xt7n028pgh5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7n028pgh5k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1915-05-07  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 7, 1915 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 7, 1915 1915 1915-05-07 2020 true xt7n028pgh5k section xt7n028pgh5k W-Wmnmmmmm v '


General Faculty met in the faculty room May 7, 1915, Pros.
ident Barker presiding.
‘5 Present: President Barker, Dr. Boyd, Professors Dentzler,

Davis, Freeman, Gillie, Grohen, Hooper” Judge Lefferty, Dr. Hac~


enzie, Professor Melcher, Dr. Peter, Dr. Pryor, Professor Rowe,
Professor Terrell, Dr. Tigert, Professor Turner, Dr, Tuthill,
Dr. Tuttle, Lieutenant Underwood5 Professor Zembrod.

The minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.


After readinv the minutes of the Last wenerul facult! meet~
b 0

ing, Doctor Tipert moved to dispense with the reading of the



minutes of the special meetings.
The President stated that there had been some question
I, as to the correct date for commencement, and suggested that

some action be taken to fix, permanently, the date for the


future. After some discussion, it was moved “That the Faculty

request the Board of Trustees to pass anew on the date of com- ‘
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mencement for 1916 and the succeeding years." Motion carried. [
Lem 0L Pd)" 29,117 4—34 (“Jr/was; .‘1 Mafznj‘ i
As the date of commencement this years conflicts with that ‘


of Transylvania University, a Committee was appointed, com-


posed of Dr. Tigert, Professors Z mhrod and lreeman3 to communi-
cate with Transylvania how this occurred.

The giggiiergfiixing the date for the opening of school was

next taken up. On motion of Dr. Terrell, it was voted "That


the University adhere to the catalogue announcement for opening
next fall".

Professor Mathews requested that a committee be appointed“



to arrange, if possible, fixing the registration Week so as to


conflict with the Week of the State Fair. President Barker ap~


pointed Professors Mathews, Terrell and Hooper to report at the



first general meeting next fall.


The President called for a report from special committee
appointed to recommend to the general faculty rules governing

the selection of the honor students. The report is as follows:











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"Tho "special committee" appointed by the President "to form~
ulete and recommend to the general faculty rules and regulations
governing the selection of honor student", submits the following:-

1. To be eligible for ”commencement honors“, a student must'
have been in attendance at this University three full years

2. No student shall be eligible for "commencement honors"

l he shall have incurred a condition, nor unless he
shall have maintained a minimum standing of:-

50 Per cent A's

40 N I! B! S

10 u 60 CO 5

Recognizing that "commencement honors“ should not be conferred
on the basis of scholarship alone, the committee recommends
That the names of those students whose scholarship roc-
ords would make them eligible for "commencement honors"
be submitted by the Registrar to the faculties of their
respective colleges, and that-it shall be the duty of
each faculty to consider carefully the character and

personality of each candidate and to report in writing
to the Registrar its selection of honor students.”

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The Dean of the College of Arts and Science being absent,
Professor Dantzler presented the name of Miss Hall as a candi-

date for degree of AGB., subject to the approval of Dean Miller.

,1 I

Doctor Mackenzie, Dean of the Graduate School,‘eetered the
following names as candidates for advanced degrees:
For degree of Master of Arts:
Zechariah Pierce Hamilton
Temple Rice Hollcroft
David Yendoll Regan
For Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture:
William Durrett Nichols
For Degree of Mechanical EngineerprZZ/ec+rrca/ Egflj4‘
Hubert LeGrand Cornelisonil:.E:
Wilbur Wesley Stevenson-h4'El
For Master's Degree of Civil Engineer:
Robert Schuyler Heff
John E ward Robertson
Ralph Skiff

Thomas Evans Earle

Willdfd Dante Barrows



















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The Degree of Mining Eng near:

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Harry Edward Taylor


For ras er‘s Degrec of Law:

Samuel Edwin Love


883 1 Duke Sarfiin
For Honorary regreessn

For Honcrary Degree of gocfior of Laws,

Henry Skillman Breckirridpe


Frederick Schectz Jones
Aguilla Vehb
Qexvctfi Henderson Young

For Honorary Degree Doctor of Engineering:~

David Francis Crawford

Tuesdav aftarrcsn at 3:45; to consider the recommendations of


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