xt7n2z12pj4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12pj4b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-04-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1945 1945 1945-04-20 2013 true xt7n2z12pj4b section xt7n2z12pj4b Best Copy Available

The ECentucky Kernel

War World
By Dr. Charles M. Knapp

CNITED STATES: This week the
American people are still trying to
adjust themselves to the fact that
It Is Harry S. Truman and not
Franklin D. Roosevelt who Is president of the United States. President Roosevelt's death last week
was a great shock not only to this
nation but to all those who were
her allies.
The only President to have been
elected four times to the presidency
was the only President most of our
fighting men. consciously, had ever
known. That President also was the
only President of the United States
whom most foreign statesmen had
ever negotiated with personally.
Thus there has been both nationwide mourning and world-wid- e
questioning of the future policies of
the American government.
It is highly improbable that there
will be any material deviation from
the strategy which long has been
planned by the Army and the Navy
for the prosecution of the wars to
successful conclusions. That there
may be changes In the personnel of
the State Department which must
conduct our foreign relations from
now on is almost as likely. That
ongress, through the Senate, will
exercise far more influence upon
the shaping of foreign policy is even
more certain.
That the death of President
Roosevelt will affect the nation's
policies must be conceded, but it Is
not so easy as some commentators
would make it to anticipate what
these differences will prove to be.
troops now stand practically as close
to Berlin as the Russians who have
been stalled for many weeks on the
Oder River line. Units of the American Ninth Army have established
bridgeheads across the Elbe, at several places, according to the latest
rumors coming from Sweden.
Certain it is that the First and
Third Armies have cut across the
last remaining main highways con-

necting the Baltic plain with the
mountainous south of Germany and
Austria and have almost reached the
frontier and a
juncture with the Russian forces
within that country. Thus the German forces have been divided by
the Allied drive across central Germany from the Rhine to the Elbe.
They have been driven back into
pockets against the North and the
Baltic seas, into the defenses of
the ports of Emden, Bremen and
Hamburg, as they were into the
Atlantic ports of France. Cut off
and now surrounded on the north
by the drives of the First and Third
U. S. Armies and on the west by
the First French Army and on the
east by the Russians driving up the
Danube from Vienna and Czechoslovakia are such German forces
as may have been moved there to
put up a last desperate resistance
in that rugged, mountainous region
around Hitler's hide-oCzecho-Slovaki-






Dr. Vandcnbosch. who has been on
leave from the University since September, 1941, except for brief intervals, serving in various special governmental assignments,
left for
Washington Monday to Join the
United States delegation.
Services Not Disclosed
The nature of his services at San
Francisco was not disclosed, but he
is expected to serve in an advisory
Dr. Vandenboscli first was granted leave from the University in 1941
to serve with the Officee of Strateg
ic Services in Washington, and again
in the faU of 1942, this time with the
State department. He served until
July.1944, by the Office of Strategic
Services and sent ta India and Ceylon on a special mission.
University President Herman L.
Donovan stated, "It is a very great
compliment to Dr. Vandenbosch to
be called to the conference. It Is a
recognition of his excellent scholarship and ability. We are very proud
that we have a leader of that kind
at the University of Kentucky."
Parley Prerenta Teaching Here
The San Francisco assignment
will keep Dr. Vandenbosch
from the University for the remainder of the current spring quarter.




Sweater Swing. . .from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Monday in the Bluegrass room of
the Union building. This will be the
last sweater swing of the quarter.
fcuKy... .will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday in fie Union building.
Onting Club... will meet at 5 p.m.
Monday in Mrs. Dorothy Evans' office to elect officers.
Student board of the American In- stiluto of Electrical Engineers. . .will
meet at 2 p.m. Friday in Room 232
of the Engineering building. Dr. L.
H. Carter mill speak on "The Engineer and Labor Relations."
Chi Delta Phi. ..will meet at 5 p.m.
Wednesday In Room 205 of the
Union building.
Home Economics club . .will meet at
7:30 Monday night in the Home Economics building.
Die Liedertafel. . .will meet at 4 p.m.
Wednesday in Room 302, Miller hall.
The program will be directed by
Alice Dean.
fhil9,o'hy club... will meet at 7:30
p.m. Monday in Frazee hall.
freshKan e!u. . .will meet at 6:30
pin. Tuesday in the Union building.
t'cperclass T... will meet at 6:30


Ul buii:



(jr-- -



Formal Ball
To Be Given
Les Brown
Will Play


BSU Members

Attend Retreat



npwly-organlz- ed

Henry Noble Sherwood's classes,
position at Transylvania
who has
To Take Over Classes
Dr. F. O. Davenport of Transylvania will teach Dr. Vandenbosch's
course on the Far East; Mr. Ray
Taylor of the University History department will teach one of Dr. Sherwood's classes; and Mr. Poteet of
the History department will teach
one of Mr. Taylors classes, and a
history course formerly taught by
Dr. Vandenbosch.

'Pop Acquited
Of Murder Charge
William T. (Pop) McHatton, 81,
whose candy and fruit stand is well- known to University students, was
acquitted Wednesday on a charge of
murder by County Judge W. E
McHatton had testified in his examining trial that he shot William
Slmms, Negro, after Slmms had attempted to rob him on April 5 on
South Upper street.
According to City Detective Sam
Suddith, evidence upheld McHat-ton- 's

contention that Sinuni had


tempted to rob him. Also, Suddith
said that Slmms had told conflicting
stories concerning the shooting, and







Place Eight




Gwen Pace

Clay Salyer

McCown Gives
Red Cross
Speaker Here Senior Ilecilal
Miss Ruth Wehle, former student
at the University, who has been
overseas for the past three years
with the Red Cross, will speak at
the Koffee hour at 4 p.m. Tuesday
in the Music room of the Union


Miss Wehle. who won May Queen
and various other beauty honors at
the University, starred In a number
of Guignol plays. She was with the
Columbia Broadcasting System in
New York when she joined the Red
Cross in 1942, and at odd times had
been sitting for magazine covers
painted by such artists as Neysa
McMein and New York photographic
She was in London during the
worst of the
when the
were causing destruction
and loss of life that exceeded the
worst of the aerial blitz of the
earlier part of the war. She saw,
heard, and felt the shock of bomb'
ing by aircraft in the latter part of




Miss Wehle came home by air,
had failed to ldcTfllfy McHatton as
flying to Ireland, from there to Lisperson who shot him, before his
bon in a British plane, and by Clipdeath.
per the rest of the way, via Lisbon,
Dakar, Brazil, Trinidad and San
Juan to New York. Biggest thrill of
the trip, she said, was experienced
when her plane flew at night over
Helen Davis, Arts and Sciences neutral, brightly lighted Lisvon on
junior, Paris, and Gwen Pace, Arts its way to a landing near the city.
April 18, 1945
and Sciences junior, Traveres, Fla.,
were chosen as Student Government
Many students and staff members have requested that an
association representatives on the
newly formed SGA Activities board,
meeting be held on
Wednesday evening, April 25, at
in the regular meeting of the as... ...j. iimiiii. in. vi ii ...milium.
A:30 in the Amphitheater back
sembly Monday.
of Memorial Hall, for the purThe board consists of two SGA
pose of directing our thoughts
members, (wo faculty members, one
" v.
al"?'W '
toward the great challenge to
man student chosen by Dean T. T.
the American people In helping
Jones, and one woman student,
to bring permanent peace to our chosen by Dean Sarah B. Holmes. I
world. They desire to go on
Bill Stillman, Danville, was aprecord pledging our support to
pointed by Dean Jones to serve on
the San Francisco Conference.
the board but the two faculty memf
They have indicated their desire
bers and one woman student have
to be given an opportunity to exnot yet been chosen.
press their great sorrow at the
Patsy Burnette, Lexington, was
loss of our fallen leader. Frankelected by the SGA members to
lin D. Roosevelt I urge students
fill the vacancy on an Arte and
and faculty to assemble under
Science lowcrclass woman.
the sponsorship of the YM.C.A.,
A report from the" election comthe Y.W.C.A., Student Governmittee was given by Betty Anne
ment Association,
Ginocchio, and Elizabeth Crapster
CounUnion Board, Inter-Fait- h
reported to the assembly on the
cil, and the Veterans Club for
SGA keys.
this meeting.
The next SGA meeting will be
held Monday. April 30 at 5 p.m. In
Ruth race
the Union building.

Activities Board
Members Chosen





Clay oalyer. Arts and Sciences
freshman from SalyersvUle. was
elected president of the Student
Government association Wednesday
in the largest balloting in recent
years. The over eight hundred and
fifty voters chose Gwen Pace. Arts
and Sciences junior from Traveres.

The results of the election repre- -.
aantBl a main,
"rTit itnt irmalict
victory, with the clique scoring eight
victories in the twelve vacanc.es.
Unusual circumstance was that.
Salyer. a fraternity man. was backed by the Independent party.
Representatives elected from the
Arts and Sciences college Include
Bill Sturgill. PrestonsbWS: Juliette
Jones. Mayfleld; Mary Keith Dos-ke- r.
Louisville, and Marjean HiTL

Jimmy Durham. Anchorage, wa.i
elected Engineering lo were lass man;
Kitty Churchill. Nicholasville, was
named Education upperclass woman,
and Emily Jones. North iiTddletown.
was named Commerce upperclass
Automatically Elected
Nancy Lockery. Agriculture junior
from Sacramento, and Angelina
Frabrizio, Erie. Pa., were automatically elected because of the Ineligibility of the other candidates.
Deward Compton. from Murfrees-bor- o.
Tenrt, was elected as the
lowerclass man representative from
the Arts and Sciences college.
Polls were located In the Union
building and were open from a.m.
until 5 p.m. Wednesday. A member
of the election committee was present at all times and no charge of
"fraud" has been leveled by either

The University
Music will present Marie Louise
McCown. of Versailles, pianist, in
her graduation recital 'at 4 p.m.
Sunday at Memorial halt
Miss McCown is a graduate of
Margaret Hall school. She has
studied piano with Dwight Ander
son. Dean of the University of Lou-- I
isville school of music; Dr. Lucas
Underwood, of Margaret Hall; and
(or the past three years with John
Shelby Richardson, at the Univer-- !
During her three years at the
University, Miss McCown has been
a member of the Spanish club,
council. Women's Administrative council. Women's Glee club. Phi Beta, and Chi
Omega sorority, of which she has party.
been chapter correspondent
The new officers and members of
SGA will be installed at an all- nas Deen awaraea a ieuowsj mjpt convection on Tuesday.
snip I or me coming year at me May 1. at 10 a.m. In Memorial halL
University to do graduate study" in Dr. Robert J. McMullen, president
the psychology of music in prepara- of Centre college, will be the speaktion for work in music therapy.
er. Complete plans for the proHer program is: "Partita in B flat gram will be announced later in
major," Prelude. Allemande. Cour-ant- e. The Kernel.
Sarabande. and Giguc, Bach.
"Sonata in D minor," Op. 31. No.
2. Largo. Allegro. Beethoven.
"Rhapsody." B minor. Brahms;
An election will be held from 3
"Prelude." G sharp minor. Rachto 4 p.m. Monday in the Great hall
"Reflets dans l'eau," and "Golli- - of the Union building to decide between Nancy Ellen Taylor. Lexingwofg's Cake Walk." Debussy.
ton, and Marie Jones. North
who tied in last Monday's
election for membership on the St'i-deUnion board.
Students elected were Gwen Fac.
Ruth Pace, pianist, prewnted the
first of the spring series of recitals Tavares. Fla.; Mary Lou Wifher-spooLa wrenceburg ; Elizabeth
given by the graduating seniors in
the Department of Music, latt Sun- Crapster. Winchester: Emily Jones.
North Middletown: Nancy O'Rear.
day in Memorial hall.
Reginald Bowen.
Miss Pace, daughter of Mr. and Versailles;
Doris Smith. Lexington; and
Mrs. George A. Pace, of Ridgeway,
n, Lexington.
Va.. studied .piano
with George Jack Banaha
Members reelected from the 194-MacNabb at the Eastman School of
board are Gwen Pace. Elizabeth
Music, University
of Rochester.
Crapster. Doris Smith, and ReginaM
Rochester, N. Y and with Ford
Montgomery and John Shelby
All students are eligible to voe.
at the

SUB Election Monday


Pace Presents Recital



slight mention of "cessation of hosdown in a story
tilities" half-wa- y
about demobilization of the Students Army Training Corps. There
was no issue of November 11, and a
later Kernel explained publication
had lapsed because of "abnormal
conditions existing during the fall
and early winter of 1918."
Editor In this war. Janet Edwards

promised no stopping publication
this time, and news-editLong assured students that "well
do more than just mention the end
of the war in Europe."
Careful combing of the November 21. 1918 edition of The Kernel
did reveal sme parallels with this
war. The S.A.T.C. of 1918 seems to
have been similar to our ROTC-ASa group of former juniors who
were sent back to Kentucky last
year to finish their study under
Army supervision.
Success In Victory Drive
Success In the Victory Loan drive
was tremendous in 1918; The Kernel
editorialized by saying. "What's the
matter with Kentucky? It's all
right; especially when it comes to
sho-.1- rour bo;-- s 'ever tiiere tsv


their old University stands behind

them, especially when money is
needed to prove to the men that
we're proud of their licking the
Hun." The drive doubled the quota
and then chalked up twenty percent
An attitude often expressed In
1945 was crystallized in the editorial
of coed editor Mildred Graham,
"Everyone here Is working under
difficulties these days and The Kernel feels sure that the faculty and
In spirit
students will
and in work that this year may be
the finest ever witnessed in our
history and may be the beginning
of greater things to come."
Happily Missing
Happily missing from the war
scene of 1945 is the influenza epidemic which hospitalized and quarDuring
antined students in 1917-1the Victory Loan drive, 30 women
on the third floor of Patt hall donated $230 and accompanied the
donation with this poem:
"Thirty little maidens up in quar-

Gave $230 to the war campaign.
Can't you do as well as those in


Two hundred thirty dollars, rah.

rah. rah!"
The Lexington Herald on November 12, 1918, described a convocation at the University attended by
well over 600 students, at which
Dean P. P. Boyd presided, in the
absence of President Frank LcRond
McVey. Prof. E. F. Farquhar of the
English department spoke on the
history of the war, and students
sang popular war songs. Following
the program, students fell in behind
the University band for a parade
through Lexingwith









1918 Armistice Too Exciting For Kernel

Dr. Maurice F. Seay, director of
the Bureau of School Service and
By Betty Tevis
head of the Department of Educational Administration at the UniThe proximity of what the comversity, is the author of articles ap- mentators call "V-- E Day in Europe"
pearing in two current educational should bring a
- do - when - you - hear - the -"Community-SchoEmphasis in news story. A Kernel reporter quizzPost War Education" appeared in ed bookstore bystanders and found
Yearbook" of the a hesitency about victory plans. The
the "Forty-fourt- h
National Society for the Study of Joe College who planned a roaring
and "Nutrition; the drunk was pleasantly absent. Most
Sloan Experiment in Kentucky" soldiers observed that they'd Just
was printed in "Clearing House."
go on with this routine until they
The Sloan Experiment, of which heard the news of Japan's downfall.
Dr. Seay is director, is endeavoring
Coed feeling was more thoughtful
to Improve living through education and perhaps more touched with senimand to measure the extent of
timent. One junior said she would
rush home and write a letter to evDr. Seay is a member of the com- eryone she knew and tell them all
mittee on Curriculum Development to hurry home. Another said she'd
of the National Society, whicli pre- spend the day in church, and a
pares the "Yearbook" each year.
third declared she would just chalk
up one for our side but reserve her
Pre-Me- d
jubilance until the other half of
the war had ended.
To Meet Tuesday
Contrast Futile
or conAn attempt to compare
Pryor Pre Medical society will
meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Room trast the 1918 campus attitude to
ward victory with that of 1945
313 of the Biological Sciences building. Members will hear Dr. Douglas proved futile, for the files of The
Kernel in the library showed a seScott, surgeon of urology, speak.
date lsus cn Nov eater 21 ttltli ft
Nurtet are - ited tc attend.


Fill 8 Of 10
SGA Vacancies


by the
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation administration, a collection of old but usable
clothes for war victims is being
all over the United
On the campus, this united national clothing collection will begin
Monday under the direction of
Mortar Board, senior women's honorary. Students of the University
will be asked to bring clothing for
war victims to the cloakroom on
the right side of the Union building
Ringo Heads Drive
Faculty members and staff will
be contacted through letters sent
by Drive Chairman Martha Ringo.
They will be asked to bring their
discarded clothing to school and
then to call the office of the director of the Union, 151. A Mortar
Board member then will collect the
Lexington drive
The down-tow- n
has already ended and students
were not canvassed. The campus
drive should reach about 1,500 persons not contacted through the
down-tow- n
Substantial Clothing Needed
The fact book of general information for the drive, sent by National Chairman Henry J. Kaiser
says, "What is needed is good substantial used clothing, for both
Alwinter and summer wear.
though clothing need not be in perfect repair, it must be useful to
the people who receive it. Underclothing and all types of cotton garments should be washed before they
are donated but they need not be
Ironed. (Evening dresses, tuxedoes
and dress suits cannot be used.)"
All contributions received in the
united national clothing collection
will go into a common pool. No donations may be earmarked for a
specific country. All clothing will
be sent to a Lexington depot for
packing and then will be shipped
to a specific regional warehouse to
await shipment overseas.
College students will be urged to
donate winter clothes from wardrobes in the spring process of
on Page Four)

Granted Leave
Mr. Reeves was assistant
of political science in 1942
when he was granted a leave of
absence to serve as the executive
assistant to the Kentucky state
commissioner of revenue in Frankfort. He will take over two of Dr.

Briggs Replaces Popa
In Second Production
Of Current Season


For War Victims

Mr. J. E. Reeves, former member of the University Political Science department, has been named
acting head of the department for
the remainder of tills quarter to replace Dr. Amry Vandenbosch while
he attends the United Nations peace
conference in San Francisco.

Les Brown and his orchestra will
be the featured attraction at the
1548th Service Unit's spring formal,
next Friday in the Blucgrass room
of the Union building.
"Band Of Renown"
Called the "Band of Renown."
Les Brown's musicians were recently voted one of the ten top
bands in the country in Radio
Daily's poll. It also appeared in
"Seven Days Leave," an RKO picture starring Victor Mature and LuWallace N. Briggs, the director cille Ball. Vocalists Doris Day and
of Guignol theater, will take the Butch Stone will be singing Friday
place of Eli Popa in the cast of night.
Kiss and Tell," the little theater's
The formal, sponsored by the Milnext scheduled production, it was itary department, is being given as
announced Wednesday. Because of a graduation dance for the advanced
illness, Mr. Popa has withdrawn and third term reserves leaving
Saturday, 28.
from the play.
Emphasis upon the engineering
George Kendall, who was to play
the role of Dexter's father, has also branch of the army will be carried
withdrawn, and will be replaced by out in the theme. The previous
dance, sponsored by the department
Jewell Doyle.
Mr. Briggs has appeared in several had as its theme all the branches of
popular plays at Guignol during the armed forces.
previous seasons. He was featured
All May Attend
in "Accent on Youth" and "Dark
Posters have been sent to the
Eyes," last season.
Army Air forces convalescent hos"Kiss and Tell." a Broadway
pitals at Bowman Field and Fort
comedy hit by F. Herbert, win open
Thomas announcing the dance. All
April 30 for a week's run at the litmembers of the armed forces on
on Euclid avenue. The
tle theater
the campus and students may at1944-4- 5
play, the third of the
son, is in its third year on BroadTickets are now on sale in the
Union building and the bookstore,
The leading roles will be played however, only a limited number are
by Jolin Relun and Corliss Archer, available.
may obtain
and John Renfro as Dexter Frank- tickets through their company
lin. The supporting caST Includes officers.
Guignol actors as
Unless a revision of curfew laws
Edmund Mills and Conrad Richard- occurs, the dance will last from 8
p.m. to 12 midnight.
"Kiss and Tell" concerns two
neighboring families, the Pringles
and the Archers, whose friendship
is threatened by a fued. The dispute centers around the excessive
pride of Uie two mothers for their
The University Baptist Student
daughters, Mildred Pringle and Union was represented at the State
Corliss Archer, who are 18 and 16 BSU retreat held In Louisville.
Those who attended are PresidentReservations may be obtained elect Libby Landrum, Joe Ward,
from the box office after April 25.
Williams. Joyce Gilbert,
Mary Elizabeth Mason, Rleta Redden, and retiring council members,
June Baker and Martha Weller.

Dr. Seay's Articles
Now Appearing
In Two Journals

To Give Clothes

Assistant In

Amry Vandenbosch


Places Salyer, Pace
Executive Positions;
825 Students Cast Ballots

Students Asked

Previously Was



Dr. Amry Vandenboscli. head of
the University Political Science department, has accepted an invitation from the State department of
the United States to participate in
the San Francisco world security

The Allied drives across Germany
in the past two weeks have moved
at phenomenal speed. Here and
there the disorganized Germans
have fought desperately and savagely but in vain against numbers
and against superiority in the air
and on the ground. Once again
have come reports of the Germans
gunfire against
ground troops. Pockets of German
resistance in the Baltic ports and
in Berlin and in the mountainous
south may hold out for a long time
yet, but by and large the mobile
armies of Germany will have been
destroyed within a couple of weeks,
largely through being made prisoners of war.
troops are having to fight as they
did on Iwo Jima to make headway
against the Japanese who had dug
in on the southern, hilly part of
Several Japanese air
raids have been aimed at the Allied
fleet units off that Island. They
have inflicted some damage, but
they, themselves suffered far more.
(Continued on Page Four)

p.a. Tatiii?



20, 1943

Mortar Board Election
To Sponsor
Campus Drive In SGA

Vandenboscli To Participate
In San Francisco Parley;
Reeves Will Fill Vacancy
Has Done Many

Salyer, Pace Win
S G A Offices







While attending the University.
Miss Pace has been a member of
Cwens, Mortar Board, and Phi Beta,
of which she was president for the
past year. She has been accompanist for the University Woman's
Glee club for the past two years.
Featured on her program was the
of Beethoven's
"Third Piano Concerto" in C minor.
Joan Akers. of Carrollton, senior in
the Department of Music, played
(he orchestral accompaniment
the concerto on the organ. This
was the first time such an arrangement has been used in the senior
Miis Pate's program included:
"Fantasia in C minor" and the
"French Suite in G major," the
Sarabande and Gigue, Bach.
The "Concerto in C minor." Allegro con brio, with organ accompaniment, Beethoven.
"Intermezzo." B flat minor. Op.
117. Brahms; "Romance."
F sharp
major. Schumann; "Soiree dans
Grenade." Debussy.
D flat major, and
"Scherzo." C sharp minor. Choptn.

town.'-peopl- e


The Herald says "The University
band led 1.000 student-soldiethe University of Kentucky and
Transylvania College, while mothers
of boys in camps and fathers stood
and cheered and threw away their
hats, and every girl's heart beat
Program Not Planned
111 this war no such program has
planned as yet, although Dean
Thirty little maidens who are oh, been
so kst".




Helen Hutchcraft
Omitted From List
Helen Hutchcraft. Arts and
Sciences freshman from Paris,
was pledged to Alpha Lambda
Delta at the Kentucky Belles
program last eek. Miss Hutch-craft- 's
name was inadvertently
omitted from the list of pledges
In last week's Kernel.


By Shirley M'ister
Question: What is jour lTorie
Pauline Goldben. Ed., freshman:
listen kid. those are fighting words.
Mil Smith. AAS. senior:
tickles the fool out of me.
Rita Fare Kraretx. Ed., junior:
you talked me into it.
B. J. Stanley. A AS. junior: I
wouldn't say that chum.
Leota Meade. A&S. senior: spank
Lois White. A AS. sophomore: oh,

Virginia Silvers,
oh. my gosh.
Jeanne Johnson, A sophomore:
oh. oh.
Larline Moore, Ag.. freshman: oh,
Chester Da IT, A AS, freshman: III
be damned if that's so.
Jack Parkinson. A AS. sophonwre:
here we go.
Pvt. Bill few. AST: knock it off.
Doug Bumstead, Eng., sophomore:
Ben Smithson. A AS. freshman:
Hopkinsville style
sho "nuff.
Bernie Rosenberg, AST: I doubt

Jerry Finch, ASTR: but we like, it.
Walter Milanko. ASTR: hi. honey.
Dick Shuman. ASTR: hay.
Irving Spar. AST: wow!
Billie Ann Kir t ley, A AS. senior:

� oesi oopy Mvauaoie


...Managing Editor
..News Editor
Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Assistant Managing Editor
Sports Editor
Society Editor
Assistant News Editors



Fntfra at the Pout Office at
mtter uodpr the Art

tercr.a ciess

Ltxtnfrton, Kmturrf,
of Marrh 3. IK?


Eemurkj IntrrrollrgUt

Prei Association
Board of Commerra
Kentucky Prera Association
National Editorial Association


Rational AArerfcingSenricei
SO Maoaaoit Ave.



One Quarter




Dip; Down











left sline, size .rii,. Ila k.
i:iuh on left siilc.
lt u tid
No. 112 Alf;iinlti Sued. P1- -


i.. mid


ox-...- i.


Win n tin's acivoriisrmrnt niit ai e ii recently
' I'olii iUa."
leading newspajKi of Yugoslavia's
ci j .i i.i I. ii wasn't meant as a joke nor was it
ti in i he paper for the s.tke ol enieriain-la- t
I .i
iii. I lie woman vlio was asking ilie return
t.t .i slinc. olil and patched as ii was. needed thai
Mti'dc shoe as niiu
needed food. I.lie.
tinloi innate lot of losing it was lit is, and shell. id no niheis in substitute.
eats ago cnemv fmtes invaded the
lioines of
siuh as this tviiical woman and
mill ions of innocent victims were rolilwcl of
(vi ivihing they possessed, in most cases the very
t loihrs they were wearing. It was necessary to
and rcpaich the clothes they weie fortunate enough to keep, and often with paxr or
Miaw as reinforcements for a worn out
of lot hi tig perhaps these mistreated 'Jieo'pttW

vent thioijgh winter after winter.
rnivcisiSi students have been given the
help bv their tontrihiit ions to the
Naiional Clothing Collection this past
veei.. aiid'will !e called iixn again next week
when MiiHar Board coniinues the diive for
i loil ling oil the campus.
I'ah house president in the sororiiv houses,
cadi lepresentative in the residence halls, each


it a most welcome gift.


Discuss WennerGren Case

same people have General Patton
eturn the recently seized German
gold or destroy captured usable
enemy equipment because it was

10. 1945



University of Kentucky
I liote from the Aoril
The Kernel that the controvert
our the Aeronautical Laboratory
riven the University by Wenner- Cron is yet alive. As a College of
r.iiiiieei ing graiuuBve, ana one wno
Ims been closely connected with
l.i.-power aircraft engine develop.
mi nt and testing for the past few
as well as one who has
the Aeronautical Laboratory at the University, and finally
ns a Kentuckian. please permit
a frw words.




haps the only surviving essence of
democratic liberty on a college cam- pus. If this is the case, then let
us cease to call The Kernel a stu- dent newspaper, because it has ob- -

The Horizon
lean made itself felt in the people
watching the president drive by. It
was a scene which will always lin-a- n
ger in my mind,
He is gone now and not the
greatest editorial writer can sum- marize the grief of his people who
remain throughout the world. The
tears shed are of no use in finish- l:
Cnftonth init tVtA fffnot foclO OfVtisiVa rlnmiri
Ve..k a;-.
v ICVQTilfiin T?.vv . ,v.
vt rha
wiui a "in" avnilic wua tuicu wifVi a mawiuA atoA vov lifo fit
crowd. Workers in factory denims The job of building a people's peace
suits jostled will fall onto the shoulders of others,
and clean white-colltQWard
of the The greatest monument we can
he wet
avenue. Their faces wtre as varied erect in memory of our president is
as the peoples who breathe the a just and secure peace structure,
crowded air of the metropolis. Few The most beautiful tribute we can
distinguished-lookin- g
business men pay to his memory is not in tears
or Park avenue socialites huddled or words, but in the sweat and
the umbrellas walling in age we put into the building of a
the street. It was the common man, new world on the rubble of the old.
We will need the kind of courage
that day ignoring the chilling rain
for a brief glimpse of his friend and that Franklin Roosevelt symbolized;
between two courage to overcome physical lia- Suspended
buildines, swaying to and fro in unity, courage to noid tne win or
the cold breeze was a huge banner the people strong against the pres- sure of the powerful few, and cour- inscribed, "Welcome F. D. R."
a stir sweeping along the age to stand firm against the ene- mnssinif nf DeoDle sienalled the ap- - mies of humanity, both at home and
proach of the president's car. Sit- - abroad.
He has dropped away with the
tine, exrjosed to the rain in an open
limousine, a tired looking man past but his spirit hovers ahead of
adorned in a black cape and gray us in the unce