xt7n2z12rf4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12rf4q/data/mets.xml Walthall County, Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared by The Mississippi Historical Records Survey, Service Division, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Works Progress Administration, Service Division; Preliminary Edition; viii, 125 leaves: illustrated and maps, 28 cm; Includes bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:M 69i/no.74/prelim books English Jackson, Mississippi: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi, Number 74 Walthall County (Tylertown) text Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi, Number 74 Walthall County (Tylertown) 1942 1942 2015 true xt7n2z12rf4q section xt7n2z12rf4q • A V A V
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> Proliminary Edition
  Prs_pz1r_sd by I 
  ` Tho Mississippi Historical Records Survsy  
  Ssrvics Division 1
p Work Projects Adminisizraicion Ii
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4 Tho Mississippi Historical Rooords Survey I
  Jackson, Mississippi ·
  Juno 1942 Y

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F.   Dryden, Acting Commissioner  
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner  
Q. Fdwerd Gcntlin, State Administrator   lg
Jerome Sage, Director, Service Division   hl
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i The lsiaasxys   ins Q;>m@i¤i fezfgénias. Qi.   is OM Of a numbar Y
»; of guidos to historical matcrials prcparod throughout tho Unitod Statos by
ji workers on Historical Rocords Survcy projocts of tho`Wcrk Frojccts Adminis-
i tration. Tho publication hcrowith prosantcd, an inycntory of tho arohivos V
g of Walthall County, is numbor 74 of tho Mississippi sorics.
5 Tho Historical Rccords Survcy program was undortakon in thc wintor of
i 1955-56 for thc purposo of providiig uscful cmplcymsnt to nccdy unomploycd ,
Q historians, lawyors, tcaohors, and roscarch and clorical workcrs, In carry-
ing out this objoctivo,ihc projcot was organizcd to ccmpilo invontorios of . j
; historical tutorials, particularly thc unpublishod govornmont dcoumonts and
é rccords which arc basic in tho administration of local govornmcnt, and which
l providc invaluablc data for studonts of political, cconcmic, and social his- l
Q tory. Tho archival guido horowith proscntod is intondod to moot tho rcquiro— A
3 monts of day-to-day administration by thc officials of tho county, and also A
g thc ncods of lawycrs, busincssmon and othcr citizcns who roquirc facts from I
§ tho public rcoords for tho prcpor conduct of thoir affairs. Tho volumo is so y
i dosigncd that it can bo usod by tho historian in his rosoarch in unprintod j
. sourcos in tho samo way ho usos thc library card catalog for printcd scurcos. ·i
L Tho invcntorios producod by Historical Rocords Survcy projoots attompt E
* to do morc than givo moroly a list of records - thoy attompt furthcr to ‘
2 skctoh in thc historical background of tho county or othcr unit of govorn-
jg mont, and to doscribo prociscly and in dctail thc organization and functions
E of tho govcrnmont agoncics whcso roccrds thoy list. Tho county, town, and s
E othcr local invontorios for tho ontirc country will, thon conplotod, consti-
g tutc an oncyclopcdia of local govornmont as woll as a bibliography of local E
g » arohivos.
  ra _ ,n · .0 .0 7* .v · 0  
g iho succosslul conclusion ci thc work oi historical Rocords ourvoy pro- - p
{ jccts, cvon in a singlc county, would not bo possiblo without tho support i
i of public officials, historical and lcgal spccialists, and many othcr groups
? in tho community. Thcir cooporation is gratcfully acknowlodgod. l
i Tho Survoy program was crganizod by Luthcr H. Evans, who scrvcd as
{ Dirootor until March§l,l942, mhon hc was succocdod by Sargont B. Child, who
E had boon National Fiold Suporvisor sincc tho inauguration of tho Survoy.
§ Tho Survcy has oporatod as a Nation-wido scrics of locally sponsorod projocts p
§ _ in thc Scrvicc Division, of which Mrs. Floronco Kcrr, Assistant Commissionor, `
if is in chargo. t
  · '
  F. 22. DRYDEN  
g Acting Commissionor
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{ The Mississippi Historical Records Survey program was organized to
Q inventory State, county, and municipal archives, early American hnprints, {
{ church records, and manuscripts in collections. In Mississippi the Histori- {
j cal Records Survey has operated as a unit of the Statewide Records Project { A
f in the Service Division, and has been sponsored by the Mississippi Department »
i  Vy of Archives and History and some seventy county boards of supervisors. The
if Survey is being discontinued in order that its personnel may be diverted to V
p activities which have a direct and unqualified relation to the war effort. ·
{ However, this volume is being published in a preltninary edition, since all
· data, except the subject and entry index, had been compiled preparatory to
{ publication.
{ ,
{ The inventory of the records of Walthall County is the ninth prepared
j for publication. It is arranged so that the records of the executive branch {
i of county government come first, followed by those of the recording, judicial,
’ law enforcement, fiscal, election, education, health, and miscellaneous agen-
, cies. Included also is a short essay on each agency of county govern ent out- {
Z lining the organization of the agency in Walthall County, its present status, {
· the method of filling the office, and the term of office. Since these essays I
are limited, it is suggested that the reader consult the Inventory 2f_the {
* County Archives pf Mississippi,_§e._§Z, Lamar County, for more detailed es-
` _ says than those found in the Walthall County inventory. The records are de-
y scribed by records series in entries whose style has been formalized to give .{
t information concerning the title of record, dates for which available, quan- {
> tity, labeling of volu es or containers, variant titles, description of record {
E contents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of recording, size of volumes {
_ or containers, and location. {{
A This inventory will tn useful to officials, to students of research, {
N and to schools. It will serve as a guide or catalog to officials who, be- A
I cause of periodic turnover in office personnel and because of the division E
` of duties, cannot be expected to have a comprehensive knowledge of all the
i records, familiarity with which is necessary to the efficient functioning {
i of the office. Writers of local history will find that the inventory is a {Q
{ ready guide to all records reflecting political, social, and econmnic develop- Y
gi ment of the county, and students of local goverm ent will value the inventory ‘
§ for locating the records and for tracing the trends of local government. The
§ inventory can be used by the schools to familiarize the students with the
{ various aspects of local govern ent, with the types of records kept in connec- »
Q tionhwith the administration of local government, and with the instruments
{ filed and recorded to protect private property rights.
Q The survey of the records of Walthall County, started by Historical ,
5 Records Survey field workers, was completed by Mrs. Mabel V. Bustin, District {
, f Supervisor. The final recheck of the entries was made by Andrew Brown, As- {
{ sistant State Supervisor, in.May 1942. The historical sketch was written by {
X Elsie Mae Chmnbers, now a reporter on the staff of the Jackson Daily Clarion- {
Q Ledger. ¤
g The Survey has followed general regulations and procedures applicable A
{ to all WPA project units in the 48 states. Mississippi WPA officials have
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A given the Survey their cordial support and assistance. The Survey also M
E acknowledges the interest and cooperation of the Walthall County officials,
Q of Dr. William D. McCain, Director of the Mississippi Department of Archives
ip and History, and of the Ripley (Miss.) Southern Sentinel in printing the {
·_ { cover as a co-sponsor's contribution. i
l Q The State office of the Survey profited in all phases of its work by \
A Q the constructive advice and criticism of the National office and its repre- t
A sentatives. This inventory in manuscript form was given editorial review S
. .i in the National office by Louise Boynton, assistant editor, and was further
A reviewed by Mabel S. Brodie, editor in charge of public records inventories. V
A The original plan of the Historical Records Survey was to publish the
E Inventory of_the County Archives gflnississippi in 82 units, one for each
Q county in the State, with the units numbered to correspond with the alpha- y
; betical sequence of the counties. Thus, the inventory of the records of `
E Walthall County, herewith presented, is number 74. It is being issued in °
a prelhninary edition in mimeographed form for free distribution to State °
gl and local public officials and libraries in Mississippi and to a limited
§ number of libraries and governnental agencies outside the State. The inven-
g tory was prepared for publication in the State office of the Survey by an Q
§ editorial staff headed by Andrew Brown, Assistant State Supervisor. {
; ¥ A list of the publications issued by the Mississippi Historical Records L
` A Survey appears on page 120. More than 1,850 publications have been issued A
.. - by the Survey throughout the Nation. 1
” I
i State Supervisor T
T Mississippi Historical A
i Records Survey A
» 3 9 Bridges Building it
. g Jackson, Mississippi it
Q June 1942 l
· A A
éfi A
§ ;
i A “
j *
·» I
Q !
A 1

 e i ·
_. , % all
lm il A. Introduction U
r _   Pass  
5 “_ i 1. Historical Sketch . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . l l
** T, Outline Map of Mississippi . . . . . . .... . . . . . . ll ·
" ,1 Map of Walthall County ....... . .... . . .... l2 ‘ [
‘ 2. Governmental Organization and Records System . . . . . . . . 15 I
» Legal Status of the County. General Administration. Regis- V
._ ly tration of Title to Property. Administration. Finance. A
j Elections. Education. Public Health. Welfare. Public
, I `Works. Miscellaneous Functions. Records System.
”· 1 Chart of Governmental Organization ......... . . . 31
* Q 3. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records . . . . . . 33 z
€ Floor Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 j
ri ; 4. Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes . . . . . . . 4l X
A- Vg B. County Offices and Their Records
A :
A g I. Board of Supervisors . . . ................ . 44 f
A 3 Proceedings: Sixteenth Section School Land Administration; y
y _ Tax Exemptions l
` II. Clerk of the Chancery Court as Recorder ..... . . . . . 47 A
Real Property: Land Deeds; Tax Liens; Mortgages and Deeds {
i» of Trust on Land; Liens; Tax Sales; Redemption of land Sold A
é for Taxes; land Titles. Personal Property: Tax Liens,
g Deeds, Mortgages, and Deeds of Trust; Automobile Transfers. A
i Miscellaneous Permanent Records: Officers Bonds; Marks and
f Brands; Homestead Declarations; Military Discharges; Maps
To and Plats.
` E Ill. Chancery Court . . . . . ..... . ............ 56  
‘ _ Original Case Papers: Chancery and Probate. Dockets, Cal-
5 endars, and Registers: Chancery and Probate; Probate. Pro-
i ceedings. Legal Publications. Witnesses. Fees and Costs. :
¤ ,
2 IV. Circuit Court . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . 65
l Original Case Papers: Civil and Crnninal; Receipts for ,
i Documents Withdrawn. Dockets, Calendars, and Registers:
§ Criminal; Civil; Bonds. Final Records. Witnesses. Jurors.
1% Fees and Costs. Proceedings.
g V. Clerk of the Circuit Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Ԥ Marriages. Professional Licenses. {
it VI. Justices of the Peace . . . . ..... . ........ . 72 l
    Grand Jury • • • • • • • n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •   [
t vi
fi  4v

 {  I -- 1 I
s g I_,
E Table of Contents X
mw . {
li VIII. District Attorney . . . . ..... . ..... . ...... 76 ·
5% IX. ccuhty Prosecuting Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 {
o f a
.*% XI   I I I   I I I I I I   I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I   }
V? Process Dockets. Warrants. r
 ` X-.I• COTOHBY   • o • i • • b • • i • • • • • • • n • • • • • • • •   3‘
Q XII. Constables . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . 81 1
        I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I  
5 Tax Lists
X XIV. Sheriff as Tax Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 84 '
2 Tax Receipts. Register of Motor Vehicles. Cash W
g Books and Ledgers. Reports. “
; XV. Clerk of the Chancery Court as Treasurer ....... . . . 87 y
i XVI. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors as Auditor ........ 88 Q
Q Cash Receipts: Reports; Bank Deposits; County Bonds. |
j Claims. Disbursements: Warrants. Ledgers.  #
rl XVII. Registrar of Elections . . . . . . . . . . ......... 93 E
“ Registration of Voters: Registration Books; Disfran- 7
g chisament. Eligibility of Voters: Poll Books; Poll E
gt Tax Receipts; Exemption Certificates; Corrupt Prac- I
j tice Prevention. {
F XVIII. County Board of Election Cmmuissioners . . . . . . . . . . . 96 y
_ X; XIX. Superintendent of Education . . . . . ....... . . . . . 97 l
s General Administration: Public School Record; Elementary 1
I School Scores; Correspondence; Miscellaneous. Teachers: 7
3 Certification; Employment; Reports. Educable Children.
Q Financial Administration: Pay Certificates. 3
‘ 3; XX. School Trustees . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
A XXI. County School Board . ......... . ..... . . . . . 105 r
? XXII. Department of Health ................... . 104
Xl‘ XXIII. Registrar of Births and Deaths . ....... . . . . . . . 106 Q
Q XXIV. Pension Board of Inquiry . . . ............... 108 ;
gt XXV. Coroner as Ranger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 I
if ·

   vii L
ii Table of Contents W
3 ;   I     I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I   `
jg IX. County Prosecuting Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5
 ? XI   I I I   I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I   ]
Vi Process Dockets. Warrants. . X
‘ i X.I• Coroner . o • 4 • • 6 • • i • • • • • • • • • • • • u • • •    
il XII. Constables . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 I .
S       I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I  
3* Tax Lists
            I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I   '
i Tax Receipts. Register of Motor Vehicles. Cash Q
j Books and Ledgers. Reports. '
hl .
E XV. Clerk of the Chancery Court as Treasurer ..... . . . . . 87 I
é` XVI. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors as Auditor ........ 88 7
Q Cash Receipts: Reports; Bank Deposits; County Bonds. |
i Claims. Disbursements: Warrants. Ledgers. °W
T XVII. Registrar of Elections . . . . . . . . . . ......... 93 ,
jQ Registration of Voters: Registration Books; Disfran- }
=; chisement. Eligibility of Voters: Poll Books; Poll E
if Tax Receipts; Exemption Certificates; Corrupt Prac- §
tj tice Prevention. y
f§ XVIII. County Board of Election Cc missioners . . . . . . . . . . . 96 p
_ Q3 XIX. Superintendent of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 XY
§* General Administration: Public School Record; Elementary yl
}_ School Scores; Correspondence; Miscellaneous. Teachers: p
ir Certification; Employment; Reports. Educable Children. ll
Q Financial Administration: Pay Certificates. il
Q XX. School Trustees . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
E XXI. County School Board . . . . . . .... . ..... . . . . . 105
wp XXII. Department of Health . . . . . ............. . . 104 y
X;. XXIII. Registrar of Births and Deaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 [
A - 1
{V XXIV. Pension Board of Inquiry . . . . .... . ......... 108 ;
          I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I   1
  ,:_.» _ tn

  { } .
¤f viii J
xy |.
  Table of Contents  
  XXVI. Surveyor ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lll I
`   XXVII. County Extension Department in Agriculture and Home Eco- {
    I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I   {
v g County Agent.  
    I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I    
  List of Publications of the Mississippi Historical Records 1
I   Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 I .
  List of County Officials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
A · 2
L_ j
,1 v Q
S w
  1 i

 Wi A 1
E l
It (Fhstemxy,p,4Q W
UQ Walthall County, created in 1910,1 but not permanently organized until Y
’4 ff 1914,2 is situated in the extreme south-central portion of the State. The 1
if county contains 589 square milesg and has a population of 17,554 persons.4 {
i It is irregularly shaped, and is bounded on the north by Lawrence County, K
4, on the east by Marion County, on the south by Washington Parish, Louisiana, 1
5% and on the west by Pike County.
Q In detail the present boundaries of the county are: "Beginning on the
Q_ Mississippi-Louisiana state line at the southwest corner of section thirty- V A
;g six, township one, north, range nine, east; and run thence north along the
g‘ west boundaries of sections thirty-six, twenty-five, twenty-four, thirteen,
i twelve and one, in townships one, two, three and four respectively of range
i nine, east, to the northwest corner of section one, in township four, north,
Q range nine, east; thence east along the township line between townships four '
$ and five, north, to the northeast corner of section five in township four, Q
f' north, range eleven, east; thence south along the east boundary of said soc- “
i tion five to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said section;
é· thence east along the half section line of section four, north, range eleven,
5 east, to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said section four; I
. i thence south along the east boundary of section four to the southeast corner 1
§ of said section; thence east along the south boundary of section three in l
v township four, north, range eleven, east to the southeast corner of the south- A
; west quarter of said section three; thence south along the half section line W
jY of section ten, township four, north, range eleven, east, to the center of
ji said section ten; thence ewst along the half section lines of sections ten, §
y eleven and twelve in township four, north, range eleven, east, to the south- I
Y east corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 5
`Q twelve; thence north along the east boundary of the southwest quarter of the g
Q{ northwest quarter of said section twelve to the northeast corner of the said 11
QQ southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section twelve; thence
QQ east along the south boundary of the northeast quarter of the northwest quar-
1, ter of said section twelve to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter li
VY of the northwest quarter of said section twelve; thence north along the half yy
a{ section line of said section twelve to the northeast corner of the northwest '
ii quarter of said section twelve; thence east along the north boundary line of il
gl said section twelve to the northeast corner of the same, this point being on 3
~¥ the range line between ranges eleven and twelve, east; thence south along said 1
f range line seven miles to the northwest corner of section eighteen in township
ef three, north, range twelve, east; thence east along the north boundary line of ·l
{ said section eighteen in said township three, north, range twelve east one-
i half mile to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said section
~? 1. L. M. 1910, pp. 278-285. l_
Q 2. L. M. 1912, p. 415; Register of Commissions, State, County, and Municipal, L
g 1912, in office of Secretary of State, New Capitol, Jackson, p. 541.
Q 5. United States Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Census pf thg United States, i
{ 1950, Population, I, table 5, p. 584. `
{ 4. `UEited—§tEtEs—§ureau of the Census, Population of the State pg Mississippi,
l` Final Figures: 1940, Washington, 1940, p. 1. —-·-—-

 2 % 1 u
,1 ·
v i  
  " 2 " nl
Yi Historical Sketch (First entry, p. 44} N
Q1 eighteen; thence south along the half section line of sections eighteen, nine- Q
»· fg toon, thirty and thirty—one in township three, north, range twelve, east, four 1
. g miles to the township line between townships two and three, north; thence east i
‘ _~ ‘ y along said township line between townships two and three, ono and one—half miles '
- ·' at to the northeast corner of section five in township two, north, range twelve A
» · fj cast; thence south along the east boundaries of sections five, eight and seven-
Q teen in township two, north, range twelve, east, three miles to the southeast
Q corner of said section seventeen; thence east along the north boundary line of 1
1 { sections twenty—one, twenty—two, twenty·three and twenty-four to the northeast
--‘ 4 j corner of section twenty-four in township two, north, range twelve, east; thence V ·
` . s lg south along the range line between ranges twelve and thirteen, one and one-half
‘ _ miles to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section thirty in town-
n. ‘ ship two, north, range thirteen, east; thence east along the half section line
. Y Q of section thirty to the center of said section; thence south along the half see-
? tion line of sections thitty and thirty—one in township two, north, range thir- 1
Q teen, east, one and one-half miles to the township line between townships one g
~ and two; thence east along said township line ene—half mile to the northeast
o ? corner of section six, township one, north, range thirteen, east; thence south
? along the east boundary of said section six one mile to the northwest corner of
‘ · '5 section eight in township one, north, range thirteen, east; thence east along
‘ li the north boundary cf sections eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve in township
‘ i one, north, range thirteen, east, five miles to the northeast corner of said i
{ section twelve; thence south along the range line between ranges thirteen and 1
.f‘ Y, fourteen five miles, to the southeast corner of section thirty-six, township 1
f one, north, range thirteen, east, this point being on the NHssissippi—Louisiana
, } state line; thence west along said state line to the point of beginning.“5 1
d Walthall County lies in the Long Leaf Pine region of Mississippi;6 ninety
» > per cent of the timber in this section is pine.7 Large tracts of the finest ‘
1 M N timber in the State grew in this regien.8 West of Pearl River, which flows `Y
. 5 through Marion County and comes very close to Walthall at one point, the soil Y
l _,i` is of the Orangeburg type or the red Lafayette.9 The land of Walthall County _
· ‘ 1,* is gently rolling and drains fairly well. The largest stream in the county is ‘
tl McGee Creek which meanders through the county from north to south. Bogue Chit- y
» C to Creek flows through the southwest portion, and other smaller streams drain \
$5 the remainder of the county. Southeast of Tylertewn, the county seat, some of p
A i` the best farming land in the whole State lies along the Great Northern Railroadlo T
{ The soil of this county, is unusually fertile and is productive of various crops, I
. 1 trees, and vegetables, while the mild climate and long growing seasons make this 1
‘ 1; section a good trucking and market-gardening area.ll ‘
Yi 5. L. M. 1910, pp. 278-285; L. M. 1912, pp. 415-417; Code 1917, sec. 5900; M
l " ; Code 1950, sec. 5961. j
I 6. E. N. Lowe, A Preliminary Study of the Soils of Mississippi, Bulletin No. }.
.. l 8, Jackson, 71§1l7T~pT·ill:u_Thtreafter eitod_Es Lowe, Soils of Mississippi). 1
{ 7. E. N. Low;,’§1nnYs of Mississippi, Bulle