xt7n2z12p53p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12p53p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1966-1967 The University of Kentucky catalogs contains bound volumes dating from 1865 through 2007. After 2007 course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Volume 30 (1966-1967) text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Volume 30 (1966-1967) 1966 1966-1967 2012 true xt7n2z12p53p section xt7n2z12p53p 1
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Registration Fees  
School Year 1966-67  
Full-time Student: Resident Non-resident Part-time Student: Resident Non-resident  
All Colleges except All Undergraduate Colleges $14.00 $37.00 i_
Medicine and Dentistry-
Semester Fee $140.00 $410.00 Gfgdum S°h°;l·· T ,
T F     emester 0I` LlIT1I‘I`1€1' CHD
S“""“°r mm C': Credit Hour Fee 17.00 46.00 1
Colleges of Medicine and
Annual Fee 600.00 1,280.00
Additional Fees and Deposits
Additional fees and/or deposits may be assessed for certain courses or activities. `
Housing Costs `
Per Semester Summer Term
Men’s Residence Halls $400* Men’s Residence Halls $100**
\Vomen’s Residence Halls 400* Women’s Residence Halls 100**
Married Students: Per Month
COOpC1'StOW1’1 Sl1€.\WH€€tO\v1l ° Includes room and three meals daily except Sunday evening
in il.
EHIUCIICY Almrtmcnts $80*** $80*** €°l° Meals are not included in the housing costs for summer
. ei .
OM Beds ><>·*1 **¤)=·r*·¤¤¤*S 95*** 95*** *`“·fi‘*i.e..1.. ..1....... 1...... i.......i....., ...1..e., and .........-
Two Bedroom Apartments 105*** nance.
(Not payable to the University)
llooks and Supplies. Range from $40 up, depending on Dry Cleaning. Both men and women students make
the stndent’s major field of study and schedule of classes their own arrangements for dry cleaning. The cost is
for the semester. comparable to that in any city.
Laundry. For students living in the residence halls, Linen and Towel Service. This voluntary service is pro-
laundry facilities for personal items are provided. Other vided on a contractural basis for occupants of the resi-
students must make their own arrangements. Local cost dence halls. Information concerning bed linen and towel
for this service is comparable to that in any city. service can be obtained from the University Housing
.KLL Fisizs Axn Housnve Cosrs Arai; Suajizcr ro Cmncis Wrruour Notice.
A bulletin published monthly Jonuory to October inclusive, by the University of Kentucky,
Lexington 40506. Second Closs postoge poid ot the Post Office, Lexington, Ky., under the
Act of August 24, l9l2. Edited by the Department of Public Relotions ond published under
its direction.
VOL. 58 FEBRUARY, 1966 NO. 2

- 5
  I O
This publication is a presentation for the
1966-1967 academic year and preceding
summer term. It is expected that some
changes will take place during the year and
the student using this catalogue should keep
this in mind. Fees are subject to change
without notice.


1 ’ Dec. 13—Tuesday—Class work ends
966 S 1* .
umme Session Dec. 15-Z1——Thursday through \Vednesday-—Fmal Ex-
]unc 6-10—Monday to Friday—4-H Club Week innlnanons
June 10, 11-Friday and saturday-Rcgisrmrion Dec. 21—W<-=<1¤¤sd¤v—E¤d <>f Fall Semester
lung 13—.MOndgy_.Clasg gvgrk begins Dec. Z3—Fr1day—All grades due in Reg1strar’s Oflice by
[une 16—'l`l1ursday—Last day to enter an organized class 4iOO Pm-
for Summer Session
]une 24—Friday—Last day to drop a course without a
grade ·
lune 27, ZS—Monday and Tuesday-—Last days for filing   Spmng Semester
lgjilgggallon fm an August degree m College Dean S ]an. 7, 9, 10—Sat11rday, Monday, and Tuesday— Regis-
_ , _ . tration
kl? liéggja;ElI?§li§c§3;F;;rl-lslgggzy ]an. 11——VVednesday—Class work begins _
Aug` 9_TuCSg3 _AH radcs due in Rc lgstmris Omce b, ]an. 18—VVednesday—Last day to enter an organized
g'4_0O m y g g 1 class for the Spring Semester I
' p` ` ]an. Z4-—Tuesday—Last day to drop a course without a
1966 Fall S8’"“t‘” lm S? “‘1”i‘*““€“ 31{ld li`““2la’ 2%.11; S 152102
ing app ica ion or a ray egre in g
]uly 30—Saturday—Last day to submit application and Office _
transcripts to Admissions Office for Fall Semester, Mar. 2—Tll\.1l'SCl8}'—UHd€IgIHdl€)3t€ mid—term grades due
1966 in Registrar’s Ofiice by 4:0 p.m.
Aug. 28——Sunday—Dormitories open for Fall Semester Mar. 11-19—Saturday noon through Sunday—Spring
Aug. 29, 30—Monday and Tuesday—Classilication, regis- vacation. Class work resumes Monday, March Z0,
tration, and orientation for students not pre-registered at 8:00 a.m.
` Aug. 3l——VVednesday—·-Class work begins Apr. 1—Saturday—Last day for out-of-statcgifreslgmenw tg
` Sept. 5—Monday—~Labor Day Holiday submit application to Registrar's O ce or 1a
Sept. 8——Thursday—Last day to enter an organized class Semester, 1967
for the Fall Semester Apr. 14—Friday-—Last day to drop a class before final
Sept. 14—VVednesday—Last day to drop a course with- examinations
Ollt a grade Apr. 29—Saturday—End of class work . '
Sept. 15, 16—'I`liursday and Friday—Last days for filing May 1-6—Monday through Saturday-Final Examina-
application for a December degree in College Dean’s tions _
Office May 6-—Saturday—End of Spring Semester _
Oct. ZO—Thursday—Undergraduate mid—term grades due May 7—Sunday—Baccalaureate-Vesper Service for grad-
in Registrar’s Oilice by 4:00 p.m. uating seniors
L NOV. Z4, Z5, Z6—Thursday, Friday, and Saturday— May 8-MOHd8Y, 10100 3.m·—On€ Hundrcdth Annual
` Thanksgiving Holidays Commencement
Nov. 30—\Vednesday——Last day to drop a course before May 9-—-Tuesday—All grades due in Registrar’s Office
final examinations by 4:00 p.m.
Dec. 12—Monday—Last day to submit application and May 12—Friday—Last clay to submit application and
transcripts to Admissions Office for Spring Semester, transcripts to Admissions Oflice for Summer Session,
1967 1967
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Calendar 3
Map 6
The Entering Student 9
The University 11
Fields of Study 15
Entering the University 19
Living Accommodations 23
Expenses & Financial Aid 27
Working Toward a Degree 33
r Special Academic Opportunities 39
1 Student Affairs 43
1 Course Numbering System 46
Abbreviations 46
· Arts & Sciences 49
Agriculture & Home Economics 129
j Engineering 155
Law 179
Education 185
Commerce 213
1 Pharmacy 225
Medicine 233
Nursing 249
A Dentistry 253
1 Architecture 261
A Graduate School 267
University Extension 277
Community Colleges 283
Contract Teams Abroad 289
1 Statistics 291
1 Committees 295
Administration 299
  Sources of Information 302
1 Index 303
l 7

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    )\   \§     l8. Central Heating Plant 49. Meats Laboratory
y ig y   ®   l9. Coal Research Laboratory 50. Medical Center
__, “ 1 J `"lll   20. Commerce Building Sl. Medical Center Heating Plant
  /\\\   g 2l. Cooperstown 52. Memorial Coliseum
  @“l 22. Dairy Products Building 53. Memorial Hall
Q E it lx 23. Donovan Hall 54. Miller Hall
E ` 24. Education Building 55. Mineral Industries Building
/— l. Administration Building 25. Engineering Annex" 56. Mining Laboratory
/l 2. Administration Annex 26. Engineering Quadrangle 57. Museum of Anthropology
I / 3. Aeronautical Research Laboratory 27. Euclid Avenue Building* 58. Patterson Hall
/3 4. Agricultural Engineering Building 28. Experiment Station, Agricultural 59_ Pqffgrggn House
5. Agricultural Science Center 29. Fine Arts Building 60. Pence Hall
` 6. Agriculture Building 30. Food Storage Building, K-Lair 6l. Pharmacy Building
A   Alumni Gyml'ICISlUI11   F00ll'JClll     Phygicg-Chgmigtry Building
‘ 8. Alumni House 32. Fraternities 63. Service Building
` 9. Animal Pathology Building 33. Frazee Hall 64_ Seeiel Science; Building*
/   l0. Animal Pathology Hospital 34. Haggin Hall 65_ Smell Animel Lebetetety
( ll. Barker Hall-—Buell Armory 35. Highway Research Laboratory 66_ Sororitieg
l2. Biological Sciences Building 36. Holmes Hall 67. Stock Judging Pavilion
I l3. Blazer Hall 37. Home Economics Building 68. Stoll Field
x l4. Bowman Hall 38. lnsectary and Conservatory 69_ Student Center
l5. Boyd Hall 39. Jewell Hall 70. Tobacco Research Laboratory
l6. Bradley Hall 40. Journalism Building 7l. White Hall
i 17. Breckinridge Hell 4l. Kostle Hall 7z_ ~w;|dC¤t~ (gowttngtgtttt)
l " Temporary-—to be removed
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I The Entering Student
l THE Umvrarzsrrrv or Knnrucxv has recently completed VVithin each of these areas, several optional sequences
i an analysis of its academic programs and organization are available, giving the student a wide variety of learn-
and will initiate certain changes in September, 1966, ing opportunity in the basic disciplines.
r designed to provide. its students with improved advise- Beginning in September, rc66, all entering Students
ment and instruction. The changes described here ri be forman re istered in the Colle G of Art a d
apply to all students entering the University in Septem- wl- Y. g . . .g S n
r ber 1966 · Science; and 'wzll rerriaznr registered in that Ctrllelge
. ’ ,‘ _ _ _ uni t e egrnnrng o t e junior year, or unti t e
A, university brings together students _W1th greatly admission requirements of another College have been
, varying geographic, economic, social, political, and edu- met
cational backgrounds. Although any entering class is a i
rather select group in intellectual ability and educational Eeeh enrering srndenr Wiii he assigned a raenirY
I achievement, there is still a considerable range of ability, nieniber ee an adviser- The et¤de¤t’e adVis9r Win neiP
  achievement, and incentive among the individuals in inrn deeide nP9n a Pregrarn ef srrrdY and will eXPiOre
L the class. with him an over-all plan for his work at the University,
r A State university is characterized by a Wide variety the choice of a vocation, and graduation requirements.
r Of Course cgerings and cf degree nrcgranra ranging rrcrn The advisor will be able to provide the student with
  the most rradiricna] cf majors in rbe iiberai arts to accurate information concerning the University. After
. professional and applied programs with rather specific neilnng the srndeni te deeide new lllanY edrlrses he
. VOCatIOIIe] gO3lS_ should attempt to carry, he will approve the schedule.
I The eomorueuorr or rr heterogeneous student body stddehte whe heye eheedy deeided ¤1><>¤ e deld df
Q euro the multiplicity or ourrroure requires that are Study will he eeelghed an edyiedr hem that held df
i University furnish alternative paths of study, even for Study and Win Prrrsrler rrdm the begllllllllgr a Cdtlrse Oi
the entering student, to provide the soundest education. Study ieading te gradrraridn ih rnar held Students Wild
l The programs being deveicned are bascdg in bart, en are undecided upon a field of study will be advised to
i the assumptions that every graduate should have breadth eeneenrrare On eenrses eenrained ih the areas listed
of understanding achieved by study in the basic dis- ¤l><>ye· Frern inis Pregrarn srndenis will geih a baeie
1 ciplines and that he should have achieved depth by grennd that snnnid neiP inern te ehdeee inieiiigenriY
i advanced study in a major department or professional the nerds lh which they Wlii eeneerlrrare _
r area The Unrverarty assumes that the entering student
r To help the student acquire a breadth of under-   hargiiriaequued in   Schoorirsugiiient irnowlcdge
standing, the University will require of each student A   1 in COmpOS11On’ .ma wma ICS' anguagea
I . . . . . merrcan history, and the sciences to make substantial
r mere in september, hee and th