xt7n2z12rf2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12rf2j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-02-26 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 22, February 26, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 22, February 26, 1914 1914 1914-02-26 2015 true xt7n2z12rf2j section xt7n2z12rf2j BGSI Cbpy Available
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M rss Jeanette Bel} V oted ·lElAND PUWERS KNUWN The College Wrdow
Most Popular Young Lady Hmm com W com At Ben Ali 'I 'uesday
l Receives MOIC Thllll 18000 Votes-Will Qntéftain Het     at   Stroncrs Present George Ade•s Comedy as   Fourth
‘ • • • · 9 •
_ bmends Wnth Box Party Tuesday’_Lvenmg I k Annual Productn0n—S0c1al Event
to See "The College Wndow. I I.ll8l3l\|I`B Ill LYIBBIIIII will · of the Yum
_ lmowu from coast to coast. For 20 ";"' 
* MISS J€8ll€tt€   ......... 18,260 VARSITY   years he has stood alone as the great- T“°°d°y· March 3· me S“`°u°" wm "';' “"
. . ll l A r. resent me C u wld ·· CHAMPIONSHIP
M BW G I     est interpreter of terature n me D 1 0 ege ow, at the
ISS ¤`¤¤¢°¤ °¤¤° —·--·- » HARD GAgI§(§l§%lgTI lca·—aome maintain as the mngusu- ,,6,, M, T,,,,,,,,,_ and ,,,6, ,,,8,,, ,,,,,,,,_ TITLE RETAINED
-—-—-— speaking world. One can get some      
Above ls given the tiual count in The ———-—— conception of the man by rendlns mw t° be uw S°°i°’l high “'°°°" m"k _____
HMA popumrlty contest which closed In Double Bill Saturday Evenlng, Var· what he tbluka of his own art. H• of thé college Year. The play is Blu, gnd wh". ny. pqag un", gf
Monday at, 6 p. m. Names of the other uty Gen 20 t° 18 D°°i·i°"' and sax;} an the ut. the most j0y_g,v,ng George Adele musmrpiecm the cut is Louitvillo on L|ti|r’| flqqr In
contestants are omitted as only the Fruhln L°°° `° L°xln¤*°° Itbink, ls my own art. A great drama Eerfectfly b?l°'°°°d• °°v°m1 sp°°um°° R•t¤l‘¤ BIND, O te 19, In Q
two leaders received votes during the Hlqh 20 to 15. ls a masterpiece of g·rt_ made up of 8·V€ 9011 I1tl‘0d\|c€d, 110 expense has g.”“t|°M| °°n‘•“_
cmmg dm 0, the coms, . ..; m¤¤t¢r-¤¤¤m§¤¤¤1 1%* dh; ¤¤ ··¤<1¤¤9· been sperm on scenery and cos. _
Monday brought to a close on of the. BGTH GAMES FAST gzxirjeihzgr thzye rsvealythne rgrznsnfgtu tTmeS' and me °°mm°t‘ has b°°¤ mms HMJJR ·TA”·°
~ ,,,0.,, rms.-Hung contests we held at ln s double header at me Aualm- ;¤;e:;_‘°°;°h;p: g*;°;’;’;:; 2;;*;; fh‘;“‘;"6 sz, ‘:‘“‘° ;‘° :"°";‘°“;“ ‘“ mm evening tha xsmqq we;.
  this University. By a close but de- ium Saturday €V€¤i¤S. th6 V¤¤‘¤ltY my nt to U-,,,,;Q,te, mmuyh nylug All tha u nf;] Jggn DK 0::% retsiued their tit1•¤IBt•t• CIIIIIDXOIII
· crm., vote Mis., Jeanette ssu was,trimmed nmvmny or cmenum 20 I °*° €°“° °"’ °““ W '“ ° by semen; ts. smug on me
voted the most popular young lady of to 18, and the Freshmen lost to Lex- cosh ~_`;;;;;` Em: Sissoni Erma °[ t‘h° Su'°"°" ville quintet on th. nu. cu, lou.
| Kentucky State University. In addi- ington High 20 to 15. ·"o‘(>},";y3'»‘)T` 18 r gges Success` by a score ot 20 to 19. The youve
,,0., to mmng th., high honor she vmuy Gm. ° “‘° °°“"‘° ‘“"°‘” ‘“ “ °°'“°"’ as u. sm, mmm. me ss-•...
_ , _     ot college lite from the tacile pen ot _  
will be gxven by Phe IDEA an entire The 1118111 CODt€SE W&8 thi! UBB'- 9*  ,.,,5;, G ths clever dill KM I Kal"
box to see "The College Wldow," hlbitlon seen OH 8. local HOOP thi8  , ¢`;_;gl , ,.  ESQ A‘;€;;nmdA;h°l “· mu d Hellerthgtswupg \§•§|·g••|g[gvq|·
which the Strollers present at the Ben season. Both teams played the iloer   Barr I K hi humm. unt hu Og gum
{ Ali Tuesday evening. in a speedy style that was destructive   °°dduc(; 1; l;’n°y ° tm:h‘;`°"°"f   Tho mlm. wha, at un nm but
_ · Miss Bell is from Fulton, Kentucky, to the Gpidéfmal COV0l`i¤8 of k¤8€¤ Bild   t I 0 tz 8, re? llc O? I) be 6 Wu blue md White. Thi Clldlndl
; and is 3 Junior in the College of Arts elbows. M0l'g8l1 8lld Scott WGFB work-   llta prjb gy lrn vers U; t S st rolled the int bqjkot, ||| (hh
4 and Science. She is vice-president of lng in great form, and Bryant played _ __,      » nlarprid hy C0 egetpgop G} I ti seemed to wakm the pep at up Unl-
ma Permyroya,1 Club. the game for the visitors.  _   F to bz rgwnis SCX: €r0:1ct?;ntan;: versity tive. They mluaud some tut
The IDEA desires to thank the eu- The summary:     ·‘·?j=.  Tuesda; evening p hard going ug Nd gh, D-.; mu
tire student body for the interest Kentucky. t ,   ' McQhx¤°y ,un,‘ an ag, by .,0;.
· which they have shown ln this cou- Morgan and Scott; __,______________ F {ip    ·‘·’· \ The cast includes 60 people, aud has mg B dimcuh chu", ad maunu
test. It has proven to us beyond sl Park ............,.,,,,,,___,,_____ C VAIA   B?.   b¤¤¤ ¤¢i§¢$d gw Stes; Manager Sand- the Slam me mmumd · md. Im
doubt that the student body is back of|'l`uttle, Gurnbert, T. Zerfoss ........ F       l ma:} ant ro BSF? arquhu M t`h°|Heu€,- from to Mu. Gough .0 doa
us lu our efforts to make The IDEA; Cincinnati.   ·° { re; tco hiomfmt t V6   I that the skillful Louisville captain
the best college weekly in the South. { Sh<·x>e¤‘d. Molltgvllwry --·-·-·-·--·-· F     halt, béck ?m;;: lg del 1; tgewzug tailed to accept a chance, and was ln
Miss Bell took honors in the Fulton]   ?*¥¥¥%?‘*‘43-_é,’{•I1=,,’,)U,,Q I G   In p __J k La b reality out or me game. •ru• um
highschool. Her work here is no less *°°"""“““°“‘ag°S‘“’   *¤:i,~_»3s‘s·= '°"’ “’ “g“° °““ “° '“ °°· --—----—-
...L..•...;— ’ ., :,, vg foot ball coach," and L. McCloskey as (Continued ou Pqo Bu)
promising of a. creditable career than ‘,THE   r, Nt bb T 1 d b d d
  u y a ma ge, a usy un ergra - -—-—•-•»——
tl t lling le endur d t tle good LE ND pow _
ufvu O0: Fuign In sicigys lemma-I EDUCATION”—A 1 d LA ER; uate," are due to score successes that   M. C.    
· vo ce an movement, suc master- _. _ ,
circles she bears the closest scrutiny       pieces from the printed page back mu das? t;€m_ with mist Su`°u°r  
for geniallty, repartee and those at- At Buell Armory, Tonight at 8:30 ‘° b“`aU““g 1**** ”w'rS’ M ‘ (“r°SB' as H°°' Elm _
And this little appreciation from the uicks," O. Willett, as "Bub Hicks" *——
• tractive humors so acceptable in the H ) ——-—— umm Ly(.P,,m c,.,,,c’P._u1M_ P€,,"0n_ H “m HM NI G ’_' A Quartette, Mau L¤ul•• Holmquut,
modem college lady. Popular in the lhe lhilosophlan Literary Society wm give Home idea of how he is m_ arry . er, as . atty . c owan, and Th"' meant M"` In Y. ”•
classroom and out of it She is me presents "'l`he Higher Education," a. garded by [hose ggmpetent to judge; and Miss Wood as "Flora. Wlgglus/’ cl A- world M M Hurd-
’ ‘ . · , ··Tu tr1.1uP nth; -— ·
pride of Patterson Hull and me boast muses: lil gwgo acts, at Buell Armory, of 3 nfiagtrpl.0 HQPSES m::y€¥:m:lumr;;i areic.;st;ora;.0medy parts, and each is `vml a View to pmssmms um gN·t_
, tong a : . ‘ , ‘ an u 1v1 u scream.
ot the young men. l\o on more tlt- hut I have ncxcr heard hxs equal. He est. claims that the world may have on
ungly deserves to be cane; me most Much time and effort have been ,,_ S ,0,,,; ,,,.,.,, ,»,.,.,,,;,,,,,.,, ,,8 ,, B,,,,,,,t The production will owe much of its me Kentucky college mu md Ummm,
·' x z‘ ‘ lll ill "Y Ali' ’ ‘k 's — · —
popular. Though popularity is not {-_,lVtl1 to maklngs the undertaking a {ll:} .*:1l Hnlil Il" lhiuzhgll tlouhlggumav stiflcissito agumgei of spscialtéfs that and the highest dunes that our nw
nmnsu to one or two deeds iu the “““‘°“· “"" ""’ °°“"’ “"”“°" ‘° 8* use .,.. le ;:’tl lll‘} n·1l·,·,mlsl is u. " ° ““° “°_" ‘"°“g °“‘ ° "“y dents owe our fellow msu mu our
,,,8 0, s young my ,,0, ,S ,0 be wml its ¢¤¤¤¤kS t¤ both the mt and lz;. Q un., in the s.,—·.» ll·>s Wim xl- -‘¤rl¤<>¤t l¤l¤¤<¤¤¤s the ¤¤¤v¤¤¤e¤t <>f ,,,,,,€,_ ,,,8 C,,,,,,,,m Awc,,,,°,,,,
’ Mrs. Daniels, who has taken so much· *=:·l l’n·~·~¤s The sllcxzll tl \i:ul‘ c the pld; The gddgd attractions lh.
measured by any single characterls- hd ,,,,,,. .,t,, · , ,,5 ,,,_, ,,, ,,, 0, ,.,_, have ¤€€¤¤‘9d four G! th• •bl¤¤t wétk-
_ interest in coaching the play. i T ` [ clude Mr. Bolling and Miss Debow lnl
tic, yet it is the result and sum ot a e·· ·l .`lllt'l`Zl x »t' 1·n·;¤>s·· unl tw GTB wd IGAGGYS of th• United Stttel
Whole period of acquaintance and aw "'1‘he Higher Education" is a charm- ,y,,!,{,,.`,,,_, ,,, ,,,, , ,,,,,,,,.,,.,, f,·,,,L a modern dancing turn; the O’Neil to coma before ul for · un-. of
• Bocmuon lng "Comedy of Errors," all of which ·v···r`¤=i·s n¤:1"<· hlis wt •‘l!\llll`llll-Qi ' Trio, comedy acrobats; Misses Mc- meetings wide in scope md fu r I.
' _ x A l in s lvl so ll`\I· 1 ll’7lllLl' t.!.1I v ‘ , _ , _ '
We mu mss een as the most mm. ‘"‘ "“‘n "’ “"’ “°f"“““° "‘°“°“ °"“S“" Z.,,·s,.»., cf uw l.-. llv;l··h¤· of has W-· ‘ "“°“"’· “"“f’· “°“"f· ‘“‘°UW“““· ‘“ mg ln um: pumm-commssesus
wt and popular lady in me Umvep by Mrs. llungs intellectual flight. .,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,._,,,, ,,,,, ,_,,.,. ,,;,,, ,,, classic dances, the state nlverslty wednesday, Much ul md commuuw
·‘··   · ' ·   · · "¢ '·< »‘·:· lh L Y ·
sity, an honor as much deserved as it lluuna has spusxn of mtelleet Mr. ,;.nl§Hl;;dl1l¤ll(»om`!llvlsullmzl »ll:I\¤:p· hnlfl IIN t lee tlub ln four numbers, and two through Sunday. Much 15.
wus unsolicited- Her wom star is lluugs nssunncs the household duties, gm; his }vu,imS‘H_m_ www (_u;h_A_   This quarwtm of hmm. work".
and wlelds the rollin pin with all the ` . · . . · . _ , (C°“u¤u°d °“ P“g° Sul
not waumg wm, ,,,0 comms of ,,,,2, 8 tum-i IB thelsu nnlt¤:acd£ and ¤nelnd¤a— will in the brlet time they are with us,
  i ( u y · ;   r v / ·
dlgtinctioll but it has been ln the as- 1(bntinued uu Page Six! guuilttpdét allen is :101 oinlymgagsbs, L ceum Course Tugsda be given the opportunity m app"!. b°`
cension since she embarked here and •_ "‘—‘" ‘*°°‘ o   but sincere. He seems utterly uncon-   3rd State Universig, wm °"*"`>' t“t°"°" and Z*'°\W °Y the
will be on the upward when she goes $00•000•   $50-000- •"i°“’ O! his m'di“m· ’° thu th' Ly ’ · · y Studellt body.
_ Y ,_ __ _ I `_   results seem as natural aa tho many (h3p€l, 4 D. m. AdmlSSIOH O fm b
uw ay. lhe girl tnlcnds justly enw all the young nlcn tu be with her und typo. one mE,€,¤ on ,1 walk up Cn", Twenty_Five (95) Cents "*` " G “““’ Q" °°m“ Bspecwly
l|¤!'r but 5*:* D|`:\:<:l tlffli   {*5 [hifi: h2L\t· (hel gvllltle perfume of hor coupi mn |{rgg(_-gr Brogdwgy," Subject. "lnterp·-Letation oil Y0? W0|'k BJUOIIK OUP KIND, and II ¤0¤6
· Y 9, ' 6 · _· · ¤ x • • `""` `  
rep escn1;-;*-_`lifi*‘;_—>_1o;ie_ ll r[l..tlll0Il¤[l p s ud on their lives. David Garrlckjr uoumlued on Page Su)
OH I`ITlOI' 6 I` °
_ lg lll y -- lg € UCE1 1011 -- .
'I“ °ht° A "‘I'h H' h Ed t` " 830

· I
2 T H E ID E A { .
Mm I HE ORPHEUM I HEAI RE “"'"""" ‘’'‘ ""°
ME AT Children 5c r (
FIRIT·CLA88 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. ITAMPIR, Jr., Own•r and M•n•g•r. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M.  
 -1-—-—.;m.;_... m.-..._...m_.;.,m,_;__;_______ ____ _ i l
·—······—__i;;;;;;;;i;‘ ‘I‘. II“?....... “_‘l‘ "— `""‘*"”“"”` ——-~  -—-—t-. .....--1T -.. .:·;ZLl.|
Mlpggrg AND MAMMOTHS Mnx taumtwrt ard Tuttle ............... H setting ever concelved. The llluml- • O .
MATTERS IN MERRY MELEE Chattanooga. nation will be supplied with 1,000 ln-
-. W-. W Southerland and Woodworth ........ l·` cnndescent lights and n number of the € n I
S""O"° club OV°rp°w°" nw Inwty Spencer ........................... C mont powerful ¢·aIclums."
Club in ° C°m°dy S".,) Tuudly Illxhelmer and Brooks .............. G John \\'. Vogel]; Big (Zlty Mlnstrcls
    Evenmm 9 to s' |"•‘ld 8°**'**e“|`¤¤m<* 6- MOVBBU 5, will be at the Hen All tor two perform-
• V _' V G_ V   k T Park 4, Scott 4, Solntlwrland 1, \V00d- anves, \\'edn¢·st|ny, Marhc 4th, mntl· M A R C H 4
• H .
    I arm y Ne' I Q. worth I, Spencer 1. nee and night. I‘rlt·m¤•, night, 2F·<· to
MATINEE TODAY I In H (mum,. hpudcr Monday cwnmg I·`onI goals- YMorgan 2, Dexhelmor 1. $l.0t¤; matinee, 2f»t~ to Imc.
Th. am Tm. wm wrmms ·*··· S*~·**···· *`*··*> ·*··*°¤¤t<*¤ the **¤·~‘*¤>‘ """`"'“‘““'“"· "°"‘""‘°“· ——·*•* so ·     r
Hm, I,) th,. ,hHd·H Bm, Scum of U U, ’rhm· of hnlve-s—l5 minutes. KEITH VAUDEVILLE.  
R , - . _ , . _' _ _' ........
  S li ui"! \HrSH) joutclussaflll U@`€r?:(•)|   Hun1HU)" Ur()u|(‘rS 8.I`(‘ (HHpI}\)'il\g   `  
‘ of t' mttanrntmpm U to 7. "ne €llg.l)'· · ,
lll .k t·tltl b ·|1
Nlllll ;;lIlIlt' \\llS H(‘llt‘dUl8(l HS lll] Q*XU`&l _ _- IH wvena nlug (up vu ns Ulu I U
ESTEU-E WARDETTA & CO' The Mmstrel Furs! Part. stunts. lhese have n reptuatlon as ,
In a comedy Sknch, ..¤tmt·t•·»u. hut it developed into at _*__ Mrubam cunning, catchy and classy.
··»-hmeymoen an the Cat•kill•." ’*l"**‘*'**"*" llhm izuuebli a d°‘“d8€ vt W; John W. Vogel, manager or the Big Uuoneymoon in me Cmskms., is
t ¤u>¤=¤¤t¤¤ wm lv 8 (WOW DF¤¤€¤ - vny Mlnstrela, is an enthusiast in his i b E t H W d tm & C bd
MAY WEST-' TNG M\¤U·-NYY SVVKD WM Played b€‘ business and ls thoroughly posted as S ven Z Esta T 9 u u I F; mng •
O'*9*"" B'"""°Y M°°"" tween haves am! after the Varsit> to the ori ln and rowth of the cpu- H come y B e U 0 no B E ue n
g 8 ‘ p May West offers her "(lrlglnal Brink-
BARRY 6 WALFORD, pink tea. It was the comedy scream lar Btyk, of amusement he pm·v€ys_ ley Modelsu wml mate and many
Original Chatter Singers. of the season and was played under a Said Air. Vogel to our Special com. marks of liubuc approval I E N h $
·· · · - · ' PRCS—igt25ctol
WANDAI new todo ot rules devlsed tor the oc m{S,,g0n(.r_ mph? Original Chatter Smgemn pm- .
The Diving Eduggigd sun, <=¤~¤i0¤d·¤·¤d Y0¤`V¤ tried W strelsy, introduced the dress coat flrst I B Au JUST WHAT You NEED.
4oo c.oo¤ SEATS ALwAvs AT 10¢. _ _ . _ , . T Seen tw Bn ¤¤°P<>· .
,___m ____ (Mill Pm “€U» ¤tw¤¤11k¤ WU- he part, and the really excellent parlor G0 where me good Show goes Be   &  
Tdophom 638 lsrevitles committed alot of uudvr- concert was emulated by all _ of at the Ben AH where me Strollers wm ‘
hulld [l`l<‘kS that WGTS DOC BCCONHDK (‘hr|g[y’g c0mpg[i{0rg_ _  
• . . .. .. *"“’ "°“ T“°“°"y· umm eraser Ann ¤noA¤wAv
      ltv Hobie. Such 88 ¤wUi¤8. ¤'iDDi118» Great Scott! exclaimed the com- __
• holding, and piling on after a man was mmgxoner. "nurlng the Civil War," to DOMESTIC SCIENCE GMLS PRE I • _
TOBACCOS PIPES ETC d°"'"’ but me "’t°”°° °°°"°°k°° °“°‘° “‘° °"’ """”"°‘ “‘°"‘ °’°“"*’· page FEAST FOR LAWMAKERS L¢X|||§t0|| (JIU c0||||)8|IY
’ ’ · these mlllur détails. ID tact, BMG "[hgn gregnbgckg were plenty and Incorporated
Pipes Repaitcd. "’“*"`*` “"“S WO u°k1°d *° bww his scattered all around. Newcomb, Sharp- The girls of the Domestic sclence Ml¤¤7•¤i¤¤‘•• ¤*
KFNTUCKY \\'hiSU¢‘- The NTSC hillf Blldéd 6 to 0 ly and Duprez and Benedict set as department worked for two or three    
LEXINGTON ` ` ` in l`¤V0¤` of UN SHIRU ¤t\1d¢¤i¤· many as twenty people in the llrst days in preparing the feast for the 136   I
  Tilt? last half Wit¤€¤B€d BD B·W¤k€¤· part, but it was not until years after Chief Executive and the lawmakers.   '
UN B:;I·:{·yyNg};u?;:ND i:1lH 011 (:116 (LGF! 05 the I;0;iY TVB- that the minstrel managers made any After the visitors had reviewed the     and   l
lm. Fawn, of sun Univcnny wb 1 OP H10 GPH MPR WU ¤¤`€ special effort to giye a first part com University and cadet corps, they   and  
TT wld D8$$€d thé D€|l€t around i¤ 019 binlng a large number of performers marched to Patt Hall to partake ot a  
A• B•   PYIWF far above 010 reach of their backed by a gorgeous stage setting. feast more bountiful than was placed _
COR. 8- LIMEBTONE AND col-FAX short opponents. WhY th€Y didn’t Now, with palace theaters and in- before Solomon in all his glory. ln so      
_   diS°°V€' the air lanes ¤00¤€!' ifi the creased population, one can go to the doing they proved to their guests that   .. e
  881119 is 3 !¤YBi€¥‘Y- Ai HHY FRU? they very verge of rashness and recoup. domestic science is a help to any B '   D c
W. H. stm Pnumgz Sun- for ,120 ¤l¤d€ their DIBY 800d for ¤i¤€ D0i¤\S. My ‘Radlum Palace' is probably the household and that they will never be       n'
_lt_ wld Wim U19 d€€i¤i0¤· most elaborate and costllest first part{t'oroed to advertise extensively. WM- E- $TAGG» $¤¤¤•l|¤•‘-
• • • The summary:  
Bully B81l¢Y'8 Pr €8$m8 Club Emmy club EDlTOR'S NOTE.—The song that came from me pen or A. s. Behrman 309 WEST MAIN STEIQET ·
16::D {sn; cI;EANINGP:;:j:; y Russell and Uebovitz F and made such a hit ln the late Gleet Club concert at the Opera House, ls
ou mea one - ..............
lven below. We take pleasure in presenting the words to the readers of J D    
 l1‘8dg€S .......... .........·.....C g . •
H S Ci ,1.m_l0r   l l · · l e · I t · · I l ~ I Asst. C The IDEA. lt has a human note in lt that cannot be mistaken. (mmwmw)
C A     ll. Hedges and Nutter .............. G   DODD SHOES
Where you will find everything a ` '
COMPLETE DRUG STORE Pulntore and Golden ................ F   to  
Should Have. Ice Crea Soda. Felix   Now in tht west, the golden sun is sinking, RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
MAIN AND WM-NUT STREETS- Woodson com muon G Bidding the weary all their toil to cease; FOR MEN
  New é0alS__}{uSSeu zniliebovm 1 l And, on the twi1ight`s nolseless wings descending. *4 00 t $5 00
• ' . . , • 0 •
      Valmore 1, Golden 2, Woodson L Comes soft to earth the message sweet of peace.
' ° ' Foul goal—Pa.ln1ore.
Anthraclté3l§€étumln0us R€f€re€__,I.ig€n Sweet be the rest or all Kentucky's children, FOI' the •
. l Where'er this night their day of labor ends. C  
. V Vat Enttaln.      
L€XIHg`t·On, * kentucky .. ar I y er · Duty well done, they seek now dreamless slumber, K y
lhe alleged chief attraction of the G0 to
  evening was a game of basket ban be Strength to renew for tasks the morrow sends.   L _   C
C CWI!] 1 it O.
W. S.   tween the State University first team, k on N"' Hugh
and the team representing the Univer So with the morn, thou shalt awa e, Kentucky,
The Sanltary Grocer my of Chammoogan (Tenn.)- Strong in the power thats glv n unto the right.
.. . , Strive with thye might, tlll, from the western heavens,  
PHONE 720 Hm bmw Lmversny boys played al Once more the sun bids thee a flnal "g0od nigl1t"’    
. . . . · d game and scored a large number ` °
Cor. S. Lame and V1r lHl8 Ave. "°° - ,
g or points hy throwing the ball into the A' S' BEHRMAN Taka [css Shortcnnng
  , . _ ,. . .·   --g,d,;,,..-
S h , c d   baskets mended for this purpose, but  .———- .. _  
c   S   y I they were an little rougher than was Lexington Roller Ml ls Cov
  °°°* · " ° ’’‘“   —   ·*‘‘·t*   in   ** W   WELSH & MURRAY ‘“ °‘ “ » .
        l))` SUlllf‘ ol [[18 spectators   the       r
Pop Corn I`rltters• State team was quite rude at times. ` & B bc  
LEXINGTON ' ' KENTUCKY The team from University of Chat-   I   { 0 c   r  
+°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°* “"‘°"**“ "wd m°u` b€“· ““d M umes • 107 loulh LIm••ton• St., opp. Ph¤•nlx Ilot•l
· · Y mconronnrzn
Chgning, Prcnrurg, Allcrlnl. t·X<·rlvtI IIIPXHSBIVBB to the utmost, but Fm··|·_cLA88 wonx GUARANTEED
ROPLIIIDQ soxuelnow they were seldom able to   I
W H S throw the bull from 0119 to 8l10!.h6!‘ U1 R I G l   N   S E   I C E   L
· · T€V€¤S0¤ T ¤_ ···* · ·····’ r **:1*0 ;·*¤*¤¤*d:~dS;·t· ».t t.....»....t... »....... ¤.,...¤.t...¤.
[I U.} \‘l` I|"Ull| ('i1,[(j [lg [, uq! Qy · — ~· — »~ -— V —
L¢1di¢8' Work a Iseern tu have much skill ln throwing w• w•  
Specmhy nhl- hall into the basket.     A   Qqrngr Uppgy gud Bgnygr
'l`he· >ll|l|l||||,]'yQ   “_
Club Rams' 5 Suns' $150 K°"t°°ky' I24•l28 NOI‘th LIITICIIOIIC LQXIIIQIOII, Ky. DL l•    
  8 |_|m._ Ph°n•     llllll Scott., .............    

· I
0 T H E ID E A 3
l I {       I   Money Loaned on all goodsof Value. Ican save you from 30 to 50 per cent on
Diamonds. Watches, J ewelry, Etc.
· LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block
, , As to the future work of the Blr- .......
    mlngham organization, we gee; that TM Ivslslature was lI`l\'l[G(]' gnrt it
we will be better able to show this ssxgilnlg ;I°"l°"‘*;; ;“H“ll"‘""l‘· llsb Q;
later, but just now, the chapter de ’ ‘ R “““ " ‘° "‘ “l’· B"' "` _ _ \ ·’
NTOHY or mamma- Ivmvmmy mm whether K graduate mm to communicate and c0_0pemt9 Domestic Science Department turned - ll
H · v with all other Clubs in perfecting a Ollt ln fllll force U) (l0 ll0[lf)l‘ lf) Ill? " V`  
HAM CHAPTER or not, would be eligible for member- stronger and more Mme Alumni A Occasion. J
, S-
.._.. ship.
t soclatlon, which will be for the better- ".
` % The   Chipwr of Ken. Ofnfgfg for Ong year were   ment of each and every Alumnus und   tll€ Senators \Y"|`t" tll(‘rt‘. ••
tuck! Sum Unlvwsuy Mum"! wu as follows: J. Miles Sprague presl- I 1 Some of them with auburn lnllr ..=...
°*°U*¤u°d ln ·l“¤°· 19l3· tm`°“gh um dent; Henry Il. Darling, vlce-president, cezgxnger and hewn advpmgpd Um- The (lovernor ton
°¤°m °' J- M· Bpmglm '07• H' I" Rm and Robert G Qtevens secreta I yl ‘ ‘· ·
T ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ rv and It ls the (`Iull’ll res uest that when hmm ms mm") l"` ” I"' 'l°`“
km •09• R· 0* Stmng ,10* Ch"' Mc` treasurer l I 1 A A A Putt llallers were llllstereal for fair
Carroll '10 A. B. Haswell *11, E. J. T b any Kentucky State man ls in Bir-
Kohn ,12 gud R G stevens of the h° ° ject of the °"°°l°u°n mms mlngham that he get ln touch with any
cl". of 3913 Them boys mums to strengthen the ties ot friendship, of me members of the Birmingham Representatives short and tall;    
· h K t •k Bmw cherish the memory of the happy days Chapter. (which can be Emmy done by Judge Barker received them all.
thu in Mme way t ° °“ uc Y spent at the University and to keep in telephone) and you wm bp Shown a No one Cll(}\\`f‘(l the rag, •
University Alumni nfld mkeep 1: °l°°° °°“°h with thc U"lv°r""y “““l"· good time as well as one ot the most TM Dean SIW dm Im"'    
cw"' much with °°'° ° ar an as well as the Alumni Association at I But "prld•~ gmeth before n 1`;lll."
knowing that the University was rep- Lexington Aho it is the chwwfs ;|'0!;;€l'0US`8ll(l growing cities or the C IJ •
’ ou .
*`°”“td° by “ lun numb"` in this intention to promote the professional And this bubble of pride soon sunk;      
rl d lded t call a meetln ot A llst of the men that have been in
mn ct- °° ° g welfare of its members ln every way mrmm hum and vichm and Manned One asked, "Who hands out the
all Kentucky State men located ln pouiblm ih hg h [ I iy { l Flunm.,  c 1    
‘ rf t wt tecapersnce tsorganzaton P y
B*¤¤l¤¢¤::u•¤° vicinity md va ec In September, 1913. A general lane, is given below And when we looked around,
um Mun util d mum) md was received from the Alumni Secre p_ g_ guu,,,·_ H_ B_ Dm-"n8_ _y_ M_ H6 °°“ld mt b*‘ mumlr
blgzuitlzu £5;°:: to prov; unt tary at Lexington, outlining the work Sprague, F_ C_ Taylor, H. J_ Wurtoler what had become of the Monk'?!*? |
tht lluldbd bth Al i ··*"°‘°"‘_’"
the move wss a popular one. there Aszoczjm tozetssswiih 8: 4:;; A· B· H“““'°"· E· J· K°““· R· G· OWEN s. LEE cl-loszu
were twenty men present at the tlrst ’ 88 S°"°"‘· R· °· S*°'°““· J· T· P"*°"· ASSISTANT EDITOR or
as to how this work could be most I- p k G_
bmqu°L Chas. McCa roll, Chas. R. er lns, THE KENTUCKIAN
tt tl l rrled t. O t th.
At this meeting the tlnal plans were 0 ec ve y ca Ou ne 0 ew C' W°tkl"°’ J' w' K°°zm°"’ J' v` -- ~·-— I
Suggestions was uw ¤rs¤¤l=¤¤¤¤ 0f Norris, J. W. Norton, H. L. Rankin, E. Mr. 0. S. Lec, zi Junior in thc (Tol—
perfected and the organization made
pormmem, to be known hereafter as Ammm ¤1¤l>¤l¤ Um ¢ll¤<>*<=¤t clues °Y N. Tumer. R. E. Duncan, C. W. lege of Arts and S¢·iem·•·, was chosen
. the United Sums- Wardle, C. W. Nunn, H. G. Strong, F. last Friday by his class to the position
um mrmmgh-`m Cham"' Kentucky The Birmingham Chapter immediate- be J { h
sum University Alumni, with the um ly wok up and discussed the dmemnt ;V.lSheppal•d, R. L. Totton, Dr. Ro rt al; lin {JJ assistant to the editor ot t e
derstandlng that every Kentucky State ° °°°‘ D uc °"'
ideas and sussestlcns as outlined. and ....-..•-·-—— Mr. ll. F. Bryant woe elected to this
.   some of the sussestlons. as well as $5(),()()()_ $5()’0()()_ $5()_()()()_ place lent ren, ppt new n neoepeny of
{ BBVGTEI llC!lp0l't8Ilt. OHBB mldé by OUT   ‘ resigning [fom Samg_
_ members have had the earnest consid- PITTSBURGH ALUMNI MAKES M,·_ Lec wm become adm),--;n.cm€g
_ eration and approval ot the Chapter AN ANNOUNCEMENT of the Kentucklan for the class Og
X   and W6 h¤.V6 tl'l0d to C8.l'l‘Y Ollt tllé ··—— 1915 and with knowledge gathered in
_’l x · rf l The Pittsburgh Alumni of the Ken- _
ll,     more important ones. k S U 1 i ul h ld thi the work this year will give to his
y A   Bmw the °’€°¤l"u°¤ of *-}*9 l°°°·] mc Y tam u vers ty W oi 9; classmates a brilliant publication.
y A YY'; ` o. Chapter, three social gatherings ot °°°°°'l r°°m°° °° me wen ug ° .-—-·•·--4-~ Make your selection t¤d•y» MR
(J   ’ E! note have been glven—two banquets March um' 191`L at 6:30 p' m" at the EXTRA SPECIAL! picking ls always best. Ws
‘   l`   and a reception and dance-to the F°n Pm; H°t°l' Pittsburgh' Pa" D"· Pryor has jomed the l""d*"°“l guarantee you satisfaction or
/`/_ _ v/gv    members of the Chapter and their Alumni, professors and all those ln- League money refunded.
I ,,_ ) gpo l ¥ f8mlllES and fl`l8I1d8, 8Bld0 fl‘0l1`l i,ll9 throated in the upbuudmg of our Uni- 5 + * * + + *   + + + +     +  
M") l call and regular meetings These cm versity are cordially invited to attend,
• AA and assured of a hearty hand-shake "     +
tertalnments were well attended, there 1, ,·, + ,•, ,., ,•, ,·, ,·, ,|, ,•, ,., ,|, ,•, ,•, ,·, ,',
being over e hundred people at the ““d °""""“‘l“g g°°d l“‘°“" *0 S“°h _ g fp p _ _ gp g   ,_ _gg_ Q
  d reception and dance given at the Unl· 0cc¤Bi0ns` NO'l`lCE——l \\40Uld 3[)[)I`€(‘lI1[€ ll   y()lll
versity Club, who gnjoygd the hospl. Very truly y°“”· would have me do your l·‘rute·rnity,  
    tality of the Kentucky boys, D" C' EST"'I" Society or (‘lull design for the Ken
Thgrg gpg [0 bg Six rggulgp meetings illl‘l(l8ll. 'l`l’l‘Illr4 l't*z\st)lllilllt*. l*Al'l.  
a rear and other called meetings when- $50’000' $50’000' $50'000' *¤l·!llHAKll. l’l¤<¤¤¤•· 2<•tF2>’.
Or ‘Do¢: Your Old  ‘—*"""‘“‘ " ’ r . — .· » »
AL·rERNA1·|N(; cuRR5N1·3_ All advertising under this head will "C0ll€g€ Fellow S Shop
h Wdtfh Nlld -—-——···· be Cllllfgéd for at the rate of live cents
. . F (A short time ago the writer had a somewhat complex problem ln line con- Def HHS.
Rcpmrmg struction to work out and with considerable selbcomplacency and over·con-    
O We are in A position to serve fldence, consulted a noted work on poly-phase currents for possible light on thc Saturday Evening Post. Terms
· · matter. He, therefore, begs leave to submit a few combinations for the guid— , , ,, _,
Y0U ln Wwe? cue- easy. Prank \\. luttlc, Agent, ll.;  
mcg of his IBIIOWIWMRNS') E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky. • ·
New Watches. $1.00 and Up University
  For reactance, for condensance, for inductance, have a care, ROOM AND BOARD—t}ood rooms
g,,,m,,° lg n,“,,,,b|, p,.;c“ po,. The susceptance, the admittance. the reluctance at you stare: with excellent table board. Mrs.  
last $••·y|p• and latsrlsl The resistance, the lnlpedence, the conductance will be there, Upplhgtph, 120 East Maxwell,
The man who fools   alternating C\]r]'Bn(S.    
Lag·tact0r, power~tactor, cycles and the like, D E N I I S I Offers free tuition in all depart-
    Slne waves, distorted, will be coming down the pike;   J T   ments except Law to graduates
J I Induced electro-motive force an awful blow will strlke, · ° _ ° _ of Kentucky High Schools who
· ewe cr The man wllo fools with alternating currents.   bheapsldc are prepared to enter the Fresh-
ns E` am u` LExm°T°N' KY` Hours8A M t Sr M Pll0‘~lE 664 K man Class
Ad slnln Iss AIl1’h•str• ‘ ‘ ° ‘ ‘ ‘ " '
I ° Hysteresls, lnterllnking magnetic flux delight,
  Capacity or lack ot lt, you must always keep in sight; Each county in the State is
Syucbronlsm, resonance, how they wlll excite, entitled to send FREE of tui-
F I   R 5 The man who tools with alternating currents. tion, matriculation, laboratory
, , and other fees. one or more
l       Instantaneous values. or others not so quick, l _ appointees.
..-. O! currents that are wattless you can always have your plck; I ` Zfrlf
S", mowy by Ordering The point ot saturation undoubtedly. wlll prick, Necessary expenses moderate.
rom us The man who tools with alternating currents. A N •    
For full information regard-
,.. Elfectlve lntensltles, harmoulcs high and low,   ing appointees. courses of study,
    Phase displaced or otherwise, has got to have a show; cost of board, etc., apply to
‘lT ¢A·T MAXWELL A man would never tackle lt lt he could only know, H. S. BARKER,
ot: -
‘ V, A, BABBAGE What lt means to tool with altsrnatlng currents. gum rah., • cm _ ud"` President.
KJ- U- |\•W•••¤¤¤*•- -11 l` EBTILL- I Lexington. Ky.

 4 T H E l D E A
T H E | D E A \nnd trustworthy. Volttnteers will bc met ln the Hnal rmK"’"ttY rule- h"° CWUW UW
TI 1 ` U r Heh uu me euueee yeer by the emdem body other U"p“rt'“"“t” *“`° ¤¤rt¤*¤lv UU" mime ofthe season. Ohio State University quartet to .
~,,g· - ¤‘ \l`§(i\_ IU '| V . U V _
til tzitlnieiteimeilimwmm m Kemm_ky' mr me hmmm of me un_ the go. They are striving severely ·ph,.,-,, tm, bop,] Home mn, rplatlve shrink to a university soloist.
elm-giatltiates, alnmnl and faculty ol the institution. but the competition ln keen. When _
U e i er ee V e me_:____ __ _ to A postseason game with the Uni.
tm.; ipmt ill the rolhclal newspaper of the University. It in {awed Utt""` d"¥“"`tm*‘“t” M9 M "“°"¥°tt" ” versity of Texas to be played ln the
| l · l·vt l IUIIIIBHIIIK to its sllt»st·l‘lh•·l‘s all the college news 0 an- U d I th L
nulgtpsyt ;:)“:·\•l|•’l UR HI} A dl[Lt'8\ ()I' HPUIB ol Hlll’l`|‘B[ (‘()I|(`€TIlhl§ UIQ UDIVOTIHIGB Ixsortan   przgrenl; vehnsl 8 I Bw bone Star State on or about Dcc•     &   .
.1 nthci states anu ¤ annna. ee ______e _ UU me" me ee" “ t e U"t ttree As yet the proposed game has taken ·uee“ee,, te •Anm• ‘ c°_