xt7n2z12rf9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12rf9n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2001-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2001 text GLSO News, August 2001 2001 2001-08 2019 true xt7n2z12rf9n section xt7n2z12rf9n KY. MOVfli PREMIERE W xx Spoken Word
Tracy Taylor carried onstage? Whether called a poetry jam,

An Independent film With Dancing Borg and Fembots? EV a reading, or performance art,
Kentucky connections is premier- nearly nude? Aquarius? This and everyone is invited to read what
ing at the Kentucky Theater on more was part of the stellar open- they have written once a month at
Wednesday, AuQUSt 29- “LOSt in ing of Coronation 20—The Odyssey the Pride Center. You can even ‘
the Pershing Point Hotel" has been Continues...Yeah Baby, Yeahl! read some favorite words by
sweeping film festivals and is Held on July 8 at the Radisson another author if that will help get
scheduled for theatrical release Hotel in downtown Lexington, you started.
this coming October. Based on Coronation 20 was the culmination We seek to create a safe
early information, the cost will be of a weekend of festivities spon- space. open to all people, to read
$10 with an additional charge for a sored by the Imperial Court of and to listen to the words emerg—
VlP Reception tOllOWan the Kentucky to celebrate the achieve— ing from our lives. Our "9’“ event
screening at The Bar. ments of Reign 19, and Empress Wt" be Sunday, AUQUSt 26 at 7 pm,

This black comedy adaptation XIX Tracy Taylor and Emperor XIX Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave..
of Leslie Jordan's award-winning, Donnie EV Royse, and to elect new We also will discuss the con-
off-Broadway play has been nomi- monarchs cept Of “The \fiolence Of Silence.”
nated for, and often won, "Best Two Hundred Forty people What have you been Pressured to
Picture" and "Best Director" in attended Coronation XX.The festiv- keep silent about and how has that
every film festival it has played, ities started on Friday night with the effected Y°Ur “f3? This may
including LA Outfest, Seattle In-Town show, held at Club 141. become part Of a project for the
International, San Francisco Despite being an "early" show, it Alternative Roots Art Festival next
Lesbian & Gay and Chicago was well attended. spring. Historically Roots encour-
Underground. Saturday evening, the State ages artistic expression that has a

The film is the quirky and Dinner was held at the Radisson. $°°iallUStl°e °°mP°”e"t-
tOUChan story 0f three mismatched Speakers from Lexington and from
runaways in search or their own some of the eleven other Courts in
identities who ride the razor's edge attendance spoke of the important
and misbehave as entertainingly role ofthe Court in their community.
as possible. lt is set in the 1970’s Empress LaTrina Bidet of Seattle
in Atlanta's Glam-rock under- spoke of the benefits of visiting
ground drug scene. other courts, strengthening the

At the'center ofthe film is "The court system, building cooperation
Storyteller', ---0°”tinued 0" Page 2 a n d .....continued on page 12 '

 . a charming, gay, and astonishingly is not simply a tale of drug use, how-
W GAY 81d naive young man who leaves his ever. The relationships among the
‘, LEbBIAN born-again parents in search of bad characters deepen and a spiritual

‘bLlZV boys, "who are good-looking, in an quality emerges. It is the films suc-

3.:1 , ICE inbred sort of way". The author, cess at moving from comedic to
’ ORGANIZATION Leslie Jordan plays this part. serious tone and back again that
‘ Lex'ng’wn Kentucky His comrade is "Miss Make has the critics excited.
Do", a rebellious southern debu— The Nashville Independent
71¢~ tante who has run away from the reports that first-time director, Julia
“L5 0 NEWS rigid life her aristocratic mother had Jay Pierrepont lll “proves herself to
Vol. 15 No. 8 planned for her, and is an expert in be the love child of Fellini and
. "self-medication". Miss Make Do is Flannery O’Conner, brilliantly using
Published Monthly by played by Versailles native, Erin visual metaphors to interpret the
' Chandler, “Happy” Chandler’s text amidst a menagerie of 703
”“11!“th mommy by . granddaughter. Ms. Chandler is music”. - 5‘
“If Lemgmn Ga! Lesman also one of the producers of this film In Hollywood vernacular, “Lost vi
. . . and will be one of the stars attend- in The Pershing Point Hotel” is in ft
30mm 0111mm ing this screening. the flavor of Tennessee Williams
SEEM“! The third member of the unlike- meets Trainspotting meets
321 mm ly trio is "Tripper"(Mark Pellegrino), Breakfast at Tiffany's, with an A
, a handsome, brooding, skirt- absurd dash of The Bird Cage
mm chasin', four-time felon who makes thrown in. 5
Mary Crone John Ridner his living on the street selling drugs If you want more information, 1c
and boys to the highest bidder. The or if you just like cool websights, this tr
Miami-s film also stars Michelle Phillips, one is worth taking a look at: '
. - John Ritter, Kathy Kinney, Marilu www.pershingpointhotel.com
Te Mullrn ,Presrdent ,
Jerrynly-licks lgoe President Henner, and Adam Wylie. Updated information about the
Mary Ci’one Editor Storyteller, Miss Make Do and Lexington Premier of “Lost in the
Charley Slusher Treasurer Tripper are lost, figuratively, and Pershing Point Hotel" will be sent to :
Ginger Moore ’Secretary often literally, in the maze of the ACE Magazine and will be posted “
Thomas Collins crumbling Pershing Point Hotel ~ around town. This will be an
Jerry Neff Atlanta's infamous drug, artist and impressive event and we hope the 13
Kelly O’Ferrell prostitution mecca of that era. This community will turn out for the fun. 15
John Ridner A
Cary Sudduth C
lilSOlnnual Dues&llewsleller AUGUST 16 V
individual. $15 . . i:
Couple $20 Please Send Article: and News Items To Both Editors: S
Mary: marycrone@aol.com
mngmfmaigd “3311?:80 N93: [2: John: ursalocoz@aol.com
mentmose oftheGLSO Board. Submissions Ads We know are coming can arrive by Aug 20. b
arewelcomeandstaff reserves the righttoedit F
submissions and advertisemenls as well as the
whimmsubmmmOrmm. |._ THANKS _._|
LT:_ __.r '
GLSO Page 2

 ‘ _ ' {EFL 4
21:; .. :_:....44 4; £275: _- ‘~ 4
J 4 4” “1—3 5 *' E '4... ' .p " ,..
, e‘~~, P ’ d - C \VIIIAIIN'I‘EERS
. C 3; M Q 2 UL (Ia/US
. é.) NEEDED!
, \ . ’ . ’ . Volunteering is a great Way to get
5 The Pride Center of the bluegrass is becoming a drop-1n place for people to know people and to help our
seeking information, checking out books, or Just looking for someone to talk GLBT community. GLSO needs
1 With for a while. Ginger, our pnmary volunteer, Is at the center most days volunteers to stafi‘ the center, a few
1 ' _
s from 9 until 3 pm. You can reach her at 253 3323. hours at a time, on the weekends.
5 Other volunteers are helping us keep the door open on Saturdays. In We need people willing to help
2 August the Pride Center will be open from noon to 4 on the first and third prepare the mailing that goes out at
I Saturday and from 9 to 4 on the second and fourth Saturdays. Drop in and the end Of the month.
r, look over the calendar of events, read a magazme, or donate a few more of To help us raise money, we need
5_ those books gathering dust on your shelves. four people to work bingo games
.. _ . . _ _._. once a month; if you can do that just
3 . . .' _ ., 1;}: .. _ a j, ‘. r... .9. I; ::,:' ,. once or twice ayear it will help us.
3 W 25.44am gmmm We are also in need of someone to
j ----:r:" “;'.;_v_-;H;f-;;y; :3 xii-w ' 'r: - :a;;:2.—;:—52,.;;-3: .,..:;..~- . .
. . . . . d t th I t ff .
1 The Carnegie Songwnter Series is Mango. Enka's style expands the (szoor mafeth e bingo: ltm eer e ort
3 proud to present Erika Luckett and boundaries of the singer-songwriter .any 0 ese app 0 you, give
Amelia White in concert, Friday, with sophisticated Latin and Jazz- Ginger a call at 253'3233' Thanks.
August 27 at 7:30 pm. at the influenced musical elements, '—_—'——
Carnegie Center for Literacy and outstanding guitar work and sultry 13'}?
Learning, downtown Lexington, 251 vocals. Boston-based Amelia White’s :'
W. 2nd St. A $5 suggested donation songs are like mini films, filled with ‘Vl hI Ch ' 1'”;
is payable at the door. An open mic sweet, country touched sensibilities '5 mg a" jgijg‘
session is scheduled for 9:30. and a street-wise edge. '
) .‘ . . ' . ‘ . Au ust 11. Noah's Ark Benefit,
. . *1 lm m 1 nm wni )lm h g . .
Mexrcan born Enka Luckett may I t t ‘ (‘ ‘ " 'I l k Lexington, KY 1-3 pm, Shulzto
be best know as founder of the San Open mic swim] all lllt‘ mm. Park
' - I ' - - - . . 'I‘hurs i Live,
Francisco based jazz combo Wild heumnmg m :llllmn. 23:11:“: s41: :tKY‘ 7pm
§t§5 page 5

 . A 1, , "first?“ i. .
.. gilf f Y ri— «sis fig, flast
= = _ well-rm" skew
The GLSO Discussmn/Support Group‘meets every Wednesday nlght
- N THE WIDE (ENTER - from 7-8:3O at the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave, Suite 100. If you are
- - just coming out, new to the community, have a family member or friend
Lesbian Movie Night will be who is GLBT, or just want to spend some time in a room with
Friday, August 10 at 7PM at the GLBT-supportive people, the Group may be for you.
Pn'de Center (389 Waller Ave). This This group has been in existence for over two years and is attended
month's selection is the sensual and each week by 3 to 12 men and women ranging in age from 21 to 65+. No
beautiful When Night is Falling. This commitment to return is required. If it's not for you, maybe we can direct
love story between Camille, a you to other resources in the community. We do ask that all participants
professor 0f mythology at a Christian be respectful of others in the group and guard each other's privacy.
college and Petra, a performer in an We hope that you will give us a try. For further information call Jane at
avant-garde circus is romantic and 859-276-0673.
enchanting. The film itself is visually
exquisite. Come enjoy the movie, Mix 23E
meet some nice people, and have a 'r'” w w 0 Ti 1
good time. F A l 5'” 555 v
Lesbian Movie Night is held the Congratulations to all those who 1;," ,
second Friday of every month at 7pm volunteered their time, talent and A MovesbleFeast Lexmgton
at the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave, efforts to make the Fairness float in B is in need of volunteer
Suite 100. Questions or suggestions? the 4th of July parade a resounding Ldnvers Delivery occurs
Feel free to call the Pride Center at success. Thank yous are also in EM-F from approximately
859-253-3233. order for Latoya Bacall and Rayna 530 to 7.30 pm. MFL is
m Starr for braving the torrential rain F located in the basement of
Born» 0 - phio - bi— a“ Moveable Feast Lexington and AChapel, .472 R956 St. For
i ‘0‘“1‘ ' {Irv/153'): é!) Z3‘ Somerset's chapter of GLSEN smore Informatlon abom
:23: :‘1::ii;:1.%‘2.:‘:42 .. ——————-———-. v v . ..' . 2m“g “1‘ Te“? °r
‘ ———-1—-——— :iifiiiilii.2:i:,l\'fichael at (859) 252-2867.

ght if}
ll'e I
nd The Moonshine Bears of Kentucky
3'd Annual
Mr. Kentucky Bear Contest
Saturday, September 8, 2001
3— C r o s s i n g s
. . 117 N Limestone
y F nday Night Events _ Saturday afternoon Beer Bust
j; ggfigmgnmgfmw Lexrngton KY Fregggrggggsers
50}, Famous Stolle Jello Shooters 8 59-2 3 3-7266
:1: Contest begins at 10:00 pm.
tely Major Raffle at 12:30 am.
. is Surround Sound Stereo System
; of Flat Wall Mount Stereo System wl CD & Cassette
>pa1 (On Display at Crossings) ,
For Special Drawings throughout the Friday & Saturday night
’0‘“ For Contestant Info Contact KyFarmBear@aol.com
0r Or the Bartender @ Crossings
i7. . .

 v V v v V v V v' v V:
HIV/AIDS Continuing Education Workshop v V v V li’lRtlblE. LlBKAl Kit
Tom Collins, Coordinator HIV/AIDS Prevention for the State ' _ V _
of Kentucky, will be giving a workshop for Continuing Education Wanted. Library Materials for GLBT Youth
. . . . The Pride Center Library now includes
Hours for Social Workers, PhySlClanS, Nurses, Cosmetologists over 400 books, audio and video recordings
and Psychologists on August 16 from 7pm to 9pm at the Pride on a wide variety of GLBT subjects.
Center. Cost is $15 per participant and the proceeds go to the Members of the community have generous-
Center. For those of you needing the Contact Hours, this is an ly donated all materials. We need materials
opportunity to earn those and help the Pride Center at the same that would be of interest to GLBT students,
time. Please Call 235-3233 for reservations as space is limited. teachers. and parents. SuCh as:
Common Sons, Ronald L. Donaghe
(Ll/6155(2) MOT/(:6 Night Free Your Mind: The Book for Gay, Lesbian, and
PI Join us Sunday afternoon, August 19th at 3 Bisexual Youth-And Their Allies, Ellen Bass
. . Am / Blue? : Coming Out from the Silence,
pm at the-Pnde Center for Casablanca starring Marion Dane Bauer, ed.
Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. They had a date with fate Two Teenagers in Twenty: Writings by Gay
in Casablanca!” Bring a dish to share for the pot luck followmg the & Lesbian Youth, Ann Heron, ed.
film. Classic movies will be shown every third Sunday afternoon. One Teacher in 10; Gay and Lesbian Educators Tell
Their Stories, Kevin Jennings, ed.
Gag étraight filliancg Annie on My Mind, Nancy Garden

The Gay Straight Alliance for high Becoming Visible: A Reader in Gay & Lesbian History
school age youth is going strong. We are . ‘ for ngh 862:2Stggtlefigiigflgegnmngs’ 9d-
:ggltrhngn tgeaig‘flggezete: phi/y 2:21:32 I y The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love

, Growing Up Gay & Lesbian (Video)
2666904 or at marycrone@ao|.com. We t Out of the Past: The Struggle for Gay and
do not publish the meeting time or place i M Lesbian. Rights In America (\fideo)
and membership is confidential.

We will be publishing a pamphlet soon to be sent to selected These and many other books and videos
school personnel, therapists, and youth related organization. If can be ordered through your local bookstore
you know of someone who should receive one, let Mary know. or Amazon.com. The Pride Center Library
Financial donations could enable us to print the pamphlet in color. gladly accepts new and used books and
We need something eye catching so that young people can see Videos. A" donations are tax deductible. if
and read the cover without even having to pick it up We could you WOUId “ke to donate or use the Pride

. ' Center Library just drop in at 389 Waller
also use some youth oriented books. See next column. Send any Avenue, Suite 100 253_3233_
amount possible to GLSO, PO Box 11471, Lexington 40575
‘ ‘:—_::———————~————-————_—gti: -
til" 1i)Ralnbow Watchers
H HumMIDQ Blrd lDSlghTS ; Member of Pet Sitters International
Baiancine New 62a 8: Traditional Services l - Pet Siflinsl3*°m'3i"9”m3|’°m“°“
l l - HouselFann Watching - Errand Running
Tina Gale. MA Guidance 8: Counseling | (859) 273_7202
Phone 859—913-3620 e—mail: hummingbird@ptel.net ' ) RWY" s‘°°k"°"
l .255 54.32,:‘11 I rainbowwatcherschotmailsom
‘ L-_w_..___.______ __q_________ £15 http://www.petsit.comlmemberslrainbowwatchers
v— —-——~——~————————————————-——— v .
GLSO Page 6

 i , Wig ale Hour Daily
:_ 224 east main street 0 lexington, kentucky
Is 859.255_.1551' _
5' must be 21 wnth valld Id >
Chelsea Pearl Proudly Presents:
. ‘73 ag. 2
., 1" ego] 4‘25
y Aug. 17-18 «2% «red
‘The Legs of Lexington’ [bytes Gaye 5790’! .
ll \ Miss Rhonda Kay Steele ‘43» 92/
\“A SW“ and
y “3’5- 6‘3“) «66» Miss Indiana Continental
> «(52” $6 Miss Indiana America
- $s Vicki St. James
9 fi“ ‘The Queen of the Catwalk’ TUESKSARCONKISHTS
’S 0‘ ‘6‘
S “g. 3’0; C‘fifificv‘?
d ‘ «52$ es 910“
If (“‘6 (3“‘% §‘\\“
3 “\Ssewdy‘ 0 hot sounds - hot scenes
‘1“ dj dusty — dj brady
-$ the johnny angel
.I discotheque
' A .
T" ————-—-——————————-,-.——W

 Ca“ N umbers In G150 News 2001 Sponsors
DlreCthy A” News Articles and Ads J Mark Chambers CPA 266 8877
To Verify Place Of must be placed by the 1 6th ' ’
Event For all your Financial Needs .
V WWW-i—r—Viiiiki‘i#i A*——————————-——~———~—¥77———————————4—~———w V _Miw——W‘l'fl#——_—k——iv—ifiifi——‘fli Bluegrass Fairnas-oelaoeooaeaaaccuses-econ.296‘78 1 2
1 3 4 , i Richardson Vision Center ..............278-4201
6PM Sistah’s 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 12-4P Pride Center !
7PM DlSCUSSlOF‘ GrOUP Open 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
8PM Gay/Lesbian AA ,
. ‘ Scott Ackerman...........(voice mail) 294-2055
| (mobile phone)....338-8483 Paul Semonin Realtors
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 !‘ SisterSound .....................................243-0243
10:30 Faith MCC 7PM GSA 9PM Rainbow Bowling 7PM Discussion Group 7:M GLSO Board 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 9A—4P Pride Center i
10:45 UU Church 8PM AA Step Study 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA Meeting 7PM Lesbian Movie Open ! ' Diverse music for all women
Night “When Night is
Fa"'”9 i Imperial Court of Kentucky...........252-3014
I A charity organization
12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 l L The Bar Com plex.............................25‘5- 1 55 1
10:30 Faith MCC 6PM Court 9PM Rainbow Bowling 7PM Discussion Group , 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 9A-4P Pride Center j i
10:45 UU Church 7PM Fairness 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA Deadline Open i ‘ 224 E. Main
12:15 Inteniveave 8PM AA Step Study 1 1
£8339th for News 1 ; Turner Counseling ..........................269-6497
and AdS i J 2216 Young Drive, Lexington
19 20 21 22 24 25 i Debra Hensley Insurance.............276-3244
10:30 Faith MCC 8PM AA Step Study 9PM Rainbow Bowling 7PM Sistah’s 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA 9A—4P Pride Center l .
10:45 UU Church 32% glee/Lissign G’erAJp Open i 1513 Nicolasville Rd.
ay es ian , l
i Windy KIN)“ Farmoeueeuo-aeeo-Ie-eaaooeoeee299'7410
i Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
26 27 28 29 3O 31 f Lexington Men’s Chorus................231-0090
i 10:30 Faith MCC 6PM Court 9PM Rainbow Bowling 7PM Discussion Group 7PM C.O.L.T.s 8PM Gay/Lesbian AA ’
10:45 UU Church 8PM AA Step Study 7PM Movie Premier at 3 Rehearsals start again in March
5PM Dignity KY Theater “‘Lost in the ‘
:gfihénagyiggglggfl ‘ Pegasus Travel nuances-ee-announce-'1644
‘ i Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO
l GLSO pace 9

 It Is All About Love six flavored textures: whole-wheat arms for the sake of the family. It is
. dust, maize meal, bush clippings, all about love. A nephew replied
By Reinette E Jones flavored mulch, sand petals, and that he already had a computer and
The Cogent Family has a grated fruit peelings. a fax machine, and two of his co—
dream of making it big. "It" being The tea wholesaler dealt with workers are gay; therefore, he is
the operative word that defines all one person only, for the sake of already ahead of everyone else. A
signs of true success. Brothers, sis- confidentiality, in order to maintain cousin said that she needed to sell
ters, nieces, nephews, and cousins the highest level of profits. He was cosmetics a little longer so that she
all united for the sake of earthly sal- the man from nowhere without a could win a car, then she would set
vation by way of the big bucks gen- face or a name. Two years later, up her new business. Another
erated from a two-dollar dream. Not sales were abruptly halted when it needs a computer and then her
so unlike other families with their was learned that a certain family business will be good to 90. Others
special blend of kin who help main- member - a male no doubt — was have plans to sell same sex paja-
tain general family relations and a selling the tea in hand-rolled ciga— mas, top secret strength deter—
senseof belonging. Hopeisnever lost. rettes. The contract stipulated that gents, sinus curing powders, gum
It is a matriarchal clan of big- the teas were meant to be used for that kills roaches, original paintings
busted women with wide smiles, home care medicinal purposes, and straight from the factory. dashikis
broad shoulders, and narrow butts. not the street pharmacist. Got to made from Simplicity patterns, and
Men worth their salt know to make keep it on the up and up. specially patented rejuvenating
an early exit. Aphysical ora mental Now, a new day has come juices sold in rinsed out milk jugs
separation is necessary for their about. The latest undertaking is to for $20 per jug.
personal well being. Short visilsfrcm be the glue that will fix all the prob- There is an international hot
outoftownarelhemost logicalconnec— lems of the past. The outline of a item express. The service will pro-
tion. Only the foolish stick around to conglomerate corporation flashed vide computers loaded with pro—
show the women the error of their into the mind of an older sister by grams in the German language;
ways. it is all about love. way of a vision. The vision came buyers can learn German and
The family leaders are the five while she was burning the last of Windows 95 at the same time."Two
senior entrepreneurs, those with a her holistic tea. Right is always on deals for the price of $1999.00 or a
little capital and the wherewithal to the other side of wrong, you can low $20 per week for two years."
dream the mega-dreams of owning find it if you turn hard enough. There are wall decorations,
corporations stamped with the According to her vision, side jobs is minus the screws needed for
Cogent name. They are contagious the answer, but not those that are assembly; fewer pieces cut down
dreams that spread like fire from already had; each person is to cre- on the cost of shipping, and every-
the tongue of one to the ears many. ate their own new and different one has a few screws somewhere
"Strike while the iron is hot and we business, and each will be a branch around the house. There are also
will worry about the heat later. Only of an umbrella corporation owned leg lamps, like the one in the movie,
those that stand idle are apt to get by the family. There are to be new A Christmas Story. The lamps oper—
bumt." recruits, technology networking ate on 220/240 volts overseas. in
Side jobs are a way of life for (email and the lnternet), and the the US, these can be for show;
this family. Someone is always sell- addition of a new market - gays and there is no need to illuminate such
ing Avon, Amway, TuppenNare, lesbians! According to an unsub— perfect works of art. And if you feel
Cutco, Melaluka, Excel, or some stantiated television report, this you must turn on the light, then the
other pyramid product. A giant leap new market is ripe for the picking reverse voltage converter (for
from the early days of plastic gadg- and the Cogent Family entrepre- 110/120 volts, U.S.) will be an addi-
ets that perfectly sliced fruits, veg- neurs believe that they know what tional purchase. Great bargains for
etables, and yellow tennis balls. Or, the people need. everyone!
the hawking of holistic teas in clear A newsletter was forwarded, Person to person sales is the
plastic sandwich bags. There were sounding the guilt-ridden call to key: call ...oontinued on next Page

 first, make an appointment, then faith M1]: the world. It's an exciting time.
get a foot in the door. There is no The church will be attending
obligation to buy anything (unless Faith MCC announces the return Leadership Conference "on the high
the customer insists); the first visit 01‘ Summer Sizzle. Every Sunday in seas' in September, 2002 as they
is only for demonstration purposes. August, after WOYShip. the ChUFCh Wl“ cruise from LA to Mexico and other
The larger the audience, the provide a complimentary lunch to all. ports of call. The next General
greater the potential for overall sav— it's our way 0f thanking everyone who Conference will be held in Dallas
ings. A generous 10% discount can drags out of bed on Sunday mornings Texas, in 2003. ' .
be offered to each customer who and stops in for worship before hitting August also marks a time of
may find it in their tender heart to the beaches or parks to enjoy the sum looking outward for Faith MCC. The
share the names and addresses of mer sun. Come WOTShiD at 10130. 145 church has chosen to support KIDS
their 15 dearest relatives and Burt Road, Suite 7 and have lurch on ”3' International lnc. which helps children
friends. Names and address are Four church representatives in the Dominican Republic who live in
never sold. Respect the family. have lUSt returned from a week in an orphanage. The church is focus—
It has been projected that the Toronto at the UFMCC General ing its current efforts to assist their
corporation will grow by at least Conference. ltwasamemorable con— community food program.
50% during the first year; therefore, ference With a number 0f sweeping In September, the church looks
new sales persons can share in the changes that Will gear up MCC for the forward to a Day of Blessing for
profits. Selfishness is not a godly challenges 0f life as an international Animals. Everyone is invited to bring
virtue; we were all put on this earth community 0f faith. In 2003, UFMCC their “children" and furry friends. For
to share and share alike. The Will move from a district plan to a those of us with "children" who do not
Cogent Family has a dream of mak— regional plan which Wi“ allow each play well with others, there will be a
ing it big. It is all about love. church t0 share it's region With place for our photographs. For more
churches from other cultures around information: phone: (359) LEX—FMCC.
affifietrafi - I
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,9. i1 i. a} i“ 3%
"i ;a home ‘
gig“. = g p. Sewing Lexington
I NTEGRITY & All of Central Kentucky
Scott Ackerman
Mobile: 859-338-8483 D EDICATlON
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E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com E NTHUS'ASM m M
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Call me With all your Real Estate needs
__ GLSO page 11

 QEnrnnatiun continued from page1 Case, Empress X of Cincinnati, President Natalie Gaye gave her
understanding, and bringing new Tina Camaro,Empress7of9(New "President's Award" to Larry
ideas into the organization Mexico), Marquesa Corvette and Stanley. Newly elected Empress,
Emperor Andrew Foxx of Portland Marquis Tim of Boston, and Natalie Gaye and Emperor
pointed out that monarchs are often Empress XVI of Kentucky, Chanda Christopher Rhorer, announced
role models particularly in areas Lier. Special performances were their plans for the coming year as
where they are the most public gay also on tap from Chelsea Pearl, for— well as named two of their Princes
people around. mer Miss Big and Beautiful, and and Princesses. Larry Stanley

Michael Thompson spoke of Cammie Dietrich, Empress IX of shall serve as Christopher's
the local Court's tremendous finan- Kentucky. Imperial Crown Prince XX and JD
cial support of Moveable Feast, For the first time in years, Vaughn shall serve as Natalie's
beginning before they delivered there were two candidates for Imperial Crown Princess XX.
their first meal. The Court has Emperor: Emperor 15, Paul Board election was also part of
been very successful at raising Johnson, and Imperial Crown Coronation. Larry Stanley was
funds to support many organiza- Prince 19, Christopher Rhorer. elected last year for a two year
tions in our community. Tracy and Assuredly, it was not easy for the term, and Natalie and Christopher
EV have had a wonderfully suc— voters to make their decision. The moved into the positions reserved
cessful year, a total of $6,000 was new reigning Monarch's of the for reigning monarchs. Others on
raised for court charities during this imperial Court of Kentucky are the board are Donnie Royse, Darryl
weekend alone. Christopher Rhorer, Emperor XX Royse, Orvis Keane, Janet Elam,

After dinner, the Out of Town and Natalie Gaye, Empress XX. Michael Thompson, and James Elliot.
Show was held at Club 141 featur- Coronation is also a time to In the coming weeks watch for
ing 24 performers, Anticipation of recognize individuals in the com- Investitures, and the ever-popular
the event that was to follow almost munity. Vickie Lamb, longtime Julie Vaughn Memorial Closet Ball.
distracted people from the stellar community activist was awarded Reign XX is poised to be the
entertainment. the James Herndon Life Time biggest ever in the 20 year history

At the close of the first show, Achievement Award, the courts of the local organization, itself a
the back door to 141 opened and highest honor. The Henry Faulkner charter member court of the 36
we were treated to the exotic Community Service Award was year old International Court
dancers of the 9 Inch Males. The also determined by a vote of the System.
stage was in the space previously membership. From a wide field of Only Court members can vote
occupied by Spectrum, which has candidates (Mary Crone, James in the elections this time of year.
been closed for a number of years. Dickerson, James Knight, Terry Court membership applications are
This space may soon be part of the Mullins, Shelby Reynolds and Mark available at all court functions or
Club 141 experience. Wilson) James Knight, aka Chanda from any board member. Annual

Later that night, members of Lier, was chosen for this honor. dues are a nominal five dollars.
the new Chicago organization The hard work of all the nominees Membership is restricted to per-
sprung for an impromptu pizza is appreciated. Emperor XIX EV sons living in the State of Kentucky,
party back at the hotel, This court bestowed the perpetual title of but not residing in the area repre-
wishes them well on their goal of Grand Duke on Michael Thompson. sented by the Barony of Louisville,
becomingamemberofthelmperial Monday morning, a Victory the counties adjoining Jefferson
Court System. Brunch was held at the Radisson. County. Non-voting associate

Sunday was the Big Day, Vtfith After the eggs and biscuits, Donnie membership is available for per-
11 visiting Courts represented, the and Tracy said their thank yous and sons not fulfilling the residential
evening featured Command per- give out some awards. Local award requirements.
formances from Latrina Bidet, Winners were Orvis Kean. Male
Olympia XXX of Seattle, Charity Line Member ofthe Year and Board
GLSO Page 12

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Bluegrass Regional Entertainer of the Year, sponsored by EV \f—
Productions in association with National EOY, was held on July 17 in the
Ballroom of the Radisson Plaza Hotel in Lexington. Ashley Kruiz, a C
Kentucky native now residing in Atlanta, and Lady Devane, formerly of .
Lexington were the two stunning contestants. After an exciting compe- fl
tition in Presentation, Talent, Creative Evening Wear, and On-Stage THE ORIGINAL ONE DAY HMECH SIGN co.
Question, Ashley Kruiz was crowned the Bluegrass Regional Howard Stovall
Entertainer of the Year for 2001. Owner/General Manager

The reigning National Entertainer of the Year, Roxie Hart of 332‘Southlond Drive
Oklahoma City and the reigning Bluegrass Regional EOY 2000, Regine Le’é'ggfgéggfgm '
Phillips provided entertainment during the evening. Featured local (859)