xt7n2z12q30b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12q30b/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1938 journals kaes_circulars_003_315 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 315 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 315 1938 1938 2014 true xt7n2z12q30b section xt7n2z12q30b *:1***; COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
1 uc
Extension Division ,
fhg; THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
to 25
to 18
med CIRCULAR NO. 315
¤lti0(i ‘
to 20
to 20 _;
to 30
p 11 s
20 V
Lexington, Kentucky
August, 1938
Puiilislzed in connection with the agricultural extension work carried on by co-
Ovurntion of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, with the U, S. Department
0! Agriculture and distributed in furtherance of the work provided for in the Act of Con-
gress of May 8, 1914.

Place ,.... 4 ......,.,......,..,...,.,......,............,..,.........,,_,__  
Date .................,..,......................,,.............,....4,,_,_4__ __
To: ...,.....4.............,....,................................................... From: ......., . ,.....,.   ..... l .v.... . ....‘....,‘.,......,,,,_,  
(owner) (contractor) I
We hereby propose to furnish labor and material necessary to install wiring,  
and fixtures at the farm owned by you, located ......... . ....................,..,............... The work to  H(
done under this contract will consist of wiring .,.......,.. outlets for . ........... lights; ......_..... mule 
for single or double pole switches; and .......... outlets for is-way switches, and furmshl 
hanging and connecting fixtures and . .,......,.. convenience outlets. as follows:
I Outlets I
I I I I Fixtures
I Light Switch I
14 ~ l‘ I I
mdmn I Ceiling I Bracltei I Single I il-Way I Convenience I Number I Price
I lll
Porch ...,.............. . .........,....... . ..........,...... . ......... . ....... I .................. I ......... . ..,..... . ........;. . ................. I .,.,,,,,,,____ Igir
I-[gl] .,.................,. . ............,.... . ................. . ................. I ............ . .... . .....l....,..,................ . ....,......,,..., I ,_,__,_______ nm
Stairs ......l........... I ........l,........ . ................. . ................. I .......,.......... . ...............l.............. . ....,.........,.. I ..,,,_,,,__,,_ lll}!
Living room ....,. I .......,....,_,.,. , ,.,..,,,,,.,,,... . .,............... I .................. . .......,........ . ,..,....,... . .......,._,,,.__, I ,,,__,,___,__,
Dining i·oom ..... I ....l....... , .l,.. . ,.,............ 4. ..............,... l ...... . ........... I ...........,................... . ..,.............4 I ,....,,444.,__
A Kitchen .......,..... I .................. I .................. I .............,.l.. I .....,............ I ............................... . .,..,..,,........ I ........,,..,
Furnace room.. I .........,........ I .................. I. .,,.............. . ................. I ..............,.......... . ..... . ....l.....,...,l. 4 ,.....,..,.,.
Basement .......... I .................. . ................. . ...............,. . ............,.... I ................,....,......... . .............,... , ....,,.......
Storeroom .........   ................. I ..........,....... .. ..,............. , ........,........ I .............................. . ...........,..... . ...,......,.
Upper hall 4 ......, . ......,.......... . ,...,............ . ................. . ..,.............. I ..........................,.... .4 .......,.,...... I .....,,,,,,..
Bedroom ............ . .........,.,..... I .......... , ....... . ....... . ...,...,. I .,..,...,.. . ..... I ,........ l ..,.......4........., . .... . ............ I ,...,...,,.,.
Bedroom .....,...... , ...4....4,...,... , .......4.... , .... ., .4...,........,. I .,,.,,........,... I 4,.,..... , ...........4...4..... . ................. I 4..,..,...... Im
Bedroom ........4... I .....4..........., I ...4... . ..4.,.,...,..,.4..,..,...,... . ..,....., . ,.,.., . ,..... 4 ,.4...,.,,,,..,,....... . .,.....4.....,...   ..........,.,
Bath ................... . I .......,..4....,.. I ...,.. , ........... . .,., . ...... , ...4. . ,,,....,......... . .,.,..,..,........,....,...4..   ..4.4........... .I v-»·--·· · ···· Wil
Attic .................,.. I ..........4....... I .................. . ,................ . .,,..,.,.4....... I 4..,,.. . ...,..,..,....4....... I .......4.........,   .......»»~·iv ing
·-·-··-···.·..l................ . ................4 . ................, . ......4........., . ................. . ....,..4.,....4......4.4...... . .....4........... . ..-»----~··· il1l<
” I I I I ¤ l
--··-·»·-·-···...»............. I .................. . ...............,. . ................. . ..4...,..,....... . .,........,..........4...,4.4, . ...,........,.... I .-.i·~i~~-~·-
Type ofjervice and distribution center ............,,..,.....,_,,.._,,,..__,,_.,,,,..,,,,..,,,,.,..4.....,,....,4...44 L.; I»·-··- Im
The total price of the work, complete as specilied, is ....4..4....,4,..,.,,,,,_,,__,,__,,_,___,,__,,.,44 dull 
i$4 ..,.,....,...............,....,....,....... l, made up as follows:
Wiring to outlets only ........, $ ..,4.4.....4... . .4........4.... shl
Switches, plates. bodies, cords, etc ...,.. $ .,...........,..4.......44..,... im
Fixtures ............... $ ,.,...4.....4................... {Im
Additional for .........,... $ ...........,...,............   (I.}
Total ............. $ .................4..4...4.....4. (IW
and we agree to accept payment of said sum of $ ,______,______,_,_,__,___,_,,,__, payable as f0U0l\‘$? [III
Accepted: 4.4......4.. . ...4..,..........4............,.4,..,4,,,,,,,,,___4,,, signed; ,,_4,4,_,.____,._,,_...,....4..4......... . ......··-4-·-- ~ i····
(owner) (contractor)
IAKIQIDKGKI lroni l'nivi-rsily of Illinois nniltigi-iinlieli i·;xieiisi.m t_1ii·t·i.i;n·_ A_ i·;ng·-mi, ‘°1·`:l1`lll\WI"g’

 ,é.,....é..A,..,_ _, Circular N0. 315
W, Pm The cost of outlets for lighting and small appliances may vary
] in diflerent localities [rom Sl.50 to $6.00 each, depending upon
_,,,, { _,____,,,_____ kind ol outlet, materials used, type of construction of the building
,____ y _____________ and cost of` labor and materials. The following prices for wiring
____· i ·_·_4_4``__v,_ may be used as a basis for estimating the cost ol an installation.
,_,,, i .,,,_.,_,,.,_. Service entrance and distribution center ..,... $10.00 to $25_()0
  I444·’._ Houggcllight, switch and convenience outlets, 250
.,... W ........,..., Outlet for water heater   500
Wire and outlet for range .................................. 15.00
'i``` A °````''``''`` Yard pole <2‘5-foot length) ........,....................... 10.00 .
...... [ .....»......-· Inter—building wiring. per foot ..................,....... 7 cents
Outlets for farm motors, each .......................... 5.00 to $8,00
'`'``' ` '`````ii`''` Service line extension beyond limit allowed
.»-·~- - ----~»··—·-- in line construction contract ..............,....... 10 to 20 cents per foot
····~· i ····*······‘· There are wide diflcrences in type, size and cost of lighting fix-
------ \ ·»-»·»~-··~-· ttIl`CS and electric appliances (see Table 1). _ l
···-··   ··········`·` .·\n idea oi` the cost of adequately wiring and equipping a house
··-—-- V -»··—···-··· with lighting fixtures and a few appliances may be formed by study-
......   ........»..¤t ing the data given in Table 3. The 29 outlets comprise ll ceiling
___,,, i ............. and wall lighting outlets, 8 convenience outlets. 0 wall switches. and
...... i ..,,.,_,___.. i heavy-duty outlet for range. The costs are based on medium-
  '44I·'»_PP_,4   priced lighting fixtures and appliances.
_,_....... doll  CONTRACT FOR WIRING
lf the work is to be done by a contractor, a written contract
. should be signed by the contractor and owner. lf the work nmst pass
M inspection based on a code, this should be so stated in the contract
»· and provision should be made for withholding a stipulated per-
-· ccntage of the price of` the work until the contractor presents the
;'fOuO“_S: 0\\`llt‘l` with a certificate ol approval. signed by an 2ll)I)l`<)\'(‘(l ltlspet-
’ I_`_ ittt`. llsually ($0 percent of the price is withheld, The contract
''''i````'   __,` tlluultl contain a definite agreement concerning the installation of
V liiil   _y___ lll<‘ *(`l`\'l(`(‘ entrance and fixtures in addition to outlets and switcltes.
`'''`' .-\ suggested form of contract is shown on page 2 this circular. l
arm \\'iritt¥. \  

 4 Kmzlttr/cy E.yI1*21.s1`o11 Cliff`]!/(ll` No. 3l5
Table l contains il list of electrical appliances lor the liarm loat
home, with approximate price and kilowatt-ho11r consumption old tent
each. Table 2 contains a list ol electric equipment used on the the
farm outside the home and the horsepower requirement and our- j
rent consumption ol each, per unit ol capacity. This information Um,
sho11ld be helpful in considering the purchase ol such equipment. (uk
Altho the amount of electricity required for operating any macliiug mm
varies with the conditions under which it is operated. the prospee
tive purchaser may estimate the approximate cost ol current lor -·
operating each device by multiplying the kilowatt—hour consump»
tion figures given by the local rate charged lor electricity. AI,
The kilowatt hour (kw. hr.) is the unit ol measure by which agi
electricity is purchased just as a bushel is the 11nit [or nieasttriug Wag
. grain. For example, a 100-watt light bulb operating [or I0 hours Flag
uses a kilowatt ho11r of electrical energy. The number of hours SIE]
an appliance may operate on l kilowatt hour ol current is deter- Refr
mined by dividing the number of watts required to operate it into FEE?
l000. .=\ 500—watt flatiron used continuously will operate 2 hours Milk
(1000+500 ; 2) on l kilowatt of electrical energy. Electricity 60
used is recorded by an instrument known as a watt—ho1u‘ meter. To FEB
estimate the cost of using electricity, proceed as follows: U TY
l. Make a list of the appliances to be used and tl1e amount ol —
current used by each. The probable consumption, in kilowatt
hours, ol each appliance may be taken [rom Tables l and 2. 1]];,1
Appliances and current required. WU!
Lights, per month ................................ 25 kw.h1·s. ptr
Iron, per month .................................... 6 kw. hrs. mul
Radio, per month .................................. 7 kw. hrs. l_
Washing machine, per month .......... 3 kw. hrs. am
Shallow-well pump, per month ...... 9kw.hrs. mat
Refrigerator, per month .................... 50 kw. hrs. Ut';
Range, per month ................................ 150 kw. hrs. ig -
Feed grinder, per 100 lbs. .................. 2kw.h1‘s. _ I
Milk cooler, per 10 gals. ...................... 1 kw. hr. 1101
2. Set down the rate schedule taken from y()lll` (`()llll`2l(`l lot S5.(
electric service. The schedule below is assumed merely for illustr:1— lcet
uml- Rate schedule from contract. mm
lst 20 kw. ms. at 10 cts. pei- kw. mn i"“
Next 30 kw. hrs. at 5 cts. per kw. hr. is :1
Next 50 kw. hrs. at 3 ets. per kw. hr. km
Next 100 kw. hrs. at 2.5 cts. per kw. hr. _
All over 200 kw. hrs. at 2 ets. per kw. hr. ml

 The Cost of Electricity for I/te Frtrmslead 5
Many contracts lor electric service provide special "oll peak
trni load" rates [or storage-type water heaters. The rate is about one
ol cent per kilowatt hour. The “oll peak load" period is at night when .
the the demand l`or current lor other purposes is small.
·ttr-   Prepare a table ol the appliances, rate schedule, and current
ion consumption of each in the lollowing lorm. Then make the cost
ant. calculations as in the lollowing table which is based on the assumed
title rates.
mf. Estimate of the monthly cost of current. .
li"` t zo so 5o 100 t over t t
ml). l Cui'- l kw. l kw l kw. ‘ kw. l200kw.| l
t rent \ hrs. | hrs. l hrs. hrs. l hrs. l l
Appliance l Ll$€‘(l 01.10 @.05 l 67.05} {61.025] @.02 l (`ost {Sub-total
{ lkw. hr.|kw. hr.|kw. hr.[l+;(_I*f);TvT`_  Ap]Ill:ll
Dishwasher ..................... I$160.00 to $325.00 I 2% per month _
I I Apple gra
Fan ................................... I 3.50 to 32.00 1 for each S to 10 hours B0lllB\\`Ll2
Bottling aI
I BuIIerclII
Iron .................................. 3.00 to 9.00 I 1 per person per month BI·II·»1le1·
I I I Cider mill
Ironing machine .............. 50.00 to 95.00 I S to 10 per month per lamily CMIIIIIISI
I I Ctlncrele
Lighting home .................. . .............................. 25 per month (including small Ulwlllse
I | l1(\\ISt’l1fll\'l appliances) U _
I Inry wal
Oil furnave tvonitrol). .4,.. I ................,.............. I 200 to 500 por year  
I I Forge blu
` Rarlio—All electric .,........ I 15.00 to 275.00 I 3% to 12 (average S) per month I‘IISIIIIg€I
I I I l'II1IIIingI1I
Battery charger I .,............................. I 3% to 5 per month    
I I Gr:IiIIele‘
Range ...................,........... I 60.00 to 325.00 I 30 per person per month Ha} mel
I Huy hoist.
_ _ _ ' 0 lllClll1lll0l'
Refrigerator ................... 55.00 to $50.00 I .,0 to 50 per month II.I.IIIIIIIIIII
I I Lliillflnge
I I IIIIII coole
Sewing machine ............... I 35.00 to 100.00 I 1 or less per month
, . I 'IIIII I
(‘loI·k .........,..................... I il.00 up I 2 Ill‘l`|llfll1lll l’:IiII1sIllI;
I l’l` ......4.,..,....,...4,.,4.....4... 0*/: lg I 3 $5   to 8 per 1()()() 1_l11s|l€]S
[LI {I `.. ...... . ..... ..... ..,......,... ... .,...4. ·| Z1 7/1: ' 10 4 pal. ton
Huylloisl .4...........,...........................,. I! I 10 I 5 .4 per lop
IllCllI1lll0l'(Sl`{`l1lII) ,...........,...........   — — — 159 10 300 llel- 1000 eggs
Il:l`l§§llIllJll 11111111) (§urlzlce>. 4........   — — -— 2 10 4 ll€l~ llcl-e_ll_ llel. lll III llll
LI:lIlIIIgeIIl11el;I1m ..........4..44,4...   — — I — 25 10 30 llel~ llllllllll
  UIIUICY .4,...,.4., 4 ..........   .............   " I * I — I   10   Del. lull)- Del,   gals. DI:]. day
llllklng 11IlIm·lIiIIe (II’¤n‘t1l|>Ie) ...,...... ~ II; I I4 I V; 114, 1 · · .. I
lI?IIli‘i.Il?l$l;§¥*€  z_ ..4......4,..,...4.....4.......,4,4 —·· — —· por 250 gllullpr [ I
L"I(IIIII§I`2\lI(f}' ..4..,. l ..,....4......4..,4.4.4.,.. IIE I I I IQ; 1 lygy (300 Ill 700L]1);?
.¤1I.,lIn1IoII (l1.lIIy) ._.. , .4..,4.....4..4. A I lu I 1 I Eu per mo. to 10 gal. ol milk per day
Houtculler.44 ,... M1 I 5 1 ` 9 llel- 100
_ ` .` ; .... ,........... .... .......4... __ Dounds
geedcointestei ...........,..........,...4,... — —   — 2 pgp bushel lesled
EIIEGIISIIQILVS ...........,..4......,...,4,.4.4.... , ]éI`i1).I)€l` clipper 151, 10 2 per 100 qlleell
lIIIl¤ee_g;ImIeI· .....,....,.....4..........4.4. I % I lé I % I 4 ber 100 peundé
. I1lIl11I,, (Ilolbed) .......4...,,4......... I — I — I - I 1/2 lo 1% Del. day Del. Sash (3lx 6.)
Sollslerilizing — - 1 10 11 ·
. . I _I _ ···········-···-···--····--~·--···· . __ — /; per cublc ft.
 $i>Y0Y€¥` --·-·»·».4.....-.....·..... 11/*: I 2v I 7% I 70 per acre per- season
I.III_lI·_IIII I·I···ll-it ·-··- 1 .....·. yl ...· l ......... — —· 10 I Bé Der 100 lbs., grain
I·III—7..l·I.II`.I‘.T"i "". ""“* ‘?"’ _ I   I n I 25 *0 35 ver >'¤>¤¤‘ ver ww
med - I lm hens ($-1) —»- I »— I ~— I I/Q to 1 por year per bird
Il·II[II.`\II""" "={>‘* I···‘ <·1Ii<·ks (PXI — I » I — I IQ Ill   pel- Ill-Ima per chick
IIIIIIIIIT ¤II:II·lII11I~ ....4...,....,,_,_,4,,__,,,,_ 9 I., I Irl I Ll I 2 por lmuily Ivor mo. (hl por |lt·l`FUIl)
mlped. II_·I‘III *'|I1|1I)‘,:lIl l;II·I11I1¤1·;q _,_________, I hl I 3 I I: I l In Il Iyer 1000 ;;*;lls4 III \\`:ll¤·l'
"" *il\\' .....4.... . ........,.,.4,,,,__,___ , _,,4,4 5 l·» 7*2 I l III L5‘g1II·I‘ I·IIl‘Ll
_ I I
l.— ml

 8 Kcntuc/ty Exlension Circular No. 3l5 L
Table 3. Method of calculating the cost of the wiring system, lights, tix-
tures and appliances for an adequately wired house.
Wiring system
Service entrance and distribution center ...................,........r............... $10-25.00
28 Outlets at $2.50, for switches and receptacles
for lights and small appliances .......................................,.,,............. 70.00
1 Heavy-duty outlet and wiring, for range ....................................,..... 15.00
Light fixtures, installed
Light bulbs ....................,. 16 m 15c .......................................... $ 2.40
Porches ............................ 2 fixtures ..................,....................... 1.50
Kitchen ............................ 1 ceiling fixture .......................................... 1.50
Living room .................... 1 ceiling fixture .......................................... 5.00
Living room .................... 1 iloor lamp .......................................... 5.00
Bedrooms ........................ 2 ceiling fixtures .......................................... 3.00
Bathroom ........................ 1 wall fixture .......................................... 1.50
Hall and stairway ........ 2 ceiling nxtures .......................................... 2.30
Cellar ................................ 2 ceiling fixtures ......................................... 1.50
1 Flatiron ............................................................................A........................... $ 5.00
_ 1 Washing machine ........................................   ....................................... 50.00
1 Vacuum cleaner ........................................................................................ 25.00 0
1 Refrigerator (7 cubic feet) ....................................,..,............................ 150.00
1 Shallow-well pump (not installed) .................................................. 45.00
1 Radio ............................................................................................................ 20.00
1 Range .............................................................. . .......................................... 150.00
Formerly No. 14 wire was used almost exclusively for residence
branch circuits but owing to the increasing variety of electrital
appliances used in the home, No. l2 wire is reconnnended. Ranges.
water heaters, and some motors require larger wires, the sizes ol
which must be determined. For further inlorination consult your
county or home agent, or write to the Extension Division, College
of Agriculture, Lexington, Kentucky.