_l_|_|_|_|_l_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_l_l_|_| o-
Steps 3, 4, and 5 - See instructions Contact listing (Step 2) includes . . . Height/Weight Q
me veto no ok yes Both phone & address Circle mm. per group (required). m
Residence the veto no ok yes Address but no phone , .
— the veto no ok yes Shorter than 56 #
me veto no ok yes Detroit/Windsor m: :3: 2: 3: Y2: gigglibueti‘ciigingfis me veto no ok yes Between 5'6“ and 5'9'
me veto no ok yes Lansing/Grand Rapids y y p me veto no ok yes Between 59" and Steel
me veto no ok yes Toledo/419 call area Religious/Political Belicia m6 veto no ok yes Taller than sleet <
:2 :2: :3 g: y: ggifiwtbits/lgizlzgilsdia me veto no ok yes Catholic me veto no ok yes Slimmer than average 0
me veto no ok yes Cleveland/216 call area me veto no ok yes Protestant me veto no ok yes Avoragolor height
me veto no ok 595 Indianapolis/317area rne veto no ok yes Jewish __ me veto no ok yes Heavier than average :
me v9“) no ok yes Louisville/Loxlngtonlatz me veto no oil: yes vow Agle/ISpIrItual me veto no ok yes Very heavy (chubby)
me veto no 0 yes ery retgious
Pratarrod Relationship/HIV Status me veto no ok Yes Agnostic/not religious -— R'°'_’"'_“°"'my/ Body H." q
Circle QELQJHI per group. me veto no ok yes Conservative You mun '"d‘caw your race/nationality. *
. it yes Liberal me veto no ok yes Black —I
ma veto no ok yes Lover/lilo mate me veto no 0 . .
me veto no ok yes Romantic aliair Vlcol me veto no 0k yes Astan/Onental q
me veto no ok yes Casual sex . . me veto no 0k yes Pacificlslander
rne veto no ok yes Friendship/penpal Circle mm. per group (required). the veto no ok yes Hispanic _ m
me veto no ok yes Roomate ms veto no ok yes Non smoker me vs": no 0" yes caum'th'm) fl
. his veto no ok yes Light smoker me veto no ok yes Smooth (little body hair)
:2 32:: £3 2: 5:: ER; 3:351:15 me veto no ok yes Heavy smoker me veto no ok yes Hairy chest A
me veto no ok yes Not tested me veto no ok yes Non or lightdrinker me veto no 0k yes Very hairy/teddy bear
Entertainment/Social Activities me veto no ok yes Moderate drinker Hair Color/Facial Hair 0
— , me veto no ok yes Non drug user ma veto no ok yes Black or brown hair
:2 :3: 2: g: y: Egeufifog‘r’égfis me veto no ok yes Occasional user me veto no ok yes Blond hair
me veto no ok :85 Spgctatorsports events me veto no ok yes Regular user me veto no ok yes Red or auburn hair_
me veto no ok yes Dining ouVmovie-going Panonallly 2: 2:: x g: y: 3%?" orwhtte ha"
me yam no 0k yes Party-going me veto no ok as lnde tandem/confident y 0 m
me veto no ok yes Dancing/Clubs me veto no ok yes Easp oin /|aid back me veto no ok yes Smooth or clean shaven I
the veto no ok yes Cooking/Entertaining the veto no ok :95 Gooyd-gsenge olhumor the veto no ok yes Mustadte
me veto no ok yes Quret evenings at home me veto no 0k yes Shy/reserved/quiet me veto no ok yes Beard 0
Hobbies/Intorasts/Sports me veto no ok yes Responsible/mature Body Build/Genital Attribute: 3
me veto no ok yes Computers/electronics :: xi: :2 z: y: Lozltlteicmxllgpontaneous me veto no ok yes Muscular/bulky
the veto no ok yes Photography/artycralts me veto no ok yes Emotional me veto no ok yes Swimmers build m
me veto no ok yes Aerobics/body building y me veto no ok yes Average build
me veto no ok yes Volleyball/softball/etc. Masculinity/Appearance me veto no ok yes Not athletic m
:2 :3: 2: g: Y: $33,115": ”#:xszuézfi' me veto no ok yes Very maswline me veto no ok yes Average endowment
me veto no ok :65 campgg/tgiiiingnatureg his veto no ok yes Fairly masculine _ me veto no ok yes 'Wallendowed' *
me veto no ok yes Reading/language arts me veto no 0k yes Average "WWW ma veto no ok yes circumcised (cut)
me veto no ok yes Somewhat lemtntne k N . .
Income/Education Completed . me veto no 0 yes on-ctrcumctsed
4- me veto no ok yes Constdered handsome Favorite Bedtime Activlllu ‘
me veto no ok yes Less than $15000 rne veto no ok yes Considered cute —
me veto no ok yes 315,000-525,000 me veto no ok yes Average looks Circle no more than magmas. o
:2 32:: :3 g: is: fifimarégm me vote no °k yes Plain/homely me veto no air yea Cuddling/caressing .
' Age Range me veto no ok yes JIO (manual stimulation) 3
:2 fig 2: g: :2: Sizrhzzhfllsggfiate You must indicate your ago, me veto no ok yes French active (givesBJ) —
me veto no ok yes HS grad +sorne college me veto no ok yes mm 20 me veto no ”k yes French passtvo(gets 3‘” <
me veto no ok yes College graduate me veto no ok yes 21 to 24 me veto no ok yes Greek active (anal top)
me veto no ok yes 25 to 29 me veto no 0k yea Greek passive (bottom)
_Mlscallanooua/Conllct Inio me veto no ok yes 30m“ me veto no Oh yes va'same. 9
me veto no ok yes Have no privacy at home me veto no ok yes 35 to 39 . .
me veto no ok yes Have no transportation me veto no ok yes 40 to 49 me veto "0 0k yes ExpenmentaI/ktnky N
me veto no ok yes Not openly gay w/lriends me veto no ok yes 50 to 59 ‘ If you enjoy both French and both Greek activities,
me veto no ok yes Handicapped me veto no ok yes 600r over just circle the mo lor Versatile. 0
Send this form with $20 (plus $10 per add'l set of 5 matches) to: ComQuest, PO. Box 1069, Palatine, IL 60078 ' —
Visa/MC card # - — - Exp date Signature Amt

from Whitman-Walker Clinic ;
More than HO gay and lesbian hotlines number of callers also request some form of
now operate in the United States and Canada, counseling: 17 percent on eneral issues, and
relying almost entirely on volunteers who often 13.5 percent on issues relateg to ”coming out."
put up their own money to keep the lines open, Despite attempts to broaden the scopes of
according to the first Nationa Survey of Gay their staffs, hotlines are run primarily by white
and Lesbian Hotlines. males. The gender composition 0 staffs
Hotlines range from a one-person, averages 74 percent male and 26 percent
self—financed operation in Buffalo, NY, to New female virtually the exact same composition as
York City's mammoth operation with 130 that of hotline callers, the survey found. The
volunteers and a budget of $25,000. The racial composition is 88.5 percent white, 5.45
typical hotline is open an average of six days a percent black and 5.45 percent other, reflecting
week, five and a half hours ay, and serves a serious need to improve minority recruitment.
an average of 7,382 callers a year, or nearly Operator recruitment is done largely by word
three conversations an hour. of mouth, a method used by 90 percent of the
The survey showed that most gay and hotlines. About 73 percent use advertisements
lesbian hotline callers request referrals or and about half say t at volunteers are referred
information, about 44 percent, but a large from other agencies.
from GLSO News staff
You've been looking forward to it and now Campers will "rough it" (no facilities). Bring
it's here! Eddie will once again host the Tenth your own supplies, warm clothes, and food for
Annual GLSO Campout at his secluded farm in dinner and breakfast. Eddie will provide a
rural Scott County beginning after 4 pm on comfortable ground to sleep on, a campfire,
Saturday, October 13. There is no rain date and a clear sky. Because the Campsite is not
this year. This annual event attracts people visible from the road, if you have not previousl
from both central Kentucky and Louisvile, so attended one of these campouts, please coil
meet new friends and old just 30 miles north of Eddie at his Lexington home, 259-0878, for
Lexington. detailed directions.
. 2“
3% “W; ‘ I34
"e h -
v . a: nd. 69
‘ ""'"" an . ‘5'"?! \I r m Sulsvnu;
2’ Q .. %‘ gr exrr
3’ I WUMBun'H-h £136
Woods-R _ a
Fan- Houzeh’ TAKE I 73 Mm" I'M
e *occ, 'to SAMEVILLE Exrt
6 Oct GLSO

 Z>A§UVV©KT Ga [Lag 06 \:
A VOIZ’HON OF THE macaw @ENEHT G1.L.6.0,
ONM 75310. OO
,. IJ GM]
4/ fl
\ % [E‘Efléflfi ©L"?
MALL/tau; AT mafia % 071% am EVENT;
MAM, $11.50 ($1.00 123K Foe-mate)
QL60,1.70.130X 1H7! , 153mm“ , Kant/cw 4067?
mu, WEKELDA AT 2653386t 170K MORE lN‘FoKMA't‘ION

 " .
. “‘6“ D3 .
“MW“ 0 9m Le @ 10:30 Hung
"“9 ‘ 1:00
9:30 am
1% § § ea urlng ..
‘ m / ; _ " £4
1ON October 19
$3: 3150 DOORS OPEN AT 8:30 pm Sod Coffee
(52.00 W‘h' cad) . . . . a and Shae,“
Mew“ asanéfgzt‘mfaiafgzgsiy name
For more information, call 31-0335

 Don’t just worry about HIV.
Do something about it.
If you think you are at risk for
HIV infection, now is the time
to consider HIV counseling
and testing.

The test is FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Call your local Health Department,
or, the Kentucky AIDS Hotline at
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

 the Metro on Saturday night, August 1 i. i feel
I need to ex ress what my experience was that
night. Yer Girlfriend brings great pleasure, ioy
Id , p and energy into my life. hat group of wimmin
smere a 5 Ella 1‘ is a real gift to the central Kentucky lesbian and
"3 gay communities.
‘1‘.\ Laura Shine, one of the band's vocalists,
‘. 5 does a blues song which brings her into the
.H' audience. She puts her heart and soul into it
n as well as makes herself quite vulnerable and

We are a cooperative of 3 wimmin: Laura, i assume she feels safe in doing so because
Linda and Joyce. We are willing to make a she has trust in the lesbian/gay community.
commitment to keep Esmerelda going, for a Saturday ni ht i experienced a woman in the
while, anywa ! The questionable ”for a while" audience Vijate Laura's vulnerability and trust.
really depencfs on you. We need your input. I At first I laughed, as this woman moved in
heard Angela’s request for help and then there on Laura, being a seductress, then as 09 ressor.
was silence, and now Angela is gone; but not But then I began to feel uncomfortable, gearful,
com letely, she will be submitting occasional and protective of Laura. 1 saw an assault as
artiches! She has a lot going on in her life and the woman manipulated Laura onto the floor,
I also know without community support this laying on top of her. Laura continued singing
column is a big responsibility. Esmerelda's the son and did a wonderful job of playin it
Parlour is only goin to thrive if you support it off; orfiy to have the woman continue ier
with articles or at Efeast information for us to pursuit as she backed Laura up on the stage.
build on. Give us feedback, your opinions, let's Laura is a talented performer and a beautiful
make it an open forum a two way relationship. womyn and deserves to be treated with respect.
we are willing to coordinate, but we need your She has the right to feel safe and to have no
help. This is your opportunity to confront the one violate that right.
complacency in our community. i am used to seeing that kind of behavior in

I want to take this time to thank Angela for the straight world; that male dominated
all her hard work and for her courage to wer/control game but I expect more from the
challenge us all and make herself so open and liaosbian/ a communig.
vulnerable. Diversity gives us such an I feefgcfisappointe to see it in my world of
opportunity to row. womyn lovin womyn. I am not willin to

I hope to fillow in An ela's footsteps so to assively sit ELack and condone that kind of
speak, by continuing to iallenge us each to Behavior in the straight world, much less in the
explore our beliefs and values, to confront our lesbian/gay community.
internalized homophobia, our racism, our Laura B. Drew
internalized oppression. I plan on informing
readers on the upcoming National Lesbian HELLO ESMERELDA!

Conference scheduled for April, 199] in from Linda -
Atlanta, GA.

My interest lies predominately in womyn's My name is Linda and updates on music
political issues; therefore my focus in Esmerelda. and entertainment in our area will be my

Joyce will concentrate more on the Arts; contribution to Esmerelda's Parlour.
more specifically on literature by providing book I am happy to announce that Lucie Blue
reviews. She requests that you keep her Tremblay is returning to Lexington on October
abreast of good books as well as theater and T2 at the Metro. Louisville-based Yer Girlfriend
other art happenings. will be the opening act. We look forward to

Here's the agenda: as with Rhythmfest with this very special evening; it will beheld in the
its Womyn's Music, Art, and Politics, our warm atmosphere of the Metro downtown. We
contacts are: Music - Linda, 266—9748; Art - are pleased to have a place of our own that is
Joyce, 278-3236; Politics — Laura, 276-2685. willin to brin well known artists to town.

Now then, I need to talk about seeing Yer Vyatch forgfurther details as to advance ticket
Girlfriend, Louisville's lesbian band, on a visit to sales, time, etc. at Sqecial Media and the
10 Oct GLSO

 Metro. Any uestions or for work exchange, ART HAPPENINGS
contact me at cLoo-9748.

For all of you Yer Girlfriend groupies their UK's theatre department will present William
other scheduled concert dates in the area Mastrosimone's Extremities, a gripping drama
include periormanaces on October 5 in about rape and one victim's revenge upon her
Cincinnati, Ohio at Mt. Airy, Ma leridge Lodge; attacker. A young women narrowly escapes the
October 6 in Louisville at BTue Moon on clutches of a brutal rapist and turns the tables
Frankfort Avenue; and the October 12 on her attacker. The pla runs October 23 - 27
appearance at the Metro with Lucie Blue at 8 pm at the Brig 5 Theatre in UK's Fine Arts