xt7n2z12rf34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12rf34/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-02-13 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 20, February 13, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 20, February 13, 1913 1913 1913-02-13 2015 true xt7n2z12rf34 section xt7n2z12rf34  nn••s¤s.·..,t .
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University of Kentucky
V0l· V LEXINGTON, KY., FEBRUARY 13, l9l3 Ng, 20
{ O
Ma_r¤ctta vs K. S. U., Thur. Fcb.12, 8 p. m.
Ou Q ea       Umv. of Lou. vs K. S. U. S t I: h   8.00
• •
Wmchcstcr Gtrls vs S. U. 8 . B . ,P. M.
l pngag pgggg CLU-. DEFEAT QUEEN CITY TEAM IN _....
By fu. the mon beautiful and €l€_ i HARD GAME Invitations have been issued for the A D bl H
gmt event of Sum Unlvenityw so- Major F. C. Leamlng, veteran head ——— Tau Beta Kake dance which will be ou ° nd" sum", Night
_ cm mum w”_ me dance given by of the composing room of the LsxIng· (By Roy Thomu) glven In the Gymnasium next Friday M H ml wd
the Kentucky MDM chapter of Tw ton Herald, wlll mums nts Press Wm] me was 0, lm ml.- {mu,] mgm at x ocloclt. ° _;h §“’°°I h t° g"° “ ‘°°°
new Pi fraternity on Friday evening Association today at 8:30 in the defeat not entirely wiped M"), and The Tau Beta Kake fraternity is game un U D g t' www tm gm.
Febm"7 7 ' Chapel. Hts subject wlll be a discus- the feud, of b composed of Senlors from the various wm phy L mm from Winchester md
. ygone days rsnkllng Varsity meets Louisville Saturda
The Gymnasium wherein the dance slon of the mechanical side of news, deep in each of wu mlpiuung hum" engineering departments and the m ht. Y
Wu held wu deconwd in brown and taking up and describing, not only the me two pmt umbenomiu of athletic dance ls given ln honor of the Juniors K
· I whim of the {ummm,. The scheme gnotyvpe. press and casting machine, fame, tm Umvcnm, of Cincinnati who are to be taken Into the hater- Thu w°°k °¤°" m°"° p”um° by
Wn emcuvely umd out by dis- ut the entire intestines of the news- basketball tum and the Sum, Umvcp nlty this night and who wlll assume the ww °f b°°k°tb°u thm h" b°°“
trlbutlng small brown ··beaus," the papw °m°°` slty five met at the Amory Saturday ’h*‘ l’l°°°" ******1** "°°“l b? uw Kumi Offered to the lover. at unt particular
symbol or the s0c1ety_ Over whffg He l' °'° °dm"`°bl° °p°’k°"· °“" °f nlght and the Wildcats nosed out a “"°““ °f mu Y°°"· puuma for sometime DML The
mms. The www was hidden by in- those kind who interspaoes his re- Newry by me Hmm of 20 to 18_ It There ls considerable speculation °u°°g M°'H°u° qmulgt ls um 'm`*°'
{aimed strands of me brown and marks with many original sayings wu 8 notable victory for the local as to who wlll be taken ln this year u°¤ f°’ Thundli NSN I¤d G10!
whim. Attached to the balcony at or personal experiences. Naturally Mskpmem to wm, fm. the vmquuhed to perpetrate the Kakes. This dance °°m° with th° "‘°°t f"°”·bl° ”p°'“
one and wu a small bam of electric hls remarks wlll be of special Interest Vu a team whose record Stands mm] ls looked forward to with great ex— mr °’ *°°d g°m°· having the dl°u"°'
lights, while at the Opmmw end wu to those interested In the newspaper as a pride to me Queen Cmp In my pectatlon, as they always give a good mm Of bdng the °"ly °°"°g° team
a large brown bent resting on the game, however, the entire student mg meh. respects to loca] baudom me danoe and this year’s promises to sur- that °v°r d°f°°'“`id the Bu“°‘]° G"`
floor beneath   the ribbons were body ls lI1Vlt€d. (wncinnnuans put up One of the st"; p&BB all {91080 of YOTHIPP YPRPS. Tll€ mnns° the Worlds Champions' The
pinned. The Press (llub Is a growing organ- Pm games Shen on the Armory nom, dance wlll commence promptly at 8 fact that Marietta defeated this tem
The grand march no by Mts. pm,. ‘“""°“· “‘° ’“°"“’°‘”’ °‘ whlch W this seam. <>’¢l¤¤k· b¢sl¤¤l¤¤ with the m¤r<*¤· ml" "°" “‘°“"“ tm stm wm. "‘°°
ahem Bedmgm md Mr. C- H. Dl benetltting not only themselves byt Loud Cheermg greeted me mums is whtrh wlll be immediately followed " hard l"'°p°°m°“ t°“igm·
4 Olbomo unt formed the umm. Im, gaining practical experience but nlsuithey appeamd ml the nom at Stfmiby the ,.(,..€m0m, of taking the pledges The Butfalo Germans have the
, umn ,14, me lat bang me Bymbaiths Un·v»»-s1t·· w-- {wl.]; tt y.tt;.·;c¤· “'hll<‘ ln Clmlmlall list .
Kl the end of the hall. mrdmny invlml m j°i"· Al l°““' lol a real exhibition of the mt game ;&¤d no one will be admitted wlthot1tI“""°k lh'? Gellllalls gave an <‘¥lllbl*l0¤
Perhaps me most impressive of an come out this afternoon and hear the   with me mxfcm in football last falllrrcsentlnz thc Drolver card, althouzn lol D88¤l¤R lllé ball that WHS ll¤<‘Qll8l·
public ceremonies IS the pledging of lecture and you may tleclde to het-om--ta, me hams of me “.H_k_atS mm it-mtorg are wptrome to mma {mated. For ten minutes they passed the
the new   B. Pkg- The lights were Flllé of US. PH"g(_ring’ the (wnchlnatialls olnprpd ‘S•8y in the gallpyy tn Order to Seegbflll VVllhOUt 8. Slllglé (`lIlClllI"|R[l mall
extinguished, leaving only B glimmer LBS! 'l`lllll`¤l‘0Y0 .l0¤~¤’¤¤ll¤¢¤· lava was Tuttle and gt-0tt_ who aided Section 1. Whoever, being a stu- Saturday night and a good game is
the 0],] men dt“pp9a_md_ the ave new A series of lecmms Of lhl¤ sort hn the local legions on to victory last 'dent or pupil ln any public school, orlexpected to result, as our girls are ln
men took their place, and the une """°"“°°d h`°"‘ time to time R°` fall. Showing apparently that they in any college. university or otherlnood fom: and can put up a good
procggdgd on its way under the bout member that the m¢¤·l¤=¤— 0f this had no mercy for the visitors, Tuttle educational institution in Ohio sup·lgame. But do not come with the idea
md Hound the hu] to break up mw Association lil`? ¤0l only h*‘lDlD8 and Scott warp in the thtrkegt of the ported ln whole or ln part by state.lthat. the nlght's entertainment will
dgnciug °0up]°s_ th°mg°lv°s· but MSO their U“lv°"’“y· attack Saturday night Theqg was organizes, joins, or belongs to anylbc over with the glrls’ game alone,
This being a program dance with A Gel the ¤Dll'll wld ll Y0U NW9 Bnyipnp mgm on the Cincinnati team that `fraternity. sorority, chapter or asso-`for the boys do not wish to be outdone
only {Ow mg dances, it was more mkllllg of J0¤*l'¤¤ll¤ll<‘ ¤·¤Dll‘¤ll0¤¤8lpu],p0y·te;~s thought would prove thplciation. of whatever name, or wlthoutlon this particular occasion and wlll
formal than K. S. U. dances usually *‘°m€ and ll€8l` lllé l€*<‘ll1l`€· ll' YOU undoing of the ]0ca]s_ and that waste name, composed or made up of stu-{try conclusion with a team repre-
are and to this chwuctcdstlv doubt- NW9 none Bllcll &SDll`ll·U0Tl¤ <‘0m€* lilld ··|kp·* gtqwarr the mnky qugcterbat-k_ dents or pupils of such public school.lsenting the l'nIversity of Loulsvlllo .
wss owed much of its charm and lest the lecture a“Y“¤y· be"““8€ all who did phenomenal playing against lcollege, nnlverslty, or other €d\1C8·j8.ll(l we may add that a good game
by me wax the programs wmugm in “'° l""""d ““d Ml am “"°1"°“"`· 3·3" State last fall. Although he was theilltllllil institution; or- sollclts snylwlll result when these two teams
mms of brown and Mmm. were very toady ln Chapel. tmglngtgy of the vtsttmg 3,ggr9gg,t]0n_ lother person or persons to organlzeqt-lash and again you are not compell-
mtmcthel l —————-·—·—· lhls attempts were foiled. [join, or belong to any such fl`8b€I'lllly,`(?(l to consult the above mentioned his-
ANTI-FRATERNITY BILL INTRO- The vlsltors started off the gamwsororlty, or other like secret soclety.‘tory to recall the defeat we adminls-
The young ladies who were fortu· » l . . l _ _
flute enough to phy a part in the) DUCED IN THE GENERAL wltlh a rush and scored two held goals   chapter or assoclatlon, shall bo deenrltered to Loulsvnlle lll. football last
pledging ceremony wom: ASSEMBLY OF OHIO. before the State ave weren ablg to ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon fall and now_ the basketball team
l ·— score. The Clnclnnatians showed ex-lvonyictlon, shall be tlned not less comes with a strong determination to
Miss Elizabeth Bedlnger, wearing Invntlgauon wm g, Hg|d by th. ratlsnt team work in the first h¤,lt_:than twenty-tive dollars nor more than wipe out that defeat as well as for
pink cbmcm Over pink °h°'rm°u°° with Commlttss on Unlvsrsltlss which It seemed would overwhelm thelollc lllllldfvd d0ll|·¤`¤· Y0? Ncll sud PM ll\1l‘D0=*‘ of Wlmllilg l¤¤l'€l¤ Y0?
www mms; Miss Stella H°w°“' who and Collogos. local boys. But the Wildcats soon hit 'every offense, and may be suspended themselves ln this contest. \Vell,
vms beautiful in whim bmcaded ath" --—- thélr stride. and the half ended 14 to9 from Such lllllll-\1l·l0ll at the c0ul‘t’¤ they might do this, but we would ad—
curymg pink r°°°°l Mi" A““b°ll Slnce the introduction of she blll with the vlsltors on the losing slde. discretion. Ivlse you to stroll out to the A!'m0¤‘Y
A°k°r’ In °’ g°W“ °f pmt °"°p° m°t·°°' ; which proposes the abolition ol all The second half startled ol! in a ttm. Section 3. A justice of the peace, _ Saturday nlghlt and see the event for
Mer pink uu"' °“ t‘ml°· with °’ °°r`lsecret socletles ln statosupportod in- ous scramble, and it was a melee full m¤Y0¤‘. l>0ll¤• ]\1d86» 0l' ¤¤Y 0l·h€‘¤`;>'0\ll'¤6lf wd H0! Will! lll YOU? ¥‘00!¤
sage bouquet of white mass; Mlsllstltutlons, both the tratsrnlty mon of ecltdng moments until the anal court Inferlorto Go court of commonluntll some more patriotic neighbor
Ella Mm Ch°°th°m w" °h"ml°g in land their opponents have been carry- whistle was blown. The last fowlpleas. establtshol by lsw lhlll MV6 comes back announcing the score to
yelww Suk cwpe with y°u°w ww'; ling forward their orsanlzations. mmutes of play, with only a difference flmsl ]¤l’l|dl¢U0¤ lll €•¤l'¤ Md 0V9l'Y YOU-
"M Min Ku"' in www °hm°°· Represontatlvo George M. Hoaglln. of two points and the vlsitors making prosecution flor a violation of this To sum the whole situation up
°v°r pmt uml with pink r°'°'· ot Paulding county, ls the father of a desperate effort to tle the g·am•·,]act. briefly, our teams, both girls and
The buy M pretty gm. wm) f°l` llw bill- M alms It 00ll·08¤ 0l's\¤lll· kept the enthusiasts on the norvousl Section 8. Th! Sections 12906, boys are composed of earnest, con-
lowed mea l“d°" °f uw ¤`¤d'¢l0¤1¤ lh¤‘0¤8h l·¤ tmoudmout to the ssat. The whole gamo was msrkedllI90T, 12908 and 1é009 of the General scientlous members who are strlvlng
"""°*‘ ""° ‘" °°‘“"’““’ “° °“”*`|lush-school sct on the sscrst society ny the attempts ot tus vlslton to esp cons ss, and me samotpn hereby re to do their best rot- me untvsrsley
"Y ¤'°"°°d· lquestlon. lung shots from atmcult angles. v••l•¤. snd ls the nrlvlless. the duty. the cb-
7** °h*P*’°”*' "h° '° |"'“l°“17 Hou•• |||| No- lll. Tuttle put up a splsndld sa¤• at B•ctlo¤ 4. This act shall takoillgstion of every student to support
D¥•|l¢l•d ¤V••‘ ull! I'¤b•l’l¤| W•¤•¥ To abolish and pohlblt fratornltlos. . guard, anistsd by Iam, rumgr as-loloct and bo ln force from and after them. and over remember that sup-
(Contlnu•d on pass thas.) (Continued on tourth column) l m••nt•nu•d on Pan sl lths ll:-st day of September, 1918. lpout. does not moan more sympathy.

Wednesday—"'I he Open Road"
    A   Reliance; special feature in two parts.  
To THE       Th u ru, nl. _ »••"m- p"u·.k,_»• Mh! FIIDCEO H. CIIIYOD
N d I lst ild P 3s- ;"I`Il_?h Dltrvo In The; retagned indeflnitely they wipll be foliar-
mg e s es " an ouser; s cis nat iv'n n at eac r orm-
II1 SSIOII - · - 5 C€I`|tS r.,.tm ln two 5.m. '°° .¤Jé. “ '“°°° “ °°
Drtvcs Away   CRTC   l SOCIAL NOTES Mm Juliette Gaines will spend thel cmonosrss NIXT wssx.
I ,   weekend st her home in Frankfort. ——-—
. 3       I- (lhicorpcrakhqcc I was lane Shannon nas been obliged • • • Inn". CALL FOR TRACK MEET
3-00 ' 7-45 ' 9-00 ‘ ‘ ` M-r. E. 1.. mm entertained his Sun- -——
, ` An   ""' ponpnqy popp gp-wg; Qing;]tam:c:;_);)lf0(;nhQ:phc;r`;;tisfshlgl day School Class at. his home on Dr. J. J. Tlgert, director of athletics
' Don U Forget the ANNEX For women byvme Int Friday e Linden Walk, on Saturday evening. of State Vnlverslty, will have the as-
2 BINGERS 2 ,350 to ,5_00_ U _   _ Various games were played and Mrs. hlramts for track honors out mr prac-
T ll d M. Hall . ·.
3 FOTOPU-AVS 3 nshsrcs ummu suture Mus Mollie Johnson he. returned °"" ‘“ ' ""'° ’°'°”" “°° “ ”"°“ “ “‘° "°""‘°' "‘“ "°'
BCENTS vocal selections, after which delight- mit. An offlcial call for candidates
For Mon to the Hall after a vlslt of several
HBEST YETn ful refreshments were served. Those will not he- made for a week or two.
days with her parents at Talega, Ky.
  $*00 U° $@00 • · • who were present from Patterson Hall Already several of the students are
  wereMls•esLu|lGti ,Rel tli 1 th G l.A
··ggN·rugK•5•· gggr The Subscription Mmge.-et ··T1~m ° ° " “°‘“ "° ""° °"" “ ° ’“‘°"“"‘
_ C. IDEA', my, __Y0u cm hue The Id · Brooks, Lillian Smith, Stella Howell, track meet has been arranged with the
. e
CRELQMLQFLOQR Lcxmgton agar me mt 0, um m"e__m W for Mid e¤..»e». Bmw. e...;;..!,i .:1 ;,....;..t.d..,tllt.,..:¢‘,,....,
.. · - ••• on Pe ay an eo men
s in xmqton FIFTY cENTs.·· ’
-By..   , , , Miss Annie Candloto, of Lexington, *ld°d by the WW m*·U°*'U¤U °¤ hssd
LCXIRQUOII Roller Mllls C0., lnc. |,_,,,,,,,,,‘ Min Martha vuey spout the week was the guest or Mug; Rumen Will make an excellent showing
  KANUFACTURES or and at the home of hor xrcntm ne". Bohror and Lorone Marking on Sun. mlnlt UIC Clndnnlulul.
' Georgetown. d"'
Of   Hsud Meds Cigars EX' , , , • • • AT usr To-ts Tis is snoxsn. ,
'ss ·¤*·r· "*• to ms- *¤·~ rss clusuety Mh. me Heller went to rmum The ·*°··*·*··**···°¤* *···*·**··“ ¤··¤¤ ·—
1~•o•lv• the best value for your money 136 wm M_ hn Ssmrdu, wm] me Pm! mn which will be played here on Satur- The Sophomores and Freshmen
and gonuemanly treatment,. When you ‘“‘ Sm" School bukctbm mm. The team day night, promises to be a big suc- have been rather fortunate this year _
want Pictures   went to Fnnkfon and wom me du cess. 'llhe glrls me to play the Win- in keeping so close together in the I
00 T0 ,,BIgm_”emg,, md were me mm. chester Athletic Club, and are prepar- number of points ln their athletic
W. R. HUMPHREYS ;•"°¢°• or the rmuuert team for meh, and “‘” '°" “ '“” ”“‘° “ "‘° w"‘°"°‘*’°’ '"““'°'· “‘°" “°" "‘ “‘° “‘*“"“ `
•TU¤l¤ q `V  ,r°§ ygturuod home me, me um um slrls are reverted to be all-mr play- —or ntther got tied. The reethan
pmmpg ny-yg°,.mgh gy". wm-; ( • I night ers. Be sure and lend the team your game ended 0 to 0. And too sad to y
Reasonable Prices. @ _ _ support by your presence there. relate the "snall race" proved dis-
841 W. Mala St. Fayette Phone 1885-x \ 0-*,, · • • • beam . - .
"‘ . Mm Lilly mrs, er the cms er ’12, |“"°“° °° °‘° 'uk u”°° °h" »
  I lots were completely demolished and
wu [ho guest of me Alpha Glmma Ph Iosophlsn Literary Soclety.
For th• CoIl•g• I¤y’• Imokor •   vanished like gossimers But at last
q, go gy., Standard Quality Delta Sorority sua attended the Tau ·
Bam Pm dance on Friday mgm. phylosophun utomry Society the war cloud unfurled its gloomy
L it C. a C0 There is no quicksand more , , , I program for February 19. 1913_ folds and the Freshmen fell heir to
6W H IQ r · ung?b]g gum poverty Jp Mm Emu] Dun is spending Swl Reading of Mmm,. by gecmm-y_ the silver lining. when lut 'l‘hwr•dsy
0 . N"' Ph MIX. q\1§ lty BD WE 8V0ld C ll em] Ween at the homo of he`, parents Speech by Judgg Bgrkgn night in the basketball game they
” ° quicksand by standard st t it th so h to
pay gLgAN|Nq Wong; Q Y- _ · . hm tune of 31 to 27. The game wss bard
W00l-EN MILL! gm, Athletic Equipment our student e¤wmHm_ rr tm, sum. Fullehlcve. P °m°"°'¤‘“°"° “ ° d '·* *·h°
  I Y B  ment ls true get all of your student C'°m°""`“““ H°dg°°· and of the nt mu but mc muh.
CNMLOGUE FREE men charmed their llne·up and the
  friends to give E. E. Humphreys, the ""__‘_""'   Icw‘ to ni t i
gubwygpuou Mmmm. pm), cmu bet us make you some engraved m°'°*"Y ° ' *7 ¤ *6 ° .
N Ph I21- . 159 8. Llmoabnt ’ V
•W ¤¤• Y   G.   & Br0S• and um. be of gmt uliwmco to one visiting cards. All latest designs. wud u’°U" $°*l· J“'° G"“t·Y md
        Avenue of their own e¤t€rpH·6·· UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE. géulh dld tzglilbeltjk-AWD?] fs;  
. . . res en,
N     CIDCIDDBU, O. The Fifty Cents will get you a paper` _"_"‘_""" Noel Tu the be; Wm_:e;;°Th° Boas]? ‘
  WUIICII YOU CGD call y0\1l‘ OWDQ YHIBD, ANNUAL N0-rE8' om `
_ you will not have to bother your *"‘ r
The Home of thc   H-   JR· neighbor for his papmx Fraternities and sororitles are re As fg ·w"’ they   This U
Moving Picture FINE CANDLES, OlGARS, . . . quested to have tlhelr design. gr, by :;1°a :t:r““`“” ·c;;‘wd lmzmgwos im;
Sh CIGARETTES, AND TOBACCOS. Miss Effie Rich wss celled te her “°"° w°°k‘ N"' "°“ w°°k d°°°”'t . bunch ct mus hem-- over in one
OW c...u.•.•e..|. Pull 0».A•¤l¢ultunlB|l'; heme. lu C°Vl¤8t°¤· 1**** S¤¤l¤'d¤Y. 011 mem next mom? for md°6d’ the de- corner singing "Wlll There Be Any -
mt_bel._ month needn’t he handed in at all. Sum In My Cmwm
, , , So we mean it and you will see that -**1**
Miss Ruth Games, of Frankfort, we mean lt, when we say that all de- WNER8 MEET-
t ° ° was the guest of Miss Viola Gragg for signs must be in by next week H
  y       Seven] days mt week. you haven't yet mwde the drawing or The monthly meeting of the local y
:-1;-;: rr··· rr ·· :·-ttr;r;——;·1_.—:*7.‘;T.:·1;—.·‘;;r:f*T"i<* · . · 8Dy d€nI1ll€ BlZ€, I`9ID€IDbOI`   ll associated branch of me American
Mm_ Hem.}, S~ Barker is spending should be made in the proportion of Institute ef MUU118 El18i¤6¢l’¤ WGS
SUIT OR 1 8 No MORE “ mw days with relatjves in Mu,B_ 5%x8 3-8 inches. Plesse get busy and held st the Mi¤*¤S B¤ll¤i¤8· Tues-
vmeh have your picture ready for the de- d¤Y. F‘€bl'\l8-l'Y U- All l¤YBl‘6¤U¤8 lmd {
      I , , , sign when it is ready to be handed Mld P¤J0>’&bl€ €VGl1l¤K WIS BDGHL
Miss Lawler Ha", of Frankfort, was ln. lt is really important that this Ml‘· K0h¤b\1l‘S€ 8‘¤V¢ 811 ll1¤U'\10UV9 » 2
me attmcuve guest of Miss Joe matter should be given attention at l‘¢&dil1g 0ll the dl¤00V6l'Y Utd devel- ,
• Q
T   l   G 0. Boermg, on Friday mgm, and 8mmd_ once. · opment of the Alumuiuum industry, 1
ed the Tau Beta Pm dance. Seniors, class otHcers—some ot you and its relation to modern life.
Bl had better get a hustle on yourselves Ml'- Woodson 6¤¥·6l‘l&l¤6d NS h68l‘· {
N' E` Corner Short and rket Mrs Fish Ur ·D· in K and have your picture made, Not ers with his summer’s experiences at  
. er, o , , ,
  Court House Next door Univority Book Store bee any e y` has h8»ll° the DlC£Ul‘€B 8.1*6 In yet,. This UIQ SYBBIYIB MHIOG. The trials and ]
n the guest of Mlss Mary G. Fisher tm) I H hi h b d Y t i
for the mst Week means that half the class is late; be- ll 6 0¤¤ W G 6 lm GYVUGYI I
_` cause after this week s fellow runs were indeed eueugh tc ssp the i
a chance or het getting his pteture to strength of s glsnt. but with mishtv t
yr W Ic to the engrayor in umG_ P](u  atlfgnd f()I"t.ll,udG he ended his reulark-B show- U
b"’ g""" by “‘° Y- W- wd Y- M- C· to this at euee. The time is really lng ue lu his ususl sttrsctlve sed
U U U A' on Friday night pr°ml°°° t° be ° very short untll everything must be Dl6®¤l¤K l¤¤¤¤€l‘-
          B S wry charming °'mur' Invit°'u°°s in the prlnter's hands, Prof. Easton closed the evenlng's V
have been ibsued for umm °°° hu"` Annual Staff meeting 3:30 0’ul0t-k program with a concise and syste
ROUTE low ON QALIL dr"] g(;"’“'“·i The A"°°'““°“° "‘“"’ Thursday at the Clvll Building, urs: matic lecture uncu the "Why's and
p anne to g vc a series of entertain- Whewfomj of Sumeu and Fauumu
T0       Hoor. Il ls llfgélltly Pequestnd thu? ~ ·
._....._.. ments during Lent and expect te U"' every member be present, as some reinforced by a brief of data, which t
SPECIAL ROUND•TR|P FIRES T0 vim every one in school te °°m° °n° very important matters must be de- W0llUd hsve dcue (`mdlt UD a C0'! "`*·' I
          of mem • • · cided upon. lt is high time every tion lawyer. He stated the oppor-
’ ’________ ’ member or the mn ls doing hte best. tuhltles fer srsdustcd Mlulss Fuel- ,
uni .•tu'¤ umn. Fun   Hvu•‘“. lf] you want a copy of The Idea You were put on the sun bocaule it nears in the many branches of the
. —v*··—1 . "‘“’ °" ‘° ’°‘" *‘°'“°· ’“¤'*‘ “°*‘°°‘· °' wu theught you would work. So the srts snd sclehces- .
Three through daily trains to Flor1da,v1aQueen&Crescc¤t sweetheart ust h d F .
· I _ ’·_ `~ first, thing you gpg to do lg to come A Bllggéll 0ll 0 I'. OIIBTI WI.!
Route, Double daily through scrum: to New Orleans. Llec- m .·_]m,k.. Humphrey. and be wm we
trically lighted equipment, including Pullman Drawing-Room [ th L *° UM m°°u“8 'U`hu“d¤Y· ““’°""“°d U°" ¤¤e·lon
Caters exclusively to students aud nulzllerg, guards; \\'ltte, center. ;°tI`":g l°Tp°I ' an ' I ` 0   B t cl th H , ,
and Faculty or stm University ,.-,,,,1 G,,,,,S_.n,,,,,, ,, .;,,,,3,,,,, ,_ 0 M Mn ~ ¤¤·_ _ _ ll C CS 0 (S, ats Illd F¤l‘llISlllll$S
_ , _ \\’llERE.\S, This lnost lnstructlve
A- B.   lreston 3. Barnett 1, Futtle 1, Stew- Im MIS made wssihlo by “amlgm_ ’ . l I
' · ·t l l~` · >· 2. F l G l —— i ) `
Col"   L‘m€ and Colfax   rmt ·_ ansi:] H _ Ou R fol; Lossig and Cllief Engineer llaxter.   S A     D    
. e lar », ·lc .». ee· —
  UE l'l‘ Hl·lRl·ll$Y Rl~lSOLVl·1D, Th t
tloalder. l'mpir%King. Twenty _ l_ I { ad
(Continued from Page L) mmm? periodsr the members ot tns soce y exten ,
TAU BETA PI DANCE to these gentlemen their hearty    
• ‘-""*"’_" thanks for this favor. S
J“d$° md Mm “· S· ““"*“"”· *"`°f· lilly u box re lhs Kentucky Stale llnanimously adopted ous wm day
, md M”· A· U· Z¢¤¤l>¤‘¤·l» Pr°f· and Seal Stationery to write to your girl or February ]r,l3_ •
Mrs, F, P. Anderson, Prof. and Mrs. mr W (, CROSS President     1   a c
W- E- R°W€. i’l`°f· Md Mm U· J· lYNlVl·]RSl'l`Y noon STORE. --.7. .....-
Norwood, Prof. and Mrs. L. K. Fran- GREAT GAME
  kel, Prof. and Mrs. 11. il. Downing,    
Lieut. aud Mrs. A. W. GUlllOll, Dean Saturday mgm the Slate Girls. ·
Anna J. Hamilton and Miss Mary G. M d _ L _ t Basketball Team wm may the HAH O E t-   k . I     S . t i
Fisher- I a e IN exlng ori. St U f m Winphegwr his prom   n     ,   U   a   y
...... ars, ro . . . ·
` » . ` Ih · ' l
{ b Thit wen agrmnges lmigmul? t Q 'l`lle .lUlll0l' Engineering Class of lses to bs 0**6 Gl Our mast excmng    
l rem ul Tuusc   (iuami .°C?.ri` me Valvsrslty ot me Pyramids once l=¤m°S *"“‘ °"°""°"° S"°“m °°m° °°t Hats Underwear Si'IlliS Gloves
· ‘;;“h;°g‘;er‘;:I10;”"I;1;d;;°uI‘;‘l;\";;;1; jOu,.,,,.y€d ,-8,. up me Nile U, See the and root nu- the girls. The game ls l l v »
l ' . - . ..
Sue img t be min mber d wonderful process of making a newly lv be lllaled lll HUGH Alm0l$· Come      
o e e . .   , .
F g ___ _ discovered beverage. Just four Pall? and gpl B "`S9"‘~d "€•*i·
thousand, nine hundred and thirteen The il“*"ul* will llmblibiy be tht? •
(Continued from Page 1.) years later, another Junior Engmeerc sarlle as ill the last game—-.»Iisses     r.    
` ` Y' "' lug class of another uulvol·Sny jour. l’<·m·s and lluslles. Y0l'\\'8l’llS2 Miss
cured two of the field goals, while ueyed, not. quite so far, to see the GaSil“"m‘· ""“""`? Misses wood and — —-———·~;-——————-————————————*.
Preston 3 and Barnett was credited self-same process, · l   l-Zlli\l`ds·   WU d ’ S'l`UI)b:N'l`s:   You Strain Your   To  
with one. Barnett threw live fouls Even il` those Egyptian students dld *9 FU > all i”a·Ci‘(mg ‘—""~’¥ R? I
ullder the direction of Dr. Tigert and       _ ,_,a
__ —_ promise to put up a fast game Satur- _ ?(;`§ry?:)g?l£I%’£ Eg ilgg -
-•··•·•·•- . ls headquarters for h gh-class i I ., .
l l . e es to see clearl sn t
»  ~. (ay mg lt' Tonsorial Work and Manlcuring tgis Obviouqry {Ad for
i `*, -···—··‘*"’_ H. B. JONES, Mgr. THOS. SHEETS. Prop. your eyes? Such wanton    ; 
E F·¤•¤lllu: ills vllllll J¤b———Glve Us a Trial-
I I found that the name had been in· A_ J_ JOHNSON- R_ c_ BRAMLE1-1-_
I You   {GCI bCttO1° however in splred by that l.&ll\lill.\l' old t‘llUl‘Cll        
I G d W     hymn: "Gladly My Cross l’d Bear" I •
I     0   • • • lt is not ll lllL\llt‘l' of t'0llllll0ll ob-    
Q . · l\|al·v had n nnltlyr cul; 5t‘l'\illltlll lllul zi, \\01ll21ll`s lllilld i:iI g
i Some very $p€Cl8i VEIILICS Il] both lt. was a \\'llitc you know: """` '“*“i*` ull Jllsl b¢‘l'i\'l$•~‘ llcr face C t t
I   Rnd   llut quite unlike the little l;lnlb_ ls.      
i` lt wasn`t sure to go, l)t‘\'i\llSU ° ° ° d B ' d
ii lt was a llnnnbout ten fect V Alllllilllllls Yllllllt1s1l¢‘l' "Ull Wll      
`I Nlvwly this und nothing llll)l'(‘, llllllh, tllcn, llllll l can lllilktd an living C I
by Ill)` slllgillg`f"   S
mv   €S’ O X O (`llSll)lll•.‘l" "Slllll; inc the [Il't‘iilt‘SiI Ulli il\'ll·ll "\\'~‘ll. Bllll ~‘¤‘l`lll-ill'!
• _ . . C
{lling you have in ghirl lyujg(;.l_ \·,lll liv illllc lll htlllp lllv \\0li il'Olll lllt‘ L   0
. lncorroratod l,l,lug,l_·· lllulr tllllt is, il` hc has any cur for u   °
‘ ‘ C ‘ ’ ’ Slil<‘slllull—· `°\`vll\' call 1 ··l,ill ill lIl¤tSll' " l·¤~¤¤lw¤·l··l
0//e e Fe//0ws .Sb0 -· lr . M
gl P about thirty minutes, will you; she is » · V ~ · s· -— l.l·.XlNt.lUN, KY
is ( '

 7 · . { M
    “¥l *"€" `;`—’   A   »i      A- ·‘- * -  ii——-;::;. =,_ _ ____
. 3ELMtNl’·-MADRAS l
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the student body »; \ _ V;
of the State University of Kentucky. for th; lienellt of the un-     I; f 7 Y
der·gr|du|tes, alumni and facility of t e nat tut on. _ ». f§_ l 4
·rm·: mm is the ¤mctsiTiew§Rnsr stthE"