xt7n2z12p37x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n2z12p37x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1922-07-oct12-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1922-07-oct12-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1922-07-oct12-ec. 1922 1922-07-oct12-ec. 2011 true xt7n2z12p37x section xt7n2z12p37x 

     M1inutes of ;ha meeting of the _xecutive Committee of the
BosrO. of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, October 12, 1922.

     The ^xzecutive Commit-ee of the Bc-;rd cf Trustees met in
regular monthly sessior in the President's office at t-he
University of Kentuchky on Thurs~ey,-. October 12, 1922.  The fol-
lowing perscns were -rssent: ;11r. Oclvin, Senator Froman,
.r. Gordon, President ..Ic'v'ey and 11r. D trick, Secretary of the
Board.   In the absence ol fthe chbairmen, M4r. Colvin presided.

     (1) AUprovwl of Isrut~s.  The minutes of the previous
meeting of tela ixecutive Committee were aeproved as published.

     (2)       of the Buisiness 'gent. 'The report of the
Business Agent was r ead and. ordered incorporated in the minutes.
The report W2e a Ss follows:

               Statement of inccre aend Lxpenditures
                     Month of Se Dtamber 1922.



To Date

General Fund Income
Federal Appropria-tion       42,750.00
Vocational i'ducaticnal Boqrd  1,036.49
  General Education Board         900.00
  Special Agricultural L-ppro.            3,258.91
  Statg TaxcV                   5,359.06  1,941.54
  Interest on IndcNment Bond.s  4,322.25
  Student Fees                    100.53 20,900.00
  Student Fees - Summer School  7,025.00     15.00
  Student Fees - University
      }ht.Pision                 645.26    279.50
  Student i'ees - Preactice School        1,680.00
  Miscellaneous Receipts           71.56    373.95
  Rentals                         4 19'90   140.  0(
                Total          62.30.05 28.568290

'-'xpend iture s
  Instruction                  37,304.73 34,004.41
  Administration Expense       14,888.65 7,568.62
  Additions and Batt3rm 3nts    6,49783     463.27
                               58, 69i21 42,036,30

Z!xcess of B'xpend. over


 21,000 .53

91 .9218.95

- -I26-91 . :|.0



  Reao rt 9 d

Petterson Hall Income
Room Rent - Summer School

1lXp r. n I . ,Y -
Additions end Bettermnnts

I,791. 00


2 ,332.890

Excess of nlycoma ovor

Ganara! Fund Inc omne
Gjncra.1 Fundi x42ne itures

64, 421 . s
61j p24.11

38,624.90 103,045.95
44, 0&5.95 :L05, 1101.06

   }& rO f %ner... cs^Fo~
   iLxpanditiv.!iz) ov-vr Income  3,396.94

I'xcess of Rece-fIpts ov:r
   J'xponftiturgs for loneral
   ledger Accounts          (3,l1e885)

Bxcess of Rocaiipts over
  .xpenditur3 s for the fis..
  cal ye,,~r to      Gone -knaral
  Yud                       .  ?08.09

  Bxcess of Rece Ipts oerer
    Expend. for the fiscal
    yeer to dsto - Gen, Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1922
    Baneral Fund
  Cash in Bank Sept. 30,1922 -
    %oneral Fund

Trust Fund Income
Bannott Prize
..Crum Prize
  Student Loan Fund
  Spacial Schole rships
         Tota.l income
  Student rtes 1'aid
         Tote.l Receipts

L40 .90
040 a 9 e
200 1 00
Q0. 9S



163:1.3.97  13 125.1.2

J.0 .852" 92  11 rC61-0.1

11 ,061.01

(75 .423.41)


  215 . 88
  450  C',Q
1  1 5,58

   456. 78
2 'I( z 600  




  339 '0
_  _ _ _.6

To Date.

10,036 .00

4 382..55


'541 .90 )



Llxpanaitur3 S
  Student Notes

 Excess of R3ceipts ov3r
    hEpo nd i tur as

Previously Currant
Reported   Month



528.65    280.88       809.53

Excess of Racoipts ov3r
  Expenditures for th3
  fiscal yinr to dote -
  Trust Fund.
Cash in Bank July 1, 1922 -
  Trust Funds
Cash in Bank Septemb3r 30, 1922
  Trust Fund

'Exeriment Station Incoms
  Hatch - Fed3rael Appron   3,750.00
  Milk and Buttor - Cash
    RecoiPts                2,178.38
  Bal' Coattit Saals          240.U0
  Dairy Cattle 3'alcs          1-0.00
  Sheep Sales                  35.00
  Swine Sales                  19.4 8
  Poultry Sales               313.03
  Farm Produce Sales          500.12
  Horticultural Sales         262.58
  Se3d Test                     9.00
  Rentals                     357.33
  Miscallaneous                52.50
  Fertilizer - Foes         5,190.00
  Feeding Stuffs - Fees     7,476.50
  Adams - Federal Appro.    3,750.00
  Sarum - Sales             1,339.10
    IT   Virus Sales           48.30
    IT   Live Stock             7.50
    I  - Supply Sales          18.35
  Stat3 Appropriations
  Creamery - Licons3 Feas   1,984.50
    It    - Ta stors' Liu
              oenses         562.50
          - Glassware Testnd  62..73

                 -'otoWl  'K,26  C
Exp3ns3                  33,010.85
Additions end Battorments   307.17
         Total t3l
  Bxcess of Lxnonditures
     ovir Reaceipts        (5,041.111

    25. Go
    72- 10





 18 .796.99

) (3,973.82)


  11*5 . G0
  107 . 10
    24. 3



(9 ,014.94)

To Date

1, 347. 31


2. 16. Zi



1'xcoss of 1xpenditures ov-er
  Raceipts for the fiscal
  year to dpte - hxrcrimnnt
  Ste tion
Cash in Bank July 1,1922 -
   Bxpirimnnt Station
Cash in Ban!r Sept. 30, 1922, hxpar. Sta.

hzt enin:  8 Jiivision Income
  ?ederal Smlith-7.--,r
  FPodera.l S-applemzn.nt'e.ry
  State Sinith-Lev-ir
  County and Other


  701. 80

Current    Year
Month    To Date


          39, 478.62
          50. 463.68

  45 52.00

NxPe nd i ture s

  Excess of Income o0rr Znpen-
     ditur as

Excess of Incomo over Lxpen-
   ditures for the year to
   date - 'xt-nsion Divrision
Cash in Bank July 1, 1922 -
   Extension Division
Cazh'.in Bank Sept,30,1922 - B:tAonsion Dlv.

131) ,216.82

71 .982.59



  enira1 Fund Income
  Trust Fund Income
  Sxpariment Sta tion Income
  Extension Division Income

64,421.05 38,624.90
   640.96     865.88
28,276.90 14,823.17
  -9, ,3'7 2 91 1.1,849,
192,7.'21.82- 66 ,157.86

282 .86 682
25a .869 .68

G3nsr1 Fund D:.tcnditures  61,024.11 44,085.95  105,110.06
Trust Fund ExpeniturGes         2C2.31     100.00      302.31
ExParimont Station 'expend.  33,318.02  18,796.99  52,115.01
Bit3nsion Division 2p-Pnd.  45,660.10  26.322.49,  71,982e64
            }o tal         143 204.54 89 305,43   229 509.97
Bxcess o-" Income over B;xpend   I,2 (2P?           -217, 35. 71
Exce.s of Receipts over  pend
  d itures for Gen. Tledger A c-
  counts                     (2 988.8 ) 16,763.97   13,775.12
Stu&ent Notes                  1lilo.O)   (935.00)  (1,045.00)
Excess of Receipts over  pend
  Combinad Funds                 2408.43 L7T82.60)            8
';ceess of Receipts ovar ?hxpeii  
  'or fiscal Year to date -
  Combined Fund                                     42,089.83
CPsh in Bank and on hand July 1,
  1922 - Combined Tund                              (32 ,04.qO)
Cash in Bpnk -nd on hand ' e: pt. 30,1922-Cornbinnd       "AnL9  5,'

L5,560,,10 26, k.2.-49

5.3.7'-11-2.81 (14.476.58) 39,234.23


     (3) tbbtc~r Patten's Will.    r3sid3nt MoVoy brought
to the attention of the Board tha disposition of the will
of the late Dr. James X. Pstt3rson. The matter was dis-
cussed at length ana d Afarrod until the next meeting of
the Nxecutive Committee at which time Judop Stoll is ex-
aect3d to ba nr3s3nt.

     The followix l'ttr from I-tr. Walter K. Patt3rson was
read end ordered incorporated in the minutes:
                              Lexington, Kantucky
                                   Sept3mber 20, 1922
     Wellington Patrick, E'squire
          Socrotary, Board of Trustee3s
               Univarsity of Kentucky

     My dear Mr. Patrick:

          I am in receipt cf the copy of the r3solutio-.
     passod Septrrflb3r 19, 1922 by the Board of Trustaos
     of the University of Kentucky with reforence, to my
     brather, Jrmoi Xcnnedy Pnttnrson.

          The resolutions ar3 a ganeMrous and graceful
     recegnition of my brother's life work. I desire
     through you to axpress my sincare appreciation to
     the Board of Trustaos and ask you to convey my ex-
     pression to them.

                              Very truly yours

                                   Walter X. Patterson

(4)   3nsorticn of Smith-Hughos Studants to Picadome
School. Prosident cViC   stated that a number of students
in the Department of Vocatione.l Teacher Training were re-
quired to report at Picadome School for practice teaching
and that owing tc the -fact thtt the County Bz-ard of B'du-
oation had failad to provide transportation it would be
ncsessary for the University to make provision for these
students. The fo1lowing correspondence with respect t
the matter was ordored Tnccrporotod in the minutos:




                              Lexingtcn, Rentucky
                                  October 5, 1922

     Deen P. P. Boyd
          Univorsity of Kentucky
              loxington, Zontucky
     Dear D3a.n Boyd:

          Following appeal for bids haravwith attached
     Rirected. to si  p)ertins rvhom via had roason to be-
     liove wculd be intr)r35t3s, we hnvo r3c3ived only
     of3 bid. Dave Roberts, brcthor of Assistant Pro-
     fessor L. B. Roberts has ma-d two pro-,csals.
     The first naming the sum of $390 for the services
     raquest3d in c.ur pronosal, the seccnd ,pl2cIng the
     car at th" discos.ol cf this Dapprtm3nt bt any time
     up to 3:00 o'cloclk p. m. for Teachar Training sar-
     vice, naming the sum of 0400.

          Following intervi-mws with yours3lf end Dr.
     IcVay it apx.'ars that -ih better offoring is the
     latter cne andft wo h&.v inticatad to 14r. Rcbarts that
     service should keein at once.  I am forwarding tGhis
     ccr-municeti-n in -rdar th-t. it ray be used ts an of-
     ficitil rec-rd of the transacticn for ycursilf and
     Pre.sident ivac~ey.

          Many thanks for your assistance in ths solu-
     tion of this problem.

                             Vary truly yours
                                  L. J. Sindell
                              Ha'a ^f De drtsnS *tf
                              V cati ..nal Tchr.Taining

     Aftnr discussion, th' m-ti-n was mad-, s'eccnd.d, and
z'd-ptJid approving thn arrng-in-nt.

     (5) Budgn-t .Lr Smith-Luhu s Puads. Thn foll wing cnmmu-
nicotirn frrm Prr~f-s-r L. J. Sind-ll was r-,ed and ordnrod
irc~rp'r .t ~d in %h- minut-.s. 3



                         Loxingt n, K-intucky

Dian P. P. Boyd.
     C0-11)5 -f Arts and. Sci'nc-s
          Univ"'rsity  f K- tucky
               ~x~ingt - n, K-ntuck7

D;.-ir Dr. r-Byd:

     In vi-w of the falct thct the StFtt  Bc.crd
f -r Vc'crti;'ncl B1CGutifl han s vcc-ipt-d th-' Budcg't
o. tho D-.nertm -nt v r th') yi-)r 1922-23, End thc~t
nny d--oFrtur- fron the Fvrnunts apprti n:-d in
srv shA:uld b!- mafd- :nly -ft r no tic  to' th-' St&.ti
Dirnctsr, I boliv-: it is -,ss'ntic-l thtt a c&rr-
ful record cf -x   nditur ;s und .r -Xch of thi nin-)
h-ads indic c jd in thq Budgit, b^~ k--t in th, of-
fioi of -lbis Dnportm-nt.

     For inl-   th- sum nf $2685 hus b -n -llow-
id for trzvil.  It w-uld bi cn iaasy  ottr f-r s1S
to. k)p dulpliczat s c-f all sd.L7ry 7.cc-unts pr4par-
-d for th- Dir,7-rtm-nt pires nnj' and th-i pink dupli-
Cati1 s-nt us by iir. P-,-k. In E-mi Bc-n-mics- hw-
ov-,r, th-r-. is Q. $335 all-wa nc- f r trarv;l r-sp-ct-
ing which wi hav) -t thr pr's .nt timni n.- m-cns for
p-riodiccl ch-cking.  It is irosy t& s-i? th&.t w-i
lick, th-r ~lre, the fcsllciwing- p-~ssibilities:
first, thr-t rf -pr r-Fring  r ch-cking a stEt-m-nt of
th^ Smith-Hugh-s funds sp-nt up to' any ' -ivon tim";
s-icnd, thi pr.b.bility ,f av:iding &n unatznthorizod
jvr - xp -nditur* in  ny -in- f th. nin, diisions
indicat'd in thi Budgit.

     My suquRn-sti n is thEt the subsidizabln &il1.-t-
mint )f s   rlori s in t:)chnicol HEon  hc;n-mics b"
pr .sint-.d f-r thn k';h (f th-, h-,Ld *"f this Dipart-
mint End of thi Dian *f thn C.li it of Arts zfid
Sci-nca-, a. duplict ti b-ing r-trnnd in this ^ tw_
offic.~s and th% (,riginoJl th-:r -tr b-!in  thi Bus-
inss Agrnt'southwrity f-r th" Vt:mynt of this por-
tirn ^f thi nirnthly solc.ry.

     he;re 1ri11 be not rnort than five cccaions
during th) cominw 7ear when similcrly Tni'eparee re-
quisiticns t? r tr. v l by tL32  teohliiical Home. 1'ccno-
mices fa-iiTh L   sh u.d likaeit  8 b ) pr; pbrid. The
only o   tt' rn, Vr'-, ,,- r'quisitirns p-r yeer for
rent An~i evnA. Cic pe.r' ye'ot fr sunmir scht-ol comnu-
.li9lnw, 'summir scho1l Vpplie8 &ind summ-r sch'ol
k^ilt or C;ir-: i c. .



          An alternotive and perhaps a bettsr suggestion
     would be that the amounts apportioned to -Uhe Home
     Economics Department in the Budget presented by
     the Department of Vocational Teacher Training be
     indicated on one sheet which might be namely the
     Smith-Hughes Budget for the Department of Home Boon-
     ornics. This Budget with duplicate for the Depart-
     ment of Vocationbl Teacchar krc:ining and for your
     own and MSir. Peck'afiles to be the bnly paper re-
     cuired. It would then be the province of the Home
     Economics Department to keep within its own budget
     and to be able at any time to advise us respecting
     their expenditures to date.

          This latter seems much the better course,.and
     I believe wonie4 Tnqt -ith toh heqrt7 !prro-vl of
     the head of Home .conomics Department and the Dean
     of the College of Agriculture.

                             Respectfully submitted

                                 L. J. Sindell
                             Heed of Department of
                             Vocational Teacher Training

     After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and adopt-
ed approvinR of the arrangement.

     (6) Audit of University Books. President McVey report-
ed to the Board that the books of the University had been
Du(Ate - t  by the Marwi--k, Mctc'hil om.^X, but that the re-
pert atd been re' aurnaei .or- (,'rth_ - Qh&R1pss  that it
,Pouola bo       ' fp t'; rem htivV  Corrnittee ftJ   ne ct meet-.

     (7) Can.ign for Punds for the University. Tho fol-
lowing communication from Tamblyn and Browm was rsad and
ord'red incorporated in the mipnutes:

                             NOW Thork
                                   September 29, 1922

    President Frank L. McVey
         Universirty of Kortuclky
              Lex inpton, ient'cuky

    My dear President McVey:

         We had the vnrv erypt nlg4npiiqr of 1w"inq two of
    your Trustees call upon us. Both IMr. Grady and M.1r..
    Lyle were of the opinion that it would be possible
    to raise a million dollars by our methods and that
    it was wise to bring this matter before the Board
    of Trustees.



          1-e htve gone o--er ,Ehq gituttion end we &re
     convincod thrt with r saf-fici nt amount of time
     we shtll 9e vble to raise the iMillion for your
     Univgers ity.

          T3 are, thernfore. inclosinR a new entimrate
     of er-pinse Fnd contract -or One Million Dolla.r!: for
     yoUr considegrtion.  In the comlinind astimatev- of
     Ssections I. and II. thirn is only an incr-3Fa  of
     fil't-en thous- nd dollars; or- tha- armountu neaco.sary
     to rais3 a Half-M.Iillion.  That is to say, Forty-
     Five Thousand Dollars for a One Million Dollar cam-
     rliP'n in rlo'r' of  t   h. Tousn?. 'or a7 Helf-M11illion
     Dollar Cw.npeign. 'ih3 contract which wve ars -ubmit-
     ting allows us to conduct tbe intensive campaign at
     4uch time during 1923 as the University end iamblyn
     and Brown believe 7,d-isable.  This does not pre-
     clude the possibility of putt-ing the entire cam-
     paign on before Commencement but it will allow us,
     if we should so decide, to run a campaign in Ken-
     tucky before Comencemant and the blance of the caau-
     paign throughout the country.

          A coDy of this latter, together with copies of
     the estimate and. contra7ct, is being mciled by re-
     quest to Messrs. Grady and Iyl3.

                               Cordially yours

                                    George 0. Tamblyn


     The firm of Tamblyn and Brown does not care to be iden-
tified with any campaign for a Million Dollars where the
total efperse is more than five psr cent of the amount sought.
However, they have studied with interest the University of'
Kentucky Pppeol and belinee thct the M-illion Dollars can be
raised at a total cost otf 45,000.

                          SIJ.CTION I

     PostU,9, printing, reilrocd fares, hotel, luncheons,
conferences, Vnd all othar e:;pins3s not included in Section


     Three special leaflets:
        Illustrated Leaslet,
        Contribution lee flet,
        Campaign Leaflet.....
     Cards with facts for workers .............  $ 3,500.



     Alumni Series - mailed to every alumnus ...... l,%(O.

     Miscellaneous -
        Other printing, letterheads, pledge cards,
        envelopes, reports, etc ................... 1,500,


     For mailing the six numbers of the Alumni Series,
     the Illustrated leaflet, letters, campaign material,
     parcel post, etc ............................. 2,000

MultigraRhinz and Mimeographing ...................  300.

Listing and Addressing ............................  300.

Travel  (hotel expenses, railroad fares) ......... . 4,000.

Dinners, luncheons ................................ 3,000O

Headauartwers ................................ 2,000.

Miscellaneous - newspaper photography, stationery,
     telegrams, telephone, petty cash............    400.

Emergency Expense Fund ............................ 1.500.

                              TOT.AL OF SE'CTION I..22,500.

                         SECTION II

     Nee of Tamblyn and Brown for direction of the cam-
paign, salaries of the campaigners, publicity men and wo-
men, stenographers and other associates employed for the

     Fee of Tamblyn and Brown, for planning, directing
and assuming the responsibility for the campaign, in-
cluding the personal services of Mr. Tpmblyn in cem-
paign direction taid of Mr. Brown in publicity, and of
all others not listed below .................... $ 10,000.

     Sslary of the associate director personally re-
oponsible to Tamblyn and Brown for carrying out the
plan of the campaign.............................   4,000.

     One ndvanee man for eleven weeks at $50 per
week... ........................................ .   .550.

     Salaries of four associates for field organ-
izatio ...... 3,000.


     Publicity direction, rrparation of le1f1et',
newspaper work &rnd all other publicity mentioned in
the plan (one publicity director and two associates) 2,550.

     Stenographic and clerical services, including one
secretary for the entire period, six typists for seven
weeks prededing the intensive drive, and one mail
clerk.........................................        2.400.

                              TOT.A OF SECTION II  $22,500.

     Note 1. No charge is made for office manager or for
telephone (except long distance calls).

     Note 2. It is understood that if this plan and es-
timate is accepted, the e::penses under Section II, $22,500.,
will be exactly ae suggested but the various items under
Section I. may be either a trifle more or less although
the grand total of 322,500. will not be exceeded.  Wj orom-
ise not to incur any bills beyond the estimate and i-C we
do we will stand the loss.  We shall finish under the
$22,500.00ifconsistent with the dignity and success of the

                      PAMMENT OF BILLS

     In order to insure the payment of the salaries of the
persons mentioned, to secure the dates and to provide
a revolving expense fund, it will be necessary for the Uni-
versity of Kentucky to make an initial payment of $5,00O.
to apply on account of Section II. Further payments on ac-
count of Section II may "b made as follows:

     $2,000. November 1, 1922      $2,00o. Februpry 1, 1923
     2,000. December 1, 1922       2,U00. Mkiarch   1, 1923
     2,000. January  1, 1923       2,000. April     1, 1923
                                     2,000. May      1, 1923

and the balance the last day set for the intensive campaign.

     Payment of bills under Section I. is made directly by
Tamblyn and Brown. A statement, with receipt.3d bills, is
rendered regularly to the Unirersity.


                    3 Q N   Ri A C T

     HIS At-R'M T M&nde thiO        day of       1922 be-
tween the 1~IV^T~r:SQ~Y OF :XLTTUCOKY, Le:zington, KEntuckY. party
of the first part, arnTAElY5N A1D B3ROITI, Sorenteen N'ast Forty-
second Street, 1e'v York,e York, Nrt-     of      , n.

    WHEREAS; the sid parties of the Fecond -ta rt hereby
agae to conduct for -:nd in beh-lf of the UVNMIi$SITY OF IM-
T7T.  a cempi.n for One Million DollErs (l,000,000);

    AND 7.IT5U"R..S, tlbe s-id partt of the first p..rt has and
does &agree to acce-1- .the srrvice c Of tDid ?rt ias of the
second part in directing the esjid c nmp i.n;

     IT IS rf'l3Y    '2r +Yt t- e s--ia s  rtii   of the second
part, or their reprae.3ent,;i-i'c,    ha-ll hae entire chorge in
directi.ng the cam-paign -nd hat The party of the first part
hereto will not onlvy gire its h       !Eruy . uport-O the or&Fni-
zation itself, but will enlist t'he  sunport &.n& co-operation
of, friends, as far -%.s thbe sr e c&an be done; end further,
saif party of the first p.rt lgroes that it or they will do
ererything reasonable to a-.'.nce the interests of the kem-

     IT IS FURTH12R AGRt1$D that the  cidd marties of the sec-
ond part, through their .f F5sociates, will devote the time
necessary to the eai2n and to thl or-,nizstion of the cam-
paign committees of -oluuteer c   par a, i zn -workers, --and that the
general lines of Publicity ana or.l-ai.zation work spre&d out
in the afores;oid plan will be follo"-,e&, and such others a s
from time to time ths  a   of the first ;urt. and t-he
partiss of the second -?art, shall   graee wll promote the
best interests of tha C)'1:   n;

     IT IS FTjRT-T A..R'_-D t}at the ssil P&rty of t1e first
part will pay all necesiar -   .pmsas for -uch oazapa.ian,
such se office arnpaoes, priznting, -Ablicitv, t1ehrhne
and telagraih bills, st itloraiyia sarrice, cost of lunch-
eons for committees, tr.ainz E'nd hotel anpsnees of all
directors, etc., such e-=ines, not to ae-cesa the oura of
Zwenty-two Thousvnd PFire Hm&r3d Dollvrs (','22.5fO0) as sum-
marized in the plan and eiotim-to heretofore subraitted by
the parties of 'vhe aesconl 4art to the party of the first
pert, and to be paeid upon pr3erentation of Statement accom-
Panied by sig-.ned end reosipted bills;

     IN CINSID2)1,-ATI0.T of: thg work that ip to be performed
by said parties of the second pert, the said _party of the
first part does here'--y n-ree to pay to the parties of the


second part the sum ef T-.venty-two 2hois nd, 2i Fe Hundred Dol-
aWrs ($22,500) of vwhich   e sum e 1Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000)
is for tbt fe4 GcL thm       Of1:-ds o the second part for planning,
directing and as.uming the regsonsibility for the campaign;
and Twalve Thousand. iive Hundrsd Dollsrsf(i!12,500) is to cover
the salaries of all :,srsons VT0lo7ed, including publicity and

IT IS UJD NRSTOOD that this sum of Twenty-two Thousend Five
Hundred Dollers (^22 ,500 ' is to be paid as follows: Pive
Thoustnd Dollars ( 5. 00Q) unon the siszning! of the contract;
Two Thousand Dollars i`2,0001 Nov-raber l't, 1922; Two Thousend
Dollars  ,2?,000o) De-eiber 'sz, 19-2; Two Thousa.nd Dollars
(Q2 ,00) Janurry Ist, 1923, itwo 42housand Dollars ($2,000)
Pebruary lst, 1923;  Two Thousand Dollars (,2,000) MIrch 1st,
1923; -.wo 2ou~sdn Do'ollrs (2,OCO) April 1st, 1923; Two
Thousand Dollars U-2,00G0 "  vsy Ist, 1923; and the balance on
the lest da. y set for the intensive campsign;

IT IS 12DMRST0OD that the np-ties of t-he-second part will be-
gin active preparation of the cammrign within one week after
the contract is signed end the Initial paYment of Fire Thousand
Dollars (05,000) is received, end thti.t they will run an inten-
sive ctmpaign at such time es shc ll be agreeable to the par-
ties of the first and second parts hereto.

IN 7IVNoYSS !X`SR3CF the Psrty of t.hi first pert hereto has
caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name by
its President and its corporate sevl to be hereunto affixed,
and the rrties.of the second part hw.vrs hereunto sat their
hands and seals, all on -he day and year first above written.

                             UNlIV)E;RSITY OF X.ui'MOZY
                                         Lexington * Kentubky

                                         New York, New York

WI ESS~A3:                        __(L.S.)


- -



     President Plcvey reported that he had had a discussion
with the Committee and that Mr. grady, e. member of the Corn-
nittee apnoi.nted to look into the matter, had called on
.amblyn and Brown in company with Mr. J. I. Lyle.    The mat-
ter was discussed. at length and it was requested that tho
Committee having the matter in charge make a wuritten report
for oresgntation at the next meeting of the Executive
Committee.   (See minutes of Board oP Trustees for September
19, 1922.)

     (8) Arprlicption              1 4x- se.rice Mfn for Free Tuition.
ApiIications were received from Mr. Beckham A. PRobinson and
T7homas H. Oliver for free tuition and ronm rent in the dorm-
itory.   They claim that th-ey had mnaide applicb:.ion .t the
R9.Z astrar's Of-ice but that no record of it had been made,
and that under the regua1-tions they ought to be entitled to
the benefits o.L the Incw  On motion duly teconded tLe Mat-
tsr was referred to the President with powrer to act.

     (9) C13irn of Honorable Claude B. Terrell. A cornunica-
tion from the Pusiness Agert .,ith rpspect to the claim of
Honorable Claude B. Terrell w1 e presented to the Board.   The
statement wns as follows:

                    University of Kentucky

                                        October 7, 1922

     Dr. ]P. L. MoVey

          University of Kentucky

     Dear Doctor IlcVey:

          I am hrnding you herewith the claim of
     C. B. Terrell, deceased, ,e submitted to me by the
     executor of his eatcte.    I think perhpps it will be
     better to present this to the Executive Committee be-
     fore pnymont.   The Att-ornes (,eneral h, s heretofore
     r pproved of the cl-'iin ,s it now stands, the items for
     which receiptc ;.-vere not filed being deducted.

                                      Very truly

                                (Signed.) D. H. Per-k
                                   3usiness Agent


     Whereuoon a motion wvs made, seconded, 7nd adopted di-
rectins that inasmuch as the claim has heretofore been allowed,
a check in payment of the bill be turned over to the executor
of the estate.

     (10) Bond of the Business Asent.   A communication from
the Business Agents..'E:S read, sti ting tha t he hrad paid the
annual premium of .;-^7.50 on his bond, as Business Agent of
the University of Kentucky, to the American Surety Company.
He presented therefor a. receipt of payment,  On motion duly
seconded it was ordered thot the Business Agentts selery be
increased by '37.50 for the current year.

     (11)  The following communication from N4r. T. R. Bryant,
Director of B'xtensior, secompanied by a pe'tition in equity in
the Crittendfen County Court was reM- t and. ordered incorporated
in the Minutes.   On motion duly seconded, the matter was re-
ferred to Mr. Gordon for report.

                                   Lexington, Ksntucky
                                   October 10, 1922

     Dear Dean Cooper:

          In Crittenden County, Kentucky, re have an
     agent npmed John E. Spencer.   T-he work in Critten-
     den County went along rather smoothly until lc.st
     March when the County Attorney brought suit rngr'inst
     our rgent and za-ctinst the County Treasurer, asking
     for an injunction to restrain the Court from psying
     any salary to Mr. Spencer.

          County Judge Tr;.vis and others desire to defend
     themselves in this suit and wish to retain counsel,
     es they feel that the decision in this case is likely
     to be construed as a precedent.   They vish the Uni-
     versity to share the expenses of employing this coun-
     sel.   The approximvte cost will be $200 of which
     they wish the University to pay $100.   I am not ex-
     cetly sure concerning whst action wg should take in
     this matter, if sny, arnd I r;.m therefore a-sking you to
     transmit this information to the President and Board
     of Trustees for such auction as they see fit to take
     or to instruct us to take.
            The amount appropriated was 'l1000, and since
    Julr. ;, the County hps 'paid no p'rt of 1r. Spencer's
    sa~larsri . A copy of the petition filed by the plain-
    tiff is Pttached hereto.
                                  Very truly yours
                                  (Sign~  fi~tAt B'Ti~etor .



i e

     (12) Appointments. On the recommendation of President
MoIeVey the following APpointments were approved;

     Appointment of Miss MIbel Thpcker on ? temporary basis
i . stenogrfuPher in ths Stenographic Bureau on a splry of
#3.00 -pr diem, effective October 3, 1922.
     A, pointment of Miss 11-ry Roy~eter as stuaent assistant
in the Depcrtment of Journ'.lism from November 15, 1922 to
I.I y 15, 1923 ct a salr'ry of 0109 for the period.

     * Appointment of Miss `2T-ry Jonston as stenogrpher in
the 3tenogrrphic Burecu at a salary of $75 (-t month, effective
October 2, 19.22

     Appointment of H. C. Smiser vs instructor in Mechanical
Drewing from October 15, 1922 to June 15, 1923 at a SwA3.lry
of $120(3 for the period.

     Appointment of Benjvmin Kievit ts student assistant in
the Depprtment o.L Phys-Ics, ,-ct s-l-ry of 120 a month, effec-
tive with the beginning of the first semester.

     Continu',tion of employ-ment of R. H. Ford rs county agent
of M'.,IcLean County -t - salary of $200 a month for a period of
twelve months, effective October 1, 1922.

     Continuation of employment of Laurp. Hae Seward as home
aemonstration agent, B-Al.-rd Tounty, Kentucky, at a swlh.ry
of $125 e month, from October 10, 1922 to December 31, 1922.

     Tr- nsfer of Iliss Daisy Jordan, stenogrqpher in the
Stsnogr-phic Bureru, to the Dep-rtment of University Extension,
effective October 2, 1922, without change in salary.

     (13) _  agntions.   The following resigna.tions were pre-
sented by