xt7n2z12p523 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12p523/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) McDaniel, J. M. 1896 v. : ill. ; 38 cm.  Monthly during the collegiate year, September-May. journals  English Lexington, Ky. : State College Cadet, 189u- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College cadet University of Kentucky. Kentucky University. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College cadet, vol. 7, no. 3, December 1896 text The State College cadet, vol. 7, no. 3, December 1896 1896 1896 2012 true xt7n2z12p523 section xt7n2z12p523 I  r _ / 7 7- ' . AJ US ` I »
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 I l
Lar est Assor1 TIN  
g KENTUcKY { ..,
I`. ·· .. ·¢
wor-,r Pal O    
$36 !'i‘;3  QL Shave 10c, it ‘ g ·
G   4;   gguaranteed. ii
E7   lain.  
Z E / I, ·
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Stg,tjO‘  @$9*  EORGE  
. °¢c¤1»" _ _  
TRANSYLVAD ·P1·ese11ted by me Maker- .
  done. The very
I0 E. MAIN STR ents and faculty.
offers to the public the following Courses of Study, viz:  
Agricultural, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering,   j
Classical, Normal School and three Scientihc Courses, ‘ _
each of which covers four years in the College i
_ proper and leads to a degree. 4
Its Faculty contains twenty-eight professors. Its grounds, buildings and equip- ° · _ A
ments renresent $450.000 in value. Its laboratories Chemical, Physical, Biological, V ·
Botanical, Geological, Physiological and Mechanical are the largest and best iu ‘
T Each Legislative District is entitled by law to free tuition, room rent, fuel and f ‘·_
lights for four properly prepared students in the College proper, and to an equal · ` ‘
number in the Normal Department, Alumni of other college in Kentucky are entered _  
in post graduate courses free. For catalogue and other informalion apply to .
President of the College, Lexington, Ky. i

   The Place to Get Your Money’s Worth. P W-   =
  Suits From $l3.§0 up. Pants From $4 up. Overcoats $15 up.
»   Send us your cleaning and repairing. y
    W. T. MORRIS & CO., i '
" V ‘ 107 East Main Street. .
  Z Q No. S West Nlain Street,  
- 6 {-1;.} Lexington, Ky. °   I
· The I ·
  Bros. oC. D. CUNNINGHAM,
I’1‘op1·ieto1·s0fthe     I
` Ashland Roller Mills Glass; Brushes. ,
l\It1lll1f{lCD\U"9l'S of House P{IiUt0`[` and I?B(T0l`{lt0l'·
Flour, M€Hi,   F€€d, Etc. Thooldostpainthousein thceity.
` V *66 Wamut Street- 2I w. snout smear.
E , Surdries. Repairs. ‘.“uYLER`S"
. f For Sale Only At
. UP Ird'SS McAdams &s Morford, »
’'‘` “ _ n ,,,, o G c.£°5iJ"iF¥T.?E‘?£*’B°I;_a__ i
  6 C O _ siinhm xiuxnw ss mao. ·
Il · . Thos. B. Dewhurst, Prop.       _
olo A rents.
_ Opera House Bldg. Lexington. 5l N. Broadway. S E Patterson and Merino. _
pt     Arm ¤¤ v
l 70 E. Main Street. `
‘ Every thing you need. Best Goods; Bottom Prices- l
V Prescriptions day or night by expert pharmzrcists only ._ I t

The great rainy weather shoe for men. Drill or calf lined. They look  
as well as patent leather, never crack, always remain soft and are prac-  
• tically waterproof. If they d0n’t suit you, we have hundreds of others.  
"'Student’s Headquarters for Footwear. 4 W. NIAI M $TREEI·  
\`?—_`—”_’ .¤ ~1& SC()TT’S  
Is the place to buy your  
RAZORS. STRAPS, PEN KNIVES, All the boys must have one  
of the above: each and every one guaranteed Call and see our line and prices.  
Agent for Stearne’s YELLOW FELLOWS.  
22 mr. MAIN STREET. <
w zi c ‘ ‘ ’  
    Iniporter and Dealer in  
For Picture Frannes,  
.1usT Rncnivsn A nanon Asso1  
y ial inducements oifered to College  
t d—. #2
s Ensr MAIN STREI; r. ra ° pe
he     • ·  
  _tnrtttel.lt¤.i .»-..   V B _  ,
S _      ._yp   Vi».. M lCE0l‘ 0g£\€l°[,  
 fry",   I 57 E. Main Street, Lexington, Ky,  
 ’   Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry.  
.     .  
  Reliable Goods.  
gg;    j`   if
   eil ze . . . i
‘ ~-e»     Fair Dealing and Bottom Prices. 5
Vx, , x   t jj yj   t .
lL.E2§HNt@‘¤`E©1N1 L? L.L.L,I%M BJ IN ®» »t.  
High Grade Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating.   _·Ri

   . T Wil.
  (Che State Qlolle e Gabet ‘
  VOL. 7. LEXINGTON, KY., DECEMBER, 1896. NO. 8.
  ··—·— T
{E ,. . . .
  lusing beyond the distant plain-
  As they shadow Kentucky’s hills, ‘
  The summer clouds bring summer rain
ki? To swell her crystal rills.
  ° Then sailing away when the day is done,
  They form a pageant bold, .
  As they hurry past tl1e sinking sun,
  And are decked in his crimson and gold.
  On by the night-winds breath they are swept
  To the distant mountain height,
{ji; VVhere the vigils of night-roving spirits are kept,
  \Vith the witches they frolic to-night.
  The witches and goblins have laid a plan
  The mountains to serenade,
  And lest the meddlesome moon should scan,
  The clouds o’ercast their shade.
  As cloud with cloud their shades combine
  To aid the darkening night-
  They kiss the oak and hug the pine,
Q And the forest boughs outright. ‘
  Then by the fox·{ire’s smouldering mould (_
gi The witches crouch and crow ;
l Telling of ancient hidden gold,
  And blood, and harrowing groan. L
é*°‘ ___ _ v_ _ .   ..         ‘  ‘'` "’

I 52 THE CADET. _.;_  
T The thunder strikes a deafening note,  
‘ The clouds their lightnings lend,  »
The witches howl with husky throat, L; 
_ And the 1·ocks loud echoes send.  
’ The music shakes the mountains through, ‘  
The pines wave to and fro, _  
The jack-o-lantern dances, too,  
In the valley far below. .  
Gaily they’ll dance till through the gloom  
Soft comes the peep-0-day; p  
IVhen each old witch will mount her broom  
—. Away to inoisten the hills of Spain,  
  To lend the traveler shade,  
i Or murmuring, kiss the ankles brown  
Of the barefoot highland maid.  
. C. Aanon. _  0
[Concluded.]  .0
If we compare this with the estimates of other investigators meant to cover  
about the same period of the earth’s history-—that since the conditions were such  
fossiliferous sediments could forzn, we will not End perfect agreement. More-  
‘ over, if, in addition, we take into consideration other geological estimates, based jf 
upon different principles (often only roughguesses), and covering a diH'erent "E, 
period ofthe eartlfs history--that since the globe was in a molten state; the  
discrepancy will be still more marked, presenting us with a range in calculation  
varying from ::,000,000 years as a minimum to 2,400,000,000 years as a maxi-  
mum. Excluding these extremes, however, and confining our attention to the  
later and more careful estimates: we find substantial agreement, which is exhib·  i
which is exhibited in a disposition to keep well within the 100,000,000 year limit ·  
assigned geologists by the physicists. In so tar as this gene1·al agreement be- 5
tween geologists and physicists is determined simply by an impartial interpreta-  
{gig;] ofthe facts in the two fields of investigation, it should commend itself to us  ?;
i indicatingan approach to the truth. Agreement here is so far forth c0rrobora—  
tion. But a protest must be entered against anything looking like dictation by  .
the investigators in the one field to those in the other. And here it is the phy-  

 ii  i THE CADET. 53
_ sicists, or perhaps rather those among whom their views have become current,
·`  who merit the criticism. An attempt has been made to use these determinations
5.  of the physicists somewhat as a club to beat the geologists into more humble at-
  titudes. VVe voice here a protest against any such assumptions of superiority on
j _,_  the part of the physicists. They occupy no vantage ground over the geologists,
  such as Lord Salisbury in his Inaugural Address to the British Association, as-
  sumed. This claim cannot be made by the physicist either by reason of the class i
  of facts with which he deals, or by reason of his method of marshaling those facts
   ‘` and drawing conclusions. Lord Kelvin (Sir \Villiam Thompson) assumes cer-
  tain rates of earth cooling and then by exceedingly intricate mathematical pro-
;.  cesses (the accuracy of which we do not call into question), determines the time
  in the past when a solid crust must have formed tor the first time upon the
  molten interior of our planet. This he places at somewhere between 20 and 400
  millions of yea1·s ago, and concludes from this that geologic time (time since
  stratified rocks began to form) probably comes within 100,000,000 years. I
  Similarly George Darwin, estimating from the influence of tidal friction, by a
  most able course of abstruse mathematical reasoning, comes to the conclusion
ii:.  that the moon could not have separated off from the earth longer than 57,000,-
  000 years ago and hence that the earth must have been molten up to at most so
.".’ recent a date as that. Again, Prof. Tait, combining physical and astronomical
`   methods (rate of retardation, rate earth is losing heat and rate the sun is cooling
  ofl), argues that all geological work upon the surface of the earth mustbe limited
ii?  to the last 10,000,000 years. Now we do not presume to call into question the
·_;  mathematics of these calculations, what we wish to emphasize is, that the physic-
  ists and astronomers must, like the geologists start with certain physical data as
  their premises and the likelihood of these involving error is just as great in the `
  one case as the other. Simply because in their reasoning processes, the one set .
  of investigators use calculus, while the othe1·s may content themselves with i
  simple arithmetic, is no reason why 1ny special certitude attached to the conclu-
;i  sions of the former.
  It would be interesting if time permitted to discuss the question of geological i
  time in its relation to the doctrine of evolution. Much has been made of this so
i· called shortness of geological time by those to whom the revelations of biology
 r along this line are unwelcome (that is by those who would fain express prefer
i  ._ ences for what they desire to be true and what not). It is asserted with ill sup-
i`  pressed signs of gratification, that Lord Kelvin will not allow Darwin time _
·  . enough for his evolution, and the conclusion complaccntly drawn is that the
  whole theory of evolution has received its death blow at the hands of the physic-
 ii ists. Now, without stopping to consider that the very reverse of this proposition .
 i might possibly be defended with at least as much show of reason; that is to say,
  it is the speculations of the physical scientists that have met with a decided
  . Qt
. , s  _g ·   _ _ A _ , w a

   54 THE oanmi. i
I check at the hands of the `evolutionists: we will assume that Lord Kelvin’s esti—
. mates are co1·rect. It will be found that the t1·uth of the theory of evolution is _
i in no wise aflected by this concession. Opponents of the theory seem never able  an
., to realize this, but are constantly falling into error by failing to discriminate be-
ii tween two essentially different notions. Either designedly, or through ignor- I
I ance they confuse process and explanation of` process. Here again Lord I:
Salisbury, among recent opponents of evolution is chief sinner. He and they .; 
fail utterly to distinguish between Evolution as an inferred or observed order of A
sequences between which a casual relation evidently exists, and Evolution as an
s explanation of the nature of this casual relation. In other words Evolutionism
E is confused with Darwinism.  ·
As regards the other matter-—"Time necessary for development of life by evo- T
¥ lutionary processes," the observations made in the beginning of this paper will .
§ apply here. A million of years is so inconceivably great, that no one is in a  _
  position to say off hand whether a certain rate of organic change, is or is not fast  r
  enough to accomplish certain results within this time. K
T Spencer, in a recent deliverance upon this subject, in which he makes a re-  ,
l statement of an old illustration, puts the matter very clearly and with mathemat- `K 
ical precision. The gradual unfolding of the individual in its embryonic devel-  
opment has long furnished a favorite analogy to the Evolutionist. The differen-  —
tiation of cell into man in the space of 40 weeks, by growth changes that are  
perfectly continuous and casually related, illustrates the evolutionary conception  i
of life development upon this planet. The parallelism here in progress indicates I
something more than mere coincidence. \Ve are dealing here with natural law,  i
I and all natural law is but an expression of dynamical necessity. Von Baer, a  I
Russian Naturalist, was the first to note this remarkable parallelism in develop-  I
ment between race and individual member of race, and to formulate into a law;  _
Y known to all enibryologists under the name " Von Baer’s Law ” as the foundation  ‘
I principle of their science. The law, as he enunciated it, is as follows: " Every  
animal in its individual history passes over, roughly perhaps and with many .·- 
breaks. the stages of its ancestral history," or, as Haeckeltersely though somewhat i
technically puts it, "Ontegeny repeats l’hylogeny." Individual history repeats  -
Race history. In the light then of this law and the a1nple justification it has had Y 
by all the great discoveries in Embryological Science from Von Baer’s day to  “
this, Spencer`s illustration has something more than the weight of mere analogy.  
The substance of the argumentby this distinguished philosopher of evolution may  _.
be given as follows: In the development of the human embryo in the 40 weeks  
n of gestation, we have a demonstrated evolution from a protoplasmic cell in the _  
’ amoeba stage of structural simplicity, to the f`ully matured body of the infant if
strnctually almost as complex as that of an adult man. Nine months is 403,200 iZ_ 
minutes. Conceive of this embryonic development as brought about by 403,200 j
’;=`?T!.s·    .

  L THE CADET. 55 4
i changes each occupying one minute of time. Now take Lord Kelvin’s limit-
_ the 100,000,000 years for simplicity’s sake—the hypothetical amoeba like ances- ,
, tor of all life must develop into man. Divide this 100,000,000 years by 403,200 t
Q and we get nearly 250 years as the interval available for amount of change equal
to that the unborn infant undergoes in a minute. Think of this for a moment. _ i
  Suppose the growth of as slow a developing form as the unborn human infant
 _ could be as easily inspected as a developing chick within the egg. Could any
° change be likely noted in a minute? Is it any wonder then that in 250 years so
few noticeable changes have been detected in species? lVould it be possible
V ordinarily even in an hour of time to detect any appreciable change in such slow
- developing embryos as characterize the mammalia. It is a matter of easy demon-
I stration that this can not be done in the case of the relatively rapid developing i
_ forms, as the chick. This would be the equivalent upon our geologic time scale
2 of changes taking place in 14000 years. `
 » lVe find then that no objections can bw urged against the doctrine of evolution
A from any alleged shortness of the time limit. lVe reiterate again that oH—hand
criticisms of what may or may not take place in inconceivable time periods are
  out of order. \Vhat we want is an impartial appeal to facts and figures. Such
  an appeal, though not establishing the absolute age of the world as accurately as
 A some might wish, still so far forth indicates within what limits the age most prob-
  ably comes. We have found that the most recent investigators both Geologists
,  and Physicists, concur in placing somewhere between 25 and 75 millions of years
 _ ago the time when the earth hcgau to be somewhat as it is now. As the question
  W now stands then, the probabilities are that the age comes within these limits
g rather than without them. And there is some hope that further investigation
ii  may still further narrow the range of possible error in these calculations. \Vithin
; these limits we may be permitted to hazard guesses, and mine would be something
i like 60 millions of years. \Vhatever tI1e actual age of the world we must all con-
 i cede that geologic time is something very very long.
  Eyes were made to droop,
Q  Cheeks were made to blush,
in Hair was made to crimp and curl,
  Lips were made——oh, hush.——l*]x.
  The young ladies first began literary society work in `82 in connection with the
il  Normal Department but in ’92 they organized a society of their own which is in
" a flourishing condition today.
 . ~t

 3 .
i  ‘
  · 56 THE CADET. ‘
  (the Etate Gollege Gabet.
  Published menthly during the collegiate year by the students of Kentucky State V 4  Z
2 College, Lexington. Ky. Subscription price $1 per year. To students 50c. Z
  Editor- in-Chief.  °
H T. L. CAMPBELL, ----· — CLINTON. KY- p 
Fi Associate Editors. I
. PH1Loso1>rIIAN SooIE*rY M. E SOCIETY. _
f Miss C. B. Gunn. Lexington. W. A. Duncan, Franklin. Ky. _
Z H. L. Gordon, Lexington. Geo. Roberts, Burnside, Ky. ,.
-..-.---— G. F. Blessing. Carrollton, Ky -  ·
, JUNIOR CLASS—R. B. Hamilton, Lexington.  _
·‘ Business Manager,
. T. G. Roma, - - - - - - FULTON, KY
i. L.--———-—  .
i Any student obtaining four yearly subscribers for the CADET will receive
  one year’s subscription free.
   -———————  .
if ""'_
l We a1·e swiftly passing out from old scenes into new. Father Time, in his  V
> wonderful drama of The Years, is lowering the curtain on another act. lVhat g
significant scenes have been presented during the past year! VVhat mighty  
problems have been propounded! \Vhat vital issues have been met in the arena  `
of political contest! \Vhat struggles there have been for human rights! On every ‘
hand uplifting forces of civilization have triumphed. Notwithstanding the im- Z 
pending national financial crisis, still our national progress and standing have not  
_ been seriously impaired and today, the general condition of things bids fair for v_ 
prosperity to ensue.
America, neglect not the Spirit that guided the Mayflower and directed the p
Friends. Statesmen, withhold not your hands from that Divinity which was the  ,
1 inspiration of Jefferson and \Vashington. Citizens, forget not the examples of .
_ Putnam, Penn and all your forefathers. Let these live fresh in the memory to  _
incite you to still higher deeds. Is America at her zenith? Are there no more J
conquests of mind; no more realms of mystery to explore; no more depths for ‘
the soul to fathom? Verily, nay. Though kind hands have wrought good deeds,  `
though the soul has been fed with eternal words of truth, though wreathes of ‘
honor have encircled me1·itorious brow, and though the accomplishments of the, `
age are such as dazzle and bewilder the human mind ; still, let us hope that the Q 
V, incoming year may abound with still more philanthropic measures, may see still ,  '‘
greater abcomplishments in the material world and shall yet inspire the race to  l
still higher and nobler ideals in life.  ·_
\Ve know the young ladies of State College cannot be excelled for the interest  ‘

  I » THE CADET. 57
 _ they take in the college paper. lVe venture to assert that no other college paper p
- in Kentucky has the same number of regular subscribers on its list as it is our g
‘   ‘ good fortune to have. And we are confidentmany more will be addedto our ° ·
.. list before very long.
 . Among the several things needed now, none is more rightly needed than a dormi- .
  tory for our college girls. Their number, college standing and interest wouldjustify
 . their having a nice comfortable building. For the same reasons that it aids
young men so would it benefit the young ladies, and for the same season that
 j Kentucky thus aids her young men, so should she extend the same advantages
to her young women. Other colleges do this. IVhy not State College? A dor-
mitory for girls means a larger attandance, a higher grade of work, livelier col- _
_  lege life and a more successful college career. Give to our young ladies the
same advantages as to our young men.
  By reason of the CADET’S growth, we are enabled to make the following offer
 . as an inducement for high-class original productions in any part of the literary
 K sphere. This offer is only to regularly matriculated students of the A. and M.
T College of Kentucky. Poems, historical sketches, narrations, stories, essays— -
  anything in the literary line that is original, is what we desire. The conditions
of the contest are as follows: _ V
  I. The contest is open to any student of` the Kentucky State College who is
i a Suéseriber for the CADET.
‘ II. The production must be original; shall not contain more than 1.400
 : words, and must be handed in to the editors not later than l\‘Iarch 1, 1897. ‘
 5 III. Sgwlc, Dicliou and Su@'cc!-matter will be equally considered by the
 Q committee.
V IV. A committee of three members of` the Faculty will be selected by the
f editors to decide the contest. n
3  V. The prizes shall be publicly awarded on Commencement Day.
 ·- VI. The Prizes are ten dollars {$10.00) in gold for the best production; 4
‘ five dollars ($5.00) for second best, and two and a half` dollars ($2.50) for third .
 . best.
 , Additional information may be had of the editor-in—ehief` or business manager.
Pointers will be published from time to time. \Ve reserve the right to print J
=_  any one or all of the contributions.
 I ¤§

 . f ' A  Q
3 V 58 THE CADET. [  .
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  K ia. rx  -`  i    "
    Young ladies were first admitted to State College in the school year 1880-81.  L
  Forty-two young ladies were enrolled the first year. Since then S. C. has sent J
if out 23 lady graduates, the first four have taken honors as follows: Miss B. C.  
(Warner) Kastle, B. S., ’91, second honor, Miss K. I. (Adams) Moore, A. B.,  
’93, second honor, Miss Mary Didlake, B. S. ’95, first honor and Miss Nettie  8
Foster, B. S., ’95, sencond honor. .
Q i .   .>;zii¤2s.;< . _

  _ n THE CADET. 59 5
I There are now rDecember) 71 young ladies enrolled at S. C. _ The hundred
; mark must be reached before school closes. A
 ` In the sprirg of ’96 the young ladies organized aY. W. C. A. which is of great J
_ benefit to those who give it their time and attention. It is a good factor in the .
A college and should be heartily supported. _ .
- The young ladies have a class in elocution to which they will not admit any
i boys. Vllho said " old maids/’
 Q. . We do not know the first graduate to get married nor do we know how many
wanted to and (couldn’t) didn’t.
 t Neither do we know how many of our girls are going to marry nor how many
  want to. Do you? Should any one of our college girls desire to go to a university
 ` she could do so at_tl1e following respective costs per year; Vassar, $425, Radcliffe
 Q $500,\Vellesley, $400,Bryn Mawr,$400,Smith College, $550,University ofChicago ·
I $350. These are ofthe highest class and many afford opportunities for decreas-
 L ing the above cost. All but the last mentioned are for women only·
V  A girl likes to have a whole lot of fellows about Xmas, just to get presents.
 . In life’s race a man runs better if he has a woman to set the pace. No woman
 i in the world ever appreciated a husband like a four yea1· widow.
 Y The man who lets his wife pick out his cigars makes about   good bargain as
 = the one who gets his mother to pick out his wife.
  There’s more nonesense written about babies than any other animal.
A man can fall in love as many times as his constitution can stand it. .
 p Ifgirls wern’t so curious they wouldn’t be in such a hurry to get married,
 i . A woman can marry any man she wants to, if she doesn’t want him bad enough.
V \Vhen a girl is in love she can’t understand how anybody else can understand
 · just how she feels. —
  You can walk all over a woman if you only wear patent—leathers.
J \Vhen two girls make up a quarrel they sit down on the floor and cry into each
  other’s necks.
n VVhen a man disappears people wonder whether he ran away from a woman or
 { with one. It’s generally both.-{Ex. A
 i Roach—Good bye boys; Merry Christmas to you! I am going to Cadiz to
see her.

   G0 THE CADET.  .
l ···‘·—·‘ ,
i_ Prof. Blanton spent Thanksgiving among his home friends in Virginia. It  °
  was reported that that old sport Hymen had caught him, but he (Prof. B.) was l
  returned to us safe, sound and single. ni 
  As each bitter has its sweet, so the cold weather brings to State College boys i —
I- and girls a chance for fun which is eagerly utilized. The large pond is about  _
‘*_ full, and when frozen over affords a fine place for skating.  ,
. Hurry up and get your article ready for the contest before the time is up.  i
  You can get ten dollars by writing for them and you have all the opportunity ‘
A _ needed. Several pieces have been handed in already. You should take pride V
  in putting a good article in the CADET and then showing it to your folks and ‘
  friends at home. They would be proud of you. ‘
  Several of the students will spend Christmas at home. There will be enough V
  boys in the dormitories to have some fun and "do" a big Christmas dinner. Paul  
  "\Vhiskers" will go home, (Glad) "Hungry" Sams will stay here, (Sad) Blind I 
  Tom will remain here, (D0n’t Care) "Gid" will go to see his girl, (Mt.)  ‘,
" G. "Guten Morgen" will "g0 oii" on a spree but will not hit anything, Capt. A. i
' will get married, Collier will make his girl a present of some military, Geary  __
will secure an e-lip-tickle position, "Soldier Military" S -—will do——(there’s no  "
I telling what he will do) and the rest of us will have a good time. (Note. The  Y
above is mere prophesy, and if we did not make a "hit" in every instance, why,  ;
A do not blame us.)  i
“ How mysterious are thy charms, O Hyinenl How they work on a young boy’s .V
_ heart and a young girl’s too! True it seems that one of our number, a Mr.  ’
V Robt. Allen, has gone and taken unto himself an help meet. Nit. ·
· The societies have received notice that no more socalled society papers shall be
' 1 allowed at the open sessions of the societies. The cause of the grievance was not .
1 stated in the notice.  `
‘ (ji-ooke, presiding at the elocution entertainment said, " The next on the pro-  ·
gram is a recitation by 1nyself," and "The congregation will now arise and stand _
while Rev. ——-~— pronounces the benediction." -
  *‘ Corporal " Roberts, otlicer of the day, to Prof`. Neville”—"Miss A. wishes to ·
U _. be seen."  .
  Prof. N.—"Let her be seen." · -
  Mr, T. R. Dean, iirst honor man of `96, spent a short time here Thanksgiving  ·
, · _ and subscribed for the Canwr. He was on his way to Ann Harbor where he  "
` will take a course in law. 1
Mr. Felix Kerrick, ’96, and former editor of the CADET, spent a-few days here -

  0 . THE CADET. A G1 l
W during the holidays. VVe think he was under the influence of one of Lex ing J
A ton’s belles. ‘  
 0 e Prof. H. A. Davidson, a second honor B. C. E. of"96, passed through during  
_ the holidays to eastern Kentucky to see a former student of S. C. Prof. David- J
if son has a fine position in the Louisville Manual Training High School, which i
_ pays him the neat sum of $1000 per year.
 ._ On the night of the 11th of Dec., a number of the young gentlemen of State
  College met to talk over forming a double quartette. After consulting among
· themselves and looking over the field they had to work with it was decided that
 0 the quartette be formed. Accordingly Mr. C. VV. McElroy was elected ]_)l'€Sl—
K dent ofthe o1·ganization, Mr. J. J. Carlisle, secretary and Mr. R. F. Severs, man-
i ager. Active work will begin immediately and we hope after Xmas to have in
A State College a double quartette that will he a credit to the college and one of the ·
 · best in the state. Let everyone help the work along. .
 , Special notice is hereby called to the prizes we otfer for good stories, humerous
 ii articles, essays, poems or anythe literary line. Take advantage of the Xmas
 . holidays and have something ready for the January CADET. The prize may go
V to you if` you will just write for it. The young ladies especially should enter this
 A- contest because we know many of` them to be good writers.
 A P. L. S.
A The Annual Declamatory Contest was hold in the college chapel the 4th inst.
 · The following program was rendered:
 . J. Thomas Haley»—The Maiden and the Rattlesnake.
Z \V. Beverly \Voolten——Mark Antony’s Oration over Caesar.
A H. Pleasants Shaw—The Tell Tale Heart.
 · Chas. Reiseh-—Thc Convict’s Soliloqny.
. John Fairchild—lCxtract from l·]mmet’s last Speech. ‘
A Each declaimer acquitted himself with credit. Music was interspersed on the
  program. The stage was nicely decked with flowers and palms.
. Thejudges awarded the handsome gold medal to Mr. Shaw, who will repre-
` sent the society in the coming Cynthiana contest.
Q The U. L. S. held its first Annual Declamatory Contest in the college chapel S
_ . Friday evening, December 11th, and gave the following program:

 S ~  
i O. C. Cook ............... ·. .......... . .._.............. Kingston, Ky. ·
g "March of Mind." T
? NV. H. Scherflius .... . ................................... Lynnville, Ky. .
  i "Robert Emmett’s Vindication." A
§; J. T._Guun. ..,........... . ...... . ........... . .........., Lexington, Ky. I
  "The l\[oore’s I{evenge."
  I. C. \Velty .- ............. . ..,.......,....... . ...... .. . . Colo, Iowa.  
Q N. IV. Mosely ......................................... \Vhitesville, Ky. l
,` "The Ru