xt7n2z12pj1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12pj1k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-05-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 17, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 17, 1946 1946 1946-05-17 2013 true xt7n2z12pj1k section xt7n2z12pj1k Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel

Page Two
All The News That
Fits The Trint

Weather Report
Hearts 'n Flowers

n Showers





Complaint Cancels
Campus Sing

Doris Smith Crowned
SuKy May Day Queen

On Sloll Field

MAY 17. 1946


Burnett, Gish Named Editors
Of '46-'4Kernel, Kentuckian

Silver On Display
For Senior Women

The Towle silver display, sponsored annually by Mortar Board,
will be on display in room 121, Union
building. May 21 through May 24.
Senior women who have not seen
the display are especially requested
to see It and to answer a questionnaire pertaining to it, according to
Doris Smith, arts and sciences
Barbara Allen, president of Mortar
senior and member of Chi Omega
The 24th annual ROTC Military Board.
sorority, was crowned Queen of the
Field day will be held at 2:30
May Saturday to preside over the
first postwar May Day festivities,
Wednesday on Stoll field. The
sponsored by SuKy.
ROTC battalion will pass in review
The float entered by Delta Delta
in honor of the University president,
Delta sorority won first place in the
Dr. H. L. Donovan.
parade which preceded the coronaOther events of the program are
tion ceremonies. Fraternities and
C-Tosororities and other campus organcompetitive platoon drill, competiwn
izations had entered floats in the
tive company drill, exhibition drill
parade. Jewell hall's float, a replica
individual competitive
of Memorial hall, won second prize
Robert Kuhlman, baritone, in- drill, award of trophies, and a final
Alpha Gamma Rho's "Thank
structor in voice in the University parade in honor of distinguished
God for Arkansas" entry took third
music department, will present a ' visitors and friends and relatives of
place. Prizes were a silver compote
concert in the music room of the members of the ROTC battalion.
Two hundred additional tempor
for first, a silver cup for second, and
Union tomorrow night at 8:15. He
Local organizations
will award ary family dwelling units for stu-- 1 '
Hpn( vatarane hsva kun accimial
a plaque for third.
will be assisted by Miss Jean Kesler. trophies to
successful contestants.
soprano, and Joseph G. Young,
Donovan Crowns Queen
Among the awards to be presented the University, according to an
pianist, both students in the deannouncement by the director of
President Herman Lee Donovan Thai
are the following:
Region VIII, Federal Public HousOr. Alexander Capurso
crowned Miss Smith queen. She
Trophy to the platoon winning the ing
Mr. Kuhlman's regular Sunday
held court from a throne on the
competitive drill. Reserve Officers
afternoon musicale program was
The new' assignment was made
front porch of the library.
Colonel George D.
postponed until this time because Association;
Miss Smith was selected from a
Freeman trophy, to the company possible by recent federal legislaof illness.
tion authorizing additional funds
field of nine candidates, who had
The concert is open to the public. winning drill competition; trophy for the veterans' temporary housing
been chosen by student vote from
to the winner of individual drill
The program:
program. This program is a coeighteen nominees. Her attendants
Spirate pur, Donaudy; Quando ti competition, Man o' War Post 6. operative one in which the governwere Mary Pox Clarke, Delta Delta
rivedro, Donaudy; Nebbie, Respighi; American Legion; University
Delta; Angela Meisch. Delta Delta
Kentucky cup, to the company at- ment will move, convert and
Mr. Kuhlman.
the houses on sites furnished
Delta; Mary Lou Witherspoon,
taining the highest scholastic averZueignung, Strauss; Why,
Delta Delta Delta; Sue Flynn. Delta
age for 1945-4the Rotary club and prepared by the University, and
The Pilgrim's Song, Tschai- Delta Delta; Sue Ann Bradford.
trophy, to the member of the ad- the University will manage the prokowsky; Mr. Kuhlman.
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Kitty Crap-ste- r.
vanced course, ROTC, who is se- ject as long as housing is needed
Air de Lla, from "L'enfante Prodi-gue- ,"
by the veterans.
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Nancy
Debussy; Mariettas Lied zur lected by secret vote of the class as
Catherine Taylor. Alpha Oamma
The new assignment of 200 dwellDr. Alexander A. Capurso, head Laute. from "Die tote Stadt." Korn-- ! excelling in the requirements of good
Delta; Sally Branch, Kappa Alpha of the University department of
me uuayeiie noiei ings is in addition to 300 family
gold; II est doux, il est bon. from
music, has been asked to teach on "Herodiade." Massenet; MLss Kesler. trophy, to the member of the first dwellings and 310 dormitory units
Gwillim Jester
year advanced course having the formerly assigned to the Univerthe Ohio State University school of
Now Comes the Gentiles' Savior,
sity. This makes a total of 500 famA committee of townspeople in- music faculty for the first summer
Prelude in A Minor, highest average in military science ily dwelling
units and 310 dormifor 1945-4cluding George Horine. Lions club; term. He will conduct an orchestral Debussy; Toccata,
tory accommodations.
In addition.
C. W. Gaidry, Kiwanis club; Harry clinic, direct the graduate seminar, Mr. Young.
The Kiwanis club trophy, to the the University purchased 200 family
Edward and conduct the University Symclub;
Ashley. Optimist
Long Ago in Alcala. Messager; member of the first year basic dwelling
units from the federal
Meyer, Rotary club, and Kent Ames. phony orchestra.
The Pipes of Gordon's Men, Ham- course. ROTO, selected by a board government to add to
the supply
photographer, were final judges.
A series of three concerts are mond; Cabaret, Tansman; When I of army officers as outstanding and
Parade judges were Miss Helen planned for presentation at Mirror Think Upon the Maidens, Head; possessing in a marked degree those mentioned above.
King of the public relations depart Like Hollow on Thursday evenings Mr. Kuhlman.
inherent qualities necessary in the
ment and Professors Howard Beers during the term, the last to be a "Porgy and Bess" (Excerpts)
making of an officer and a gentleand Charles Crumpton.
combined choral and symphony Summertime, I Got Plenty o' Noth-in- '. man; the Lions club trophy, to the
My Man's Gone Now, Bess You member of the ROTC rifle team
William Gwillim. commerce sen- concert.
Dr. Capurso organized the Univer Is My Woman Now, Gershwin; Miss having the highest record in team
ior, was official Jester and escorted
the queen and attendants to the sity Sinfonietta, a group of musi- Kesler and Mr. Kuhlman.
throne. Billy and Tommy Ginger, cians organized to present the works
Tau Beta Pi, national honorary
In case of unfavorable weather,
of the great masters Bach, Haydn,
twin sons of Lyman Ginger, U-the program will be held in the engineering fraternity, will reactiendirector, and Mrs. Ginger, were Mozart with the size orchestral
vate and tap new members at an
Alumni gymnasium.
pages. The University band led the semble originally conceived by the
convocation to be
parade and played for the pro- composer.
held from 2 to 3 p.m. today in MeHe has also recently been elected
The Business Education club and
morial hall. D. V. Terrell, assistant
to the American Musicological So- the Secretarial club of the UniverFounders Honored
dean of the engineering college, will
sity of Kentucky, both under the
ciety, a scholarly musical organiza
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin,
Dr. A. J. Lawrence,
members on supervision
journalism professor and one of the tion basis of selects its and scholar- head of the of
The fraternity, oldest honorary on
Eight University students have
Department of Business
founders of SuKy. received a SuKy ship of musicology.
Education, will hold their annual been elected to membership in Pi the University campus, has been inkey from Bill Laslic, president of
This year Dr. Capurso has revived banquet in honor of seniors in the Mu Epsilon, national honorary active since the last member was
the pep club, who also was master the University Symphony orchestra, Thoroughbred room of the Phoenix mathematics fraternity, Mrs. Lydia graduated in May, 1944. The naanof ceremonies. S. A. Boles, who orig inactivated during the past year. hotel at 6 p.m. Monday.
tional organization was founded at
Lehigh University in 1885, and the
inated the pep organization idea in and presented the first post-wAmong the other guests of honor nounced.
1922 when he organized a group of
are President and Mrs. H. L. Donoconcert last night.
The students are Carolyn M. Kentucky chaprer was installed in
students to obtain a cinder track
Dr. Capurso was trained in com van, Dean and Mrs. W. S. Taylor, Hayes, Margaret L. Skinner. Mrs. 1902. Staley Adams and Vernon
at the University, was scheduled to position and orchestral conducting Dean and Mrs. Edward Wiest. Res Doris Guilfoil Phelps, Louise M. Kalk, only returned members, have
receive a key, but was unable to in various conservatories in Phila- - ervations may be made by contact- - Knifley. Charles L. Riggs, Frank D. acted as the reactivation committee.
A student must be a junior or
attend ceremonies. The other two delphia previous to his enrolling for ing Dr. A. J. Lawrence, White hall, White. Donald C. Rose, and Garnet
senior in the engineering college,
SuKy founders were the late Mrs. University studies.
or any member of the clubs.
L. Tiller.
must have a cumulative standing of
Frances Jewell McVey, and the late
2.0, and must be in the upper eighth
Enoch Grehan, head of the jour
of the junior class or the upper
nalism department.
fifth of the senior class in order to
Cornell Clarke, retiring president
be eligible for membership. Char
of SuKy. received a gift. The womacter, leadership capacity, personal
en's glee club under the direction
appearance, and social qualities also
of Miss Mildred Lewis sang two
are considered. Women are not adselections, and a mixed tumbling
mitted as active members, but deteam gave an exhibition. The proserving women may receive honorgram concluded with the singing of
Pointing out that we are faced
ary keys. The University was the
"Alma Mater."
today with greater responsibilities requiring a 2.0 standing for mem-tha- n Braneis Boland, Janet Helscl, Matie first school to present a key to a
The May Queen and her attenLouise McCown, Alva M. Matherly. woman. The national convention
ever before. Dr. Sarah Gibson bership.
were guests of honor at a
Joseph T. Meers. Ada Vaughan
Blanding, president-eleof Vassar
dance held Saturday night in the college, addressed the 247 students The awards and recipients follow: Newland, Mary Elizabeth Wallace, of Tau Beta Pi to be held next fall
will discuss the admission of women
Union building.
In the College of Arts and Sci- and Freda Grace Witherow.
who were recognized for scholastic
The Southern Regional Training
and leadership achievement in the ences:
was delayed until
The Charles S. Brent Memorial Program Fellowships: Mary Helen
annual "Honors Day" convocation
Prize in American History, Charles Crawley, Caroline Ruth Renfro. now because of the small number of
in Memorial hall
ColVictor R. Portmann, professor of
Speaking to a capacity audience Richard Craig; The Philo M. Ben- Edith Foster, Virginia Ashcraft, upperclassmen enrolled in the
Tuesday for Currie. on the subject, "In the Time of Our nett Prize, T. George Harris; Kel- Beulah Lee Pardue. Mary Evelyn lege of Engineering, Adams stated.
Journalism, left
Although the total enrollment of
Minn., to attend the funeral of his Lives," Dr. Blanding stated, "Our logg Fund Scholarship, Mary Eliza- Blagg, and Daniel Grant.
The Kentucky Distillers Asso- 626 is the largest in the history of
hope depends upon the citizens that beth Dickinson and Mattie Evelyn
father, who died Monday.
you and I are, and the citizens that Douglas; and Kentucky Press Asso- ciation Fellowship: Edgar Leroy the college, only 22 seniors and
juniors are enrolled, he said.
next quarter ciation Award, Martha Lawrence Thompson.
we develop in the
After the tapping, names of the
General scholarships and prizes
new members will be placed on a
"If we are to escape an age of In the College of Agriculture and included :
The Margaret Voorhies Haggin lighted bent (or key) above the
barbarism and develop our new Home Economics:
County Farm Bureau Scholar Scholarships for Foreign Students: main entrance of the engineering
found (atomic) power in beneficial
Club Schol Natalia Abello, Juan Jose Balzola, building. Newly tapped members
fields, then (1) those who expect to ships, Leslie Wells;
reap blessings of freedom must sup arships. Evelyn Louise Hammond Alvaro Briceno, Rafael Angel Car- - will carry the traditional sledge
port it; (2) as responsible citizens, and Robert Nelson Morris; Phi Up- - tin, Patricia Barreda, Matilde Elena hammer, symbolic of the honor, for
we must establish a system for the silon Omicron
Freshman Medal, Guerra, Maria Luisa Osorio, and one week after the tapping.
Phys Ed department picnic . .
Date and place of formal initiaregulation of atomic power; and Katherine Elizabeth Guion; Repub Mercedes Trujillo.
postponed until June
The Inland Steel Company Schol- tion will be announced later, Adams
(3) we must work with a vengeance lic Steel Corporation
Outing club . . . hayride tomorrow.
Olive Potter, Catherine said.
for the understanding, tolerance, Johnie Thomas Adams; The
Leave Union building at 5 p.m.
The advisory board of Tau Beta
Foundation Stapleton, and Graden Walter; The
and good will of the world."
club picnic . . . May 25.
Sigma Chi Scholarship: Frank Selby Pi includes Professors Beebe. BuScholarship. David McHenry
Advocates Universal Language
Kentucky Archaeological society . . .
Dr. Blanding went on to explain
and Ilus Ray Mackey; and The Hurst; The Alpha Gamma Delta reau, and Horine, who were
will meet at 7:30 tonight in room that the best ways a world under- Jonas Weil Memorial Scholarship, Freshman Award, Mary Hillary members, and Professor Crouse.
201, Physics building.
Bryant; The Alpha Lambda Delta who was elected to fill the place of
standing could be attained were William Richard LeGrand.
the late Professor Jett.
Book Prize, Nancy Fillmore Toll.
Alpha Lambda Delta . . . will meet through a universal language and a
In the College of
Still More Awards
at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the Union vibrant Christian religion. "Ours is The E. B. Ellis Prize. Merle Baker;
The Alpha Xi Delta Award. Marie
no time for a dull and lifeless Chris- and The Joseph E. Seagram FelShrout; The Kentucky Federation
Student Government Association . . . tianity," she concluded. "If we are lowship, Robert C. Burrell.
A prewar custom will be revived
In the College of Education: The of Women's Clubs Scholarship. Julia
mill meet at 5 p.m. Monday in room to substitute rule of men for rule
memberof force, then we must shape our Kappa Delta Pi Award to Nancy Macedo; Mortar Board Cup, Eliza- Tuesday when the entire
204, Union building.
beth Ann Bicknell; Mortar Board ship of the YMCA will meet at a
Alexander Lowe.
l'niversity for Life program . . . Christian life to that Message
Mildred Jo dinner. The dinner, which will be
Bary Gives Student
More Awards
presents Dr. Myron T. Hopper on
Cooper, Mary Keith Dosker, Helen served at 5:30 in the Football Room
President H. L. Donovan presided
In the College of Commerce:
SunOvercoming Evil" at 6 p.m.
The Chi Omega Sorority Prize, Gibson Hutchcraft, Judith Keen of the SUB, is planned as a year.
day, Central Christian church. Sup- at the convocation. The invocation
Floye Avis Mullinaux, event in the program of the
by Bart Nixon Peak, secretary of Sue Ann Bradford; and The Ken- Johnson,
per will be served.
Reverand James Clark, rector of
the University YMCA, and the stu tucky Association of Personal Fi- Alice Jane Street, and Patricia Ann
Chi Omega . . . spring formal, 9 to dent message by Edward Albert Bary nance Companies Award, Warren Burnett.
Christ Episcopal church, will speak,
12 tomorrow night, Bluegrass room. preceded
cabinet will
Phi Beta Kappa Freshman and the
Coolidge Evans and Jettie King
Dr. Blanding's speech.
Union building.
Arrangements for
Award: Judith Keen Johnson. Fran- be introduced.
Following the address. Dean Leo Thompson.
Alpha Xi Delta . . . Rose dance, 9 M. Chamberlain, University regisces A. Pritchett. and Margaret Lee the dinner are being made by Gene
In the Graduate School:
to 12 tonight, Fireside room. Phoe- trar, recognized those students to The Margaret Voorhies Haggin Skinner; The Danford Scholarship Whicker. Russell Rowland. Everett
nix hotel.
and general secretary
be presented with special awards Graduate Fellowships ana ocnoiar. Awards for Leadership Training
Bart Peak.
(Continued on Page Three)
Campus sing . . . lias been cancelled. for scholarship, and those societies ship: Harold Estes Black, Lawrence
The campus

sing, sponsored


the House Presidents' Council,
been cancelled because of a com
plaint from professors that students should nave a little less social
activity and a little more study, it
was announced today. The event
had been scheduled for Wednesday.

Tri Delt Float
Wins First Prize

Goman, Duncan,
Receive Managing,
News Editorships

Battalion Review
Honors President

K u hi m a n


200 Houses
Are Assigned

To Sing



Assisted By Student
Vocalist, Pianist




Gregory, Harris,
Business Managers


Kernel and Kentuckian appointments for 1946-4- 7 were announced
today by the Board of Student Publications.

Pat Burnett. Journalism Junior
from Lexington, was named editor
of The Kernel, and Tommy Gr.h,
Journalism junior from Seco. was
named editor of the Kentuckian.

Veteran Housing

Eased By Addition


Other appointments Included
Catherine Goman. journalism senior
from Sand Creek. Mich.. Kernel
editor; Tom Duncan,
journalism Junior from Louisville.
...... ; Kernel new junior Helen Dorr.
from Ashland.
Casey Goman
Kentuckian managing editor.
I"'1'""""1 minpBpuui w j mimim Tom Gregory, journalism Junior


Dr. Capurso
Will Teach
At Ohio State


Pat Burnett












from Lexington, was appointed Kernel business manager, and Charle3
Harris, Journalism Junior frm Columbia, was appointed Kentuckian
business manager.
Miss Burnett Is a member of
Theta Sigma Phi. Cwens. Alpha
Delta. YWCA. Student
Government Association, and president of Alpha XI Delta sorority.
She is former news editor of The
Gish Is president of the YMCA.
treasurer of Phalanx, editor of he
and a member of Pitkin
club, and PI Kappa Alpha fraternity.
He is former associate editor of the





Will Direct

Summer Symphony



Engineers Honorary
Will Tap Members

At Meeting Today

Commerce Clubs

To Hold Banquet

Pi Mu Epsilon
Elects Eight Members


Outstanding Students Cited
At Honors Convocation

Profs Father Dies


4-- H






YM Dinner Planned




Miss Goman. associate editor of
the 1945 summer Kernel and former
assistant managing editor of The
Kernel, is a member of band, symphony orchestra. Theta Sigma Phi.
Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, and head
announcer for WBKY, University
radio studios.
Duncan, former assistant new
editor, is a member of Student Government Association. YMCA. and.
Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity.
Miss Dorr is a member of the
Newman club and former associate
editor of the Kentuckian.
Gregory is a former member of
the radio stall, band and UK troupers. He is a councilman on the
Cooperstown council, letterman on
the swimming team, numeral man
of the track team, and former business manager of The KerneL

Tommy Gish

Tom Duncan

ODK Pledges Faculty-Donov- an,
Snow, Shaver
Omicron Delta Kappa,
men's leadership honorary, has announced the pledging of three faculty members and four students.
Faculty members taken into the
organization are Dr. Herman Lee
Donovan, president of the University; Dr. Charles F. Snow, professor of anthropology, and R. E. Shaver, professor in the College of Engineering. Students are Howard W.
Stephenson, arts and sciences junior from Mt. Sterling; Bill Sturgill.
law Junior from Prestonsburg ; Tom
Gregory, arts and sciences junior
from Lexington, and Sam Weakley,
agriculture junior.
These men were pledged Tuesday
and they will be initiated May 24.
A dinner dance will be held at the
Lexington Country club in honor of
the new members.
Stephenson is president of the
Student Government
president of Philosophy club, president of the Constitutionalist party,
past president of Pi Kappa Alpha
fraternity, and a member of the
YMCA cabinet. Phalanx. Pitkin club,
Interfaith council, and the student
representative of Central Christian
church on the University campus.
Sturgill is formpr president of the
member of the YMCA cabinet. Student Government Association. Athletic Advisory board, dance and
recreation committees of the S'u-drUnion board, and a member
of the varsity basketball and tennis
teams and Sigma Chi fraternity.
Gregory is business manager of
The Kernel, councilman on the
Cooperstown Council, letterman on
the swimming team, former member of the radio staff, track team,
band, and UK Troupers, and former
lieutenant (j.g.) in the Naval Air
Weakley is president of Alpha
Gamma Rho fraternity,
of Interfiaternity
chronicler of Alpha Zeta. and a.
member of Lances. Keys. Block and
Bridle, and the




4-- H

Alpha Zeta Initiates
Three brothers were initiated into
Alpha Zeta. agriculture honorary,
Tuesday night. They were John l ee
Rowland, DeWitt R. Rowland, and
A. Wesley Rowland, all of Maceo,
Daviess county.
Other initiates were William
Richard LeGrand. Owensboro;
Thomas Johnson. Fleminssburg;
Carl Sinclair. Lexington; Charles
Bennett, Bremen.
The new initiates were entertained
at a banquet Tuesday night. The
group is the first pledge class since
the reactivation of the fraternity,
which was inactive during the war.
Patch Woolfolk is chancellor.

Vinson Will Speak
At Seventy-Nint- h
Fred M. Vinson. Secretary of the
Treasury, will address the graduat-- 1
inz class of the University at the
79th annual commencement exer- cises Friday night. June 7. on Stoll

Keys Initiate
Twelve SophomOrCS

Vinson. a native Kentuckian. has
held other important positions in
the legislative, judicial, and execu- .i
ft, AC nf K A nn,,An.MAn
The speaker has served as con- -,
-resiman. associate Justice of the
States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia, director
of the Offices of Economic Stabiliza- ion. federal loan administrator, and1
war mobilization director. He was
commonwealth's attorney of Kentucky's 32nd Judicial district for
two years.
Subject of his address has not
been announced.

Mortar Board Elects
Barbara Allen Prexy
Barbara Allen, arts and sciences
junior from Lexington, has been
elected president of Mortar Board.
senior women's honorary. She will
represent the Kentucky chapter at
the 13th Annual convention of the
nroani7ation tn Ho VipIH .1 ilv
Estes Park, Colo.
Other officers include Margaret
McDowell, arts and sciences Junior
from Lexington,
Frances Pritchett, arts and sciences
Madisonville. secretary;
Marjeau Wenstmp. arts and sci-- 1
ences junior from Cincinnati, treasurer; Mrs. Greenwood Cocanougher,
commerce junior from Lexington,
editor ainl historian.
Mrs. John R. Evans, University
vial director, was selected to sue- cced Jeanette Graves, dilator of
thr alumni office, as advisor. Other
advisors are Mrs. Lydia Fischer,
mathematics instructor, and Miss
lima Poole, director of women's
residence halls.


Keys, sophomore honorary frater- nity which recognizes outstanding
qualities of leadership in fraternity
men, has been reactivated on the
campus by Bartley Greer.well, Kap- pa Alpha, president; Cal Roszel. Phi




Manos. Delta Chi. secretary-Unite- d
treasurer, officers of the fraternity
lor to lu discontinuance durins
the war one outstanding
r. mmhr ,- of Mch social fr- vramrms is selected
for membership in Keys.
At a banquet in the Roce room of
the Phoenix hotel Monday night.
12 pledges were initiated. They ars
James Hodgetts. Phi Kappa Tau:
Harley Dunn. Sigma Nu; Charles
Whaley. Sigma Phi Epsilon; BUI
Harrison. Delta Chi; Robert Pur-yePhi Delta Theta; Joe Millar.
Kappa Sigma; George Freas. Alpha
Gamma Rho; Kenneth MidkifT. Phi
Sigma Kappa; John Crockett. Sigmi
Alpha Epsilon; George White. Alpha
Tau Omega; Buddie Thurman.
Sigma Chi; and Frederick Kaestner.
Delta Tau Delta.
Election of new officers will taka
place at the next meeting.

rhi Beta Kappa
Elects Eight

Eight senior University student
have been elected to membership in
Phi Beta Kappa, arts and science
schoWahip honorary.
New mtmbeta will be initiated at
4 p.m. today in the University li- brary. with Dr. Frank H. Randall.
president of Kentucky Alpha chapter, presiding.
The new members are: Betty Lee
Fleishman (journalism). Esther V.
Nevitt (German), and Doris T.
'Smith (English), all of Lexington;
Richard Don Baker (political science". Somerset; John J. Hopkins
(social science. Carlisle; Martha
Elizabeth Pruitt (Spanish). Hendtr-soJean Ruth Ritchie (social
Walling-for- d
A few tickets for the Big Name work). Viper; and Janet
(psychology). Covington.
are left, Mrs. Dorothy
Band dance
The new initiates, together wi'h
Evans stated yesterday. These may
be obtained in her office, room 121, the eight members elected in DeUnion building. No tickets will be cember, will be presented to mem- sold at the door, and absolutely no bers of Phi Beta Kappa at a dinner
refunds will be made, Mrs. Evans meeting on May 20 at the Lafayette

Name Band Tickets
May Be Obtained


� The Kernel Editorial Page







tna Pott Office at tTlnfrtot, Knturry,
utter andtr tha Art ot warch s. 187.




LEE Robertson

Dor A



BvntMty Xntereollrflate PrM Amorlatloii
Lcxlncton Board of Commrm
Kentucky Prwa Association
National Editorial Assorintlon



O. C.

James Wyatt
Tom Gregory



Jt Om




tWi. Mtotm neo yo. n. r.



Managing Editoi
News Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Editor
Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant News Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Society Editor
Feature Editor
Staff Photographer

Business Manager
Cfieufafton Manage,


Bettie Tuttle, Polly Tuttle, Edgar Wilson,


Advertising Solicitors

n aiffned mrttclet mud column arc to 04 conti&ered tfte
opinion o tfce wrltert tftemteice, end do mot necessarily
rejlecl (he opinloa o thm Kernel.

$1.50 On- - Yrar

(Fustest With The Mostest'


Kernel Staff Very Unhappy



toujours gai
By Billie Fischer

Oh life is a glorious cycle of song,
A medley of extemporanea;
And love is a thing that can never
go wrong;
And I am Marie of Roumania.








Lre, Liberty, and Pursuit



What They Say About Sewanee







his tired, soggy

streamers squashing in the breez?.
he made it to Rose Street, where
he left the parade in a blaze of
Blory and Prestons-wh- ich
ntiri fa rfiwsi iriL ill w:




May Day.
Guignol play,
Turtle derbay.
In Sunday's Hera Id-- .cade r tlirrr were nine
Circus day,
news stories about the L'nixi t siiy. I tin mahout coming issue of Banta's Greek Exchange. It
toujours gaL
the state jieople read alxmt i lie Ma D.iv :utiv-itieoutlines the difficulties of the eight fiats in ost-wAnd that's a poem. son. Things
miiiiHe-men- t
the honors to lie awarded, and
certainly have been popping on the
reoiganiing, and gives details of the svstem
campus lately. Everyone agrees that
devised. Some of the rules set up might bear
plans at L'rv. We wire
the May Day floats were terrific.
But there were fie stories in the paper whitli investigation by Uk's Interfraternity council.
But does everyone know that the
,1 nn
had been held (or release until Sunday rather
man on the campus was
luveiy f
".t n
floats were stolen, along with a
than released for publication in
kernel. given a "date" card on which was scheduled a
bench, from a local cemetery?
isit to each of the frats on the first night of
The rejorters didn't slip up, thev tiled -- it was
cjiiouiujii, isu i n r iim.iici uiLcr- just that large circulation of the Hi i;iM Leader rushing. Alter that, each fraternity was allowed
esting note is that the scantily clad
girls who decorated Jewell Hall's
that beat The Kernel. We were i unhappy. to have one date with each rushee sometime
Memorial Hall floats overheard a
Students pick up their sthool
what's within a three-da)eriod. No rushees were allittle boy yell "Look at the church.
new? Wry little, 'cause the bio events are
lowed to be removed from the campus for rushMommy!"
Another puzzling note
in the Sunday dailies. Instead of the ing, and limits were secilied for entertainments.
was the appearance of an antique
character who drove up to the Unifront page of The kernel with three oIiimn The code set up included such rules as:
versity at the start of the parade
headlines, it's the back section of the it y pax rs
1. No alcoholic beverages will be used by any
in a Model T Ford, steering with
that carries the important news of the I'niwisity. chapter to influence any prospective in making
one hand, waving a pistol in the
., .,
i. ...,
.i..,- jl.
the other, and yelling at the top of
Certainly the goal should le maximum pub- his c hoice.
his lungs. But no one paid him
licity for the University certainly. Ml the pajiers
2. No
period promises or pledges will
much attention because it had
with the largest circulation. P.ut il 1 lie kernel be lolciated.
started raining by then, and everyis a glorified rewrite of week-olone was worried about the floats.
news the stalf
rush3. No prospective will be excluded from
By Adele Denman
The only people who worried about
is not to blame. Downtown
:imts are the fustest ing privileges due to his social jxisiiion either
onen convertibles
'cause they've got the inostesi initiation!
This apartment hunting has be- - For several good reasons which the' nennle in th
on or off the campus.
come a real problem, especially when could be mentioned but won't, it
nad nine
4. No Hell Week will be observed and no
coupie nnas one u aoesn I warn, wuum ue uei.ei.eiui nci u, Bu mouim
Nme bJue t0Ple- - 1 lie
rue jajjti
pledge hazing will be practiced by any chapter, and is stuck with it. A boy and parking in cars in Lexington, for
gruesome. By
..d!cidL v. com1. 1" I '
he'time Th downpour subsided, we
Imagine men of one trateiniiy assisting oilier
And there are certain other rules of propriety
.. 1
v.. S ,uu.
OI "lelr
mmo" ie-rp.i.iie
,.l,vervf.(1 ii. ill.e tnapter houses good BOU,bon!
fraternities with their rushing! That is part of which must
Planning to make information you want on the sub- - naa caimea aown, out our car.
week-en- d
once ject. see Betty Brewer, city police- - Giraud had become excited. The
of the veterans married life a lost
the system devised by I'anhellt nic at Sewanee, At the end of rushing
thing's water gauge went way
The University of the South, in Tennessee, to on the campus had pledged. If the plan was in a while. thes two were very care- - woman. it would be nice if one. just Poorand the tire with the slow leak
menti0n to their landlady
promote cooperation among fraternities and well arranged enoiigu to appeal to tnose who are that they didn't even smoke. Land- - one campus cop, would decide to